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2 Corinthians 9:6-7 LESSON 37

Grace Giving
1. 9:6 - Reaping and Sowing
a. (5) Paul takes care for the gift to be of bounty (freely given, abounding) ...
i. ... NOT covetousness (forced, reluctantly, greedily, for shame).
b. (6) “BUT ...” Remember this (not quoting law), Paul says, “I say”
c. The principle: you reap what you sow; responsibility/reward; action/consequence
i. Not 700 club, or Creflo Dollar, but a law in God’s creation.
ii. Applicable to sin, work, food, money, skills, health, relationships, time, etc.
iii. Work required & slothful a shame -Gen 3:19, Pro 13:14,20:4,21:25; Rom 12:11
iv. This “law” can be affected by God’s intervention (e.g judgment, provision)
v. Jesus taught covenant reaping & sowing - Mt 6:20,26, Jn 4:36
d. In this dispensation of grace (not under covenant) we work - 2Th 3:10, Eph 4:28
e. Paul says, work leads to return in kind Gal 6:7-8 - value 1Cor 9:11 - quantity 2Co 9:6
i. What are they reaping? 2 Cor 7:7, the blessing of Acts 20:35

2. The Law Tithe Against Grace Giving

a. “It predates the law!” - Abram and Jacob did not tithe of their own, nor repeatedly.
b. “Hebrews teaches tithing!” - Jesus is the high priest, not your pastor. Hebrews is NT.
c. “The earth is the Lord’s!” - Yes, and God prescribes a purpose for what we do with it.
d. “Will you rob God?” - Paul not teaching covenant blessing and curse - Malachi 3:8-12
e. Tithing is a law! It has specific rules, requirements, rewards and punishments.
f. There is more than one tithe in the Bible. Nobody practices all of them. (see back)
i. Jews nor Christians have any right to claim divine storehouses today
ii. Tithing doctrine popularized in America after the law forbad a church tax
iii. Came from popular teachings of spiritual Israel and covenant theology
g. Living by law is not living by grace: stop tithing! Give bountifully!

3. 9:7 - Grace Giving

a. A helpful statement on grace living in general (not just money)
i. Baptism, fasting, going to church, prayers, evangelism, Bible reading, etc.
b. Christ gave you spiritual abundance freely with more to come - Eph 1:7-8
i. Grace working in you is you giving bountifully to others - Phi 1:21-24
c. Grace giving is about grace living - How you give grace is how you live grace.
d. Grace giving patterns the grace life:
i. “Every man” - Grace given and works in everyone.
ii. “according as he purposeth in his heart” - Grace changes your purpose - 2Co 5-7
iii. “so let him give” - In God’s purpose, grace is freely given (you his members)
iv. “not grudgingly” - right heart, not w/sullen malice, secret enmity, remorse.
v. “or of necessity” - right collection, Christ redeemed us from curses - Gal 3:13
vi. “for God loveth” - Grace works in you to please him - Eph 1:9,Phi 2:13,Col 1:10
vii. “cheerful giver” - Glad to do it, convicted, happily, not fearful. Acts 24:10
viii. The blessing that comes to the giver from giving: it is his will - Acts 20:35

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Israel’s Tithing Rules
1. Tithing was a law requirement for Israel – Deut 14:22
2. Tithing was only for certain people (farmers & ranchers) – Deut 14:23-25
3. They could only tithe food (exchange to money added 20%) – Lev 27:30-33
4. The tithe must be given in Jerusalem (and the temple) – Deut 12:5-6,11
5. There were three tithes – 1 to priests, 1 to feast, 1 to poor – Deut 12:15-18
6. Only Levites could receive (then distribute) the tithe - Num 18:21, 24
7. Levites tithed of their tithes to the priests – Num 18:26
8. Tithing was not given by will or voluntary offerings

Israel’s Tithe and Offering Breakdown

9. 1-2% first fruit as an offering to the priests – Exo 25:1-2, Exo 29:27-28
10. 10% First Tithe to the Levites (Lev 27:30-34), from which the Levites tithe 10% to
the priests – Num 18:21-32, Num 10:38
11. 10% Second Tithe for Feasts in years 1,2,4,5 taken to Jerusalem and spent on food
and drink- Deu 12:6-7, Deu 14:22-26
12. 10% Poor Tithe in years 3 and 6 given to the Levites and the poor at home – Deu
14:27-29, Deu 26:12-13
13. 10% Tithe of the King to provide for his officers and servants - 1 Sam 8:15-17

Beyond these tithes, first fruits (Lev 23:10; Deu 12:7), free will offerings (Lev 1:3; Neh
10:35-37), temple fees, and sacrifices were given. There were 5 sacrifices: burnt, sin,
meal, trespass, peace.

=>10% extra goes to charity (according to modern tradition and for atonement)

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