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October 14, 2015




The following three accounts have tied together to inspire and help meFollow
understand what God is doing in my life as He continues to entrust to me a
ministry within the message of the hour. I have documented, best as
possible, the things and events that the Lord spoke to me in these three
documents. The events occurred April 11, 2002, March 26, 2003,January
6, 2004 and May 6,2005. Many events are written within that continue to
unfold and vindicate that the Lord Jesus is accomplishing his work in us as a
Bride Body of Christ. May this document be a blessing to whosoever reads
the contents herein.

Your humble servant always

Brother Don Kinnard Parnell




APRIL 11, 2002

Brother Don Parnell

On April 11, 2002 – I was in New York City staying at the Sheraton on
56 Meadowlands Drive in Clifton, New York. Clifton is a suburb of
New York City, like the Bronx or Harlem. It was my 7th night of the stay
and Brother Branham came to me at approximately 11:00 p.m. When I
looked at the clock afterwards it was 5:05 a.m. The 6th dimension
opened up to me and I was able to look into it and talk with the
prophet as he said many things to me.
I was working on my laptop computer and heard brother Branham
preaching. I thought it was coming from my laptop, (I have the
message on it), or a tape being played by someone in the hotel. I
realized it wasn’t on my laptop so I got up to see if I could nd who was
playing the tape so I could have some fellowship. When I reached the
door of my hotel room the voice became extremely loud and I knew it
was right behind me in the room. I turned and seen our prophet in a
young mans body preaching to whoever was in the other dimension.
He was preaching strongly concerning the change from the
Theophany and how they were to put on their glori ed body. I was
amazed as I actually seen him preaching faith to them.

He was teaching them how to come back and pick up their piece of
earth from the dust and glorify it. Brother Branham screamed out to
them, “It is one thing to lay down a corruptible body and change to
your real spirit, but it is another thing altogether to go back and pick
up that dust and put it back on again in a glori ed condition”. I came to
the sudden realization that I had crossed the dimensional lines and
caught a glimpse of what is being preached to them. It wasn’t a place
of unbelief at all. It was a teaching reign, a complete dimension given
to learning in the Theophany or celestial realms.

I was so afraid and dropped to the oor, trying to breathe and couldn’t.
I felt myself getting very hot and faint and looked at brother Branham
for help. I faded out from no breath and fainted on the oor. Brother
Branham formed into another theophany form, from the young man
he changed to look like a halo, or Pillar of Fire, and entered my mind
while I lay on the oor. I watched him change and travel into my
thoughts as I fainted. He stayed in my mind in that form and began
talking with me on many things.
After some time I came to myself and when I opened my eyes I was
face down on the oor exactly as I had fainted. From the corner of my
eye I saw the Theophany form leave my mind and change, or shape
itself into another form, as it moved across the room. The halo had
now become a man and was sitting in the chair. I sat up in the oor and
looked at the table where he was sitting in the chair. He had changed
from the halo form to his look at the age of his death, an older man. He
said, “Welcome back Brother Parnell”

II                                                    A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

and I knew right away that he knew me. He then asked, “Does this
form make you feel more comfortable with me”? I remember trying to
talk and couldn’t, then I shook my head yes. He turned and began to
talk with the people he was preaching to, and then back to me, as he
talked about the things he wanted to say to them and me.

He revealed many things in his preaching that I asked him about and
he was very polite as he would stop and answer every question that I
asked. After about 6 hours the dimension began to fade away and I
could hear many voices as he was preaching to them in the celestial
dimension. I lay back in the oor for approximately two hours
afterwards and then began to shake myself after thinking on many
things. Needless to say, my ministry and message will never be the

Below is the account of his preaching, and my questions answered, as

he visited me on this occasion. I tried to document as many things as I
could but it was 6 hours in that dimension and I know that many things
will come to me later as I’m sure I’ve missed some of what was said.
This undoubtedly is the single most traumatic event in my life. I’ve had
many visitations and visions but not for 6 hours duration.

The Words & Teachings of The Visitation:

As the dimension moved into the room I could hear him preaching and
he was screaming loudly. He was preaching to the Theophany group
concerning the changing of the body and how they had been through
the earthly elements and laid the body down. However, it is another
thing to go back and enter those 16 elements again in a glori ed
condition. He said it will take another act of faith, revelation to ful ll
that scripture for our Gentile Bride group. He then turned his subject
to Israel and said, “Watch Israel, Watch Israel, she is your time piece!
Don’t take your eyes off of her as she becomes the burdensome stone
about the neck of the nations. The entire political and world system
will turn on her and force Moses and Elijah to appear and seal in the 12
tribes.” He then noticed that he was in the room with me and turned to
talk with me. (*Note: Right about this point was where I became afraid
and fainted as I could hear him and he was beginning to appear in the
room). He was in a young man’s body and changed to the form of the
halo, circular re, and entered my mind for what seemed to be several
hours talking on many things to me.

1. He showed me how that the account of the “Creation Days”, “The Seals”,
and “The Dimensions” all started with the 7th being rst and the 6th coming
into existence next. The 7th and 6th were here before the others. The 7th seal
is The Spirit (Christ) and the 6th seal is His Word. The two were here before
the others manifested. The 7th dimension is God and the 6th dimension is
His Logos and they were here before anything else manifested. The 7th day
of creation was God resting and knowing that everything He was about to
create was very good and the
DIMENSION                 III

6th day was man, Adam being created rst to brood over the earth in a
spirit-man. Those two were here on earth rst. Then he began to explain to
me how Adam’s authority over the elements was a title deed to control the
elements of the earth. He showed me Gen. 2 and how Adam called for all
the other days of creation. Adam formed the animals while searching for a
help meet. Adam would form an animal from the dust of the earth and God
would put the Life form in the animal. Adam formed the animals until he
formed one to almost perfection, a serpent. In every way like Adam, even so
much that Adam formed a place for the soul and God chose not to put a
soul in the serpent.

In searching for a help meet he didn’t form an animal that would give him
the fellowship he needed. God gave him a help meet by taking a form from
his form, esh from his esh, bone from his bone, soul from his soul. Adam
controlled the elements and formed all things on the earth. Then the
serpent caused the fall. Adam had total authority over the earth. Adam
called the serpent before him and judged the entire matter. The curse had
already set in on the earth and Adam knew that the authority was
diminishing. He declared that the woman would bring forth children in
sorrow, the earth was cursed and would bring forth thorns and thistles,
everything would die before a day had transpired. Then he turned to the
serpent and said, “I’m the one that formed you and now I will change every
bone in your body and put you in a condition to where you will never do this
again. Adam changed the body of the serpent to what it is today.

Brother Branham then said the reason he was teaching me this is to reveal
to me that we have the same authority today and we are changing the
to me that we have the same authority today and we are changing the
elements of the earth as we push the message towards its nal destination.
The rapture, wedding supper, millennium, white throne, Gog & Magog, and
new earth are all brought into manifestation by us changing the elements of
the earth. We still have that authority and it is happening through our
voice. We are in a Garden of Eden condition as a Bride group and an Adam
condition in every way.

2. Brother Branham said that Revelations 4 is the highest order, the changing
of the soul. And revelations 5 is the redemption of the earth. One happening
is for the soul and the other for the earth. He then went into Corinthians 15
and laid out the sequence of events in six short scriptures of Paul’s writings.
(*Note: I questioned him and said, “Brother Branham you laid out the
entire sequence of events in 6 short scriptures and it took me years and
years of study to even get bits and pieces of it right.) He looked at me and
smiled saying, “Brother Parnell, you are still hanging on your tree, it’s
always harder in the middle of the cross”. (I said, “I don’t understand.”) He
laughed and said, “Cursed is every man that hangs on a tree, you know
what I’m saying, it’s the cross between the sex birth and the new birth. You

VI                                                  A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

still hanging on your tree and I’m off of mine, it’s easy for me to see now.
You’ll always have trouble when you’re ghting the cruci xion, the cross of
the two trees.” It will be over soon. You see, you still have the esh and
blood system and that will limit you because of the corruption of the earth.
You still have access of the devil in your limitation. I don’t! I realized that
from the day of our new birth we are a cursed man hanging on a tree of
cruci xion between the sex birth and the new birth. We get down off of the
cursed tree when we lay down our esh and blood system that gives the
devil access.

3. Brother Branham preached to them of their word form body and how it was
one thing to lay that earth body down and move into the theophany word
form. And it is another greater     work to pick it up again in a glori ed
condition. He stopped and turned saying to me,   “Brother Parnell, you have
to have faith to believe that you are in the body that wil bring back the Lord
Jesus to earth again. See, you’ve come by the spoken word.”

(I said to him, “I have tried to live a good life a life that is an example to all
of the people. I’ve consecrated myself wholly to the Lord and try to
continually do what pleases Him. Is there something else that I need to do,
because it seems that I am so far separated from Him all the time? My
heart is in turmoil and my spirit is in a rage constantly seeking favor.)
Brother Branham smiled at me and said, “You are looking at it all wrong
Brother Parnell. The Lord has decided that all things are accomplished and
it’s His Mind that you need to understand. Remember, in Isaiah 40 the Lord
changed His thinking about Israel to the Son of Man ministry and the
warfare was over. They were forgiven and their sin was no more! Even
though Rome still ruled and even though they still had all their religions and
isms, yet God’s Mind made the difference. They had no more sin! You have
no sin Brother Parnell, preach to the Soul of the people and don’t worry
about the other realms. Your esh is redeemed and your spirit realm is
exactly as it should be. If I could come back I would concentrate on the soul
of man. Minister to the soul and the other realms will take care for

4. brother Branham told me to go back and tell the people that their sin is no
more, to rejoice and stand justi ed before their God. He told me to tell them
that he had talked with me and had given these things to me. (I said to
brother Branham, “If I go back and tell the people about this they will say
I am a spiritualist and I am communing with the dead”.) He laughed and
said that you can’t commune with the dead and we are not dead, we are
very much alive. He said, “You’ve been a student of my message from a
young boy and you know better than to say that. This is exactly as the
scripture said of the time of the resurrection. Brother Branham said, “As the
angel gave me two scriptures to con rm the truth I will do the same for you.
In Zechariah the Lord brought his saints with him in the descending of
1963. In


DIMENSION                 V

Matthew 27 many of the saints appeared to those who were looking for his
appearing in that day. So will it be with those who now remain. We are
moving into that cycle as the meeting in the air is swiftly ending. (*Note: As
I listened I questioned in my mind what he meant about the meeting in
the air swiftly ending and he answered.) “The meeting in the air is to gather
your loved ones isn’t it? It’s to ensure that we are all together so when we
meet our Lord Jesus we will be rejoicing. That’s what’s happening now. The
claiming time is the meeting in the air. It’s not the air you breathe; it’s the
Spirit of the Lord”.

5. Brother Branham told me that he had met my angel and he was the one
who controls the

elements of the earth. He said that my ministry was changing and will be
about changing the elements, while revealing to the people that they
already have the power and are wearing it as we would wear a coat.
Brother Branham said, “When he (my angel) comes to talk with you, you
will understand better what I’m talking about.” He said that my of ce was
changing and not to be afraid of what was going to happen with me. He told
me to submit to the Spirit of the Lord and it will be much easier. He said for
me to quit worrying about my esh that it was perfect and the body that I
now have will bring the Lord Jesus back to earth again. The Lord will reveal
these things in greater detail to you soon. When you are in New Mexico you
will begin to see the whole picture clearly.

6. Brother Branham said that many people misunderstood him in the change
of his ministry and thought that the supernatural was ending to bring on
the revealing of the word. He said, “Brother Parnell, stop thinking that
because your thoughts and beliefs bring about barriers that are hard to
pass through”. (I said that was the way it was always preached to us. That
he was the culmination of the supernatural and those works would fade
out to the revealing of the word.) He said it was a complete
misunderstanding. He then begin to show me what he meant by the
revealing of the word. He said, “When I said that the healing revival was
over and it was the time for the highest order which is the revealing of the
word, it wasn’t to turn the people’s minds from the supernatural. It was to
turn them to the supernatural. It was the supernatural of the word.

Then he said, “Let me explain, when those seals was opened I had the
angel visit me in my room on a daily basis. I began to see visions about
angel visit me in my room on a daily basis. I began to see visions about
the perfect bride and the entire Bible was opened to me on an 8th day
eld. Just as is beginning to happen to you! The Pillar of

Fire showed up for me more as I seen these things. I begin to control

the gift and not get weak and faint or have to be walked away. I moved
to Arizona and went regularly to the dessert where God revealed to
me marriage and divorce. It was not a fading out of the supernatural. It
grew greater and greater”. My intention was to lead them to the word
through the supernatural so people would respect the gifts and of ces
of the 8th day ministry. The

VI                                                A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Bride ministry is a supernatural ministry that the world can’t partake

of and this was my mission to lead her into the Spirit on the Lord’s Day.
(*Note: I realized that the world could not partake of a ministry that they
had not been birthed into. The bride grows stronger in this ministry all the

7. Brother Branham said he had seen the ministry and we are completing the
vision of Africa. The Lord will not let my vision fail and you will take this
gospel to two new countries this year. Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania were my
vision and you will complete this mission with the brethren. Many times I
wanted to do things but later saw that I could not. I sought to return to
Africa and you have moved to ful ll this desire. I had desired India and
prepare for El Salvador and South America. Don’t forget my vision of the
lady and her little children in the wagon. You and I know that is the Spanish
people and our hearts are heavy for them. Haiti will be fruitful although it
will not appear to be successful at rst. Patience with God’s Seed is needed.
You have picked up a little bride as the light travels back to the east. New
Zealand and the Philippines are true crowns of your ministry.

8. Brother Branham said my life had been preserved for the end time ministry
and my daily routine was even portraying the passing of the dimensions. I
lived in Dayton, Indiana, Edmonton, Kentucky, Hamilton, Ohio, and
Dayton, Ohio. I travel from Ohio to Indiana daily to work on interstate 70.
Every name ended in “ton” including where he was now visiting me in
“Clifton” at the “Sheraton”. This signi ed that my ministry was for the end
of the church ages as ton = 2000 years. Ohio is the upper heavens and
Indiana is the wilderness signifying the passing back and forth thru the
dimensions regularly. And 70 were the years of bondage in Babylon and the
deliverance at the end of the Babylonian age – the seven church ages. He
told me that he was revealing these things to show me that nothing is a
coincidence in life. As he preached he looked almost like a halogen light
and slowly moved through the dimensional view until his

Particles disappeared. He was screaming to me that I should fear no

condemnation! It is not you that you are ghting it is the spirits of
wickedness in high places. You are perfect and you will see this when
the time of maturity reveals it. I could not hear or see him anymore
and he was preaching and shouting to me all the way out of the

Documented writing

April 16, 2002
The Second Document Starts at the beginning of the next page.




Your humble servant always,

Brother Don Parnell

A visitation occurred from the Angel that has dealt with me all my life.
I heard a voice while I was lying awake in my bedroom and the voice
said, “We need to talk.” I looked at Patty, my wife, and she was asleep. I
laid there and almost fell asleep again. The voice said a second time,
“We need to talk”.

I slipped on my pants and shirt and went downstairs to home of ce

study. I knelt in front of the world map @ the chair with my back
turned to the door. I immediately recognized his presence in the
doorway of the room and turned around on the oor with my back
against the chair. The angel was standing in the doorway to my of ce.
A sudden great fear came over me as I sat looking at him.

He said, “Fear not, I’ve come from the presence of the Almighty God”. I
asked my Lord, “Would he hide anything from my friend”? He said,
“Go”! So I am come.” He began to tell me of many things that were
and of things that will happen. They are as follows:

Words of the Visitation:

The remnant of the “Gentile Body” is gathered and also the remnant of
“The Hebrews”. I am come to change the political battles of the world
systems and the message quickly. The prophecies of the messenger
William Branham are sure and repeatable. As he spoke with you, I am
come to give you understanding of the mechanics that will quickly
change your message and life.

The Holy Roman Empire is now united and speaking as one voice;
France, Germany, & Rome. It is I that separated Germany and united
the Russian Kingdoms for protection of my Lord’s remnants, gentile
and Hebrew. And now it is I that has united Germany, east and west,
and separated the Russian kingdoms to release the winds of war upon
the earth.

My Lord has put into the heart of his servant and king to turn his face
from the demands of the great beast, the power of Europe. Be assured
this is temporary as to protect the remnant of the gentile for her
rapture. And it is to protect the Hebrew remnant for her coming
message. Britain will not always be his ally as England will succumb to
the pressures of the empire. However, the king’s face is set to defy the
pontiff. (*Note: I asked what king he was speaking of and the angel said,
“Bush, of your native land”.) It has been given me to control the
elements and use them to bring topass my commission even as I did in
Noah’s day. I will do with the elements of re as I did with the elements
of water. As I sent the whirlwinds in the sands of Iraq

X                                                  A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

so was I commissioned to release the four angels from the Euphrates
and bring great destruction, by changing the elements; even of water
and re. (*Note: I asked, “How will the elements of water be used, I
thought it was re that will destroy the earth this time”). The angel said,
“I will bring to pass the prophecy of the 7th angel concerning the west
coast and a large portion of earth will be covered with water. The
water will separate and explode the earth with nuclear war destroying
the earth with re.”

Fear not and be not discouraged for my Lord has gathered his own of
which you are. The remnants are protected under the rule of my Lord’s
king, Bush of your native land. Your message is true and is binding the
loved ones of the gentile kind. The remnant of Jacob is called out of
Egypt; their message will come and will not tarry, for the vision is true.

As my Lord has spoken, the sure prophecy is now before many

kindred, tongue, and nation and it is true. Fear nothing as I will go
before you and remove the obstacles of nature that would be placed in
your way. Many ministries of my Lord were used to accompany the
gentile remnant and yours is too as I walk before you. As I
accompanied the prophet Moses and changed the elements of the
earth, even as I accompanied Elijah and shut up the elements of the
heaven, so will I be with you.

Fear not in what I am revealing to you. Our Lord does not show his
mercy until maturity is accomplished. You will understand many things
as I walk before you and remove the veils of tradition. There are
mechanical, doctrinal issues with your ministry that must be
addressed as my Lord’s mercy has come to you at a time of maturity.
The 7th angel’s ministry is unleavened and you will nd your correction
to be so from there. As the shuttle had mechanical issues within, and
they fell from the sky, so shall some fall from correction. The six seals
were not right with the space shuttle and brought disaster and so
there will be casualties at home as the Body is set in order. Do not
stubble in your relentless walk as they fall about you. You are the
spoken word and will understand this fully as you defeat the
traditional curse of the esh.

The bride parallels with science and politics. As they protest against
cloning so has the people protested against your message of
completing the birth process. The prophet told you of these things.
How the bride has stepped into another body that has come to
maturity now and is ready.

As you will see the Lord’s king birth a nation by preemptive measures,
so have I led you in the Fairborn ministry, to step out and take the
spiritual land and awaken   the entire bride body into the new day.  
The angel of the bride was clear as he showed you many things in New
York and taught you of their word form. The body that you are now
wearing even as a coat will bring our Lord to you as your journey will
be by revelation. You have been formed into the living word as the
scripture has said, “He that believeth in me shall never die”.

INTRODUCTION VISITATION OF MY ANGEL                                         XI

There is no greater mission, there is no greater purpose. Search the

message and see as I have told you of the created body you now wear.
And what spirit shall know the things of God except the spirit of God
which you have. My mission is sure, my word is true.

He left in a great ash of light @ approximately 1:00 a.m. Associated

Press packed an article of great ash of light in sky 1:00 a.m. –

Document written March 28, 2003






Your humble servant always

Brother Don Parnell

It was Tuesday, January 6, 2004 at approximately 2:30 a.m. and a

vision opened before me that I’m certain had great meaning. I want to
write down the vision for reference and remembrance. I had been
sitting on a small couch in a hotel room and stood up, walked over to
the bed, and sit down on the edge of the bed looking out the window
of the hotel room. I was on the 22nd oor of the hotel. When I looked
out the hotel room window instead of seeing the NYC skyline a vision
broke and below is the account of what I seen.
broke and below is the account of what I seen.


I saw myself walking in these deep woods in the cold of the year, while
reciting a little poem in my mind. It is one that I have always kept on
my mind through my life. I learned it in grade school and the poem has
grown to mean so much in my heart. It was written by Robert Frost.

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods ll up with snow.

My little horse must think it’s queer

To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there’s some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy ake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,

But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

I was walking, reciting the poem in my mind. As I kept reciting the last
stanza over and over in my mind, I came upon a wagon road passing
through the woods. I wondered what I was doing in the woods and
looked at my cloths realizing that I had on hunting cloths. I was
scouting the woods for hunting grounds to hunt. I looked to my left
intently and wondered, where would the wagon road go if I followed
it? When I looked to my right and

INTRODUCTION VISION FROM THE LORD                                         XIII

searched the horizon the road had a bend in it and disappeared. Just
before the bend I saw a man sitting on an old tree stump and using the
stump for a resting place.

Quickly, I knew the man and recognized him as brother Branham. He

was watching me and when he knew that I saw him he raised his hand
and motioned me to come and join him. My heart was beating
intensely, from fear and excitement, and I starting walking the road
toward him. He stood up and started walking toward me very fast and
motioned again for me to come; as if to say, “Hurry up and come”. I
looked at Brother Branham as he approached and he was wearing
hunting type cloths too. As we met one another he grabbed me and
hugged me saying, “Brother Parnell it’s good to see you. You are
hunting on the same grounds that I’ve hunted”. I said, “Yes brother
Branham” and I put my head down because I know that hunters don’t
like other hunters crossing their hunting grounds. He said, “Son, don’t
worry about it, it’s suppose to be this way. You hunt these grounds all
you want, you will really enjoy it and you’ll nd fresh food for the
people here.”

Brother Branham reached inside his outdoor vest and retrieved a

Brother Branham reached inside his outdoor vest and retrieved a
pencil from his inside pocket. He said, “I’ve come to teach you
something that you need a better understanding about”. He then told
me to take the pencil, handing it to me. I took the pencil and he said,
“Point the pencil toward the sky and start to move it downward”. As I
started moving the pencil downward, the sky was ripping like a veil or
a curtain. As the sky ripped words were coming out of the pencil and
lling up the new sky as it unfolded and consumed the old sky. I
continued downward slowly with the pencil. I was amazed at the scene
and started to stop. He said, “Don’t stop! Keep moving the pencil until
it touches the earth”. I continued the line with the pencil until it
touched the earth. When the pencil touched the earth there was an
enormous, tremendous explosion; almost deafening. There was a ash
of bright light that was completely blinding. I thought the entire area
was torn to pieces and we were killed. However, when I looked around
nothing was torn apart and we were still standing there together. He
said, “That pencil is a powerful thing you have in your hand! What you
have can change things quicker than anything that I had when I was
hunting on these grounds”.

Then he said, “Point the pencil at that tree standing over there and
move it to this spot over here”. I pointed the pencil at the tree and
picked the tree up out of the ground. I moved it to the spot where he
pointed. As I moved the tree all of the scenery between the place
where I picked up the tree and the place where I sat the tree down was
changing right in front of my eyes. As the pencil moved across the area
it all changed. All of the scenery was shifting, moving, and changing
right as the pencil moved, until I sat the tree down. I was amazed and
looked at the pencil intensely. I was wondering exactly what kind of a
pencil I had in my hand

XVI                                              A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

that it would have such power to control the elements of the heavens
and the earth.

Brother Branham then pointed to another tree and told me to move

the tree, showing me where to move it. I pointed the pencil at the tree
and did it much faster this time to see how it might work. The tree
moved quickly across the earth with everything changing
simultaneously just as before, only faster. He then said, “You need to
understand the importance, and power, of what you have in your hand.
You have changed the depths of this message for the Bride’s
understanding. You didn’t actually rip the sky open, or explode the
earth, or move those trees and change the scenery. Not in the natural!
Nor did John the Baptist bring down mountains or lift up valleys or
straighten crooked paths naturally. That pencil you have in your hand
is powerful and has changed the entire thinking process of the Bride of
Christ. As you told Jeremiah, “This revelation separated the true
message believers from the rest of the message followers

Brother Branham said, “I have to leave now to do other things. I’ve

accomplished what I was sent to do, which was help you understand
the importance of what you are doing. Also, to help you feel
comfortable about walking on my grounds.” Brother Branham turned
and started up the wagon trail moving quickly. I became very afraid
and stopped him by screaming, “Brother Branham”! He turned and
looked at me like he was looking completely through me and I knew he
could see every thing about me. While holding the pencil out to him I
said, “Brother Branham, this is your pencil”. We stood in silence for a
few moments looking at one another. We had direct eye contact for
what seemed like eternity and I couldn’t continue the intensity. I
looked down and held the pencil out to him. The tears running down
looked down and held the pencil out to him. The tears running down
my face were warm against my cold cheek and I was embarrassed to
be crying in front of him. He said, “Brother Parnell, your heart is in the
right place. You don’t want that pencil do you? I said, “No sir, I don’t”.
He said, “Keep that spirit all the days of your life, God loves it”. Then he
said, “The pencil is yours now, it’s not mine; use it wisely”.

As I watched him walk up the wagon road, with his back turned to me,
I felt so alone, afraid, and empty. I felt the tears running down my face
and heard them hitting the leaves on the ground. He was walking with
his back turned and never looked back toward me. As he was walking
around the bend in the road and disappearing, he was screaming
loudly to me, “No son, you are not alone, don’t be afraid or dismayed.
All power in heaven and earth is given unto you. Wherever you set
your foot in these hunting grounds things will come to life. Go to the
river deep in the woods and drink there for your strength. The river

INTRODUCTION VISION FROM THE LORD                                         XVI

sustain you on your journey. Remember, you have promises to keep,

and miles to go before you sleep, and miles to go before you sleep”. His
voice faded away.

The vision ended. I sat on the bed weeping for a long period of time
and lay down across the bed falling asleep.

Brother don parnell

Documented January 7, 2004


Your humble servant always

Brother Don Parnell

May 6, 2005

I want to tell a vision that I had as it may help us understand the

transformation. I’ve been thinking on it a lot and can’t get it out of my
mind. The question was asked our prophet, “How will the rapture
happen” and he said, “It’s just a change, that’s all, just a change”.  I was
in my study praying when it occurred. I saw myself standing in a
“White Out”. A White Out is a snow storm where you can not see any
thing around you because it is snowing so hard with blistering strong
winds; like a blizzard. I was wondering how I was going to get to a safe
place before freezing to death in the storm. A man appeared in the
snow storm, but was very hard to see, and had a white fur winter
overcoat that went all the way to the ground. He had a pull over hood
attached to the overcoat, white with very think white fur. The coat
was animal skin and it was all one garment. His hands and face were
covered with a thick scarf and gloves of white fur. I could only see his
forehead, and his crystal deep eyes, as he looked piercingly toward me
with an intense look. He motioned me to follow him. He started to
walk at a very fast speed in the extreme storm and it was hard to keep
up with him. I looked down at myself and I had on the same cloths that
he had on. Completely the same, and they were beginning to weight
he had on. Completely the same, and they were beginning to weight
me down but I knew I needed the coat under the present conditions in
order to live. I was growing very tired but every thing that I had was
needful. I kept pushing forward.

I pushed ahead to keep up and all of a sudden I saw the body of the
man begin to change. He shifted onto four legs and transformed into a
Great White Wolf and began moving at a very high speed. I was
running hard and could not keep up. In my present condition I knew I
was being left behind as I watched the White Wolf leave me in the
storm. I cried out to God in desperation, “Oh God, help me, I can’t keep
up in this condition”! A Voice spoke to me as I was slowing my pace
due to exhaustion. He said, “Then Change” and I began to run out of
my coats and hoods and cloths that I thought I needed in order to live.
The things I thought I needed were dropping off of me as I was running
in exhaustion and desperation to keep up with the Great White Wolf.
As I was running in the storm my body started transforming and
shifted into the same White Wolf and was running at a very high
speed. I regained my strength, my tiredness left me, and I was running
with the Great White Wolf as our goal was to leave the storm. I was
keeping up, but that was only for a short period of time.

As I ran with the great White Wolf and his body started transforming;
changing again. I saw his legs go into two and form great claws, as
wings came out on his back, and he transformed into a great White
Eagle in the midst of the storm. I was running behind him as a white

INTRODUCTION VISION FROM THE LORD                                         XVII

and he spread his wings and soared into the heavens, leaving me
quickly. I thought, “Oh my God, this is it, I’ll never make it, he’s gone”! I
heard the same voice again and it said loudly, “Then Change”! I was
running and looking up in the direction that the great White Eagle had
own away. I wasn’t going to take my eye off of his ight! I felt my
body transforming and my front legs swung back, becoming wings and
my head narrowed, shifting forward, and I changed into a White eagle.
We went into tremendous speed and broke the barrier of the storm
going high above it and looking down. I watched the Great White
Eagle and he began to y into the Sun setting his eyes straight into the
Sun. He started ying with extreme velocity! I thought to myself, this
will blind me. My eyes can’t look directly into the Sun. The Great
White Eagle screamed with that Voice and said, “You are changed,
look directly into the Sun and y. Only Eagles can come here,
everything else will be left behind”.

I turned my Eyes toward the Sun and began to y directly into the Sun.
I couldn’t see anything but the Sun and felt my ight gaining speed
going faster & faster toward the Sun. I came out of the vision
screaming, “I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home”!

Your servant always,

Brother Don Parnell


1. In your last newsletter you placed yourself in a very high position

with God for this age that we were experiencing. I guess my question
is should you be testifying of yourself in such a manner? Isn’t that
kinda like lifting yourself up to a position instead of letting God do

1. Thank you for writing as it has been a good while since we discussed
1. Thank you for writing as it has been a good while since we discussed
the things of the Lord together. I’m glad you had the candor and
concern to write to me about such as “touchy” matter. I remember
when my God, our Elder Brother Jesus, was confronted with the same
question, “If you testify of yourself then is your testimony true”? I
always liked the thoughts of Jesus and will quote them concerning
“Self Testimony”. In John 7:16-18 Jesus answered them, and said, My
doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he
shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of
myself. He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that
seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no
unrighteousness is in him. Also in John 8:16-18 And yet if I judge, my
judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent
me. It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is
true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me
beareth witness of me.

2. I cannot see a person inside a house if I am on the outside. However, if

I am inside the house I can see the person in the house and bear
witness. When I place myself in a scripture, in a time, or in a day, then
that allows all others of like faith to bear witness of their day. Many
ask me why I place myself in the scriptures and the quotes and I say,
“By placing myself by the scripture it gives all others around me faith
to do the same thing. It is not about me, it is ABOUT US. The night
before the “Emancipation Proclamation” of Abraham Lincoln the
strong slaves went up the highest hills and climbed into the highest
trees and went to the highest limbs on the highest trees to sound the
trumpet of Freedom when the sun rose that glorious morning. They
did not position themselves! There was something in them, an unction
for freedom, a love for their people, a desire to be free and that is what
positioned them into those trees to watch the sun rise.
3. When the sun roseabove the rst peak those strong men yelled loudly
to someone below on the mountain, “The sun is up, we’re free”! The
one on the mountain yelled down to the ones half way up the
mountain, “The sun is up, we’re free”! And the ones half way down the
mountains yelled to the ones in the valley, “The sun is up, we’re free”!
The ones down in the valley were still in the darkness and couldn’t
bear witness of the light until that great ball of Fire rose high enough
to strike the valley’s and love places of the earth. One could have
argued to them that they were not free yet because it was still dark in
the valley. The believers in the dark valley could say, “But I have a
witness that is greater than me.” When the sunlight touched the valley
the two bore witness of the truth that the sun was up and

2                                              A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

they were free. Those old, crippled beaten slaves that stayed in the

valley bear witness of me.

4. If a man bear witness of himself his witness is not true. But if the Holy
Spirit bears witness by the time period, the scriptures, the prophetic
quotes, the Zodiac, and on and on, then His witness is true. He
looks at all of these things and sees his place, grasping his position, and
declares it to be so by the many witnesses around him. The witness
within proves by all of the witnesses around him that his witness is
true. Revelation 19, the white horse riders, Revelation 5, the opening
of the seals, Daniel 12, Michael the Archangel standing for his people,
Jude, Michael ghting satan on the battle eld, II Thessalonians 1, the
Cloud of Angels, Isaiah 30:26, the greater light in seven fold, and so
many more are the third coming believers. I can say, “I am He” or I am
those scriptures. By saying who I am it gives others great faith to
declare who they are in this age. I hope this helps you to understand
why I make such bold statements. Jesus made bold statements as did
why I make such bold statements. Jesus made bold statements as did
every other prophet that saw their day. We do so because we know
who we are and it is our desire to awaken every other believer to their
day that they might declare who they are in the glorious light of the

2. There was a question on what will happen to this mix of terrestrial

physical earth? Will it be destroyed or not? I thought you would all
bene t from the answer on this subject.

