G8 - Tổng hợp tài liệu HK II

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CHUYÊN ĐỀ 6: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN) .......................................................................... 2
FURTHER PRACTICE FOR UNIT 7 ............................................................................................................................. 8
CHUYÊN ĐỀ 6.2: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION ................................................................................................. 9
SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (cont.) ................................................................................................................... 14
REVISION FOR MID-TERM TEST: PASSIVE VOICE (CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG) ................................................................ 15
REVISION FOR MID-TERM TEST ............................................................................................................................. 16
CHUYÊN ĐỀ FUTURE TIME ...................................................................................................................................... 17
CHUYÊN ĐỀ 7: REPORTED SPEECH (CÂU GIÁN TIẾP)........................................................................................ 18
CHUYÊN ĐỀ 7: CÂU GIÁN TIẾP (Phiếu số 2) ........................................................................................................... 20
CHUYÊN ĐỀ 7: CÂU GIÁN TIẾP (Phiếu số 3) ........................................................................................................... 22
CHUYÊN ĐỀ 7: CÂU GIÁN TIẾP (Phiếu số 4) ........................................................................................................... 24
CHUYÊN ĐỀ 8: VERB + TO V0 / VERB + VING .......................................................................................................... 25
REVISION FOR END-OF-TERM TEST: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION .......................................................... 27
PRACTICE TEST 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
PRACTICE TEST 2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
PRACTICE TEST 3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
PRACTICE TEST 4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
PRACTICE TEST 5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
PRACTICE TEST 6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
PRACTICE TEST 7 ........................................................................................................................................................ 40


Loại 1 CÓ thể xảy ra ở HIỆN TẠI/ TƯƠNG LAI


Loại 3 KHÔNG thể xảy ra ở QUÁ KHỨ

1. Câu điều kiện loại 1 (First conditional)

If + S + VHTĐ, S + will + V0. = S + will + V0 if S + VHTĐ.
If it rains, I won’t go to the park.
• Phụ thuộc vào nghĩa của câu, ta có thể dùng động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verbs) để thay thế cho will.
If you get some rest, you might feel better tomorrow.
If you have a few hours, you may visit the museum.
If you finish your homework, you can watch TV.
If you don’t feel well, you should go and see a doctor.

2. Câu điều kiện loại 2 (Second conditional)

If + S + VQKĐ, S + would + V0. = S + would + V0 if S + VQKĐ.
If my legs were longer, I would be a much faster runner.
If I were you, I would eat less chocolate.

3. Câu điều kiện loại 3 (Third conditional)

If + S + VQKHT, S + would have + PII. = S + would have + PII if S + VQKHT.
If he had studied hard last term, he would have passed the test. (But he didn’t work hard, and he didn’t
pass the test.)
I would have been happy if you’d called me on my birthday. (But you didn’t call me, and I was not happy.)

4. Unless / If…not
• Trường hợp 1:
Nếu yếu tố phủ định nằm ở vế điều kiện (vế đi cùng if) thì: if + mệnh đề phủ định sẽ được thay thế
bằng unless + mệnh đề khẳng định tương ứng, đồng thời giữ nguyên vế kết quả.
If + S + DON’T / DOESN’T + V0, S + will + (not) + V0.
= Unless + S + V(s/es), S + will + (not) + V0.
If you don’t stop smoking, you will be seriously ill.
= Unless you stop smoking, you will be seriously ill.
If he doesn’t pass the driving test, he cannot have driving license.
= Unless he passes the driving test, he cannot have driving license.
• Trường hợp 2:
Nếu yếu tố phủ định nằm ở vế kết quả thì ta thay unless vào vị trí của if, đồng thời loại bỏ yếu tố phủ
định trong vế kết quả.
If + S + V(s/es), S + will NOT + V0
= Unless + S + V(s/es), S + will + V0.
If you arrive late, you won’t be able to find a good seat.
= If you don’t arrive late, you will be able to find a good seat. (bước trung gian để quay về trường hợp 1)
= Unless you arrive late, you will be able to find a good seat.
If Mark feels hungry, he cannot concentrate.
= If Mark doesn’t feel hungry, he can concentrate.
= Unless Mark feels, he can concentrate.
• Trường hợp 3:
Nếu cả hai vế đều là mệnh đề khẳng định thì ta thay unless vào vị trí của if, đồng thời bổ sung yếu tố
phủ định vào vế kết quả.
If + S + V(s/es), S + will + V0.
= Unless + S + V(s/es), S + will + NOT + V0.
If people work hard, they will usually become successful.
= If people don’t work hard, they will not usually become successful. (bước trung gian để quay về trường hợp 1)
= Unless people work hard, they will not usually become successful.
If your baby likes sweets, she will probably enjoy M&M.
= If your baby doesn’t like sweets, she will probably not enjoy M&M.
= Unless your baby likes sweets, she will probably not enjoy M&M.
5. Conditionals Type 2 for giving advice
S + should + (not) + V0.
= S + had better + (not) V0.
= S + ought (not) to + V0.
= If I were …, I would (not) + V0.
Mark should take a break from his gruelling schedule.
= Mark had better take a break from his gruelling schedule.
= Mark ought to take a break from his gruelling schedule.
= If I were Mark, I would take a break from his gruelling schedule.
6. Kiến thức nâng cao (Mixed conditional)
Condition Result
If + S + VQKHT, S + would + V0.
If I had finished high school, I would be a college student now.
past action with present result
We would be getting married if you had said yes.
If she had won the lottery, she would be a millionaire now.
If + S + VQKĐ, S + would have + PII.
If she were more hardworking, she would have succeeded.
present condition with past result
If I weren't injured, I would have played in the final match.
If I knew your address, I would have visited you when I was in Kobe.

I. Use FIRST CONDITIONAL to complete the following sentences.
1. If I (find) _______________ your book, I (give) _______________ it back to you.
2. She (phone) _______________ us if she (have) _______________ any problems.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
3. If you (go) _______________ to the party, I (come) _______________ with you.
4. She (not be) _______________ very happy if she (not get) _______________ that new job.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
5. If you (come) _______________ with us, you (have) _______________ a great time.
6. I (not wait) _______________ for you if you (be) _______________ too late.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
7. That glass (break) _______________ if you (drop) _______________ it.
8. We (help) _______________ you if we (have) _______________ the time.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
9. I (tell) _______________ Mark the news if I (see) _______________ him.
10. We (sleep) _______________ in the tent if it (not rain) _______________.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
11. If the train (be) _______________ late, we (walk) _______________.
12. She (call) _______________ you if she (have) _______________ time.
13. If it (cost) _______________ too much, I (buy) _______________ an older model.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
14. If the doctor can’t see me now, I (go) _______________ somewhere else.
15. Mary (be) _______________ worried if you don't call her after landing.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
16. If it (snow) _______________ this winter, we (go) _______________ skiing.
17. If you (visit) _______________ Oxford, you (see) _______________ some interesting old buildings.
18. If I (eat) _______________ an ice-cream, I (have) _______________ a hot chocolate.
19. If she (need) _______________ a computer, her brother (give) _______________ her his computer.
20. If we (not have) _______________ time this afternoon, we (meet) _______________ tomorrow.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
21. He (start) _______________ a conversation if he (not feel) _______________ to do it.
22. You (not sleep) _______________ soundly if you (drink) _______________ coffee after 9 p.m.
23. If my dad (have) _______________ time next week, we (repaint) _______________ my room.
24. If the weather (not be) _______________ too bad tomorrow, we (play) _______________ golf.
25. We (not get) _______________ there on time if we (catch) _______________ the next bus.
26. If you (pour) _______________ oil into water, it (float) _______________ on the surface of the water.
27. If a child (have) ______________ any problems, usually (s)he (call) ______________ his/her parents.
28. If you (keep) ______________ yourself to yourself, no one (know) ______________ what’s going on.
29. If you (be) _________ a beginner, TedTalks (not be) ___________ a good option for listening practice.
30. Unless she (water) _______________ these trees today, they (die) _______________.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
II. Give the correct forms of the verbs using the conditional TYPE 2.
1. If I (have) ______________ more time, I (learn) ______________ to play the guitar.
2. If she (study) ______________ harder, she (get) ______________ better marks.
3. If we (know) ______________ more English, we (not be) ______________ afraid of the test.
4. I (go) ______________ jogging with Tom and Sue if they (be) ______________ here now.
5. I (buy) ______________ these shoes if they (fit) ______________ better.
6. Even if there (be) ______________ no man in the world, I (not marry) ______________ you.
7. If he (be) ______________ rich, he (support) ______________ his old-aged parents.
8. If I (be) ______________ you, I (buy) ______________ a car and have a look around the country.
9. If you (go) ______________ to see Mark, he (be) ______________ delighted.
10. This city (be) ______________ a better place to live if the level of pollution (reduce) ______________.
III. The words and phrases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase.
1. If we will go shopping tomorrow, I'll probably buy a new top. __________
2. If Mum is tired tonight, I cook dinner. __________
3. John will tell us if there will be any news. __________
4. If I won’t get a good mark in the geography test, I'll be very annoyed! __________
5. You are tired in the morning if you don't go to bed soon. __________
6. If you see Karen, do you ask her to call me? __________
7. Does Frank come with us if we go to the beach at the weekend? __________
8. If Mark will need your help, he will tell you. __________
IV. Circle the correct word or phrase.
1. If I win / won a million euros, I'd buy my mum and dad a new house.
2. If Steve paid more attention in class, he will / would learn more.
3. They'll / They'd go on a cruise if they had enough money.
4. You'd feel a bit healthier if you don't / didn't eat so much fast food.
5. If I have / had a bike, it wouldn't take me so long to get to school.
6. If you met Tom Hanks, what will / would you ask him?
7. Will / Would Bobby be upset if I didn't invite him?
8. If I am / were you, I'd get a haircut!
V. Give the correct forms of the verbs using the conditional sentences.
1. If Tracy had a mobile phone, she (phone) ______________ all her friends every day.
2. I (be) ______________ very angry with Mark if he forgets my CD again.
3. If the boys (win) ______________ this match, their coach will invite them to a barbecue.
4. If you don't read these articles, you (not know) ______________ the facts about PTSD.
5. If she had enough money, she (buy) ______________ a new car for her parents.
6. What you (do) ______________ if you (be) ______________ in my situation?
7. I'll go out this afternoon if it (not rain) ______________.
8. If I spoke English, it (be) ______________ a lot easier for me to find a job.
9. My dog (usually/ bark) ______________ if it (hear) ______________ any strange sound.
10. If I (be) ______________ in your shoes, I (accept) ______________ Mark’s invitation.
11. If I (win) ______________ a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job right away.
12. If you (have) ______________ a hearty breakfast, I (have) ______________ energy to study and work.
13. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (be) ____________ here, she (know) ______________ what to do.
14. She (come) ______________ late one more time, she will lose her job.
15. I think that if we (live) ______________ in a town, our life (be) ______________ better. City life is
just really tiring.

