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‘ME AND MY FAMILY Pronunciation

‘Competences Sentence Patterns Vocabulary

Unit 11 What's the matter with you? | Page geo 6 oat 3

- » What's the matter | toothache, | Intonation
e Asking and answering |

questions about common with you? { earache, sore | What's the matter with
health problems | have ... | throat, stomach you?
|e You should/ | ache, dentist, { | have a headache. 7
+ Giving and responding to | take a rest, carry,
advice on common health | shouldn't...
problems | Yes, | will/OK, won't, | sweet |
acti erty

Unit 12 Don’t ride your bike too fast! z Page12 SECT

g responding
"Expressinand | ¢ Don't. | knife, matches, Intonation
| to concerns about possible | OK, Iwon't. | stairs, stove, arm, Don't play with the knife! "3%
accidents at home ¢ Why shouldn't|...? leg, climb, run OK, | won't.
¢ Asking and answering Because ... down, fall off, Why shouldn't | play with the
questions about accident | break, cut, burn
{ knife? IR
prevention | Because you may cut
yourself, 7%
i —— ATH rms +n

Unit 13 What do you doi in 1 your free time? FU PEERS

Page 18
lo Asking and answering e Whatdo you doi in free time, karate, | Intonation
questions about what your free time? fishing, skating, What do you do in your free
someone does in his/her free I. camping time? 7
time * What does your I surf the Internet. ~3¢
i ® Asking and answering in his/her free time?
questions about what a He/She ...
family member does in his/
her free time

Unit 14 What happened irin the story? : ~ Page 24

Ee | Asking and answering o What happened in order, far away, | Intonation
questions about what the story? watermelon, What happened in the
happened in a story First, /Then/Next/In | seed, intelligent, story? "x
{ o Asking and answering theend, ... greedy First, King Hung ordered Mai
questions about someone's e What do you think An Tiem and his family to
opinions of a book/story/ of ..7 live on anisland. 7%
a I think...
a mm tn rtrd

|‘Unit 15 ‘What would

w you like to bei in the fifuture? Page 30
B® Asking and answering + What would you like pilot, writer, | IIntonation
questions about what to be in the future? architect, What would you like to be in
someone would like to be in Id like to be a/an ... patient, look the future? "¢
the future ¢ Why would you like after, design I'd like to be a nurse, 7
{ » Asking for and giving reasons tobe..?
Because Id like to ...
np Tt, Te RT reed

'Review3 Page 36 aa AEE


Competences Pronunciation
Unit 16 Where's the post office? Page 40 op
* Asking and answering |e Excuse me, where's bus stop, post | Intonation
questions about directions | the..? office, theatre, | Where's the post
-® Asking and answering Its. | museum, nextto, office? "¢
| questions about means of le Howcanl get 10? | opposite, between, | t's opposite the
transport | You can. | on the corner | stadium. 7%

‘Unit 17 What would you like to eat? Pagede; hind

Asking and answering
questions about what |¢ What would you like to
a Tm r——
| glass/carton/bottle
| Intonation
| What would you like to
someone would like to eat I'd like ..., please. of..., sausage, egg, | eat?
or drink la How many/much | biscuit, chocolate | I'd like a banana, 7
Asking and answering you eat/drink every | please. A
questions about the day? i
| quantity of food and drink | | eat/drink |

Unit 18 What will the

1 weather be like tomorrow? dais ma ——

B Asking and answering . What will the weather | snowy, wired, fogay, I| PP—
questions about the be like tomorrow? { warm, cool, spring, | What will the weather be
weather It will be ...and ... | summer, autumn, | like tomorrow? “x
e Asking and answering eo What's... likeinyour | winter, snow, [lt will be hot and
{ questions about the i country? | forecast, season, | sunny. 7
| seasons It's usually ... dry, wet, tomorrow |

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iLUnit 19 Which place would youllike to visit? 5

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lo Asking and answering | ° Which place would you | museum, pagoda, Intonation
questions about which | like to visit, ... or ...7 | bridge, temple, Which place would you
place someone would like I'd like to ch | attractive, exciting, like to visit, 7¢
to visit . .? | interesting, { Trang Tien Bridge <*
¢ What do you think of
e Asking and answering It's more ... than | | expected | or Thien Mu Pagoda? “¢
questions about someone's | expected. I'd like to visit Thien Mu
opinions about a place |
_{ Pagoda. |
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2 Which one is more exciting, life in thee dity or
Unit 20
5: Page64 a Ged
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lifei in the countryside? PCETRTRIE ES SARS URE
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¢ Asking and answering e Which oneis.., ... or .? { noisy, noisier, | Intonation

questions to compare | think ... busier, expensive, Which one is bigger, "¢
places (adjectives with one | o Which one is more..,.. | exciting, peaceful { London <A or Hue? “x
or two syllables) or..? I think London is. “3
i « Asking and answering | think ...
questions to compare
places (adjectives with
three syllables)
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i Review 4


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