1. I have answered your question within your email, below your actual
question. I pray that it is a help for you. I am copying Pastor John Ellis
Armah on this answer. He is a great brother living in Newtown, Ghana
and you need to be in touch with him. He has a great understanding
and revelation and I pray that he can be a great help to you and the
believers there in the African Plains, Eastern Region, Kwaekese-
Donkokrom. Brother, Please get in contact with Pastor Armah as I am
working with him continually. I will be in Ghana this coming December
2009 and he is the brother to work with if you want to be in the
meetings that we will be setting up.

 I thank God for your life and experience. I have been reading your
materials on the net and they are wonderful.  It is like Rock upon
Rock  indeed the prophet said something like this, ‘that the seventh
seal is like a rocket’ it explode more and more. Please, I ‘m 
confronted with a question which I could not answer and I want to
post this same question to you for an understanding. Question:  Is
this physical world/earth going to be destroyed some time to come?
this physical world/earth going to be destroyed some time to come?

 Your question is, “Do I believe we will live in homes and have our
loved ones with us and will we have material substance and real
bodies dimensionally? Do I believe in a place where we will live and
have substance and material and things that will never die?” Sure, of
course I do. And is that place “This Place” or is this place going to be
destroyed? I saw a


2                   3

place that has rolling green hills and millions of people standing
there in that place having a great fellowship together. It was and
amazing place of animals, birds, people, sunny blue skies, beautiful
people dressed godly, ministering and preaching was going on, and
we had great substance and material. There were trees, rolling
green hills, and beautiful land in this place of substance. The prophet
saw this place too. The place I saw is the place of rest, of the sixth
dimension, and it is substance and material that we have all been
waiting on. It is real and it is a place but you can only enter that place
by being in the right condition with God. Perfect love, sublime,
beyond any thing that we could imagine . Buildings and houses were
not built with brick and concrete and glass and mortar, with steel
beams and elevators. There were no sky scrappers or cities
patterned after the cities of the Canaanites in Genesis. It was a
perfect place beyond any thing we could ever imagine while living
here in this perverted rust bugget of second dimensional

 The elements of the terrestrial will go all the way back into vapors,
comic light and then into Spirit and Life. They will never be used in
this temporal mixture of corruption again. This earth is a dying earth
and a place that can not be inhabited eternally. It is a shadow. A
shadow can be annihilated because it is not real. The shadow will
disappear as we move back into the Eternal realms after completing
our time in the shadows of darkness. The Light Body will separate
from the darkness body or the Celestial will separate from the
terrestrial. Light will continue eternally and the shadow will

3.     How is this  cosmic terrestrial earth going to give way for the

full eternal attributes? Is there a time when this world is going to
burn? How is it going to happen?

 The earth will burn at the next great war. It will be caused by the
warfare’s that we have available in our arsenals of the natural. This
earth will be removed as it is only a shadow and the elements will
pass back to spirit and life. The Eternal Earth that is casting the
shadow will come into view for all of God’s people; the 6th
dimensional earth. There are only a few of us left that see the
shadow and it will be quickly removed from our eye when we drop
the terrestrial veil.


65-0219 27 So on Sunday afternoon, when I got up to speak, I was going
to take my text on Birth Pains, where Jesus said, that, “As a woman in
travail with a child,” she is travailing in birth. And so I was going to speak
from there, as, Birth Pains, the subject, saying that the world is in birth
pains now. The old has to be done away with, so the new can be born; just
like a–a seed has to rot away, in order to give new life.

65-0219 28 And how the pains, birth pains struck the world! In World

4                                               A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

One, she had a terri c pain, because they had poison gas, and so forth,
that almost could destroy the world. And in World War Two, she struck
another, harder pain; they had blockbusters, and also an atomic bomb.
She cannot stand another labor pain. With these missiles and things
today, one more war will throw her out into space, for she will now be
delivered. And there will be a new earth. The Bible said there will be.

2. God bless and it is good to hear from you. Sincere questions have
never bothered me as I have always found them to be a joy to answer.
Thank you for having con dence in me to have the answers for you.
Our Lord has provided a special gift into the earth to help with our
message. Just as he provided a special gift to the Son of David ministry
in Israel to help provide the anwers for the people of God in that time.
I pray my heart always stays purely in the Word of God to help the
believers see what God is doing in our day.

4. Please clarify the scripture says that no man can see God and live. 
Seems to me that no man (in sinful esh) can see God, but we have
seen Him and old things have passed away and all things are made
new. Wouldn’t we also see Him all around us by recognizing our
Message for our day?  Scripture says, we shall see Him as He is for we
shall be like Him, and in another place says, we shall see Him face to
face.  I understand we see Christ in one another because of the
face.  I understand we see Christ in one another because of the
theophany dwelling in each member and how we all make up the
body of our Lord.  However, when the time comes that we leave this
body and step into the next dimension, won’t we see Jesus in the
physical body of himself in that dimension?

Yes, we will see Jesus in the physical body of himself in that

dimension. Where so many go wrong is they get the idea that a esh
body terrestrial is of that dimension. There is no esh in that Eternal
Dimension and there never will be. Therefore, in order
to believe according to the truth that dimension will be completely
different than these dimensions we now dwell in. We will see Jesus
in his 6th dimensional physical word body. That Word body can
appear, disappear, move about without restrictions, and is unlimited
in every way. 

Another issue that many people get totally wrong is the appearance
of that Word Body. It can appear in many ways as we already know.
We know that Theophanies have already appeared in many
instances and they had several different forms and shapes. The
prophet said that the UFO’s that were showing up in the skies were
Investigating Angels (Theophanies). We saw a Theophany over the
head of William Branham in the “Halo Effect”. We know the Angel of
the Lord has come in visitation and looked like a human being. We
know the Pillar of Fire was hanging in the meetings of William
Branham, and over the children of Israel and



like a Cloud over Israel. It has shown itself as a Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle,
wheel in the middle of a wheel, a great white throne with re issuing
from the throne, and many other shapes. We also saw him in the
form of a human being, fashioned as a man and was a servant even
into death. 

So my question would be if anyone can tell me, “Which one of these

is the physical word body of Jesus”? I’m not speaking of a terrestrial
esh body because we know that can not even go into the
dimensions of the eternal. So, what is the form that we are looking to
be like. What is the “Face” that we shall see? When looking at him
from the “eye” sight of the natural eye He and the Saints look like
White Streaks, Clouds, Fiery Halo’s, and many other shapes. The
natural eye saw them all as a Cloud of Witnesses. When the prophet
William Branham entered that Cloud of Witnesses they were angels
streaking across the heaves 30 miles high and 27 miles across.
Yet the prophet being beyond the curtain of time began to shake
hands, hug, shout and talk to them. In the Cloud beyond the curtain
of time they had pearly white teeth, black hair, crystal clear eyes, no
age, no death, no wrinkles, no sex glands, and on and on and
on….. This is too simple if we are willing to lay down the hard crossed
up thinking of the past. By revelation it is easy to see that Jesus is
celestial and only took on terrestrial for a season. He went back to
the celestial and he can be in any shape or form to ful l the season
and the work that he is into at that appointed time. The 6th
dimensional Word body is the physical body and yes he will be in it
changing forms as needed throughout eternity.  

I understand in part what is being said of death, hell and the grave
I understand in part what is being said of death, hell and the grave
existing in the esh body without Christ.  It makes much sense to me
for the esh has been a cocklebur since birth and is temporal and not
eternal. Anything without God is death.  However not only did we
have our own esh to contend with but in reference to the scripture
that we wrestle not against esh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, would this be
concerning the carnal spirit which controls the world systems or
what else could this mean?  I ask also in reference to the evil spirits
Brother Branham and yourself have witnessed seeing and have also
even spoken to you. 

1. I’m going to answer this in two parts to help somewhat. The rst part
is about death, hell and the grave. Remember, there was a horse that
was “Pale”? The rider upon the horse was named “Death”. And if you
remember the scripture said, “His name was death and Hell followed
him”. There are your three! “Pale” = The mixed colors of the horse they
were riding (white, black, red). A horse always represents power and
this power was not pure

6                                               A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

but mixed or you could say perverted. The power was human,
perverted by the fall. The three attributes of the perverted power are
(white, red, black) symbolic power of the trinity; death, hell, and
grave. The esh man, the earthly spirit of that esh man and its soul
(character) are the rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high
places. Those terms are of the human natural birth process of the
eshly man and his human spirit and characteristics. These are “spirit
wickedness”, “human principalities”, and “chains of darkness – esh
birth process”, that we are wrestling against all the time.

2. The demonic spirits, evil presence, are temporal life forms that swell
off of the human body and take on bodies and forms of a perverted
temporal nature for a season. They can grow into their own life for a
season. They are not eternal and have to die but are real for a season.
I’ve looked at them and the prophet has saw them in many forms too.
These temporal forms are much like our temporal forms. We take on a
human body of temporal form and are birthed from the body of a
woman. We live for a season in that perverted natural birth form and
then we die going back to the earth. There are temporal forms that
form off of our natural body of knowledge and live off that tree of
knowledge for a season. The evil live forms perverted bodies like
goiters, tumors, cataracts, cancers, and on and on. We see them. I’ve
saw these forms that look like shadows, streaks, and masses like
pancakes, spiders and such. They are a temporal life form living from
the esh (tree of knowledge) and can make chaos and havoc for a
season until they lose their life form and deteriorate in body mass
returning to the dark nothingness of life.

5. Please comment concerning the glori ed body, being this justi ed

body and the quote you used from Q&A where Brother. Branham
mentioned the glori ed body was standing near.  Is this the
theophany coming into us and thus baptizing us with the Holy Spirit
glorifying us?  Also, when Moses saw the glory of God, he saw the
back side of a man. Wouldn’t this also have signi cance in that the
glory of God once again has been revealed in man for each age?

1. When we are born into this terrestrial realm we received a earthly

body that was created in the womb of our mother. The body was
formed by the mother and father coming together in relationship. At
formed by the mother and father coming together in relationship. At
your birth two life forms entered your body if you were
predestinated to this world. If you were not predestinated into this life
but were just created at the time of your esh birth then you will
never go further into this understanding. The terrestrial body for
some is the only body that they will ever know and only for a short
season in this realm. The natural birthed terrestrial body is chained in
darkness to destruction if it does not have within a Word Body of
another dimension. The chain is the blood cells and the perverted life
is in the chain (blood). When you hear your message for your day then
you are loosed from your chain of darkness and delivered into the
marvellous light of Jesus



Christ. You are no longer trapped and chained to the human spirit in

the bonds of the esh body. You are released by God and you receive a
“Born Again” experience.

2. As Joel and Luke wrote the truth to us, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
is for the esh man so he can have a “born again” experience. His
natural earthly body is moved out of the natural birth process into
a “Spoken Word Birth” process. The earthly body is glori ed or it is
raised up from the sinner to the Saint! At the new birth our earthly
body is glori ed or raised in the processes from natural (old) to
spiritual (new). This gives us a glori ed body as Paul said, “Called,
justi ed and glori ed”. As Jesus said, “That which is born of esh
(natural) is esh and that which is born of Spirit (spiritual) Word body.
We were glori ed in the terrestrial experience at our new birth. The
esh body is already glori ed and will not go any further in process.
The esh of a born again Christian, just like the esh of Adam, Eve and
Jesus, will have an end but it is glori ed for a season at the time of its
new birth.

3. A person with a glori ed body is a believer with an understanding of

your day and its message. This is the true resurrection. This is the only
resurrection that the esh man receives. A sinner without
understanding is one who is standing near (a matter of time) to a Saint
with a glori ed body through the new birth. As soon as it happens to
you then you are the glori ed one that was standing near in the
building just waiting to be there. We are not near now, we have

4. God showed Moses a form that he would understand. Moses saw the

Pillar of Fire, the Cloud by Day, the mountain of Sinai experience. God
showed Moses a form that would make him comfortable.

6. Many more questions I have, but one last thing for now, I have been
told that all types and shadows have been done away with since
Jesus.  I can understand how Jesus came and ful lled the types and
shadows of the Old Testament but to me we are still surrounded by
types and shadows to still help us along the way and even ful l some
types within ourselves.  Am I correct in saying this?

1. Yes, you are very much correct in making that statement. All things in
the sonship process are types and shadows. Sonship is a type and
shadow. Bride, Wife, King, High Priest, and on and on are all types of
the true Word. We are not all dressed like wives, we are not all living
as kings, we are not all giving our lives as Priests to the Lord. It is all
shapes, types and shadows or allegories of a real true testament alive

7. Please explain the nebulae forming an eye appeared in the

7. Please explain the nebulae forming an eye appeared in the
constellation, house of Aquarius in 2003 and Cygnus in 2009 Is

8                                               A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

there signi cance in the message during our seven years interval
from 2002 to 2009?

1. While looking through the Nebula Eye information I came across the
EYE in this picture. They call it the “Third Eye”, the “All Seeing Eye”. I
wanted to send an experience that I had when I was living on 39 Justin
Place in Hamilton, Ohio. I wrote it down and It is amazing. The Lord
Jesus visited me and I just wanted to let you read what I wrote about
His Eyes as he looked at me. I think it noteworthy that it was 3 / 9
Justin Place. 2003 / 2009.

2. Visitation of the Angel of the Covenant – February 1998 – The Angel

came to me in my room by opening and stepping into it from the other
dimension. He was present for over thirty minutes. It’s like he
transcended dimensions and was in all of them at the same time. So
inter-dimensional…His voice was crackly, his body small & thin. He had
deep golden brown or an olive colored skin. His eyes were an aqua
turquoise ocean color. His skin was so smooth, perfect and He had a
brown smock like cakey garment with a hood. The hood was up.

[The “EYE” in the Nebula was so shocking to me when I saw it that I

almost fell apart. I had to get up and walk around. It took my breath
away as the picture quickly transported me back to the early hours of
that one February morning in 1998. His hood was turned on his head
as he looked at me and I could see one eye. I can hardly look at this
picture because it is the Identical Eye beneath that hood.]

3. Now we will see a close up of the all seeing eye in the hourglass

So here we observe the all seeing eye of God. And we now have the
third eye of God on re. The single eye that Jesus referred to in
Matthew 6:22.

8. Signi cance of the nebulae eyed appeared in the constellation of

Aquarius and Cygnus.

I have been looking very closely for several hours at the articles
and many links for clues to understand the meaning and signi cance
of this great “Eye” and it’s cycles of 7. You are right to tie this
astronomical wonder back to the ministry of “White Buffalo”, the
“Indian Chief” who


2                 9

rides “Pegasus” and the ministry of those who have turned at the

West to y into the Sun, which is the ‘Greater Light’ that has dawned
in this ‘second climax’. My approach to this would be to follow the
instruction of brother Branham.

FUTURE.HOME_  JEFF.IN  V-3 N-5  SUNDAY_  64-0802

14-6    You have to keep your three’s together, your seven’s, your twelve’s.
The numerics of the Bible must run perfect or you get your picture all
mixed up. If you can’t understand it, just keep praying. You watch, it’ll cut
right in, exactly. God is perfected in three’s.
The Great Eagle is aligning the numerics for us in this day, in order
to develop the magni cent picture.

KNOWETH.IT.NOT_  JEFF.IN  V-2 N-10  SUNDAY_  65-0815

…”Scientists there were pouring things in tubes and mixing them.” Said,
“You stopped the horse, raised up your hands and begin to scream: ‘I’ll
ride this trail once more.'” Said, “The whole earth shook. Them people
shook,” said, “looked up at one another, like that, looked up to you, and
just shrugged their shoulders, and went on with their scienti c research.”

NASA scientists are looking straight at the eye’s in the house of
Aquarius who have returned again in a 7 year cycle bearing witness
of Tucson, the message from the thick cloud. Message
scientists don’t have the numerical sense of 3rd Creation, 40 years
of wilderness, 7th year memorial, Woman with 12 stars who is
clothed in the Sun etc. They keep mixing the picture because they
don’t know the “numerics of the Bible” . They still carry on their
research while the voice is crying one more time. Praise God! This
message is shaking the earth.

COUNTDOWN_  JEFF.IN  V-11 N-3  SUNDAY_  62-0909M

59   .. Now, if you’ll watch, as sure as that achievement was by science, if
the person will have a spiritual mind and understand, it represented a
achievement of God’s economy with His Church. Now, the days…
And remember, * the messenger is–always comes at the end of the

NASA Article: “The Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2
instrument, which was installed in 1993 to replace the original Wide
Field/Planetary Camera, will be removed to make room for Wide
Field Camera 3 during the upcoming Hubble Servicing Mission. ”
Just a few little observations from Gemini south. I’m having to go
Just a few little observations from Gemini south. I’m having to go
now. God bless you and thanks for keeping us informed with the
work of WSP (White Stone Publications).

Stars in Cygnus the Swan:  The star g (in the body) is called Sadr
(Hebrew),* who returns as in a circle. The two stars in the tail, now
marked in the maps as p I and p II, are named Azel, who goes and
returns quickly; and Fafage, gloriously shining forth

10                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

May 9, 2003: This photograph of the coil-shaped Helix Nebula is one

of the largest and most detailed celestial images ever made. The
composite picture is a seamless blend of ultra-sharp images from
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope HubbleMinute: Helix Nebula  
combined with the wide view of the Mosaic Camera on the National
Science Foundation’s 0.9-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National
Observatory near Tucson, Ariz. Position at R.A. 22h 29m 48.20sDec.
-20° 49’ 26.0” at the constellation of Aquarius 650 light year.

MAY 10, 2009: The Hubble community bids farewell to the soon-to-be
decommissioned Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) onboard
the Hubble Space Telescope. In tribute to Hubble’s longest-running
optical camera, planetary nebulae K4-55 has been image as WFPC2’s.
Positioned R.A. 20h 45m 10s.02 Dec. +44° 39′ 14″.58 Constellation

9.     What is the difference, New Birth of the Old Testament and
New Birth in the New Testament. 


. Once we began to understand predestination, representation and
election then my understanding of the New Birth was changed
completely. We know that the new birth is for the esh man and we
are re-created anew through the awakening. The Theophany man
baptizes the esh man with the Word for the hour. And the esh
man becomes the image of the Word for his day. Therefore, I do not
see a difference in the New Birth of the Old Testament, New
Testament or the Third Testament. The difference is dispensational
times. The prophet said that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are

dispensations. The Old Testament Saints were the dispensation of

the Father. That is why Jesus said in St. John 7, “From your belly
shall ow rivers of living waters” (this spake he of the Holy Ghost
which was not yet given). It was a dispensation that John was
speaking of when he said that.

2. Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the sons of Jacob,
Moses, Elijah and all the Old Testament Saints received their
Theophany at their natural birth just like we did. They heard their
word for their day and came to the truth receiving the Word and
being changed to a new creation just like you and I. They were
looking forward to the cross but had the same understanding that
they were before the world was and that the Messiah had placed
their names on the Lamb’s Book of Life before the world began.
They had the same Spirit in them and had the same experience and
had the same new creation that we do. They were “IN” Christ just
like we are. The experience is the same since the rst creation, the
second creation and this third creation. We all had Christ in us, the
Theophany, under different dispensations of “Father (Old
Testament), “The Word” (New Testament), “Holy Ghost (Third
Testament), “The Word” (New Testament), “Holy Ghost (Third
Testament). When we recognize this we can say as John said, “The
Father, The Word, The Holy Ghost, these three ARE one.”

I John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father,
the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.


392-143 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is of ces of one God. He was the
Father; He was the Son; He is the Holy Ghost. It’s three of ces or three
dispensations, the Fatherhood, the Sonship, and the Holy Ghost
dispensation. But Father, Son, and Holy Ghost has one Name, the Lord
Jesus Christ.

The way that we receive the Spirit of God is the same; He enters us
in Theophany form at our natural birth and then awakes us at the
appointed time to our Word for our day. Each prophet, sage, saint,
and believer across all three dispensations received the Spirit of
God in the same way and we still do in the same way today. The only
difference is that we were manifesting under different

10.  I heard your preaching that Old Testament have a New Birth
but the difference is the Baptism of Fire in the Day of Pentecost,
how about now on the 3rd Testament? Please correct me and
clarify the thought. 

As we progress in the Revelation I have come to the understanding
that receiving the Spirit of God at our natural birth is the same in
every dispensation. The difference is the dispensational attribute
that we manifest; “Father, Word, Holy Ghost”. Moses had the
Theophany, Elijah, and Samuel had their theophany. We see where
the prophet told us this. The Theophany is the Eternal Body and all
believers in every dispensation had their

12                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Theophany and were brought to their message for their day. The
answer is the same as the above answer.

11. Please clarify Brother Branham dream about Sister Sharon, waiting
for Billy Paul, Is it a symbol (Billy Paul)? As far as I know Billy Paul
didn’t received yet the message you have preached.

1. 1. I believe the dream that William Branham had was full of symbols.
There was an old broken down schooner, an old broken wagon wheel,
and an old broken down sign hanging on the fence that said, “For Sale”.
We know that none of those things are going to be in that Eternal
Place that we are moving forward to in this revelation. I believe the
persons, the different things in the dream were all symbols.

2. Concerning Brother Billy Paul, I have met and talked with Billy Paul
Branham on more than one occasion and he has always treated me
with the utmost love and respect. I’ve never heard him reject any of
the truths that we are ministering. However, I do know that VOG
(Voice of God Recording) does disagree with us and their
representatives have said that in the eld where they have their
meetings. That is okay, that is between them and God.

3. I hope that all of them can come to this revelation that God has given
to us and I want to keep my heart open to them at all times so we can
be of help when that time comes. If it doesn’t come then at least I have
kept my heart right toward the brethren.

12. Please explain the Dimensions?

1. We now see where the battleground is located and we see who is in

the battle. The battleground is the second dimension; the sixteen
elements making up the mix of the second dimensional cosmos. The
ones in the battle are the Theophany (sixth dimension) and the Human
Spirit ( fth dimension). These two are on the same grounds for a
season so the eternal dimension can gain the experiences that it could
never have attained without the fth dimension and its processes. The
four death messengers of the fth dimension are temptation, lust, sin,
and death. The four Life messengers of the sixth dimension are
justi cation, sancti cation, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and the full
2. I want to concentrate on this sixth dimensional person and the terms
and attributes that this dimension is showing us in this day. The sixth
dimension is Eternal Life in its expression of Word. So a real term for
the sixth dimension is “Eternal Life”. The sixth dimensional process of
the four life messengers is the “Anointed” or the “Christ”. Another
term for the sixth dimension is “The Anointed One – Christ”. The sixth
dimension is a dimension of substance that can not be seen with the
natural eye. That substance is shown to us in Hebrews 11: Faith is the
substance of things



hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. So another term for the
sixth dimension is “Faith”. The sixth dimension is a higher form of life
and is related to by William Branham as the celestial body. The sixth
dimension is a celestial body of people. Another word for this celestial
body is “Theophany” and that term is used for the eternal ones in the
sixth dimension.

3. I’m sure there are many other terms for the sixth dimension as they
are numerous in the scripture and the message such as, the
heavenlies, the heavenly body, beyond the curtain of time, and others.
We have the new understanding that we do not have to physically die
in order to enter the sixth dimension. The sixth dimension is right here
now and it is our faith, our anointing, our Christ that we dwell in right
now. It is our tower, our rock of safety, our spiritual food and drink, our
mind of Christ that dwells in us every moment of the day to lead and
guide us. The sixth dimension is the Holy Ghost or the Word Body that
we have controlling us completely. The sixth dimension is a person and
that person is Christ Himself. It is not a geographical place or a holding
place for the saints. It is not a place that is temporal. It is “CHRIST”. We
are in Christ!

4. Where is the sixth dimension? It is in the same space that your esh
body is dwelling in right now. The sixth dimension has presently taken
form in space, matter and time; the rst three dimensions. The sixth
dimension is represented in the scripture and the message as “Angels”.
We can name some of them as the Bible does; Michael, Gabriel,
Wormwood, The Angel of the Covenant, The Holy Ghost, The Captain
of the Host, The Pillar of Fire, and many other manifestations of which
you can nd throughout the Word. Different prophets at different
times have witnessed to these celestial angelic manifestations and
their occupation is the same as ours. Michael is a sixth dimensional
manifestation of an angel called an archangel; a warrior. Gabriel is also
as archangel as he fought the king of Persia, the human spirit of Daniel,
to reveal himself after twenty one days. What and who are these
manifestations that appeared to different prophets, priests and
common men and women throughout the ages? They are sixth
common men and women throughout the ages? They are sixth
dimensional manifestations of Christ, the anointed one. These
manifestations are real and it is a person revealing himself in many
forms within the realms of the greatest battle ever fought.

5. We have allowed the clergy of the ages and the mess-age clergy to
steal from us the “faith” to step into the realms of the supernatural and
trust God for all things. How do I exercise this sixth dimension? Its
simple; “Ask and it shall be given”, “Knock and it shall be opened”,
“Seek and you shall nd”. We do not have people with the faith to
believe these simple statements and exercise them. We’ve allowed the
catechisms of the mess-age leaders to teach us contrary to “Faith”. We
have the supernatural element in us right now. The celestial being, the
heavenly body, the Eternal Quality, The Anointed Christ, the very
substance that brings all things to

14                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

pass. Stop accepting the false teaching of these failed angels that tell
you only a prophet can have this supernatural thing in his life. It is a lie
of the grandest tale. Remove the faith to exercise these real truths of
God’s Word and then the sixth dimension can not be exercised on the
battle eld.

6. The human spirit brings all of its weapons of doubt, fear,

worthlessness, and accusation to the battle eld and he goes full force
as the opposer of God and that is the devil or satan. He does not let up
day or night as he is relentless in his walk to destroy your faith on the
battle eld. Don’t let the opposer talk with you and take away your
weapons. God has given you great weapons of the sixth sense, the
sixth dimension and it is your privilege to use them every day.
7. Take the truths of Ephesians six and gird yourself with the weapons of
warfare that are not carnal. Use weapons of the sixth dimension on
the battle eld; the unseen weapons with the natural eye. Weapons
such as love, peace, joy, faith, kindness, goodness, virtue, Godly
knowledge, temperance, godliness, brotherly kindness as these are
the unseen things of the eternal word. The sixth dimensional weapons
that are not of temporal descent but are eternal and will outlast the
carnal weapons of hatred, envy, malice, strife, confusion and every evil

8. Our battle is here and now and our sixth dimensional person is
equipping us with the needed weapons. We have every reason to
shout the victory and use the sixth dimensional supernatural power of
the Holy Ghost in our lives.

Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the
kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of
God cometh not with observation:

13. I am enjoying the studies on the fth dimensional in uences, and I

learned lots of new revelations, now I understand that Adam’s devil
Lucifer died after about 900 years, I understand that he transferred
devils to Cain, by sex birth. Also, Jesus said to the Pharisees: You are
of your father the devil. Yes I agree with you on the sex birth transfer
of devils. But, I would like to learn more about the devils, or the
spirits in the dimension of esh, or mind dimension? In Acts 19:15-16
“And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know;
but who are ye? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on
them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they
ed out of that house naked and wounded.”

When the man tried to cast a devil out of this evil man he found
out that you cast out devils by the power of “revelation” and not
intellect. What does the word “EVIL SPIRIT” mean, “A bad nature or
a human spirit”. All you have to do is look it up and that is what it
says. Notice that the scripture said that Mary Magdalene had
“SEVEN DEVILS”. Listen to what the prophet


2               15

says about these devils that she had in her.


93 Mary Magdalene, she’d knew His power. She knew there was
something about Him was different from anyone else. She had seven
devils cast out of her. Everybody that’s ever been free from the devil by
the power of Jesus Christ, knows where they’re standing. No one can ever
come in His great Divine Presence, and ever be the same person any
more. ….So she had seven devils cast out of her: pride and envy, and she
thought she was so pretty and there was no one like her. But when Jesus
spoke and said, “Be thou clean,” all that left her. She become a new
person. She wasn’t so pretty any more in her own sight. But she wrapped
herself in the robe of meekness and gentleness, and followed the Master.
She loved Him. Then on Easter morning I can see her.

Evil Spirits, or devils, come from the tree of knowledge. I’ve seen
evil spirits in men and women speak right to me and expose
themselves and the person didn’t even know that it happened. I’ve
looked at dark shadows on people, and around people. I’ve looked at
diseases right in the body of a person and knew what it was by its
shape. All evil comes from the human spirit and grows itself from the
tree of knowledge, the esh man. The esh man is three realms of
tree of knowledge, the esh man. The esh man is three realms of
the esh, the human spirit and a worldly nature or character of that
carnal spirit.

When demons, or perverted life, takes forms they can do so in a lot
of ways. Look at what the man said, “Paul I know and Jesus I know,
but who are you?” What was going on? That man had formed spirits
of anger and rage and when he saw someone using the power of
intellect instead of revelation he lashed out and physically harmed
them. It was an angry human spirit that went into a t of rage and
hurt them.

Look at what the prophet said of Mary Magdalene. Her demons
were works of the esh. Paul tells us the works of the esh in
Galatians 5 and Mary was carrying perverted life forms of the esh
which were demons; pride, envy, vanity, arrogance, it was all there.

Matthew 8:32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come
out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of
swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the

Demons can transfer from one body to another body. It doesn’t
matter if human or animal. They are all of the same earth and all
have an animalistic spirit that demons can live from for a season.
Jesus changed this man Legion completely. He changed his nature.
When Jesus changed his nature then the perverted life forms that
had taken shape and form in his life had to leave.

The demons of “Cutting”, “Fighting”, “Wondering”, “Lust”,
16                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

“Foul Language” and all of them had to leave him immediately. These
life forms that had grown from his tree of knowledge entered into
the swine. The

swine killed themselves. What happened to the demons. They had

no life form to live off of so they went into dry places, or in other
words they died. Just like when Jesus gave you the revelation of
Jesus Christ. You were like me when I began to see these great

The demons, the perverted life forms of “false doctrine”,
“tradition”, “dogma”, “creed”, and all the related demons of lust all
began to leave me. I’m sure the same happened to you. Where did
they all come from? They come from our human spirit and they
began to grow in our esh man.

14.  I would like to understand when the prophet William Branham

saw the dark shadows, and animal shadow around above the
people in the meetings, and also about the light of God, the pillar of
re in a light that sometimes God allow us to see it. And also when
I had a dream a long time ago when I was a teenager, I saw what
the Prophet described as the dark shadows with long hair. Coming
to me in my dream.

The dark shadows are 5th dimensional spirits of perversion. They
are disease, virus, perverted body forms, and dark desires such as
murder, molestation, mental dysfunction, abnormal behaviour, and
other things that grow from our tree of knowledge over a period of
time. These things actually form their own bodies on your body like
cataracts, goiters, cancers, warts, tumors and many forms that the
cataracts, goiters, cancers, warts, tumors and many forms that the
perverted life form can live in for a season.

They are actual spirits of life that live inside that body that is living
off of you. They form these bodies and have shadows just like your
human body has a shadow. They are dark streaks, moving objects
and other forms that can move in and out of the body for a season.
We see them occasionally, catch them on a camera sometimes,
recognize them in an x-ray, MRI, or whatever.

We see them moving from one body to another body. The reason
is because they can not live long outside of a body wherein they can
use the life in that body to live off of it like a blood sucking leach or
bat. These are the ones that are scary to us because we can see their
form for a season if they leave a body. We see them take forms like
horrible looking hairy bats, like apes, like attened pancakes, like
hairy skin of tumors and many horrible looking things such as that.
However, it is only a perverted life form that came off of someone’s
esh man and it will die if it doesn’t nd a person to live off of in its

15.  What is the relation between the spirits that we see around
about the people in that dimension where the photo camera
sometimes can see it and also our eyes can see it, and  how is
related to the devil or the Holy Spirit in the Flesh? Or, does it have
any relation to


2               17

the devil in the esh dimension? 

The Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire is the 7th and 6th dimensions. It is
a real substance place of perfect faith. It is beyond sublime and it is a
dimension that is laying in space right here where we are at now. It is
a faster dimension and therefore can pass right through this second
dimension of matter without hurting any thing.

There are Saints in Theophany bodies right now in this room
where I am sitting and writing to you. The shutter, the eye of the
camera sometimes picks up one of the objects or Word bodies of
that dimension and we see it on video or picture. It is real and it is
alive. The camera picks it up and we see it as a body, a light, a gure,
a sphere, a halo, or what ever it might be. We see it in that manner
because we have a natural eye and we can’t pick it up like the
shutter of a camera.

The dark shadows, bodies of tumors, cataracts, goiters, cancers
and such are forms of the second dimension being used by those
fth dimensional life form. When the life form of the fth dimension
is cast out of that body of disease, or virus, or whatever, then the
body dies that is attached to your  esh and it has to be broken down
and dumped by the human body. That is why many people lose their
healing. It takes the body about three days to break the body of a
cancerous tumor or a disease that has formed a growth.

When that growth dies and breaks up and begins to enter the
blood stream then you can get very sick for a few days. Then People
say, “Oh, I lost my healing.” They do that because they are passing
the dead body that was alive before the life of the demon was cast
out. Then the life form that has not died yet comes back to the body
from being outside the body for a few days and enters the body
from being outside the body for a few days and enters the body
again to form another perverted body off of you. That time of the
body purging itself should be a time of shouting and praising the
Lord for his work of healing. However, many don’t have the faith to
believe and understand that.

The camera is picking up the life form that left the body for a
season, or maybe for just a few minutes as it is afraid to stand before
prophets and wise men to be discerned, cursed and cast out of
people lives. These demons can not live long. They have to nd a
body to enter into or they go to dry places and die the death.

I know you are a prophet of God and I also enjoy your teaching too.
But I know sometimes I may be asking you a question that may not
be revealed to you  yet. Thanks for all the news Letters, I read them
all, but I know that things that you say it is like Paul, when he was
speaking it was hard to understand because it need God Himself to
reveal it to us.   I hope God open my eyes so I can understand you

18                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

16.  We believe the theophany is in  the 7th and 6th dimension.
What Dimension is the New Birth?  

The new birth is a process that takes place with the 5th
dimensional spirit, the human spirit, by converting it to another
nature. The human spirit is the breath of life that was breathed into
you at your natural birth and it was given to you so you could
contact the earth. It is a spirit that is of temporal life and is a fallen

The Bible is clear that it has many terms and some are as follows:
“nature of wrath”, “Children of disobedience”, “carnal mind”, “spirit
of the world”, “lustful spirit”, “ eshly spirit”, “law of the members”
and others. This spirit is where the “new birth” takes place. It is the
5th dimensional spirit or the human spirit that you received at your
natural birth. That spirit has a nature about it and that nature is the
“ eshly soul” or as the prophet called it “soulish nature of the esh”.

643 SUNDAY_ 61-0101 71 He (John) saw all the order. And look what
God had to do: boil him in grease for about twenty-four hours down there
to let them see that he was Divine, that the Divine Spirit had anointed
the–the soulish (that outside, soulish, or whatever you call it, the human
esh), had so Divinely impressed it till hot burning grease for twenty-four
hours didn’t even scorch him.

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour
out of my Spirit upon all esh.

As you can see, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is poured out upon
the esh man. The esh man is made up of a unit. He has a esh
body, a human spirit and a nature of that spirit which is the soulish
outside manifestation. When the Holy Ghost baptizes that esh it
converts that human spirit to a different nature or a different
character of life.

This is the new birth. That human spirit is converted and begins to
live the right kind of life and walks in the steps of the Theophany
man. The esh man is made a new unit in body, spirit and soul. That
man walks and serves the Lord all the days of its life after the new
birth and then the temporal man dies and goes back to the cosmos in
annihilation. The new birth is the conversion of the 5th dimensional
spirit to live a new life. It is converted by the Inner man, the 6th
dimensional Theophany.

17.  What dimension is the Spoken Word Body? 

The Spoken Word Body is of the second dimensional matter. The
Spoken Word Body is the converted esh body and is made up of
the 16 elements of the cosmos. When the Baptism of the Holy
Ghost converts the human spirit it recreates the 16 elements and
cleanses the earth with a spiritual re of God that removes the curse
of the natural birth process.


2               19

The body is no longer of darkness and is no longer a natural birth
body but it is “born again”. The body is made new by the process as
John and Paul

both said, “Behold all things are new”. The esh body after the new
birth has become a t place for God to live and it is a spoken word
body by the spoken word birth. Simply put it is “The Word Made
Flesh” for its day.

The spoken word body continues through this life just as Adam
and Jesus did. They were the example of spoken word bodies in the
earth. They lived under the power of God as spoken word and then
died and went back to the cosmos. Nothing created is
eternal. Spoken Word Flesh bodies are not eternal but are used by
the Eternal one for a season to gain the needed experience. While
the Eternal one for a season to gain the needed experience. While
the Theophany is living in the Spoken Word Body is it immortal,
incorruptible, and can not die. When the Theophany leaves the esh
body then it becomes the dirt of the earth again and returns to the

18. Many times I believe I still have traditional thoughts about the two
trees in the Garden Eden.  I am beginning to see them more clearly
because we are in a Garden of Eden condition again.  I have looked at
many of the terms our Prophet used. Two Trees: One Life, Adam
Theophany:      One Death, Earthed formed around the Theophany,
Lucifer. Two trees set there for Birth purposes in one Body.  Two
trees set for birth purposes in two bodies.  He said the woman was an
incubator for the 2 different seeds. Animal caused the fall by
degradation of humanity by intermingling the seed. 

My question is, did they intermingle eternal seed and corruptible

seed?  Looking at our position they did.  Was the serpent that was
wrapped around Adam doing the talking that beguiled Eve or was it
her eshly body of sensuality that caused Adam to sew a corruptible
seed?  I know this may sound elementary but I struggle with tradition
here. I think I see it, but I would like your revelation on this.  My wife
and I discuss this and can’t seem to get it clear but if we look at what
has happened to us, I see this.

1. Concerning your questions about the Two Trees. I personally do not

see the Trees as natural tangible matter or 16 elements at all. I see the
two trees as the two minds that they were given to use in this life. The
16 elements are just the ground, the dirt, in which the two trees were
16 elements are just the ground, the dirt, in which the two trees were
planted. Brother Branham called so many different things the two
trees that I believe he felt the same way. It was things that you can not
see that were the trees. There were only two trees in the garden.
Some think that there were three minds in the garden of Eden but
there were not. Some say the three minds were God’s, Satan’s, and the
Carnal Mind of Man. With in-depth study and by revelation I’ve found
that this is not true. There were not three minds there were only two
minds; God’s and Satan’s. God’s Mind is the Mind of the

20                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Theophany and Satan’s mind is the mind of the human spirit. The
prophet said, “One of those two is your control tower”. God’s Mind is
your control tower or Satan’s mind is your control tower. If you have
been born again we know it is God’s Mind and if not then Satan’s Mind
is controlling.


SUNDAY_  65-1031M 311 …the control tower, it’s either God or Satan.
And you can mimic any of these things you can contact, like the Christian;
or you could cast out devils, like a Christian. But the inside control tower,
the beginning, the origin, isn’t of God, it’ll never return to God. You
understand it?

2. Now, the only way that you can ever have God’s Mind controlling the
tower for you is if you have the Mind of Christ. There has to be a
Theophany in there or there is only one mind to control the person
and that is the carnal mind, the mind of the human spirit, or Satan’s
mind. People get real scared when I say Satan’s mind but the term
“Satan” just means “An opposer of God.” The Carnal mind is the enemy
of God; Satan! These are the two trees at work in the garden. Now
someone would say, “If there were no natural trees made of 16
elements in the garden of Eden then there must not have been a
geographical place as we commonly think of the garden of Eden.” That
is right. The prophet said that heaven is a condition and the rapture is
a condition. The Garden of Eden is a condition and we are placed in
that condition by the sacri ce of Jesus Christ. He placed us back into
the condition to make the right choices and defeat the carnal mind
now. We defeat the serpent every day now by being placed in the right
condition and having Christ in us with the knowledge and revelation to
know our enemy.

3. John the Baptist said, “The axe is laid to the root of the “Tree” and it is
hewn down and cast into the re”. That is the human life, the human
spirit that is burned up by the Theophany Man; the Tree of Life. David
said in Psalms we are like “Trees” planted by the waters. Jesus cursed
the “Tree” that had no fruit for him. We could go on and on about the
“Tree” and how it is not a natural tree nor a geographical piece of earth
where the “Trees” were at. Then one would ask, “Didn’t Adam hide
behind the “Trees” in the garden when God came searching for him
and calling to him?” Yes, and the “Trees” Adam hid behind were the
lives and cultures of the animals in the earth. Adam and Eve had used
the carnal mind to produce the seed, the egg and the incubation for
their children. They went the way of Satan. The Theophany, the real
tiller of Adam’s earth and Eve’s earth, God himself, The Mind of Christ,
began to call out to him, “Adam, oh Adam, what have you done, look at
the mess you’ve made and now you won’t be able to bring forth
children by the spoken word birth”! Adam and Eve immediately begin
to justify themselves by hiding behind the “Trees”. They said, “But this
is the way the animals have all been mating, fowls, shes of the sea, the
animal families of the earth, they all come together in this manner and
this is the way we are suppose to have our children”. And the
Theophany said, “No, you know the Word and you know the
Theophany said, “No, you know the Word and you know the
consequence”. Adam didn’t have to



stand in front of a big pearly white throne, he was judged by the one
within and the curse of death moved into their lives.

4. The two trees of the garden had faced one another, “Theophany and
Human Spirit” and when the human spirit thought it had won the
battle the Lord just moved right on the same way and brought his
children into the earth lby the natural birth process chained to
darkness of the eshly soul of the carnal mind. And then at the
appointed time the “Tiller of the Garden”, the Theophany, catches his
Word for his day, awakes and takes over the garden bringing it back to
a Eden condition with no curse upon it any longer. The carnal mind
tried to take over when God placed Adam and Eve in the earth and
said, “Multiply and replenish the earth”. They chained themselves to
the natural birth process in chains of darkness and God the invisible
one became the Father of all things through the Pillar of Fire and
became esh in his son Jesus Christ who delivered us from the
darkness into the Kingdom of His dear son.

248 And then what happened? He set Adam and Eve here on the earth, and
said, “Multiply now and replenish the earth.” Their bodies was all laid out
here, for you to eat and make your body. That’s the way He had of doing it.
But sin come along and interrupted His plan. She rolls right on, just the
same, time does.
5. So, yes, there are two trees and they are not of the 16 elements. They
are the Mind of Christ and the carnal mind of Satan. They are the
Theophany and the human spirit. The battle is on and it is a battle
between faith verses worldly wisdom. We are in the condition of the
Mind of Christ through the new birth and stand in a Garden of Eden
condition today as spoke word sons through the new birth process. I
wouldn’t say that the Eternal and the corruptible were intermingled as
we know that there is an actual sixth dimensional substance body of
the Word that can never be touched by this eshly man. What I would
say is that the corruptible human spirit is producing perverted bodies
by its graft into the Tree of Life for a season. It is not a part of the Tree
of Life (Theophany) but is grafted in for a season and living off of the
Tree of Life. It will be removed at the death of the temporal being.

19. So much blessed by your gift that helped us to see many things as
you bring the transition from the Second into the Third coming. We
have been guided by your messages that the Opening of the Seals is
the entrance to the third coming. So I began to look deeper on the
Book on the Seven Seals. I thought that this is our Book. There were
two endings of the Seventh Seal. The original was preached March
24th at the Branham Tabernacle. The authorized version was
preached in a hotel, March 25th, the day after. Brother Branham did
not want to release to the public the original ending, about 14

22                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

pages, and instead substituted a shorter one, about 7 pages. He

omitted many things that he said in the original. One of which is the
Sabino Canyon experience when he received the Sword of the King.
Also he omitted this part:
Also he omitted this part:

SEVENTH.SEAL.THE_  JEFF.IN  SUNDAY_  63-0324E 567-3{325} Now,

when that gets on tape, which it is, that’ll probably send ten thousand of my
friends away from me, ’cause they’re going to say that Brother Branham’s
trying to put himself and make himself a servant, or a prophet, or something
before God. Let me tell you, my brethren, that is an error. I’m only telling you
what I seen and what has been told to me, and now, you–now, you do
whatever you want to. I don’t know who’s going to–what’s going to take
place. I do not know. I just know that those seven thunders holds that
mystery, that heavens was quieted. (Everybody understand?)

It may be time. It may be the hour now that this great person that
we’re expecting to rise on the scene may rise on the scene. Maybe
this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has
laid a foundation; and if it has, I’ll be leaving you for good. There
won’t be two of us here the same time. See? If it is, he will increase,
I’ll decrease. I don’t know. But I have been privileged by God to look
and see what it was  (See, see?), unfold to that much. Now, that is the

I believe that the reason for the two endings was that Brother
Branham was talking to two different groups of people:  

His generation to whom he said that he is positive that they don’t get
it. They are not supposed to get it. Don’t interpret because if they do
they will just go farther from the real thing. He told them to wait
until that hour arrives and so advised them to just live a good
Christian life and to just go right on with the same simple message.

At the same time talking to the Third Coming people, White Stone,
King’s Sword, prophesying of a prophetic gift coming –  a great
person, Seven thunders, Seventh Seal- The coming of the Lord, The
Third Pull, Half-hour silence. Omitted was the song of his wife – They
come from the east and west….. To feast with the King….. beholding
His hallowed face….. gems in His crown to shine.


458-4{9} And–and then also knowing that right among you, things are
happening (See?) that I–I’m just… I–I know… I know you, that you don’t see
it. See? I’m just positive that you don’t see it. See? And you say, “Brother
Branham, that’s a hard thing for you to say that.” I know it is. But look; let
me just say this now. I suppose this is just tapes for ourselves and so forth.
But let me say this (See?), that you–you don’t–you don’t get it (See?), and



you’re not supposed to get it. So don’t try to interpret anything. See? Don’t
try to put your interpretation to it. You only–you only get further away.

459-5{16} And so, but if the–the church here not supposed to know these
things, so don’t put no interpretation to anything. See? You just go ahead
and just remember what you’re told; live a Christian life. Go to your church,
be a real light wherever you are, and just burn for Christ, and tell the people
that how you love Him. And just let your testimony be with love all the time
with the people (See?), ’cause if you don’t you twist yourself out into
with the people (See?), ’cause if you don’t you twist yourself out into
something there, and then you’re–you’re off the beaten track. See, every-
time you try to do it, you’ve done that. See? So just don’t–don’t–don’t try to
make no interpretation. And especially tonight, when that Seal becomes up
in front of you. See? Just don’t try to interpret it. You just go ahead and just
be humble and go right on with the same plain message. Now you say,
“Brother Branham, is that… we, being the Church of the Living God,
shouldn’t we…” Well, as I was trying… Look here, I want to say… Say, “Why
can’t I? I ought to have…” No, no. I… Don’t… You remember, I’m saying this
for your good. See, I’m saying it so that you’ll understand. If you believe me
now, listen to what I tell you. See, see?

I believe that Brother Branham was ful lling his day and then
prophesying of our day. Even our Lord Jesus did the same thing:


E-21 A strange thing, our Lord, when He was here on earth, He taught more
of His second coming than He did of His going away then. Read the
Scriptures; nd out how much he talked of His second coming. Better than
eighty percent of His talk was on His second coming, not what was then, His
sacri ce and the going away, but the second coming. He gave the people
warnings. He never feared to give them warning. Let’s see some of the
things that He did. If Jesus talked so much, eighty percent of His time on the
second coming, then it behoves us to listen to see what He said would take
place. He said, “You’ll hear of nation raising against nation, kingdom against
kingdom, you’ll hear of all these things. And this temple will be tore down,
and not one stone left on the other.” He said, “But that’s not the end yet.” He
goes ahead and tells how things would take place. And right down at the
end, He said, “But when you see the g tree putting forth its buds and all the
other trees,” said, “then you know summer’s nigh. Likewise when you see
this, know that it’s now at the door; and verily, I say, this generation shall
not pass until all be ful lled.”

MARK.OF.THE.BEAST.title  JEFF.IN  V-26 N-3  54-0513 77 029 So I

found this, the Bible said, “David served the Lord well in his generation.” So I
said, “Lord, I don’t want no organization. Let me serve You with all my heart,
while I’m here living.” That’s right. “And next, You’ll have another man when
I’m gone. You’ll have somebody take its place.” That’s all. Don’t try to build
upon some

24                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

other. You can’t build a re on the same grounds. Israel had to keep
journeying. When they stopped, they backslid. They had to keep moving
every night; built a new re every

night, just keep moving on. And that’s what we’ve got to do. What Luther
had was ne; that was for Luther’s day. What Wesley had was ne; that was
Wesley’s day. What the holiness had, that was ne; that was their day.
We’re living in another day. Now, we’re–we’re moving on. There’ll be a day
after us, it’ll come just the same. But let’s walk in the Light while Light is

Just sharing the joy in our hearts. We are the generation that has
gone beyond Brother Branham. Hope to hear from you on this
matter. God bless you.   

1. I believe you are right on target with your thought. I have looked at
both endings and studied them thoroughly, and I wondered why he did
both endings and studied them thoroughly, and I wondered why he did
what he did after he nished the Seventh Seal. He called the tape
brothers and met them in a hotel room, (Riverside Hotel on Spring
Street), the exact spot where he was baptizing on the Ohio River when
the great Light shined on the River in 1933. He had just nished the
seals with the “Questions and Answers” that Sunday evening of March
24 and It was the morning of March 25, 1963 at Riverside Hotel in
room 17 where they met and cut out the original ending and placed
another ending in on the message of “The Seventh Seal”. If you
remember that was the number of the person he was baptizing on
June 11, 1933 on the river; it was person 17.

2. It was like the prophet had stepped back in time to show that he was
trying to talk with a group of people that were for a day gone by. He
gave them the shorter version and if you study that version closely it is
exactly the fundamental ideas of the 6th seal, Moses and Elijah, the
tribulation period, Israel, the rapture, and so many things. The prophet
was preaching the “rerun” of an old message to the people who would
never accept the fact that God was moving forward and that William
Branham’s ministry was decreasing, and leaving the scene for good.

3. He knew that he revealed things in that seventh seal that he was

suppose to keep quiet about and he was convicted that he had went
too far. That is what the Angel scolded him about in the early visions of
how he would bring a new ministry. Remember how he got his line all
tangled in the vision of shing for rainbow trout and the third pull? In
the vision the Angel said, “You weren’t suppose to do that! Don’t get
your line tangled in times like these.” It happened just as the vision
showed. William Branham got his line tangled by going too far and he
had to go to the hotel the next morning and untangle the line removing
the original revelation that held the truth and replacing it with the
same old fundamental ideas for people who weren’t suppose to get it.
William Branham played a part in the opening of the new ministry but
he was not to show it to those people of his generation. He tried to and



himself up somewhat. The attempt at re-preaching the last part of the

seventh seal was a prophet realizing that he had gone too far with his

and tried to untangle the little mess that he had made. The Angel no
doubt scolded him the evening of March 24 after he nished those

4. Brother Branham would have de nitely brought out many of those

things later in his ministry as we know he did from the time he crossed
the curtain of time in 1960 until the ending of his ministry. He was the
one to open the way and he had many things to reveal and say about
this ministry that is going on right now. However, he was certainly
convicted by God that he went too far on that day and was trying to
untangle the line. It wasn’t his line to cast in front of the people and
the Angel had told him that in the prior visions. He tried to put strings
in baby shoes that were too big, he cast shing line and tried to show
people the three pulls of this ministry when it wasn’t his place to
according to the angel. He saw himself standing in a gate of a great
ranch out west and said to his wife, “We should have been here a long
time ago” and then tried to take the people there and made a mess of
things with people moving out west and every thing was a mess. He
tried to buy a large tent and have a natural tent ministry telling the
people that it was the new ministry when it wasn’t and made a mess of
things there. William Branham was an amazing prophet, one of the
things there. William Branham was an amazing prophet, one of the
greatest to ever walk in earth, but had trouble passing the King’s
Sword to another generation. However, God was his leadership and he
succeeded laying in the secrets and things that this generation needed
in order to pick up on the real truths.

5. Yes, he was ministering to two groups of people. I thank God I am one

of them from the group that was still unexpressed in the Cloud. I only
want to be a part of this revelation and age. With so many thousands
of great ministers, brethren and sisters pushing forward in this
revelation I am just glad to do my small part in such a blessed
revelation of Jesus Christ.

20.  I have something to asked about this quotes of Brother

Branham the message “Who Is This Melchisedec” 1965 Can you
explain what this statement of the prophet meant In this quotes?
1) “If you have died & entered into that Theophany WHAT
HAPPENS? The Theophany comes to the earth to pick up the
redeemed body.” And 2). “If you’re here in the air, you take the
body to meet the theophany (There you are) & Caught up & go to
meet the lord in the air.”


0221E 109 Notice again, Melchisedec went to meet Abraham before He
got back home. What a beautiful type here we have: Melchisedec
meeting Abraham before he got back home after the battle. We meet
Jesus in the air before we get home. That’s right. II Thessalonians tells us
that, for we meet Him in the air. A beautiful type of Rebecca meeting
Isaac in the eld in the cool of the day. We meet Him in the air; II
Thessalonians tells us so: “For we which are alive and remain shall not

26                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

26                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

prevent (or hinder) those which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall
sound; the dead in Christ shall rise rst; we which are alive and remain

shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.”
Perfect, all these types…  Therefore the theophany, if you have died and
entered into that theophany, what happens? The theophany comes to the
earth to pick up the redeemed body. And if you’re here in the air, you take
the body to meet the theophany (There you are.), and caught up and go to
meet the Lord in the air. Who is this Melchisedec but God?

First lets look at what the prophet said in the quote. [William
Branham: “II Thessalonians tells us that, for we meet Him in the air.
A beautiful type of Rebecca meeting Isaac in the eld in the cool of
the day. We meet Him in the air.” End of quote.] The prophet says
that the meeting in the air is a type! He shows us that the thing that
we thought was a physical meeting in the air is just a type. Rebecca
and Isaac showed the type. Going to the air is a type. Rebecca and
Isaac met in the eld and didn’t y into the air and go anywhere. The
Flesh body can not go to the air. So now let’s look at what he is
saying to us.

I understand by revelation that If we have died to the things of the
world and have become a new creature in Christ Jesus then we had
our meeting in the air (air = mist or spirit being). We have come to
know our Spirit Being. When you are born again you quickly become
a twofold being. You meet the “Spirit Man” and the esh man dies to
the things of the world. The Theophany within  ows outward and
baptizes the earth and picks up (raises up) the redeemed body.
When you accept Jesus Christ in a born again experience you then
have a baptism of the Holy Ghost, or the Theophany raises up the
redeemed body. It all happens right in you. (There YOU are). It is the
real you now when the redeemed body is raised into higher heights
and you become the Word of the hour.

The next step is clear. “If you are here in the air” –  or in
otherworlds, “If you have caught the revelation of Jesus Christ and
your Theophany has raised your redeemed body of the esh up to
higher heights in Christ to live the life of Christ right here, then you
take the body into new spheres of the word and the body becomes
the very image of the Word of the hour.” You are in the Spirit already
raptured or you are(here in the air). The esh man is caught up to
live a new life in Christ and he goes to meet the Theophany and
become the image of that Spirit Man. The esh man mirrors or
becomes the image of the Spirit Man. What does it do to your mortal
body, “It changes your walk, your talk, your opinions, you used to be
mean, hurtful, hateful, full of strife and pain and anger and now you
are walking in Christ as a Christian with the revelation of Jesus
Christ living out its life in you.” You are caught up and go to meet the
Theophany and live a different life as a resurrected Saint of the Lord

The meeting in the air is the new birth taking place in a person’s
heart. A person is caught up right here. The Theophany, (Holy
Ghost), is the Spirit


2               27

(air) and our eshly body leaves the worldly condition of the natural
birth process to be redeemed, or born again. When that happens the
birth process to be redeemed, or born again. When that happens the
Holy Ghost

on the inside, the Theophany baptizes that esh body and redeems
it to make it a t place for the Holy Ghost to dwell in. The redeemed
body is caught up in the revelation of Jesus Christ and goes to meet
(or become the image of) the Theophany. God bless and I pray that
this helps. I pray that these answers are a blessing to you.

21. Brother Don Parnell, Are you the Eight Messenger Prophet?

1. It doesn’t matter what of ce I hold in Christ. I am what I am, and what I

am is only by the grace of God Almighty. There have been hundreds of
prophets before me so, whether a prophet or not, I don’t see how I
could be the eighth. By the size of your “Font” it appears that you are
in peril concerning this question. You don’t have to be. The Wife of
Christ can not be deceived. Enjoy the word and the messages that God
has given me and continue to trust the Lord Jesus that he always sends
us what we need.

2. I don’t claim to be a prophet, I don’t claim to be any thing but your

brother. What God makes me is up to him. He has given me a ministry
that reaches to 130 nations now. Many hundreds of thousands have
stepped further in the revelation of Jesus Christ because they are
enjoying the messages that our Lord has given to me. I pray that you
can do the same.

22. The real person inside of “US” explained.

1. We understand the dimensions and have an excellent conceptual view

when we can place ourselves within and using every dimension
when we can place ourselves within and using every dimension
continually for our glori cation. We can build revelation on this
conception. We are believers and have the mind of Christ, the seventh
dimensional abstract of God’s Word. The abstract of Word is thought.
We have God’s thoughts when we have His mind.
2. We know that Paul said, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” We know
that “Christ” is the sixth dimension. The sixth dimension transitions
God’s thought into form and makes a thought word. A Word Body is
the form of the real believer. The sixth dimensional form is the
expression of the invisible God. Thought and Word are the same.
Thought condescends to form to become Word. Word is no less
eternal than thought but brings expression to eternity. Daniel 12:12 is
of eternal thought and we formed it into Word dimensionally when we
recognized the scripture is our scripture.
3. The human spirit is not the real me. The human spirit was created for a
season and that fth dimension has no eternal quality or attribute. It
can only live as a graft and because it can’t bring forth the fruit of the
original Word dimension it is cut off at the appointed time and cast
into the re for the burning. The re and brimstone of God is the
purging Lake of Fire or the Pillar of Fire that purges out the limited life
form by removing it from His

28                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

thought. The human spirit was never an eternal thought of the seventh
dimension and can not live.

4. The human spirit was a second thought. It is a limited life form given by
the Word; the Pillar of Fire. The human spirit was perverted in the fact
that it was created for the purpose of perversion and disobedience. It
has a beginning and an end. It goes back into the Pillar of Fire for the
purging and is no longer a second thought. A second thought can not
be a part of the Eternal. God can’t have a new thought! The Father,
The Pillar of Fire, or the sixth dimensional Word, had a new thought
and for a season thought two ways; eternal and temporal. After the
purpose of the temporal thought is nished then that ministration is
abolished and done away with by the attribute of the Lake of Fire; the
purging of all temporal thoughts. The eternal quality purges into
annihilation the temporal quality and continues on with the memory
for experience and understanding.

5. When you can understand these truths then you can understand
yourself. The real you is the eternal person with attributes and
qualities of an eternal nature. The carnal eshly person is not of the
eternal nature and can’t ful l or accomplish the eternal qualities that
God holds within himself. The real you is the Person of the sixth and
seventh dimensions. There is a “knock-off” of you or an uncanny
likeness of you that expresses a shadowy gure in a limited dimension.
We need this walk in the lower realms of hell to understand our
qualities, attributes and eternal parts from God. We are walking in a
dimensional nightmare, a shadowy grave, a valley of death. Yet we
have come to the clear understanding that we are eternal and are sent
here to overcome and conquer. We are to accomplish God’s purpose,
and will, which is to express His eternal love to us and in us.
6. The third and fourth dimensions are connected and as we know are
time and science. These two dimensions of time and science are the
eld wherein the length, breadth, depth and height of the battle are
determined. What battle are we talking about? We are talking of the
battle between the human spirit and the Word Body; Lucifer and
Michael. The second dimension is the geographical battle eld; your
earth ( esh). The greatest battle every fought is going on inside your
space. Every person has an amount of space in which to perform their
victories and losses. The victories and losses do not give or take away
life, but are for the forming of your eternal qualities. This realm is not
life, but are for the forming of your eternal qualities. This realm is not
to determine whether eternal life is given or taken away. This space
that we are occupying is given to prove that “eternal” is a wondrous
Person called Jesus Christ. And the Person of Christ loves you and
wants you to come to understand yourself.
7. The real me is the Word Body. The Word Body is the Greek word
“Theophany”. The children of Israel stumbled at this concept of the
real person. They could not steadfastly look past the esh of Moses
and nd the more glorious ministration. Paul said that Israel had the
veil of tradition upon their hearts. Every time they saw the move of
God they couldn’t look past



the esh of man and see the almighty God hiding behind the veil. The
esh is not of the eternal covenant and its ministration is abolished
and came to an end at Calvary . We are esh of His esh and bone of
His bone. We are recognized as a part of that sacri cial body that died
on Calvary . We were cruci ed, died, resurrected and we are alive

8. The esh of that sacri cial body is not sitting on a pearly white throne
somewhere mediating for us. The elements of that body are placed in
the cosmos and it is our body; the body that God sees when He sees
the believer walking in earth. Our mediator is our representation and
I’m not talking potentially! We are recognized as alive in Him. In
Adam’s esh, the natural birth process, all die. In Jesus’ esh, the new
creation, all are made alive. The second dimensional elements in the
natural birth mix are not a part of God’s eternal thought. We only
come this way once and there will never be a mix of elements like this
again. We believe the elements are eternal as the 6th dimensional
bodies have proven to us. We can handle them, and they are sublime
never growing old. How can this be? The elemental mix of those 6th
dimensional substance bodies are an eternal mix. The Eternal thought
of God formed the eternal mix of elements for that eternal dimension
of expression. Jesus dropped the second dimensional mix after
wearing it for thirty-three years and is the Father again. He is the
Pillar of Fire expressing Himself in our second dimension now.

23. I overheard some one talking about you. Has the rapture already
taking place? They said you are anti Christ because you are teaching
contrary on what Brother Branham teaches on the rapture. I am in
Cameroon in Africa, I believe in the message of Malachi 4 Our Pastor
told us that Christ has not yet come, I need scriptures according to

1. Many ministers say I’m teaching contrary to the prophet’s message.

Below are just a few quotes and a scripture that prove to us we are
already raptured when we come into Christ. What is the “rapture”? It
is a revelation! That is what the prophet said the rapture is. Rapture
means to “be caught up”. We have been caught up in Christ. When the
whole Body of Christ is revealed that is the rapture. Do you have the
revelation of Jesus Christ? If you do then you are raptured.


65 But, to the Church, the Bride, the Rapture is a revelation to Her.


SUNDAY_  63-0728 188 And to be sure, that, the whole Rapture now;
Luther was a part, Wesley was a part, the prophets was a part. If they’re–
aren’t a part… Just in the revelation that they was making up, the body,
feet, toes, arms, and so forth, until the Head (which we get to that in a few
minutes), see, that makes the entire Rapture. It’s the Body of the Word,
minutes), see, that makes the entire Rapture. It’s the Body of the Word,
which is Christ.

30                                            A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE


122 Or, we, if we are ordained on that ground, if we are ordained to be on
that ground; like the eagle walking in the chicken’s nest. If you’re ordained
on that ground, the Holy Spirit is here to nd you. And when It nds you,
you recognize Its call. You know the hour you’re living. You know that these
things are supposed to happen. Quickly you’re raptured up to meet It, and
now you’re setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, what a promise!
What a Heavenly Father.


