2! R MFT+: Admiration

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Report of the Brooklyn Institute Survey, May-October, 1895.


of the mediaeval understand why the deficiency of these

cathedrals is so much a matter is so complacently tolerated
of course nowadays that, all
in modern buildings at once by archi-
persons inside the pale of European tects and by the general public.
civilization are expected to feel it and When Viollet le Due said "Our
to give expression to consequently
it, streets are deserts for thought ; they
they all do it. How far this admira- have all the monotony of the desert
tion is a matter of fashion and how without its compensating loneliness,"
far it is really felt is, however, an open he was thinking of the coldness of
question. Historic associations and their strict symmetry, the monotony
the romance connected with them will of their mathematical regularity and
carry people a long way in West- of their mechanically repeated and
minster or at Canterbury. The mechanically executed details.
mediaeval cathedrals are, generally, Our modern architectural crime,
larger buildings than their modern which cries aloud to heaven for repro-
copies, and in so far are calculated to bation, is deficiency ot the picturesque.
excite admiration by this fact of their An old barn or an old farm house are
dimension, which is, of all elements in a thousand times more interesting
building, the most obvious and the than the New York Post Office and a
most easily understood. It is, how- thousand times more interesting than
ever, extremely doubtful whether the a good many other buildings which it
finest qualities of the mediaeval cathe- is not quite so fashionable to sneer at.

drals are those which generally excite This deficiency of the picturesque is
result of our
the warmest admiration. Otherwise largely an inevitable
it would be extremely difficult to social conditions, but that is no reason
under direction of Professor
*The photographs used in illustration were taken by Mr Tohn W. McKecknie,
the subject and are its property. The plans,
sect.ons an.
Goodyear, for the Brooklyn Institute, expressly to illustrate
W. McKecknie, under Professor Goodyear's direction, from surveys sup-
drawings have been prepared by Mr. John
ported by the Brooklyn Institute.
All rights reserved
Vol. VI. 1. 1.
why should not be recognized and
it criticism are ineffective weapons
deplored. against them. To change
our whole
In an old cathedral every capital, social fabric and to abolish the divis-
ion of labor, which has separated the
every gargoyle, every finial, every
window, every statue, was an inde- architect from the master-mason,
pendent creative effort of the indi-
which has separated the designing
vidual artisan. The designs were not clerk in a pent-up office from the
passed over to the workman from an stone-cutter on his scaffold this is the
architect's office. The workman him- impossible task which the critic must
self created the design. set himself, who wishes to revive the
Hence the infinite variety of virtues of mediaeval building. It is a
mediaeval detail which is one grand fact of deep significance that William
source of the picturesque character of Morris is a Socialist, that the works
mediaeval building. Variety was an of Ruskin are brimful of economic
inevitable result when every workman theories. Let these theories be good
did his own designing in detail, from or bad, wise or foolish, the fact will
the mere fact that many different stand that every true artist of our
workmen were employed and the ; day is also at heart a social reformer,
individual workman varied his own and it may be that he knows it best
detail from one form to the next cor- who says the least about it.
responding one for the same reason But there are other differences be-
that he was himself the inventor of it. tween a mediaeval cathedral and a
Hence creations like the fagades of modern church, besides the differences
San Martino, at Lucca, or of San Pietro, in the matter of picturesque details.
at Toscanella, to name two examples How rarely do we find any exact sym-
out of hundreds, are practically impos- metry in those apparently correspond-
sible things in modern art. Our ing parts which belong to the design
facades are designed by an architect, of the mediaeval church as a whole.
not only as a whole, but also as regards How frequently do we find variety in
their individual parts. Even where the design of two corresponding spires
the effort occasionally appears in and other irregularities of arrange-
modern work, to manufacture artificial ment. Uniformity, even in the main
irregularity in the original design, this features of an old cathedral, is rather
manufactured irregularity will never an exception than a rule.
have the spontaneous and unpremedi- It is the habit to explain such irregu-
tated variety of the old creation. larities as the result of construction at
Generally speaking, even the effort is different periods. But this habit of
wanting. Given the effort, we still explanation really begs the question
have to meet the difficulty that the as to how they have arisen. A cathe-
stone-cutter, who works after the pat- dral was frequently two or three cen-
tern which has been manufactured for turies in building, it is true, but it is
him and not by him, will never give absurd to say that the facade of Dinan
his cutting the sparkle, the force and or the choir of Mainz (before the
the originality which distinguish the recent restoration) showed Gothic
handiwork of the artist artisan of the pointed work on top of Romanesque
Middle Ages. We
have an analogous simply for this reason. If the senti-
case in the contrast between the ment asking for uniformity had existed,
inferiority of our modern marble could not the later architects have
statues, which are rarely cut by the finished the building in the style pre-
sculptor himself, and those more vital vailing when the building was begun ?
ones of older art, on which the sculptor Admitting that one spire of the fagade
himself did the cutting. at Tours is later than the other, as it
It appears, when these facts are ex- naturally might be, is that any reason
amined, that the admitted inferiorities why the second spire should not cor-
of modern architecture are largely respond to the first, if the desire had
inevitable results of changed social existed to make it correspond ?
conditions, and that preaching and The fact is simply this, that the
habits of successive architects corre-
chitecture has been most
sponded to the habit of potently
any one given emphasized and most eloquently de-
architect, and that any given architect scribed by
of the Middle Age
Mr. Ruskin, especially
habitually intro- under the heading of the
duced any variation into his Lamp of Life
m the Seven Lamps of Architecture.
which was suggested either his He has attributed it to a conscious
fancy or by changes of plan made for purpose in some definite cases, which
some definite cause. If, for instance, he has
he had finished one spire and had a specificallydescribed, while
freely admitting that there is no hard
chance to improve the design of its and fast line to be drawn in the ex-
fellow, either because more money and amples he has cited between artistic
more work on it were available, or be- and praiseworthy work, which achieves
cause he discovered a defect which the element ot "
life," or of the pic-
might be avoided, or an improvement turesque, simply because it has not set
which might be added, there was
up a mistaken standard of mathemati-
nothing in the ethics of his profession cal regularity and that work which
or in the prejudices of his time which was consciously and
would antagonize such changes. definitely planned
to avoid the coldness of strict
To understand an old cathedral we symmetry.
must begin with the union in one per- There is, therefore, an element of
son of the artist and the artisan. The
irregularity often found in mediaeval
picturesque variety springing from the building which corresponds very
creative capacity of the individual
closely to the style of decorative de-
mason and the individual stone-cutter sign in modern Japanese art as re-
ran all through the building. The gards the philosophy of the irregular
architect himself was simply a master- quality. Clearly the artistic spirit of
mason, /. <?., he was himself a mason the Japanese decorative art con-
by profession. He was not isolated sciously scorns the trammels of mathe-
in an office, he was at once architect matical symmetry, but it would be dif-
and builder. It is well known that the ficult to say, in a multitude of cases,
first man in Europe who ever proposed whether the decorative design is pur-
to separate the profession of architect posely irregular or whether it is so
and builder was the Florentine Leon simply because the more difficult and
Battista Alberti (fifteenth century). yet inadvisable methods of applying
The first man in England who ever mathematical measurements to deco-
compelled his wood workers and ration are not practiced in Japan.
stone workers to copy his designs, for It is rather difficult for the average
detail, and to give up making their taste of modern European and United
own, was Inigo Jones (seventeenth States civilization to realize the inter-
century). penetration of the conscious andthe un-
As long as the architect was the conscious factors in a really pictur-
master-mason he was not bound by esque style, because this modern taste
his own plan. He carried his plan in isan extremely vitiated one judged ;

his head, and on the scaffolds of his from the standpoint of the expert in
building he changed it at will and Oriental ornament or in historic de-
freely, as he went along. sign as regards its preference for

Therefore, in its whole plan, and also mathematical regularity in ornament

in its details, an old cathedral differs or its easy toleration of the cold and
from a modern church as hand-made formal results of such regularity.
lace differs from machine work, as a Many of our most elaborate and pre-
Hindoo rug differs from one made in tentious imitations of historic style
Yonkers, as a camel's hair shawl dif- are ridiculous caricatures of the his-
fers from a Paisley. toric monuments, when the deficiency
of the vital element which makes the
II. historic monument interesting, is con-
Up date the element of pic-
to sidered. This vital element has a
twofold character bold contemp
turesque irregularity in mediaeval ar-
for strict symmetry as regards the am about to publish will come from
whole organism of the building, com- persons of artistic temperament already
bined with the inevitable and natural appreciative of the picturesque quality
results of leaving individual details to in mediaeval building, and especially
the individual artisan. These last re- from those already predisposed to
sults, of course, can only be imagined credit the artist of any period with
as existing in social conditions which knowing fairly well what he is doing
made of the artisan an artist having a and how he is doing it.
creative capacity which to-day he has That the artist, in any field of art,
wholly lost. pays very much attention to the why
The century in which division of of his doing I consider rather doubt-
labor has lowered the capacity of the ful, and in so far as my readers
artisan class, in which machine-niauc prefer my facts to my explanations
work has accustomed the eye to in- of them or to the assumption
artistic uniformity of ornamental de- that these explanations represent any
tail, in which the specializing of pro- definite theories of the builders them-
fessions and occupations has made it selves I shall be well pleased. I be-
difficult for the educated public as a lieve that every artist works largely
mass to be thoroughly familiar with from from feeling, and from
even the most elementary canons of experience. But if it be assumed that
artistic taste, in which the habit of I have attempted to read into some

slavishly copying old historic styles works of the Middle Ages a subtlety
has crippled original design in archi- and a knowledge of which their builders
tecture, is not very well prepared to were naturally incapable, this is an
appreciate the vitality of mediaeval assumption which I should indignantly
architecture at its full value. resent, not on my own account but on
It is, moreover, a point of supreme theirs.
importance as regards the inherent It is an untenable attitude which
prejudices and deficiencies, both of exalts or concedes the beauties of the
uninstructed and also of presumably fagades at Toscanella as equal to any
cultivated modern taste that our archi- work in Italy, and which then at-
tectural traditions, as a matter of strict tempts to explain the ground plans,
historic continuity, are those of the late which I shall publish, as being oblique
Renaissance in which this vital ele- because the architects did not know a
ment and the picturesque quality were rectangle when they saw it, and as
wholly lacking. None of the various having curves because they did not
reactions against these traditions of know how to make a straight line.
the cold and formal late Renaissance To say that the interior arches of
date back of the last quarter of the these churches are of irregular size (in
eighteenth century. All of these re- dimensions, which make oversight of
actions have been artificial revivals of the fact impossible,) because the de-
older historic styles consequently
; signers were barbarians or careless
also of a necessarily formal character. workmen is to say that the fagades
How utterly, the modern Greek temple are beautiful for the same reason,
copies, for example, have been want- which is absurd.
ing in all the most interesting traits All I demand is that the unfamiliar
of the historic originals has been laid but beautiful buildings which I have
bare by the discoveries of Pennethorne examined, such as the Cathedral of
and Penrose, whose first publication is
Troja, shall be considered as wholes
as recent as 1851. and as works of inspiration through-
out, and that the new facts which I
I cannot, therefore, feel it advisable
to announce my own discoveries re- shall present for buildings already
garding the architecture of the Middle familiar and already admired shall be
Age without this preliminary effort understood as having always con-
to clear the way for such announce- tributed to the beauties which have
ments. Theappreciation of the im- been already conceded to exist. If cer-
portance of the observations which I tain facts about them have been
hitherto overlooked, let us not make speak definitely, as regards one coun-
the mistake of separating these facts try in Europe. As far as six months'
from the effects to which they are the time would allow me I have made a
main contributors,of despising or neg- complete survey and examination of
lecting the study of unknown phen- all the mediaeval
buildings in Italy.
omena because they are unknown. A This country is, however, undoubtedly
ground plan is not in itself a thing of the one from which the given phe-
beauty, sections of churches are not nomena have spread, as far as North-
in themselves interesting, measure- ern Europe is concerned, and there-
ments are not easy reading, photo- fore the one in which a systematic
graphic details are not the buildings study of them should be first at-
themselves, but if the results which tempted. They are largely or promi-
they represent are an inspiration of nently of Byzantine origin.
picturesque beauty in the given build- Among these phenomena I will
admit that the subject
ings, let us
is specify the following :

(a) The construction of

worth looking into. the piers
and vaulting of many mediaeval
III. churches in a delicate curve, some-
do not lay claim to any originality
I times leaning into the nave, some-
of presentation or any discovery of times bending back from the nave,
facts as to the points so far discussed and in either case making a delicate
transition return curve to the arch
regarding mediaeval irregularities of
construction. They have been abun- of the vaulting (Fig. i). There are
no publications extant known to me
dantly and eloquently presented by
Mr. Ruskin, especially in his Seven which specify this feature in mediae-
val buildings. It easily escapes the
Lamps, and especially in the Lamp of
eye, even when the
observer is familiar
Life. They are ideas which are cer
in some with the fact and prepared to recog-
tainly felt by every true artist
or and which may be half- nize it. The minimum amount of this
way other,
deflection is about three inches, which
heartedly professed by other men,
whose stroke of work gives the means very delicate masonry adjust-
lie to such profession. ment. When noticed by modern
distinct from the mediaeval irreg-
As architects it has, as far as I am aware,
ularities so far considered there are been referred by them to thrust of the
aisle vault against the side of the piers
other phenomena of construction vault or arch,
which have so far escaped the atten- supporting the nave
tion of science and of the History of have naturally prepared myself with the
Art phenomena which constantly es- evidence on this head before announc-
as a refinement in con-
cape our notice when we are
in the ing this feature
here as one
which were struction, and will mention
buildings phenomena
the case of the Cathedral of
be seen or noticed, or instance
meant not to
no side aisles
not to be obtrusive. Vicenza, where there are
There are still other phenomena and where the curving piers face solic
20 feet deep,
which have been seen and misinter- chapel walls over
is frequently met in
attributed to curving pier
preted, which have been
.accident when there was no accident, European cathedrals.
A refinement analogous to
which have been attributed to careless (4)
was sub- last and probably the original
designing when the purpose earlier form of it. // is nothing more
tle, or which have been consid- the classic
or less than the surriral of
ered as mysteries when they
in the Middle Ages anc
have analogies all over Europe. half-column
found in the engaged
These phenomena are by no means the Roman-
For the amount of diffu- which occasionally face
universal. There are good cases ir
in which they esque pier. and in San
sion, for the localities
the Cathedral of Fiesole,
appear most frequently, for the build- at Florence. The announce.
ings in which they exist or do not as exisl
ment of the classic entasis
xist, I am at present only able
^ ^f^ ^^ ^^
* '
Sh<win the delicate forward bend of a
pier at the
the true perpendicular.


From a photograph ot the Brooklyn Institute Survey. Showing an outward lean or spread of the piers in a
delicate curve.

in the Middle Ages has been received bly derived from (a) and frequently
with surprise and incredulity by cer- connected with it a leaning outward

tain gentlemen supposed to be experts, and away from the nave of ihe nave
to whom I had made the fact known piers, in phases grading from an exag-
before collecting the evidence now in geration of the backward bend and
hand. I shall therefore assume the continuing the curve, to others in which
fact not to be generally known. I the leaning backward or spread of the
will simply add that 1 was taken last piers is in a straight line
and not in a
summer to see a case of the mediaeval curve. This feature has been errone-
arch or
entasis in San Giacomo, at Florence, ously ascribed to thrust of the
by Prof. Giglioli, Director of the vaulting by architects to whom 1 have

Natural History Museum of that city. mentioned it. There is a good case at
Probably, therefore, I have not imag- Trani of this lean against the line* of
feet deep.
ined it. (See Fig. 1 1.) transept walls thirty or forty
(c) A refinement possibly or proba-
There are other cases of this lean
Photograped by the Brooklyn Institute Survey to show the lean.
against solid ancient chapel walls, to of 1895, taken
up to and above the
which the pier is a facing, in San first
cornice, are conclusive as to
Eustorgio and in San Ambrogio, at masonry construction. These meas-
Milan, and in San Francesco, at Pavia. urements compel the assumption of a
It also occurs in St Mark's, at Venice, double settlement, if any took
and at Santa Maria della Pieve, at one sideways and one forwards, and
Arezzo (Fig. 2), under conditions
which make a theory of thrust impos-
sible. In the latter church the out-
ward leans amount to about fourteen
inches deflection in a given pier, mak-
ing a spread of over two feet in the
upper nave at the springing of the
arch. They are recognized as facts
of construction by the local experts,
who are not, however, aware of the
existence of this spread elsewhere.
They are known at Arezzo simply as a
local mystery without analogies. There
are other cases where thrust cannot
be even suggested (by one who has
examined the masonry), and I do not
know of any case where thrust can be
proven or indicated except in the
unfinished part of the Siena Cathedral
where an original curve has been
exaggerated by a thrust, due to non-
completion of the building. Cases
can be shown in St. Mark's, at Venice,
where the leans in the exterior vesti-
bule and within the church are in
opposing directions in one and the
same wall, showing thrust to be
A system of bends in vertical
lines in the exteriors of facades and
choirs, differing from some of the in-
terior pier bends in the fact that the
lower part of the bend is always a for-
ward lean toward the eye facing the
wall, and never, as often in the case
of the interior piers, a backward lean
beginning at the base (as regards the
eye of a spectator in the nave facing
the pier). The maximum cases of the
forward lean are about fifteen inches.
There is the Pisa
a fine instance in
Showing a constructed lean. Photographed
Cathedral facade erroneously ascribed
by the Brooklyn Institute Survey.
by Ruskin in the Seven Lamps to settle-
ment. A number of corroborative
cases have been carefully examined when the theory of a double settle-
for indications of accident (Fig. 3.) ment is applied to the facade cornice
The considerations regarding a set- the levels taken by Mr. McKecknie
tlement of the Pisa facade will be show that the fafademust have settled
directions at one and
at length. I first announced laterally in opposite
gone into same time. The difficulties of
this lean to be a fact of construction
who asserts settlement for the
in 1874. The measurements in detail sceptic


It extends down to the supporting columns and their bases, showing thrust to be impossible. Photographed by the
Brooklyn Institute Survey.

Pisa facade are destined in the future nineteenth century common-sense

to be somewhat amusing. mortals. Positive cases of lean by
The survey of the south wall, near construction are the Baptistery of
the angle of the fayade, compels one Pisa, the Bargello Tower at
theory of settlement for the stripes of Florence (Fig. 4), and the Torre del
the masonry, another theory for the Publico of Ravenna. (The intention
pilaster capitals, another theory for in the case of the Leaning Towers at
the arcades, another theory for the Bologna is, up to date, the only case
cornice and another theory for the conceded.) Two cases of leaning
masonry above the cornice. What towers in Pisa exhibit curves toward
has misled Mr. Ruskin and many the perpendicular which are analogous
another investigator is a deceptive to the curves of the leaning fagades.
bend in the masonry stripes for which (/) Curves in plan of horizontal
many analogous cases can be cited in cornice lines. Many correspond in
Byzantine construction. delicacy to those known for antiquity
(e) Occasional cases of leans in cir- (see ARCHITECTURAL RECORD for
cular buildings or towers which are April, 1895), and I am positive that
not due to accident, and tending to they are a classic survival. A very
raise a question as to others in which fine case, where thrust is wholly out of
the evidence for accident is not clear, question, is the cloister of the Celes-
but simply presumptive, and based on tines at Bologna. It is the exact
the supposed improbability that any counterpart of the court at Medinet
building made by common-sense mor- Habou as regards use and place of the
tals should be unlike those made by curve (see ARCHITECTURAL RECORD,


Photographed by the Brooklyn Institute Survey The maximum diminution in spacing toward the choir is about
eight feet.

