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ICSD-132201-F15 Se actualiza automáticamente cada 5 minutos

ICS Calendar Title: “They Looked for a City”: Biblical, Theological and
Sociological Perspectives on the City from Ancient Times to the Global
ICS Course Code: ICSD 132201/2232201 F15
Instructor: Dr. Clinton Stockwell
Term and Year: Fall 2015, Distance
Last Updated: August 27, 2015

1. Course Description
2. Course Outline
3. Course Learning Goals
4. Course Requirements and Description and Weighting of Elements
to be Evaluated
5. Required Readings
6. Readings by Session (Sessions 1-13).
7. Supplemental Bibliography: Some Recommended Readings

1. Course Description

More people live today in cities or metro-urban regions than in the

countryside, and many cities today are megalopolises of ten million
persons or more.  Is the city sustainable?  Can we live hopefully,
faithfully and imaginatively in extreme urban contexts characterized often
by inequality, poverty and violence; yet alive with vibrant cultural
production?  This course will look at the meaning of the city in history,
using the lens of ancient and contemporary philosophical, historical,
theological, and sociological writings, even as we seek to understand our
role in anticipating urban challenges for a global age.

2. Course Outline (Session Topics Sequence):

Session1. The Origins of Cities

Session 2:  The Greco-Roman View of the City: Classical Foundations

Session 3:  The City in the Ancient Near East (Old Testament Era)

Session 4: Christianity in the Greco-Roman World

Session 5. Augustine and Aquinas on Politics and the City

Session 6. Calvin, Geneva and the Reformation

Session 7. A City on the Hill:  The City in Early American History and
Thought.  Winthrop’s Boston and Franklin’s Philadelphia

Session 8:  Industrialization in 19th Century England:  Charles Dickens

vs. Frederick Engels and Karl Marx

Session 9. Sociologists and the City:  The Chicago School and Birth of
Urban Sociology

Session 10:  Chicago, Missionary Center and Industrial Metropolis?

Session 11: The Global City:  Sociological Perspectives on the City in the
Global Era

Session 12: The Sustainable City.  Are Cities Sustainable?

Session 13: Urban Ministry and Civic Engagement: Faithfulness,

Challenge and Expectation

3. Course Learning Goals

a. To understand competing interpretations of the city from ancient

times to the present in order to present a lecture evaluating
competing arguments on the nature of the city.
b. To develop a biblical and theological/philosophical perspective on
the city in order to develop a publishable article from the 1/8
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standpoint of one’s faith, values and vision.
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the city with applications to contemporary social contexts in order
to make an oral or written presentation that relates these texts to
current urban realities.
ICSD-132201-F15 d. To develop skills in sociological analysis in order to mobilize a Se actualiza automáticamente cada 5 minutos
congregation or community group to concretely address a well-
defined issue such as providing food for a homeless shelter.
e. To develop a practical reflective and ethical self-understanding for
faithful witness in order to organize a defined audience to
execute a practical public action that contributes to peace and
justice in the world.
f. To develop and employ leadership skills necessary for the
transformation of urban communities for urban ministry or civic
engagement by developing a proposal for public ministry/civic
engagement such as developing and managing an organic

4. Course Requirements and Description and Weighting of

Elements to be Evaluated

a. 50- 75 pages a week, inclusive of readings for formal papers

(roughly 1250 for the course).
b. Weekly 1-3 page (500- 1000 words) reflections on the readings
each week.  To enhance dialogue in the class.  Post your
reflection by Friday, Respond to Peers by Monday each week.
 This will be our process for each session throughout the course.
c. Mid Term Urban Perspective Paper- theoretical perspective on an
historical person, city or event (5-8 pages) based on readings in
the first half of the course.   The Mid Term paper does not require
other outside reading, unless chosen by the student.  Due by
Session 7.
d. Final Paper: Ministry/Urban Social Engagement Paper. An
Analysis of a Contemporary Local Urban Context and
Possibilities for Urban Engagement/Intervention (10-12 pages).  
This assignment will require some data collection on the
neighborhood, parish or community of choice.  A “real social
context” is required to successfully complete this paper.   Paper
Due Four weeks after Ending of class session readings.
The paper should include the following three components:
1)  Context Description;
2) Rationale (from the assigned readings);
3)  Strategy/ Program/ or Project proposal for possible
e. Description and weighting of elements to be evaluated:
                i. Class participation: 10%-  Interaction with Instructor and
                ii. Weekly Reflective Essays: 30%-  Quality of your posts.
                iii. Mid Term Paper (Historical): 20%
                iv. Final Research Project/Paper (Social Engagement): 40%