16. I know I (feel) ______________ better if I (stop) ______________ smoking, but I can’t stop myself
from smoking.
17. I (understand) ______________ him if he spoke more slowly.
18. He’s waiting for his mother to come back from Chicago. If his mother (come) ______________ home,
he (have) ______________ a lot of presents.
19. The kitchen will look better if we (have) ______________ red curtains.
20. You should bring him another design if he (not/like) ______________ this one.
21. Unless you are more careful, you (have) ______________ an accident.
22. If summer (come) ______________, we (not have) ______________ to go to school.
23. If the sun (stop) ______________ shinning, there (be) ______________ no light or life on earth.
24. If I (be) ______________ a millionaire, I (live) ______________ on Mars.
25. My mom often says that I (be) ______________ able to experience more if I read more.
VI. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. Sylvia doesn't have enough money, so she can't buy a new computer.
→ If Sylvia _________________________________________________________________________.
2. The twins don't see their friends often because they're very busy.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
3. I don't live in a city, so there's not much to do the evening.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
4. Grandma won't get a dog because she lives in a small flat.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
5. You use your mobile a lot, so you have large phone bills.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
6. I think you should tell your parents the truth.
→ If I ______________________________________________________________________________.
VII. Rewrite sentences without changing the meaning (unless or if…not)
1. If you don’t study harder, you’ll fail the next exam.
→ Unless ___________________________________________________________________________.
2. If he doesn’t practice writing every day, he can’t improve his writing skills.
→ Unless ___________________________________________________________________________.
3. I sleep with the window open unless it's really cold.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
4. Unless you go out more often, you will not have any friends.
→ If _______________________________________________________________________________.
5. If you don’t return this book to the library today, you’ll have to pay a fine.
→ Unless ___________________________________________________________________________.
6. Unless I’m busy, I will join your party tonight.
→ If _______________________________________________________________________________.
7. You won’t get well unless you stop smoking.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
8. If you exercise regularly, you’ll lose some weight.
→ Unless ___________________________________________________________________________.
9. People can’t go on vacation if they don’t save some money.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
10. We’ll arrive on time if we hurry.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
11. If Nam doesn’t speak English every day, he will easily forget how to use it.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
12. If you don’t practice harder, you will lose in the next game.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
13. Mai will be here tomorrow unless her flight is delayed.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
14. We won’t come unless she invites us.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
15. She won’t talk to me unless I apologize to her.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
16. If you are not patient, you can’t become a teacher.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
17. You can't get a job unless you have experience.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
18. Most wild animals won't attack unless they are provoked.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
19. I can't let you in unless you show your ID.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
20. My baby won’t go to sleep if I don’t tell him a story.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
21. If the weather is sunny, we will have a picnic.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
22. If all my friends know my secret, I won't feel comfortable.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
23. If Mark buys comics every day, he will not have much money left.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
24. If Mark feels ill, she won’t make a presentation at the conference.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
25. If I have time, I will call you tomorrow.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
26. If Mark arrives at the airport on time, he won’t miss his flight again.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
27. If the weather is sunny tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
28. If my father doesn’t have to work overtime, he will come home earlier.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
29. If it is snowing heavily, we won’t drive anywhere tomorrow.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
30. If the rain doesn’t stop, we cannot go sailing.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
31. You are not allowed into the casino if you are under 21 years old.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
32. Unless you study hard, you can’t get a good mark.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
33. Unless my boss is too busy, I will speak to him.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
34. Unless Mark is tired, we will go to the cinema.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
35. We’ll have to cancel the show unless we sell more tickets.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
1. Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers. This leads __________ the death of many aquatic animals and plants.
A. to B. in C. from D. at
2. Households pollute water sources by __________ waste into ponds, lakes, and rivers.
A. damaging B. dumping C. losing D. leading
3. All the aquatic plants and animals will die if the factory __________ dumping poison into the lake.
A. will keep B. to keep C. kept D. keeps
4. I didn’t see the end of the movie ________ I fell asleep.
A. so B. but C. due to D. because
5. __________ the rain, they continued to work in the garden.
A. Despite of B. In spite of C. Due to D. Thanks to
6. Do you know what the __________ of drinking contaminated water is?
A. effect B. causes C. affect D. results
7. If I __________ you, I __________ water from that dirty tap.
A. am-will drink B. am-won’t drink C. were-would drink D. were-wouldn’t drink
8. If he __________ trash around his garden, the garden would look very nice now.
A. will throw B. would throw C. didn’t throw D. doesn’t throw
9. It’s raining heavily at the moment. If it __________, we'd be in the garden.
A. rains B. doesn’t rain C. rained D. didn’t rain
10. __________ uses herbicides to kill weeds, but it kills aquatic plants as well.
A. Farmers B. Farms C. Farming D. Family
11. If Mark was a millionaire, he __________ in a penthouse.
A. lives B. lived C. has lived D. would live
12. __________ I like Mark, I’m not sure that I trust him.
A. Because B. However C. So D. Although
13. If he __________ hard, he __________ that job.
A. work – gets B. works – will get C. works – would get D. will work – gets
14. Swimming in polluted water can __________ health problems.
A. result in B. result from C. because of D. affect
15. You had better use fewer plastic bags. If I __________ you, I __________ a paper bag with me.
A. were – would bring B. was – will bring C. was – brought D. would be – brought
16. It was raining; __________, they cancelled the trip to the beach.
A. however B. therefore C. because D. so
17. Water pollution is the __________ of bodies of water such as lakes, and oceans.
A. contaminant B. contaminated C. contaminate D. contamination
18. You shouldn’t drink too much alcohol. Methane in alcohol is __________ to your health.
A. poison B. polluted C. damaging D. dead
19. What have __________ done to damage the environment?
A. factory B. industrial C. households D. poison
20. Unless you __________ something else to do, you __________ to the movie with me.
A. have – can’t go B. don’t have – go C. have – can go D. had – would go

Choose the underlined word or phrase, A, B, c or D that needs correcting.
21. What will happen if the Earth stopped moving?
22. One of the things all of us can do to protect and improve our environment is recycle.
23. Humans can even die if they will drink contaminated water.
24. Long-term exposure to loud noise results permanent hearing loss.
25. They believe that water pollution causes of death and disease in the world.
26. Is the recycling process in itself damaging for the environment?
27. We won’t save the environment if we stop using so much energy.
28. One in six species is at risk of extinction because climate change.
29. The amount of waste decreased if people started to buy reusable packages.
30. Contaminated water can cause of many types of diarrheal diseases, including cholera.


1. This is the first time S have/has (ever) PII. → S have/has never PII before.
This is the first time I have (ever) seen him. → I have never seen him before.
[khoảng thời gian] ago. → S have/has PII for [khoảng thời gian].
2. S started/ began Ving
(in) [mốc thời gian]. → S have/has PII since [mốc thời gian].
I started/ began studying English 3 years ago. → I have studied English for 3 years.
I started/ began studying English last summer. → I have studied English since last summer.
I started/ began studying English in 2020. → I have studied English since 2020.
2.2.When did S start/begin V-ing? = How long have/ has S PII?
When did you start/ begin learning English? = How long have you learned English?
when S + V2-QKĐ. → S haven’t/hasn’t PII since S + V2-QKĐ.
3. S last V1-QKĐ (in) [mốc thời gian]. → S haven’t/hasn’t PII since [mốc thời gian].
[khoảng thời gian] ago. → S haven’t/hasn’t PII for [khoảng thời gian].
I last saw him when I was a student. → I haven't seen him since I was a student.
I last saw him in January. → I haven’t seen him since January.
She last went to the cinema last month. → She hasn’t gone to the cinema since last
She last went to the cinema three months ago. → She hasn’t gone to the cinema for three
4. The last time S VQKĐ was X years ago. → S haven’t/hasn’t PII for X years.
5. It’s (been) X years since S + (last) + VQKĐ. → S have/has (not) PII for X years.
The last time she went out with him was two years ago.
= It’s two years since she last went out with him. = She has not gone out with him for two years.
It’s two years since I learned English. → I have learned English for two years.