April, 1895). Many other cloisters to many wholly regular curves, both in
be quoted. plan and in elevation, corresponding
(g) Curves in plan in the alignment in delicacy to those of Greek art,
of columns and in clerestory walls are found in Italy will excite scepti-
(see Fig. 5) will be specified in detail. cism and derision. I am prepared to
Good cases at Fiesole, Genoa, Trani, meet both, and to furnish the evi-
Ravenna (San Apollinare Nuovo), dence. A good case for a curve in
etc. These curves degenerate in . elevation is the alignment of the
the laterMiddle Ages into bends plinths supporting the columns in the
which may easily be ascribed to care- north aisle of the Pisa Cathedral. The
less building, when consideredas iso- chances of accident in this arrange-
lated cases. Such bends are more ment are 3,628,800 to one against
probably careless constructions of the accident.
earlier and more regular curves. (*)
A refinement which consists in
(h] Curves in elevation. There can increasing the size of the arches near
be no suggestion of thrust for curves the main entrance of the church and
in elevation. There can be no sugges- diminishing either space, or height, or
tion of carelessness for an exact and both, in the direction toward the
regular curve in elevation. There can choir, thereby giving to the building
be no suggestion of accident for an effect of greater dimension. The
curves which are invariably curves eye is disposed to take a large bay
convex to the sky line. If accidental, near at hand as the standard of size
why are not some curves concave to for all the others. Over thirty different
the sky line ? The announcement that churches in ttaly can be specified for
this phenomenon. There is a good (k) A refinement which consists in a
case in Cathedral of Fiesole
the pavement sloping upward toward the
(Fig. 6). Aside from announcements choir, nearly always with arches and
which I have previously made, there capitals brought down to the horizon-
is so far no publication of the fact tal level, and sometimes with capitals
that these perspective illusions were and arches brought below the hori-
common in mediaeval Europe. It was zontal level. The effect in either case
suggested by a New York architect is one of perspective illusion. I can
many years ago to whose attention specify eighty-five cases of this phen-
I had brought certain cases of this omenon for Italian churches. The
peculiarity in Northern Europe that slope varies from three or four inches
the narrowing of arches toward the to over three feet. The church of
choir was designed to strengthen the Santa Maria Ara Coeli at Rome, the
church under the dome or against Capella Palatina at Palermo, the Cath-
the arches of the transept. I shall, edrals of Siena and Orvieto are
therefore, take pleasure in publishing among this list. This phenomenon
a list of Basilicas having this peculi- has been overlooked by all publica-
arity which have no transept, and tions up to date, as far as known to



Section showing a drop in arches of 2.60 (feet and decimals) and pavement rising 1.70. Survey and drawing
by John W. McKecknie for Brooklyn Institute Survey.

another list of churches in which the me. I can specify many

span narrows in the choir away from cases of oversight on
the part of
the dome or the transept arch. persons known to me of this pecu-
(/.) A refinement analogous to the liarity. There is no reason why it
last but applied to the second of the should not be noticed by tourists for
two transverse arches which span the pleasure as easily as by experts, but
nave of a church at the junction with it seems to have escaped the notice
the transept. By dropping this second of both classes. This fact is quoted
arch below the level of the first a con- for the Egyptian temples, and in them
siderable increase of perspective isob- is supposed by Egyptologists to have
tained. There are good cases of this the purpose of perspective illusion.
scheme in Cathedrals of Siena
the The evidence to be submitted tends
(drop of five feet), Piacenza (drop of to show early Christian and Byzantine
four feet), and Pisa (drop of three origin, as usual in all these re-
feet), and in Santa Maria Novella finements. The sloping pavement can
at Florence (drop of two feet). There be dated to the fifth century in San
are no extant publications of these Sabina, at Rome.
(/) A refinement which consists in
converging the walls of the church or a wider fact, which no doubt also
the piers and walls of the nave in
many Northern illustrations (some of
the direction of the choir. (Fig. 8.) which are already known to
Five cases are known to me in Italy. me). I
have collected thirty-six cases of these
None have been previously noted by curious plans in
Italy, and many of
publication for Italy, but one case is them have been carefully
already known by publication for Good instances are found at Arezzo,
Northern Europe. It is the Cathedral Bari, Toscanella, Viterbo, Cremona,
at Poitiers mentioned by Fergusson. etc. Nearly all are oblique from the
The maximum case of convergence is fagade as distinct from churches with
in San Stefano at Venice, whose walls a deflected choir.
narrow in toward the choir twenty- () There are many phenomena
three feet in a length of one hundred which are most easily classed under
and thirty-three feet. the general heading of symmetro-
(m) A refinement which consists in phobia, or dislike of mathematical
building the church with an oblique symmetry. This designation has the
or twisted plan, so regulated as to advantage of avoiding optical theories
mystify the eye as to the proportions or optical explanations, and
may be
of the building and without reveal- applied to many facts already cited
ing itself as an obtrusive fact. Of under foregoing heads if other ex-
all the phenomena quoted the one of planations offered, or to be offered,
a deflected choir is the only one so should not satisfy the reader. This
far known to
science. There is no designation may be applied, for in-
evidence inNorthern Europe to sup- stance, to the oblique or twisted
port the view that a deflected choir ground plans by any one wishing to
represents the bending of the head of preserve an agnostic attitude as to ex-
Christ on the Cross. On this point planations of curious facts. Mr. Rus-
of lack of evidence see Notes and kin's conception of " life in mediaeval

Queries. The idea that a deflected building is 'preferable to the concep-

choir represents the bending of the tion carried by the term "symmetro-
head of Christ on the Cross may be phobia," which implies a negative
a fancy of modern sentiment, or it attitude on the part of the medineval
may be a tradition springing from the builder, whereas all the motives which
explanation of some mediaeval builder tended to give variety to a building by
who found it inconvenient to give his discarding symmetry tend also to this
true reason. The evidence which I effect of "life." Some cases, like the
have collected in Italy antagonizes bent column at Arezzo (Fig. 10), seem
this explanation, because there is no to be pure symmetrophobia. As I have
trace of this tradition in Italy, be- a long list of phenomena for later
cause the phenomenon appears in description, which have not been cited
many churches which have no tran- by Mr. Ruskin, and which do not come
sept and which consequently do not under any of the classes so far men-
represent the Cross (see Fig. 9), be- tioned, we will use the word
cause there are cases in which there metrophobia provisionally to desig-
is no bend or deflection of the plan, nate them. This word, by the way, is
but only an obliquity of the whole not one of my own coinage, as has
plan, and other cases where there is been supposed by some. It has long
obliquity and where one side of the been applied to the irregular features
church is longer than the other, but of Egyptian temples (for example, at
Philae), and originated
in Egyptology
no bending of the choir, and because
these cases merge into others which or with persons interested in it.
simply show the curve in plan of IV.
columns or clerestory walls (one or
The foregoing schedule, in spite of
both), which is the earliest dated and pre-
its length, is wholly tentative
phase (sixth century at Ravenna). In condensed state-
It is a
other words, the deflected choir of liminary.
ment needing much elaboration and
Northern Europe is only one phase of
The walls narrow in 23 feet in 133 feet. The nave narrows in 16 feet. Survey and plan by John W. McKecknie
for Brooklyn Institute Survey.
--Survey and plan by John W. McKecknie for Brooklyn Institute Survey. The church is deflected 15 feet from the
normal line.
development, and is a mere hint of the refinements by Pennethorne, Hoffer
actual facts, which have to be specified and Penrose. It is well known that
for about one hundred and thirty-three all the studies of mediaeval architect-

churches, many of which need careful ure lie wholly within the limits of
description and all of which need very our own century and that they date
abundant explanations in rebuttal of mainly after 1825 whereas
or later,
suggestions of accident, carelessness, those of the Greek
temples date
indifference and the like. from the middle of the eighteenth
This schedule is, however, suffi- century. I have shown in THE RECORI>
ciently definite and explicit to permit article already quoted that the Par-
of my announcing the general main thenon had been surveyed and care-
fact of what I conceive to be an epoch- fully examined during nearly a cen-
making discovery in the study of tury, before the discovery of its
mediaeval architecture. As distinct curves, leaning faces, irregular spac-
from views hitherto held by the most ings, and other optical refinements,
enthusiastic students of the Middle which were published by Penrose

Ages, I shall be able to prove that, in 1851. The beginningof the study
apart from the beautiful variations of of mediaeval cathedrals is, as a matter
detail due to artisan skill, and apart of fact, fully seventy-five years later
from the picturesque effects of gen- than the beginning of the study of
eral organism due to a noble contempt Greek temples and if, in the last

for mechanical regularity, there was in years of the nineteenth century, we

mediaeval building a definite system of are still ignorant of some of the most
optical and perspective illusion very interesting traits of many important
largely, but not universally, practiced cathedrals, we are only repeating the
a definite system of very subtle cal- experience of history that discoveries
culation of optical effects a definite come gradually, and that the wisdom
system of masonry refinements and a of all the ages has not been conquered
definitesystem of survivals of some of in a day.
the most remarkable architectural re- That the attainments of past ages
finements of classic antiquity. I shall have been forgotten and lost sight of
be able to prove, moreover, that the and have had to be rediscovered is no
facts, in so far as they are made mani- unfamiliar thing. A most telling in-
fest for Northern Europe, move from stance is that of the Greek refine-
Italian influence; that in Italy they ments just cited whose existence had
move from the Italo-Byzantine cen- disappeared from the memory and ap-
tres,and that the facts are most nu- parently from the records of man until
merous for the period and buildings of once more brought to light in the
the Byzantine-Romanesque. Dates are nineteenth century.
established for the curves, the sloping The success of the Survey in Italy
pavements and the converging walls was much indebted to the favorable
which carry them back to the earliest disposition of the Italian Ministry of
extant buildings of Christian archi- Public Instruction, as represented by
tecture. Signor Ricchiardi. I obtained from
The germ of these discoveries goes him the extraordinary favor of a carte
back measurements which I made
to blanche permit to take measures and
at Pisa in 1870, and which were pub- photographs in church interiors
lished in Scribners Magazine for throughout the country, and to photo-
August, 1874, under the title of "A graph in all Government museums.
Lost Art." For this concession I have to be grate-
I claim that the study of mediaeval ful, in the first instance, to the in-
architecture stands to-day where that fluence of the Smithsonian Institution,
of the Greek temples stood before the as represented by Professors Langley
discoveries of the Greek architectural and Goode.
Wm. H. Goodyear.
(To be Continued.)
Showing a bent column, Photographed by the Brooklyn Institute Survey.

Vol. VI. -1. -2.

Photographed for Brooklyn Institute Survey, by John W. McKecknie.

- ffi

O u



Part VII.


cathedral of Vaison is gener- cathedral, quite outside the town, in

THE ally conceded by French archae- the fields. Both in situation and in
ologists to be one of the oldest in general external form it has a some-
France. It is a singularly interesting what striking resemblance to the
structure, almost homogeneous in de- basilicas without the walls of Rome.
sign, yet bearing obvious marks of It is, perhaps, only a superficial re-

having been built at different intervals semblance, but it is a comparison sug-

of time, considerably separated from gested by no other church in France.
each other. Its walls, though contin- The cathedral is small, and nothing
uous, show various sizes and finish of survives of its group of buildings save
stone, and are clearly referable to dis- the church and the cloister. Alone in
tinct epochs. But the interest of the the fields outside the town, it seems
cathedral is more than purely anti- more like a deserted chapel than the
quarian. cathedral church of a once flourishing
As you drive into Vaison on top of city.
the stage from Orange for there is Though the plan of the cathedral is

no other way of reaching this seques- almost certainly as early as the tenth
trated little town unless you hire a century, it is a three aisled church,
conveyance of your own, a most un- with three apses. It is thus much
necessary expense you see nothing more complicated than the cathedrals
of the city and its cathedral until you of Avignon and Aix, as well as several
are almost there. Then you see the other Provencal cathedrals with single
the ut-
ruins of the chateau arising above the naves, whose date may, with
High city, for small as the place is, most confidence, be placed in the
there are two parts, a Low Vaison and eleventh century.
a High Vaison ;
and presently, on The most ancient parts are the
turning a corner, there is a small low apses Those of the aisles aie very
small, and semicircular both within but their small irregular capitals tes-
and without that of ;
the nave is tify to their slightly varying dates.
larger, and semicircular within, and In the first two bays small windows
enclosed within a heavy rectangular are cut into the vault.
mass without, which is probably a The aisles, as in all ancient churches
later addition. Each is preceeded by in Provenge, are extremely narrow.
a deep rectangular bay, built of larger They have elliptical tunnel vaults,
stone that has no junction with the which, rising on the outer walls at a
stone of the apse walls, and appears point below the apex of the arches to
to be later in date. The same con- the nave, are returned on the inner
struction is seen in the semidome of side a short distance above them.
the nave apse, which is therefore a re- Double archesof similar shape separate
building, but still earlier than the the bays, and the enclosing walls have
western parts of the church. This double pointed wall arches, slightly
central apse is an extremely interest- lower than those between the nave
ing structure. Its wall of rough ash- and aisles. There are no windows in
lar work has an internal arcade of five the north aisle, but the south aisle is
round arches resting on columns of lighted by small round-headed win-
unequal length, the short ones being dows, which, however, do not occupy
pieced out below, and all evidently the space of the older windows, now
taken from an earlier edifice. The blocked up, but clearly discernable in
capitals, which are well cut and re- the stone work. The nave is lighted
semble the work of the fourth and by small round-headed windows cut
fifth centuries, and reproduce the into the vaulting.
Corinthian motif, are of various mate- The little blocked-up windows of
rials one is of black marble, two of
the aisles are traces of the edifice of
white, two of cipolin, and the sixth is the tenth century, rebuilt by Bishop
a restoration. Larger columns, pieced Humbert. Like the present building,
at the top, carry the pointed arches it had a nave and aisles. It was six
that open into the rectangular bays, bays long, the nave being formed by a
which have pointed tunnel vaults, succession of short arches carried on
slightly higher than the semidome. piers, some of which are encased in
It is known that the cathedral was re- the present piers, while others have
built by Bishop Humbert in 910, and been removed. The absence of ex-
the rectangular bay may belong to ternal buttresses corresponding to the
that time, the semicircular portion older bays shows that the church was
being earlier. covered with a wood roof without
The nave is a short one of three vaults. The church was the same size
bays, each of slightly differing dimen- as the present structure, the alterations
sions which give a peculiar form to its and changes having, singularly enough,
plan. The third, which immediately been confined to the- ancient dimen-
precedes the choir, has an octagonal sions. The present form of the cathe-
dome. Its construction is of the dral is that of a church of the middle
usual type, with small pendentives with of the eleventh century, to which period
the symbols of the Evangelists, but the nave and aisles clearly belong.
unlike other Provencal domes it does Though small, low and plain, almost
not rise above the roof of the cathe- deficient in ornament, and exhibiting
dral, and is actually slightly lower than only the simplest architectural con-
the pointed tunnel vaults of the other struction, the interior of the cathedral
bays. The double piers of the vault of Vaison has a real charm of sim-
arches have as capitals, a fine narrow plicity and antiquity. Against the
classic band, which is continued as a wall of the nave apse, in its primitive
string at the base of the vault. The place in the centre of the sanctuary
arches opening into the aisles are behind the high altar, is the ancient
relatively low, with considerable wall episcopal throne. It is now much
space above them like
; the nave injured the seat and arms are intact,

arches they are double and pointed, but the columns that once supported


*Black shading ind cates construction prior to Xlth. the hatchings indicate the later additions and present
century ;

state of cathedral.

the latter have partly placed over the insignificant porch.

disappeared. It
is attributed to the sixth century, from The side walls are almost as simple,
which also dates the altar of St. but the outline of the church, viewed
Quenin, which now serves as the high from the southeast, is extremely
altar, a work of extraordinary interest, pleasing, and almost picturesque. The
considerably restored. aisle wall, in which the various periods
The exterior of the cathedral is of its construction are distinctly vis-
quite as interesting as the interior, ible, is strengthened by four plain but-
though the west front is featureless tresses, with sloping tops, which like
save for a panel with Corinthian-like all the buttresses of the cathedral,
capitals and a triangular top piece save those of the central apse, are ad-




ditions made in the repairs of the the central apse. The tower, a square
eleventh century. The windows are solid structure, is behind it, rising a
small and frameless, and the wall is short distance above the nave roof.
crowned with a dentiled cornice, above Over a freize and cornice similar to
a freize of flowing foliage with those of the north aisle is a crowning
rosettes. Both the cornice and the member, later than the lower part. It
carved band project over the but- has two round arches on the east and
tresses. The clearstory of the nave west faces, and a single one on the
rises above the modern red tiles of the others, with widely spaced battlements
aisle roof. Like the lower wall it is above.
plain, with short buttresses and a cor- The cloister, built in the eleventh
nice, formed of a series of narrow flat century, is on the north side of the
bands separated by a delicately carved cathedral, and fills all the side, save a
egg-and-dart ornament, with dentiles small part at the west end, where the
above. The first two bays have each aisle wall is strengthened by buttresses
a small window with carved arches as on the south wall. The freize, how-
and flutted twisted columns. ever, is much more interesting, and
The aisle wall is continued irreg- consists of a series of conventionalized
ularly beyond the last buttress. leaves, partly the original stones, partly
Though the whole of the east end is restorations, and partly lost in some
without ornament, except the small places. Below is an inscribed band of
buttresses on each side of the apse the eleventh century with the names
windows, the varied levels and shapes of the early bishops of Vaison. The
of the roofs, and especially a stairway nave clearstory repeats the features of
rising just behind the roof of the south the south side, though there are no cor-
apse and leading to a narrow arched responding buttresses in the aisle wall
opening in the eastern gable of the below. The columns of the clearstory
nave clearstory, produce a somewhat windows are plain, with several new
picturesque effect, with utter frank- ones
ness of construction. The nave clear- The cloister is small, and completely
story has its side cornice returned restored, the work being still in pro-
across the end, with a chanelled gress under the direction of M. Revoil.
pilaster above supporting the apex of Restoration here, as is usual in France,
the roof. means almost an entire rebuilding, and
The apse of the north aisle has been little of the original structure now re-
built up to a height almost equal to
mains, much of it having been de-
stroyed before M. Revoil began his with enriched arches, serve as entrances
work, and the side next the cathedral to the quadrangle. The walks have
never having been built, or least de- round tunnel vaults, forming cross
stroyed to the foundation. It is a vaults at the corners, but part of the
rectangle, of which the north and north walk has rude cross vaults. The
south sides are longer than the east or whole cloister is extremely severe in
west, the difference in width being its architecture, though a good deal
taken up in the piers. The arcade of its present effect is doubtless due to
consists of groups of three round the fact that most of the original cap-
arches carried on double columns itals of its columns have disappeared.

standing on a low base-wall. On the Some, indeed, never having been cut,
quadrangle side the arches of each bay but left in the solid block. But its
are enclosed in a single plain round sobriety is eminently in keeping with
arch, not repeated within, where each the architecture of the cathedral,
group is separated by heavy piers, dec- whose distinguishing characteristics
orated with diagonal or vertical lines are,however, of the greatest interest,
or, on the corners, with applied
col- making it, in some respects, one of the
umns. There are four bays on each side, most notable in France, though one of
and on the north the two central ones, the smallest.
Barr Ferree.
resembling to some extent the system of this hospital was Chancellor Rau-
generally adopted at the present day. lin, counsellor of Philip the Good,
Two main buildings extend in the Duke of Burgundy. To insure a reve-
form of a set-square along two sides of nue for the establishment, the Chan-
a spacious court-yard (Fig. 2). These cellor endowed it with some vine-
buildings contain two large common yards, which it still possesses and from
wards, but the beds are placed longi- which are produced the well-known
tudinally upon a wooden floor which is Volnay, Beaune and Pomard wines.
Every year, after the vintage, these
wines are sold at auction and the prices
realized, which often reach 1,000
francs per cask, serve as a basis for
determining the value of the high-
class wines of the district.
In the Middle Ages the hospitals
nearly always consisted of a long
room with windows on either side. At

une Iron Knocker-

raised on each side above the flag-

stones of the ward. The ceilings of
these wards are in wood and have that
pointed-arch form which seems best
suited to insure ventilation and facili-
tate the cleaning of the walls. The
wards are on one floor only, and they
are reached through an exterior cov-
ered gallery, which is visible in the
view of the court-yard here given.
It should also be stated that this

hospital is one of the finest specimens

existing in France of civil architecture
of the middle of the fifteenth century.
Its gateway on the street is original, Fig. 4. Hospital de Tonnerre View of a

elegant and picturesque. The pat-

terns of the carved woodwork, the one end was the chapel, separated
sculptured stone, and the wrought- from the rest of the room by a grating
iron thereof are often copied. An of iron, wood, or in some cases even of
idea can be formed of the elaborate- stone. We have a very fine example
ness of the locksmith's work from the in the Tonnerre Hospital. But what
knocker, of which we give an illustra- gives special value to this relic of the
tion (Fig. 3). The generous founder past is the manner in which the beds

were arranged, each in a sort of cub- dating from the first half of the four-
icle,above which and running round teenth century, one of the best exam-
the walls of the ward was an elevated ples of this architecture, and we think
gallery whence it was easy to see itworth while to reproduce a lateral
everything that went on. The ac- elevation of the eastern side of this
companying perspective view conveys edifice. (Fig 5).
an exact idea of one of these cubicles We not prolong our investiga-
(Fig. 4). tions into the past it;
seems to us
In mediaeval France, like
times, more to the purpose to deal with the
Italy, indulged in great luxury in the present.
matter of hospital construction. In After Orsini's attempt on the life of
France, this lavishness was chiefly ex- Napoleon III., the imperial govern-
ternal. The Lepers' Hospital at Tor- ment undertook the task of providing
toir, the main parts of which still sub- Paris with a Grand Opera House, and
sist, offers in its principal building, it decided at the same time that the
old general hospital, the Hotel-Dieu, with the large ones that run parallel
should be rebuilt upon a new and more to the long central court-yard, to allow
extensive plan and that every improve- between them courts or gardens hav-
ment suggested by experience and hy- ing an open outlook on one of their
genic science should be adopted, so as sides. The reader can judge of this
to make the new hospital a model of from the plan (Fig. 6).
perfection. The architect, a man of Just when the heaviest part of the
talent, brought all his powers to bear work was completed, the war broke
on the work, but he paid more regard out. Building operations were sus-
to the rules of architecture than to the pended for a couple of years, and upon
laws of health. Besides, he was re- their resumption partial satisfaction
quired to provide for such a large was given to the critics and to the
number of beds that it was difficult to wishes expressed by medical men. Of
keep within the allotted space without the three floors of wards, one was sup-
piling up at least three tiers of wards. pressed. The height of the build-

Fig. 6. Plan of the New Hotel-Dieu, Paris.