5. Required Readings:  Textbooks (Procure the texts below, as

we will read in entirety).

Abrahamson, Mark. Global Cities. New York: Oxford University Press,


Graham, W Fred.  The Constructive Revolutionary:  John Calvin and His

Socio Economic Impact (Philadelphia:  Westminster/ John Knox Press),

Meeks, Wayne A. The First Urban Christians: the Social World of the
Apostle Paul. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.

6. Readings by Session (Sessions 1-13).

[Note:  REQUIRED readings are  noted by bold author font and are
marked with an asterisk (*)].  [Approximately 1250 pages total]

Session One:  Origins of Cities (50 pages).
*Childe, V Gordon. “The Urban Revolution.” Town Planning Review. 21
(April 1950): 3-17.
*Gottdeiner, Mark, etal. “The Origins of Cities.” From: The New Urban
Sociology.  Edited by Mark Gottdeiner, Ray Hutchinsion and Michael T
Ryan (Boulder:  Westview Press, 2015): 25-50. 2/8
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*Sjoberg, Gideon. “Origin and Evolution of Cities.” Scientific American.
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 213 (September 1965): 54-62. Reprinted in Alexander Callow, American
Urban History. Third Edition.  (Oxford University Press, 1982): 6-16.
ICSD-132201-F15 *Stockwell, Clinton E.  “The Church and the City, a Five Stage History.” Se actualiza automáticamente cada 5 minutos
The Urban Mission.  September (1993): 29-36.

Session Two: he Greco-Roman View of the City [61 pages].
*Aristotle.  “On the City.” From: Politics, Book VII.  From: The Complete
Works of Aristotle. Vol. II.  Edited by Jonathan Barnes (Princeton
University Press, 1984): 2100- 2117.
*Hittinger, John.  “Plato and Aristotle on the Family and the Polis.”  The
St Anselm Journal (September 2013): 1-22.
*Kemerling, Garth.  “Plato:  The State and The Soul.” From: The
Philosophy Pages. Encyclopedia Britannica (Nov 12, 2011). The
Philosophy Pages by Garth Kemerling are licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the
scope of this license may be available at 
Pappas, Nicolas.  “Justice and the City” [Chapters 2-4].  In: Plato and the
Republic (London: Routledge, 1995): 59-79.
Pericles. “The Funeral Oration.” From Thucydides. The Peloponnesian
War. Reprinted in: Princeton Readings in Political Thought. Edited by
Mitchell Cohen and Nicole Fermon (Princeton University Press, 1996):
13- 17.
*Plato. “Critias.” From:  The Collected Dialogues of Plato. Edited by
Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns (Princeton University Press,
1987): 1212-1224.
Spark Notes.  “Aristotle:  Summary of Politics.”   Downloaded 8/3/2015.

Session Three: The City in the Ancient Near East (Old Testament
Era). [111 pages]
*Nefzger, Ben G.  “The Sociology of Preindustrial Cities. ” From: Lester
Grabbe and Robert D. Haak, Editors.  Every City Shall Be Forsaken:  the
City in Prophecy in Ancient Israel and the Near East (Sheffield Academic
Press (JSTOR), 2001):  59-71.
*Roddy, Nicolae. “Images of the City in the Hebrew Bible.” In: Cities
through the Looking Glass:  Essays on the History and Archaeology of
Biblical Urbanism.  Edited by Rami Arav (Winona Lake, In.: Eisenbrauns,
2008): 11-22.
*Stockwell, Clinton E.  “The Enchanting City: Theological Perspectives
on the City in Post Modern Dress (Biblical Theology of the City).” From:
Transformation (April- June 1991): 10-14.
 *Meeks, Wayne A.  The First Urban Christians:  The Social World of the
Apostle Paul.  Second Edition (New Haven:  Yale University Press,
2003): 1-73.