6. Lời khuyên
S + should (not)/ had better (not)/ ought (not) to + V0.

= If I were you/ him/ her (biến đổi tương ứng với chủ ngữ ở câu gốc), I would + V0.
You had better think carefully about that job offer.
= If I were you, I would think carefully about that job offer.
7. Câu mệnh lệnh/ đe dọa → dùng câu điều kiện loại 1
(Ở vế đầu tiên, đề bài cho khẳng định thì ta phủ định / đề bài cho phủ định thì ta khẳng định ở câu
điều kiện loại 1 tương ứng)
Leave the office or I will call the police.
→ If you don’t leave the office, I will call the police.
Don’t touch that wire or you may get an electric shock.
→ If you touch that wire, you may get an electric shock.
8. Đặt điều kiện trái ngược với tình hình thực tế → dùng câu điều kiện loại 2
Bước 1: Xác định vế điều kiện và vế kết quả
I have to work a lot, so I don’t have time for leisure activities.
điều kiện kết quả
Bước 2: xác định động từ trong hai vế
I have to work a lot, so I don’t have time for leisure activities.
Bước 3: động từ của vế điều kiện đổi về quá khứ đơn; động từ của vế kết quả thay vào công thức
would (not) + V0; khẳng định hay phủ định phải làm ngược lại với đề bài
I have to work a lot, so I don’t have time for leisure activities.
điều kiện kết quả
→ If I didn’t have to work, I would have time for leisure activities.
9. Biến đổi unless → if…not… (xem lại Chuyên đề 6)
Cấu trúc 1
1. This is the first time they have watched Instant Family.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
2. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful girl.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
3. I have never eaten such a delicious cake like this before.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
4. Mark has never tried sartorial style before.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
Cấu trúc 2
5. Mark began working as a mechanic 10 years ago.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
6. They began playing football when they were 6 years old.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
7. I have learnt English for 10 years.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
8. They began studying Spanish when they were in grade 4.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
9. We have lived here for 10 years.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
Cấu trúc 3
10. I last played the piano when I was in grade 12.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
11. I last met him 3 days ago.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
12. Mary hasn’t met her aunt since she was 8 years old.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
13. I last saw my aunt when I was a little kid because she moved to another country.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
Cấu trúc 4 - Cấu trúc 5
14. The last time I wrote a letter was 5 years ago.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
15. It’s been 2 years since the last time I went to Ho Chi Minh city.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
16. The last time I spoke to her was in 2010.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
17. The last time she met her parents was ages ago.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
18. It has been 6 years since we moved to England.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
Cấu trúc 6
19. You should do more exercise.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
20. My father had better not drink so much beer.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
21. Children should eat more vegetables to stay healthy.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
22. You had better not come home after midnight again.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
23. You had better not drink coffee at night.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
24. You should buy flowers for her birthday.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
Cấu trúc 7
25. You had better leave before I call the police.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
26. Go to bed now, or you won’t be able to wake up before 6 a.m.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
27. Don’t be late for school, or you will be punished.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
28. Speak louder, or those at the back won’t be able to hear you.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
29. Mark! Turn off the music, otherwise, I can’t study.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
30. Don’t travel alone, or something might happen.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
Cấu trúc 8
31. I don’t have much money, so I can’t afford a new phone.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
32. Because I don’t like vegetables, I never order salad.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
33. Mark never revises his notes; therefore, he doesn’t remember knowledge from pervious lessons.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
34. I have to take a bus to work as I don’t have a car.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
35. Jane’s job is repetitive. It’s really boring.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
36. She doesn’t earn much money, so she can’t support her parents.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
37. Because I do exercise often, I never get sick.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
38. I don’t speak English, and it’s hard to find a job.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
39. Johnny should take the train instead of the bus.
→ If ___________________________________________________________________.
40. When did you start the project?
→ How long ____________________________________________________________?
41. When did you first know him?
→ How long ____________________________________________________________?
42. I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City.
→ I haven't seen _________________________________________________________.
43. Don't leave the lights on all night; otherwise, you will waste electricity.
→ If ___________________________________________________________________.
44. This is the first time I have ever gone to such a fancy restaurant.
→ I have _______________________________________________________________.
45. You should take a break.
→ If ___________________________________________________________________.
46. If you don't rest yourself, you really will be ill.
→ Unless _______________________________________________________________.

47. He doesn’t have enough money, so he won’t buy that car.
→ If he _________________________________________________________________.
48. Mark has never been to Liverpool before.
→ This is _______________________________________________________________.
49. I (work) __________________ here for three years.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
50. My father (not/ play) __________________ any sport since last year.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
51. This is the first time I (watch) __________________ this comedy.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
52. I (not hear) from you for ages.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
53. He (not eat) __________________ this kind of food before.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
54. I (know) __________________ since I was a child.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
55. Linh (marry) __________________ Hung 10 months ago.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
56. The last time we (call) __________________ each other was 5 months ago.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
57. When (you/ have) __________________ it?
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
58. We (study) __________________ English for eight years.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
59. Unless you help me, I (be) __________________ able to finish this task.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
60. My father won’t get well unless he (stop) __________________ smoking.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
61. The teacher will be furious if her students (not do) __________________ the homework.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
62. You can't go on vacation if you (not save) __________________ some money.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
63. If we hurry, we will arrive on time.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.

1. Mark had prepared breakfast before we got up.
→ After _________________________________________________________________________.
2. I met them after they had got married.
→ Before ________________________________________________________________________.
3. After he had finished his drink, he got up and went away.
→ Before ________________________________________________________________________.
4. David had gone home before we arrived.
→ After _________________________________________________________________________.
5. Before going to bed, she had finished her homework.
→ After _________________________________________________________________________.
6. The concert had begun when we entered the stadium.
→ By the time ____________________________________________________________________.
7. The whole team is working on the project.
→ The project ____________________________________________________________________.
8. A strange noise woke me up in the middle of the night.
→ I _____________________________________________________________________________.
9. Mark gives her a bunch of flowers every month.
→ She __________________________________________________________________________.
10. You need to take your laptop to the technician.
→Your laptop ____________________________________________________________________.
11. I'm taking the kids swimming later.
→ The kids _______________________________________________________________________.
12. I am afraid of height, so I don’t go bungee jumping.
→ If I were _______________________________________________________________________.
13. Mark has so many talents that most companies want to hire him.
→ If Mark didn’t __________________________________________________________________.
14. The water is polluted because factories dump waste into rivers and lakes.
→ If factories _____________________________________________________________________.
15. She won’t be very happy if she doesn’t get that job.
→ Unless ________________________________________________________________________.
16. If we have time this afternoon, we will go to the cinema.
→ Unless ________________________________________________________________________.
17. Unless she finishes her work today, she will be fired.
→ If she _________________________________________________________________________.
18. Unless you study harder, you will fail your exam.
→ If you _________________________________________________________________________.
19. You should finish this task before Monday.
→ If I ___________________________________________________________________________.
→ This task ______________________________________________________________________.
20. You should be more careful when crossing the road.
→ If I ___________________________________________________________________________.

1. Paper bags are replacing plastic bags.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
2. Over 200 people built this castle in 1983.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
3. The mechanic was fixing my car yesterday afternoon.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
4. They had moved the table to the living room before you arrived.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
5. The Congress will review the new policy.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
6. Our friends sent these postcards to us 3 days ago.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
7. Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
8. They are going to buy a new apartment next year.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
9. Tom will give Anna a ride to school tomorrow.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
10. They keep this room tidy all the time.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
11. You must finish your homework by tomorrow afternoon.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
12. Someone has stolen my car.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
13. The university runs the same course every year.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
14. You can't wash this dress; otherwise, it will shrink.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
15. You should open the wine about 3 hours before you use it.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
16. You should have taken those books back to the library.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
17. Water covers most of the Earth’s surface.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
18. I sent a letter to you a week ago.
→ ______________________________________________________________________.
Yêu cầu gạch chân dấu hiệu nhận biết + giải chi tiết
1. This is the first time my parents __________ abroad.
A. has travelled B. have travelled C. travelled D. travel
2. This is the oldest building in the town. It __________ over 200 years ago.
A. was built B. had been built C. built D. had built
3. By the time I moved into my new apartment, they __________ the building work.
A. finished B. had finished C. were finishing D. have finished
4. Before his mom came home, Mark __________ his homework already.
A. had done B. did C. has done D. will do
5. My English teacher __________ from ULIS in 2019.
A. had graduated B. has graduated C. graduated D. graduating
6. If I were a millionaire, I __________ my parents a new house and a new car.
A. bought B. will buy C. would buy D. buy
7. Last year Linda __________ to England on holiday.
A. had gone B. went C. has gone D. goes
8. She didn’t know what to do. Her car __________ yesterday.
A. had stolen B. stole C. was stolen D. were stolen
9. I __________ bungee jumping before.
A. haven’t go B. haven’t gone C. has gone D. will go
10. They __________ enough time to finish the exam.
A. don’t have B. haven’t have C. didn’t have D. hadn’t
11. Mark __________ in Seoul for more than 5 years.
A. lived B. was living C. lives D. has lived
12. I last __________ my grandparents 3 months ago. I __________ them since then.
A. visited – saw B. visited – haven’t seen C. have visited – saw D. visited – didn’t see
13. The homework __________ by the teacher before Monday.
A. will correct B. will be corrected C. has corrected D. had corrected
14. If I __________ the answer, I __________ you; but I’m really sorry that I don’t know.
A. know – tell B. knew – would tell C. will know – told D. knew – will tell
15. Mark __________ in New York before he went to Toronto.
A. lived B. had lived C. has lived D. was living
16. We __________ each other since we were a child.
A. have known B. knew C. know D. has known
17. The weather doesn’t look good tomorrow. If it __________, we will cancel our trip.
A. rain B. has rained C. had rained D. rains
18. English is an international language. It __________ all over the world.
A. speaks B. has spoken C. is spoken D. spoke
19. If we wait any longer for this bus, we __________ late for school.
A. will be B. are C. would be D. have been
20. After Mark __________ his breakfast, he __________ the flat.
A. had – left B. had – had left C. had had – left D. had had – had left

I. Complete the following sentences using present simple, future simple, or future continuous.
1. If you call her at six, she (probably/ practice) ____________________ the piano.
2. Tomorrow afternoon at this time, we (fly) _____________________ over Caribbean.
3. You (not/ forget) ____________________ to lock up the house before you go out, will you?
4. This plate is dirty. Oh, I'm sorry. I (bring) ____________________ you another.
5. They are staying at the hotel in London. At this time tomorrow, they (travel) _________________ in
6. When they come tomorrow, we (be) _____________________ in the sea.
7. Who (look after) _____________________ the children while you are away?
8. He (wait) ____________________ for you when you get back tomorrow.
9. At 8 o'clock this evening, my friends and I (watch) ____________________ a famous film at the cinema.
10. The teacher hopes his students (pass) ____________________ the examination tomorrow.
11. (not/ call) __________________ him at seven o'clock tonight. He (watch) __________________ his
favourite television program.
12. I (help) __________________ you to look for it until she (find) __________________ it.
13. It (probably rain) __________________ when you (get) __________________ back tonight.
14. I (stay) __________________ here until he (answer) __________________ me.

II. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.
15. The company is huge. It (create) ______________ a thousand of new jobs since the beginning of last year.
16. He (live) __________________ in Manila for a year when he was a student.
17. (she/ visit) __________________ her grandmother three months ago?
18. She (live) __________________ in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about different cultures.
19. At three o'clock tomorrow, I __________________ (work) in my office.
20. Where (you/ go) _________________ the night before last night?
21. A: Can we meet tomorrow? B: Yes, but not in the afternoon. I (work) _________________.
22. The policeman (talk) _________________ to the burglar yesterday.
23. I promise, I (help) ______________________ you tomorrow.
24. When he (come) ____________________ to visit my family, I (write) ____________________ a letter
for my old classmate.
25. They (live) ____________________ in London since 1980.
26. Nobody lives in those houses. They (be) ____________________ empty for many years.
27. By the time he (arrive) ____________________ at his school, all his classmates (go)
____________________ out for lunch.
28. I helped my sister do English exercises after we (play) ____________________ chesses on the computer.
29. This time next week he (fly) ____________________ to South Africa.

Rewrite each of the following sentences using reported speech.
1. “I like this pair of shoes”. → She said (that) _________________________________________________.
2. “Our plane lands tonight” → They said ____________________________________________________.
3. “I saw Jane yesterday” → He told me that __________________________________________________.
4. “I have met your father” → Mark told me that _______________________________________________.
5. “I am going to the cinema this evening”.
→ Sara told me that ___________________________________________________________________.
6. “I took my driving licence last week”.
→ Paul told me _______________________________________________________________________.
7. “This girl is my sister.” → She said to me that _______________________________________________.
8. “I like the way they cook here.” → Tina said that _____________________________________________.
9. “She won’t arrive until tomorrow”.
→ Sandra said that ____________________________________________________________________.
10. “I phoned Lara two hours ago” → Henry told me that _________________________________________.
11. “I am watching TV now” → Mum said that ________________________________________________.
12. “I am not going to tolerate this anymore”, said Sarah.
→ Sarah said that _____________________________________________________________________.
13. “You have always been my friend”, said Johnny to Robin.
→ Johnny said that ____________________________________________________________________.
14. Mr. Miller said, ‘I can’t come to the meeting next Sunday’.
→ Mr. Miller said that _________________________________________________________________.
15. My brother said, ‘I’m going to learn to cook’.
→ My brother said (that) _______________________________________________________________.
16. My cousin said, ‘I’m not enjoying my job very much recently’.
→ My cousin said (that) ________________________________________________________________.
17. My parents said, ‘We’ll phone you when we get back’.
→ My parents said (that) _______________________________________________________________.
18. Safia said, ‘I went to Italy last year’.
→ Safia said (that) ____________________________________________________________________.
19. Mark said, “I’m going to start my own photography business next month.”
→ Mark said (that) ____________________________________________________________________.
20. Maria said, “I will bring you a scarf from Korea”.
→ Maria said (that) ___________________________________________________________________.

I. Here are some things that Sarah said to you

II. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.
1. “I won’t help you with your homework,” Mark said to Linda.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
2. “I will buy a camera for my little brother on his next birthday,” she said.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
3. “My father works in a office from nine to five,” said the children.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
4. “Your father has drunk three cups of coffee today. I’m worried about his health,” my mother said.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
5. Mark said to me: “They will build a new bridge across this river this year.”
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
6. Mark informed me: “They cancelled the meeting yesterday.”
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
7. Peter and Jane said to me: “Our wedding will be held next week.”
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
8. I told him: “I am busy this week so I can’t come to your party.”
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
9. Peter said: “I am looking forward to my grandfather’s gift”.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
10. I told my teacher: “I forgot to do my homework”.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
11. “Mr. Brown owns two cars and three houses.” Mark said.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
12. She said to me: “I can’t do it by myself”.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
13. My mother said: “I will go on a business trip next week”.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
14. My manager said: “Someone broke into our office yesterday”.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
15. My teacher told me: “You may have trouble if you don’t do your homework”.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
16. Mark told me: “It is not my book, it’s yours.”
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
17. “I have just received a postcard from my foreign friend.” Ann said to me.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
18. “This story happened long ago.” he said.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
19. Mark said: “I hope it will be sunny tomorrow.”
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
20. Mark said, “I have been working on this project since yesterday”.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.

21. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’ → She said ___________________________________________________.

22. ‘My brother’s arriving here today.’ → She said __________________________________________.

23. ‘I’ll phone you this evening.’ → He said _______________________________________________.

24. ‘My uncle passed away last week.’ → He told me ________________________________________.

25. ‘This meat tastes funny.’ → She said __________________________________________________.

26. ‘I’m leaving now.’ → He told us _____________________________________________________.

27. ‘I overslept this morning.’ → She told him _____________________________________________.

28. ‘Mark phoned me yesterday.’ She said _________________________________________________.


Direct question/ order/ request Reported question/ order/ request

questions beginning with have, do or be

“Have you been to the gallery?” he asked her. He asked her if she had been to the gallery.

“Do you want a sweater?” my mum asked. My mum asked if I wanted a sweater.

“Are you making a skirt?” I asked Anne. I asked Anne if she was making a skirt.

questions beginning with a modal

“Can you paint?” Mary asked her friend. Mary asked her friend if he could paint.

“Will you make me one?” I asked Terry. I asked Terry if he would make me one.

“Shall I wear a jacket?” I asked Mum. I asked Mum if I should wear a jacket.

“May I borrow your coat?” Mr. Jones asked me. Mr. Jones asked me if he might borrow my coat.

we can also use whether instead of if in reported questions.

questions beginning with a question word

“What kind of shoes are in fashion now?” my mum My mum asked me what kind of shoes were in

asked me. fashion at that moment.

“Who did you see at the fashion show?” asked Ben. Ben asked who I had seen at the fashion show.

“Which one do you want?” Sarah asked Liam. Sarah asked Liam which one he wanted.

“When will they finish the house?” I asked. I asked when they would finish the house.

“Why did you say that?” my sister asked me. My sister asked me why I had said that.

“How much did your hat cost?” Ed asked Carl. Ed asked Carl how much his hat had cost.


“Put your clothes in the drawer,” Mum said. Mum told me to put my clothes in the drawer.

“Don’t wear the red one,” Alice said. Alice told me not to wear the red one.


“Will you make me one?” I asked Terry. I asked Terry to make me one.

“Please don’t move my pictures,’ said Olga. Olga asked me not to move her pictures.

Rewrite each of the following sentences, using reported speech.
1. "Where is the post office?" → She asked me _________________________________________________
2. "What are you doing?" → She asked me ____________________________________________________
3. She asked me "Who is the woman in the red dress?"
→ She asked me ______________________________________________________________________
4. "How is your grandmother?" → She asked me _______________________________________________
5. "When is the party?" → She asked me ___________________________________________________
6. "How much is the rent on your flat?"
→ She asked me ______________________________________________________________________
7. "Where are the glasses?" → She asked me __________________________________________________
8. "How is the weather in Chicago?" → She asked me ________________________________________
9. "Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?"
→ She asked me ______________________________________________________________________
10. "Where do you usually go swimming?"
→ She asked me ______________________________________________________________________
11. "Did he arrive on time?" → She asked me ___________________________________________________
12. "How was the journey?" → She asked me ___________________________________________________
13. "What does Luke do at the weekend?"
→ She asked me ______________________________________________________________________
14. "Where do your parents live?" → She asked me ______________________________________________
15. "How much TV do you watch?" → She asked me _____________________________________________
16. "Do you live in London? → She asked me __________________________________________________
17. "Where will you live after graduation?" → She asked me _______________________________________
18. "How many books do you own?" → She asked me ____________________________________________
19. "Where does John work?" → She asked me _________________________________________________
20. "What do your children study on Fridays?"
→ She asked me ______________________________________________________________________
21. "Why do people study English?" → She asked me ____________________________________________
22. "Why did you go out last night?" → She asked me ____________________________________________
23. "Are you working tonight?" → She asked me ________________________________________________
24. "Will you come later?" → She asked me ____________________________________________________
25. "Have you studied reported speech before?"
→ She asked me ______________________________________________________________________