The plan did not differ much from ings was limited to two stories, between
the system of buildings placed at right the basements and the attics, thus-
angles to each other around a large diminishing the number of patients
central court-yard. It was, in fact, in provided for, and at the same time in-
an elongated form, the plan adopted creasing the amount of light and air.
for the Ospedale Maggiore at Milan. The large court-yard was left un-
Hygienists did not fail to criticize this touched it retained its grass plots

system severely, for two reasons, and flower beds, and the buildings bor-
namely :the excessively large number dering it kept their monumental pro-
of patients collected on one spot, and pylseum. The perspective view given
the unsatisfactory arrangements of in Fig. 7 will convey an idea of this
superposed wards. The architect, court-yard.
however, had taken care, in planning Important improvements were made
the smaller buildings which are lateral in the interior. The ceilings of the

wards were given the form of an arch, states of Europe, as well as France
the corners were rounded, and the
herself, enlightened by the results of
walls oil-painted and polished. Fre- the costly experiment made in Paris,
quent cleaning was thus rendered easy. applied themselves with contagious
The proximity of the Seine allowed ardor to the reconstruction of their
of all the old hospitals and the erection of new
drainage being led into it.
The hospital was all the purer, but the ones, upon new models, profiting by
Seine became so much the more con- all the mistakes committed, and in
taminated. most cases transferring the new estab-
What had been built was in part lishments to the country, beyond the
demolished a large amount of money
; centres of population.
was expended, and yet, after all, the It was in this way that the new hos-
degree of perfection aimed at was by pital at Edinburg came to be erected.
no means attained. It is one of the most interesting that
A short time afterwards, the various we could possibly show our readers.
Vol. VI. 1. -3.
The ground had a somewhat steep pital in Great Britain as worthy of
slope. This was not a drawback on ; being copied. The finest in London
the contrary, it was an advantage for is St. Thomas' Hospital, since its
the drainage, and the architect turned transfer to the right bank of the
it to good account. Over this irregu- Thames. It presents to the river a

larly shaped piece of ground the archi- long line of large buildings. They are
tect distributed ten principal build- very high, as it was necessary to econo-
ings, several minor ones, and premises
mize space, and the wards are conse-
for the staff, with a court-yard in the quently superposed. This is the weak
middle. All the buildings, except feature in all hospitals erected in the
those devoted to teaching, machinery, heart of populous districts (Fig. 9).
and the laundry, are connected with The Herbert Hospital at Woolwich
each other by passages, although they shows us a better arrangement, al-
have large spaces between them though the ward buildings have two
planted with flowering shrubs. (See floors.

Fig. 8. Royal Infirmary, Edinburg.

plan, Fig. 8). All these buildings are The Norwich Hospital is of impos-
in the traditional Scotch style gables ; ing aspect, and the plan on which it is
in mingled brick and stone, and built has something to recommend it.
numerous square windows. The whole At the ends of the buildings there are
is an original example, albeit not the projections in the form of hexagonal
first one, of hospitals with detached towers.
buildings. As far back as the end of The English
hospitals are very care-
the last century this arrangement was fully constructed. Their internal ar-
applied at Plymouth (England). It rangements are excellent, the working
has taken more than fifty years to be- is perfect, and every imaginable me-
come generally adopted. With the ex- chanical contrivance is utilized to
ception of Paris, where space is scarce facilitate the service. The architects
and routine rules supreme, the system have exercised all their skill and in-
is now followed almost everywhere. genuity to produce this result.
We are unable to point to any hos- The Berlin Civil Hospital was con-
structed between 1866 and
1874, for ing pass underneath the floors
the accommodation of 600
The architects were Messrs. impart a portion of their heat
by ra-
Gropius diation This is the
and Schmienden. It was wisely de- m principal object
the heating of
cided to erect it outside the
city, in We think it willhospitals
not be uninterest-
the Friedrichshain Park. Besides the ing to run over briefly the theoretic
chapel, the subsidiary buildings and the
requirements which had to be com-
offices, it consists of ten distinct build-
plied with by the architects of the
ings, connected with each other by Berlin hospital in regard to heating
passages. In addition, there are two and ventilation.
small buildings, in a corner of the
Every ward must be kept at a
ground, which are reserved for con- temperature variable at will between
tagious cases. This is one of the and 18 Reaumur.
most perfectly organized hospitals in 2. From 10 to 15 is sufficient for
existence. Fault, however, is found the doctors' and nurses'
with it because the buildings have pro- rooms, and
10 for the corridors and

Fig. 10 Civil Hospital General Plan.

jections, which interfere with the cir- 3. The heat of the whole building
culation of the air, and exception is must be central.
also taken to there being two floors of 4. The heated air, upon reaching
wards. We shall show further on that the wards, must not be at a tempera-
in the system of M.
Toilet, the French ture higher than 44 Reaumur.
engineer, these defects are avoided. 5. The heated air must contain a
The Berlin Hospital is in brick, which proper quantity of moisture.
appears to be the most sanitary ma- 6. The patients must be able to
terial that can be used. If it were warm themselves at any time, either
possible, without too great an increase at a stove or an open fire. (This con-
in the cost, to dition does not seem to us particularly
employ bricks that are
glazed on one of their sides, the clean- hygienic.)
ing problem would be solved, as it 7. The air wards must be
of the
would be easy to wash the outside renewed seasons at the rate of
in all
walls almost daily. The heating is 100 cubic meters per hour and per
effected by means of hot water. The bed. In case of need, it must be pos-
twelve pipes which supply each build- sible to change it at double this rate.
8. The fresh air must be admitted angles are rounded, and that a slope
from the outside in such a way as not is given to the ceiling in order to fa-

to inconvenience the patients. cilitate the ascension of the vitiated

9. The speed of
the air at its points air. This indicates that the outlet
of entrance and exit must not exceed through the gratings was considered
60 centimeters per second, if the insufficient.

patients would be incommoded by the The two buildings reserved for con-
draught. tagious diseases are specially interest-
10. The gas-lighting must be so ing. We reproduce plans of the two
arranged as to assist the ventilation, upper floors and of the basement (Fig.
and the products of combustion must 13, 130 and 13^). The reader will
be carried off. remark the nurses' rooms projecting
11. The air-holes must not be in from the centre of the posterior
contact with the ground, etc. fagade, and also below the level of the
In order to meet these conditions, ground, the cellars where the heating
the fresh air is brought into the wards apparatus is situated. The principal
through special pipes at about 5% ward contains eight beds. Its width
feet above the floor, and the vitiated is 32 feet, and its superficial area

o ofloo oo oo no you

Figs, ii and n a. Hospital, Berlin Floor Plan of a Pavilion.

air isdrawn downward by the effect of square feet, or say 105 square feet per
the heat radiated from below and bed. Its height is 16 feet 5 inches,
passes out through gratings placed and capacity 520 cubic yards, or 65
at the bottom of the lateral walls, be- cubic yards per bed. The small wards
hind each pair of beds. The open fire- with two beds have an air space of 78
places complete the ventilation. cubic yards.
The degree of heat required appears The buildings face the west.
to us too high. It is much lower in The objections brought against
French hospitals. this establishment, and which we
In order to abridge these details, think are well founded, are the

we give here three plans, viz.: A gen- position of the sick wards, and the
eral plan (Fig. 10); a plan of the base- angular projections which intercept
ment of one of the buildings (Fig. n), the longitudinal circulation of the out-
and a plan of the first floor of the side air. The edifice, however, is well
same building (Fig. no). We also constructed, the material used being
reproduce a section (Fig. 12) showing an excellent kind of brick called Mett-
the form of the ceiling of the first lach bricks, which have also been em-
floor. It will be observed that the
ployed for the vaults, and for the
paving inthe contagious
The walls are thick the stylebuilding and the whole edifice is built of brick
of the in
decoration is severe. The the civil
there are
hospital is rooms where the hospital,
sick or
surrounded by an open space of larg-e injured can
extent. play or converse, which is an inno-
The same architects, Messrs. Gro- French
pius and Schmienden, also constructed In the Dresden
at Berlin, between
1873 and 1878, a hospital, which con-
partly of old buildings and partly
military hospital to accommodate 510 of new, there are
sick or wounded. This also is verandas at the ends
located the newly erected wards on
to which,


Fig. 12. Hospital, Berlin Transverse Section of a Pavilion.

outside the city. We give a plan of it on fine days, nine beds can be wheeled,
(Fig. 14) which shows that the system thus placing them practically in the
of detached
buildings has been applied open air.
in the most
thorough fashion. The The Heidelberg hospital, like those
principal wards have only sixteen beds, of Edinburg and Berlin, is composed
and the others six, three or two. The of a number of detached buildings
buildings cover nearly two-and-a-half scattered over a large park, but con-
acres, and the grounds are about fifty nected with each other and with the
acres in extent. The air administrative centre by covered pass-
space per bed
is about forty cubic yards on an ages.
averag The windows are double, The military hospitals at Konigs.
Fig. 56.

Figs. 13, 13 a and 13 b. Hospital for Contagious Diseases, Berlin Floor Plans.

Fig. 14. Military Hospital, Berlin.

berg and Custrin are laid out on the standing parallel to each other, and
same plan, as indeed are all the new all of them
having two projections at
military hospitals in Germany. each end, which are not calculated to
The most curious of all German facilitate the circulation of the out-
hospitals is the new civil hospital at side air. These buildings, as well as
Hamburg. The
old general hospital, those for the service of the
however great the talent displayed in hospital,
are connected by covered ways. In
its construction, had
always been re- Figs. 15 and 150 we give the general
garded as unhealthy. The mortality plan and the plan of a patients' build-
there, notwithstanding the most scru- ing. An excellent feature is that the
pulous cleanliness, reached 14.70 per wards consist of only one floor above
cent, that is to say, 3.60 per cent more the underground basement. This is not
than obtains in the Paris hospitals.
quite the ideal arrangement which, as
The new hospital at Hamburg is one we shall see, has been realized in a


Figs. 15 and 15 a. The New Hospital, Hamburg Plan of a Pavilion.

of the largest in Europe. It has few French hospitals, but it is a nota-

room for 1,500 beds, which is not con- ble improvement in German hospitals.
ducive to salubrity. It covers, how- The buildings form three series.

ever, an area of nearly 45 acres, Those of the first series are intended
equal to 145 square yards per patient. for 33 patients those of the second

It issituated about three miles north series for 15, and those of the third
of the city. The buildings, generally series for six patients only. This di-
speaking, face the southeast, which vision into large, medium and small
seems to be the best direction that buildings seems to have been adopted
could have been chosen. This hos- by the architect with a view of ex-
citing the movement of the
pital comprises 83 detached buildings,
including 10 sheds for epidemic dis- air the dimensions of the
by varying
eases. It contains 55 separate build- The most important
vertical surfaces.
ings for the accommodation of improvement introduced into this hos-
patients, all being built in brick and pital consists in
the mode of heating.
Fig. 16. Hospital, Antwerp General Plan.

Fig, 73. Facade.

Fig. 17. Hospital, Antwerp Principal Elevation

Fig. 18. Hospital, Antwerp Plan of a Hall.

This is effected by the circulation of hospital was-opened, another has been
steam through pipes placed beneath built at
Antwerp which may be con-
the mosaic floors, which are thus sidered as one of the most curious of
raised to a temperature of 20 Centi- its kind. We give its ground-plan
grade. It is, in fact, a trial on a
large (Fig. 16), face-plan (Fig. 17) and the
scale of the system of heating by plan of a ward (Fig. 18). The front
radiation, which is the most whole- is of a varied and
original character.
some of all, although not the cheapest. The architect has given play to his in-
In spite of its great cost, it is to be ventive powers while adhering
hoped that this system will be applied to Flemish architecture of the last
to all hospitals built hereafter. An- couple of centuries. He has enriched
other improvement introduced in con- it with color
by the use of stone and
structing this hospital consists in the bricks. But it is in the plan that we
use of eleven-inch bricks instead of find most The references
wood for the sheds for epidemic dis- accompanying it
sufficiently explain
eases. Wood is
inflammable, easily the purpose of each of the
attacked by humidity, dilatable under They cover 13,000 square yards, the
the influence of the latter, and a con- ground covered by the whole hospital
genial dwelling place for insects, being 65,000 square yards, or say 26
microbes and rodents. 'When wooden acres. There is thus an area of 35
hospitals have been in use for a con- square yards per bed. This, however,
siderable time, there is but one way of is only apparent; if the area is calcu-

disinfecting them, namely, by burning lated upon the wards occupied by the
them down, which operation is not patients, it is found to be much less.
always free from danger. In France,the Renaissance converted
It is to be regretted that the archi- the feudal tower of defense into a
tect of this hospital, which is planned tower of ornament, as, for example, in
and constructed with much care, the Chateau of Chambord. The
should have been obliged to crowd the gian architect has transformed it into
beds so close together, and should a tower of charity. Is this transfor-
have placed the lavatories and water- mation a wise one ? It assuredly
closets in such near proximity to the gives the whole edifice an air of
sick wards. It would have been better originality which borders on singular-
to separate them from the wards by ity. This is perhaps one of the least
two doors. qualities required in a hospital. On
In Belgium the hospital question has the other hand, if we compare the
received great attention. Formerly, round form with the rectangular form
that country, with its dense popula- of equal area, we find that twenty beds
tion, had scarcely any but old hos- contained in the circular ward are
pitals ;numerous, it is true, and note- separated from each other at the foot
worthy on account of their architec- by only 5 feet 9 inches, whereas twenty
ture and the tnany works of art that beds contained in a rectangular ward
they contain. The new hospital at would have a space of 7 feet between
Ghent, which was erected in 1864 after them. The circular form is conse-
the designs of M. Paul, marked a dis- quently unfavorable to the spacing of
tinct step forward. The building has the beds. Not only the capacity of
smooth walls, without projections at the wards, but their ventilation also is
the ends, a single floor of beds, welt- inferior in a circular building. The
arranged plenty of air, ample
offices, sole advantage of these "towers of
" is that
space, vaults to support the floors, charity in the general economy
numerous bath-rooms, sitting-rooms they allow of the separation of all the
for the nurses and also for the doctors, accessory rooms from the sick wards
hot-water heating system, steam en- themselves. This is something, no
gines and centrifugal ventilatiors doubt but it seems to us that this

changing the air of the wards at 16 system should be reserved for epi-
or 17 Centigrade by means of a sys- demics, and even then it would be
as to
tem of underground pipes. Since this necessary to place screens, so
prevent the patients from seeing their loted to a special class of disease. Its
fellow sufferers. great defect is the superposition of the
It was not without difficulty that wards. The " Traders' Hospital only
the author of these very original de- covers 34,500 square yards of ground,
signs, Mr. Baukelman, succeeded in the area built upon being 2,175 square
It was designed to hold sixty
getting them adopted. They have yards.
not been followed anywhere else. patients. The architecture is very
As at Ghent, ventilation is obtained simple, but evinces great care. The
mechanically by insufflation. This buildings have two stories. The one
method, which is based on that used devoted to surgical operations is, in
in mines, has never given satisfaction. particular, arranged in the most com-
The other accessory arrangements plete manner and possesses every ap-
at the Antwerp hospital are of the pliance that its purpose demands.
most perfect character. The most curious of the three is St.
The total cost amounted to about Elizabeth's Hospital. It belongs to

9,000 francs per bed. the Red Cross Society, which suffi-
There is nothing to be said in re- ciently indicates its use. It serves

gard to Austrian hospitals, nor in re- chiefly for wounded soldiers and as a
gard to those of Switzerland, all of special training school for nurses.
them being built according to old- There are, however, certain wards for
fashioned plans, the point of departure the accommodation of civilians, and
of which is the Ospedale Maggiore of also for confinements. It occupies an

Milan, viz., buildings intersecting each elevated position on the right bank of
other at right angles and enclosing the Danube, fifty yards above the
vast court-yards two stories of wards,
level of the river, and is built on the de-
grouped around a central point con- tached system. The various buildings
taining the offices, the apartments of have only one floor above the
the staff, and a chapel whose belfry basement in
; fact, several have
is usually the culminating feature of only a ground floor resting upon un-
the edifice. derground cellars. A number of
The system has also been followed buildings still remain to be erected.
in the erection of the numerous hos- St. Elizabeth's Hospital might be re-
pitals of the city of Paris, even the garded as one of the best in existence
newest ones. There is, however, one were it not for the absence of connect-
remark to be made. The French gov- ing passages between the various
ernment having been for the past buildings, which increases the work of
fifteen years avowedly atheist, the the staff. Most of the wards contain
chapels have been abolished, or at from two to six beds. There are two
least closed. Those in course of con- large wards with room for thirty-four.
struction were left unfinished, or else The space for each patient has
have been put to other uses. Off- been calculated at eighty-eight cubic
springs of Christianity, the hospitals yards. In the principal buildings each
of Paris have repudiated their pa- bed computed to have cost 4,268

ternity and broken, in these latter while in the secondary ones the
days, the tie which bound them to the cost only amounts to 316.60 florins. In
source of their existence. consideration of its twofold character
Buda-Pesth, the capital of Hungary, of hospital and training school, we
possesses three new hospitals. St. give here a bird's-eye view of this in-
Stephens' Hospital was opened in stitution (Fig. 19).
1883. It
comprises eight large de- the examples already given we
tached buildings, premises for the will add the Copenhagen Hospital.
staff, a chapel in the centre, and The subjoined perspective view (Fig.
divers subsidiary edifices, the whole
20) will suffice to convey an idea of
being spread over a superficial area of itsgeneral scheme. It will be observed
fifteen acres. It can accommodate that the architecture of the detached
656 patients. A peculiarly of this buildings is extremely simple. The
hospital is that each building is al- buildings have only one floor. The
Fig. 19. St. Elizabeth Hospital, Buda-Pesth.

Fig. 20. Hospital, Copenhagen PerspectiveView.

Fig. 21. Civil and Military Hospital, Montpellier Birdseye View.


