Annotated Bibliography Marks

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Annotated Bibliography

Papasolomou, I., Melanthiou, Y. and Tsamouridis, A., 2022. The fast fashion vs environment

debate: Consumers’ level of awareness, feelings, and behaviour towards sustainability within the

fast-fashion sector. Journal of Marketing Communications, pp.1-19.

The article by Papasolomou et al. (2020) investigates the attitudes, level of knowledge and

customer’s behavior in regard to sustainability in the realm of fast fashion. Empirical evidence is

incorporated in the article that focuses on what customers feel and know and how they view fast

fashion brands in terms of sustainability. In this context it questions on whether the knowledge

that fast brand consumers have in regard to fashion is sufficient enough to trigger purchases that

are environmentally friendly. In promoting the shift towards sustainable consumption of fast

brands the author suggests that a need arises to offer adequate information on the social and

environmental impacts of products when it comes to establishing strong feelings. The article also

incorporates a study involving 97 consumers who have knowledge on fast fashion brands.

Despite these consumers having sufficient knowledge on issues relating to sustainability, they

seem to lack adequate knowledge regarding some of sustainable supply chains such as materials,

recycling, reuse and fabric of fashion items. Women involved in the study seem to be more

knowledgeable on the issue of sustainable supply chains as compared to their male counterparts.

However, the study reveals that men pay a higher pr4ice for those fast fashion brands which

reflect on their moral values. Through this article the issues relating to sustainable supply chains

in the fast fashion industry is highlighted. However, the author notes that gaps exist in this
industry regarding the interplay of green logistics and value addition. Thus the author calls for

further education of consumers on the essence of sustainable supply chains and the need of

running an industry that is focused on environmental sustainability.

The article will be a core reference in my research for it provides sufficient information on the

issues relating to green supply chain and consumer awareness.

Fernandez-Vazquez, S., Rosillo, R., de la Fuente, D. and Puente, J., 2022. Blockchain in

sustainable supply chain management: an application of the analytical hierarchical process

(AHP) methodology. Business Process Management Journal, (ahead-of-print).

Fernandez-Vazquez et al. (2022) in their article introduce the concept of analytical hierarchical

process(AHP)’s that involves different levels of cooperation. According to them if this approach

is appropriately applied it results to a model based method that can integrate block chain into

supply chain management. The article aims at highlighting the importance of utilizing block

chain in supply chain management especially when it comes to comparing supply chain trends in

a similar industry. For effective development of AHP the article examines eight elements which

are sustainability, smart contracts, decentralization, resiliency, transparency, trust, security and

traceability. Further in the article a calculation of desirability index of integrating block chain in

the conventional supply chain is given. According to these benefits of block chain enabled

supply chain surpass those of conventional supply chains when it comes to enhancing sustainable

development in contemporary supply networks. The article emphasizes on the essence of

integrating the AHP paradigm on block chain something that has not yet been studied according

to available literature. The ability to combine green supply chain processes with emerging

technologies such as block chain is an indicator of the need of research in the area. Block-chain
in recent times has only been utilized in facilitating payments in the fast fashion industry due to

its emended security features. However according to the authors it can still be utilized in

ensuring value addition across the green supply chain of fast fashion brands. This is because it

not only offers customers with supply chain analytics but also the ability to understand the

impact of the supply chain on the environment. Through block chain supply chains customers

will be in a position to know those fast fashions brands that are produced at the expense of the


The article will not be a core reference in my research but will be instrumental in offering

insights on the essence of interruptive technology in green supply chain.

Razzak, M.R., 2023. Mediating effect of productivity between sustainable supply chain

management practices and competitive advantage: Evidence from apparel manufacturing in

Bangladesh. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 34(2), pp.428-


Razzak (2023) borrows from the resource based view and theoretical realms offered by supply

chain management view in examining if pursuit of social, environmental and economic

sustainability undertaking creates a competitive advantage in the economy. The article revolves

around fashion apparel companies exporting garments from Bangladesh to other parts of the

world. According to the article finding there is a positive relationship between SSCM practices

and social sustainability. This particular article contributes to existing literature on strategic

management by offering a combined theoretical view in suggesting how sustainable supply chain

impact on production. The article brings on board an analysis of how manufacturers of

readymade garment in developing countries comply with social, environmental and economic

sustainability measures in enhancing sustainable supply chains. Additionally, the author notes
that such measures ought to have a positive impact on productivity if they are to lead to

competitive advantage. Furthermore, the article also investigates on the interplay between

productivity and the aforementioned relationships. Though this article majors mainly on the

garment industry in Bangladesh it has a lot of information regarding supply chain sustainability.