Rewrite each of the following sentences, using reported speech.
1. ‘Are you hungry?’ → She asked us ____________________________________________________.
2. ‘Are you enjoying yourself?’ → He wanted to know _______________________________________.
3. ‘Do you often go to church on Sunday?’ → He asked ______________________________________.
4. ‘Do you want sugar or milk in your coffee?’
→ She asked me ___________________________________________________________________.
5. ‘When’s the new manager coming?’ → They asked _______________________________________.
6. ‘Have you seen Bobby recently?’ → She asked me ________________________________________.
7. ‘Has Mark been working here long?’
→ He wanted to know ______________________________________________________________.
8. ‘How often does Bobby go shopping?’ → She asked _______________________________________.
9. ‘Did you study hard for the exam?’ → She wondered ______________________________________.
10. ‘Will Mark and Johnny be at the party?’
→ She asked us ___________________________________________________________________.
11. ‘Would you like to have a drink with me?’
→ She asked Bobby ________________________________________________________________.
12. ‘Will you be coming to the concert or not?’ → He asked ____________________________________.
13. Do you like Italian food?’ → She asked me _____________________________________________.
14. ‘What time is the meeting?’ → I asked Bobby ____________________________________________.
15. ‘Do you prefer listening to RnB or Pop?’
→ Mark asked Linda _______________________________________________________________.
Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech, beginning as shown.
16. ‘You can’t park here.’ → The police officer told Jack ______________________________________.
17. ‘I’ll see you in the morning.’ → Peter told Helen __________________________________________.
18. ‘I’m taking the 5.30 train tomorrow evening.’
→ Janet said ______________________________________________________________________.
19. ‘The trousers have to be ready this afternoon.’
→ Bobby told the dry-cleaners ________________________________________________________.
20. ‘I left my umbrella here two days ago.’
→ Susan told them _________________________________________________________________.
21. ‘The parcel ought to be here by the end of next week.’
→ Bobby said _____________________________________________________________________.
22. ‘I like this restaurant very much.’ → Bobby told me _______________________________________.
23. ‘I think it’s going to rain tonight.’ → Mark said ___________________________________________.
24. ‘Manchester United will win the match tonight.’
→ Bobby said _____________________________________________________________________.
25. ‘I’ll see you here tomorrow, Mark’ said Linda.
→ Linda told Mark _________________________________________________________________.

verb + to V0 verb + Ving
1. would like / would love/ would hate 16. enjoy/ adore/ fancy/ dislike/ detest
2. decide: quyết định 17. don’t mind: không ngại
3. intend/ plan: dự định, lên kế hoạch 18. avoid: tránh
4. arrange: sắp xếp 19. give up: từ bỏ
5. hope: hy vọng 20. practice: luyện tập
6. help sb (to) V0: giúp ai làm gì 21. deny: chối bỏ
7. promise: hứa 22. admit: thừa nhận
8. refuse: từ chối 23. consider: cân nhắc
9. agree: đồng ý 24. finish: hoàn thành
10. fail: thất bại 25. imagine: tưởng tượng
11. expect: mong chờ 26. delay: trì hoãn
12. manage: thành công = 27. succeed in: thành công
13. afford: đủ khả năng chi trả 28. can’t stand: không chịu đựng được
14. encourage: động viên 29. can’t help: không kiềm chế được
15. advise sb to V0: khuyên 30. suggest: gợi ý (cùng làm gì)
31. need to V0: (ai đó) cần phải làm gì (chủ động)
need + Ving: (việc gì) cần được hoàn thành (bị động) = need to be done
I need to wash this shirt.
This shirt needs washing. = This shirt needs to be washed.
32. remember to V0: nhớ phải làm gì
remember Ving: nhớ đã làm gì
I must remember to do my homework. (Tôi phải nhớ làm bài tập về nhà)
I remember seeing her somewhere before. (Tôi nhớ đã từng gặp cô ấy trước đây)
33. forget to V0: quên phải làm gì
forget Ving: quên đã làm gì
I must not forget to do my homework. (Tôi không được quên làm bài tập về nhà)
I’ll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time.
(Tôi sẽ không bao giờ quên lần đầu tiên được nghe bản nhạc này)

34. try to V0: cố gắng, nỗ lực làm gì

try Ving: thử làm gì
Johnny: “Mark is not here. Can you try phoning him?”
Bobby: “I have phoned him many times.”
Johnny: “Can you try to call him just one more time?”
35. stop to V0: dừng việc đang làm để làm việc khác
stop Ving: dừng việc đang làm
I hope you will stop interrupting me. (Tôi mong là bạn sẽ dừng việc ngắt lời tôi)
I hope you can stop to help me with my English homework.
(Tôi mong là bạn có để dừng việc lại để giúp tôi làm bài tập tiếng Anh)

Complete the sentences with V-ing or to V-inf.

1. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind (wait) ____________ for you.
2. I always try to avoid (borrow) ____________ money from friends.
3. The traffic was very heavy this morning, but I managed (get) ____________ to school on time.
4. Could you please stop (make) ____________ so much noise?
5. Would you mind (keep) ____________ silent? I am trying (study) ____________.
6. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford (go) ____________ out very often.
7. My mother can’t stand (stay) ____________ at home without doing anything.
8. You must promise (not/be) ____________ late again.
9. When I saw her in that funny hat, I couldn’t help (laugh) ____________.
10. They refused (lend) ____________ him the money although he needed it badly.
11. I arranged (meet) ____________ them here.
12. Our teachers encouraged us (work) ____________ harder.
13. She did not plan (be) ____________ a secretary all her life.
14. She couldn’t imagine (do) ____________ the same job for years and years.
15. He tried (explain) ____________ but she refused (listen) ____________.
16. You are expected (know) ____________ the safety regulations of the college.
17. My father gave up (smoke) ____________ three years ago.
18. I have delayed (write) ____________ the letter so many times. I really must do it today.
19. Sarah gave up (try) ____________ to find a job in this country and decided (go) ____________ abroad.
20. You can’t stop me (do) ____________ what I want.
21. How long have you been practice (swim) ____________ John?
22. Please, don’t forget (post) ____________ the letter for me today! It is urgent.
23. She remembered (talk) ____________ to her father often before he became ill.
24. You must remember (buy) ____________ some sugar. We haven’t got any now.
25. Don’t forget (wake) ____________ me up before six o’clock tomorrow.
26. I don't fancy (go) ____________ out tonight.
27. She avoided (tell) ____________ him about her plans.
28. I would like (come) ____________ to the party with you.
29. He enjoys (have) ____________ a bath in the early morning.
30. I am learning (speak) ____________ English.
31. Do you mind (give) ____________ me a hand?
32. She helped me (carry) ____________ my suitcases.
33. I've finished (cook) ____________ - come and eat!
34. He decided (study) ____________ biology.
35. I dislike (wait) ____________.
36. I promise (help) ____________ you tomorrow, but right now I don’t really have time.
37. She agreed (bring) ____________ the pudding to the dinner, but she totally forget (bring)
____________ it and we had no dessert.
38. We hope (visit) ____________ Amsterdam next month.
39. She suggested (go) ____________ to the museum.
40. They plan (start) ____________ college in the autumn.
* Complete each sentence with one of these verbs, remember to put them in correct form.
41. He tried to avoid ____________ my question.
42. Could you please stop ____________ so much noise.
43. I enjoy ____________ to music.
44. Have you finished ____________ your hair yet?
45. Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire (nghỉ hưu) yet. He wants to carry on ____________.

Cấu trúc 1: SO/ BECAUSE → ĐK2 (+ làm ngược lại với đề bài)
S1 + V1, so S2 + V2.
Because S1 + V1, S2 + V2. hoặc S1 + V1 because S2 + V2.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
If + QKĐ would V0 would V0 if + QKĐ
1.1. Because Nam forgets to set his alarm, he is often late for school.
→ If Nam didn’t forget to his alarm, he wouldn’t often be late for school.
1.2. I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly.
→ I could undersatand him if he didn’t speak so quickly.
Cấu trúc 2: (DON’T) V0...OR S + WILL + V0 → ĐK1
(Don’t) V0... or S + will + V0
↓ (giữ nguyên đề bài) ↓ (làm ngược đề bài)
If you (don’t) V0, S + will + NOT + V0
2.1. Study hard or you will fail the exam.
→ If you study hard, you will not fail the exam.
2.2. Study hard or you will not get good grades.
→ If you study hard, you will get good grades.
Cấu trúc 3:
“If I were you, I would (not) V0.”
should (not) + V0 → S advised sb (not) to V0.
had better (not) + V0
ought to (not) + V0
3.1. “If I were you, I would go to bed earlier.” Mark said to me
= Mark advisded me to go to bed eariler.
3.2. “You had better not trust him.” Linh said to Lan.
= Linh advised Lan not to trust him.
Cấu trúc 4: Bị động
Dấu hiệu nhận biết: tân ngữ của câu cũ (O) là chủ ngữ của câu mới (S’)
S +V + O.

S’ + be PII + by O’.
I me
you you
we us
they them
she her
he him
Cấu trúc 5: After QKHT, QKĐ = QKHT before QKĐ.
Cấu trúc 6: By the time QKĐ, QKHT
(1) because + S + V → because of + noun/ Ving
Last night we came late because it rained heavily. → Last night we came late because of the heavy rain
(2.1) Although + S1 + V1, S2 + V2. → Despite/In spite of + Ving, S2 + V2. (S1 = S2)
Although the car is old, it is still reliable. → Despite being old, the car is still reliable.
(2.2) Although + S1 + V1, S2 + V2. → Despite/In spite of + noun (phrase), S2 + V2. (S1 ≠ S2)
Last night we came on time although it rained heavily.
→ Last night we came on time despite the heavy rain.