Fig. 23. Hospital, Montpellier Transverse Section of a Pavilion.

removal of the vitiated air is effected familiar to everybody by pictures of

in two ways ;by draught-chimneys in the Kremlin. But in addition to this
some buildings, and in the others by civil hospital Moscow possesses
a kind of fan (reuterdack) consisting another, exclusively military, which is
of glass plates worked by motive unique of its kind. The buildings
power. It is calculated that the air is composing it have nothing remarkable
changed at the rate of 148 cubic about them, but in summer time these
yards hourly per head. The various edifices are emptied and the sick or
buildings have no connecting pas- wounded inmates transferred to tents
sages. This hospital is reserved ex- erected in an immense and well-wooded
clusively for epidemic and contagious park, redolent of resinous odors. This
diseases. Apart from the Leper houses open-air treatment has given such
of the Middle Ages and the Lazaret- excellent results that it has been ex-
tos, it is the first establishment of this tended to most of the military hospitals
kind founded in Europe. of Russia those at Riga, St. Peters-
Russia has paid a great deal of at- burg, etc. but for tents, wooden huts
tention to the matter of her hospitals. have been substituted. They can thus
Moscow has two, which would be be used in winter. We shall show
models of architecture and intelligent further on that M. Toilet, the French en-
arrangement if they had not been gineer already referred to, has replaced
planned according to the old-fashioned these wooden huts by sheds in brick
systems of agglomeration and of and iron, the use of which materials
buildings intersecting each other at does away with the defects of the
right angles. The Baschruschin Hos- wooden huts without diminishing their
pital presents a handsome facade, advantages.
above which gleams one of those ori- Generally speaking, the newest hos-
ental campaniles with small globe, the pitals in Germany and the North of
original form of which has been made Europe present the plan of a quadrila-
5fe: I "I i i

Fig. 24. Hospital, Montpellier Elevation of a Pavilion.

Fig. 25. Montpellier Hospital for Contagious Diseases.

Fig. 26. Hospital, Montpellier Plan and Elevation of the Autopsy Pavilion. ,
teral, open in front. Their regular their clienteleand take long trips out
and symmetrical distribution gives of town. It would be particularly
them an appearance which is impos- awkward in Paris, where the means of
ing but dull. The wards are numer- locomotion are slow and inadequate,
ous and contain from two to thirty and where, too, the leading medical
beds each. For protection from cold, men often divide their time between
the connecting passages form part of lecturing, attending their wealthy
the body of the edifice. This arrange- patients and giving consultations. The
ment, however, must tend to the pro- evil would not be greater if the lectur-
pagation of disease. The ventilation ing and practising were divided among
is in many cases imperfect, and there a larger number of doctors, of whom
is an insufficiency of light. The wards there are so many who lack neither
are often superposed, and have low knowledge nor earnestness. The
ceilings. The narrow court-yards keep means of rapid locomotion tend to
in the heat, but do not facilitate the increase around populous centres, and
circulation of air. even in the outskirts of Paris, crowded
In hot countries the conditions are and ill-served as they are, healthy
totally different. In Italy great spots can be found, spacious enough
progress has been made. To many for the establishment of parks where
old hospitals detached buildings have hospitals could be properly isolated.
been added, consisting of a single floor Under the Second Empire, as also
and connected by exterior passages. under the old Monarchy, efforts were
The Broni Hospital, which was inau- made to transfer the hospitals beyond
gurated in 1893, is formed of a long the city.
central gallery, to which are joined, The Salpetriere Hospital, which was
on each side, at right angles, a series built in the seventeenth century, con-
of four buildings. First comes that stitutes the largest establishment of
containing the offices and the premises the kind in Europe. It has room for
for the staff, divided into two parts ; 6,000 beds, which is an agglomeration
then four sick wards, and, lastly, the out of all proportion to its present
servants' quarters on one side and the central situation. At the time it was
building for contagious diseases on the founded, fields surrounded it on all
other. Between the two is the chapel. sides.
All these buildings are separated by The
Bicetre Hospital is, so far, still
large flower beds, unenclosed at their in the open country. It was caused to
outer end. This arrangement, in spite be erected by Louis XIII. upon the
of its relative superiority over old site of an ancient castle. This hos-
systems, is not altogether perfect. pital was the first one ever built for
In Spain and Portugal the greater disabled soldiers. Since the construc-
number of the hospitals are located in tion of the Hotel des Invalides by
old religious edifices. At Madrid, Louis XIV., the Bicetre Hospital has,
however, a new hospital is being however, been a part of the general
erected after the system named after hospital service of Paris, and has been
M. Toilet. turned into an asylum for the aged and
The City of St. Petersburg has the insane. It contains no less than
started on the road of progress by 2,800 beds, which is far too great a
putting into practice a general prin- number to be collected in one place.
ciple which ought to be adopted in The Second Empire, in its turn,
every great city of the world. No transferred beyond the city various
more big hospitals within the city charitable foundations, such as the
" " Petits
limits, but only depots for urgent Incurables," the Manages"
cases, the patients being removed to and the " Sainte-Serine," admission to
large establishments advantageously the last-named of which has to be paid
located in the country. This is an for. If the revenues and endowments
excellent system for the patients, but of the "Assistance Publique were not
it is one which is deviated in part from their true des-
very inconvenient
for the doctors, who have to leave tination by political exigencies, or
absorbed by unnecessary expenses, future be placed on
hospital shall
Paris would be able in a few years to
ground that is
permeable, easily
imitate Saint-Petersburg and trans-
drained, in an open situation and pro-
port her hospitals from the heart of videJ with good potable water.
the city to a distance of four or five The
area of the ground should increase
miles into the country, utilizing the pro-
gressively with the number of patients
old buildings merely as depots and
provided for. Thus, for 100 patients,
consulting rooms. 120 square yards per
patient may be
We have now come to the very sufficient, while for 600 patients
kernel of our subject, and will deal 175
square yards per patient are necessary,
with the hospitals most recently con- which is equivalent to
saying that for
structed in France. These embody all a hospital intended to accommodate
the improvements introduced into 600 patients, 22 acres, or
say 108,000
hospital architecture during the last square yards, are required. It is evi-

Fig. 27. Hospital, Epernay.

quarter of a century. The type dently well-nigh impossible to find

adopted represents an entirely new pieces of ground of this extent in cities,
system. We do not mean to say that and the consequence, therefore, of such
all the elements are new. We have a principle is to relegate large hospi-
shown that the idea of detached build- tals to a distance from populous places.
ings dates from the last century and The various buildings should not be
that it has been put into practice in large. They ought to have only one
the construction of nearly all the hos- floor they should not
contain more
pitals erected in Europe within thirty than 50 patients each, and should be
or forty years. This system would be divided into wards accommodating
incomplete if it did not rest upon a from two to twenty patients each.
series of applied hygienic principles There should be day wards and night
which have been, so to speak, estab- wards, so as to allow of a complete
lished and codified by experience. The change of air. The air space in the
first of these principles is that every wards ought to be increased progres-
sively with the number of beds. There modern hospitals by rounding off all
should be 52 cubic yards for two beds, the corners, covering the walls with a
and 85 cubic yards for each pair of paint, called enamel paint, which
beds if there are twenty beds in the makes a polished surface, and also by
ward. The sick or injured should be reviving the pointed-arch style of
divided into classes of maladies, as is ceiling, of which such judicious use
already done in a few new hospitals, was made in the Middle Ages, from
among others in St. Stephen's Hospi- the twelfth to the seventeenth 9611-
tal, Buda Pesth. Of course, the build- tury. This ceiling question is very
ings containing the laundry, kitchen, important. The use of iron simplifies
etc., must be at a distance from the it. In these days, when the germ
sick wards, and the same remark theory of disease has made* such re-
applies also to the apartments of the markable progress, hospital archit^c-
doctors and the hospital staff. The ture must adapt itself to the laws laid
various buildings should be well spread down by hygienic science. To drive
over the ground, but it should at the into the upper parts of the infected
same time be easy to pass from one to wards all those tiny atoms, ambiant
another. An important matter is that and invisible, which propagate dis-

Fig. 28. Hospital, Epernay Elevation of a Pavilion.

of the point of the compass which the ease; force them to depart thence
buildings should face. This can only into the open air without giving them
be settled on the spot, after the usual a chance of hanging on to any ledge
direction of the wind has been ascer- or projecting point such ought to be
tained. A good rule is to profit by the architect's principal aim. The
the wind for the carrying away of all ogival form is the one that most facili-
miasmas. To facilitate this work of tates the expulsion of these dangerous
nature it is desirable that the out- guests. Experience has also taught
side walls should have a smooth sur- that, to attain this result, nothing
face, and there should be no parts should be tolerated on the ground
jutting out from the main block; for floor, beneath the sick wards, except
instance, no wings at a right angle. open galleries, freely swept by cur-
The artistic effect may suffer, but the rents of air, while above, in the attics,
result from a sanitary point of view there must be the most complete ven-
will be an ample compensation. tilation, unimpeded either by parti-
Inside, this rule as to smooth sur- tions, store-rooms or sleeping apart-
faces is still more imperative. It has ments.
already been followed in several The architect's precautions should
go further still. The choice of build- prison. Architectural relief and orna-
ing materials is of great importance. mentation being practically
Well-burnt bricks are better than precluded,
we must fall back on coloration.
anything else. It requires ten years With enameled bricks
f6r a wall built of Paris limestone to nothing is
easier than to produce coloration of a
become thoroughly dry, and it
always light and varied character. But this
gives passage the air.
to Bricks, is a detail which we need not
vitrified or nearly so, are always dry. upon at length here.
Mortar joints are not so, but if proper The first
application of the Toilet
cement is used the walls will be dry system was made in the erection of
within a year. In every European the military hospital at Bourges, al-
country bricks are now made having though ithad been utilized previously
one of their sides glazed like earthen- for a few barracks. The Bourges
ware. Those are the most suitable hospital is situated in a healthy spot
material for the exterior walls. The quite in the country. It faces the south-

- flou fjc

Fig. 29. Hospital, Le Mans General Plan.

fire-hose can then make short work of west, and was planned to contain 260
all the microbes that may have taken beds. The area of the ground is 5 7, 400
lodgings there. Any diminution in square yards, or 265 square yards per
the average death rate, however patient. The area built upon is 6,000
slight, would be a full reward for the square yards, and the cost of erection
extra outlay. amounted to 22 francs per square yard.
We have by no means enumerated The collective wards contain 28 beds
all the improvements that ought to be each. Each bed occupies a space of
effected in hospital construction. The 9 square yards, and has an air space
of 63 cubic yards. All the conditions
foregoing outline of them was neces-
sary in order to make clear the ideas proposed by M. Toilet have not by
which have guided M. Toilet in the any means been carried into effect, yet
erection of some hospitals that may be the result has been such that the
cited as models. I ought to mention Bichat Hospital, in Paris, which is a
one other point. A hospital should be branch of the Hotel-Dieu, has copied
bright; it should not wear the air of a some of the essential features of the
Vol. VI.-l.-4.
structure of Bourges. This little hos- centre, 240 square yards in area, serves
fomerly an old barracks, is of all as a covered court-yard and promen-
the hospitals of the great capital the ade. In war time it could accommo-
one where the mortality is lowest. But date the wounded, if it were closed in
as it still belongs, owing to its plan, to with canvas or glass. Fig. No. 22 is a
the ancient system of parallel build- reproduction of the face plan of one of
ings surrounding a court-yard enclosed these buildings. It shows also the
on three sides, we think it preferable lateral galleries forthe accommodation
to cite the civil and military hospital of the attendants. The section (Fig.
at Montpellier, where the Toilet system 23) conveys a good idea of the value
has been applied in its entirety. At of the system. Below, the open, arched
Montpellier we still meet with parallel gallery, and above, the ogival-shaped
buildings, it is true, but they are so ward, with ventilator and chimney for
placed as to facilitate the natural air- the escape of the vitiated air. To
ing of the gardens which separate complete the picture, we give the plan

Fig. 30. Hospital, Le Mans Lower Section of a Hall.

them. The enclosure itself presents of a sick ward (Fig. 24) where, accord-
the aspect of a garden
(Fig. 21). ing to needs, either one or two rows of
This hospital is located outside the beds can be placed plan and front

town and faces in such a direction that view of the building for contagious
the morbid emanations are never car- cases (Fig. 25), and plan and lateral
ried citywards. The grounds cover elevation of the building containing
22 acres, and the edifice has room for the dissecting and lecture rooms
610 beds. The ward
buildings are of (Fig. 26).
one uniform type, with only a single The Montpellier Hospital is an
floor, and are raised about 12 feet annex of the Paris School of Medicine
above the ground on a series of ellip- and Surgery. There has been added
ticalarches supporting a floor in brick a maternity section, with special in-
and iron. These arches are occupied
firmary, court-yards and gardens, and
only at either end, and there is a free a separate entrance. In the construc-
circulation of air over two-thirds of tion of these the same principles have
their surface. The open part in the been followed.
Finally, the subsidiary buildings are or united together
by passages, and contain-
connected one with another and with ing only a limited number of beds. These
the ward buildings by covered pas- ideas are at length
being carried into practi-
cal effect. The authorities have thought fit
sages, where the air is always kept to drawattention to them in a
fresh. special man-
ner by placing before the
The total area covered by all the eyes of the public,
near the entrance to the
Exposition, a plan
buildings amounts to 15,850 square of the new civil and
military hospital at Mont-
yards, or about 23 square yards per pellier, which is, above all other establish-
patient, being almost double the space ments of the kind, the one where these ideas
have been most thoroughly worked out in
they occupy in their wards. The floor
area of the wards in use may be esti- accordance with the plans of M. Toilet, the
mated at 21,500 square yards, or nearly engineer."
Since that time the same system has
36 square yards per patient. There
been utilized for the new hospitals at.
are, besides, 92,000 square yards of
Saint Denis, Havre, the St. Jacques
court-yards and gardens, or 150 per
head. The cost, including the price Hospital, Paris, theAuban-Moet Hos-
of the ground, was 2,250,000 francs, pital and Almshouse at Epernay (Fig.
27 and 28), the hospital at Le Mans
being 165 francs per square yard of
buildings, say 3,680 francs per patient. (Figs. 29 and 30), the one at Bone,
In the official report of the Univer- Algeria, and the Hospital of San Juan
sal Exposition of 1889 we find the fol-
de Dios at Madrid, which contains no
fewer than 800 beds.
lowing lines :

Various improvements as regards

" In the
place of buildings consisting of matters of detail have been made in
several floors, which offer great disadvantages,
as they facilitate the dissemination of morbid constructing these hospitals, but the
essential features of the system remain
germs and the propagation of certain diseases,
there have been substituted detached edifices, unchanged. Its value has now been
either isolated altogether one from another proved by experience.
Alphonse de Calonne.

architects connected with the this place he and James Madison were
THE development of Washing-
ton were men of interesting
neighbors for eight years.
Benj. Ogle Tayloe says: *"He
personality and architectural talent. had a well-earned reputation for let-
Dr. William Thornton, a West In- ters and taste; . .he was a wit,

dian, was one of the first as well as a painter and a poet." Dunlap,t whose
one of the most interesting of these work was published only a short time
pioneers of the profession. after Thornton's death, says: "He
His family were prominent among was a scholar and a gentleman, full
the Friends in England. His parents of talent and eccentricity,a Quaker, by
moved to the Island of Tortola, in the profession a painter, a poet and well
West Indies, in 1761. Here Thornton acquainted with the mechanics, arts;
was born May 27th of the same year. his company was a complete antidote
At this period either Thornton's father to dulness."
or uncle was Governor of the Island. Thornton's duties brought him into
When five years old Thornton was close relation with such eminent men
sent to England to be educated. He of his day as Washington, Madison,
studied medicine under Dr. Feld, then Jefferson, Randolph, L'Enfant, Adams,
with the noted Dr. Brown of Edin- Hamilton and Fulton. He was inti-
burgh. In that city he graduated in mate socially with the Tayloes, Car-
medicine in 1784. His studies were rolls, Stuarts, Van Nesses, and others
continued in Paris. who were the features of political and
In the latter city an intimate friend- social life at the federal capital in those
ship was formed with the noted days.
Countess Beauharnais, a relative of The acquaintance with Washington
Empress Josephine's first husband. ripened into such an intimacy that his
She was an authoress and held a fa- home was the president's familiar re-
mous salon. sortwhen in the federal city.
Thornton traveled extensively on The "National Intelligencer," of
the continent of Europe with Count March 29th, 1828, as well as the Co-
Audriani, the naturalist. After which lumbian Institute and the Coloniza-
he came to this country and formed tion Societies in memorials on his
a temporary residence in Philadelphia. death, pay a high tribute to his ability
In 1790 he married the daughter of good fellowship and philanthropy.
Mrs. Ann Brodeau, a successful school The American Philosophical So-
teacher of Philadelphia. Mrs. Thorn- ciety* conferred the Magellanic gold
ton, who was born in England, was a medal upon him in Dec. I79 2: as a dis-
lady of culture, and an artist of some tinction for his book on written lan-
which is proved by a miniature
ability, guages.
of her husband in the possession of As an author he wrote a treatise on
Mrs. Kennon. After their marriage the elements of written language,
they returned to Tortola, where Thorn- which was published in Philadelphia,
ton had an interest in the estate of in 1793, under the title of Cadmus.
his father. There isan extended review of Cad-
In 1793 he moved to Washington mus in the "Monthly Review" of the
in reference to
city, where he lived until his death, in date, as well as a note
1828. He left no children. an article on teaching the dumb. ^

He found it necessary to take a He published papers on medicine,

house in Georgetown. Some years
*In Memoriara Tayloe, p, 98
afterwards he moved to 1331 F Street, "
tDunlap, Art and Design," N. Y., 1834.

opposite the present Ebbi'tt house. At $Trans. American Philos. Society.

astronomy, philosophy, finance, gov- of a painting by Thornton, and Mrs.
ernment and art as well as on lan- Kennon, at present the owner of Tu-

guage. dor house, in Georgetown, who knew

According to the "Science Record," Thornton in her childhood,has a mini-
in June, 1810, he published a long de- ature of Washington painted by him.
fence of Fitch as the inventor of the Mr. Charles Hoffman, of Frederick,
application of steam to navigation. Md., and Mrs, Miller, of Washington,
This pamphlet was reprinted in the have pieces of his work, among them
Patent Office Record, in 1850, and is being a portrait of the Countess of
considered an official document of Beauharnais.
value. He was noted for both philanthropy
As an inventor he claimed, accord- and bravery. Brissot says: "From con-
ing to Tayloe, to be the first to apply versations with Thornton, although
steam to boat propulsion. He was as- his exterior denotes not the Quaker,
sociated with Fitch in his experiments yet he professes their principles and
on the Delaware before Fulton com- practices their morality." ^Brissot gives
menced his on the Hudson. quite a lengthy account of Thornton's
Brissot describes Fitch running a efforts to colonize the negroes in Af-
boat from Philadelphia to Trenton in rica; he went to the expense of sending
1789 by steam and notes the fact that an agent to Africa to locate a colony,
thousands witnessed the event. Unfortunately,this vast scheme was not
In his pamphlet (1810) Thornton accomplished. He became actively in-
claims that Fulton was indebted to terested in negro colonization as early
him for valuable suggestions, as Ful- as 1789, and was until his death a
ton saw Thornton's drawings when he member of the American Colonization
visited the patent office in 1806. As Society.
early as 1788 Rumsey applied for a When the British captured Wash-
patent on steamboats, which conflicted ington, in 1814, an officer ordered a
with the invention of Fitch. This was gun turned on the Patent Office Build-
proved by Fitch winning the case. ing. Thornton rode up and jumped off
Fulton's first patent was not issued his horse in front of the gun demand-
until 1809. ing: "Are you Englishmen or Goths
Thornton claimed that Fulton's and Vandals? This is the Patent
death was due to worry caused by the Office, the depository of the inventive
strength of his pamphlet. While in genius of America, in which the whole
America the first time Thornton was civilized world is concerned. Would
engaged to build steamboats to navi- you destroy it? If so, fire away and let
gate the Mississippi (before 1790). the charge pass through my body."t
This scheme fell through for lack of By this effort the patent records were
financial aid. Thornton seems
to have saved. Thornton carried the Patent
had greater faith in the
future of Office records to his farm in the
steamboats than Fulton, who offered country, so that none were lost. He
to bet the former that a boat could also placed a guard at the navy yard
never go more than 5 miles an hour, and capitol during the evacuation. t
while Thornton expected a speed of Several instances are on record
12 miles. where in attempting to protect a wife
Another invention which has re- from a brutal husband he, in turn,
cently been revived was the conver- found it necessary to defend himself
sion of sawdust into planks. against both wife and husband.
Thornton received patents for im- Among
his papers are his commis-
provements in steamboats, steam- sion as Lieut-Captain in the of War
boilers and condensers. Fernando 1812.
Fairfax gave him 2,000 for a
quarter One of his most intimate friends
interest in his patents and manufactur- was John Tayloe, the owner of the
ing companies.
As an artist, Thornton was more *Brissot, Citoyen Francais, Vol. I, p. 245. From note
in Toner collection.
than an amateur. Tayloe mentions +The Patent System of the United States, by L. H.
a head of Jefferson, by King, as a Campbell.
copy t Private letter.