Session Four:  Christianity in the Greco Roman World. [102 pages].
*Giorgi, Dieter, “The Urban Adventure in the Early Church,” in D Giorgi,
The City in the Valley: Biblical Interpretation and Urban Theology
(Atlanta:  SBL, 2005):  53-68.
*Longenecker, Bruce, “Social Economic Profiling of the First Urban
Christians,” In:  After the First Urban Christians:  The Social-Scientific
Study of Pauline Christianity Twenty-Five Years Later, edited by Todd D.
Still and David G. Horrell (London:  T and T Clark, 2009): 36-59.
*Malina, Bruce.  “The Pre Industrial City.” From: Bruce J Malina, The
New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology. Third Edition
(Westminster/ John Knox Press, 2001): 81-90.
*Meeks, Wayne A.  The First Urban Christians:  The Social World of the
Apostle Paul.  Second Edition (New Haven:  Yale University Press,
2003): 74-139.

Session Five:  Augustine and Aquinas on Politics and the City of

God [149 pages]. 3/8
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*Aquinas, St. Thomas.  De Regno ad Regem Cypri (ON KINGSHIP TO
THE KING OF CYPRUS).  Translated by Gerald B. Phelan, Revised by
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Th. Eschmann, O.P.
Toronto: The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1949.  10 pages.
ICSD-132201-F15 *Augustine. “The Two Cities.”  From:  The Essential Augustine, edited Se actualiza automáticamente cada 5 minutos
by Vernon J. Bourke (Hackett Publishing Company, 1974): 197-219.
Augustine, “The City of God.”  Selections in Thomas Aquinas on Politics
and Ethics  (New York:  WW Norton, 1988): 102-107.  Introduction to St
Augustine, p. 102.
*Graham, W. Fred.  The Constructive Revolutionary:  John Calvin and
His Socio Economic Impact (Westminster/ John Knox Press, 1979): 1-
*Weithman, Paul J. “Augustine and Aquinas on Original Sin and Political
Authority.”  Journal of the History of Philosophy. Volume 30, Number 3
(July 1992): 353-376 (Article).  Published by The Johns Hopkins
University Press.

Session Six:  Calvin, Geneva and the Reformation [120 pages, plus
one article on Calvin’s economics from three provided]]
Freudenberg, Mattias.  “Economic and social ethics in the work of John
Calvin,” Herv. teol. stud. vol.65 no.1 (Pretoria  2009).  Online
*Graham, W. Fred.  The Constructive Revolutionary:  John Calvin and
His Socio Economic Impact (Westminster/ John Knox Press, 1979): 97-
*Luther, Martin.  “The Christian and Society;” and John Calvin, “God
and Political Duty.” From: Princeton Readings in Political Thought. Edited
by Mitchell Cohen and Nicole Fermon (Princeton University Press,
1996): 194-204.
McKee, Elsie Anne. “The Character and Significance of John Calvin’s
Teaching on Social and Economic Issues. ”  From: John Calvin
Rediscovered:  The Impact of his Social and Economic Thought, edited
by Edward Dommen and James D. Bratt (Philadelphia: John Knox
Press, 2007): 3-24.
*Monter, E. William. “(Geneva) Cathedral and Market.” From: Calvin’s
Geneva (New York: Basil Wiley, 1967): 1-22.
Stuckelberger, Christoph. “No Interest from the Poor: Calvin’s Economic
and Banking Ethics.” From:  Calvin Global:  How Faith Influences
Societies.  Edited by Christoph Stuckelberger and Reinhold Bernhardt
(, 2009): 53-70.