1. You are tired because you often stay up late.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
2. I don’t have much time so I can’t help you with your project.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
3. You are tired because you often stay up late.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
4. I can’t phone her because I don’t know her phone number.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
5. It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch in the garden.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
6. We can’t have a foreign holiday because we don’t have enough money.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
7. Because she eats too much junkfood, she is overweight.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
8. Lisa has always been meant with money, so she doesn’t have many friends.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
9. Because the food is wonderful, I go to that restaurant twice a week.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
10. The boy feels sick because he eats too many cakes.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
11. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
12. John has some more work to do, so he’ll be home late.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
13. She is late, so she will have to take a taxi.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
14. She can buy that expensive coat because she has a lot of money.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
15. I don’t have a map, so I can’t show you the way.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
CẤU TRÚC 2: (DON’T) V0...OR S + WILL + V0 → ĐK1
1. Train harder or you will not be selected for the team.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
2. Save electricity, or else you will have to pay millions per month.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
3. Don’t touch that switch, or you will shut down the whole system.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
4. Keep the environment clean, or our health will be badly affected.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
5. Leave now or we will mis our plane.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
6. Be careful or you will fall.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
7. Don’t drink coffee now, or you will not be able to sleep well.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
8. Don’t follow me, or I will call the police.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
9. Don’t come before 6 p.m., or I will not be at home.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
10. Eat more vegetables, or you can’t digest well.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
1. I think you should write frequently to improve your language skills.
→ If I ___________________________________________________________________________.
2. “You had better go to school now.” I told my little brother.
→ I advised ______________________________________________________________________.
3. My advice is that Mary should apply for that job.
→ If I ___________________________________________________________________________.
4. “If I were you, I wouldn’t tell him about it.” Marry told Alice.
→ Marry advised Alice _____________________________________________________________.
5. “If I were you, I would put your money in the bank.” my mom told me.
→ My mom ______________________________________________________________________.
6. You shouldn’t eat too much sugar.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________________.
7. “If I were you, I’d give up smoking.” the doctor said to my father.
→ The doctor _____________________________________________________________________.
8. “If I were you, I’d get your car serviced.” my father told my brother.
→ My father ______________________________________________________________________.
9. “If I were you, I’d accept his apology.” she told me.
→ She __________________________________________________________________________.
1. They are going to paint the walls.
→ The walls ______________________________________________________________________.
2. Mr. John is going to take all the students to the beach.
→ All the students _________________________________________________________________.
3. About thirty million people are watching this program.
→ This program __________________________________________________________________.
4. A fire destroyed several houses last week.
→ Several houses __________________________________________________________________.
5. She has to finish all the reports before 5 pm today.
→ All the reports __________________________________________________________________.
6. They haven’t cleaned the floor yet.
→ The floor ______________________________________________________________________.
7. Nobody told her about the accident.
→ She __________________________________________________________________________.
8. Their dog bit the postman.
→ The postman ___________________________________________________________________.
9. People are using computers in all kinds of work.
→ Computers are __________________________________________________________________.
10. He wrote the letter in half an hour.
→ The letter ______________________________________________________________________.
11. They sold their old car last month.
→ Their old car ___________________________________________________________________.
12. They collect garbage on the beach every week.
→ Garbage on the beach ____________________________________________________________.
13. The Soviet Union put the first satellite into the earth’s orbit.
→ The first satellite ________________________________________________________________.
14. Edward Barnes designed these houses in the 1880s.
→ These houses ___________________________________________________________________.
15. The FBI has arrested Mr Ward.
→ Mr Ward ______________________________________________________________________.
16. A flood destroyed the community in 1862.
→ The community _________________________________________________________________.
17. Tim is using Mark's computer.
→ Mark's computer ________________________________________________________________.
18. The BBC is interviewing the Prime Minister at the moment.
→ The Prime Minister ______________________________________________________________.
19. The workers painted their house white.
→ Their house ____________________________________________________________________.
1. Although they performed well, they didn’t won the match.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
2. His illness was serious, but he went to school.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
3. Although his salary is small, he is happy in his life.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
4. Although the sky was stormy yesterday, I still hung out with my friends.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
5. I got wet although I wore a raincoat.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
6. Although Mark hardly does his skincare, his skin condition is still good.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
7. Although he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at school.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
8. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.
→ In spite of _____________________________________________________________________.
9. I didn’t feel tired although I worked until midnight.
→ In spite of _____________________________________________________________________.
10. Although they were experienced, they didn’t get the job.
→ In spite of _____________________________________________________________________.

1. Before I went out with him, I had finished my homework.
→ After _________________________________________________________________________.
2. The train had left before we arrived at the station.
→ By the time ____________________________________________________________________.
3. “Have you ever been to London before?” she asked me.
→ She asked ______________________________________________________________________.
4. “Where does your father work now?” the teacher asked me.
→ The teacher asked me ____________________________________________________________.
5. “Why didn’t you tell anything about your financial problems?” Mark said to her.
→ Mark asked ____________________________________________________________________.
6. “Why are you looking so sad?” Mark asked.
→ Mark asked me _________________________________________________________________.
7. “I can’t go to the cinema with you tonight, Mark” Linda said.
→ Linda told _____________________________________________________________________.
8. “How old are your parents?” he said to me.
→ He asked me ___________________________________________________________________.
9. Mark said to me, “I’m waiting for my parents now.”
→ Mark told me ___________________________________________________________________.
10. “Where does Mai live?” he asked
→ He asked ______________________________________________________________________.
11. “You have not done your work well,” the teacher said to me.
→ The teacher told _________________________________________________________________.
12. Tom started reading this book three days ago.
→ Tom has _______________________________________________________________________.
13. He started working for this company two years ago.
→ He has ________________________________________________________________________.
14. Tom started reading this book three days ago.
→ Tom has _______________________________________________________________________.
15. They have lived in Vietnam for ten years.
→ They started ____________________________________________________________________.
16. He has been collecting stamps for three years.
→ He started _____________________________________________________________________.
17. It’s ages since they heard from her.
→ They _________________________________________________________________________.
18. I haven't been able to see them for over a year.
→ It’s been _______________________________________________________________________.
19. We last saw our grandfather five months ago.
→ We haven’t ____________________________________________________________________.
20. The last time I went out for lunch was five days ago.
→ I haven’t ______________________________________________________________________.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. curly B. bury C. hurt D. nurse
2. A. recommended B. enjoyed C. recognized D. arrived
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary
stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. event B. behave C. surprise D. damage
4. A. impossible B. academic C. optimistic D. education
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
5. She asked me where I _________ from.
A. come B. came C. to come D. coming
6. She will get good marks if she _________ hard
A. studies B. studied C. study D. studying
7. My mum _________ to her hometown recently.
A. didn’t return B doesn’t return C. hasn’t returned D. returned
8. After he _________ his homework, he went to bed.
A. finishes B. finished C. has finished D. had finished
9. If she _________ harder, she _________ get higher marks.
A. worked/ will B. works/ would C. worked/ could D. worked/ can
10. Lan got up late, __________ she couldn’t catch the first bus.
A. since B. so C. therefore D. because
Mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in
each of the following questions.
11. Study hard or you will fail the exam.
A. You don’t fail the exam unless you study hard.
B. If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam.
C. You don’t study hard, so you will fail the exam.
D. Because you study hard, you don’t fail the exam.
12. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
A. In spite his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car.
B. In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car.
C. In spite his leg broken, he managed to get out of the car.
D. In spite of his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
13. “What time did you come home last night, Mark?” said Tom.
A. Tom asked Mark what time had he come home the previous night.
B. Tom asked Mark what time he had come home last night.
C. Tom asked Mark what time he came home last night.
D. Tom asked Mark what time he had come home the previous night.
14. We last visited Ho Chi Minh city 3 years ago.
A. We didn’t visit Ho Chi Minh city for 3 years.
B. We haven’t visited Ho Chi Minh city for 3 years.
C. We haven’t visited Ho Chi Minh city for 3 years ago.
D. We didn’t visit Ho Chi Minh city for 3 years ago.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently front
that of the rest in each of the following questions.
1. A. ocean B. remote C. occasion D. metro
2. A. festival B. cultural C. sculpture D. virtual
3. A. hates B. works C. stops D. lives
4. A. school B. child C. cheese D. church
Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
5. Now that the stress of examinations are over, we can go somewhere for our holiday.
6. The English summer course will start in May 29th and finish in August.
7. She will have to pay less but she uses two energy-saving bulbs.
8. The questions the teacher wrote on the board was not easy.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
9. Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed __________ the heavy fog.
A. despite B. since C. because D. due to
10. The soldier was punished for __________ to obey his commanding officer's order.
A. refusing B. denying C. encouraging D. hoping
11. __________ the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. Because of B. Due to C. Despite D. Although
12. If we go on littering, the environment __________ seriously polluted.
A. becomes B. will become C. became D. would become
13. The boy was very hungry __________ he ate nothing.
A. so B. because C. therefore D. but
14. The man suggests __________ to the seaside in the summer.
A. to go B. go C. going D. goes
15. He sighed _________when he heard the news.
A. sadly B. sad C. sadden D. sadness
Mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in
each of the following questions.
16. Although he was tired, he finished doing his homework.
A. In spite his tiredness, he finished doing his homework.
B. In spite of his tiredness, he finished doing his homework.
C. In spite of he was tired, he finished doing his homework.
D. In spite his tired, he finished doing his homework.
17. It took me 4 hours to read the first chapter of the book.
A. I spent 4 hours reading the first chapter of the book.
B. I spent 4 hours to read the first chapter of the book.
C. I spent 4 hours to reading the first chapter of the book.
D. I spent 4 hours read the first chapter of the book.
18. Snowboarding is more dangerous than tennis.
A. Tennis is as dangerous as snowboarding.
B. Tennis is not as dangerous as snowboarding.
C. Tennis is as dangerously as snowboarding.
D. Tennis is not as dangerously as snowboarding.
19. Nobody saw her at the party last night.
A. She was seen at the party last night.
B. Her was not seen at the party last night.
C. She were seen at the party last night.
D. She was not seen at the party last night.
20. We didn’t go out because of the heavy rain.
A. We didn’t go out because it rained heavily.
B. We didn’t go out because of it rained heavily.
C. We didn’t go out because it didn’t rain heavily.
D. We didn’t go out because it rained heavy.