Fast fashion brand companies by fabric and other raw materials from developing countries. The

activities of these companies as well as the impact on the environmental sustainability have been

studied in this article. The authors suggest that garment exporters in Bangladesh are keen in

ensuring that they use ethical supply chain approaches in outsourcing their products. Such an

approach is aimed at ensuring that the products they outsource not only meet international

standards but also add value to the communities who produce. In recent times customers have

been neglecting products produced by companies that do not promote green supply chain.

Through these article thus the authors urge for a sustainable supply chain that adds value.

The article will not be utilized as a main reference but will be utilized in elaborating the concerns

that arise if apparel companies across the globe fail to run green supply chain and continuously

outsource from developing countries.

Feng, Q. and Liu, T., 2022. Selection Strategy and Coordination of Green Product R&D in

Sustainable Competitive Supply Chain. Sustainability, 14(14), p.8884.

Feng, Q. and Liu (2022) article introduces Green Product R&D as an instrumental measure that

can lead to sustainable development if adopted by enterprises. the article revolves around the

around the impact of price competition, optimal selection strategy of green product R&D as well

as the costs associated with enterprise profits, prices and green levels within competitive supply

chains. The article pays close attention on strategic choice of sustainable supply chain by
emphasizing on the need for enterprises to outsource ecological environments while producing

those products that satisfy consumer needs. The authors suggest that in the event that consumers

are made aware of environmental protection then manufacturers would be forced to produce

green products. This would in turn create a rift between green manufacturers and non-green

manufacturers forcing the latter to turn green. Through the article the works of notable scholars

is taken into consideration. Key among these scholars is Dong et al who studied how green

product R&D are strategically invested and established that dominant manufacturers of green

products save more on environmental taxes. Further the article also emphasizes on the ability of

green supply chain coordination in improving profitability across an organizations supply chain.

The article takes into consideration several companies that are continuously investing on green

R&D among them Marks and Spencer. According to the authors these companies have noticed

the need of running green supply chain due to its ability to establish a competitive hedge.

However, the initial costs of running a sustainable green supply chain often hold them back.

Through the article it is evident that the governments should play a critical role in ensuring that

these companies protect the environment. Such an undertaking would be effective in keeping

companies on check towards the implementation of sustainable green supply chain practices.

This article will be a core reference in my research as it not only emphasizes on the application

of sustainable green supply chain practices but also highlights how Marks and Spencer UK has

applied them.

Wieland, A., Stevenson, M., Melnyk, S.A., Davoudi, S. and Schultz, L., 2023. Thinking

differently about supply chain resilience: what we can learn from social-ecological systems

thinking. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, (ahead-of-print).

Papasolomou, I., Melanthiou, Y. and Tsamouridis, A., 2022. The fast fashion vs environment

debate: Consumers’ level of awareness, feelings, and behaviour towards sustainability within the

fast-fashion sector. Journal of Marketing Communications, pp.1-19..

Fernandez-Vazquez, S., Rosillo, R., de la Fuente, D. and Puente, J., 2022. Blockchain in

sustainable supply chain management: an application of the analytical hierarchical process

(AHP) methodology. Business Process Management Journal, (ahead-of-print).
Razzak, M.R., 2023. Mediating effect of productivity between sustainable supply chain

management practices and competitive advantage: Evidence from apparel manufacturing in

Bangladesh. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 34(2), pp.428-


Feng, Q. and Liu, T., 2022. Selection Strategy and Coordination of Green Product R&D in

Sustainable Competitive Supply Chain. Sustainability, 14(14), p.8884.
Wieland, A., Stevenson, M., Melnyk, S.A., Davoudi, S. and Schultz, L., 2023. Thinking

differently about supply chain resilience: what we can learn from social-ecological systems

thinking. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, (ahead-of-print).

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