Session Seven:  A City on the Hill:  The City in Early American

History and Thought.  Winthrop’s Boston and Franklin’s
Philadelphia. [86 pages].
*Franklin, Benjamin.  “Autobiography, Book III.” From: Benjamin
Franklin, Writings (New York:  Library of America, 1967):  1395-1430.
*Franklin, Benjamin. “Essays on “The Laboring Poor (pp. 622-625);” “A
Conversation Regarding Slavery (pp. 646-653);” “Toleration in Old and
New England (pp. 673-677);”and “Remarks Regarding the Savages of
North America (pp. 969-974).” From: Benjamin Franklin, Writings (New
York:  Library of America, 1967):
*Rutman, Derrick B., “Boston:  A City on a Hill;” and Sam Bass Warner,
“Philadelphia:  The Private City.” In:  American Urban History:  An
Interpretive Reader with Commentaries, Third Edition, edited by
Alexander B. Callow (New York:  Oxford University, 1982): 37-63.
*Winthrop, John. “A Modell of Christian Charity” (A City on the Hill).
“The City upon a Hill” by John Winthrop: what is it about?”  Two pages.

Session Eight:  Industrialization in 19th Century England [86 pages]
*Dickens, Charles.  The Frozen Out Poor Law (The Elizabethan Poor
Laws).  From: All The Year Round (Feb 16: 1861): 446-449.  Scroll down
to pages 446 to page 449.
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*Engels, Frederick. “The Great Towns.” From: The Condition of Working
Class England, 1844. (New York:  Oxford University Press, 1999): 36-86.
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*Diniejko, Andrzeij.  “Charles Dickens as Social Commentator and
Critic.”  The Victorian Web.  Februrary 7, 2012).  Downloaded July 17,
ICSD-132201-F15 2015. (7 pages). Se actualiza automáticamente cada 5 minutos
*Marx, Karl. “The Paris Commune and the Future of Socialism, 1870-
1882.”  In:  The Portable Karl Marx.  Edited by Eugene Kamenka (New
York, Penguin Books, 1983): 506-532.

Session Nine:  Sociologists and the City:  German and Chicago
Schools and Beyond [57 pages].
*Burgess, Ernest W. “Growth of The City.”  From:  The Basic Writings of
Ernest W. Burgess. Edited by Donald J. Bogue (Chicago:  University of
Chicago, 1974): 93-106.

Domingues, Jose Mauricio. “The City:  Rationalization and Freedom in

Max Weber, Philosophy and Social Criticism. Sage Publications. 26
Number 4 (2000): 107-126.

Kleniewski, Nancy, and Alexander R. Thomas. “Theoretical Perspectives

on the City.”  From:  Cities, Change and Conflict:  A Political Economy of
Urban Life. (Wadsworth, 2010): 21-40.  Though not required, for those
new to the study of urban sociology, this is good overview.
*Merton, Robert K.  “Functions of a Political Machine.”  From: Social
Theory and Social Structure (Free Press, 1957): Scroll down to READ
ONLY pages 65-75.

*Simmel, Georg.  “The Metropolis and Mental Life.”  From.  Georg

Simmel.  On Individuality and Social Forms.  Edited with an introduction
by Donald N. Levine (Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1971): 324-

Weber, Max. “On The City.” From:  Richard Sennett.  Editor. Classic
Essays on the Culture of Cities (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1969):
23-46.  Reprinted from Max Weber, The City (New York: Macmillan and
Company/The Free Press, 1958).

*Wirth, Louis. “Urbanism as a Way of Life;” and “Human Ecology.”

