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1) Deaths on the roads are increasing and most of them involve heavy vehicles like buses and

trucks. This increase in deaths on roads can be avoided.

Speed, fatigue, impatience and egoism of drivers of buses and lorries endanger the lives
of road users. Lorry drivers take risks by travelling beyond speed limits, overtaking below the
crest of a hill or before a blind corner. Lorries and buses can travel only at 90 kph on open roads
but drivers obviously ignore speed limits. They are egoistic and like to show that they are skilled
drivers and do not like other vehicles overtaking them.
One suggestion which might be helpful is that lorries and buses should be fitted with
speed limiting devices. They should be maintained in working order. Random checks should be
carried out with a six-monthly inspection schedule. The government could increase the pump
price of petrol for lorries and buses. Such a step may cut down the number of road users and also
force these drivers to be more economical in their driving habits.
Other factors include conditions of roads and vehicles. The government should improve
road conditions and upgrade the public transport system. Companies that own heavy vehicles
with faulty devices should be liable to a substantial fine or have the vehicle removed from the

2) Hamid enjoyed watching the deer grazing. The herd leader was alert to intruders. The
tranquility was shattered when a lion appeared. It eyed the herd. The alert leader urged the herd
to flee. The lion's poise to chase them was so inspiring that Hamid took a snapshot. The lion
alerted to his presence turned to attack him but was shot.
[60 words]

3) Robinson Crusoe
In the novel, Robinson Crusoe, the moral value I have learned is that we must be optimistic
about life. When faced with being shipwrecked, Robinson did not give up hope. He regarded his
life on the island as an adventure and adopted a positive attitude. He looked for ways to make
life as comfortable as possible. He survived in the face of adversity with the help of nature. He
found a companion later because he helped save his life. We should always look at situations in
life positively and with optimism.
Potato People
In the novel, Potato People, the moral value I have learned is that we should value friendship that
is true and sincere. Sean proved to be a true friend to Marie and Patrick. He protected them
against the cruel landlord, Mr Greystone. Realizing that they needed a fresh start, he gave them
money to help them. He sacrificed his life for them. The friendship between Marie and Patrick
was very sincere and true. We do not need many friends because all we need are a few good,
sincere friends.
The Phantom of the Opera
In the novel, Phantom of the Opera, the moral value I learned is we should judge people. Erik,
the phantom in the Opera House, was actually an intelligent and well-educated person. He was
shunned by society including his mother because of his looks. This had made him bitter but when
he fell in love with Christine, he was willing to help her in her career. He trained her and later
sacrificed his love for her when Christine showed compassion for him. He only wanted to be
accepted. So, we should not be prejudiced against people who are less fortunate than us, either
physically or mentally.

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