Mark A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. boxes B. washes C. watches D. goes
2. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred
Mark A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
3. He tried to avoid __________ my questions.
A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answered
4. If I had time, I __________ shopping with you.
A. went B. will go C. would go D. go
5. Since we came here, we __________ a lot of acquaintances.
A. have had B. had C. have D. are having
6. She __________ lunch by the time we arrived.
A. finished B. had finished C. has finished D. finishing
7. Our city is very __________, there are people here from all over the world.
A. populous B. popular C. population D. popularity
8. She __________ for this company for ten years.
A. have worked B. has worked C. worked D. works
9. Tom suggested that we __________ our mom make cakes.
A. should help B. could help C. can help D. helps
10. I don’t mind __________ by bus, but I hate standing in queues.
A. to travel B. traveling C. to travel D. traveled
11. She will never try __________ that again. It was such a bad experience.
A. to do B. to be done C. doing D. do
12. He __________ me if he knew the answer.
A. helps B. will help C. is helping D. would help
13. The room __________ when I arrived.
A. was being cleaned B. is cleaned C. was cleaning D. was cleaned
14. He failed the test. __________, he has to do it again.
A. However B. But C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.
15. No one in the class is as tall as Peter. (THE)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
16. Study hard or you will fail the exam. (IF)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
17. Our teachers encourage us to study hard. (ENCOURAGED)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
18. “Why did you come late this morning?” she asked me. (THAT)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.

Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. She __________ her first book since she was eighteen years old.
A. has written B. writes C. wrote D. was writing
2. He decided __________ and see what would happen.
A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stayed
3. Sorry, I can't help you. I __________ my daughter to work at that time.
A. had taken B. took C. will be taking D. have taken
4. If Tracy __________ her phone here now, she __________ her friends for help.
A. have/ will phone B. had/ would phone C. had/ phoned D. has/ phones
5. Our classroom __________ twice a day.
A. is cleaning B. is cleaned C. is be cleaned D. cleans
6. She has been in hospital for days, and her hair needs __________.
A. washing B. to wash C. to washing D. wash
7. My brother refused __________ anyone to help him.
A. allowed B. to allow C. allowing D. allow
8. We don’t know where to go on holiday. We __________ go to the beach.
A. ought B. must C. need D. may
9. This is the first time I __________ a volunteer program.
A. joined B. have joined C. has joined D. will be joining
10. Mary is hard-working, __________ she often gets good marks.
A. because B. however C. so D. but
11. This time next week, we __________ a party. Would you like to come?
A. have B. had had C. will be having D. have had
12. __________ the heavy rain, they continued their work.
A. Although B. Despite C. Because D. Because of
13. Her son has __________ completed the course on time management.
A. succeeded B. success C. successful D. successfully
14. She always avoids __________ the questions about her past.
A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. to answering
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each
of the numbered blanks.
“Virtual” high schools present an alternative for non-traditional (38) ___________ who hope to earn a high
school diploma. These online high school students take some or all of their classes while sitting in front (39)
___________ a computer at home or at any other location.
Most US states offer online options to students, they want (40) ___________ participants with the
equipment and books they will need: Students “attend” live or pre-recorded classes by clicking on an icon,
communicate with teachers via webcam and email, and “chat” with classmates. They turn in their homework
online and receive feedback from (41) ___________ of the teachers in the same way. A great number of public
cyber school programs currently have waiting lists, as the (42) ___________ of teenagers, many of whom feel
ill at ease in mainstream high schools, outweighs the current capacity of school districts to accommodate them.
15. A. workers B. customers C. learners D. farmers
16. A. out B. of C. into D. on
17. A. provided B. to provide C. provide D. providing
18. A. much B. any C. one D. lot
19. A. interestingly B. interested C. interest D. interesting

Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same, using the words given.
20. Somebody is using the computer at the moment. (USED)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
21. “Stay in bed for a few days,” the doctor said to him. (ADVISED)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
22. I live far from school. I go there by bus every day. (DIDN’T)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
23. The children laughed a lot because of the funny story. (SINCE)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
24. Mark is more successful than his peers. (NOT)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
25. “Do you like learning Maths?” Hoa asked. (WHETHER)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. distinguished B. admitted C. overloaded D. talented
2. A. pushed B. wanted C. kissed D. dumped
3. A. innovated B. mended C. received D. celebrated
4. A. starts B. thanks C. cleans D. helps
5. A. chairs B. shirts C. bags D. pens
Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
6. We ________ anything from James since we left school.
A. haven’t heard B. heard C. don’t hear D. didn’t hear
7. If I ________ more money, I ________ buy a better car.
A. had/ would B. had/will C. have/ would D. has/ will
8. We watched TV the whole evening ________ we had nothing better to do.
A. because B. however C. so D. but
9. Tom went to work ________ he didn’t feel very well.
A. in spite of B. despite C. although D. but
10. The children always bring great ________ to my family.
A. exciting B. excited C. excitement D. excite
11. Jeans have never been out of fashion, and today the young generation is still ________ of them.
A. fond B. keen C. amazed D. interested
12. Most of the children in my village enjoy ________ football after school.
A. to play B. play C. playing D. played
13. If he gets the afternoon off, he ________ me at the station.
A. meet B. will meet C. would have met D. would meet
14. Peter said he ________ there the day before.
A. was B. had been C. has been D. have been
15. ________ Mike worked hard, he couldn’t complete the project.
A. Because B. Although C. Despite D. Because of
16. All the plants and flowers in the garden ________ by my dad every day.
A. are watered B. watered C. were watering D. will water
17. If the weather ________ good, we would have a party in the garden.
A. will be B. were C. is D. has been
18. If everyone takes part in protecting the environment, our children ______ a better planet to live in.
A. had B. have C. would have D. will have
Mark A, B, C, or D indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
19. Where does your company usually held meetings of the board of directors?
20. Many people go to the countryside on his summer vacation to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere there.
21. Education has severely affected by the war.
22. Despite she was sick, she still walked to school.
23. When I arrived, Peter and his friends was playing football.
24. At 7 o’clock tomorrow morning, Mark’s grandmother was taking him to his nursery school.
Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same, starting with the words given.
25. Somebody accused me of stealing her money.
→ I was _________________________________________________________________________.
26. “If I were you, I would go to bed earlier.” Mark said to me.
→ Mark advised __________________________________________________________________.
27. Mark said “You ought to take a rest after a long business trip, Hung."
→ Mark advised __________________________________________________________________.
28. I live far from school, so I have to take the bus every day.
→ If I ___________________________________________________________________________.
29. I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly.
→ If he __________________________________________________________________________.
30. Nam is often late for school because he forgets to set his alarm clock.
→ If Nam ________________________________________________________________________.
31. “I’m going back to work next week,” said Mark.
→ Mark said ______________________________________________________________________.
32. Mai painted this picture last night.
→ This picture ____________________________________________________________________.
33. He is publishing the book soon.
→ The book ______________________________________________________________________.
34. “Do you eat a lot of fruit?” Linda said to Mark.
→ Linda asked ____________________________________________________________________.
35. “I’ll help you sort out the files tomorrow.” Mark told me.
→ Mark told me ___________________________________________________________________.
36. Although my sister is overweight, she always feels confident in front of other people.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
37. I started living in this city 6 months ago.
→ I have _________________________________________________________________________.
38. The last time I spoke to Mark was in 2010.
→ I have _________________________________________________________________________.
39. I arrived too late. All the stores were closed.
→ By the time ____________________________________________________________________.
40. After I had done homework, I went out with my friend.
→ I had done _____________________________________________________________________.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
41. A. dressed B. hiked C. advanced D. rested
42. A. wanted B. walked C. ended D. started
43. A. enormous B. explore C. accommodate D. support
44. A. benefit B. erupt C. invent D. legend
45. A. danger B. evacuate C. surface D. contaminate
Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. If I had a computer, I __________ you the lesson review.
A. will send B. send C. would send D. sent
2. If he __________ here early tomorrow morning, he can help me clean this mess.
A. had arrived B. arrives C. arrived D. will arrive
3. I have just __________ watching the whole Harry Potter movie series.
A. completed B. complete C. completing D. completes
4. Laura was very happy when she __________ to the year-end party.
A. was inviting B. has invited C. invited D. was invited
5. When I __________, they were packing food for the trip.
A. came B. am coming C. come D. have came
6. When he comes there, he __________ a valuable present.
A. received B. was receiving C. will receive D. has received
7. My father asked us __________ home straight after school.
A. going B. go C. to go D. would go
8. What would you do if you __________ three days in London?
A. spend B. spent C. will spend D. are spending
9. She could not attend the party __________ she got sick.
A. because of B. despite C. because D. although
10. If Mark __________ to be chosen for the job, he will have to be really experienced.
A. had wanted B. wanted C. wants D. want
11. I still cannot believe it. My bicycle __________ some minutes ago.
A. was stolen B. stole C. was stealing D. had stolen
12. The door __________ by my father tomorrow.
A. is painting B. will be painted C. paint D. painted
13. You should avoid __________ chocolate if you want to keep fit.
A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. ate
14. If she __________ harder, she __________ get higher marks.
A. worked/ will B. works/ would C. worked/ could D. worked/ can
Mark A, B, C, or D indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. Our grandfather has become very forgettable in recent years because of his old age.
2. My teacher suggested join English club to increase our speaking skills.
3. My mother told me she would buy some snack for the trip tomorrow.
4. Would you like going shopping with my sister and me tonight?
5. She said she is taking her driving test the following day.
6. My parents told me that they will visit me that week.
7. I asked him how far was it to the station if I went there by taxi.
8. She has disappeared three days ago, and they are still looking for her.
Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same, starting with the words given.
1. Although Mark doesn’t have a computer, he updates the information fast.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
2. Mark works hard, but he doesn’t earn much money.
→ Despite _______________________________________________________________________.
3. The weather was bad, so we could not go to the stadium.
→ Because of _____________________________________________________________________.
4. The weather was awful. We decided not to go out.
→ Due to ________________________________________________________________________.
5. My brother invited all of the students in my class to the wedding party.
→ All of the students in my class ______________________________________________________.
6. She started studying English two years ago.
→ She has _______________________________________________________________________.
7. You don’t work hard, so you get bad marks.
→ If you _________________________________________________________________________.
8. Mark doesn’t have enough money, so he can’t buy a new laptop.
→ If Mark _______________________________________________________________________.
9. Study harder or you won’t pass the exam.
→ If you _________________________________________________________________________.
10. “I have a lot of housework to do before my mother comes home.” Mark said.
→ Mark said that __________________________________________________________________.
11. “What time did you come home last night, Mark?” said Jonny.
→ Johnny asked Mark ______________________________________________________________.
12. He had finished his homework before he went out with his friends last night.
→ He went out ____________________________________________________________________.
13. “If I were you, I would book a hotel in advance.” Mark told me.
→ Mark advised ___________________________________________________________________.
14. They built this church two hundred years ago.
→ This church ____________________________________________________________________.
15. “Do you understand my question?” the teacher asked his students.
→ The teacher asked _______________________________________________________________.
I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. destruction B. mechanic C. interview D. environment
2. A. aquatic B. scientific C. terrific D. heroic
3. A. galaxy B. polite C. discover D. contaminate
4. A. communication B. accommodation C. contamination D. experience
5. A. telepathy B. Chinese C. barrier D. adventure
II. Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. Would you mind ________ the windows?
A. open B. opening C. to open D. opened
2. If we have free time this weekend, we ________ camping.
A. were going B. will go C. went D. would go
3. The front door ________ by his father since Sunday.
A. paints B. has painted C. has been painted D. painted
4. His parents were happy ________ he got good marks in the final examination.
A. although B. despite C. because D. because of
5. The doctor asked me ________ at least 6 hours a night.
A. do I sleep B. that I sleep C. did I sleep D. if I slept
6. My dog loves ________ with other dogs.
A. play B. playing C. plays D. played
7. What would happen if the earth ________ moving?
A. stopping B. will stop C. stops D. stopped
8. If Mrs. Pike writes a shopping list, she ________ what to buy.
A. remembered B. remember C. would remember D. will remember
9. I felt a little better after I ________ the medicine you gave me.
A. had taken B. taken C. have taken D. take
10. Our teacher suggests ________ wastepaper for the school’s recycling scheme.
A. colleting B. to collect C. being collected D. to be collecting
11. I asked him how far ________ from his house to the cinema.
A. it was B. was it C. is it D. it is
12. ________ Jack had many financial difficulties, he still managed to finish his study at university.
A. So B. But C. Although D. However
13. The novel is about a family who can't ________ with each other.
A. communicative B. communicate C. communication D. communicatively
14. Many people would be out of work if that factory ________ down.
A. closes B. closed C. would close D. had closed
15. The ancient houses ________ by the fire a few weeks ago. They are now under reconstruction.
A. destroyed B. were destroying C. have destroyed D. were destroyed
16. My students asked Tom what ________.
A. was he doing B. did he do C. he was doing D. could he do
17. The ________ of the floods this year has been very terrible.
A. destroy B. destruction C. destructive D. destructively