Octagon house, probably the most Congress, the President and the public
noted producer of race horses in this offices of the United States Govern-
country. Thornton also kept and ment." All their work was
subject to
raised race horses. He imported fine the approval of President
animals from Barbary and England. *The first commissioners appointed,
His account books show quite a num- Jan. 22d, 1891, were Thomas Johnson
ber of blooded stock that are valued and David Carroll, of Maryland, and
at more than $2,000 apiece. By horses David Stuart, of Virginia.
and benevolence he is said to have lost On Sept. 1 6th, 1794, Thornton re-
large sums of money. ceived this commission from Presi-
There are three things that connect dent Washington: ...
"I hereby
Thornton intimately with the history appoint said Wm. Thornton one of
of Washington city and the country, the Commissioners for surveying the
and where the excellent character of District of Territory accepted . . .

his work places the people under obli- for the permanent seat of the Gov-
gation to him. ernment of the United States, . . .
for his artistic capacity and
First, with all authority to proceed accord-
skill inproducing the best scheme for ing to law.
a capitol, which forms the nucleus of "Given 1 2th day of Sept., 1704, of
the present structure. Second, for his the Independence of the United States
general culture, breadth and capacity the Nineteenth."
as one of the Commissioners of the "George Washington,
District, which is shown in the exe- "by Edw. Randolph."
cution of the magnificent ideas of There is in the records to
Washington and 1'Enfant as to show the time that the Commissioners
streets, his own and Hoban's ideas were expected to devote to their du-
as to public buildings and grounds. ties. This matter was probably left to
Third, for his mechanical knowledge theirown judgment, and they must
and executive ability. The Patent have had considerable time to attend
Office, which has fostered and encour- to private business.
aged the inventive ability of the coun- The salary of a Commissioner was
try began under his management. sixteen hundred dollars per annum.
THORNTON AS A COMMISSIONER OF THE After Thornton became a member of
the board of commissioners, a decided
improvement is evident in their writ-
The Superintendent of Public Build- ten proceedings and in the business
ings and Grounds has quite a number forms and contracts which were intro-
of volumes, embracing early letters duced in connection with the streets,
concerning the formation of the Dis- bridges and buildings that were in
trict of Columbia, the laying out of their charge. As they appear in the
Washington City, and the erection of records after his appointment, Thorn-
the Federal Buildings, as well as a ton should have the credit for the im-
complete record of the proceedings provement.
of the Commissioners, from 1792 to The ability of Thornton was ap-
1802. preciated by his contemporaries.
The history of Thornton's connec- Andrew Ellicott, who was doing the
work in laying out the city, sent
tion with the City and Public Build- field

ings is to be found in these volumes

a letter rejoicing in Thornton's ap-
for the good of the streets
and in letters in the possession of pri- pointment
vate parties. and buildings, saying: "The former
commissioners were totally ignorant
By act of Congress, Jan. 4th, I79A and an easy prey." He warns Thorn-
the President was authorized to ap-
Dis- ton to be on his guard. Washington,
point a commission to survey the
adopt and lay out a before retiring from the Presidency,
trict, purchase, United States are
says: t"I think the
plan for the Federal City, and prior
interested in the continuance of you
to the "ist Monday in December
1800, they were to provide suitable *Proceedings of Commissioners, 1701,
Vol , pa.
of tOW
buildings for the accommodation letters. Feb. 37th, 1797
in the service, therefore I should re- two commissioners write, Feb. i8th,
gret if either of you (Thornton, Scott 1797: "Dr. Thornton has long had in
or White), by resignation should de- contemplation to lay before the execu-
prive them of assistance which I be- tive such a one."
lieve you are able to give." In 1801 the Commissioners of the
Thornton's education and disposi- District became offended at some re-
tion caused him to take an active part port of Congress which reflected upon
in all the duties of the commissioners, their management. By request, a com-
which consisted in supervising the sur- mittee of Congress examined their
veys for the District boundary, the accounts and it was proved that the
streets of the city and the subdivision commissioners had served with perfect
of the squares into lots and the loca- integrity.
tion of Federal buildings. The pre- An act, May 1st, 1802, abolished
paration of maps and their reproduc- the office of the commissioners, their
tions, obtaining plans for the Federal principal duties being complete, and
and the arrangements for temporary the President appointed Thomas Mon-
buildings and bridges, laying out roe to perform a part of the duties of
grounds, the opening of quarries, the commissioner.
brickyards and kilns, lime-kilns, the
cutting of lumber, and the obtaining THORNTON AS AN ARCHITECT.
workmen for brickmaking, quarrying,
stone-cutting, as well as brick and He early displayed a talent for
stone masons, carpenters and laborers. drawing. When a lad at school in
^Workmen, at this period, were ob- England, he showed his uncle two
tained by advertisement and negotia- five-pound notes, asking him to select
tion from England, Scotland, France the one which was best engraved;
and different parts of this country. this proved to be the one young
The commissioners let all contracts Thornton had just copied in pen and
and supervised the foremen who ob- ink.*
tained the material from the quarry, When or where Thornton prose-
kiln or forest, and who superintended cuted his architectural studies is not
the work on streets, buildings or recorded. It has been asserted by
bridges. In all cases we find Thornton some writers that he was simply a dil-
insisting on the necessary grandeur letante in the profession. The only
of scale. He puts himself frequently way in which we can judge of his at-
on record as opposed to some of the tainments is by an examination of his
narrower views of other members of work, and a knowledge of the estima-
the board. tion in which he was held by his con-
*The commissioners, on July 2oth, temporaries. His drawings show skill
made building regulations for in draftsmanship, as well as education
the city. It would be fair to assume and refinement in design. His exe-
that Thornton, being the architect on cuted work compares favorably with
the commission, was the prime mover the best of the period, in design and
and preparer of these regulations. construction. He was trusted in a
The commissioners obtained and fessional capacity during long periods
disbursed money, bills for even the by such astute men as Washington,
most trifling objects being submitted Madison and many others.
for their approval. They attended to Adolf Cluss, in an address in 1869,
the sale and other negotiations in the calls him an amateur. T. H. B. La-
connection of transfers of lots. trobe, in an address delivered before
Thornton was delegated to nego- the American Institute of Architects
tiate aloan in Philadelphia and another in Washington, in 1881, states that
later on in England. In both cases he Thornton had only two weeks' study
was successful. in the profession. Trumbull gives him
In answer to a letter from the credit of having studied three
ton concerning a National months. To have accomplished so

*Proceeding$ of Commissioners, Vol. i, p. 407. *Science Record, 1872.

Parlor Q>rntt<

0/d Colom&J Work

The TVloa Mansion
0. C.
Quill 1800

Wm. Thornton, Architect.


Wm. Thornton, Architect.

much with so little study, he must an idea of the exterior of this building
have been a truly remarkable man. as it appeared in 1793.


ginia, the country residence of James
WORK. Madison, was another piece of Thorn-
ton's work, which in dignity,simplicity
Washington erected a building on
North Capitol street, between B and and refinement compares favorably
C streets, Washington, D. C, which with some of the best modern resi-
dences In a letter to Mrs. M. H.
at the present time is known as the
Hillman House. Dr. Thornton was the Smith, September, 1830, President
architect and superintendent, as shown Madison says: *"The only drawing of
by letters of Washington. The ex- my house is that by Dr. Wm. Thorn-
ton, it is without the wings now

terior of the building has been altered ak- j

and additional stories have been added. ing a part of it." (See Fig. 5, Mont-
Some of the interior work still remain? pelier home of Madison.) The interior
and shows the of Montpelier has been remodelled out
intact skill and refine-
ment of the architect in detail. of all semblance to its original self.
Figs. 3 and 4.) An old sketch gives *Writings of Madison, Vol 4.
The Octagon house, Washington Tayloe being wealthy, could have in-
City, one of the most interesting old dulged his taste in such things.
residences in this section of the coun- *This house is interesting also from
try, was built by John Tayloe and com- its historical associations. Madison
pleted in 1801. Gep. Washington took having occupied it after the White
a lively interest in its erection as it was House was burned by the British in
by his advice that the owner of the 1814.
Octagon selected Washington for his The Tudor House, Georgetown, D.
home. Thornton was the architect.t C, was built about 1810, by a Mr.
(Fig. 6 Exterior view of Tayloe's Peter. Although an imposing old
Octagon house.) structure, the work does not compare
This house on the exterior
is simple with that shown in the Octagon
and being built of brick,
dignified, House.
with sandstone trimmings. The en- The interest in this house centers in
trance porch had stone columns with the fact that one of Thornton's original
Ionic caps. The plan is peculiarly in- sketches for both plan and elevation
teresting. It can be easily understood are still in existence. (See Figs. 13 and
from the illustration. (Fig. 7. Plan of 14.) The exterior of this house is very
Octagon house.) nearly in its original condition. In the

^^*kk2iJ^*' *^
Tudor Place Ground Plan. Wm. Thornton, Architect.

The interior work, such as mantels, plan will be noticed the elliptical form
cornices, pilasters and doors, were rich, of room which Thornton first used in
elaborate, refined and thorough in his plan of the Capitol. While the ex-
their construction. They are still in an terior of this house is an improvement
excellent state of preservation, al- on the sketch, the alterations in plan,
though the house has been indifferent- probably to save money, is decidedly
ly cared for for many years. (See Figs. inferior to the original.
8 and 9, mantel in parlor; 10, mantel There are several of Thornton's
in bedroom; n, detailed measured sketches for private houses in my pos-
drawings.) session.
The doors and trimmings in this THORNTON'S PUBLIC ARCHITECTURAL
house are mahogany. The figures on
the parlor mantel are so good that
they must have been made by some of He made Jefferson a desien for the
the noted scultpors of that dav. possi- Va-Mace, in which he used the rattle-
bly Canova, or Thorwaldson; John snake as the principal feature, because

*See Article by Author on Octagon House, American

Hn Memoriam, Tayloe. Architect and Building News
Vol.Vl. 1 5.
ii I ii
1 1 ill |

Modified Elevation of the Capitol North Wing Completed Under Thornton's Supervision.


III! 11
i i

Thornton's Competitive Design for the President's House Modified View of Wing.



Competitive Design for the President's House, Made in 1792 Rear View.

(IP. .! 'I I

ii i Til i
1 -
II l|l II

Competitive Design for the President's House. 1702 Front View.

it is peculiarly American, is peaceful design, it will be
until hurt or aroused for self-defence, readily seen that this
could not have been
and only strikes after giving prepared for any
warning! other purpose.
He made an elaborate scheme for a This sketch, as can be seen
Washington monument, a description by the il-
lustration (Figs. 18 to
and rough sketch of which are 20), shows a wHl
among executed wash drawing of
good pro-
his private papers. The sketch shows
portion, dignified and simple in its
a mound of massive natural boulders,
on and around which are grouped
treatment. The alternate flap (Fig
19), suggests a decidedly improved
many typical and natural figures, form for the wings.
Washington surmounting the whole. It is difficult to understand
the plan
THORNTON'S COMPETITIVE DESIGN FOR of the building from the
THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. although it is clear that official, pri-
vate and social duties were each in-
Among the drawings of Thornton's tended to have an apartment to them-
which Mr. Edward Clark has loaned selves.
me, is evidently his design for the It is difficult to
compare this plan

Thornton's Sketch Plan of the Capitol, Washington, D. C.

President's house. Thornton wrote with the present structure, of which

from Tortola to the commissioners at only the central portion has been
that date, 1792, stating that he had erected. The central portion of Thorn-
made designs in conformity with the ton's design will compare favorably
advertisements soliciting competitive
plans for the President's house and
Capitol. In an answer to this letter, Decidedly the most interesting p.'ece
Nov. 1
1792, the commissioners
5th, of Thornton's architectural work was
state that the plan for the President's the successful design for the Capitol.
palace had already been selected. An advertisement solicited competi-
This design of Thornton's conforms tive plans for the Capitol and Presi-
with the requirements of the advertise- dent's house, in March, 1792. During
ment which suggests a central build- July of the same year, plans were sub-
ing and wings, built of brick and stone. mitted. None was found suitable for
Knowing that Thornton made such a the former building. In July, Thorn-
ton wrote to the commissioners that efforts was to induce President Wash-
he had not heard of the competition ington to allow him to change certain
in time to prepare his drawings, but features which he considered im-
as the first drawings submitted would proper. He was curtly notified to at-
most probably not fill the require- tend to the duties for which he had
ments, he requested that his designs been employed. As he seems to have
might be examined. On December been unable to accomplish this end,
4th, the commissioners requested he resigned, but was re-employed on
Thornton to send his plan of the Capi- making special agreement to confine
tol to the President. The period be- himself to superintendence. He retain-
tween July and December was given ed the position until 1798.
by the commissioners and Washing- James Hoban was employed as su-
ton to the consideration of the modifi- perintendent of the Capitol, in addition
cations of the plans submitted, Mr. to his duties at the President's house,
Hallet, whose plan was most success- whenever the Capitol was without its
ful, working under the direction of the separate, superintendent. Hoban and
commissioners. They waited three Thornton seem to have been ex-
weeks after the expiration of the time cellent friends, as each attended to his
Hallet promised his modifications and proper duties. Hoban's duties at the
requested Thornton to send drawings White House prevented his employ-
to the President at the same time. Feb. ment, except in an emergency.
7th, 1793, the commissioners state the Thornton's actual connection with
general satisfaction of the President, the Capitol ceased when the office of
themselves and others in the plan of commissioner was abolished in 1802.
Thornton. Washington says: "Grand- Latrobe was appointed by Jefferson to
eur, simplicity and convenience seem take charge of the Capitol. Just be-
so well combined that I do not doubt fore Latrobe's appointment, Thornton
it will meet the commissioners' appro- objected to changes which Jefferson
bation." wished to make, saying: *"They would
April 1 5th, 1793, Thornton received not be in accordance with his (Thorn-
a formal notice of the acceptance of ton's) plans of the Capitol." Whether
his plan, for which he received $500 this persistence in adhering to his own
and a building lot in the City of Wash- ideas was the cause of his further ser-
ington. vices in this connection being dis-
Thornton would not agree to devote pensed with, there is nothing to show.
his whole time to superintending the Although his advice was not asked
work, and Stephen Hallet, George in connection with changes, he still
Hadfield and James Hoban were em- took a lively interest in the slur La-
ployed at different periods as superin- trobe cast upon the plan, design and
tendents. workmanship of this building, and
Hallet, almost as soon as he re- wrote an effective answer to Latrobe's
ceived his appointment, endeavored to private letter to Congressmen (a
engraft upon the work his own ideas. printed document) in which the facts
For this reason he was discharged. To stated by Thornton are proved either
prevent further attempts of this kind bv the documents on file in the office
was probably one of the reasons why of Commissioners of Public Buildings
President Washington appointed and Grounds, or by letters in the hands
Thornton one of the commissioners of private individuals.
(Sept. 12, 1794). The commissioners Government documents prove the
had power over the Federal build-
full following facts in reference to Thorn-
ings, and as Thornton held this posi- ton's connection with the Capitol. His
tion until 1802, he was able to prevent design was selected in a second com-
further tampering with his design for petition. This design was modified
that length of time. Hadfield was ap- principally to make
cost less, and use

pointed to take Hallet's place, special some less daring methods of construc-
note being made of the fact that he tion than were suggested in Thornton's
was only to act as superintendent. In
spite of this warning one of his first *Old letters in the hands of private parties.

original sketches. The modified de- the issue of the first patents
sign made by Thornton was com- Secretary of State; Knox, Secretary ot
menced and carried out until the abo- War; and Randolph, Attorney Gen-
lition of the board of commissioners, eralwould hold special conferences. In
practically withoutany change. Many J
793> this law was changed, putting the
attempts were made to modify this matter in the hands of the
Secretary of
plan. Hallet put in a foundation for a State. In May, 1802, President Jeffer-
square centre in place of the contem- son appointed Wm. Thornton a clerk,
plated dome. When Thornton was ap- at $1,400 per year, to take
charge of
pointed commissioner, Washington patents. At one period he was given
requested him to see that everything $2,000 a year as Superintendent of
was rectified so that the building Patents, at the same time acting as
would conform to the original plan. Justice of the Peace, being entitled to
Thornton at this time drew another certain fees, a Commissioner of Bank-
elevation and restored the dome on ruptcy and a member of Levy Court
the plans; he made new sections and He was the first to have charge of pat-
other drawings some of which he ents. His salary, with other positions,
thought improved the appearance. was supposed to be $2,400. Madison
When Thornton retired from the urged Congress to give him this
work the old north wing was com- amount for his patent office work.
this isthe portion of the build- In 1810, Thornton moved models,
ing in which is situated the Supreme records, etc., into Blodgett's Hotel.
Court. The foundation of the rotunda The government had purchased this
was nearly if not completely laid and building, located on the north side
the foundation and basement walls of of EStreet, between 7th and 8th
the old south wing were in place (pres- Streets. Into the east end of this build-
ent Hall of Statuary). ing the Patent Office was moved. The
Latrobe complains in his private let- U. S. Patent and Postoffice remained
ter thathe must necessarily conform in this building until the fire of 1836.
the exterior of the (old) south wing In the Blue Book of 1821 Thornton
with Thornton's (old) north wing. La- is recorded as Superintendent of Pat-

trobe made changes in the Hall of ents. Mr. Campbell says: "During
Representatives (this is neither the many years of his superintendency, he
present Hall of Statuary or of Rep- freely exercised his discretion in issu-
resentatives), which were decidedly in- ing patents.
ferior to form shown in Thornton's "In a communication to the Secre-
plan. tary of State, Jan. i6th, 1818, Thorn-
This room was destroyed by fire in ton defined equities and limitations of
1814. a reissue as concisely and luminously
The central portion was not com- as has ever been done by any court or
from text writer."
pleted for years afterwards, but
the plans and descriptions extant it From Thornton's practice grew the
must have been largely on the lines Act of July 3d, 1832, providing for the
reissue of a* defective patent. Thorn-
laid out by Thornton in his accepted
ton held this office until his death,
plan, with the exception of the semi-
circular western porch. March 28, 1828.
When the present Patent Office was
THORNTON AS SUPERINTENDENT OF being erected, Mrs. Thornton re-
PATENTS. quested Robert Mills, the architect,
to put either a niche or bracket in the
When the 'Board of Commissioners
building for the reception of a bust
was abolished, Thornton was placed in
Thornton, because he had done so
charge of issuing patents. The first much for the good of this department
patent legislation occurred in 1790. No notice seems to have been taken of
The Secretaries of war. State and
this request.
Attorney General were authorized to In 1873, Mrs Adelaide Talbot, a half
It is stated that over
grant patents.* niece of* Thornton, presented to the
*Patent System of the United States. L. H. Campbell.
Patent Office the portrait of Thornton.
It hangs in a place of honor in the and Representatives. The President of
Commissioner's room. the United States, members of the
Thornton is buried in the Congres- cabinet, and of Confess, followed his
sional Cemetery, under a tomb similar body to the grave. On his tomb is
in form to those erected to Senators chiseled his motto,"Deo Spes Meo."
Glenn Brow n

