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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has started and is slowly creeping into every part of our life in some ways or

another. It has the definite potential to reshape businesses and evolve the ways of doing it. But when
thinking about a AI solution, few points to remember before plunging in to the world of AI…

1. Define Your Objectives: Clearly identify your goals and challenges before diving into AI.
Understand what you aim to achieve and how AI can support your unique needs.
2. Know the Limitations: Recognize that AI is not a silver bullet. Understand its limitations, and
its potential biases. Not everything should be replaced with AI. Some time KISS (Keep it
simple and stupid) rule does wonders.
3. Focus on Value: Don't chase AI for the sake of novelty. Focus on tangible value and real-world
applications that align with your business objectives and deliver meaningful outcomes. Just
remember, AI is costly, at least for now.
4. Prioritize Transparency: Choose AI technologies that offer transparency and interpretability.
Understand how decisions are made and ensure accountability, especially in high-stakes
5. Data Quality Matters: High-quality data fuels accurate AI insights. Invest in data collection,
cleaning, and maintenance processes to ensure reliable and unbiased outcomes.
6. Rigorous Testing and Validation: Thoroughly test AI models to ensure their reliability,
fairness, and robustness. Implement validation processes to continuously monitor
performance and adapt as needed.
7. And finally, in critical domains, prioritize AI technologies that provide explainable outcomes,
enabling you to understand and communicate the reasoning behind AI-driven decisions.

#AIforGood #ResponsibleAI #ChooseWisely

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