15  THURSDAY_ 65-1125 379 Just come here and stand around. Some of
you people that really believe This to be the Truth, that we’re entering
another age. We’re entering the Raptured Age. You know the church can’t
go in its condition, and it can’t get any better. It must get worse. How many
knows that? Say, “Amen.” [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] It’s got to get
worse. And it can’t go like this. See? It’s got to be Something, and It’s moving
right now, friend. It’s–it’s–it’s on, the move is on for the Bride. That’s the

EPHESIANS 2:5-6 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us

together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up
together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

113 And you are quickened. And this quickening power brings your body
into a raptured condition, already.

RAPTURE.THE_ YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 SATURDAY_   65-1204   178  

Look (just in closing now), the second resurrection, all–the rst one’s past.
The second one is at hand right now, will come–at hand now. Now, the third
one is the two witness of Revelation 11:11 and 12, which these are the
ones that turns back with the Spirit of Christ to witness to the Jews like
Joseph did to his brethren. And you remember their dead bodies laid in the
streets for three days and a half; then the Spirit of life came into them and
they were raptured, taken up into heaven. There’s your three raptures of the
New Testament. Three raptures of the Old Testament, all of them past.

2. We are quickened, caught up together, raised up together, we are in a

raptured condition already. I believe there is enough quotes and
scripture above to tell us that. If you need a pastor that will teach you
the truth I have names of true believing pastors that teach these
things in Cameroon. If you want me to send you a way to contact them
please let me know.

24.  Is the literal blood of our Lord Jesus Christ eternal or


1. The blood is no longer needed. It is the Word now. The blood is

back into the cosmos now. Brother Branham said, “The blood
became Word”. In the Indictment he said, “The Word began to
bleed.” The Word is now in the


2               31
believer. Amen.

25.  Question and answer of nancial crisis dated February 02,

2009 Is

it hitting around the world? Are many now loosed jobs? is it

possible that it will lead to the third world war?

1. Yes, it is coming into a very trying time. It is squeezing down of what

the Prophet spoke to us. About the third pull moving into us in a
greater way. As the world falls apart we are like the three Hebrew
children. We are the Hebrews in the ery furnace with the message of
Daniel, eating on His message and becoming the Word. They went to
the ery furnace and raised in Glory and overcome the tribulation. We
know that this dimension is only temporal and we can move in and out
of it easily. Amen, and we are blessed by knowing you all. Amen, that is
what God is showing us. To God be the Glory, He has blessed us greatly
in His Grace and Love. Amen, that is so true.

26.  Prophet explained living dimensionally.

We have seven dimensions revealed to us and they are listed one
through seven as follows: “Space”, “Matter”, “Time”, “Science”,
“Hell”, “The Word”, and “Eternal Thought”. A child of God dwells in
all of these dimensions on a daily basis. A child of the devil (the
human spirit) dwells in ve of these dimensions on a daily basis. The
Child of God can and does partake, live, and dwell in the sixth and
seventh dimensions through the Spirit of God. A Child of the devil
can not enter The Word of God in the “I Am” or know and
understand the thoughts of God toward His believers.

The human spirit lives intellectually upon the Word of the past or
tries to interpret God’s eternal thought for the future. There is no
eternal life in either of those positions. The human spirit is the result
of a fallen angel, a esh man, who did not keep his rst estate and he
became chained in darkness to the natural birth process. All of his
children came with chains of darkness upon them and in Adam all
die! We became the congregation of the red dragon (children of
esh and blood) and our only way out was deliverance by prophets
of God. Moses delivered Israel through the Red Sea (sea of blood)
and Jesus delivered the believers through a sea of blood on Calvary
‘s Hill. William Branham delivered the church from the sea of blood
that was up to the horses bridle. We were wading in mans traditions,
creeds, dogmas, organizations and denominations when God’s
Word called us into the City of God and removed us from the
winepress of the wrath of God.

We are children of God and every time that we open our thoughts
to the thoughts of God we take our dwelling place in the seventh
dimension. It is our privilege to enjoy the mind of God, his very own
eternal thoughts of us and our purpose. When we have that
personal relationship through the

32                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

thought process of God we are enjoying the seventh dimensional

relationship with the invisible God in His thought. In His mind
relationship with us we can look through His eternal thought
pattern and begin to put form to His thought.

As God’s own thought is formed it becomes Word. The Word is not
a lesser dimension but it is as eternal as the dimension of his
thought. The Word dimension is Christ; it is eternal. The
representation of the children of God is the Word dimension. The
seventh dimension is the dimension of Life. The sixth dimension is
the dimension of representation, or the word, or the body, or the
germ of God. The sixth dimension is the seed and it comes
predestinated by God’s eternal thought to the earth. The Word
holds a higher glory in the celestial dimension because it is not a
copy or an image. The Word is real and eternal in the dimension of

When “The Word” descends from its original dimension of the
sixth to express itself in the other dimensions it is expressing a copy
or an image of itself. The dimension of “copy” is the fth dimension
or the human spirit from the natural birth process. The human spirit
can look ever so good but you are only looking at a mere image a
copy of something real. It can walk like the Word, talk like the Word,
think like the Word, convert from disobedience to subjection to the
Word, but it can never “be” the Word. At its very best it can only be a
copy of the real thing.

The sixth dimensional being of the Word that was predestinated
into the earth by the seventh dimensional thought of God overtakes
the human spirit. We overcome and convert the fallen spirit bringing
it under subjection to the Word. The carnal mind can never be the
Word but you do call it to the Word and convert it to another
nature. The true celestial man didn’t need a new birth. The Word
does not need to be born again! It is the fallen sons of Adam, the
esh man, that needs the nature change and the predestinated seed
within the elected piece of earth called that natural human being to
a nature change.

Now we are starting to understand the make up of the Children of
God and the children of the devil. The character of the children of
God is made up of the seventh and sixth dimensions. The children of
God are God’s eternal thought and expressed Word. It is our very
make up. We are the Mind and Word of that Eternal Person; Jesus
Christ. We can’t be any thing else. We are expressing His very
thought and Word continuously because it is what we are eternally.

It was taught to us in the past that we could not enter the seventh
dimension at all. It was taught to us in the past that we don’t enter
the sixth dimensional body until our natural death here in the earth.
However, with a little revelation given from the Spirit of the Lord it
is clear to see that these two dimensions of God are who we are as
children of God. We have the Mind of Christ. Christ is the sixth
dimensional Word and the Mind is the


2               33

seventh dimensional thought. We live and walk in it every single day

of our life.

The human spirit is the nature of fallen man and it can’t carry the
Mind of God. It has its own mind and it is the carnal (carne, eshly)
mind of the

natural birth. This is simply the fth dimension. It is the dimension of

demons, perverted life, dark shadows and chains of darkness. Now
we have a good pattern and idea of the three dimensions; Eternal
thought, the Word, and Hell. We see how they interact one with
another. We see that “Hell” can not partake of the eternal
dimensions but is conquered by them and brought under subjection
to the children of God. The dimensions of God are eternal, creative,
real and original. The dimension of hell is temporal, limited, a time
element, a copy or a mere image of the real thing.

We deal with these three dimensions as they battle in the practical
application of identity here in this shadow-land of smoke and
mirrors. When the children of God have gained their experience and
glori cation then the dimension of hell will end and the
predestinated Word from God’s eternal thought will continue.
Living dimensionally is a great honour.

27. Is the real Christ and Anti-Christ moving forward the same?

Our understanding lets us see that Christ and antichrist are
moving forward in parallel simultaneous fashion. The true believers
and the false anointed ones stand in this age inside the same
message, read from the same books, follow the same prophet and
call on the same God. Each has become very keen in their worship as
they have had 45 years since the opening of a new ministry and new
day. Politics, religion and science all moved forward in the same
fashion showing in the natural the fast forward fashion that these
twins in the message have accomplished.

It is amazing how a prophet knows that his message has to
incubate, grow, develop, take form, and slowly ripen before there is
a generation that will receive the truths and understand them. His
a generation that will receive the truths and understand them. His
nature is built to continue moving forward through peril, rejection,
misunderstanding, loneliness, and depression. He knows that there
are very few friends for him and even some of those are friends
because of his character rather than his revelation. He can hardly
speak to anyone about what God shows him because it is so bizarre
to the vast majority. His message is almost always a generation or
two ahead. Because of his message there are those that deify him
and there are those that make him the antichrist.
However, God’s prophets are the way that God moves his true
believers forward in the light and revelation of Jesus Christ in the
earth. We have not been left to fend and ght for ourselves in this
horrible wilderness of the terrestrial realm. In a time of untold peril
our Lord has given us a real

34                                              A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

pavilion, a message to protect us from the horrible storm. The storm

is not an oncoming storm any longer; it is here! And God’s hand is
here to guide us through the storm and it is in the way of a message;
the Son of David ministry in the third attribute of his sonship. Time
and Eternity are now blending together and eternity will outlast the
time element as it fades away. The terrestrial element that is now
manifesting the Lord is the fullness of sonship with the emphasis
upon the nal attribute; the Son of David.

I know that we are in eternity today and yet any sonship
manifestation is not eternal. In the terrestrial realm sonship has a
beginning and an end. As long as we are wearing this body of esh
we are in our attributes of sonship learning and gaining much
needed experience to balance our knowledge with understanding.
This terrestrial part will have and end and we continue in the
celestial realm of which this body of esh is a copy. However, in
another sense of the Word of the Lord the terrestrial is a never
ending part of our eternal relationship. The prophet Malachi said
there is a “Book of Remembrance”. The celestial being will hold
these experiences, feelings, lessons, and understandings in a never
ending fashion and use them as the “Book of Memory” throughout

Now we are going to move forward and start to open a better
understanding of the dimensions than we have had in the past. We
are going to look at a more excellent way. Paul told us that Abel gave
a “More Excellent” sacri ce than his brother Cain. This lets us know
that Cain’s sacri ce was excellent but not acceptable. Cain saw the
life of the earthly terrestrial realm and thought God wanted it. Abel
caught the revelation that God sought the death of the terrestrial

Moving forward in our understanding we realize that God is
seeking that His eternal attributes be manifested wholly and he
needed a temporal dimension to blend into his plan. We know the
temporal dimension as the “Fifth Dimension” because that is where
all sinners are from. The prophet said, “The fth dimension is death
and hell and that is where all sinners go.” We go back to where we
came from. We know the spirits of sinners are not eternal and have
an end. So the human spirit placed into the world of mankind came
from the fth dimension created and permitted by God as a copy.

The fth dimension is the bottomless pit and holds an unlimited
potential for evil and degradation. When a person has only the
human spirit and no Word Body to direct and lead them then that
person is only drawn in one direction and that is the way of Cain.
The twin in the same message as the true believer can be as
The twin in the same message as the true believer can be as
rebellious and stubborn in his display of evil as Cain was toward
God. When the Word is spoken by God the attitude means every
thing and Cain’s attitude was the most horrid ungodly display of
de ance and disobedience in the scripture. Yet, he was the twin in
the revival message of Adam and Eve.


2               35

The fth dimension is grafted into the dimensional function and is
only needed to show contrast. It is accessible to the rst through the
fourth dimensions and perverts those dimensions living off the life
of God. It is like a citrus tree of orange with a lemon grafted into it
for a season. The lemon is a grafted in life that lives from the life of
the orange tree until the original branch is produced again. The sixth
and seventh dimensions are the life forms of God and the fth
dimension is a grafted in form that lives for a season and then God
cuts off that branch. He cuts off that branch because it

is not bringing forth the fruit of God. It brings forth fruit but it is a
lemon and not an orange. God removes the graft and the sixth
dimensional life form ceases to send life to the terrestrial graft.
Once the graft loses its life ow it dies and the Lord cuts it off. This is
the way that the fth dimension will cease. The Lord will nish the
purpose of the lemon graft in the tree of Life and he will cut off the
graft of that tree of knowledge. It will cease to live and be bundled
into the re for burning. In other words the elements will change
and there will never be that mix again because it has ful lled its
purpose. We will look further at these dimensions and understand
them like never before. We are using every one of them right now
and it is working for our glori cation and bene t of God’s eternal

28. When was Revelation 11 ful lled in the ministry of Brother


1. There are several “Moses & Elijah” ministries through the Old and
New Testaments. They work together from the Garden of Eden where
two cherubim stood together to guard the way of the Tree of Life and
entrance into Christ to the nal Moses & Elijah ministry from the
Cloud of Revelations 11. The ministry of the Old Testament Moses &
Elijah is nished. The Ministry of Moses & Elijah working through the
Church Ages and pouring their oil into the seven bowls is nished. The
ministry of Moses and Elijah as the Son of Man is nished. And nally,
the ministry of Moses and Elijah after the Cloud is now on the scene
and working through the Believers of this coming of the Lord.

2. To answer the question we will concentrate on Moses & Elijah after

their death in the church ages and the nish of their ministry through
the seven messengers. That was the fourth coming of Moses & Elijah
upon the church age messengers pouring the oil into the body of the
Lord in his church. It nished and the denomination killed the word of
God. After they killed Moses & Elijah and left the Word Body of the
Lord lying in the streets and wouldn’t take it into their denomination
then the prophet gave the indictment. That generation was indicted
for killing the Word, Moses & Elijah; crucifying Jesus a second time.
Then Moses & Elijah (Christ) and the believers were caught up higher
into the Cloud and there we received a new ministry. Moses & Elijah
came back down from the Cloud in the Believers for the nal

36                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

ministry in the earth that is to both Jew and Gentile alike. Moses &
Elijah (Christ) is now working in the fth coming of Elijah in the earth.

3. It is their ministry after the rapture, after the meeting in the air, and
after they were in the heavenly body crowning and bringing forth the
Lord Jesus in a ministry of  Lord of Lords and King of kings. They
return from Sunset Mountain into the earth to be the nal voice in the
next coming of the Lord; the third coming of Jesus Christ.

4. The Ministry of Moses was upon Mt. Sinai and the Ministry of Elijah
was upon Mt. Carmel . Moses ministry was vindicated with the Pillar
of Fire and the elders of Israel saw the Lord in his City on Mt. Sinai .
Moses and Elijah both reveal themselves with the ministry of re and
show how Christ reveals him self in the church with Fire.

29. The two, Moses and Elijah’s Body was supposed to be lying on the
street for 3 days and seen rise at the end of the third day. Was that
ful lled?

1. The Messianic ministry is a real ministry and was literally ful lled in
the life of God’s prophet, William Branham. Jesus was the rst half of
the Messianic ministry and the ministry of William Branham was the
second half of the Messianic ministry. The three and one half years has
to be symbolic in what it is saying to us. Jesus ministry was not three
and one half years and we know that. He was born in April and he was
cruci ed in April. He started his ministry at about 30 years of age at
the river Jordan and he ended his ministry in April about three years
later. The rst half of Daniel’s 70th week, ful lled by Jesus Christ, was
not a speci c precise ministry of numbers down to the day of his

2. Let’s look at the prophecies about this last half of the ministry to be
ful lled at the end of the Gentile dispensation. The scripture calls it
1260 days, and in another place it calls it 1290 days, and in another
place it is described as three and one half days, three and one half
weeks, and three and one half years. It is spread all over the board as
far as a time frame lay out by the scriptures and the quotes. So what is
the signi cance of these three and one half? Jesus ministry was not
exactly three and one half and the Moses and Elijah ministry are not
described as exactly three and one half and William Branham’s
ministry was not exactly three and one half years as the Messianic sign
of Melchisedec before the people.

3. The three and one half is the only reoccurring factor in all of the
equations of scriptures and quotes. So it is safe to say that when we
see a measurement of about three and one half it is a sure sign of one
thing; the Messianic Ministry is on the scene and God is moving in his
Son of Man ministry of the Messiah on earth. Jesus had it, William
Branham had it and Moses and Elijah had it. So the Messiah’s ministry
is de nitely ful lled in the earth as a literal ministry of Malachi 4,
Revelation 10, St. Luke 17:30,



Melchisedec back in the earth. However, a time frame means nothing

to God. He told Israel they would be in Egypt four hundred years and
to God. He told Israel they would be in Egypt four hundred years and
they were there four hundred and thirty years. He told Israel they
would be under the rule of Babylon seventy years and most remained
there for over ninety years. God told Israel, “A child IS born a Son IS
given” through the prophet Isaiah but it was 712 years later before the
child came to earth although it sounded like that day. God does not
place his movement in the earth by time factors.

4. The three and one half years is a sure symbol of the Messianic Messiah
ship in the earth moving. It was a literal ministry in Jesus Christ and in
William Branham. Therefore, yes the ministry is literal and the time
frame is symbolic of the ministry. In William Branham’s ministry, from
the driving down of the stake in his yard and moving west in July of
1962 until his death in December of 1965 it was about 3 ½ years
Messianic ministry literally in the earth.

5. With the church age ministry of Moses & Elijah nished and the new
ministry coming from Sunset Mountain into this new ministry
then what about the 144,000? It is clear that they came under the
church age ministry and the new ministry shows the symbol as the
true Hebrews of God adopted in at this new generation. The number
144,000 is a symbol in the scripture. However, the people living
beneath that symbol are real, literal, physical people who lived their
day and covenant beneath that symbol. The prophet said that there
are millions in that 144,000.

THE.SIXTH.SEAL_  JEFF.IN  SATURDAY_  63-0323 405-8  {104}…We

found out that they were Jews that would come up during the time where
the–from the calling now of the hundred and forty-four thousand, which we
get into tonight and tomorrow and–and between the Sixth and Seventh
Seal, the hundred and forty-four thousand is called. And then we nd out
that they were martyrs that had been killed, and–and yet had not been–
had white robes on, but their names had been on the Lamb’s Book of Life,
and they were given white robes, each one of them.

406-2  {106} And we took that, and there’s nothing in the world, I don’t
believe, but that bunch of–of–a–the–the Jews has went through a pre-
tribulation period. When during the time of this last wars, they were–they–
they’re got to be hated by everybody. And Eichman killed millions of them in
Germany (You just heard the trial.), millions of innocent people slain, Jews,
just because they were Jews, no other reason.


63-0324M 475-2 {125}8b The hundred and forty-four thousand, are they
the predestinated ones? Yes, sir. That’s Israel , spiritual Israel . Just think,
there will be millions of them in there.

38                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

6. Beneath the symbol of “144,000 are millions of physical literal people

playing their part of this great symphony that God is unfolding. A
person would do well to understand that almost every thing in the
book of Revelation is a symbol. And notice when these millions
beneath the 144,000 were killed. They were killed through the church
age time frame and at the end of the church ages it quickly multiplies
to millions under the woes of the dictators and religious powers of
man-made systems.

7. Today, under the new ministry of Moses and Elijah, we are the people
beneath the symbol of the 144,000. Natural Israel has nished their
day and we are the ones being summoned by the Spirit of Christ,
Moses and Elijah, in the form of the Holy Ghost. We are the Israel of
Moses and Elijah, in the form of the Holy Ghost. We are the Israel of
God called to our position

and resting beneath the two wings of the great eagle. It is not natural
Israel ghting over natural land that God is moving in now. It is the
Israel of God, the true Hebrew who has recognized his day and is
doing exploits in the present coming of the Lord, that God is interested
in and working with today.

8. There are scriptures and quotes to give witness to this revelation. If

you go to the “Books & Writings page under “The Revelation From the
King’s Sword” and “The Ful lment of the Second Coming” you will nd
much detail on this subject.

30. When Job said in his esh he would see his maker, (paraphrase) what
was he saying? Is he talking about his theophany or what?

1. Will there be esh bodies rising from the tombstones and

graveyards? No, there will be no esh bodies rising from the
graveyards and tombstones. It is an imaginary mythical resurrection
that is a big a hoax as the rapture doctrines. There is resurrection for
the esh man as is soulish nature has to die and the human spirit has
to be converted to another nature. The esh man comes out of the
creeds, traditions and denominations of the beast system that he was
accepted and built around him. He resurrects from a fairy tale land
and place of fables and myths and rises to a relationship with Christ
through the new birth.

2. And there is a real resurrection for the Theophany in the sense that
the Theophany was buried into the terrestrial realm of the esh body
dimensionally and that Word Body is resurrected back out of the
terrestrial realms from glory to glory. We came into this realm as a
predestinated seed (heavenly body predestinated to earth). We were
placed in an elected piece of earth and worked as a predestinated seed
in the esh man before we awoke to our purpose in this life. We then
were raised in glory when we heard our Word for our day and we
moved in glori cation from a predestinated seed to a Christian
walking and living the life of Christ. The new birth raised us to a level
in the Mind of Christ that we became conscious of our surroundings
and why we came into these realms.



3. We began to walk in our purpose and are positioned in Christ and

begin to rise higher in glory and understanding. When the esh life
come to the point of ending and we decease from this terrestrial realm
we are once again raised in glory as we break back into the celestial
realms with a new glory and understanding that we could never have
attained without going through these shadows of death.

4. As we explained the esh body does receive its glori cation but it is in
this life of the terrestrial. The new birth is the greatest glori cation
that the esh man will ever receive. Flesh and blood can not inherit
the Kingdom of God . The esh man can not be moved to such a state
of glori cation that it takes part in the celestial realms of glory.

5. Peter told us that the patriarch David’s body did not rise from the
5. Peter told us that the patriarch David’s body did not rise from the
tomb. The prophet told us that the patriarchs Abraham and Isaac’s
bodies are still in the grave! The resurrection is not about graveyards
on the hillsides of the earth. The resurrection is about the dust body,
the graveyard that you are walking around in right now. Daniel saw
those who were asleep in the dust rise. No one is asleep in the
graveyards and tombstones of the natural. The asleep are those
walking around in dust bodies who haven’t heard the gospel for their
day. When we preach the gospel the predestinated seed hears is and
rises to the level of consciousness and purpose. Then they continue
from glory to glory attaining the resurrection in this life. This is the
truth of the resurrection.

6. What is a glori ed body? The de nition of “glori ed” is “To be

approved, to move further and into a higher condition.” In St. John
6:27 Jesus was speaking of his attribute as Son of Man and told the
believers to labor for the meat that does not perish but which
endureth unto everlasting life. Then he said, “The Son of Man shall give
it unto you for him hath God the Father sealed.” The word “Sealed”
means “Approved”. God approved the attribute of the Son of Man, or
he glori ed it. How does God glorify something? God glori es
something by bringing it to its promise for the day. By ful lling what he
said he would do. God’s approval is proven by the fact that he uses the
vessel to interpret his Word and bring it to pass.

Romans 8:29-30 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be

conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the rstborn among
many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called:
and whom he called, them he also justi ed: and whom he justi ed, them he
also glori ed.

7. We know that God did not approve of a natural born body of esh.
How do we know that? Because Jesus said, “Ye must be born again!”
Paul said, “Flesh and blood shall not inherit the Kingdom of God .
These bodies of esh under the act of sexual relationship were not
approved of God. We came here in a condition that was not glori ed.
When we receive the Spoken Word of the hour, the promised message
for our day, it brings our

40                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

body under subjection to the Holy Ghost. The Word Body within
baptizes and changes our body completely. We are no longer rejected
like Cain in the presence of the Lord. We are approved of God through
the second birth. We are in glori ed bodies or spoken word bodies
that are accepted of the Lord. You can not be accepted of God until
you enter the glori ed condition.


102-263  Just think, your glori ed body’s right here at the Tabernacle now,
the Presence of the Holy Spirit which is your glori ed condition. You’re
glori ed in Christ right now. “Those who He justi ed, He glori ed.” And your
own glori ed body is standing near you right now in Christ Jesus to give to
you a strength like a charge going into a battery. The Holy Spirit’s in you. It’s

to charge your body to give you new strength, to heal you from the sickness
that you’ve got, to make you well.

8. We believe the statement above. The Holy Ghost in you brings on the
glori ed condition. You have the Body of the Word which gains
strength and moves higher in the Lord with every experience that you
strength and moves higher in the Lord with every experience that you
have. Your Word Body is moving into further glori cation continually
and it has glori ed your esh body to live the life of Christ while you
are in this realm.

9. Job was talking about seeing God in his esh during his time even
when it was corruptible and having problems he could see God in his
esh even in his last days upon the earth.

31. The other day a question come into my mind and I got to looking for
the revised ending of the second seal. I looked on the “On line Folio”
of the Message and it isn’t printed with the Seventh Seal so I dug out
the Seals book.  And as I began to read that newer ending I noticed
while reading there; Brother Branham spoke of the cloud and the
vision of being taken up in the cloud, seeing the “Notable Angel”.He
spoke this: “He was to my left in the constellation in a form of a
pyramid” Brother Branham said all of the Angels took him into that
pyramid themselves. It seemed he was speaking of all 7, not 6. So I
thought Brother Branham was once again being taken forward in
time and he was in theophany. 

Brother Branham told how they were the messengers that come to

interpret that pyramid or that Message of the secret of these seven
seals which lays with inside the pyramid. I said, “How can that be
Brother Branham and the notable angel combined? but yet he is
pointing to another beside him? If Brother Branham was in his
theophany body, how could it be Brother Branham beside
himself? Brother Branham also called that Angel the seventh Angel.

All the years I have been in the Message I was taught that angel was
Brother Branham himself but now after reading the pages in



the seals, and knowing that the last seal has been revealed to
us through your voice; I am left with the Question?: Are you in fact
the 7th Angel or was Brother Branham, or was that the Lord Jesus
Christ? I also noticed a letter from the Brother said, believers humbly
submit yourself to this revelation of the last Angel and be presented
a “more excellent ministry, and more excellent sacri ce” called the
new generation. The white robed people.

There are so many things that William Branham said with the best
of intentions and with all the revelation that he had at that time. He
met that notable angel and thought the notable angel was the
seventh angel. Brother Branham always had a hard time accepting
himself as the seventh angel.

He wrestled with it all the way until shortly before the ending of his

ministry. He really believed another person was coming that would
be the seventh angel. Near the end of his ministry he began to bring
the revelation into the Bride that he was ful lling the seventh angel
message. Remember, John mistake an angel for someone else too in
the book of Revelation.

I believe Brother Branham was the seventh angel as there are two
many infallible proofs. He is the one that cried out to the
Pentecostal Church and was rejected by them and put outside the
denominational walls. He is the one who ful lled the restoration of
the truths to the Wife of Christ after the end of the church ages in
1956. He is the one who revealed the seven church ages and their
messengers in 1960. And the Pillar of Fire con rmed it on the back
wall of the Branham Tabernacle by showing the same drawing of the
church ages. He is the one who opened the coming of the Lord to us.
He was an extremely humble man and didn’t want to claim anything.
He always looked for someone else to ful l the seventh angel
scriptures. However, he ful lled them himself with the exception of
one little thing…. “The Second Ride”, “I’ll Ride This Trail Once More”.

He prophesied of the second trail. He promised the revival of the
second ride. He preached it in “Once More Lord”. Ever since
his crossing of the curtain of time and then the opening of the
church ages and then the seals, he eluded to another time that God
would “Ride this Trail Again”. He said, “I’ll Ride This Trail”. Then he
said, “We Will Ride This Trail”. Then he said, “She Will Turn From the
West and Ride this Trail”. He spoke and it is a promise. It is the
second Half of the ministry that he started. He nished his part
completely and God is now ful lling the prophecies of the “Second
Ride” promises.

The Notable Angel that Brother Branham met was a leader in the
Cloud with the same Spirit of Jesus Christ upon him. That notable
angel would come from the Cloud at the appointed time and open
this ministry world wide. That angel opened the revelation here in
the earth to a great host of angels coming from the Cloud. I believe
many men played a great part in the ministry opening many things
through the last 45 years. However, there had to come a time when
that Notable Angel would recognize his ministry in
42                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

earth and bring this great revelation. He is a leader and opened this
revelation to the Wife of Christ around the world. Not just a local
thing or an area thing but a ministry that put the whole picture
together, recognized the prophecies, recognized the move of the
Lord and the right timing to bring it. I believe that is what we are
seeing now. It’s like John Wesley as he was the one to open the age
world wide to that people. He had an enormous amount of help from
George Whit eld, Charles Wesley and others that saw many things.
However, there had to be one to open it to the world.

No, I am not the seventh angel. I do believe we are ful lling Daniel
12:12, and Revelation 22:16, and many other scriptures
prophesying of this day (message) afterwards. I believe I am
enjoying the promises of the second part of the seventh angel
ministry. I believe God has used my little ministry to open up a great
revelation to the Wife of Christ all around the world and it

is pulling the elect from the nominal message churches and catching
a new generation of believers promised to come here from the
Cloud. I believe our ministry is great, extraordinary, supernatural,
and it is outside the ages, and great men are in it that I couldn’t even
start to name without lling up pages and pages; men from all over
the world. However, the way that God pulled them together by his
grace was by moving this little humble ministry all around the world
preaching it to the people. Through visiting the believers around the
globe. Through Paltalk Services. Through MP3’s, Email Series,
Special Meetings, Missionary Work and on and on. I love this
revelation and I’m just so glad, so happy, to just play a part in
this great scene of the New Ministry.
this great scene of the New Ministry.

32. We are brethren from Philippines, we are preaching to our

congregation that you are a Major Prophet, and ful ls Daniel 12:12
(1335 days). Are we in a right track? Please con rm our thoughts.

The church ages ended and there were only seven messengers to
them. However, this is not church ages and God has brought to us
the Third Coming and there are leaders and messengers once again
in this coming. I know that the Lord used me by His grace to break
these things to the believers across the world. Yes, it is the of ce of a
Prophet. We shouldn’t try to make it a church age prophet or an 8th
messenger because that cycle is over. We are in another cycle
completely and it wouldn’t t to try and tie this ministry with the
church ages. It is a new day, a new message. It is ne to say what you
are saying and teach the people that it is a new cycle and not of the
seven messengers.


572-390    But since a child I’ve always knowed that there was a God,
and knowed there’s something happened in my life. And that’s–that’s
beyond any question, my brother. See? But let me say this, that there will
come–there will come a message, and there will come a messenger. I
believe that if it’s to be a man, it–it’ll be somebody after me.


2               43
2               43


77   So I found this, the Bible said, “David served the Lord well in his
generation.” So I said, “Lord, I don’t want no organization. Let me serve
You with all my heart, while I’m here living.” That’s right. “And next, You’ll
have another man when I’m gone. You’ll have somebody take its place.”
That’s all. Don’t try to build upon some other. You can’t build a re on the
same grounds. Israel had to keep journeying. When they stopped, they
backslid. They had to keep moving every night; built a new re every
night, just keep moving on. And that’s what we’ve got to do. What Luther
had was ne; that was for Luther’s day. What Wesley had was ne; that
was Wesley’s day. What the holiness had, that was ne; that was their
day. We’re living in another day. Now, we’re–we’re moving on. There’ll be
a day after us, it’ll come just the same. But let’s walk in the Light while
Light is here.

SPIRIT.OF.TRUTH_  PHOENIX.AZ  FRIDAY_  63-0118 Exception, of

the other day when I come westward. You’ve played the tape, many of
you, I guess, and you understand. I don’t know what. I’m waiting. I’m here
now. I don’t know why. I’m just waiting. It may be my going-home time. It
looks very much that way. If it is, there will rise somebody after me, that’ll
take the Message on. He’ll be an odd person, but he’ll rise after this and
take the Message on. And you listen to it. As long as it’s Scripture, stay
with it.

33. Since we know that we have theophany of Jesus, now, is there a

separate person of Jesus? Aside from our Theophany (in us), is Jesus
have a person as a Theophany, or it spread in the Body as a
Theophany, Pillar of Fire? Is the Theophany of Jesus embodied in us a

1. God bless, it is good to be back on. We have a great service. There

were as high as 10,000 attending the meetings at one time. Great
masses of people. Over 100 ministers in Haiti are now preaching this
message. Just as the Prophet said to me in 2002 Haiti will not look
fruitful at rst but be patient and they will bring forth great fruit. I had
ever been to Haiti at that time of the visitation. I went in 2002, and
twice in 2003 then back this year.

2. No, there is not a separate person of Jesus Christ. He had a human

nature a soul of the esh, but just like our soul of the esh it perishes
at death. The Theophany was God Almighty in Him and that is the
Jesus Christ we know. The little human body and its soul had to grow
up, be cruci ed and die. That eshly soul perished with the ending of
His esh. His Theophany, the soul of God in Him, is the very God
Almighty without measure. We are partaking of Him now.

3. Jesus Christ is without measure. He is the Theophany that is spread

into each one of us and He is still “Theophany”, The Pillar of Fire that
we know and see and fellowship with. There is no measure to Him. He
embodied in us and He still has the Pillar of Fire, the Celestial Body of
His own. “One” God, millions of manifestations.

