Syllabus Grade 5.1

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Competences Sentence Patterns Vocabulary Pronunciation
Unit 1 What's your address? Page6
+ Asking and answering e What's your address? address, lane, Word stress
questions about ls. tower, like, quiet, city
someone's address e What's the ... like? crowded, pretty ‘village
» Asking and answering It's: ‘mountains
questions about what a ‘tower
village/town/city is like

Unit2 | always get up early. How about you? Page 12

+ Asking and answering * Whatdoyoudo..? brush teeth, do Word stress
questions about | always/usually/often ... morning exercise, ‘always
someone's daily routine * How often ..? always, usually, ‘usually
* Asking and answering |... every day/once/twice ... often, sometimes, ‘often
questions about a week/a month. once, twice, ‘sometimes
frequency partner, project

Unit 3 Where did yougo on holiday? Page 18

* Asking and answering e Where did you go on holiday? island, ancient Word stress
questions about past lwent to... town, imperial ‘motorbike
holidays + How did you get there? city, underground, ‘underground
* Asking and answering | went by ... motorbike, coach, ‘holiday
questions about means of get ‘family

Unit 4 Did yougo to the party? Page 24

« Asking and answering * Didyou..7 enjoy, join, funfair, Word stress
questions about whether Yes, | did./No, | didn't. chat, cartoon, past ‘party
someone did something « What did you do at the party? simple of irregular ‘Sunday
e Asking and answering la verbs: did, had, ate, en'joyed
questions about what went, sang in'vite
someone did at a party

Unit 5 Where will you be this weekend? Page 30

e Asking and answering * Where will you be ...7 will, think, may, Word stress
questions about where I think I'll be ... explore, cave, boat, ‘seaside
someone will be « What will you do ..2 build sandcastles, ‘islands
e Asking and answering I think ll... on, in, at, by ‘countryside
questions about what I don't know. | may ...
someone will do

Review 1 Page 36

4 Tiéng Anh 5 -Tap 1

Competences Sentence Patterns Vocabulary Pronunciation
Unit 6 How many lessons
do you have today? 1
e Asking and answering * How many lessons do you revision of days Sentence stress
questions about lessons have today? of the week, "How many ‘lessons do you
» Asking and answering | have ... once/twice a ‘have to'day?
questions about how + How often do you have ..7 week, three/
| "have four.
often someone has a | have it + frequency four times a
subject expression week

Unit7 How
do you learn English?
e Asking and answering * How do you practise ...? speak, listen, Sentence stress
questions about how A write, read, ‘How do you ‘practise
someone learns English « Why do you learn English? email, short ‘speaking?
¢ Asking and answering Because | want to ... story, practise, | 'speak ‘English ‘every ‘day.
questions about the foreign ‘Why do you ‘learn ‘English?
importance of learning Be'cause | 'want to ‘sing
English ‘English 'songs.

Unit 8 What
are you reading? Page 52
* Asking and answering « What are you reading? names of books/ Sentence stress
questions about what I'm reading ... stories, kind, ‘What are you ‘reading?
story/book someone is « What's... like? hard-working, I'm ‘reading The Fox and
reading He's/She's ... clever, gentle, the ‘Crow.
» Asking and answering generous, ‘What's ‘Snow "White 'like?
questions about what the funny, fairy tale She's ‘kind.
character ina story is like

Unit9 What did you see at the zoo? Page 58

+ Asking and answering » What did you see at the python, Sentence stress
questions about animals zoo? peacock, ‘When did you 'go to the zoo?
inazoo | saw... gorilla, roar, I 'went there ‘yesterday.
+ Asking and answering * What did the ... do when move, panda, ‘What did the ‘tigers 'do
questions about what you were there? quietly, when you were 'there?
animals did in the zoo They... loudly, slowly, They ‘roared ‘loudly.
Unit 10 When will Sports Day be? ~ Page64
» Asking and answering « When will ... be? Sports Day, Sentence stress
questions about school It'll be on... 2 singing ‘When will 'Sports ‘Day ‘be?
events « What are you going to do contest, It'll be on "Saturday.
+ Asking and answering on Sports Day? Independence ‘What are you ‘going to 'do
questions about what I'm going to ... Day, table on ‘Sports ‘Day?
someone is going to do/ tennis I'm ‘going to 'play ‘football.
play on Sports Day


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