the revived interest in arch-

claiming to be the voice of alleged au-
WITH and with the knowl-
itecture, thority, and ready at the earliest oppor-
edge of it that has come within tunity to enforce their views by law.
these latter years to the inhabitants of Two causes, one general and one
the United States, there have come in- special, yet closely connected, are dis-
numerable notions, more or less wise, cernible.One is the general reaction-
more or less persistently expressed, ary tendency observable in this coun-
each one demanding some restriction try to forsake the ideas of the
upon the doings of architects in order founders of the Republic, that gov-
to suit the views of its especial advo- ernment should be reduced to a
cates. minimum; that it was the privilege
The restrictions are either statutes of the members of a free govern-
enacted or demanded, or deference to ment to do what constituted for each
certain ideas expressed with the bold- of them the pursuit of happiness,
ness of authority, and tending always whether others regarded it as moral or
toward the use of legal force to main- immoral; that only to repress attacks
tain them. upon this freedom should govern-
Outside of building laws, which are, mental organizations be used. For-
ninety-nine hundredths of them, poli- saking all the tendency of the
ticians' tools for aggrandize-
party moment is to make
the acts of each,
ment, special enactments are continu- however clearly non-aggressive, sub-
ally demanded. Chief among these is ject to the censorship of the mobile
the law to limit the height of buildings vulgus.
and the law to regulate their height The special cause is the growing
by that of adjoining buildings, so as to number of those who obtain their edu-
secure as far as possible a uniform cation in Europe; who, carried away
height of all the buildings in a street. by the grace and charm of the older
Not less important is the bill to give civilization, admirably and laudablv
politicians the power to prevent archi- wish their friends to share their pleas-
ure; and to that end would erect
tects from practising at all, based, 1 in a

presume, upon the well-known igno- moment here what a thousand vears
rance, incompetence and dishonesty of has there slowly ripened; would build
architects, and the intelligence and in- for us a dreamland with what sticks
ccntaminability of politicians. Add to and canvas and paint may be obtain-
these the various art commissions able ; would construct for us thankless
upon statuary, paintings and so on, ones, a diadem with Dutch foil and
that proposed to establish, that in
it is quartz sparks, a sunset with
some cases have been established, and colored glass.
For up to the very last point we
perhaps without legal power, vet
may hold with this Europeanizing qualled Greek has done, pushed an
school, agree with them, admire architectural style a style in the high-
them, love them. They are true and est and best sense, the reasonable
sincere lovers of the worthy, the beau- adornment of a logical system of con-
tiful, the refined. struction to the extremity of perfec-
They say, and they say truly, that tion.
American architecture is for the most But, admitting all this, what shall
part barbarous. They show, and it is we do to advance ourselves to the
undeniable, that our public works of plane of the more developed nations?
art, statues and parks, are mostly mon- Will it suffice for us to set up for
strous. ourselves as the ultimate authority,
Let us acquaint you, they say, with methods and ideals that they have
better things, such as you yourselves, evolved? Is it possible for us to graft
when you come to know them, will upon the thousand branchlets of our
admit to be better than what you have growth a new species of fruit? And,
hitherto done. if it be possible, are we sure that culti-
However much we may be disposed vation and selection of the seed of our
to deny, fair and candid dealing will proper stock may not perhaps excel in
compel us to admit all that these men quality the scions offered?
charge. We are as a nation, half-baked The supremacy that I have spoken
and barbarous. Moreover,we are com- of as achieved by France in architect-
mercialized, in this commercial age,
ural development, the perfecting of the
beyond any other country. Others Gothic style, the only style besides the
have traditions, feudal and ancestral, Greek that ever reached perfection,
or ethical and religious, that mit- was achieved not by the methods of
igate the asperity of a purely the schools, but by cutting loose from
commercial regime, .
traditions of the methods of the ecclesiastical
noblesse oblige, for both prince schools that then ruled, and rejoicing
and peasant, of affection for an- in the spring breeze of a newly found
cient landmarks, monuments and cus- liberty.It was not by churchmen, but
toms, that do much to maintain the by laymen, by the people of the free
harmony of a past time through the cities, that the culminating glories of
present chaos of transition. But here French architecture, during the latter
there is no consideration for the mass part of the thirteenth and the earlier
of us but dollars and cents. part of the fourteenth centuries were
If a building is handsome, that is to built. Since then, although the new
say if it is and elaborate, we care
costly discovery of antiquity and the decline
we do not even
not for logic or beauty, made the Renais-
of religious ecstacy
know, most of us, what beauty means. sance inevitable, nothing but the
It is indeed astounding to discover genius of the French people has pre-
how far among us the aesthetic sense is vented it from degenerating into a
atrophied. It is as though in cookery mere ossification.
we had lost the sense of taste as per- ; For,, in judging- of French ideals,
haps we might indeed be thought to even of modern French ideals, too
have lost that also, were it not for the much dependence must not be olaced
distinct appreciation that we show of upon their champions here. The re-
French cookery. duplication of classical colonnades, the
So our lack of a sense of beauty has frontispieces of pilasters and cornices,
evolved for us an atmosphere which tier upon tier, in unexceptionable
reacts to further dull us to beauty.
still Ionic or .Corinthian orders, perfect
How, from an entourage of tenement enough in their way, but a little weari-
houses and elevated railroad skeletons, some after we have seen them several
shall an artist emerge? thousand times, these are not by any
Although other nations may excel means the ideals of the most conserva-
in particular points, yet for aesthetic tive French school. On the contrary,
sense, the French are first. In archi- they know as well as anybody what
tecture, especially the French once did, logic and good sense mean in design,
what no other nation but the une- but an unfortunate spirit of cbauvin-
ism leads them to
copy themselves
over and over again in the
details of

TT en
reSU dn
u V
n a de snidatio n
which nothing but their innate
ut what is
peculiar to them is the
construction of their
good taste saves from failure. of which we have lofty building
It is to be regretted that I
am unable on several occasions"
to obtain illustrations to given characteristic specimens
show what I In th
mean. Let me try to describe one order of ideas
they have known how to
typi- answer to new needs with
cal instance. novel inven-
Serving- as a support to the spring-
of a certain arch in the
Palais de
present both
certain majesty in their
good proportions and a
Justice, in Paris, is a mass."
hybrid Ionic
capital, of a pattern often seen the
volutes springing i.teur des Architectes Nos. r'i-, 2 . p. ,, 9 ,
from the necking andperpendicularly

joining each Nor is this a single note of approval

other by a horizontal band on
the contrary, the habitual
just above attitude
the necking. Above this is a of the French
detached press joins to its expres
piece of a hybrid architrave The sions of disapproval of the
whole stands upon a corbel of horrors
hollow that we -do
perpetrate, an outspoken
quarter circle profile, bearing in the wonder and admiration
hollow a sculptured female head Al- of, great
gifts beneath.
though the profiles are refined and the Thus, in
speaking of American in-
carving and modelling excellent, such another writer remarks: "Our
a curious compound cannot fellow architects in the United States
be re-
garded otherwise than as debased have a knowledge of comfort of which
art. we are absolutely ignorant"
Many similar instances might be On serait volontiers tente de croire
qu' une race aussi
brought to warn us not to sit too hum- absorbee par les affaires et le commerce est
depourvue du sens artistique.
bly at the feet of any master. More- 11 n'en est
rien; les Americains sont mieux doues sous
ce rapport, que la race
over, no amount of authority can anglo-saxonnr pure
tres hgurent avec honneur a nos
Leurs pein-
justi- expositions, et Ton peut
fy such decorations as the familiar entendre chanter une miss de New York ou de Washing-
fes- ton sans les oreilles.
toon, the mask and the escutcheon au milieuse^boucher
Quant a' 1'
d imitations de tous les styles, on rencontre sou-

as intellectually tolerable. vent une tentative heureuse, originale. * *

Mais ce qui leur est propre, c'est la construction de
Somewhat revived in our self-es- leurs hautes maisons, dont nous avons
donne, a plusieurs
teem by the discovery that we too have reprises des specimens caracteristiques.
d idees, a des besoins nouveaux ils ont su
Dans cet ordre
r^pondre par
some little taste, some little intelli-
des creations nouvelles, qui, par leur originalite et
ent souvent des proportions heureuses et une certaine
gence. Let us ask ourselves whether majeste dans leur masse.
we have not abased ourselves too
La Construction Moderne, i
July 1803.
much, whether there may not be vir- More noteworthyyet is the attitude
tues hidden under our uninviting ex- of the French critics of the World's
terior, seeds of flowers yet to bloom. Fair, at Chicago. In that, all of the
We are encouraged in this view
bv large buildings, except one, were
the expressed
opinions of French avowedly designed upon the system
writers themselves.
Says a contempo- supposed to be inculcated by the
rary French periodical, speaking of Ecole des Beaux Arts; and embodied
Americans and American art: "One some of the principles which the law is
might be willingly tempted to think now to be invoked to force upon us,
that a race so absorbed such as the uniformity of the line of
by business
and commerce would be cornice.
entirely de-
prived of artistic sense. It is not One great building stood apart, the
the Americans are better
endowed, in Transportation Building, done bv the
this respect, than the
pure Anglo- gifted Sullivan, a man of original
Saxon race. Their painters appear thought in other directions as well as
with honor at our and one in architecture.
may a girl from New York or
listen to In general effect it might be said
Washington sing without stopping his to approach Romanesque, the especial
ears. As for their architecture, in the antipathy of the advocates of French
midst of imitations of all one methods, so far as the presence ot
round arches and a total avoidance of to take the place of the architectural
Renaissance detail counts; but the grandeur of a barbarous age. * * *
detail was something by itself, elabo- We walk upon heaps of bones, we lean
rated by the peculiar invention of the upon piles of rubbish, we build only
designer, and as individual as Richard- with broken fragments."
son's was in its way. Moreover, in "* * *
Que de foi<, dans un siecle civilise, on n' a
color also this building stood apart. qu' un manoeuvre savant pour remplacer 1' architecte
giandiose d' un siecle barbare !
* * * Nous marchons
Eschewing the general whiteness, sur des ossements, nous nous appuyons sur des decombres,
nous ne batissons q' avec des debris * * * " Arsene
which is held to be most suited to the Houssajfe, Quarante-unieme Fauteuil."

conventional Renaissance type, it

boldly strove for a brilliant external There are at the bottom of all social
color treatment, all the outside detail development two principles of action,
imitation and initiative both of them
being enforced by the richest painting. ;

Yet the French critics picked out means for gratifying desire, the one
this heterodox building for commen- by the sure and tried course of what
dation, and sneered at the rest of the
has been done before; the other, risk-
buildings, unconscious of the flattery ing failure on the chance of greater
of French orthodox design that a sin- success. Although alarmists are for-
cere attempt at imitation might be ever warning us against novelties,
justly held to imply. pointing out the risk, minimizing the
Estimating ourselves then, not by possible gain, yet experience shows
our own opinion of ourselves, which is that it is actually safer to be too prog-
more than modest, but by the opinion ressive than too conservative. Nations
of those whom we have recognized as have perished over and over again
worthy of our greatest esteem and of from conservatism, never yet one from
all the encomiums of their champions, progressiveness.
we find, when we consult the authori- Still the two principles of action sur-
ties themselves, and not the cham- vive, the one conservative, holding uo
pions, that the authorities admire in always the past as the model, perplexed
us the very things that their champi- with fear of change, striving for the
ons condemn. Our highbuildings which most part to use the dead force of the
Continentalizers want to suppress, majority to resist change; on the other
by law, are picked out by actual, live the advanced guard, seeking, like the
Parisian critics as one of our few vir- Greek, to hear or tell some new thing,
tues. Our interiors, although not dis- the progressive misunderstood, re-
tinguished by those marks of a clear jected by academies and institutes,
intellect in design, pilasters and pedi- sometimes crushed, but, if he survive,
ments transplanted from exteriors, are always leading the way to a future
yet again praised for the embodied better than the past.
spirit, the highest praise for any What chance is there that an
design. academy will receive an Ibsen, that a
All through it is for our breaking conservatory will recognize a Wagner
away from precedent, our direct shoot- or an institute a Corot?
ing at new targets, that we are ap- Against such organizations the new
plauded, and we begin to think that idea must always struggle. And one
our crudity may be but the crudity of reason why the French are less op-
boyishness, as becomes our youth, pressed by their institutions, is their
that recklessness and vigor and frank- profound confidence in themselves,
ness and courage and everything most which leads them finally to accept and
removed from grandmotherliness may glory in the new idea which has been
be a better foundation for the coming able to assert itself. The French ideal
manhood than the powders and pe- is not the past, it is the present, their

rukes, the cocked hats and dancing own present, hence they suffer less
master's graces of Versailles. than would a nation constitutionally
"How often," says Arsene Hous- less progressive.
saye, the noted antagonist of scholas- Excellent as may be the ideals held
ticism, "How often, in a civilized age up by any school, lofty as may be their
there has been but a clever handling standard, we shall always do well to

reserve our own deepest admiration ideas of its time, how can the archi-
for the man that advances that ideal or tecture of this strange,
raises that standard by little or much,
chaotic, anomalous nineteenth century,
rather than for him who contents him- culmination of a great past, vestibule
self wim mere coniormity. of a new and more glorious future, be
So the organizations that have other than strange, chaotic and anom-
achieved the greatest celebrity are alous? How, in the absence of the uni-
those that have continually accepted fying idea that is to come, can it be
and assimilated men of new ideas, al- other than a more or less skilful state-
though always resisting them to the ment of the fact that men know now
last. Thus the French Academy re- the whole world.
fused for a long time to admit de Mus- Only twice in the brief history of
set and Hugo; yet at last admitted the world so far, has a great idea given
them, as it now tries to keep Zola out, a soul to stones; once when the Greek
but will doubtless soon do itself the worshipped the beauty of the present,
honor of accepting him. Yet the once when Christendom worshipped
ranks of French literature are filled the beauty of a fancied future.
with great names which the academy The third time it will come no doubt,
has rejected, from Pascal to Theophile but its coming will not be accelerated
Gautier. The influence of such an by school methods nor by academic
academy in conserving the past is restraints, these willonly delay it.
trifling, compared with that of an or- Along with the inevitable variety is
ganization which undertakes to in- an equally inevitable crudity. lust at
struct as well as to recognize merit. present we care very little for beauty,
American architecture is doubtless we are striving for material advance.
open to severest criticism, but its faults We content ourselves with the rough-
are not those which legislation or au- est imitation of the adornments that
thority can correct. past ages devised. Just so, as Graeco-
In the first place, all over the mod- Roman ideals and arts declined, did the
ern world architecture is necessarily world labor through a long period of
heterogenous a mixture of many and material struggle, while its art was but
often discordant styles. How can it a rough reminiscence of the past.
be otherwise and yet be truthful? In Political and social problems now
the past the architect of Cologne trav- press upon us, and the exigency for-
eled as far as Amiens, saw there the bids the calmer artistic study of a more
greatest and best that men had devised, stable period.
and could but copy, with what im- Yet, in the midst of the clamor
provements he might hope to add. where is it that we see most promise
Nowadays, in photographs, if not in of the future?
actual travel, we roam over the known Is it in such "manoeuvres savants"
world; we are as familiar with the pa- as the typical modern French "hotel
godas of India, the temples of Japan, particulier," or in the freer, if less sym-
as with the theatres and palaces and metrical, homes that such men as Er-
churches of Spain and Russia and nest George plant amid the London
Mexico. All history, past and current, monotony of ugliness? Is it in the
is at hand. modern French villa or the country
we have dug up
Persia and Assyria house thatthe best American architects
as the
and now wander through their ruins. delight in? Is it in such a design
Greece and Rome are as familiar to us recently exhibited permiated
as Boston and Philadelphia: The Fo- Ecole project, correct and studied, but
rum and the Via Sacra as the Avenue cold and definitelv ugly, or in the ap-
des Champs Elysees and the Court of proximatelv similar design of French
the Louvre. bred American architects for a country
What can we do but reflect our house at Greenwich, which was ex-
minds in our deeds? How can we hibited at the same time.which showed
equal studv, equal polish, and
in addi-
build without betraying our world
knowledge? If the historical styles tion instead of ugliness, beauty, instead
have each represented the events and of coldness, charm.
Twokinds of restraints upon archi- An Institute of Architecture in New
tectural practice a temporary wave uf York, drawing its membership, not
reaction is bringing with it The one,
: from a licensed and ticketed assort-
that which expresses itself by attempt- ment of its own graduates, but from
ing to impose its standards upon the brilliant spirits that it might gather
others by law, that is by force; the from within or from without, such an
other, which contents itself with advo- Institute broadly conducted, might
cating its standards by voice, pen and add refinement to progress and could
example. do little damage to originality.
Against the first, for men who know Such an Institute might well be-
what the means, there can be
free life come, and might well deserve to be-
nothing but war. Unfortunately for come, a model for all future schools,
themselves there are too many Ameri- establishing its classes, its prizes, its
cans who have not learned the su- medals, as worthy goals for the punils
preme dictum of freedom, to go their of the architectural schools through-
own way and let others eo theirs, who out the country.
are still held by the spirit of domina- For such an Institute, abjuring the
tion which enjoys compelling others ways of politicians, preaching eclecti-
do its own fancies. cism rather than chauvinism in de-
Against the second, no one can have sign, catholicity rather than provin-
any fair quarrel, except in so far as it cialism in sentiment, there could be
tends always to assimilate its methods none surely but admirers and well-
to the compulsory methods of the wishers everywhere.
former. John Beverley Robinson.


construct a building for the

TO uses of the Salvation Army is un-
doubtedly to incur a strong
or nosier or
would be hard
it in
more discordant.
for anything to
And yet it
vulgarity. may be
temptation to perpetrate an architec- that the qualities which the edifice
tural aberration. Consider what is the shows are not at all to be imputed to
"basic principle" of the organization the architect. We have not the pleas-
in question, so far as that principle ure of knowing him by any other of
can be expressed in building. Is it his works, but it may be that he is
not that, in order to regenerate a perfectly aware of the value of refine-
man's spiritual nature, you need not ment, of the value of harmony, of the
improve him in any other respect? He value of repose, and that he might
needs no more mental culture, no show these qualities in a structure
more social culture than is already in which in his professional judgment
the possession of the humblest. He offered proper scope for them. He
does not even need a change of linen may have been doing himself a con-
or an application of soap and water. tinual violence in composing this
More specifically, the method of the front, just as he does a momentary
society is to vulgarize religion in order violence to the sensibilities of every
to convert the vulgar. The same vul- cultivated passer who is forced to look
garity and foolishness that appear in at it. In that case, his work is success-
the "knee drill" and the big drum ful nearly to the point of triumph, as
should appear in the fagade of a build- in any other case it is a dismal failure.
ing devoted to the uses of the Army. But in any case whatever it is clearly
Really, suppose that by inadver- an aberration.
tence the Army had applied to an ac- We are not doing psychology, it is
complished architect to design a true, but architectural criticism, but
building for it,would he not have been nevertheless the question keeps recur-
justified in concluding that duty to ring, in considering the front, whether
his clients, and fidelity to his problem the architect "wrought in a sad sin-
forbade him to design anything re- cerity" this painful front, or whether
fined and quiet and harmonious, and he was a satirist in masonry, and did it

required him- to design something on purpose. One reason for taking

coarse and noisy and discordant. As the former and less flattering view is
a conscientious artist should he not that it would have been practicable
cause the thing to reek of vulgarity? for the architect to make the satire so
Now, nobody will dispute that the much more broader, and the work so
actual building what the Salvation- much more outrageous, without ex-
ists in their
military-religious jargon citing the suspicions, nay, even while
would doubtless call the "headquar- increasing the enthusiasm of his cli-
ters" of the Army fulfils these req- ents. But on the other hand is the
uisites. Nothing could well be cruder consideration that perhaps he could
~^Z^M sB+r-vU H r 5L53I** * 1

if F





West of Sixth Avenue, New York City.

when they are obvious imitations of

large arches at the sides turned
more expensive things, thereby en- tween abutments that are manife
hancing their vulgarity, do yet cost inadequate to contain them are
money. But he has overlooked
amples of feebleness pretending to be
some very inexpensive ways of mak-
strength, which are unhappily too
ing the front more loathsome. The common to excite the resentment they
contrast of color, for example, might deserve. But there is a peculiar and
have added much to its outrageous- individual infelicity in the treatment
ness without increase of expense. His of the central
entrance, with the pro-
basement is a mild gray and his super- jected face and battering sides of its
structure a tepid buff a timid com-
enclosing wall, the superfluous and
bination that has been employed in
preposterous corbels of the transom
many inoffensive buildings, and that become a balcony, and especially the
is in itself entirely inoffensive. For absurd little suggestion of mediaeval
the same money he might have made
military architecture in its crowning
a red basement and a good strong
member, become another ostensible
gamboge in his
brickwork, interspers- balcony. The silliness and vulgarity
ing with other violent crudities of
it of this are much enhanced
by its exe-
color. In the matter of form, too, he cution in sheet metal. This feature, in
has behaved with moderation. The conjunction with the row of quatre-
middle part of his building, for ex- foils of ecclesiastical Gothic in the bal-
ample, is the mere series of tiers of cony below, is an architectural version
cells in which the steel-frame con- of what we have already called the mil-
struction naturally issues. Left alone,
itary-religious jargon of the archi-
such a series, though it would not be tect's clients. The military pretension
impressive, or attractive, or artistic, is still more completely developed at
would have been quiet and inoffen- the top, where nothing could exceed
sive, and he has very nearly left it the absurdity of the crowning parapet,
alone. True, he has broken in upon or its inappropriateness to the com-
the repose it would have had by pro- monplace shop-front it crowns, with
jecting the centre of between the
it, its barbicans and its crenellations and
main entrance at the bottom and the its loop-holes, from which the be-
tile-roofed tower at the top. Trrs seiged Salvationists must be imagined
projection undoubtedly has the result to pour physical melted lead upon
of distorting the effect of quiet pro- their spiritual besiegers. At the cen-
duced by the expanse of wall. This tre the military pretense is lost sight
result is enhanced by the grouping by of, unless the lonely apartment in the
twos of the openings on the flanking tower be conceived as the sentry box
walls instead of leaving them equally of the watcher on the walls of Zion.
spaced, and also by the long corbels Perhaps, after all, the architect was
introduced at the top of the central right, considering him as a satirist, in
projection to carry a balcony which is confining the nonsense to the begin-
apparently not a balcony. But upon ning and the end of his composition,
the whole, in this middle of five stories, and allowing the central part to ap-
which seems- to be intended for rental, pear as a commonplace, baldly utili-
the architect has not lived up to his tarian shop-front. Thereby he has
privileges, but has produced a piece made it possible for persons not con-
of wall, which, far from being the out- nected with the Salvation Army to
rage upon decency, we had a right to take quarters in the less shameful parts
expect, is only a rather huddled,rather of the building without exposing
vulgar and still very dull piece of themselves and their business to ridi-
work. cule, while at the two extremities he
But at the top and bottom we admit has held up his clients in their true
light. Also he has produced a front domestic architecture in New York
which in its general aspect isquite City of forty years ago, vulgarized
sufficiently vulgar and absurd. To see only by the signs, and shudder at the
how vulgar and absurd, compare it transformation that has come over
with what is visible of its neighbor to Fourteenth street between 1856 and
the right, which is a specimen of the 1896.
Vol. VI. 16.