44                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

34.  Our God is above all. Can we say God dwelled in us but there
still one God who is above us all?

Absolutely. See, we have our Theophany in us which is the Holy
Spirit. However, it is not all of God. God is in us, above us, around us,
and He is such a great sovereign God that we could never contain
and He is such a great sovereign God that we could never contain
Him all. It is like the story of ocean. It is a great large ocean. If I get a
small container of the ocean then I have all the ocean in that

35.  What is Amero?

It is a new money system that they are printing and it will be for a
union of Canada, USA, and Mexico. Like the Euro is for all of Europe,
the Amero will be for all of North America. We are not supposed to
know, this happening but it. They are playing into prophecies of
William Branham. When they try to change the money it will be no
good and Rome will back it like He said.

The USA money will be no good and Rome will buy it out and put
the Amero on the scene. Then, they will own the North American
Governments. It is moving into one direction on money system.
Amen, the Lord leads me to this and as I learn more about it, I will
put it out to the believers. Amen

36. Could the computer be that very sound of the anti Christ to come, as
stated in the word of God?Will man’s mind be his downfall on this
earth? Is it possible that man can program a machine some day that
he can’t control? 

1. I believe that it is a part just like many things are a part making up the
whole. The organizations that bring about the control of man by his
own ideas are the antichrist. When a man steps outside the mind of
Christ and tries to produce a civilization then it is antichrist. Look at
Christ and tries to produce a civilization then it is antichrist. Look at
organization, technology, communication systems, politics, economy,
religion, and you are looking at all the antichrist systems that make up
the beast system. It has become so large that one man can not control
the beast but the system controls them. We are slaves to our own
system in this world cosmos. Yes, I do believe that computers have a
lot to do with it. Just think about your life before computers and you
will be thinking of a vast difference between then and now. It is one of
the tools that is leading us into a frantic neurotic age of insane people
who believe they are serving God and are serving their own iniquity of
man made systems.

2. Yes, the scripture says that the carnal mind is an enemy of God. It is
the mind of the devil. The word devil just means “One who opposes
the truth”. Man’s mind opposes the truth and because of that his
iniquity tries to set up a system of its own which is void of God’s
leadership. Then that system becomes a beast that is so large it takes
over man and man is led by his own inventions into destruction. Man’s
mind is bringing the downfall of this earth.



3. Yes, man has already done it. Just look at the technology and systems
that man has built all the way to the satellites oating in outer space
right now. We have hydrogen, atomic and neutron, nuclear, and all
sorts of man made controls for these things. One day they will be
triggered and man will not be able to return from what he has done.
The machine will bring complete destruction and man will not be able
to control it after he goes beyond a certain point. We now have
weather machines that are controlling the weather and after we set
the direction of hurricanes we can not turn them around or stop them.
We have used these weather machines to move across Cuba several
times and then we can’t stop them afterwards, they run

out of control. Look at the four hurricanes of last summer. All of them
started just off Cuba and ran over Cuba causing devastating
destruction. We planned that. We planned the Katrina destruction as
it passed over Cuba rst. We use Cuba as our Caribbean testing
ground. We have caused them horrible damage and stopped the
threat of communism from that area but we can’t stop what we start
and those hurricanes ran across Bahamas, Cayman Islands, New
Orleans, Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama. We caused our own
estates with our inventions. It will only get worse and worse.
Biological warfare, Weather warfare, geologic warfare, nuclear
warfare and one day we are out of control because of the machines.

4. We have underground soundwave machines that actually send waves

through the earth to a certain destination in micro form and then
explode in macro form shaking ocean oors and tectonic plates
beneath us in the center of the earth. We used this technology to send
waves into the Indian Ocean and we shook the tectonic structure
beneath Indonesia. The Tsunami was created and almost a half million
people were killed, the world was devastated and rocked off its axis by
the weight of multi-trillions of tons of water shifting and the earth is in
a spiral cycle right now and hasn’t regained its orbit because of what
we did with our “geologic warfare”.

5. I know this sounds bizarre but it is the truth. Man is using satellites,
atmosphere triggering, sound waves, light waves, and surge neutrons
to bring what they call “controlled warfare” where they can destroy a
geological area, or the agriculture in a geological area, or the
atmosphere or the human life, in a given area. He is quickly moving
beyond his intellect and will destroy himself. Perhaps with prayer
beyond his intellect and will destroy himself. Perhaps with prayer
someone more spiritual than I can answer these questions.In Jesus
Name because he has all the power.

37. I have a lot of questions…. And a few that I’ve been having are….
(a) What about the people who don’t receive this message and reject
Brother Branham? What happens to them when they die? (b) What is
hell? I’m understood it’s a real place of torture? (c) Are we in hell in
our own mind? (d) What about the rapture, I’m understood we have
to be raptured in before we die? Does that make sense? (e) What
about the mark of the beast? I understand its denomination… But
how about the people that actually agrees with the WCC…. What
does that mean for them? What happens to

46                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

them, will they die and go to hell or is that only for the leaders? (f)
What about the Pope? Do you think he knows he’s leading people
astray? (g) I heard a show on PBS on the Russians they mentioned
how Europe “she is nothing” and one day she will come down, do u
think they know there talking about themselves? How they will drop
an atomic bomb on the Vatican city?” (h) What about California
going down? Bro Branham said sharks wouldn’t be swimming at the
spot Billy Paul was standing on till he was an old man… He’s already
an old man? Do you think it’s almost time? 

1. I’m so long writing back, getting caught up from the Philippine trip.
Yes, I have certainly kept you in my prayers. I love you and only have
your best interest at heart. I know by the Spirit of discernment that
some there are really having a tough time with some things I’m
teaching and have doubts, but it is by the revelation of Jesus Christ. I
pray they can pull through and see that we have come past the second
coming and the Messianic sign, the 3.5 years and the ministry of
Moses and Elijah were a part of that second coming. We are on the
other side of the rapture and looking back at those things now. I pray if
they don’t understand that they will just wait and trust the Lord for
understanding. I have answered your questions below under the
questions are my answers. I hope they are a help to you and all that
read them.

2. There are people in this life who will never hear of William Branham
and they are under completely different expectations from God. He
sent them here predestinated for something else and they will ful l
those things that they are sent here to do. If they had eternal life then
they can not lose it and they will continue on after this life. They were
just sent with a different purpose than us. Our Theophany carries
more responsibility and more Word than theirs in this life. However,
you can not reject the message, the truths, and the prophet and have
the Holy Spirit in you. Those who hear the message and reject it or
reject God’s messengers are guilty and are eternally separated from
God. Those who hear the word of the hour and reject it will be judged
for rejecting Jesus Christ.
Yes, hell is a real place of torture. To explain it very simply hell is a
place of unrest. Heaven is a place of rest. If a person is in unrest, and
dissatis ed then they are tormented and living in hell. Death comes to
a person and then hell follows it. That is what we have been taught.
Well, when did death come to us? Death came to us at our natural
birth. We were borned into a place of death. The scripture says, “In
Adam all die”. Solomon said a man born of a woman is full of death. We
came to death when we took our rst breath in this life. And then hell
follows. Any good scholar knows that hell is the grave, the ground you
follows. Any good scholar knows that hell is the grave, the ground you
are buried in. We were Theophany and came to death by putting on a
body of death. We were Theophany and became Seed of God buried in
our bodies, (the esh, earth, dirt, ground). So we are walking in death
and hell. Yes, this is death and hell right here and the new birth is the
only thing that can deliver you from this body of death. Death and



hell is not some place you go to after you leave here. We pass through
death and hell here and leave it when we step out of these bodies of

4. We have two minds if we are born again. Yes, the  eshly mind, or what
we call the carnal mind is an enemy of God; death and hell. We are
born again and because of that we have the Mind of Christ and our
carnal eshly mind has been converted to serve the Mind of Christ.
There are still battles and ups and downs in our lives because we carry
that carnal mind with carnal feelings and desires. That is what the
battle is in our minds. The Mind of Christ calls the carnal mind to serve
the Lord in its days here on earth. Yes,

we have a mind that is to contact the earth which is the human mind
and the earth is hades, hell. So yes, we are in hell in our own mind. The
one mind is a mind of the earth and will die and the other mind is a
mind of the 6th dimension and is eternal.

Yes, we are raptured here and now. The rapture is a revelation. The
physical body is not promised an actual oating away into the sky, but
the scripture promises that we are to be raptured. So the rapture is
not a physical going away but rather a raising of understanding in our
being. The new birth is the resurrection, the translation into the
Kingdom of God, the transforming into a new person, the trans guring
of our body by a body change into new creation, the rapturing up of
the person into the revelation of Jesus Christ for our day. We receive
more and more on this every day as the Lord opens our hearts to the
revelation that we are receiving. You will not y away, but you will
raise in your understanding of Jesus Christ in this day. That is the true
rapture. We already ew away into the Sky on Sunset Mountain.

6. When a person is living in false doctrine and following the blind

leaders there is a consequence for that. Jesus said, “If the blind lead
the blind then they will all fall in the ditch together”. In another place
he said, “Let the dead bury the dead”. He is letting us know that if you
are predestinated from eternal life then you can not be deceived. As
we have been taught. If they are predestinated then they will be there
but if they are not then they will go out of existence at death. The time
of death and hell is now. There is not further punishment other than
annihilation ahead of those who have rejected the truth.

7. I believe leaders like that are doing what they do out of a sincere heart.

However, a person can be sincerely wrong. Many great men have
caused millions to go astray because their in uence was great upon
the human race but their motives and objectives were wrong.
8. No, I don’t think that people in the world know or have any idea what
they are doing as the follow the powers of the beast and falsehood it
just becomes stronger and stronger and lures them into a place of
destruction. Prophets prophesied and were in the land all throughout
time and a very little percentage of people every knew they even
existed. It is the same

48                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

48                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

today as people move through the earth ful lling the prophecies and
scriptures and yet has no idea what they are doing.

9. I know that people quote this all the time. However, I have not found
anywhere in the message of William Branham where he said that
sharks would be swimming where Billy Paul was standing before he
was an old man. It is nowhere in the message. I know that different
men like Billy Paul and Perry Green and different ones tell the story of
how William Branham said it, but it is not on record anywhere. I don’t
know how he said it, what he

meant by it, or if he even said it at all because he never said it in any

message or in any taped discussion.

10. Do I believe California will sink? Yes, I certainly do, and probably
sooner than we think. However, I don’t trust in the statement about
the sharks and Billy Paul. If Billy Paul passes on and California has not
sunk yet that doesn’t matter to me. It won’t shake my understanding
at all on this issue. The prophet gave us “Thus Saith the Lord” on
California and I believe it. Billy Paul and sharks have nothing to do
with what God said to William Branham.

38. Greet you in the Most Precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am a
sincere Christian who dearly wishes to learn the truth according to
God’s Word and the Revelation granted to God’s servant, Brother
Branham. God has revealed the Truth to me according to Malachi
4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 which were ful lled in the life and
ministry of Brother Branham. I found your name and email address
when I access your church’s website and read your wonderful
testimonies. You have received wonderful vindication and surely the
Lord is with you, my brother. But one thing I don’t understand is:
Hebrew tell us that once a person has passed away, the next thing is
judgement. That being so, why would Brother Branham appeared to
you, whether in physical or theophany form? 

It will be so glorious for me to learn from you because I am just

a small person in the Message which the Lord revealed to me since
1978 and I am still seeking revelation from God daily. Besides, I have
some doubts in my mind concerning some important topics.  This is
partly because I have been raised under the “main-stream beliefs”
of some popular End time message believers / ministers in Canada
and USA.  (I stream their services) In this connection, Brother, please
share with me the answers to the following issues that are still
lingering in my mind: (a) is it right to say that we are already in the
Rapture and we are already “caught up in the air” according to 1
Thessalonians 4? If yes, are you referring to spiritual realm or
potentially we are but we have not reach there yet as our physical
bodies have not been changed yet? (b) Is it right to say that we have
witnessed the Second Coming of Our Lord or



rather, the Lord Jesus has come the Second time through Mount
Sunset (Mysterious Cloud). I understand His First Coming is when He
came as our Saviour and He died on the Cross (as a human) to take
our place that we might inherit His life?   Also, please clarify how
many Comings of our Lord are there? (c) Is it wrong for us if we do
many Comings of our Lord are there? (c) Is it wrong for us if we do
not partake the Lord’s Supper (bread and wine) and Foot washing as
the Lord has already come? Some believers (whom I know) no longer
take the literal bread and the wine and wash one another’s foot. (d)
We are NOW in the Millennium and we are now

reigning with our Lord and are sitting on the Throne of David? (e) Is
the New Jerusalem a literal city descending from Heaven (with
certain measurement as expounded in the Book of Revelation) or
does it represents the Bride Body (us in human form)? Meaning,
there is no New Jerusalem at all? In your reply, please explain if you
are referring physical realm and spiritual realm, meaning – are all the
above (items 1 to 5) taking place under the spiritual realms or
physical realm. Physical realm means the esh and blood system
existing in the human body (now, as a human being). If potential,
please specify.

I am aware that you have written some articles on the above

wonderful revelation BUT each time I read them, I become more
confused … Could you kindly consolidate your answers for easy
understanding…On the other hand, I am aware all Truths must come
from the Lord who gives understanding to babes that are willing to
learn. Please present me with Prophet’s quotes and the Word
touching the above. I, on the other hand, will endeavour to commit
them to our Lord. HE promises to give revelation to whomsoever
that request for a revelation, you agree, brother? May the Lord
continue to use and guide you, my Brother. Look forward to
receiving a prompt reply and thank you very much Shalom.

1. Thank you for writing and asking the sincere questions that you have
concerning our teachings. I know that what we teach is certainly not in
line with the orthodox message groups and their traditional thinking. I
constantly have my battles here in the USA with the teachings of the
“high clergy”. Honestly they hate my message. However, by the
revelation of Jesus Christ I have gone into the prophet’s message and
found another message for our next generation that the Lord was
putting into his mouth. At times I don’t think he even knew that God
was doing so but it is for us. It is the Second Ride that was prophesied
and it is the Third Coming of Jesus Christ promised right within his
own preaching. And promised to another people, another generation
that would come. I believe we are that generation.

2. David spoke of how his enemies turned upon him, how his bones
stared at him, crying “My God, my God”, speaking of not being left in
hell and his

50                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

body not seeing corruption and many other great things David said.
When David said and wrote these things it appears that he was
speaking of himself as if all the prophecies were about him and what
God was going to do to him. However, they were of another
generation, the generation of Jesus Christ. David acted out in many
ways what the generation of Jesus Christ was going to do and even
though it sounded like David was going to do them he did not. He
spoke of another. This is the principle that I’ve used in the prophet’s
message and it has changed every thing for me and the believers of the
third coming of Jesus Christ.

3. I’ve reviewed your questions (paragraph 42 to 44) and I have placed

the answers below. I pray that they are a help to you. Also, if you will
go to the website listed below you will nd on the “FAQ’s” page a lot of
go to the website listed below you will nd on the “FAQ’s” page a lot of
these answers.

4. 4. I can only say it was the grace of God that the 6th dimension
opened to me and I saw the things that I saw. And only God’s purpose
was ful lled in his allowing me to have communication with William
Branham. I am one who now knows that it is a real dimension and
I’ve had the privilege of seeing for myself. Why me? That is a question
I’ve asked myself so many times. Many more famous, more educated,
and higher in “message prestige” certainly could have done greater
things with this experience than me. What do I believe about it? I
believe it is the prophecies of the second ride. I believe the Lord gave
us this understanding at the perfect timing of Daniel 12 and John the
revelators 22 chapter. I believe William Branham was speaking of this
generation, this new generation, ful lling the prophecies of the third
sonship of Jesus Christ. I believe it is a fresh message in line with the
Word of God ful lling the Son of David Ministry in the earth.  If
someone believes different I have no quarrel. By the revelation of
Jesus Christ and what he has done for me, I know what I believe, and
would to God that everyone could see this glorious revelation. I speak
for myself, “I am happy in my understanding.”

5. By revelation we have to say we are already in the rapture. I have a

revelation and the prophet taught us that the rapture is a revelation.
There is no promise in the Bible of the human body going up in the air.
The prophet said in his message “These bodies can’t go there”. The
human body has its body change at the new birth. Paul said it very
plainly, “We are new creation, behold all things are new”. We were
raised in our understanding, caught up in the revelation of Jesus
Christ. John was the type of all true believers on the Isle of Patmos.
Was he caught up according to the scripture? Sure he was and his
human body didn’t go any where. He stayed on the Isle of Patmos the
entire time. The rapture is the same thing for every true believer just
like John. No, it is not potential; the rapture is real! What does it do to
our mortal bodies? It changes our notions, our opinions, we used to
drink and smoke and curse and run around and now we are sweet and
holy and full of joy, peace, love, understanding and it is because we



were “really” changed; absolutely changed by revelation. Yes, my

physical body has been changed and all true believers have had a
physical change.

6. 6. We were caught up in the air at Sunset Mountain. That was the

seven angels and all true believers, everyone was there. It was the
great gathering. Some can’t put themselves there in that constellation
because of various reasons of all sorts. However, they can put
themselves before the world was and they can say they’ve been to
Calvary. Their concept is awed by intellect without a pure revelation
or they would realize the Cloud was Eternity and we are Eternal ones.

7. 7. If we believe our prophet we have to say that Sunset Mountain was

the coming of the Lord. He said it was in many messages. Some of
those messages are “It Is the Rising of the Sun”, and “What Is the
Attraction on the Mountain”. He was very clear that it was the coming
of the Lord. It is really only one great coming in three attributes of
sonship. We call it three comings. The rst was to redeem us and he
did that at Calvary. The Second Coming was to catch us away and he
started that in Acts 2 at the catching away of the church and it lasted
all the way through the church ages catching away every believer into
all the way through the church ages catching away every believer into
the revelation of Jesus Christ. Sunset Mountain ended the catching
away of the church by the great gathering of the celestial believers on
Sunset Mountain. The third coming is Christ coming back with his wife
and once we were caught into the air at Sunset Mountain we then
returned to the earth to take up our esh bodies and live with Christ in
his reign as the Son of David. When did we begin to reign with him?
When the prophet opened the seals and made an entrance for us into
the third coming to sit in the Throne of the Son of David. The opening
of the seals brought the third attribute of Sonship into the earth.

8. 8. If I did not believe that the Lord has come I would continue to take
the Lord’s supper. I nd it so strange to hear people say they don’t
believe the Lord has come yet and they haven’t taken footwash or
communion for months or years. They are in total disobedience to
what they say they believe. However, I understand that the Lord has
come and for that reason I have no reason to partake of a memorial or
a type. I am communing with my Lord daily and enjoying his revelation
as the Son of David in my earth ruling and reigning. The scripture said
to take it in remembrance of him for this is my “body which is broken”.
Yet we know that the Body of Jesus was not broken on Calvary. The
seven church ages is the broken body of the Lord in seven broken ages
of Word given to each The breaking of the Body is over and we have
come back as one Unit according to the message. The Masterpiece is
nished and we have nished that cycle.

9. Scripturally the “millennium” de nition is found in Isaiah 28 as the

prophets Paul and William Branham referred to this coming of the
Lord as a “Day of Rest”. The word “millennium” is not in the Bible and I
will take the de nition of Paul and William Branham in relating to
Isaiah 28. Also, their de nition of the Sabbath Day is straight in line
with the “Rest” for the people of God.
52                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Both prophets tie these scriptures on the Sabbath and on the Rest to
what the church world has termed a millennium.

10. So, what is the millennium? It is a Day of Rest. What is a Day? A day is
not twenty four hours and a day is not a thousand years. A “Day” is a
“Message” from God. God sends a “New Day” or a “New Message” into
the earth. A day is the message of the Lord that comes to the people
and awakes them to a new day. Psalms 94 compared a day, a thousand
years and a watch as the same thing in the Lord. Peter declared that a
day or a thousand years was the same amount of time in the Lord
because time has nothing to do with eternity. What is a 3 hours (a
watch), 24 hours (a day) or

1000 years (a millennium), when you are living in eternity? There is no

difference and that is what the prophets were trying to tell us. They
weren’t trying to split God up in time periods, new moons, and seasons
or frame works of men.

11. We are speaking of the “Rest” in the Lord. When do you receive the
“rest” of God? Jesus said, “Ye that are burdened and heavy laden, come
unto me and rest for my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. William
Branham said, “When Jesus Comes he brings the millennium with
him.” Do you believe that Jesus has come? What kind of millennium
are you looking for according to the scripture? Are you looking for a
“Zoo” millennium where all the animals are at piece in the earth and
don’t bite one another or you? Noah already ful lled that kind of a
rest! Why would you try to build another ark and create the
circumstances of that day for this day? We are not looking for a “Zoo”
millennium. We know the scripture is clear. It is a “Word” millennium
millennium. We know the scripture is clear. It is a “Word” millennium
we are looking for! The animals in Isaiah 11, the atmosphere in Isaiah
65, the rest in Isaiah 28 and the scene of Revelations chapters 4-5 are
all the same.

12. 12. Peter saw animals in his vision in Acts 10 and they were animals
that were all together; clean and unclean. God showed Peter that
these animals were symbols of “People”. John saw animals in
Revelation chapters 4 and 5 and God showed William Branham that
these animals were symbols of “People”. Yes, it was Lions, Oxen,
Eagles, Lambs, Doves, and they were all living together in peace. How
can this be? God showed Peter that Jesus Christ was the factor that
brought together the clean and unclean beasts, the beasts of the eld
and the fowls of the air. It is Christ that places the nations at peace
with one another. Animal emblems are for the nations every where. I
am an eagle (American), Russian is the bear, and on and on. Each tribe
was represented by an animal. The “Rest”, Jesus Christ brings all those
animals (symbols of different peoples and cultures) together through
the baptism of the Holy Ghost – the millennial reign of Christ.

13. This is absolutely a physical and spiritual application. My esh is

converted to Christ through the new birth and I am in the rest of the
Lord. Certainly my celestial being is rejoicing in my conversion as the
two are now walking together in agreement.



14. 14. I have not found any where that the scripture or the prophet places
the City of God as a Literal City coming down out of the sky, the outer
space or where ever people think it is coming from. The City of God is
a dimension, the 6th dimension. The City is the people, the believers.
John tells us that he is caught up hither while on the Isle of Patmos and
he sees the City, the Bride Adorned for her husband. Paul said in
Hebrews 12 that his people were the City of God and that the City
was an innumerable company of angels and the spirits of just men
made perfect. Brother Branham said the City is the People. The City is
transparent. You know what transparent means: it is invisible. You can
only see it from the inside out. When you are in Christ then you see
Christ every where. When you are not in Christ then you can not see
him any where.

15. Amen, I agree whole heartedly. When I don’t understand something I

don’t reject it. I seek more revelation on it and go back and look at it
time and time again. I nd the Lord opens my understanding and it
is always a great revelation to me. I look at it in a way that maybe most
do not. I see the Person of Jesus Christ as everything to me and when I
have him I have it all. Not potentially, Jesus is absolute! Jesus said, “I
am the way, the truth, the life”. He said, “I am the resurrection and the
life”. He said, “Come unto me and rest”. “He said, “He that believeth in
me shall never die”. I see the way, the truth, the life, the resurrection,
the rest, and eternal life as a PERSON. I have that Person, Jesus Christ.
The resurrection, the rapture, the wedding supper, the meeting in the
air, all of these things is a PERSON, not an event. Thank God we have
that Person and are participating in all these great bene ts from this
Person of Eternal Life.

39.  Referring to your messages entitled THE THIRD CREATION

delivered last Sunday January 04, 2009 aired in Paltalk January 05
2009. Please clarify the events regarding Israel and Palestine are
all in the news. What is your view on it?
I’ve been praying some about it that the Lord would direct my
thoughts. I see Israel making some moves that cause the world to
come against them even more in the United Nations and the Global
view. It is forcing a take over of that land by an International force
and rule the area by dictatorship and religion. The USA, the Vatican,
and the United Arab nations out of control. There may not be what
we call a sovereign nation of Israel but an International
headquarters ruling the land. It is possible that there would be no
Israel as we know it.

They are just another political nation now without God or His
protection. They are not following the order of God and do not
accept Jesus Christ. It is a political nation ruled by the same greed as
other any nation. The Wall Street and it is a Godless nation that has
no promises left now. Individuals can come into the revelation with
us but that is the only way for them to receive the truths. I believe
God is directing these things to topple the government in that
region and bring it to the one world government.

54                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

40.  Please, can you explain and give elaboration more on

communion. Here I found a quote:

WHO_IS_THIS_MELCHISEDEC  JEFF_IN 02-21-65 Evening 43 But

Melchisedec after His child Abraham had won the victory, Melchisedec
met him and gave him wine and bread, showing that after this earthly
battle is over, we will meet Him in the heavens and take the Communion
again; it’ll be the wedding supper. “I will not drink no more of the vine or
eat the fruit, until I eat it and drink it with you anew in My Father’s
eat the fruit, until I eat it and drink it with you anew in My Father’s
Kingdom.” That right? Notice again, Melchisedec went to meet Abraham
before He got back home. What a beautiful type here we have:
Melchisedec meeting Abraham before he got back home after the battle.
We meet Jesus in the air before we get home. That’s right. II
Thessalonians tells us that, for we meet Him in the air. A beautiful type of
Rebecca meeting Isaac in the eld in the cool of the day. We meet Him in
the air; II Thessalonians tells us so: “For we which are alive and remain
shall not prevent (or hinder) those which are asleep; for the trumpet of
God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise rst; we which are alive and
remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.”
Perfect, all these types… Therefore the theophany, if you have died and
entered into that theophany, what happens? The theophany comes to the
earth to pick up the redeemed body.

1. We know the scripture is clear that Jesus told them he would not eat
or drink with them until he ate and drank new with them in the
Kingdom of God. That is a clear statement. And then we nd Jesus
shortly after his resurrection eating and drinking with his disciples
with sh upon the re and Jesus with them. So the Kingdom of God
had returned. Jesus had died and resurrected and he “IS” the Kingdom
of God ! The Father, the Word, The Holy Ghost are the Kingdom of
God and that is who Jesus is. So we see the Kingdom of God back on
earth shortly after Jesus died on Calvary . People don’t realize it but
he has ful lled that scripture already.

2. Then look at what the prophet said, “We meet Jesus in the “air” before
we get home. It is our wedding supper and that meeting in the air was
our victory day with him. It was our communion day showing our
relationship and our position with him in his new Kingdom. After
meeting him in the air and having our communion day then we had to
meeting him in the air and having our communion day then we had to
return to the earth to reveal the breaking of the bread, or the body
broken. It was broken through the church ages into seven pieces of
bread; one piece for each age. And then God gave the nal symbol of
the breaking of the body when he placed the body of our prophet in
that car wreck and broke so many bones in his body.

3. We know that Jesus body was not broken as the soldiers did not break
his legs. However, Jesus said, “Take and eat for this is my body which is
broken for you”. When was the Body of Jesus Broken if not on Calvary
? It was the seven ages broke up through the history of the church and
then the Lord came in the seventh watch. So part of the prophecy had
been revealed. The prophet revealed the fact that the Lord had
returned to earth



at the opening of the seals. That was half the prophecy concerning
communion. Jesus said, “Take and eat and do this till the Lord Come”.
We know he has come and now we know that he has had his body
broken through the ages and in that little prophet William Branham
who symbolized the breaking of the Body of the Lord.

4. So we have the full prophecy completed. The Lord has come and the
body has been broken.

I Corinthians 11:24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said,
Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance
of me.

I Corinthians 11:25  After the same manner also he took the cup, when he
had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye,
as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

I Corinthians 11:26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye
do show the Lord’s death till he come.

5. We have ful lled what Paul wrote as the Body is complete and the
Lord has come. Now we enjoy our fellowship and communion with him
in resurrection and not in death.

41. When Jesus was here on earth did he have the same animal life in
him that we have? Did he have an earthly spirit life in his blood like
we have when he was born? Did he have the same types of cycles and
desires and lusts as what we have? He must have been the same as us
so he could experience the same things that we experience. Only he
wasn’t born and shaped in iniquity like us. He was born of God from
his birth but he must have had the two systems just like us.  He had to
ght this Lucifer system all his life just like we do! Only he did it
without sin and then offered his body up to become our sin to
redeem our esh.

1. Sorry I haven’t written back directly on this thought. I sent out an

email with the line of thought on this. I agree with you completely in
your thinking. He had to have an animalistic nature of humanity or he
would have never faced the circumstances we face. Hey, are you still
planning to meet us in Georgia ? I’ll send the address to you this week
coming so you can goggle it and know the directions.
2. Jesus Christ overcame all things by entering (not ghting) the cycles of
God as his attributes unfolded. The third power is the release of the
Spirit and Jesus learned how to release from the esh without a
natural death occurring. He overcame the natural carnal spirit within
him by succumbing to the inner man and letting the celestial spirit man
produce his fruit in the esh. When Jesus mastered his supernatural
ability he displayed victory

56                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

over the earthly man by refraining from humanities ways. Jesus did
not marry and he had no eshly children. He didn’t own a home or
start a business. He didn’t start an organization or denomination. He
didn’t succumb to the things of humanity but conquered all of his
human ambitions while the life spirit of a human was owing through
him continually.

3. That human spirit was of the carnal nature connected to the earth in
every way. Jesus defeated it! It is not that he didn’t have what we have
in the carnal. He absolutely did have all the same things we have in our
human life

and he overcame. At no time did that human spirit overtake him as it

did Adam and as it did to us. Jesus did not bypass his theophany like
Adam did and like we did. We wouldn’t listen to our Theophany for a
season and we wouldn’t accept its advice, therein bypassing its
guidance. Jesus listened followed and acted on all the guidance and
advice of the celestial man and was not trapped into bypassing him.
Jesus used the third cycle, the third power, all of his life. He did what
we are just now learning to do through the knowledge of God.

3. As we move into this third cycle, the dynamics of life, we need to lay
3. As we move into this third cycle, the dynamics of life, we need to lay
down our human concepts, ambitions and laws of physics realizing
that man has de ned his existence well beneath his privileges to the
supernatural. We moved through the “Potentials” in the rst power.
 We moved through the “beast realms” in the second power. Now we
are moving forward into the “Ghost” realms of the third power and it is
the translation of the believers into the third power of life; the
supernatural perfection.

42.  Can you give us more light according to Malachi 4? May God
bless you. 

The nancial crisis is happening all around us now. It used to be
prophecy for years and years in the message and Bible but now we
nd the crisis actually happening all around us. It is still, in some
circumstances, trying to interpret prophecy to try and place what
will be the nality. We know what has been said about the crisis by
the prophets and it is best that we watch patiently and let God
interpret his Word rather than us try to conjecture or develop some
interpretation outside of God’s thoughts on this matter. Below are a
few things that we know for sure.

The prophet said that this crashing of the nancial world would
happen after the Bride was taken in the rapture. We know that the
prophet said that the end result of the nancial crisis would be
Rome and the Wall Street Jew owning the majority of the Gold and
the monetary notes. And the oil wells pumping the “black gold” are
another big issue as we know that Israel, the Arab countries and the
big business men of the denominational system all hold a great part
in this last day nancial attack on the truth.


Money has poured into the church until different denominations own


2               57

and bonds, factories, oil wells, and insurance companies. They have
poured money into welfare and retirement funds. Now this sounds good,
but it has become a snare to the ministers, for if they decide to leave their
group for more light or the love of God, their pensions are lost to them.
Most can’t stand this and stay with their pressure groups.


There are radio programs, television programs, and numerous church

endeavours that are costing millions and millions of dollars. Wealth pours
and pours into the church, the membership increases along with the
money, yet the work is not being done as it was done when there was no
money, but men rested solely on the ability given them by the Holy Ghost.

We know that oil pro ts and nancial issues will lead Russia into
the big picture at some point. The oil is why we are wrestling with
Russia now in the middle eastern part of the world.


When Russia goes down there to get that oil, look out. That’s all she
needs. That’s what the prophet said it would do. And we’re ready for it

And we know that Russia will get so involved and angry that they
will become volatile and drop an atomic bomb of some sort on Rome



134 …I’ll prove to you that communism is working straight in the hands
of Almighty God to destroy the Roman… And remember, I say this as
God’s prophet: The Russian empire will drop an atomic bomb of some sort
on the Vatican City and destroy it in one hour. THUS SAITH THE LORD.