18. If Helen refused this invitation, I ________ so sad.
A. would be B. will be C. were D. am
19. My family has decided ________ Da Lat in the summer.
A. to visit B. visit C. visited D. visits
20. The boy said that he would go to Sapa with his classmates ________.
A. the following day B. the day before C. tomorrow D. yesterday
21. The old man asked Sally where __________.
A. did she work B. was she working C. she worked D. has she worked
22. The baby laughed ________ when her mother gave her a funny toy.
A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. unhappy
III. Mark A, B, C, or D indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. My father asked us if we will go to the countryside the next week.
2. Minh came to my house while I played chess with my sister.
3. Some students was absent from class yesterday because of the heavy rain.
4. Although it rained heavy, they went out last night.
5. Lan wanted to know where would she stay during the summer holiday.
6. Yesterday, when I came home, my daughter searched for information about TOEFL exam.
IV. Choose the best answer to indicate the correct response to each of following exchanges.
1. – Maria: “Could you peel the potatoes, please?”
– Kent: “__________ I don’t have anything else to do”.
A. No problem. B. I’m sorry. C. I’m afraid not. D. Nothing special.
2. - Thanh: “Why don’t you reduce the amount of water your family users?” - Nga: “__________”
A. Nice idea! B. Yes, please. C. No, thanks. D. You’re welcome.
3. Nam: “How about having a drive to the countryside this weekend?” - Phong: “__________”
A. That’s a good idea. B. Not at all. C. Thanks a lot. D. I can’t drive.
4. Ann: “Can I borrow your pencil, Mark?” - Mark: “__________”
A. Good idea, thanks! B. Here you are. C. So do I. D. That’s great.
5. Trung: “Thanks a lot for giving me a lift." - Lan: “__________”
A. You're right. B. Have a good day! C. It's my pleasure. D. I'm afraid not.
6. – Anna: “I’ve passed my exam” – Bill: “__________”
A. Good luck B. Congratulation! C. That’s a good idea D. It’s nice of you to say so.
7. – Peter “Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight” – Carol: “__________”
A. Thank you. It’s really encouraging. B. You’re welcome.
C. Yes, I’d love to. D. No, I don’t like.
8. Lan: “Thanks for the party. I really enjoyed it.” - Linh: “__________”
A. Never mind B. I'm glad you like it.C. Yes, please. D. Yes, I'd love to.
9. Tom: I’m taking my final exam tomorrow.” - Lily: “__________”
A. Good luck to you! B. Oh, poor you! C. That’s awful! D. Congratulation!
V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate correct word or phrase that best
fits each of the numbered blanks.
One of the reasons why our environment is (1) ______ is that each household produces a lot of rubbish
every day. In order to reduce the pollution, we need to increase the volume of rubbish that is recycled
because we cannot carry on (2) ______ and burning rubbish forever. This means that we should reduce the
amount of rubbish we produce and encourage people (3) ______ and recycle. We also need to have a strict
punishment (4) ______ those who throw rubbish on the streets, in the ponds, rivers and seas. Besides, we
ourselves should be aware of keeping our environment green, clean, and (5) ______.
1. A. protected B. polluted C. saved D. preserved
2. A. buried B. to bury C. bury D. burying
3. A. reuse B. reused C. to reuse D. reusing
4. A. for B. in C. on D. at
5. A. beauty B. beautify C. beautiful D. beautifully
VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Line 1 It is often considered that the schoolyard is where bullies go to make other kids a miserable
school life, but a new study suggests that classrooms are another popular place. The study,
presented recently at the American Public Health Association's yearly meeting in
Philadelphia, is based on the results of the research from more than 10,000 middle school
Line 5 students who answered questions online.
According to researched students, 43% said they were physically bullied within the last
month. Half of them said they were laughed at in an unfriendly way, and half reported being
called hurtful names. About one third said groups excluded them to hurt their feelings. 28%
said their belongings were taken or broken; 21% said someone threatened to hurt them.
Line 10 According to the results, two-thirds of the students said they were bullied in more than one
way over the previous month.
The study authors mentioned that 8% of the students who answered said they missed
school at least once during the school year because of fear of being bullied. 25% said they
took other actions, such as missing recess, not going to the bathroom or lunch, missing classes,
Line 15 or staying away from some areas of the school to escape from experiencing a bully. Bullies
did too much to the school life.
1. What is the percentage of students who were laughed at in an unfriendly way?
A. 43% B. 50% C. 28% D.21%
2. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. authors B. bullies C. students D. schools
3. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. The research was carried out on the Internet.
B. All researched students stayed at home to avoid bullies.
C. 50% of students in the research were called by hurtful names.
D. Most students were bullied in different ways.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Bad School Life B. School Problems C. Bullies at School D. Fear at School
5. Bullies did not happen in the______.
A. classroom B. home C. schoolyard D. bathroom
VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same, starting with the words given.
1. “I am making a cake now”, Mark said.
→ Mark said that __________________________________________________________________.
2. “I travel a lot in my job.” Linda said.
→ Linda said that __________________________________________________________________.
3. “We will visit her this morning,” they said.
→ They said ______________________________________________________________________.
4. “What time do you come home every day, Mark?” said Linda.
→ Linda asked Mark _______________________________________________________________.
5. “Where do you live?” said Anne.
→ Anne asked me _________________________________________________________________.
6. “Do you like the film Five Feet Apart?” Sally said to me.
→ Sally asked me __________________________________________________________________.
7. They have built more parks in Vinh Long city recently.
→ More parks ____________________________________________________________________.
8. They built the church in the 18th century.
→ The church _____________________________________________________________________.
9. The storm destroyed our city last week.
→ Our city _______________________________________________________________________.
10. Train hard every day, or you can’t break your SEA GEAMES record one day.
→ If you _________________________________________________________________________.
11. Work hard, or you won’t be successful.
→ If you _________________________________________________________________________.
12. Don’t play with fire, or you will hurt yourself.
→ If you _________________________________________________________________________.
13. Caroline doesn’t go out often because she doesn’t have time.
→ If Caroline _____________________________________________________________________.
14. I began to study English 5 years ago.
→ I have _________________________________________________________________________.
VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same, using the words given in brackets.
1. Although my mother goes out to work, she still has to do the housework. (DESPITE)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
2. Tom is very busy, but he is always willing to give a hand with the housework. (DESPITE)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
3. Although Mark worked hard, things didn’t go according to his plan. (DESPITE)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
4. Catherine was absent from class yesterday because she was ill. (BECAUSE OF)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
5. It snowed heavily yesterday, so the farmers had to stop working. (BECAUSE OF)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
6. The storm was terrible, so we could not go to the stadium. (BECAUSE OF)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
7. “If I were you, I would study harder.” Lan told My. (ADVISED)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.
8. “You should study harder, Jack.” said the teacher. (ADVISED)
→ ______________________________________________________________________________.

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