London Churches of the Seventeenth and Eigh- are especially

noteworthy. S. Paul's Cathedral
teenth Centuries. A selection of the most is
remarkable ecclesiastical buildings, includ- unusually well lighted, of course but still, to

ing St. Paul's Cathedral, erected within and produce these views of the interior under the
around the ancient city walls between the dome from two different points of the south aisle
years 1630 and 1730, from the designs of and nave looking westward, of the northwest
Inigo Jones, Sir Christopher Wren, Nich-
chapel, of the choir aisle, of the choir stalls, the
olasHawksmoor and James Gibbs. A series
of sixty-four plates, and numerous other Bishop's throne with the splendid iron gate which
illustrations. With historical and descrip- forms the south entrance to the choir, and
tive accounts, by George H. Birch, F. S. the organ case, is to achieve
something admirable
A. London B. T. Batsford. 1896. Folio,
in the way of
photography. There is a fine in-
pp. xvii , 165.
teriorview of S. Catherine Cree; four views of S.
This book noteworthy as being a nearly ex-
Stephen, Walbrook, besides one of the dome
haustive treatment of an important subject. For taken vertically from below; two of S. Mary-at-
convenience it
may be considered as consisting Hill, one ofJames, Garlick Hithe; two, more
of two parts ; first, twelve plates, a number of in detail than for general effect, of S.
text illustrations, and twenty-four folio pages less Jewry; one of S. Nicholas Cole Abbey, one of S.
those illustrations, all devoted to S. Paul's Cathe- Swithin and one of S. Bride, two of S. Clement
dral ; second, fifty-two plates with text and text Danes, about the name of which interesting
illustrations proportionately devoted to thirty-five church authorities differ, as there are those who
of the minor churches of the metropolis, with insist that it should read S. Clement's Danes,
some remarks upon a score of those not thought that is to say the Danes of S. Clement, and
worthy of more ample treatment. This division eleven more interior views of equal importance
into two chief parts is worth insisting on, be- taken together, besides some pictures of curious
cause the importance of the cathedral is so much details which carry with them general views of

greater than that of all the small churches in greater or less extent. In all this series of pic-
London of the epoch covered by this volume, tures taken within doors, an unusually extensive
even when taken in the aggregate and pre- series as any one who knows architectural books
sented together, for comparative study, as will admit, there is no sign of the artist having
here. The cathedral is one of the three or four met with serious difficulties, nothing of import-
most important structures, artistically speaking, ance lost in darkness, nothing made ugly and

of the years since the decline of the early and unsightly by disagreeable effect of light
and shade

originalRenaissance, but no importance at all except where in minor details the uncompro-
comparable to this can be predicated of the mising shadow thrown by a pulpit or a font, which
churches, singly or collectively. receives lightfrom a single window only, must
The large plates are of surprising importance. needs swallow up what comes within it. There
Mr. Charles Latham, the photographer, is well are two or three interior views given in half-tones
known to those who have studied on the spot the in the body of the text which should be mentioned
architecture of the south ofEngland and who as showing the general wealth of illustration.
have needed the aid of an artistic and skilful One of these, on p. 132, without being at all
easy to understand and
is a really
maker of architectural views and details, but pleasing is

even his previous record seems to be surpassed valuable picture. To return to the large plates ;

by these extraordinary pictures. The interiors the font cover in the church of Allhallows, Bark-
ng, a piece of carving in oak of Grinling Gib- regard to the smaller churches, and it is there-

bons' time, if not certainly by his hand, is as fine fore fortunate that we
get what is best in these
a piece of decorative art as one is likely to meet churches when we get so much of the steeple as
with in an architectural book, and the wrought- rises above the roofs around. The spire of S.
iron sword rests and hat-racks of 1726 and fol- Bride, Fleet street, and that of S. Leonard,
and and
lowing years are even more important to the Shoreditch, S. Giles-in-the-Fields,
student as being more unusual and more stimu- that of Christ Church,Newgate, and that of S.
lating in their character. These are plates 63 Magnus, London Bridge, and that of S. Mary-
and 64, and form a sort of appendix to the book, le-Bow, and that of S Stephen, Walbrook, rise
but other such minor objects of ornamental art clear of all surrounding buildings.

occur in many of the plates, and here again it That of S. James, Garlick Hithe, not a very
must be mentioned that the text furnishes us lofty or aspiring structure, is dominated by the

with small prints, photographic and other, of great dome of S. Paul's five hundred yards away
sword rests, hat stands, fonts and font covers, to the northwest. Beyond the steeple of S.
pulpits, and even large and semi-architectural Clement Danes is seen the great irregular and
altar pieces like that at S. Vedast's Church. unorganized mass of the London Law Courts,
Admiration has been expressed above of the with its courts and gardens seen in bird's-eye

brilliancy of these interior photographic views. view. The photogragher might in this case
It will be urged that the glass in the London have obtained a view from below namely, from ;

churches is not generally very rich or dark and those very courts and gardens but preferred ;

that the interiors are thoroughly lighted, as thor- wisely, to remain in the air among the steeples

oughly as the atmosphere of London allows and ;

and not break into his system or destroy the

that is true, buthow about the atmosphere of Lon- uniformity of his plan with regard to the
don ? This brings us to the question of the ex- steeples in question. That of S. Vedast Foster
terior views and to the fact that these show a is a little overpowered by S. Mary-le-Bow seen
uniformly gray sky, a dull and smoky air, a a quarter of a mile distant. Finally, the
complete absence of the effects of sunshine. churches of S. George, Bloomsbury, S. Martin-
These pictures are nearly all of steeples, as and S. Mary-le-Strand, are given
in-the- Fields,
indeed the steeples are the pride and glory of complete, at least as far as one point of view
the special admirers of Wren, and yet these allows and so is Christ Church, Spitalfields,

pictures of the upper air, where spire shows though this is too hideous to be allowed so fine
beyond spire in fortunate groupings, with the a plate.
dome of S. Paul's, perhaps, looming hazy in An article in the last number of this journal,

the far distance, have in them fully as much the and devoted to Mr. Daniell's interesting book
effect of pale and generally diffused light as on London City Churches, has said what needed
that of the interiors themselves. And the con- to be said about those buildings, considered as
clusion is the photographer's art
that this is architectural monuments, with one exception.
his fine art, or one phase of it. Just as the se- The steeples, however low their average of size
lected point of view is generally most fortunate and dignity, contrast with those of the continent
and conveys strongly the idea of infinite trouble in being nearly all of the refined and severe
taken and of innumerable difficulties overcome, rather than of the fantastic variety of the later

just so the reduction of all these photogravures revived classic. The strong existing tendency
to the same gray uniformity gives a strong idea toward building in the "high Roman fashion,"
of a deliberate choice of effect having con- or in what the designers suppose to be that
trolled them all. It is curious to see that no fashion, leads towards churches as well as
view of either flank of S. Paul's has been ob- civic buildings, and students of church architec-
tainable. There is, indeed,
large among the ture in the columnar style may certainly learn
plates a view of the south transept from the from these examples left them by Wren Gibbs r

southwest. One of the same transept from and Hawksmoor. S. George's, Bloomsbury,
the southeast, with a little of the south aisle has been stripped of the strange monsters which
and the great south chapel showing beyond, once gave a heraldic character to its odd pyra-
has not been given us in photogravure, and mid, but the lovers of classic architecture will
the half tone is inadequate. The flanks of the prefer it as the restorer has left it. Including
church are of course almost inaccessible to one this one, there are a dozen towers given in these
who must have a few yards of distance for his plates, all crowned with spires or lanterns, all
point of view. The same conditions exist with classical in detail without barocque extravagances

and all worthy of study. To these may be added sculpture, carefully distinguished from what is
at least one steeple, which is given only in a what
inferred, is suggested, and what
sup- is
small elevation in the text that of S. Antholin, posed. The tone of careful and conscientious
Budge Row. agnosticism is admirable and most
Thetext illustrations include plans of nearly Bold suggestions, which as the discussion
all the churches, and the towers of several but on become more and more
assumption, the
sections of the churches and other constructional apparent truth of the theory growing continually
drawings are very uncommon. Architects will into positive truth in the eyes of its advocate,
regret this, for it would be curious to know how may have their place in detail works on individ-
these groined and barrel vaults, these cupolas ual monuments of art, or on schools.
and pendentives, are shaped out of wood and They are dangerous even there but ; without
plaster and hung from the roof timbers. On them progress in research would be more diffi-
the other hand, what is more important in cult. Even there even in the books of archae-

London churches than their sham vaults, ologists addressing archaeologists we have too
namely, their monuments and memorial much of quiet assumption that what seems prob-
tablets, are given rather freely, and often with able is certainly true. In the hand-book ad-
carefully drawn details, such as sections and dressed to the student at the beginning of his
profiles of their mouldings. The fine oak carv- studies and to the public of persons interested

ing, too, which in some cases decorates the who are only students for the occasion, this tak-

apparently constructional parts, is illustrated in ing things for granted is to be most carefully
some of the plates and drawings. avoided and yet it is in just these hand-books

To turn now to themonograph on S. Paul's that we find the almost universal dogmatic as-
Cathedral ;
it is not long and does not profess sertion and the rare suggestion of any uncer-
to be technical, but it isof interesting facts
full tainty. The value in a book for beginners of
and contains some valuable suggestions as to this tone of tentative explanation is seen by con-
plan and design. The serious fault of S. Paul's, trast in the confidence the reader may feel in
the one unforgivable sin committed by its de- positive assertions when they are made. For
signer, namely, the erection of the second story instance, in the description, pp. 254-258, of the
with a second order concealing the clear-story two statuettes generally assumed to be copies of
and denying the fact that there is a clear-story the lost Athena Parthenos, the lost gold and
rising above aisle-roofs this the author does ivory slatue of Phidias, it is a satisfaction to see
not mention, absorbed as he is in consideration that here the author's unwillingness to be cer-
of the interior. This interior, which is really tain disappears, and to infer from this that there

one of the finest things in neo-classic art, Mr. is reason enough for the universal agreement
Birch judges wisely and writes of critically. He that both the Varvakeion statuette and the
Lenormant however
puts his finger on the one serious fault it has, statuette are really copies,
" the four So
subsidiary arches of the dome, where wretched in artistic style, of the masterpiece.

the arch breaks into the entablature, dividing in the account, pp. 157-160, of the painted

it up into detached pieces." Otherwise his limestone sculptures found in 1884 and the fol-
warm praise of the interior everyone can sym- lowing years on the Acropolis, the confirmation
by the present author of the restorations
pathize with, and it is not necessary to look too
is a help to every
closely into his restatement of the queer argu- by putting together fragments,
ments that Englishmen are fond of about the student. It gain that
is clear Mr. Gardner

superiorities of the London church over S. should have indorsed them.

Peter's at Rome. That the interior, in its nave In his careful and reserved way of treating
and and transept, is really far finer attributions, Mr. Gardner is of the best modern
aisles, choir
as a piece of refined architecture than the in- school and he is of this school equally in the

terior of S. Peter's, judged in the same way, can frank acceptance of the novel facts which
are fairly established. Thus the account of the
hardly be questioned.
statues in
extraordinary collection of painted
the Acropolis Museum at Athens, some
A Hand book of Greek Sculpture. By Ernest some in 1884, and
Arthur Gardner, M. A. Macmillan & Co., which were found in 1882-3,
number in 1886, is as decided in its
London, and 66 Fifth avenue. New York. the greater
chromatic character
1896. Pp. xvi., 268. Price, $1.25. expression of the entirely
of the
Here is at last what has been needed a brief ;
of these sculptures as could be asked

account of what is really known of Greek most hearty advocate of polychromatic sculp-
ture, ancient or modern. He is talking of tion like this requires that what seem errors
sculptures worked in soft and coarse-grained are to be looked for. Accordingly there
stone, and he says " The surface of this coarse
: is to be found in the third of the divisions
stone was always covered by a thick layer of above described, that the assumed relation of
paint, and thus the sculptures executed in it are sculpture to architecture would have to be re-
to be distinguished from those made in any ma- considered very carefully before it would com-
terial meant to show. As the color has to a mend itself to the student of decorative archi-
great extent disappeared, what we now possess tecture or of architecture and sculpture taken
must be regarded merely as the core upon which together. There is, for instance, page 36, the
the visible surface was to be overlaid. Before curious assumption, that not only Greek archi-
judging artistically of any such work, we must tecture does generally avoid sculptural decora-
restore in our imagination, with the help of the tion, but also that it ought to do so, in all
vestiges of color that still remain, the varied those parts of a building, which are essentfal
polychromy of its original state. When thus to its structure or stability. In the columns for
considered, it resembles work in glazed or example, and the architrave which rests upon
enameled brick or in painted terra cotta, rather them, we See the fundamental forms of Greek
than any sculpture in stone or marble with architecture ;
and to weaken these in appear-
which we are familiar." That, now, is exactly ance by carving is
clearly inappropriate." In
accurate. The few pieces of full colored sculp- this passage there are indications of a very
ture which have been made in recent times, questionable view of the whole subject. The
such as the monument to the Prince of Kohla- very next sentence mentions the Assos Epistyle
pore and the chromatic busts by Charles and the Ephesus columns as exceptions to this
" familiar."
Cordier, cannot be said to be assumed general rule. Now in these cases the
The heads of the Hydra in the Hercules relief sculpture is in relief upon the broad surface of
were as brilliant a green when first found as a the marble lintel and the lower drums of
Chinese vase. The beards of the Typhon's immense marble columns ;
it is not in sunken
three heads were of a gorgeous blue in 1884 and panels but projects from the main exterior face
perhaps are so still. And on page 161 we come which would have been the usual flat or rounded
upon the suggestion that this blue is intended as surface of the architectural member but for these
a "conventional substitute for black;" and unusual In either case can these added
this will do very well because it is not improb- embossings be said to weaken the member which
able that a solid black over a surface as large as It is of course a fact that the work-
they adorn.
that of these beards and of the horses men-
ing parts of a Greek building are less often
tioned by Mr. Gardner would have been felt to richly sculptured the exceptions being mainly

be a deformity in a chromatic design. The the richer Ionic and the Corinthian capitals
fascination of thesubject leads us away from which do not come within the limits of sculp-
our theme and on to the painted marble statues "
ture as Mr. Gardner is using the term. It is
found also on the Acropolis and in the same equally a fact that sculpture in relief is applied
years which are mentioned above. Mr. Gillieron chiefly tometopes which have no constructional
made admirably careful water-color drawings of work to do and that sculpture in the round is

these their resemblance and in the panels of the pediments or

; is really startling chiefly set up
one or two have been published in the Antike on the edge of the roof, standing upon the
Denkmaeler while a nearly complete set is to be geison and the acroteria as upon shelves. The
found in the Boston Museum af Fine Arts. The distinction between this absolutely free sculp-
account of these and the critical examination ture of the pediments and the roofs and the
given to them occupies the ten pages, beginning relief-sculpture of other parts does not seem to
at page 164 and this is first rate artistic criti-
; have struck Mr. Gardner and yet it is essential.
cism as well as archaeology. The necessary examination into the question,
Theintroduction, containing 44 pages, is de- how far the Greeks used architectural sculpture
voted to the discussion of the sources of our at all, has been avoided by Mr. Gardner, and
knowledge, literary and monumental ;
to the while this is a natural and obvious expedient in

materials and processes to a brief summing up ; the attempt to write a small book on a very
of the different characters and of the different
great subject it is none the less to be regretted.
associations of Greek sculpture and ; to the The small volume before us deals only with
chronological division of the subject. Now, it the introductory matter, as above described, and
is in such preemptory statement as an introduc- with early sculpture down to the time of Phidias.
The text stops abruptly in the middle of Chapter
slightly modified. Even when
was a spacious it
III. The second part is to comprise all the and a many- windowed it was
rest of the including Grseco-Roman
story, still the building of
country-side traditions and
sculpture, and it is to be hoped that a somewhat untraveled simplicity. The architecture of
larger volume will be given. The one subject colonnades and classical
of Grgeco-Roman sculpture in the hands of so proportions, in which
the country mansion seems to
put on a London
judicious a critic is to be looked for
impatiently, look is that of the court
noble, a member of the
and is needed as what has never yet been
given privy council, the man with the traditions of the
to the student.
followers of William the This
Conqueror. may
be fanciful enough as a
theory of origin, though
Early Rhode Island Houses. An Historical and indeed there are suggestions within it: but it is
Architectural Study by Norman M. Isham,
simple truth that the two styles exist side by
A. M., Instructor in Architecture, Brown
side, as late at least as the
early years of the
University, and Albert F. Brown, architect.
Preston and Rounds, Providence, R. I. eighteenth century. And it is simple truth that
1895. Small quarto pp. 100, and 60 both these styles came to this
country, and that
plates serving as appendix. relics of both are still to be found here. The
The Old Colonial architecture, of which so earlier to manifest itself was the more popular
much is said and written, is a somewhat elegant and purely traditional style, and this because it
and town-bred style. It has a great deal of was the humbler and poorer houses that were
added decoration porticos of columns, rows of
; bQilt.

pilasters, pediments at the roof-gables and It is these houses simple and tra-
it is this
frontons over doors and windows and indoors ; ditional style Isham & Brown
which Messrs.
a very handsome show of ornament modelled in have reported upon in the volume before us,
plaster or carved in wood. It is, in short, a
adding to our slight knowledge of American
modification of the more elegant style of the the contents of an admirable
early building
time of George II., or even in some cases of an
monograph on one little corner of the country.
earlier style than that. It is traditional The oldest Rhode Island houses are of
only in the forty
the sense that of working and its manner
its way years from 1636 to 1675; there are only two of
of design were brought from England by men them, one in Providence and one in Cranston.
who had used it there. It is really the archi- There are only five left of the last quarter of the
tecture of the London studios ;
a reflex of the seventeenth century. In all of these, alterations
work of professional architects. have been made which change the original char-
There is, however, another Old Colonial acter very greatly, or else they are in ruins. Alf
which is traditional in a truer sense. The very contain masonwork and woodwork worthy of
who has furnished the account of
clever writer that close and accurate study which our authors,
English architecture for Planat's Encyclopedic with the aid of Mr. Edward Field, the Record
de ^architecture et de la construction insists Commissioner of Providence, have given to
upon the radical difference which he finds be- them. The drawings are minutely careful,
tween the native
English architecture which plotted and figured with obviously ideal accu-
lingered on long after the Middle Ages through racy; and small perspective sketches of parts of
the reigns of the Stuarts and into the " teacup " the framing, ironwork, sashes and chimney top,
times of the Hanoverians which was handed are put in on the margins or are on separate
down from father to son and for which no archi- leaves. In all this there is nothing of the Pal-
tect made plans between this native and tradi. ladian architect or of the architect of any sort,
tional building, and the sophisticated and self- as the seventeenth century knew that being, then
conscious art imported from Italy in the volumes newly recognized in England and her colonies.
of Palladio. The first, he thinks, was the build- Here are the posts more nearly square in the
ing of the conquered English and the latter the main, broadening out to twice their width in one
art of the Norman
conquerors; that is to say, of directionwhere they have the ends of girders to
into a pair of cor-
their descendants in each case. carry, the posts spreading out
The half-timbered house with overhanging bels where they are needed. Here are the
upper stories, wooden verge-boards,
gables, corner posts of the overhang, shaped at the lower
" "
small and narrow windows grouped in threes end into a graceful enough drop or pendant.
and fives, and deep enclosed porches; this was Here is chamfering of many kinds and of many
the lingeiing mediaeval and purely English feel- sections, some of it moulded with elaboration
ing showing itself in the mediaeval forms but and nearly all of it worked with spirited stops.
In short, here is the English house-carpenters this small quarto. It is to be hoped that the
traditional work shaped out of mediaeval forms work be pushed on by the same enthusi-

by passing through the century of Elizabeth and astic students. They have given us here what
James, but mediaeval still in its shapes and we take to be the most important contribution

ways. With this is a little ornamental mason- so far made to the history of American art, and
work, admirable chimney tops with decoration in it will be a pity if their work stops here.
brick pilaster-like breaks and simple stepped-out

caps. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture.