And we know that in the middle of all the nancial crisis upon the
world, and the overtaking of the political scene by the churches, and
the Russian anger breaking forth toward the Vatican with atomic
weapons, that we do have one more sure prophecy involved in this


0822E 144 …Oh, United States , United States , how that God would
have hovered you as a hen does its brood, but you would not.” Now this
Voice is going from coast to coast, from north to south, and east to west.
How God would have hovered you, but you would not! Now your time
has come. 145 Nations are breaking. The world is falling apart. Fifteen-
hundred-mile chunk of it, three- or four-hundred-miles wide, will sink,
 maybe forty miles down into that great fault out yonder, one of these
days, and waves will shoot plumb out to the state of Kentucky . And
when it does, it’ll shake the world so hard that everything on top of it will
shake down. Oh, hide me in the Rock of Ages! Oh God, breathe upon me,
Spirit of the Living God breathe upon me and hide me in thy pavilion until
the wrath is past. He will, it’s our promise.

58                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

When and how will all this happen? I don’t know and no man can
say that he does know. However, it will happen and we will be here
to see it in this third coming. The Third Coming is Jesus Christ
reigning in the earth and removing all other kingdoms from his
domain. The terrestrial is falling and will fall completely, perishing
into complete destruction. All you have to do is read the prophecy of
Daniel concerning this great “Rock” that has come forward in this
day. Every thing will be ground to powder by this “Rock” of

Daniel 2:34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands,
which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake
them to pieces.

Daniel 2:35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the
gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer
threshing oors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was
found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great
mountain, and lled the whole earth.

This message of Revelation 10 is bringing an end to all things that
are not eternal. God will keep us, let’s let him interpret his own word
and just stay in his word trusting him as he unfolds it.

43.  Brother Parnell explain the third court of Power.

We know that the Word always establishes Himself by using
witnesses to give account of His glory. There are two witnesses
established throughout time ever since the Garden of Eden. We’ve
talked on those two witnesses before and found them to be the
ministries of Moses and Elijah. When it comes to the Word being
established throughout the existence of time these two ministries
are on the scene doing so.

The creation is always established by three witnesses. We could
go on forever about the three witnesses of creation which are water,
blood and spirit; the three realms established in the earth. The
water itself was created in the form of three witnesses; the form of
solids, liquids, and vapors. The human body was created with three
witnesses; the esh, the animal spirit, and the soulish nature of that
spirit. Every thing pertaining to the earth carries three witnesses to
establish its terrestrial existence.

Humanity has a eshy soulish nature in its spirit and uses the esh
for its third realm to manifest its existence in the realms of the
temporal; the human body and its animalistic spirit with the
character and nature of the earthy realms. The heavenly being has a
godly nature characterizing its soul and it uses the esh for its third
realm for manifestation and existence in the terrestrial. When the
prophet said that we are twofold being he was looking at the same
concepts that we are reviewing in this email. We are not a threefold
being we are twofold being. We are one fold of the earth to die and


2               59

one fold of heaven to live. The earthly fold has a body of esh with a
one fold of heaven to live. The earthly fold has a body of esh with a
animalistic spirit and soulish character manifesting. The heavenly
fold has the same body of esh with a theophany spirit portraying a
godly character in its manifestation.

The battle of these two beings, one animalistic and one godly, is in
the spirit realm. The animalistic spirit is the carnal eshy mind of the
human being and the godly spirit is the mind of Christ in 6th
dimensional manifestation. These two entities battle continually
one against the other. They are the Mind of Christ in a 6th
dimensional being and the eshly mind of an animal in the 5th
dimensional realm of unrest and dissatisfaction. This twofold being
is within one body of esh, which is the ground (land), and these
entities are seeking control of the land in which they dwell. The land
is our earth body and Lucifer (the animal) and Christ are dwelling in
the land and are engaged in the greatest battle ever fought!

This battle is the very rst battle that was fought in the beginning
of all creation when the two trees were joined together in the
Garden of Eden. The two trees are the heavenly body and the esh
body. Each one carried a spirit and one was celestial in nature while
the other was carnal in nature. The heavenly one is eternal and the
carnal one had a beginning. The heavenly is connected to God and
can not die, while the carnal one is connected to the earth and its
carnal nature must die. Christians carry them both upon the battle
grounds of the eshly body. The indwelling of these two beings is
the inherent battle of the minds orchestrated upon the battle elds
of the terrestrial body.

The powers that we are opening become clear to us when we think
on these manners. The rst power is a solid, the second power is a
liquid and the third power is a vapor. The rst power is Father, the
second power is Son and the third power is the Holy Ghost. The rst
power holds every thing in the potential within its solids. The rst
power is attributes that have not been tapped into but are building
the circumstances to unfold the immature attribute. Attributes of
knowledge lay in the rst power and need circumstance to cultivate
them and move them from their circumstances of a solid to a liquid.

The second power is the beast realm. It is the second stage of the
earth wherein we move from a potential attribute tucked away in
the burial grounds of the esh. We progress forward into the
beastly nature from a predestinated seed of knowledge. The
building up of the circumstances of the animal mind and the mind of
Christ are working together to form you and translate you into the
Kingdom of His dear Son. The Father (Pillar of Fire) is using the
second power, the beast, (sonship), in molding our character. The
beast is the middle wall of partition holding the Seed that was in a
potential manner in the rst power. The second power is “ esh and
blood” or sonship manifested and progressing from the potential.

60                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

The third power or testament is the life force, the life cycle that is
released into “Ghost” form; vapor, smoke, or the last power of the
believer in this earth. It is the Release of the Spirit in the proper
manner. The breaking of the earthen vessel is the release of the
Spirit. It is the removal of the middle wall of partition and the
displaying of broken things. There is no substitute for experience
within the second power. The second power is “sonship” and it is not
eternal. There is a beginning and an end to “sonship”. The second
cycle ends by pushing forth into the third cycle or by the breaking
cycle ends by pushing forth into the third cycle or by the breaking
down of the mold; the cruci xion. Look at Christ as he ended the
second power which was his human esh. Christ Jesus in his esh
was the greatest battle every fought and he conquered every battle
proving that he progressed into the quickening Spirit from the
second power.

44.  Brother Don, I was laying in bed thinking about Jesus when he
was here on earth, and wondering if he had the same animal life in
him  in his blood like we have when he was born. Whether or not
he had the same types of  pulls & desires and lusts as what we
have. He must have had the same so he could experience the same
things that we experience, only he wasn’t born and shaped in
iniquity and desire like we were.  He was born of God from his
birth but  he must have had the two systems just like us and he had
to ght this lucifer system all his life just like we do. Only he did it
without sin and then offered his body up to become our sin to
redeem our esh. When he was baptised the dove coming down
must have been the fullness but his theophany had to be awake in
his body all along to keep him from sin. What is your thinking on

“Jesus” was in the esh from the very rst creation of Adam and
Eve. Although Christ had not come through the womb of a woman
yet he could wear a piece of earth whether it was a man born of a
woman or some dust that he picked up and put around him as
Melchesidec. He could move in and out of the esh of prophets and
saints yet he was not born after a woman or after the beast realm of
the second power. We could not enter in and out in that manner and
defeat the animal spirit time and time and time again. And then the
fullness of time came and the scripture is clear about Jesus.
Galatians 4:4 But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent
forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law.

Matthew 1:22 Now all this was done, that it might be ful lled which was
spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,

Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a
son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is,
God with us.

The human body of Jesus did not come by a natural birth through


2               61

union of mother and father. He did in fact come by a natural birth

though the womb of a woman but not by sexual relations but by the
Spoken Word of God. His human body came by a spoken word birth.
This birth was unusual in that it was very similar to the rst Adam; a
spoken word birth without a sexual relationship. However, it was
not the exact replica as Adam didn’t come through the woman and
Jesus did. Adam had a heavenly spirit that is eternal. When he was
placed into the dust of the earth the Lord gave him another spirit
that “became” a living soul. It was not in existence prior to the esh
body. God created the earthly spirit of Adam to contact the earth
with it. The same work was performed for Jesus after passing
through the womb of a woman.

The human body of Jesus was birthed in the very same manner
with the exception that he came through the womb of a woman by
the spoken word. Jesus is the almighty God, the everlasting father; a
the spoken word. Jesus is the almighty God, the everlasting father; a
quickening Spirit and he stepped into that human body of existence.
The human body of Jesus broke the water of the woman’s womb and
proceeded forth at which time the heavenly celestial person entered
into that human body. Also, God created an earthly spirit so Jesus
could contact the earth with it and it became a living soul exactly as
Adam’s did. Adam later fell through that human spirit and his soul
(character) was lost. He was no longer innocent but guilty and his
living soul was tainted as Lot was in Sodom. Adam’s righteous soul
was vexed by the lthy life of sin in the esh. Jesus Christ did not fall
to sin and lose his soul but he remained pure and holy in the esh
conquering Lucifer.

Jesus Christ went through every trial and test that any human
being goes through in this life. He had an earthly spirit of a temporal
nature to contact the things of the world with in this life. Jesus
chose to defeat it in every way and did not fall to it lures in life. A
question was asked me about Jesus and what he had to face in this
life and it is as follows:

45.  “When Jesus was here on earth did he have the same animal
life in him that we have? Did he have an earthly spirit life in his
blood like we have when he was born? Did he have the same types
of cycles and desires and lusts as what we have? He must have
been the same as us so he could experience the same things that
we experience. Only he wasn’t born and shaped in iniquity like
us. He was born of God from his birth but he must have had the
two systems just like us.  He had to ght this Lucifer system all his
life just like we do! Only he did it without sin and then offered his
body up to become our sin to redeem our esh.

Jesus Christ overcame all things by entering (not ghting) the
cycles of God as his attributes unfolded. The third power is the
release of the Spirit and Jesus learned how to release from the esh
without a natural death occurring. He overcame the natural carnal
spirit within him by succumbing to the inner man and letting the
celestial spirit man produce his fruit in the esh. When Jesus
mastered his supernatural ability he displayed victory

62                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

over the earthly man by refraining from humanities ways. Jesus did
not marry and he had no eshly children. He didn’t own a home or
start a business. He didn’t start an organization or denomination. He
didn’t succumb to the things of humanity but conquered all of his
human ambitions while the life spirit of a human was owing
through him continually. That human spirit was of the carnal nature
connected to the earth in every way. Jesus defeated it! It is not that
he didn’t have what we have in the carnal. He absolutely did have all
the same things we have in our human life and he overcame. At no
time did that human spirit overtake him as it did Adam and as it did
to us. Jesus did not bypass his theophany like Adam did and like we
did. We wouldn’t listen to our Theophany for a season and we
wouldn’t accept its advice, therein bypassing its guidance. Jesus
listened followed and acted on all the guidance and advice of the
celestial man and was not trapped into bypassing him. Jesus used
the third cycle, the third power, all of his life. He did what we are just
now learning to do through the knowledge of God.

As we move into this third cycle, the dynamics of life, we need to
lay down our human concepts, ambitions and laws of physics
realizing that man has de ned his existence well beneath his
privileges to the supernatural. We moved through the “Potentials” in
the rst power.  We moved through the “beast realms” in the second
the rst power.  We moved through the “beast realms” in the second
power. Now we are moving forward into the “Ghost” realms of the
third power and it is the translation of the believers into the third
power of life; the supernatural perfection.

46.  Brother Don, just a little enlightenment. We are ful lling the
3rd fold mystery of the Godhead, “Adam and Eve back to the
Garden”. And this time, to correct the wrong act they did in
Genesis 3. Is it also the time to stop doing the permissive will
“The Sex Act”?

Yes, amen. We have moved all the way back beyond the error
and all the way into “Adam”, One God in the garden of Eden isn’t
it? Paul gives us the Word in the book of Hebrews and said, “In
marriage the bed is unde led.” It is true that sex is permissive will
but until the seed all comes from the cloud for their experience
that natural birth is how they enter here.

47.  Being the restored man now, we are not to produce crawling
serpent (baby)  but upright (like Adam in the beginning), isn’t it?
I’m a family man, I know we can’t do sex without carnal
imagination, how could this be when we are now focus in
controlling our body elements? Adam lost the pre-eminence
over the creations when they fell into this permissive will, can
this, can’t affect our reign as seed from the cloud in restoring
everything that Adam lost in the Garden?

Until the “seed of the cloud” is complete it uses that doorway to
enter into death and gain its glori cation. I’ve thought a lot about
it and it has to remain until all is ful lled with Royal Seed putting
on esh. Sexual relations is truly


2               63

for bringing the seed of the cloud to the earth experience. The
outward man has a horrible imagination in those matters and we
have to let it perish. Actually the act should be for bringing
children into the earth. To perform the act should be for bringing
children and to stop the burning of a man’s ways as Paul said, “it is
better to marry than to burn”. The burning of the esh. We still
have the animal spirit in us and it is a soulish nature that burns for
these things. The more we can, let it perish the better. However, I
wouldn’t make it a doctrine or dogma or a conviction that we put
on someone else.

48.  Hello! Greetings from the church. May I know your comment
about the US crisis? You know a fear gripped the Philippine
nancial system today following the collapse of US investment
bank Lehman. Is Brother Branham predicted this event? Thanks so

Brother, Below are some quotes wherein the prophet told us of
the crisis we are now in. He saw what was going to happen and
spoke Thus Saith the Lord to us concerning these matters. There is
much in his ministry said about these things but I thought the quotes
below say it clearly.

Furthermore, the elect will not only be kept, but as this move becomes the
“Image erected to the beast,” the saints will be gone in the rapture. And
this little delightful, winsome movement that started out in fellowship at
Ephesus will become the monster of Satan that de les and deceives the
whole world. For the church system of the Roman Catholic and the
Protestant in coming together will control the whole wealth of the world
system and force the whole earth into its religious trap, or will kill them,
by refusing them the privilege of buying and selling whereby they would
make a living. This will be accomplished simply, for the harlot’s daughters
are all but gone back to her. In the meantime, Rome has acquired nearly
all the supplies of gold. The Jews have the bonds and all the paper. At the
right time, the harlot will destroy the present day money system by
calling in all the paper, and demanding gold. With no gold, the system
falls. The Jews will be trapped and come into the alliance, and the harlot
church will take over the whole world.


62-1014M 57-1 Did you hear “Life Line” the other morning. Why, you
know, it’s just like you sell bonds on the gold. The bonds is already taken
up, and this present government now is spending money for what? For
tax money that they’ll be collecting forty years from now. She’s done.
That’s “Life Line” right out of Washington , DC , across the nation. Taxes,
they’re spending and trying to buy foreign… Why, they’re just giving it out
any way. Don’t you see, that’s exactly what they’re–what they’re going to
do? See, what is it? Now, if this nation goes busted, the only thing it can
do is go busted. The only thing that it can do is go bankrupt. That’s the
only sensible thing to do: change the currency. But they won’t do it. Under
this present ministration, Roman
64                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Catholic church owns the gold of the world, and what they’ll do is sell out.
These rich men and so forth of the earth, as the Bible said, what will they
do before they lose the Brown and Williamson tobacco company (Most
all of them’s Catholic anyhow.), and all these other things, what will they
do? They’ll accept that and they’ll take the money from Rome , and then
she’s sold her very birthright. Rome backs her up. Yes, sir.


a few years from now, I will say within the space of ve years, maybe a
little longer, maybe a little less, your money won’t be worth the paper it’s
wrote on. It won’t be worth nothing. Over in Russia today, they have their
houses papered with thousand dollar bills. It ain’t worth nothing.
Confederacy… That’s right. And we’re coming to the same thing.


The church owns such phenomenal wealth, that at any given time she
can take over the entire world system of commerce, and indeed a leader
in the World Council of Churches has openly prophesied that the church
in the foreseeable future should, could, and will do just that. But their
golden tower of Babel shall fall. Only the gold tried in the re shall

49.  I was baptised in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ under the
second veil group. In this third coming, should I need to be
baptised again for the puri cation of sins. 
Yes, I’ve always told someone if they have a doubt about their
baptism then go ahead and be baptised and that will get rid of a
doubt. Once a person is baptised in the name of Jesus Christ I
believe they are okay and don’t need to be rebaptised. However, if
they feel that they should be then do so and remove the doubt.

Brother Branham was baptised by a Baptist preacher who was
Trinitarian and he didn’t worry about being rebaptised because he
was baptised properly in the name of Jesus Christ. I was baptised by
J.T Parnell who proved not believe the Prophet’s message, however,
he baptised me properly in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m not worried
about being baptised again. Yes, I will put this in email so the
brethren can see it. I don’t think you have to be baptised over unless
you were baptised falsely in the wrong name. It’s been the same
baptism since Acts 2when Peter opened the gate way for us in the
name of Jesus Christ.

50.  Jesus Christ said “I have power to lay it down and have power
to raise it up again” and “destroy this temple and in three days I
will raise it up again”.  And again HE said to Mary “do not touch me
for I have not yet ascended to my Father in Heaven”(this part
which I have questioned before and am still waiting for your
answer}.  What or which is Jesus referring, His Theophany, spirit or
soul of his esh body, or His esh body?  If we say His Theophany, it


2               65

cannot die and therefore no need of power of any kind to raise it

up because it is back to its’ natural or original form. Since you have
up because it is back to its’ natural or original form. Since you have
said that the Theophany of Jesus Christ is the very spirit or soul of
God Almighty indwelling in Jesus’s esh body in full measure, how
do we explain what Jesus said on the cross before he died, “My
God, My God, why has thou forsaken me”, and “Into thy hands I
commit my spirit”. 

I hope you have the time and patience to answer these and the
other questions, dreams, prayer petitions etc. That I had send to
you before through e-mail according to your time as I believe that
your schedule for the LORD is full and is of utmost important.

When Jesus is talking of laying down his life and picking it up again,
or when he said that he would raise the temple again in three days,
he is clearly speaking of his esh body. He did it and proved it after
they destroyed his esh body on Calvary and put it in a tomb.

The Theophany or heavenly body stepped outside the esh body
of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and left Jesus to walk the
next 12 hours of his life to Calvary as a man. He strengthened him
and spoke to him and worked with him while he was hanging on
Calvary , but the Theophany has to leave a esh body in order for it
to die. Jesus cried out for two reasons; because he had to ful l
scripture that was written and it was written that he cried out “My
God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me” and secondly he cried
out because the theophany had left his esh body so it could die. He
committed his eshly animalistic spirit of the esh man that was
hanging on Calvary unto God and then he “Gave up the Ghost”. The
Ghost is his animal spirit that he was given at birth. He gave it up and
let it go back to where it came from. He moved on in his theophany,
heavenly body and ful lled the scripture for his day.
When Jesus told Mary not to touch him all he was doing was
following the scripture of Moses in reality as he had resurrected and
had not yet put the esh body back into the elements for our
mediation. The sacri ce was not to be touched after it was killed and
washed and Jesus was just ful lling the type. Like when he said to
John, “You baptise me as it behoves us to ful l the scripture”. Jesus
didn’t need baptised he was just ful lling scripture. After talking to
Mary Jesus then ascended through the dimensions dropping the
esh body back into the elements and giving us our mediation plan
of his esh and blood being our esh and blood. Then he came back
to the disciples and said, “Handle me and touch me for a spirit hath
not esh and bone such as I have. They were handling his
Theophany body that he had opened their eyes that they could see.
You can’t see a Heavenly Body unless God opens your eyes and lets
you see it. They handled the “Faith Substance Body” of Jesus after
his ascension.

51.  Since we know that we have theophany of Jesus Christ now, is

66                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

there a separate person of Jesus? Aside from our “Theophany in

us,” is Jesus have a person as a Theophany, or it spread in the Body
as a Theophany, Pillar of Fire? Since we have a form of Theophany,
is Jesus have also the form of Theophany? or he embodied in us a

God bless. It is good to be back on. We had great services. There
were as high as 10,000 attending the meetings at one time. Great
masses of people,
masses of people,

over 100 ministers in Haiti are now preaching this message. Just as
the Prophet said to me in 2002 Haiti will not look fruitful at rst but
be patient and they will bring forth great fruit. I had never even been
to Haiti at that time of the visitation I went in 2002 and twice in
2003 then back this year.

No, there is not a separate person of Jesus Christ. He had a
human nature a soul of the esh, but just like our soul of the esh
it perishes at death. The Theophany was God Almighty in Him and
that is the Jesus Christ we know. The little human body and its
soul had to grow up, be cruci ed and die. That eshly soul
perished with the ending of His esh. His Theophany, the soul of
God in Him, is the very God Almighty without measure. We are
partaking of Him now. Jesus Christ is without measure. He is the
Theophany that is spread into each one of us and He is still “The
Theophany”, the Pillar of Fire that we know and see and
fellowship with. There is no measure to Him. He is embodied in us
and He still has the Pillar of Fire, the Celestial body of His own.
“One” God, millions of manifestations.

52.  Questions and answers on the three sets of Thunders.

Preached in Mexico.

Matthew 24:37 to 46:    But as the days of Noah were, so shall also
the Coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before
the ood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in
marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not
until the ood came, and took them all away; so shall also the Coming
of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the eld; the one shall be
taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the
one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not
what hour your Lord doth come. But know this that if the good man of
the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would
have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son
of man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord
hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when he cometh shall nd so
doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his

The Marriage is over: we are now Married to Christ. Spiritually
there are no ‘virgins’ now. You have either accepted seed from
Christ or Satan. We’ve heard the Gospel or you hear something
else … there are no in-betweens. If you’re not for the Message for
your Day, then you are against it. There are


2               67

no in-betweens. The Rapture is a revelation to us.

Four Messages preached in New Mexico: First service ‘Raptured
and Resurrected’. Second service ‘The Second Coming is Ful lled’.
Third service  ‘Entrance to the Third Coming’ and Fourth service
‘The Truth of the Seven Thunders’

All things are possible if you believe. If you don’t believe me,
then I can’t help you. There are three sets of Thunders: Jesus
nished up the Thunders of the Old Testament. Brother Branham
nished up the Thunders to the Second Coming. When we came
nished up the Thunders to the Second Coming. When we came
down to the end of those Thunders, they were revealed … sealed
up showing that they were completed. When the door to the
Second Coming was closed, it allowed the door to the Third
Coming to open up. We are the Thunders after the Second
Coming that is sounding now.

The Third Coming has a set of Thunders that go with it. Those
who believe are sealed in, but those who reject it … they are shut
out and the plagues are falling on them. This happened for First
and Second Comings and now we see it happening for the Third

Today it is very clear to see that the Third Coming is another set
of Thunders, Trumpets, Vials, and Seals: we are seeing them as we
come down through this period of time. We’re not looking for
another Glori cation or Rapture; it is in us now. The Seed that is in
you will do what it’s supposed to for you.

‘SHOW US THE FATHER’; Chicago, Illinois. 7th September, 1953.

E-86. .. The Rapture is in us now. I will prove it by the Gospel. “Those
who He called He justi ed, those … He justi ed, He hath glori ed.”
Hallelujah. Then in heaven today we’re a glori ed in the Presence of
God right now. I’m just pushing out to it. Amen. Glory. God’s in His

The Rapture? That is being Raptured up to meet the Holy Ghost
and your Word for the Hour. We’re sitting in the Church, in
Heaven, already Raptured.

‘THE EASTER SEAL’; Phoenix, Arizona.10th April, 1965. 122.  … the

Holy Spirit is here to nd you. And when It nds you, you recognize Its
call. You know the hour you’re living. You know that these things are
supposed to happen. Quickly you’re Raptured up to meet It, and now
you’re setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

Our opinions were changed when we were Raptured. Our
opinions … the way that we look at things, have changed. The
Rapture has caused us to give up everything contrary to the world.
The Holy Ghost will pull you away from the things of the world.
Without the Rapture you’ll take on an unclean spirit; you’ll to go
after things that are not in alignment with the Message. Amen,
Brother David. The Rapture puts you into a right attitude. It will

68                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

you to look at the present “I am”. The Rapture applies to the

mortal body, not the Theophany.

‘THE EASTER SEAL’; Phoenix, Arizona.10th April, 1965. 12218-4.

What does it do to our mortal bodies? It turns our opinion, changes our
notions. It sets our affections on things which are above, and the
smoking, drinking, gambling, the things that you used to do is dead. It’s
beneath you, and you are quickened, and this quickening power brings
your body into a Raptured condition already.

‘ABRAHAM AND HIS SEED AFTER HIM’;  23rd April, 1961 . …

Abraham’s body was changed, Sarah’s body was changed, like it never
had been changed before .. . Now, when we all know that when Jesus
comes we’ll be caught up in Rapture. And we know our bodies will have
to be changed rst. And it’ll .. . It won’t have to be just go back to young
men and women,
The Rapture helps us to give things up. Paul said that he died daily. The
Rapture quickens our bodies to a Raptured condition; that has already
happened in our mortal bodies. We have been changed in our mortal
bodies … and are still changing.

‘IDENTIFIED CHRIST OF ALL AGES’; Birmingham, Alabama. 9th

April 1964 .   E-12. We’re in a changing dispensation. We’re changing
now. And every change is like building a building. You come to the
corner, you have to make that bend. It’s–it’s strange, everybody wants
to run right straight on down.

I Corinthians 15. 51 to 52:    … we shall all be changed, in a moment,

in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall
sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
changed. At the Last Trump we had a Prophet who came and caused us
all to change.

‘SIRS IS THIS THE TIME’; Jeffersonville, Indiana.   30th December,

1962 .

38-5 . .. . This seventh angel rises in the Laodicean Age and begins to
sound forth the true trumpet ..


SEVEN SEALS.’ Jeffersonville , Indiana . Sunday, 17th March, 1963
.  104-2, {247} “…I’ll raise him up at the last day.”  No matter if he falls
asleep in the rst watch, second, third, fourth, fth, sixth, or seventh,
wherever he falls asleep”

The trumpet of God shall sound, that last trump will blast forth
the same time that the last angel’s giving his Message and the last
Seal is opened, that last trumpet will sound, and the Redeemer
Seal is opened, that last trumpet will sound, and the Redeemer
comes forth to take His redeemed possessions: His church, blood-

‘THE FIRST SEAL’; Jeffersonville , Indiana. 18th March, 1963 . 173-

3, {387}.  .. .that Message drops here for the Last trumpet, last angel’s


2               69

‘GOD IN SIMPLICITY’;   Jeffersonville, Indiana. 17th March 1963.

58-5, {379}.  …how are the graves going to open .. .. It ain’t going out
there, and the Angels come down and shovel out the graves … “The
graves will open. The dead shall walk out.” That may be true, but not
open the way you say open. See? That’s right. See? It won’t be like that.
There is nobody sleeping in the grave. We are Resurrected while in our
bodies walking around.


California . 25th April, 1965 . 137. …we’ve already resurrected, the
dynamics and the mechanics is gone to work, quickened us, and we’re
quickened up into the Presence of God, .. been raised from the dead.

We were Resurrected when we caught our Day and our
Message. The Resurrection is a person, not an event. You get rest
in the Person of Jesus Christ when you receive Him. The
Resurrected is catching a greater understanding.

Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in
heaven: and the rst voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet
talking with me; which said, Come up hither, I will shew thee Things
which must be hereafter. The Resurrected are catching a greater
understanding; it’s raising us up out of these dust bodies.

‘EASTER SEAL’; Phoenix , Arizona . Saturday, 10th April, 1965 . 30-

5. The resurrection. We are now in the resurrection. We are setting with
Him in the resurrection, but only those who have Life,  not those who
do not have Life. They won’t know it. They’ll never know it. They’ll go
right on thinking they’re… being saved, and the Rapture will… be over
with and gone.

The Resurrection will stop all the nonsense in your life. The
Resurrection will change your notions, your desires. Only those
who have Life, the Person of Jesus Christ, will recognize the
Resurrection. ‘Today is the day of salvation’ not tomorrow. Only
the Person of Jesus Christ will take you through death. There’s
nothing that we can do to put anyone into Eternal Life. If someone
doesn’t have Eternal Life in them now, they never will. The ‘foolish
virgin’ is lost. We cannot make someone become Seed. We don’t
add to or take away from God’s Kingdom.

‘GOD OF THIS EVIL AGE’;  Jeffersonville , Indiana .   1st August

1965 . And we was at Calvary with Him. We went in the grave with
Him. And we raised with Him and His resurrection. And now we’ve
ascended, by His Spirit, to the Throne of grace, sitting together in
Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Always!


Louisiana . 25th Nov., 1965 . 55-2.  …we’re entering another age;
we’re entering the Raptured age. Everlasting life is only a period of
time. It’s a human life. We can hold our Token out there and give
blessings, but we cannot give Eternal
70                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Life. The revelation is to you personally.

‘WORKS IS FAITH EXPRESSED’; Shreveport , Louisiana . 26th

November, 1965 . 124. Now, here, predestinated plan is in plain view.
Just as other seed, the Word of God is a Seed and must have the ground
prepared beforehand. If you sowed seed, just throwed it out there on
the ground, it would do no good; the birds would pick it up. You throw it
among thistles and thorns; it’ll choke it out pretty soon. Jesus’ parable
said so. So the ground has to be made ready rst. So God, in sovereign
grace prepares the heart rst. He prepared you before the foundation
of the world to receive Him in this age. He foreknew you by his
foreknowledge and ordained you to Eternal Life. He knew you;
therefore He prepared you.

Our ground was prepared from our natural birth to our New
Birth. We came to our New Birth, recognized our Day and its
Message after our ground was prepared. Our preparation put
everything in its proper place. Everything that has happened in
our life was needed to prepare our ground. The Theophany in us
led us through the preparation period to make sure that we got
everything that we needed.

‘WORKS IS FAITH EXPRESSED’; Shreveport , Louisiana . 26th

November, 1965 . 125. That’s the reason you staggered out of these
things and staggered into what you have now. It was God leading you
to the place where He had ordained for you to be. It .. . Or if it–this
ground isn’t prepared beforehand, it can’t grow. That’s the reason the
seed of faith, when you’re preaching faith, see the discernments of the
seed of faith, when you’re preaching faith, see the discernments of the
Lord, and see what takes place, and all the gifts of the Bible working;
people working, said, “Oh, hallelujah, I believe It.” And come up and
nd themselves disappointed. See, the ground has to be foreordained.
And you know when it strikes it. Our ground is what takes on the
Glori cation.

‘WORKS IS FAITH EXPRESSED’; Shreveport , Louisiana . 26th

November, 1965 . 129. Just seeds has to have the ground prepared
rst. “Therefore, all He foreknew, He called. All He called .. . All He
foreknew, He predestinated.” If you want to read that, Romans 8:28
-34, and also Ephesians 1:1-5. See, all He foreknew, He did call. All He
called, He justi ed. And all He justi ed, He has already glori ed.
There’s nothing out of order. We think there is, but look in the
Scriptures. It’s just hitting exactly the way God’s Word said it would.
We see the Message is rejected today. Isn’t that just what the Scripture
said they would do? Sure, all these things are ordained of God.

‘WORKS IS FAITH EXPRESSED’; Shreveport , Louisiana . 26th

November, 1965 . 131. Any seed has to have its ground, of course.
“Therefore, all He foreknew .. .” See, He already knew what was going to
happen. Notice, Jesus said again, about the Seed, “Some fell on rocks,
others in mixed ground.” See, over where there’s thorns, thistles, and
everything else, It couldn’t grow. And others on good ground, good
ground, good soil, which


2               71

has been prepared, already prepared.

We have good ground. If you are a Seed of God, then God
prepared your ground for this Day. The thing that’s needed in a
person’s life is Jesus Christ. One is not ahead of the other. The
only superior person is Jesus Christ. We need one another. We’re
in this together. Love one another. God does not make big
Christians to be over little Christians.

53.  Shalom, Pastor Don. I want you to look into this and correct
me if

necessary. Remember the last quote I send to you on Questions

and Answers, where the Prophet said how the Millennium has
passed and we don’t know it … if so then the Church is still in
their sin. We touched this, for the over the past one week we
have been looking on how the Seventh Seal brought us a jubilee;
how Brother Branham said in the same quote that a Message
will come and be a quick short work … that it will go into
television, radio, internet and reading materials. My point is that
the Bible says that if the time was not shortened even the Elect
would not have been saved … and when I compared this with the
quick short work, something came to me,

Did the Prophet mean that without this ministry of Brother Don,
which is doing the quick short work, non of us will have been
saved, like the Prophet said? I have been watching you; he was
watching the Church … the questions.