 From: Classic Essays on the Sociology of Cities.  Edited by Richard
Sennett (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1969): 143-164; 170-

Session Ten:  Chicago and Industrialization:  Development and

Response. [90 pages] [Read Hall and Wilson,  and one of the
Stockwell article selections]
*Hall, Peter. “City of Monuments [Chicago];” and “Cities of the
Permanent Underclass” [Chicago]. From: Cities of Tomorrow:  An
Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880.  Fourth
Edition (London:  Wiley Blackwell, 2014): 202- 212; 485- 519 (Chicago
*Wilson, William Julius, “The Economic Plight of Inner City Blacks.
 From: More Than Just Race: Being Black and Poor in the Inner City
(New York:  W W Norton, 2009): 62-92.

Stockwell, Clinton E. “Urban Ministry in Chicago:  A Historical Sketch

from Winthrop’s Boston to Post Industrial Chicago.”  Chicago: Center for
Public Ministry, 1991 (17 pages).
Clinton Stockwell and Nancy Triezenberg Fox.  “Social Work and Social
Change:  The Case of Chicago.” Social Work and Christianity 4 (2006):
 330- 354.
Clinton Stockwell. “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants:  The Legacy of
Protestant Urban Social Justice in Chicago.” Pragmatics:  The Journal of
Community Based Learning (Fall 1998):  6-9, 19.

Session Eleven:   The Global City:  Sociological Perspectives on
the City in the Global Era. [127 pages].
*Abrahamson, Mark.  Global Cities (New York:  Oxford University
Press, 2004): 1-94. 5/8
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*Castells, Manuel. “The Space of Flows,” from The Castells Reader on
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Cities and Social Theory. Edited by Ida Susser.”  (London:  Blackwell,
2002): 314-349.
ICSD-132201-F15 Longworth, RC, ed.  “On Global Cities,” Chicago Council for Global Se actualiza automáticamente cada 5 minutos
Affairs, April, 2015.
Renn, Aaron M.  “What is a Global City?” New Geography (Nov. 12,
2012). Online
Stockwell, Clinton E.  “Globalization and its Discontents.
”The Witness (November 2001).

Stockwell, Clinton E.  “Living in a Global City.” For: Association of

Christians Teaching Sociology, Annual Conference, Dallas Texas (June

Session Twelve:   The Sustainable City:  Are Global Cities

Sustainable? [126 pages].
*Abrahamson, Mark.  Global Cities (New York:  Oxford University
Press, 2004): 95- 171.

*Castells, Manuel. “The Culture of Cities.” From: The Castells Reader

on Cities and Social Theory.  Edited by Ida Susser (London:  Blackwell,
2002): 367-389.

*Newman, Peter and Isabella Jenkins.  “Introducing Cities as

Sustainable Eco Systems.” From: Cities as Sustainable Eco Systems:
 Principles and Practices (Island Press, 2008): 2-30.
Stockwell, Clinton E.  “A View from the Margins,” A Book Review of
Saskia Sassen, ‘Expulsions:  Brutality and Complexity in the Global
Economy’” (Cambridge: Belknap/Harvard, 2014). From SCUPE. Online
Newsletter  June 26, 2014.

Session Thirteen:   Urban Ministry and Civic Engagement:

Faithfulness, Challenge and Expectation. [68 pages].

*Ancil, Robert.  “The Economy of the Tao:  Wendell Berry and Economic
Health.”  The Imaginative Conservative.  December 30, 2012.  Online.

*Berry, Wendell.  “The Two Economies.”  From: Every Man An Artist:

Readings in the Traditional Philosophy of Art,  Edited by Brian Keeble
© 2005 World Wisdom, Inc. Foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr All
Rights Reserved. For Personal Usage Only.  pp. 186- 202. Online.

*Manuel Castells. “Change the World in a Network Society.”  From:

 Manuel Castells. Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in
an Internet Age (Cambridge, UK:  Polity Press, 2012): 218-246.
*Stockwell, Clinton E. “The Church and Justice in Crisis.”  From:  The
Urban Face of Mission, edited by Susan Baker and Manny Ortiz
(Philadelphia:  The Westminster Press, 2002): 159-174.