Then come the houses of the third period em- By A. D. F. Hamlin, A. M., Adjunct Pro-
fessor of Architecture in the School of
bracing the first quarter of the eighteenth cen-
Mines, Columbia College. Longmans,
tury; one in Providence, one in North Provi- Green & Co., New York. 1896. Pp. xxv.,
dence, one in Johnston where the famous elm 441 229
illustrations in the text. Price,
tree is, immortalized by the Autocrat, and one in $2.00.
Buttonwoods where there ought to be some good To the student outside of the class-room it

trees. These houses are somewhat larger; one may well appear that the chief value of this

of them has formidably high and sharp gables ^

book is in its tables of monuments and dates
but the same system of building with all the and its brief lists of books preceding the differ-
larger timbers exposed indoors goes through ent chapters. That is to say, it will appear on
them all. first examination to be a book of reference
The " rather than a book to read.
chapters on Construction," and on the This, however, will
" Relation
of Colonial Architecture to English be a mistaken idea and one that the reader of
Work" explains precisely how the American clap- this notice is advised not to entertain.
boarded exteriors are to be accounted for. The Some of us are convinced that the history of
old houses were built at first as their models in art is more likely to be written as it should be
England had been built, the timber framing written, by Americans than by the scholars of
showing on the exterior and the spaces between any European nation. The monographs will
the timbers filled with rough brick and mortar of course be by Europeans, in almost every

masonry or with "wattle and daub," but the instance. In Europe are the traditions there ;

sun of the summer shrunk the timbers and the are the scholarships, the Professorships and the
cold and snow of the first winter found easy en- Fellowships ;
the habit among men of some

trance, and clapboards were called for. leisure of devoting their time and energies to
Chapters V. and VI. deal with the towns of specialized study. Few are the Americans who
Newport and Narragansett, which have not been come into the field of scholarship prepared to
dwelt on in the previous pages; and some larger vie with their brothers of Western Europe in
houses are described here, of which one at this matter of minute and continued research.
least is quite a mansion in its exterior effect and But in the way of summing up the conclusions
its accommodations. and the making history out of detached his-
gives a curious record in eight figures
Plate I. torical facts, the American has an advantage,
of the development of the Rhode Island plan, which is greater than at first sight seems possi-
intwo directions, out of one-roomed houses with ble, in his capacity of treating with equal com-
end chimneys one of these along the line of
; parative respect the researches of men of all

chimneys in the outer wall becoming more and nationalities. It is strange, but it is true, that
more elaborate with fireplaces and flues; the very few books published in Europe are free
other through the well-known New England from vexatious instances of national pride inter-
middle-chimney house, with its staircase in the fering with the historical sense. The tendency
front lobby and backed up by the great stone which leads to such phrases as "Our History,"
mass of the chimney. Plate II. is a curious "with us, it has not been so," "we were
map of Providence as it was in the seventeenth enabled to repel the invasion," and the like,
century, with the names of the residents ap- recurring again and again in the gravest his-
pended to their houses, some of which houses torical works and in all languages, an example

are preserved in the plates of this book. In a of the nationalizing spirit to which we refer.
pocket of the cover is an almost equally attrac- In treatises on architecture this is as prominent
tivemap of the State of Rhode Island at an and as visible as in political and social history,
unnamed early date. and nothing is more ludicrous than the never-
Enough has been said to show how inter- ending troubles of the would-be historian of
esting and how valuable a book we have in architecture to explain to his readers, assumed
to be his countrymen, that after all and in spite cluding some plans and some measured details,
of everything his and their country leads the but generally made
up of photographic views,'
field. The only nation of Western Europe has an inherent value which is not to be mis-
which may be supposed free from this curious taken. The selection of buildings is indeed
ambition is the Swiss nation, and the Swiss very good. There are not as many interiors as
history of European architecture we are yet to could be wished, but there are some which it is
receive. really a pleasure to see in a popular book of this
Mr. Hamlin's text shows very neatly the un- kind. It is hard to make them tell in small
biased kind of judgment which we expect from photographic process plates. It seems that to
the future American historian of art. It is not provide a good interior view for a book recourse
merely that he is indifferent what nation or must be had to large and
costly plates, such as
people is proved to be the inventor of this those described in another
page as illustrating
or that, his unprejudiced largeness of Mr. Birch's book, or else
style drawings made by
view enables him to see the essential tendencies hand in which of course the draughtsman's
at work in each epoch and every land. The sonality comes between the builder and
few words allowed to each branch of the sub- student. Thus the views of the interiors of S.
ject as treated in this very small book are the Sophia at Constantinople, S. Mark's of Venice,
right words nearly always. It would make our and S. Peter's of are of
Rome, little avail to the
readers laugh if there were printed here the student, but the Basilica of S. Maria Maggiore
statements which we mark as perhaps erroneous, and the Cathedral of Pisa have simpler interiors
so few they are and so trivial. Such brief treat- which the lack of distinctness does not so
ment can never be very interesting reading, at greatly injure, and the vaulted roof of Henry
least to the comparatively uninformed reader, the Seventh's Chapel, as a large-scale detail is
but such readers may be advised safely to learn easy to render and is a very useful illustration.
by heart each chapter on European architecture The exterior views serve their turn well. It is

and then look at all photographs they can find, pleasant to find among them several fine build-
belonging to that epoch, with the certainty that ings which are not known as well as they should
these will have anew meaning to them. As to be, such as the south front of Hatfield House,
the architecture of the far East, the subject has which is certainly one of the best pieces of
as yet been too little studied to make it safe to Renaissance designing, properly so-called, in all
write hand-books about it, and as to the Mo- the North of Europe, the admirable Town Hall
hammedan architecture treated in Chapter XII., at Antwerp, and the Paris Pantheon, so given as
Professor Hamlin perhaps overrates its import- to show its windowless walls. There are some
ance. In India only is Mohammedan architec- Spanish examples too, which, though less un-
ture of any great comparative value. known than they were fifteen years ago are still
less familiar than they should be ;
and the in-

terior of San Juan de los Reyes at Toledo is well-

A History of Architecture for the Sttident,
Crajtsman and Amateur. Being a Com- worthy to be chosen on account of its interesting
parative View of the Historical Styles from management of the central tower as seen from
the Earliest Period. By Banister Fletcher, within. This should be compared with thesim-
F. R. I. B. A., Professor of Architecture in
lar and better known example of Burgos Cathe-
King's College, London, and Banister F.
Fletcher, A. R. I. B. A.. Instructor in the dral, and these two plates are given in 114 and
Architectural Studio, King's College, Lon- US-
don. With 115 plates, mostly Collotypes, The text of this work is arranged rather for
and other illustrations in the text. B. T. A
reference than for reading. large part of it is
Batsford, London. 1896. Imported by
Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. Small devoted to elaborate comparisons between styles.
octavo, pp. xvi., 313. Price $4.50. Announcement is made on the page facing page
This is a small and thin hand-book, swelled one, that each style is considered in five different

by the insertion of 115 plates on thick paper to ways first, as to the Influences, Geographical,

the form of one of those "dumpy" bibles Geological, Climatic, Religious,
seventeenth and Historical, which have shaped it ; second,
which Englishmen loved in the
as to its Architectural Character third, as to the
century. The plates are really of importance in ;

as examples of it; fourth,

Buildings, which serve
any estimate of the book, for although such
four and as to the Comparison of each with other stales ;

collotypes as can be printed on a page

and as to the Books which may be consulted.
one-half by seven inches cannot be wholly satis- fifth,

in- The reduction of a complex and subtile theme,

factory, yet a series of well-selected pictures,
such as the critical history of architecture, to a savages have a perfect right to lay side by side
series of brief and positive statements, brings patterns which show a continuous gradual diver-
with it this danger, that statements will often be gence from the perfectly well marked human
made which cannot be perfectly maintained face to figures which have but little resemblance
This danger is greatly increased when much is to the first, and which seem, when taken
made of the influences of race, climate and separately, not to be derived from natural forms
religion. The working of these influences is so at all. The case is different when the triangles
very hard to trace and is so tempting to the bold in a complicated geometrical pattern are stated
theorizer, that the student should always be to be copies of a garment used by the women.
warned against architectural conclusions founded Once in the hands of a decorative designer, one

upon such non-architectural reasoning. triangle is much like another. The use of this

figure may be in any given case suggested by a

Evolution in Art, as Illustrated by the Life- garment or the shape of a fish, or by the spaces left
between blades of a shark-tooth weapon, or by
Histories of Designs. By Alfred C. Had-
don, Professor of Zoology, Royal College the interstices in a zig-zag while the zig-zag ;

of Science, Dublin Corresponding Mem-; itselfcomes natural and unbidden to every idle
ber of the Italian Society of Anthropology,
man who has drawn two nearlv parallel lines, on
etc. With 8 plates and 130 figures in the
text. London: Walter Scott, Ltd., 1895. the sand or elsewhere, and who scrawls between
Imported by Charles Scribner's Sons, New them.
York. Pp. xviii. 364. Price, $1.25.
, The truth is that study of decorative art and
This volume is one of the Contemporary itsorigin is as yet in its infancy, and is likely to
Science Series, edited by Havelock Ellis. It remain there until persons having a practical
consists of an introduction and four principal knowledge of decorative design shall devote
divisions, which, in their turn, are subdivided. themselves to the scientific study of it. The
Thus the first of the main divisions is devoted to fact well known to all students of fine art that
the art of British New Guinea, considered as an the arts which appeal to the eye are nearly
example of the method of study to be followed, always misjudged by students in other depart-
and this part of the book is subdivided as ments, greatly retards advance in the branch of
follows: I., Torres Straits and Daudai II., ; anthropology under consideration. The literary
III., IV. and V., Other geographical subdivi- student and the scientific student insist on judg-
sions ; VI., Relation of the decorative art to the ing works of that fine art which appeals to the
ethnology of British New Guinea; and VII., eye from literary and scientific standpoints.
Note on the scroll designs of British New They are not to be blamed, for it israrely seen
Guinea. The second main division is entitled that a master of the graphic and plastic arts,
The Material of which Patterns are Made," one knowing their theory in practice well, writes
and the third and fourth are, respectively, " The with any fullness, or indeed gives any attention
Reasons for which Objects are Decorated and whatever to research in the mysteries of primal
The Scientific Method
of Studying Decorative decorative art. It fails to interest him, just as

Art." The purpose and intent of the book is the rudest compositions in verse fail to interest

obviously and avowedly to approach the study the enthusiastic student of the loftiest poetry.
of anthropology through the investigation of Occasionally and incidently the man who knows
those ornamental patterns and those rude works of and lives with that art which is the most

representative art which savages not of the highly developed and most stimulating may
lowest condition produce in great abundance. turn to consider the earliest gross and
It found that certain figures in ornamental
is feeble strivings of
undeveloped humanity,
patterns resemble certain objects, necessarily but continued and comparative study of them
well known to the savages who have produced is not his to undertake. Those who accumulate
those patterns. There is then the natural dispo- facts relating to this novel subject of study and
sition on the part of the investigator to infer that who reason upon them are nearly always persons
those figures are copied from the objects in to whom fine art is a sealed book. This,
question. Now, this inference is of different indeed, is indicated in the Introduction, where

degrees of reasonableness in the different cases stated that the facts are collected in large
it is

given. There can be no doubt, when a part of numbers " by missionaries and others or seen
the human face is indicated by strongly marked in large ethnographical collections." Therefore,
lines, what those indications mean, and the for years to come books be written wh'ch,
scientific students of pattern-designing among like this one, are full of suggestion, but which will
mislead at times by assuming as true that which
very magnificent, nor its minor churches
every advanced student of decorative and rich in architectural
design or in
representative art knows to be false or extremely sculpture
This is made up for,
This book and Mr. Balfour's very largely, by the fact
improbable. that they are not restored.
No where will the
interesting little treatise, "The Evolution of student find a

larger amount,
Decorative Art," are
important and praise- proportionately
absolutely unaltered and nearly
worthy attempts at laying the foundations of a work. Round arched and early Gothic is to be
study which may prove to be, in the future, found in great
abundance; central and later
mainly scientific or mainly philosophical. In Gothic also with all their
the meantime strange and quaint
its proceedings are scientific in experiments in vaulting and attempts at
their character, getting
pursued along the lines of direct sculptured decoration at small cost.
observation and comparison of facts and that is Moreover,
all this is found in a
country, which abounds
well. in stone, fit for delicate
cutting and solid
building, and most of it is intact and unre-
The Ecclesiastical Architecture
of Scotland, stored. The authors of this book have treated
from the Earliest ChristianTimes to the
their subject as a series of
Century. By David Macgib- monographs long ;

bon and Thomas Ross. Edinburgh: David or short,

according to the importance of the
Douglas. 1896. Vol. I., pp. xiii., 483. subject in each case. Thus, Dunfermline
The authors of this book are also the authors Abbey Church has nearly thirty pages devoted
of The Castellated and Domestic Architecture to with no less than
" twenty-six illustrations,
of Scotland in five volumes, which came out by means of which, with a little comparing and
three or four years ago, and is one of the most referring backwards and forwards, an excellent
interesting and valuable of modern books on idea of the whole
building with its almos t
architecture. Mr. Macgibbon is by himself the unique buttress system is to be had. The first
author of " The Architecture of Provence and illustration among those referred to is a
the Riviera," which was published in 1888, and plan of the buildings of the Abbey; several of
which is a book to class with Butler's "Coptic the cuts give parts of the subordinate
Churches of Egypt" and Jackson's "Dalmatia, and a reference on page 256 sends us back tp
The Quarnero and Istria," as a product of per- the work on Castellated and Domestic Architec-
sonal experiences and minute observation. ture for the Palace which was
intimately con-
These octavo volumes printed in large type and nected with the structures of the Abbey. In like
illustrated, and yet sufficiently light in the hand, manner the church celebrated in song and story,
have a peculiar value to busy students; especially as St. Magnus' Cathedral at Kirkwall, is
when illustrated as fully as those of our present described in twenty-four cuts and a propor-
authors. Architects in particular not gifted tionate number of pages of text. Whether
with much patient and long con.
leisure for we take Sir Walter Scott's view of the town of
tinued archaeological studies should find books Kirkwall, as held in 1805, that Kirkwall was
of this form peculiarly valuable for who fair," or his opinion as held in 1814, after he
reads or can read the pages of a folio ? The had seen it,

mere fact that there is never a table free to " And needs must I stare
When think that in verse I have once called \\.fair;
receive it
destroys the value of a folio except as 'Tis a base little borough, both dirty and mean
a book of plates. There is nothing to hear and there's naught to be seen.'
Of these octavo volumes, then, devoted to the we shall not find it hard to appraise the cathedral
personal study of architectural subjects, eleven That, indeed, is a thing upon which Sir Walter
have been cited and Messrs. Macgibbon & Ross was not highly qualified to speak he lived and ;

are preparing to give us three or four volumes died before the dawn of the archaeological day.
more; and those upon a subdivision of the his- The church is really a very interesting piece of
tory of architecture which many of our readers Romanesque and Transitional architecture with
will think more immediately interesting than Gothic vaulting of a simple type, but of an
any of those which have been mentioned. The epoch nearly a century later than that of the
only drawback to Scottish ecclesiastical architec- walls which it surmounts and with a most inter-

ture, as a matter of pressing need to all students, esting central tower in its original condition.
is the fact that it has never been very splendid Some of those famous abbeys which we asso-
nor in the highest sense of the word original. ciate rather with England, and which are the
No single style of the last importance has ever best known
of all mediaeval buildings to many

originated in Scotland, nor are its cathedrals travelers and many lovers of the picturesque
in architecture, are really "over the border." architecture is followed by the Norrnan, that is
These, of course, are treated with proportionate to say the Romanesque style, and that by the
care in the book before us. Thus Kelso Abbey Transition style. The perfected and the later
Church is treated in twelve cuts and an interest- Gothic are left for future volumes, although, of

ing chapter of text ;

and this affords an oppor- course, the buildings treated in this volume
tunity to say that these ruined monastic build- contain many fragments of later architecture.

ings have never had justice done them by the There is a separate series of papers on the
archaeologists. No one will suspect us of wish- very early churches of the Orkney and the

ing to depreciate the admirable work done by Shetland Islands, made up from plans and
Edmund Sharpe, but what he has done leaves drawings, made forty years ago by Sir Henry Dry-
stillundone the much needed exact survey and den. There is a similar treatise on the earliest
measurement and exact setting down of the ecclesiastical buildings of Scotland, derived from
ruins as they stand. Let the future give us if it the studies of the late T. S. Muir, and attention

will, complete excavation and thorough result- is especially called to these as the work of

ing research what is needed now and without

an antiquary of extraordinary enthusiasm and
delay is a trustworthy record of what exists trustworthy devotion. The fact is insisted on
above ground and within reach of a tape- that these very early buildings have suffered very
measure and the camera- lucida. This work is greatly since ihe drawings and measurements
in the way of being done by Messrs. Macgibbon in question were made from them. An introduc-
and Ross, as may be seen in the monograph of tion gives an account which is well worth reading,
Kelso and in those devoted to Dundrennan, of the evolution of
European architecture during
Jedburgh, Kinloss and Dryburgh. about 400 years, namely, from 1050 to 1450
That which has been described is a part of the A. D., the years of the Romanesque architec-
body of the work, and of this it should be said ture, the development of Gothic and its

that it appears to be arranged in a sense chrono- changes ; English examples being always
logically. The transition from Celtic to Norman preferred.
Russell Sturgis.

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