They still believed what they used to have; the Opening of them
Seals meant nothing to them. Meanwhile, to Brother Branham it
Seals meant nothing to them. Meanwhile, to Brother Branham it
changed everything. It’s only when time was shortened and
when we received the Message Brother Branham prophesied,
that our own Bible, like that of Brother Branham’s, became a
New Book.

Our Jubilee came in 1963 and yet bypassed us … but this

Ministry of the Second Ride brought us back to it. What a love!
Look at this, our Lord preached to them for three and a half years
… the Disciples did not understand when He told them to go and
wait in the Upper Room, but they did when He came back in the
Spirit on that Day of Pentecost and divided Himself amongst
them. They came out with clear understanding; it was our Lord in
them preaching and doing all those things. Can we say it’s the
same thing that happened today?

For three and a half years we had the Lord preaching to us veiled
in the body of Brother Branham, and yet nobody knew what was
happening. But when the Lord took the Prophet … then His Spirit
came back on us, rst to our leader Brother Don (who open
these things to us) … Pastor, the Lord is leading me somewhere. I
might not get it correctly but there is something He wants to tell

72                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

please Brother Don help me in this.

Brother, I believe that what you are looking at is true of every
Age and every Revival that God sent throughout history. If the
people had not caught sight of the Lord Jesus in a person leading
them, then they would have remained in darkness. I see the
Millennial Ages, or the Seven Church Ages, as starting in the Book
of Acts, and that there were seven Sabbaths. We know that a
Sabbath is a “rest day”, or a period of time; and the Prophet called
the Church Ages, Seven Sabbaths. So each Church Age was a
symbol of a Millennium, or seven Millenniums; (seven Messages of
rest). Yet the Church Ages lasted from 53 A.D. to 1956 A.D.

If we look at the symbol of the Millennium, then symbolically
each Age should have been about 1000 years just like the Fourth
Church Age was. However, God cut all those Days (Messages)
short of the symbol. He cut them short to send another
Messenger for the saving of the group in the next Message.

Jesus did the same thing when He was here in the earth. He gave
them the true Word but He also knew that they did not
understand what He was saying. It really took Paul to pull them
from the Mosaic laws and symbols. Not even the brethren of the
Day of Pentecost were able to bring them all the way out of the
Mosaic laws. Paul had to rebuke Peter to the face about
circumcision, and yet there was Peter being the spokesman on the
Day of Pentecost. So years after Jesus was gone and the Baptism
of the Holy Ghost was happening, it still took a major Prophet,
Paul, to shake the Mosaic doctrines off of them and turn them to

However, Believers across the World remained in darkness of
tradition and creed even though our Prophet gave us entrance
into this great Revelation. Yes, I believe that God used my little
vessel to break a New Day and this Message to the Believers
across the World. This is not a Day wherein there was to be one
messenger as the Ages had, but rather a Day wherein God would
spearhead a great Message in a ministry across the World. I
believe He has used my humble little ministry to complete His
work of breaking the Veil that had the Believers across the World
shadowed in darkness. I thank him for that.

God did so by breaking away from the mold of the Church Ages
with major Messengers and ministries of partial understanding.
He broke open a progression that was at lightening speed and
carried us from the ‘church in the wilderness’ to the ‘Bride called
out’; then to the Queen by His side; then to the Wife in the Palace
… for us to be the Kings over our ‘nation’ in this earth.

The Second Coming was a great plan until the last Angel … and
the last Angel was to gather up all the loose ends, to gather all the
lost things and restore them. He was to break open the ‘hidden
things’ or the Third Coming


2               73

Son of David Ministry. However, He was not to be here as a one-

man ministry to lead us, but instead, God was to move into
‘another generation’ … for us to be the Kings over our ‘nation’ in
this earth.
He did it all by enlightening my eyes to this Great Move. It is no
longer just my eyes; it is yours and hundreds of thousands of other
ministries and Believers alike in this revelation.    I thank God for
His Grace to me to use me in a small way to elevate and catch up
the Believers into a New Day and its Message. Now let’s work in it
together and raise Jesus Christ into the position that He deserves
by preaching this Revelation with all of our hearts.

Thank you for your con dence in me as I would not betray that
con dence for anything in this world. We are in this vineyard
together giving the Glory to our Lord Jesus and the Revelation to
as many as will receive it.

It’s not a one-man ministry; its Light breaking across the World
now. It’s back to the individual. The Message has to satisfy your
life. What has it done for you? If you are the same person, then
you haven’t caught the Message; you have to be caught up in the
Person of Jesus Christ. It’s important to pray and read your Bible
to become more spiritual. There is a higher power way beyond
man. It is Jesus Christ.

If you will humble yourself to Jesus Christ, He will take every
desire away from you. Not just help you, but kill the wrong desire.
Everything outside of Christ needs to be killed. Ask the Lord to kill
everything that is contrary to your will in your life. It’s a hard thing
to submit yourself to one another. We need to submit ourselves to
one another … to Jesus Christ. Let Christ change you. If we don’t
submit ourselves, we will continue to see the wrongs things
happening in our lives. Things happen in our lives because we are a
Seed of God. However, if God has to bring you in, He will do it.
Direct warnings have been given through prophecies to come
Direct warnings have been given through prophecies to come
back to the Lord … to run. Church, pray for those who are having
problems; pray for them. And as individuals, seek God for yourself.
Be Christians; don’t cut one-another, but pray for one-another.
Prayer changes things.

(a Brother quoted following –editor) Brother Parnell prays with
the sisters, praying that God will deal with the sisters through
their rough times.  “If you have a need in your life, then trust God
for it right now.”

(a Brother quoted following –editor) Brother Parnell has strong
love and care for the brothers and sisters. God is gracious to us.
Brother Parnell has the brothers to come forward for prayer too
and prays with them. “We must trust God for all things, that God
will help us through attitudes, situations, and changes in life.”
Brother Parnell loves and cares for the people.

Thank God for His grace to us. “Put a song in your pocket; have
a Scripture and read it day after day and you will move the devil
out of the way. Follow the instruction and you’ll see results. When
things come against

74                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

you or is not going well, pull the Scripture out of your pocket and
begin to read it. Practices the right thing; then you’ll see these
things that are against you go away. Have a Scripture with you and
pull it out to combat the enemy that comes against you … the
enemy that’s inside of you. Brother Dave is a precious brother in
the Assembly. He followed the instructions/advice and it worked
for him.”
The ministry can give out the advice, but you have to apply it
for it to work. We don’t have, nor do we use dictatorship; we work
together. We have a brother that will work with us. Carry your
Scripture with you and take a stand. Let Satan know that you are
in the Land of God’s Word. Don’t allow Satan to say things to you,
but push him back. Pray and read your Bibles.

We want to look at one another as brothers and sisters. We
love and care for one another. We believe in handling things
according to God’s Word. Love one another and always say good
things about one another. Always say good things about one
another. We believe that Jesus Christ will help work us through
every situation. Amen – Christ is real. We should be desperate for
one another. Be Christians, don’t cut one another, but pray for one
another. Prayer changes things. Thanks for listening tonight.
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship recorded services every Sunday
& Monday 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. This is a listen only room.

54.  “The return into earth ministry”

We understood in our last post, “The Truth of the Seven
Thunders”, that it is a group of believers that have come into
earth from Sunset Mountain to ful l the remaining ministry of
sonship. We know that there are three attributes of sonship and
they are Son of God, Son of Man and Son of David. We know
that the “Son of God” attribute was ful lled in the span of the
seven church ages. We know that the “Son of Man” attribute
was ful lled in the prophetic messianic ministry of William
Branham introducing us to the Son of David attribute.

In order to introduce us to the Son of David the Son of Man
ministry caught us up all together in the Cloud at Sunset
Mountain. It was there in Revelation 4, as we all stood round
about the Throne that the Son of David, the Lion of the Tribe of
Judah, changed his garments and made an entrance into the
earth. He removed the veil of the second coming when he
revealed those seals, trumpets, vials and thunders of the second
coming of Christ. The second coming was revealed because it
was nished. We entered the Cloud of Witnesses to nish the
second coming and open a door of entrance into the third
coming of Christ or the Son of David attribute. Revelation 4 is
that door of entrance and the beginning of the Son of David
ministry promised in Revelation 3 to the Wife of Christ as
overcomers in this day.

Upon our return from Sunset Mountain, the closing of the
Church Ages, we


2               75

were caught up higher in revelation to recognize the Lion of

Judah, the Root and Offspring of David taking his throne and
making his entry into the earth with his wife by his side. Our
return was to break open the Moses and Elijah ministry from
Sunset Mountain wherein the two witnesses end the church
ages by being cruci ed as the Word of God. The indictment
came by our prophet and the resurrection ministry unfolded as
Moses and Elijah came off Sunset Mountain in power, judgment
and great glory. And they are no longer in one prophet but
manifesting in a great group of believers in this Son of David

It is a mighty army of Jesus Christ in the earth. And they are
working his ministry of the third coming as a group of believers.
They are resting under the power and glory of the two
witnesses of Revelation 11. They are displaying their glory in
the earth after returning from Revelation 4 in the heavens. Look
at what the prophet said about this group of believers displaying
the Seven Thunders in THIS age. We are not second coming
thunders but third coming thunders in the earth after returning
from Sunset Mountain.

THE.FOURTH.SEAL_ JEFF.IN THURSDAY_ /21/63  304-1  {179}
Wait till them seven thunders utter their voices to that group who
really can take the Word of God and hand it there. It’ll slice and cut.
And they can close the heavens; they can shut this or do that,
whatever they want to. Glory. …They could call for a hundred billion
tons of ies if they wanted to. Amen. Whatever they say’s going to
happen, because it’s the Word of God coming from the mouth of
God. Amen. …It’s His Word, but He always uses man to work it.

The prophet is clear that it is a group of believers, not just two
men and not just the prophet that would have the manifestation
of the two witnesses within them. Watch his statement three
days after speaking about this group of believers that would
sound the unknown thunders of this age. He shows us that he
spoke on seven thunders of the second coming and he will speak
further of unknown thunders that were still a mystery in
heaven. The mystery of the Third Coming Believers that were
still in the Cloud at that time waiting to manifest their message
in earth.
in earth.

Seventh Seal   March 24 1963, [three 3 days later] 575-4… This

Seventh Seal, it’s…  in a threefold mystery. This one I… will speak and
have spoke, that it is the mystery of the seven thunders. The seven
thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery.

He shows us the mystery of the second coming by revealing it
completely to us under the seals, trumpets, vials and thunders
of that coming. Then he moves further and says he will speak of
mystery thunders that were in heaven and will unfold this
mystery. We know that heaven is the 6th dimension and we
were the unknown thunders in earth because we had not yet
manifested our Word in our dust bodies at that time. Four
months later

76                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

the prophet continues his thought in another message.


7  SUNDAY_  JULY 28, 1963, [ 4 MONTHS LATER]
240 Now what are you going to do when you get all that group
together, where the revelation is perfectly in harmony, and God
expressing it through His Word by the same actions, the same things
that He did, making the Word manifest! Oh, if the Church only knew
its position! It will, one day. Then, the Rapture will go when it knows
what it is.

He is speaking of the group of believers after Sunset Mountain
where the Seven Thunders group was displayed.
SUNDAY_63-0728 205 …All the mysteries of God waiting for this
last day. After He’s already been completed, then He reveals and
shows what He’s done. Oh, my! Never gave His mystery in full.


SUNDAY_63-0728 205 206 …But in the last days, the reason that
was such a tremendous thing, that He spoke of it here and showed
those Seven Thunders.


SUNDAY_63-0728 205 207 Life magazine then packed that Circle
of a Cloud and Light there that they could not understand, and don’t
know it yet. But here telling, “Go there and wait for these mysteries
to be revealed,” and here months before it happened, and then it
happened at exactly the way He said it would do. Did you notice in
that picture?

That Cloud is a picture of “The Seven Thunders”, the Body of
Christ and inside that Pyramid Cloud was Third Coming
Thunders which was still a mystery at that time. The second
coming thunders had been revealed in 1960 with the
vindication of the Pillar of Fire showing the seven church ages
and the star messengers.


1963, [4 months later]   182  ..  This Book’s already opened (That’s
right) just waiting for the Seventh Seal to be identi ed with the
coming of Christ.

What Book is he talking about? The second coming book had
been completed and revealed and closed! The Third Coming
been completed and revealed and closed! The Third Coming
Book was opened and the Son of David Ministry came into the
Body of Believers. And we were waiting for the Seventh Seal
Mystery of the Unknown Thunders to be identi ed with the
Coming of Christ. The opening of the Seals opened a new book
and in so doing nished the old book of thunders. What we were
waiting on was to recognize our Day and its Message of the
Third Coming. We needed to identify ourselves in the Third
Coming and not the second


2               77

coming. The prophet knew what we were waiting on and he

waited patiently

as he ministered alone in this revelation. Now we are identi ed

in the Third Coming with vindication of the scripture and
prophecy. We are the Coming of Christ in Son of David ministry.

FEAST OF THE TRUMPETS July 19 1964, [8 Months Later] 39-4

…the Bride is drawed together, she’s taken up; in that mystery of the
Seventh Seal.. the mystery going.

We are now drawed together and taken up in the mystery of
the Seventh Seal. It is the mystery going! What mystery is
going? Certainly not the second coming mystery as it is over
with completed and revealed according to our messenger. It is
the Third Coming mystery that we are caught up into and we
are going further in it.

The prophet’s ministry was fading away, shadowing, leaving
the earth in just a few weeks after his next statement below. Did
he miss his prophecy and speak it in error? I don’t believe he did.
He was exactly on his message that he was unravelling all the
way from the time of those seals. He knew another group was
coming after him that would have a message and when we
aligned with the Third Coming, the Lion, the Son of David
ministry then a message would sweep out and catch that Bride,
that Woman Elect.

2 N-15  THURSDAY_  65-1125 49 But watch when, the spiritual
Bride, when She begins to have a revival, when She begins to come
back and line Herself up with the Word of God. Watch then again,
you see, how that the Scriptures, at that time, There’ll be a Message
sweep out to catch that Bride, catch that Woman, Elect.

It is the group of believers in the new book, the seven
thunders mystery of the third coming, unfolding before our eyes
as we are writing another book of Acts. And it is not the same
book of Acts because this is third coming identi cation and not
second coming. He continues with more great prophecies of this
group of believers after Sunset Mountain . When he met with us
on the mountain and returned back preaching our ministry in
the earth we were drawn together in the earth to complete the
prophesied ministry that our prophet was waiting for. He waited
patiently and watched until the third coming ministry arrived
and realized he opened a new day for us.


V-2 N-15

9-4 … you notice when the people begin to try to line with the Word,
9-4 … you notice when the people begin to try to line with the Word,
there comes a fresh message from the Word of God right straight to
the people, and it kept that message in line up, every time.


4  SUNDAY_  65-1128M 5 It’s just begin blooming now, just
begin, the shuck’s

78                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

pulling away so the wheat can lay out there now. See? So just
keep reverent, keep praying. See? Remember, “They that wait
upon the Lord, renew their strength.”


4  SUNDAY_  65-1128M 6 Now, there’s… I was… getting pretty old,
and I thought, “Will I… Will there be another revival, I’ll see another
time?” And just remember, from the west will come a white horse
rider. We’ll ride this trail again. That’s right. Soon as… we’re about
ready. It’s a promise, you see.

We were manifested at Sunset Mountain in that Great Cloud
of Witnesses with the ministry of the two witnesses preparing
to manifest themselves in a great reign of Theophany judgment.
Elijah stood upon Mount Carmel and brought the Fiery
judgment of God into the earth. Even as the appearance of the
great ery Cloud at the end of the second coming. Moses had
that same Cloud by day and Fire by night accompanying his
ministry. There was a great ood of God into the earth from
those mountains. It is the mountain of Fire and Cloud from the
two witnesses of Elijah and Moses. It is the ministry of “Fire and
Cloud” on Mount Sinai, Mount Carmel and Mount Sunset .
As Moses said, “He that’s on the Lords side let him come
stand with me”. As Elijah said, “Why halt ye between two
opinions”. God answered them both with “Fire and Cloud”. And
then Elijah said, “It is going to rain a great rain, get down off the
mountain”! And it did even as Elijah spoke! And from Sunset
Mountain came “Fire and Cloud” and then a great rain of Word
Body Theophany rained into the earth and took up dust bodies
in this third coming of Jesus Christ. It is a great day; The Day of
the Lord! Our message has changed and we will continue to
change as we progress in this ministry of the Son of David.

The Return Ministry prophesied by the scripture and the
prophet is in action now and living in the earth. We are the
ful lment of these great prophecies. To say otherwise is to deny
the message and declare that our prophet has missed in his

55.  Dear Brother Parnell – If I heard you right I think you said
Brother Branham said something like the below on your
broadcast tonight. If he did I sure would like you to share that
with me where it is at. Cause I would like to share that with
others myself. —– Lord bless you —- for the great teaching

“The great trumpet was the 7th angel and the two angels coming
out of his mouth is Moses and Elijah calling the elect from one end
of heaven “”the church” to other. “Alpha and Omega.” I wanted to
send you these quotes and maybe it will help you in seeing my
understanding and what I’m saying. We have great success in
Cameroon , Africa with the understanding of this REVEALED

message. People are so happy to move further and pull out from
under the sleeping spirit of tradition and creed that has swept the
message clergy.


64-0719M 283 Now, remember, and I told you I’d bring back this,
“Great Trumpet.” He said, what would He do, over here in Isaiah? He
said, at… “The Great Trumpet would sound. The Great Trumpet!” Not
Trumpets now, feast of trumpets; there are two of them, Moses and
Elias, to call the Trumpet. But, under “the Great Trumpet,” the Coming
of the Lord, to announce Joseph returning, see, that all nations would
assemble at Jerusalem . Amen. You nd that in the Book of Isaiah. I just
give it to you, a while ago, one of those chapters we read; that’s in
Isaiah 18:1 and 3. And in Isaiah 27:12 and 13, is where He sounds
that “Trumpet,” and all of the nations will recognize Israel in her
homeland, God with her.

Who was the “Great Trumpet” that sounded and made us
recognize that God nished his promise to Israel and “This Great
Trumpet” made all the nations, (believers, and not political
nations), recognize Israel in her homeland. It was the seventh
angel, William Branham.

BIRTH.PAINS_  PHOENIX.AZ  V-3 N-4  SUNDAY_  65-0124 121

So, someday the great Trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ
shall rise, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to
this Word. But what’s He coming after? What’s He coming here for?
The “Great Trumpet” sounded and the dead in Christ rose
higher, we were caught up into the Son of Man and on into the Son
of David in the sounding of the “Great Trumpet”. We were caught
up out of the Son of God church age time into the Son of Man for a
short quick work and then introduced to the Son of David in this
great blending of time and Eternity for a season.

Isaiah 27:13  And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great
trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to
perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and
shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem.

THE.SEVENTH.SEAL_  JEFF.IN  SUNDAY_  63-0324E548-4  {173}

All right. This time was between the Sixth and Seventh Seal that He
calls these people, spoken of by Jesus in Matthew the 24th chapter and
the 31st verse, that we’ve just read. See? Trumpets here, or the two
witnesses of the… When the trumpet sounds, is the trumpet of the two
witnesses of the age of grace for the Jews? One trumpet sounds; you
notice, one trumpets sounds. He says, “And sounds the trumpet.” Now,
notice over here: 31st. And he shall send forth his angels… (Not one,
see, two of them)… with a great sound of a trumpet,… What is it? When
God gets ready to speak, there’s a sound of a trumpet. That’s always
His voice calling to battle. See? God

speaks. These angels will come forth with the sounding of the trumpet.

80                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE


you notice, at the last angel’s message the trumpet sound: the rst
angel’s message, a trumpet sound; second angel’s, a trumpet sounded
when he sent it out.

At the “last angel’s message” “The Trumpet Sound”! “A” trumpet

with the other messengers and seals but we heard “The Great
Trumpet” sound. Moses and Elijah came forth from the sounding
of this great trumpet.

The quote below was my pulling together of all the things that I
had said in the message on the Second Coming of the Lord. God
bless, it is certainly a great revelation that the Lord is continuing
to unfold to us.

56.  Two questions concerning about the two Angel connection:

Brother Don, Daniel 12: Two Angels in both side of the River
bank … Revelation 10: Two Angels, Celestial & earthly … 1960:
Two Angels beyond the Curtain of Time … & 2002: Two Angels,
Brother Branham & you. Are they the same two Angels that
visited Sodom & Gomorrah?

Brother Branham said that the two angels that visited Sodom
and Gomorrah were impersonators and then typed them as Oral
Roberts and Billy Graham. He said that those angels had a nominal
denominational Gospel that blinded the people. I believe that
those two angels have already been ful lled to Sodom and
Gomorrah and we are no longer in the days of Sodom and
Gomorrah. Those days were in Matthew 24, before the Third
Gomorrah. Those days were in Matthew 24, before the Third
Coming, and they were ful lled under the Second Coming. “A
Prophet is not without honour except in his own country.” The
Prophet never received the respect that a Prophet deserves here
in the U.S.A.

All of them perished in the ood of tradition and unbelief, the
plagues that struck the earth thru the Prophet’s message. We
were in the Ark at that time, the Cloud of Sunset Mountain; as
God destroyed them all, we were 30 miles high outside the
atmospheres of the earth. The Angels in Daniel 12 are the Angels
of the Bride only and are to the Bride, the Wife, the Queen, and
the Kings in the earth. Nothing could live 30 miles high … no
smoke could be there. It could only be supernatural.

57.  Can we connect it to our Theophany and New nature, two

Angels within us as a type?

I wouldn’t use the Theophany and New Nature as a type of those
two Angels in Daniel 12. They are two speci c Angels that were to
come to earth for the Wife of Christ to reveal to Her what Her
position is during the transition from the Church, through the
Rapture to be Bride, into Sunset Mountain to be Queen, and back
to the earth to be Kings in the earth during the Son of David
ministry. They are to reveal the total complete Sonship which is
Prophet, Priest and King in the earth after the return from Sunset
Mountain. It is a ministry, not one man or two men, but a ministry
2               81

breaks out into the Earth. God just uses these two men to break
this ministry into the Earth. [Lcf2: Think about those – 27 miles
high – satellites in space orbit at 20 miles up! Indeed it was a
strange and mysterious Cloud – I was there.]

58.  What will be the Final Move of these two Angels in this Final
Generation, as we know we are all Companies of Angels right
Now that manifest here in earth to have Glori cation &
Experience? As the Lord Jesus said, “As it was in the days of
Sodom so shall it be in this generation.”

Only the Lord knows the nal move of this ministry in the earth.
One thing we do not want to do is denominate and thinks that we
have it all. We will continually learn throughout Eternity and I am
always waiting on the next thing, the next secret, the next
unveiling from God. [Lcf2: Amen – His ways are past nding out …
unless they are revealed.] [Lcf1: That’s true. It is not a falling away
like backsliding. It is a putting away of the old to accept the new.
Amen.] The Word falling is incorrect Word … the correct Word is
‘putting away’. Paul was telling the people that there would be a
putting away. It’s a putting away of the old ministry in order to see
the man of sin is in the heart. [Lcf1: When you put the old man
away you will see the man of sin; your old man. Amen. That’s good.
To go to seed, fall under a delusion to the same old things and not
To go to seed, fall under a delusion to the same old things and not
move forward. That’s good.]

We will continually learn throughout Eternity and I am always
waiting on the next thing, the next secret, the next unveiling from
God. I’m humbled, I’m overwhelmed, I’m shocked at what our Lord
is doing and I stand in awe, in complete admiration of His great
handy work in this Day.

I believe that the two angels have ful lled that Scripture and the
Truths are in the earth now; it is not a one-man ministry but a
many-membered Ministry of Jesus Christ in His faithful ministers
across the World. God had to use someone and I thank him that
I’m one of them that He used. Continue to stay humble, stay open,
stay out of stiff-necked attitudes and “know it all” motives and
trust the Lord to gently lead us on in this most sensitive Hour of
Revelation. [Lcf2: You will never see it until you absolutely let
everyone of your traditions and ideals go … just let go of your
thinking and accept the Lord’s perfect way: “Not by power, not by
might, but by my Spirit, saith God Almighty.”!] It’s only by God’s
Grace to have what we have. We should always give God thanks
for what He has given us. [Brother Bren comments: Luther didn’t
get caught up in the attitude of fanaticism. Always keep your head
down.] [Lcf1: Let the Lord lift up your head and it won’t be so
heavy.] Stay humble, keep your head down, and give thanks to God

59.  Question concerning clari cation on Daniel 12: Brother

Parnell, I read your letter to a Brother about Daniel 12 & II
Corinthians, 12. When you explained Daniel 12, it appears that
Daniel and one angel-man on the bank of the river talked with
the other angel-man

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on the other side of the river. However, the way I understand the
Scriptures in Daniel 12, is that there were three angels there.
The two were on each side of the river; and one Angel is clothed
in linen upon the waters of the river. Daniel and the angel on one
side of the river didn’t talk with the angel on the other side of the
river. They were talking and asking questions to the Angel
clothed in linen upon the waters of the river. The Angel in linen
was the one who gave the numerics of 1,290 & 1335 days and
not the angel on the other side of the river. Kindly clarify your
thoughts on these things. Correct me if I misunderstood your
explanation in your letter.

Brother, God bless you; it is good to hear from you. I am looking
forward to

the time with you in the meetings this December. I know the Lord
is blessing you and showing you many things that are needed for
your message in its generation. I believe that there will come a
time when your generation will go beyond this one if the Lord
continues another generation in this Third Coming. This is why I
want to be sure and say what it is that the Lord has shown to me,
so it can be passed on and the brethren of the next generation can
use it and go further.
use it and go further.

What I see in Daniel 12 is Daniel and two other angels. It is three
there, and that is Daniel, the angel on the bank of the river before
the Rapture in 1963 and the angel on the other side of the river
after the Rapture in 1963. Daniel is clear that there are two there.
[Lcf2: God bless Brother Edugigi and the Wife of Christ listening in
Thailand (smile).] [Lcf1: Amen; that is a good attitude and a good
spirit and motive for the things that are being preached … to be a
stepping stone for the next generation.]

This is what I believe happened to bring all things together. The
Angel beyond the Curtain of Time was preaching Christ to the
other Angel … Christ in a way that he had not understood. So the
Angel showed him Christ. The Angel beyond the Curtain went to
the middle of the river and showed him the Revelation or showed
him, that Beyond the Curtain of Time, “We are Christ”.

He stood in the river with White Linen and revealed the end
time of the Second Coming, the Meeting in the Air at Sunset
Mountain, the ending of the 1290 days, the sealing away of the
symbols and the natural things of the Church Ages, the 45 year
transition and the blessed people who transitioned to the 1335
days. The Scripture looks like it is Christ Himself standing in the
river and I believe it is; He is in a human body, the body of Angel
from beyond the Curtain of Time. This Revelation has come from
over here, after 1963, beyond the Curtain of Time. The Prophet
caught it when he was translated over here with us for a small
time and he heard our message. In May 1960 he came over here to
us and then returned to ll his Message full of what he saw over
2               83

He saw a people beyond the Church Ages, a people blessed of
the Lord, Raptured, in White Linen, with an Understanding, doing
exploits, and standing in the earth in the Son of David Ministry
manifesting His Sonship in its fullness of Prophet, Priest and King.
Christ always takes up or goes into a body to give His Message.
You don’t read any more about the Angel on the bank beyond the
Curtain after the questions were asked by the Angel William
Branham. The reason is that his body was taken by Christ to stand
in the ‘middle of the river’ and declare the Message beyond the
Curtain of Time. [Lcf1: Amen; Jesus always takes up a human body
to reveal Himself through.]

This is something that I’ve thought much about and see many
things in the Scripture. I wait until someone brings them out and
then I talk about them. When I was in Africa a Brother brought out
the angel-man beyond the Curtain and I knew then it was time to
talk on it. When I was in New Zealand and we were having a
discussion on these things a Brother brought out Daniel 12 and
how it was in our day as the two angels. I knew then it was time to
discuss what I had been seeing for some years now. Like our
Prophet, he waited until the right time to bring these things forth.
We wait until we see the people crying and calling for these things
and then step forward with the Word for the Hour.

II Corinthians 12 is a Scripture that I’ve looked at for some years
now, knowing that Daniel, William Branham, and Paul were
caught over beyond the Curtain of Time into this Ministry and
caught over beyond the Curtain of Time into this Ministry and
heard these things. I pray that this is a help to you in
understanding Daniel 12. Christ always takes on a human body to
reveal His Word into the earth. The angel-man on the bank of the
river beyond the Curtain of Time was the body that Christ
indwelled and spoke from the middle of the river in white linen
and revealed all these things to us in this Day. I thank God daily
and humbly submit myself to Him for further service in the Lord

The meeting at Sunset Mountain was the pivot point where
everything comes together. From Seals on is beyond the Curtain
of Time. (A Brother asks for the quotes: Where does it say that Cain is
the son of Adam? –editor).

‘ONENESS’;     Jeffersonville, Indiana. Sunday, 11th February, 1962.

107.  But Cain in his stupid ways, not so stupid, but in his cunning
ways, deceived, and brought in fruit. Adam kept the… Abel kept the
Word of God; he brought in a lamb. God said, “That’s right, Adam,
you’ve kept–or, Abel, you’ve kept My Word.” “Cain, you knowed it
wasn’t… Where’d I… did I take some g leaves like your daddy tried to
do? You got a bunch of gs, or grapes, or apples, or whatever you got
here. And now your daddy took the leaves off the tree to try to make an
atonement, and here you try to bring the fruit off the tree.” It wasn’t
that. It was blood from life.

In another place, Brother Branham let us know that Adam and
Eve were the mother and father of all living. Cain was of Adam’s
polluted seed.
84                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

60.  Was Cain the father of Enoch?

There is more than one Enoch. One came through Cain’s seed
line and the other came through Seth’s seed line. The one that
came through Cain’s line is not the one. Abraham listened to his
wife and left polygamy. [Lcf2: One lineage was in Genesis 4:16-24
and the other were in Genesis 5: 1-31.]

61.  Did Abraham commit adultery by having sex with Hagar,

Sarah’s handmaid?

Brother Branham said that Ishmael came forth from a seed of
adultery. [Lcf2: Some of their names were similar.] Brother Bren
quotes: I John 3:12:  Not as Cain, [who] was of that wicked one,
and slew his Brother. And wherefore slew he him, because his own
works were evil, and his Brother’s righteous. [Lcf2: The
unconverted esh man is wicked.] The serpent was involved; it is
the esh.

II Thessalonians 2:1 to 3:  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the

coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto
him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by
spirit, nor by Word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is
at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not
at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not
come], except there come a falling away rst, and that man of sin be
revealed, the son of perdition;

The original is ‘putting away’. You will catch that man of sin when
you put away your traditions and ideals.

II Thessalonians 2:4 to 7:   Who opposeth and exalteth himself above

all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in
the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not,
that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye
know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the
mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will
let], until he be taken out of the way.

The spirit from the union of your natural parent lifts itself up in
the temple and tries to declare himself God over that body.] The
Theophany is the one who letteth.

II Thessalonians 2:8:  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom

the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy
with the brightness of his coming:

The Theophany smites him on his Throne and rends the curtain
in twain and destroys the wicked one with the brightness of his
coming.] Cain did not have a Theophany. A man without
representation comes from the esh. With an individual without
representation (meaning that he has no chance of a new creation)
the esh equals serpent and serpent is the esh. God didn’t


2               85
see Ishmael as a son and didn’t recognize the esh. The esh being
wicked one.

62.  Question concerning crowning of your ministry: It would

help me catch your explanation clearer. In your reply you have
mentioned about the possibility of another new generation after
you. Actually, I’ve also been thinking on this. Sometimes I
wonder how long would this Third Coming last considering that
the First Coming lasted for about 4,000 years and the Second
Coming lasted for about 2,000 years. If the Third Coming
wouldn’t be as long as the rst two Comings, I still wonder how
short it would be.?

One time I talked on this thing with my father and I told him if
God would raise up again another generation, we would be
preaching Brother Parnell’s written messages if he’s gone, just
like we are doing now with the written messages of the Prophet.
Then God would let us move further in Revelation because I feel
that God would unfold more great things. Comment: We don’t
have to have a mic at the bench to interrupt the preacher!