7. Supplemental Bibliography: Some Recommended Readings

(Selective Bibliographic Listing)

A. Ancient/Classic Sociological Perspectives:
        Aristotle. The Politics
        Cicero. On the Commonwealth
        Fustel du Coulanges. The Ancient City
        Herodotus, The Histories
        Park, Robert Ezra and Ernest W. Burgess. The City
        Pirenne, Henri. The Medieval City
         Plato. The Republic
        Sennett, Richard, ed. Classic Essays on the Culture of Cities
        Sjoberg, Gideon. The Preindustrial City:  Past and Present
        Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War
        Weber, Max. The City
        Wirth, Louis. Urbanism as a Way of Life

B. City in Biblical Times 6/8
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        Crossan, Dominic. In Search of Paul: How Jesus’ Apostle Opposed
the Roman Empire
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        with God’s Kingdom
        Ellul, Jacques. The Meaning of the City
         Frick, Frank. The City in Ancient Israel
ICSD-132201-F15         Harrison, and Welborn. The First Urban Churches: Methodological Se actualiza automáticamente cada 5 minutos
        (SBL, 2015)
        Horrel and Still. After the First Urban Christians: the Social and
Scientific Study of
        Pauline Christianity 25 Years Later (T and T Clark, 2009)
        Koester, Helmut. Cities of Paul. Images and Interpretations
        Meeks, Wayne A. The First Urban Christians
        Ramsay, Sir William. The Cities of Paul
        ______. St. Paul: Traveler and Roman Citizen
        Rieger, Joerg. Christ and Empire: From Paul to Post Colonial Times
        Theissen, Gerd. Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity
        ______. The Social Setting of Pauline Christianity: Paul of Corinth

C. City in Age of Renaissance Reformation

        Dommen, Edward and Bratt, James D. eds.  John Calvin
Rediscovered:  The Impact of
His Social and Economic Thought.
        Monter, William E. Calvin’s Geneva.
        Mumford, Lewis. The City in History
        Ozment, Stephen. Reformation in the Cities
        Spijker, Willem van’t.  Calvin:  A Brief Guide to His Life and Thought.
        Wallace, Ronald. Calvin, Geneva and the Reformation

D. The City From Modern Times to the Global Post Industrial Era
        Castells, Manuel. Informational Society
        ______. The Rise of a Network Society
        ______. The Power of Identity
        ______. Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in an
Internet Age (2007).
        Davis, Mike. Planet of Slums.
        Harvey, David. The Condition of Post Modernity.
        ______. Social Justice and the City (Revised, 2009)
        ______. Rebel Cities, etc.
        Higgs, Kerryn. Collision Course: Endless Growth on a Finite Planet
        Jacobs, Jane. The Death and Life of the Great American City
        Lefebvre, Henri. Writings on Cities
        ______. The Social Production of Space
        Nightengale, Carl H. Segregation: a Global History of Divided Cities
        Sassen, Saskia. The Global City (selections)
        ______. Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global
        ______. Cities in a World Economy (2011)
        Savitch, V. Post Industrial Cities: Politics and Planning in New York,
Paris and London

E. Sustainable Cities
        Campbell, Scott. Green Cities, Growing Cities
        ______. Sustainable Development and Social Justice
        Farr, Doug. Sustainable Urbanism
        Glaeser, Edward. The Triumph of Cities
        Newman, Peter. Cities as Sustainable EcoSystems
        Owen, David. Green Metropolis

F. Urban Ministry/Theologies of the City

        Conn, Harvie and Manny Ortiz. Urban Ministry
        Livezey, Lowell, ed. Public Religion and Urban Transformation:
Faith in the City. (2007)
        Ortiz, Manny and Susan Baker.  eds.  The Urban Face of Mission
        Peters, Ronald E. Urban Ministry: An Introduction.

G. Other Resources
        Census Data on one’s own city, community or parish.
        Social Science statistics on urbanization, globalization, etc.

Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in

this course. In particular, if you have a disability/health
consideration that may require accommodations, please feel free
to approach me and/or Student Services as soon as possible.

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