Concerning your question, “What does the angel mean when he
told you that the Philippines and New Zealand is the crowning of
your ministry? What does crowning of your ministry mean? I’m
just curious about it.”I believe that the angel was speaking with me
about my ministry and where it would be shining in its brightest.
Just like a crowning or a coronation shows the brightness of a
Just like a crowning or a coronation shows the brightness of a
King or Queen. It is the glory of ones ministry to have it crowned.
Like Paul said, “A crown of righteousness”. I believe that the
Philippine and New Zealand ministry is showing great response
and growth in the third coming of Jesus Christ.

The Philippine believers are ourishing and stepping forward in
this ministry taking it to their nation and to many nations
throughout Asia and Indonesia. I am receiving emails and letters
all the time from the countries wherein the Philippine ministry has
reached them; Thailand, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Singapore, Hong
Kong, Malaysia … and of course many Islands across the
Philippines. It is truly a great growth and crowning of the Ministry
that our Lord has entrusted to us.

Also, I believe in the Philippines there are many young ministries
that are rising up in this Day and that they will take the Message
forward and continue to advance into greater things through the
Ministry that the Lord has entrusted to me. The true Ministry for
the next generation in the Philippines is growing in our ministry

Look at New Zealand and what the Lord did for me. He has given
to me a real Brother (Mita Edwardson) who can go into the depths
and travel Worldwide with me and preach hand in hand, step in
step, with what the Lord is showing in my ministry. New Zealand is
a Crown in my Ministry due

86                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

to my Brother’s ministry and his dedication to preaching this Third

Coming of Jesus Christ to the people. I thank God for Brother
Mita every day. Together we have travelled Africa as there are
very few nations wherein we haven’t travelled.

Africa will burn greatly in this Fire of the Third Coming because
of men like Brother John Ellis Armah, and the many ministers that
have come to the truths through his ministry. God is burning
another Fire in Cameroon and we expect that Brother Innocent
Ubi will keep that Fire burning throughout his region in Africa.

So the Philippines and New Zealand are two that have given
themselves to this Ministry and made things happen and are
continuing to do so. The res started from a few and now it has
grown into the World burning bright like a super nova. The
prophecies are true … they came to past. We are all a part of this
Ministry in the Third Coming of Christ. When something doesn’t
get the water that it needs, it turns into stickers, and no one wants
to be around it. Thank God for the Water. We’re no longer
stickers. We have Water. There is no need to argue … just put it
out there. [Brother Mita Edwardson is a very precious Brother in
Christ. Brother Mita saved my life in Africa … you ought to hear
the story.]

63.  Question on New Nature/New Birth( Book of Romans): Just

want more clari cation…We know that when we receive our
new birth, the heaven (Theophany / spirit man) and earth ( esh
man) hug together.

The Theophany is not the earth. Heaven and earth will pass
away. Heaven is on the inside. The esh is manifesting what’s on
the inside.

64.  Are the two natures still struggling or the two nature live in
harmony? No more war in nature? Is there a shadow of old soul
or its old nature when we receive our New Birth? Is there a
possibility to fall again when you received the new creation in
you? Can you explain clearly the Book of Romans, Chapter 7:15-
25 and Romans 8? Is Romans 7:15-25 the old soul? or the two
natures, the spirit man and esh-man struggling? or the only
struggling is the New Birth and the life in the blood (Lucifer)? Is
Romans 8 … is the New Soul manifesting? Or Roman 7:15-25 and
Romans 8; are both New Soul manifesting?

Heaven and earth are the new nature and the regenerated esh
man. Heaven and earth shall pass away but my Word (Theophany)
shall never pass away. I see that.]

Romans 7:15 to 21: For that which I do I allow not: for what I would,
that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would
not, I consent unto the law that [it is] good. Now then it is no more I
that do it, but sin that


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dwelleth in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my esh,) dwelleth no

good thing: for to will is present with me; but [how] to perform that
which is good I nd not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil
which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I
that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I nd then a law, that, when I
would do good, evil is present with me.

What law is he speaking of that he consents to? It is the law of
sin. A law set in motion to move us out of this pest-house so we
don’t have to continue to diminish.

Romans 7:22. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: but
I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind,
and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my
members. O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the
body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then
with the mind, I myself serve the law of God; but with the esh the law
of sin.

Romans 7, is after the New Birth. The carnal mind is the old man
that had to be changed. The carnal mind is the eshly mind that
had to be converted to another nature. The eshly mind has a law
in it and the Theophany law has a law in it. The eshly mind is
taking you to the grave and I’ll serve Christ in it until I drop this
esh. My eshly mind is now serving God. We serve God with the
eshly mind after it was converted to another nature. The esh
has a “law” of sin. We are not serving sin but there is a law in our
esh that takes our body of sin back to the grave.
We came into the World in unbelief. The moment that we came
into the World we were dying. The law of sin is the fact that we
are dying: it’s the law of sin and death. The law of sin and death
has an affect on my body every day. It doesn’t allow my earth man
to do what the Theophany wants to do. The law of righteousness
is ful lled by the Theophany.

Romans 8:4: That the righteousness of the law might be ful lled in us,
who walk not after the esh, but after the Spirit.

Romans 8:5:  For they that are after the esh do mind the things of the
esh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

The law of the esh takes me to the grave. The law of liberty,
righteousness, raises me out of the esh and I continue on in the
Theophany. That is very good. The eshly mind takes us to the
grave. The spiritual mind is the Sixth Dimension: amen, very good.

Romans 8:6:  For to be carnally minded [is] death; but to be spiritually

minded [is] life and peace.

Romans 8:9:  But ye are not in the esh, but in the Spirit, if so be that

88                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,
he is none of his.
Liberty in the Theophany, bondage in the eshly mind. Continue
to be in prayer daily for the meetings in Cameroon.

65.  I just want to ask some questions to clear up some things in

my mind. In this new breaking about the serpent seed we see
that we all came from the same parents, Adam & Eve. But how is
it there are lots of races around the World with different
physical traits? Did human physical traits change over time as
they adapted to the different kinds of environment around the
World, and did the changing of traits become part of Human’s
genetics, and so transmitting from one generation to another?
Does this also have a connection with science’s theory
of “Natural Selection”?

You are certainly right about the beginning and how we all came
from the same parents, Adam & Eve. The Prophet is clear about
that once you see the revelation of what he was talking about
concerning the polluted seed of Adam. Any seed that comes by
the natural act is polluted seed of Adam. The Royal Seed is the
Seed that is not of sex. The predestinated Seed is the
“Theophany”, the Theophany predestinated from the Celestial
world into the terrestrial. Ishmael is not the son of Abraham when
you are talking Royal Seed. He was a son of the esh that God
didn’t recognize: it’s the same with Adam and his polluted seed.

Also, you are right about the races. There was one race of people
before the Flood and that after the Flood the people tried to build
a tower to reach unto the heavens. The Lord smote their language
and they all spoke in unknown tongues to one another and began
to separate into all the Earth. From there, the geographical areas
to separate into all the Earth. From there, the geographical areas
of the earth, genetics, and many natural things took place to
change the pigment and thus skin colors and features of a person.

The different races were developed over time after the great
antediluvian Flood. I believe “natural selection” is closer than most
other theories. Almost all the scienti c theories have some thread
of truth in them and then man also adds his intellect to it
destroying the real truth that lies within a theory. Science is
always “almost” right. Science is almost right. They can never get it
completely right. They have too much theory, kinda like in the
Message clergy.

Holding head above the fanaticism of this Message is the
greatest thing that we can do. Keep your focus on the Word and
stay humble.


Indiana.  Conduct Order & Doctrine Book. 25th September, 1957.
307-602. And they was discussing where the colored man came from.
And they were trying to


2               89

say that the colored man, that Cain married an animal like an ape, and
through there come forth the colored race. Now, that’s wrong.
Absolutely, that’s wrong. And don’t never stand for that. ‘Cause there
was no colored or white, or any other different; it was just one race of
people unto the ood. Then after the ood and the tower of Babel ,
when they begin to scatter out, that’s when they taken their colors and
so forth. They’re all come from the same tree. That’s exactly right.
Adam and Eve was the father and mother, earthly, of every living
creature of human beings that’s ever been on the earth. That’s right.
Black, white, pale, brown, and yellow, whatever color you might be,
that’s absolutely the place that you live in.

We all come from the same Tree! Adam and Eve were the father
and mother … earthly! …     of every living creature!!!!!!! Cain was
their son!! There is one race of people; the human race.

66.  In addition to this, do you believe there was the ‘prehistoric

era’ as explained by science, which has been called the age of
dinosaurs and prehistoric men? When did the dinosaurs live?
Was it before Adam or during the time of Adam? There are
teachings we’ve heard before, that some parts of the Seven days
of Creation in Genesis were not actually the original creation but
already a recreation since they believe that there was a
civilization on earth before Adam, in the prehistoric era. Their
argument is based on the use of the word “made”, instead of the
word “create”; and also on the word “replenish”, which means
“to ll up again or re ll” as used in Genesis. Kindly shed some
light on these issues.

I do not believe that there was any life on earth or that any life
had come forth from the earth until the Spirit-Man Adam brooded
over the earth and called for it. There are many quotes to
substantiate this thought of all old Creation life coming from
Adam. In the Scripture, Paul does not even differentiate by making
two Adams . Paul said, “First Adam and Last Adam”. Just like Alpha
two Adams . Paul said, “First Adam and Last Adam”. Just like Alpha
and Omega, the rst and the last, the beginning and the end. In the
message, ‘The Masterpiece’, the Prophet said that Alpha and
Omega were not different, but that they are “The Same”.

The same “One” that was the Creator of the Old Creation is the
“One” that is the Creator of the New Creation. He was
predestinated to go into the ground for redemption purposes the
rst time and he was predestinated to rise from the ground to
nish redemption the last time. It is the same person. The rst
Adam and last Adam are the same person. One was the Word to
go into the ground; the last was the Word to come out of the
ground. They were Alpha and Omega, the rst and the last … one
Masterpiece, the same One all the way through.

The prehistoric age was the time of Eden when Adam and Eve
had not fallen in the terrestrial realm. Then the fall caused the
large dinosaurs to become meat eaters, killers, and scavengers.
The human race killed them

90                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

into extinction prior to the ood and there were none to cross
over through the ark. Genesis 4, man took the copper and iron and
elements from the ground to build and to conquer and to kill.

‘SATAN’S EDEN’; Jeffersonville , Indiana. Sunday, 29th August,

1965 . 47. There was nothing like it, the great paradises of God! And
the great dinosaurs, and whatever more, crawling through it, and of the
great animals; no harm in them. They were just as gentle as a little
kitten. They had nothing at all; no sickness, no sorrow; not one disease
germ on the earth. Oh, what a place! The great birds swinging from tree
to tree, and Adam could call them by name, and they would y up on
his shoulders and–and coo to him. And, oh, what a wonderful place
God had!

The Prophet saw the dinosaurs in the Earth prior to the Fall.
They were made in the Earth by Adam brooding over the Earth.
When Adam and Eve fell, the Kingdom of the Earth fell with them.

When God said to replenish and multiply in the Earth, He was
not speaking of the terrestrial beings coming unto the Earth a
second time. When you look at Genesis closely, He was speaking
to the Theophany, the Spirit-Man, to go into the earth and make
himself a body, or replenish or make a body of yourself, and lives in
it. We have done that according to the Word. We of the
Theophany Civilization prior to this terrestrial Earth, have come
to this Earth and replenished ourselves by making an image to
ourselves, living in it to gain our Glori cation and Experience. God
was speaking to the Theophany beings coming into the earth. We
were to multiply or make a body like ours, to multiply … I made a
body of myself and I’m still just 1. 1×1=1. We multiplied: we are
living in what we have made, one day to leave what we made when
we are nished with it. That is multiplication; as we know, the
natural birth is more of a miracle than the spiritual birth! For us as
a Theophany to create a body in the perfect time, perfect place,
perfect family, and perfect genetics … Again, what a miracle of

We have been blessed on Thursday evenings when we have
these Question and Answer services. The Prophet said that Cain
took one of his sisters and went into the Land of Nod , starting a
took one of his sisters and went into the Land of Nod , starting a
city … he took one of his sisters. The animalistic natures in Adam
and Eve transgressed against God’s Word. The esh is the
serpent: the animal life in the esh body is Lucifer. We recreated
them, calling them under subjection to us to serve the Lord in us,
all a part of God’s great plan for us.

Eve took on an attitude of unbelief! In the message, ‘WISDOM
VERSES FAITH’, the Prophet said that Eve already sinned when
she ate of the Tree. She disbelieved God’s Word “in her mind”!!
She took an attitude of unbelief. The animal kingdom was right in
front of Eve and Adam and they used those trees to hide behind
and say it was justi able and okay to have a natural act. [Lcf3: It
was all around them to see; they both disobeyed.]


2               91

Jesus did not at any point wilfully sin; Jesus took sin upon
himself. In Genesis 2, Adam’s body was created and Eve was taken
out of Adam. Then Eve took an attitude of lust and unbelief. Adam
and Eve sinned and the natural act was the result of that sin.
Disobedience to God’s Word is sin.

Genesis 3:6:    And when the woman saw that the tree [was] good for
food, and that it [was] pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to
make [one] wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also
unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Eve and Adam ate of the fruit together. Eve took an attitude of
unbelief, ‘ate of it’ in her mind and then gave unto Adam and he
‘did eat’. The natural
act was a result of the unbelief.

67.  I introduce myself as (a sister) from Goa , India . I had written

to you using your other email but so far I have not heard from
you. My reasons from wanting answers is that in Goa the
brethren have made a lot of confusing statements, for instance,
about us paying tithes, wherein some brethren claim that since
the Church Ages are over then there is no church now and hence
there is no Pastor and so no need of sending tithes.  We are in
the Eternal.

Many have tried to conclude such things as the brethren have
done there in Goa and round about you. It is not true. The Church
Ages are over; we have transitioned from a “Church Body” called
out, to a “Bride Body” marrying the Word of the Hour.

And then we were transitioned from a “Bride Body”, to “The
Queen Standing by His Side”. This happened at Sunset Mountain
as we stood in pure White Linen thirty miles high while the Judge
of all the Earth displayed His Queen at the Great Gathering in the

And now we have transitioned to “The Wife of Christ” by
marrying the Word, and being pregnated with His Spiritual Royal
Seed we are now producing “Children of the Royal Seed”. We do
this by the Spoken Word in the Son of David Ministry as we have
returned to the earth from Sunset Mountain .

And we have transitioned further; from the “Wife of Christ” to
“Kings in the Earth” as we are controlling our little piece of earth
( esh bodies) though His Kingship in us.

Leaving the Church Ages didn’t stop what God wants us to do in
the Earth. It magni ed these things to us and God still expects us
to support His work in the Earth. We are all these things now;
“Church”, “Bride”, “Queen”, “Wife”, and “Kings” in the earth. Being
those, we are to display all of those attributes in our lives. We
didn’t drop Justi cation and Sancti cation and the Gifts restored
to the Body just because we left the Age of Luther, Wesley and
Pentecost. We still walk Justi ed, live Sancti ed lives, manifesting
the Gifts

92                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

of God in our lives. And we continue to give offering and pay tithes
and support the ministry of the Lord even though we have left the
Church Ages. God calls for us to be stewards of His work and to
multiply His work in the earth. We continue in what the Lord has
revealed, not forgetting what God has done for us. [Lcf3: I will pay
tithes as long as I am in this terrestrial dust of the earth.]

68.  I got out of the Message church in 1992, and I have since at
that time, with a few others, felt the Lord wanted us to have an
walk … an individual walk with Him. We were then sending our
tithes to Madras wherein we would be getting our Message
books, (Voice of God Recordings, Madras ), and I have since
continued till this day.

Yet the Madras of ce would send us all receipts mentioning

donation instead of tithes or freewill offering, as a donation is
donation instead of tithes or freewill offering, as a donation is
not taxed by the Government. Some brethren stopped paying
tithes then and it became a very hot issue as they felt our Lord is
a rich God and did not what to give Him ‘donations’; we wanted
to be paying tithes according to His Word. 

Yes, I saw these types of wording for years and I know why they
word it that way. It is to keep them from having to keep track of
tithes and offerings sent to them so they call it ‘donations’. The
way that I understand the Scripture there is a live ministry in the
land that God is using.

God didn’t come to dwell in a book or in a written word. Those
things are only testimonies or witnesses of what God has done.
There are ministries that are preaching the Revelation of Jesus
Christ for their Day; that is where the tithes and offerings should
go. They should not go to a building, a group of men passing out
books, or to an organization. God has men today preaching His
true Gospel of the Third Coming of Jesus Christ in His Son of
David Ministry in the Body of His Wife. She is in the earth and She
is Him. The Scripture is clear that you should support the ministry
that is feeding your soul, with the food that is calling you further,
Rapturing you up into the Word of the Hour. Preachers preaching
the past or the future, passing out books of history and such
things are not giving the people Life through a live ministry. [Lcf1:
Support a live ministry and not a dead ministry. A “live” ministry –
that means that a man of God is literally behind the pulpit yielding
himself to the Holy Spirit and letting the Holy Spirit speak to his

69.  Now brothers say since we are in the Eternal & High priests
there is no need of paying tithes. I personally don’t know what to
do, but since you are a Pastor and have a congregation, and
according to the Word of this Hour, do I continue paying tithes
and to whom since I have no church to go to since coming into
your site. I have been listening to your messages starting in 2005
about the Fullness. In Goa so far, I know only four of us who are
believing your messages; the others are waiting for things to
happen in the future.  For so long a time it was really stagnant;
but the revelation


2               93

that our Lord has given you has so lifted us up.

Our believers of the congregation give and support the ministry
that God has given to me in a gracious manner. We receive their
tithes and offerings regularly and when we are preparing for
campaigns and conventions in other countries, they even give
more to support and help the campaigns to give the people
overseas a successful meeting that will accomplish the Revelation
of Jesus Christ in their lives. I know that the Message clergy has
caused the people to fall stagnate into cisterns and dried up wells
within the Message ranks. God dealt with me to move on and take
the people into another Day; a great Day of the Rising of the Sun.
‘Shalom! A great Light has shone and that is where I want to be …
in the Light of a New Day, not in

the darkness of an old Day.

the darkness of an old Day.

Where should you give your tithes and offerings? I believe you
should give them to the ministry that is feeding you. Geographical
areas do not matter. Whether local or distant, the ministry that is
feeding you is the ministry that you will want to keep alive.
Ministers are servants, not lords over the people. When you see a
ministry that is serving you, then that is the ministry that you
should thank God for … putting your tithes and offerings there so
they can continue to serve you and the many others that God has
blessed through them. [Lcf3: How could you not pay tithes – it
does not matter what you do for the Lord or the church – the
Word requires that you pay tithes on that which he has nancially
blessed you with – remember without Him you are nothing.
Wherever you are receiving this Revelation, back it.]

70.  Secondly, Brother Branham says the Bride takes the Rapture
but the foolish virgins are hunted down by the W.C.C. headed by
Rome , & the Pope from America will do it & it is a prophecy. Now
this present Pope has already nominated his successor & for the
rst time an American one at that.  So what does this mean in the
light of the Message of this Hour?

According to the Prophet in ‘ANOINTED ONES AT THE END
TIME’, Satan changed his seat again. He also talks about Satan
changing his seat in his message, ‘THE PERGAMOS CHURCH
AGE’. He said Satan was found in Pergamos and exposed, and that
he moved his seat from Pergamos to Rome . Satan’s seat was
found and exposed again by the Prophet’s Message; Satan moving
his seat again to hide in the Earth. Satan moved into the Message.
The Prophet said, “Jannes and Jambres” came out at the Opening
of the Seals and a “new trinity” started. The trinity spirit is now in
the Message; it is withstanding the Prophet’s teaching that we are
so vividly revealing to the people. Only a Trinitarian spirit would
separate God from His people and put Him in the future or in the
past. He is a God of the “Present”. Amen. I am looking at the

According to the Message I believe that the Christ and
Antichrist have already met face to face and the Christ won the
battle coming out victorious

94                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

defeating the Antichrist. When did that happen? When the

Prophet stood before the Pontiff of Rome and wouldn’t bow the
knee to him or kiss his ring. There was Christ in the one body of
William Branham and Antichrist in the one body of Pope Paul. The
Prophet received his Coronation at Sunset Mountain to deliver
this Message, and Pope Paul received his coronation in Rome at
the same time, Marc h 1963. They both went to the World to
gather their Seed for the harvest. Antichrist went to the
destruction and Christ took His Seed and gathered us all to the
Mountain, The Great Ark of God that hung over Sunset Mountain
secured us from the Judgments while the entire World was judged
condemned and destroyed with the spirit of unbelief. The Prophet
said the worst plague to fall on man is the spirit of unbelief. And
then the American Pope took over, when? At the Opening of the
Seals! Not one man, an organization of men within the Message:
the Message clergy is now the red dragon trying to destroy this
“Third Coming of the Man-child” into the earth. The Christ is a
many-membered ministry of true Message believers and the
Antichrist is a many-membered body of make-believers and
unbelievers reading the same Message as we do.
unbelievers reading the same Message as we do.

I don’t watch the political world much anymore as it will come to
its end in due time. They are already dead; a Prophet’s Message
destroyed them and took us to the Ark of Safety … his Message. I
watch the ‘Jannes and Jambres’ in the Message clergy that ght
this Revelation, that rise in a dictator fashion as pontiffs over their
people, demanding them not to listen to these Truths. George
Bush isn’t ghting me; Pope Paul isn’t ghting me. But the
Message clergy is!!!

I watch the ‘congregation of the red dragon’, people, who like
Jesuits, take the pontiff’s word’s … like the Nazi soldiers who
marched blindly … who are ght against these truths daily and
reject them. It is not in a political scene anymore. It is in the
religious scene now and the most religious people in the World
are trying to kill the Christ that is born in the Third Coming. The
‘foolish virgin’ are those who try to kill the Truths by rejecting
what God has done in this Day. In the ‘CHURCH AGE’ Series, the
Prophet was clear that the foolish virgin denies and rejects the
Word and turn down Jesus Christ in this Day. [Lcf3: The foolish
virgins and their lthy dirty robes of esh.]

71.  Secondly; please let me know in which of your messages on

Audio Download have you explained Mathew 25:31-46. Brother
Branham explains this in the Sardisean Church Age from page
264 to 286. But in the light of your Word of the Hour the full
thing has changed.  “… soiled garments of yellow upon the foolish
virgin, Mrs. Methodist, the nominal Message people.” [God bless,
audgmel1.] [Lcf3: Jesus’ wounds come mostly from the clergy –
the religious groups that were always looking for faults.]

We will be placing a series called, “The Revelation of Jesus
Christ” on the website in the near future. It is in the message, ‘THE
PATMOS VISION’, and in, ‘THE TEN VIRGINS’, there the Prophet
makes clear to us that the


2               95

‘foolish virgin’ are rejecters of the Word of God.

We take what the Prophet said under the inspiration of the
Word as he stood in the Tabernacle and ministered with the Pillar
of Fire con rming His Word. We do not take what was written in
the “Sardisean Age” in “The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages”
that Lee Vayle wrote later. Some of it contradicts what the
Prophet taught us under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost in the
‘CHURCH AGE’ messages. The Prophet said that he went to the
Tabernacle to get under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and to
feel the anointing of the people, for there is where he received the
inspiration of the messages on the Church Ages. He drew it on the
blackboard and the Holy Spirit came down in the back of the
church during the services, declaring it to be the Absolute Truth
by drawing it just as the Prophet had drawn it to the people. We
accept what he said in those series of messages in 1960 as the
Truth … Truth by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

The Church Age Book that Lee Vayle wrote later contradicts
those truths so we do not accept that part. There are many good
things in that theologian’s book but we are not looking for a
theologian’s book, we are seeking the truths spoken by our
theologian’s book, we are seeking the truths spoken by our
Prophet under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost while preaching
to the believers. If you give me your home address we will send
you this series as we are now preparing to send it to the believers
across the World. [Lcf3: God vindicated this Revelation before the
people. And if that be so … then the Lord will continue to lead
them and guide them into all Truth.]

72.  Brother Don, in Matthew 27:50-53, what can you say about
this manifestation of them? Can we say that it is the same First
Resurrection that we believed? It is the Theophanies? … or New
nature with Theophany?

Matthew 27:50-54: Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud

voice, yielded up the Ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple
was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did
quake, and the rocks rent; and the graves were opened; and
many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the
graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and
appeared unto many. Now when the centurion, and they that
were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those
things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, ‘Truly this was
the Son of God.’

What can you say about this manifestation of them, can we say
that it is the same First Resurrection that we believed? It is the
Theophanies? or New nature with Theophany?

The Prophet and Peter were clear that the esh bodies of the
Prophets and Old Testament Saints did not come out of the
graves. Look at what William Branham and Peter said concerning
the bodies of some of the

96                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

greatest Prophets of the Old Testament. Looking at Matthew 27;

at face value it does not mean what you think it means. They didn’t
rise physically.

And the Prophet William Branham said plainly to us of this same


Acts 2:25 to 29:  For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the
Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not
be moved: therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad;
moreover also my esh shall rest in hope: because thou wilt not leave
my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see
corruption. Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt
make me full of joy with thy countenance. Men and brethren, let me
freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and
buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day.

Peter was clear that the esh of King David was still in the
ground and didn’t rise. Therefore David was speaking of another,
even Jesus, the Son of David.

Acts 2:30 to 32: Therefore being a Prophet, and knowing that God
had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according
to the esh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; He seeing this
before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in
before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in
hell, neither his esh did see corruption. This Jesus hath God raised up,
whereof we all are witnesses.

‘SUPER SIGN’;   Chicago , Illinois . Sunday, 30th April, 1961 .E-37.

And faith is supernatural; it does supernatural things. And through
Abraham’s faith, as he was here, hundreds of years later, come the
supernatural Seed that he believed in. And when this supernatural
Seed come on earth, He had done the supernatural sign of a
supernatural Prophet. He was greater than a Prophet. He was a God to
us to give a natural people a supernatural birth. What did He do? He
went before us. He died, but they couldn’t hold Him. Abraham’s grave’s
still there. Isaac’s grave’s still there. But there’s an empty tomb on the
supernatural Seed that done a supernatural work, that had a
supernatural resurrection. The esh bodies did not rise so this Scripture
has to be according to the revelation a supernatural Scripture of
resurrection and not of the natural. Abraham and Isaac were still in the
grave physically. They had a Supernatural resurrection, not a body

Matthew 27:50: Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice,
yielded up the Ghost.

This was the last cry from the Cross which was the seventh.
Jesus nished up the seven Cries, the seven Thunders and the
seventh Seal to the Old Testament: He nished the Old Testament
closing out any entrance into the revelation from that old Day
gone by. The symbol is clear in the next Scripture. What Jesus did
in reality on the Cross is what the rending of the


2               97
natural veil signi ed.

Matthew 27:51: And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain
from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

The rending of the veil was a symbol of the real body of God
dying on Calvary at the same time. It shook the entire earth as the
seventh seal, the seven thunders of the Old Testament were
completed. The Saints beyond the curtain of time immediately
caught a greater understanding, revelation of what the Messianic
Scriptures were all about and it raised them in their
understanding. They didn’t need to come out of their graves, they
left their graves when they dropped their esh bodies. They raised
in understanding immediately to see the revelation that Jesus is
the Messiah ful lling all the Scriptures they had waited upon.

They saw the actual Messiah ful l the Scripture and caught a
greater understanding. They weren’t in their graves. The ones
here on earth were in their graves.

Matthew 27:52 to 53: And the graves were opened; and many bodies
of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his
resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

This is the second part. The Saints in the Celestial already caught
the Revelation and realized who the Messiah was according to the
Scripture. 52-53 is the Saints in the terrestrial catching the
understanding of who the Christ was after the Resurrection. The
graves were their esh bodies and the carnal interpretations of
their denominational teachings. They were waiting on a
resurrection and waiting on a Holy City and waiting on new bodies
resurrection and waiting on a Holy City and waiting on new bodies
according to their denominational synagogue teachings. At the
Cruci xion they became confused at how this man could be the
Messiah and not give them these things. They were wrestling in
their graveyards of their minds. They had no Understanding. After
the Resurrection they came out of their carnal minds and
recognized what was going on.

On Resurrection Day they realized that their teachings were
wrong and their graves were opened … or their denominational
teachings were destroyed. They came out of their graves and
realized the Resurrection was on and all that was taught
according to the Prophets were true. The clergy had taught it
wrong. The Saints entered into the Holy City and appeared unto
many. The Old Testament Saints, both Celestial and those in the
terrestrial entered into the Holy City , the perfect Understanding,
becoming Supernatural appearing unto many. It is a hidden
Element, a Supernatural thing, a spiritual Element that they
received. At Pentecost they were caught up into the Holy City by
the gift of the Holy Ghost, then walking out of the Upper Room
and appearing unto many.

That 120 were the Raptured Saints in Glori ed Bodies living in

98                                             A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

prophesied millennium of the Old Testament Prophets, and while

walking in the Holy City appeared unto many; 3000 on that day.
At Pentecost they were caught up in the Revelation of the Holy
Ghost, the Theophany, and they came down out of the Upper
Room in Glori ed Bodies, walking in the holy city appearing unto
3000. We continue to appear unto many in the Holy City !

Matthew 27:54: Now when the centurion, and they that were with
him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were
done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.

Those around this mighty unveiling after the Second Coming are
feeling the effects; they know that there is a Pull. They are good
people but they don’t know their Day and their Message. They
watch the ful lments and yet fear that they are missing what
they’re looking for; and at the same time, the nominal clergy in the
Message are warning them not to believe it. They are like the
centurion and they that were with Him, watching Jesus ful l His
Scripture in us for this Day and they fear greatly. They know in
their hearts that truly this is the Word but are under the politics of
the clergy and won’t come to the Truth.

Cremation? Millions of saints were cremated at the stake
burned. Many nations will not do anything but cremation because
you can’t put them in the ground due to water level. Satan is not
oating in the air. If your ‘home’ is not a place of rest it is because
he is loose in the tree of knowledge, the esh body or bodies in
your home. Do not follow the Tree of Knowledge. It is easy to
react. Don’t ght, fuss, and stew. Stay beneath the sweetness of
the Theophany.

When a person begins to run from the presence of the Lord,
they are not right. It doesn’t mean they are lost but they are
hiding, running. Stay with the Fellowship, stay with the believers.
Even if two people cannot live together as husband and wife in a
relationship, then remain in the Revelation. If you can’t live
together then do as Paul said, and separate. “… after you’ve tried
together then do as Paul said, and separate. “… after you’ve tried
every way to keep the marriage.” But don’t deny the Revelation
and stop serving God; stay in church, stay in the Fellowship.
Notice I said, “separate”, not “divorce”!! There is no place in the
Scripture where a sister can divorce a husband; however, if she
can’t live with the man, then she should separate. However, realize
that you can’t marry again sister, not a long as your husband is
living. If you want a husband then reconcile yourself back to him.
The Revelation means more than anything, so serve the Lord with
all your heart.

Lord, help us to not get into the little foxes and spoil the
Message of clarity that you have given us.


2               99

73.  I just want to ask some questions to clear up some things in

my mind. In this new breaking about the serpent seed we see
that we all came from the same parents, Adam & Eve. But how is
it there are lots of races around the world with different physical
traits? Did human physical traits changed over time as they
adapted to the different kinds of environment around the
world and the changed of traits become part of human’s
genetics and was transmitted from one generation to
another? Does this also have a connection with science’s theory
of ”Natural Selection”?

You are certainly right about the beginning and how we all came
from the same parents, Adam & Eve. The prophet is clear about
that once you see the revelation of what he was talking about
concerning the polluted seed of Adam. Also, you are right about
the races. There was one race of people before the ood and after
the ood the people tried to build a tower that reached unto the
heavens. The Lord smote their language and they all spoke in
unknown tongue to one another and began to separate into all the
earth. From there the geographical areas of the earth, genetics,
and many natural things took place to change the pigment and
thus skin colors and features of a person. The different races were
developed over time after the great antediluvian ood. I believe
“natural selection” is closer than most other theories. Almost all
the scienti c theories have some thread of truth in them and then
man also adds his intellect to it destroying the real truth that lies
within a theory. Science is always “almost” right.


SUNDAY_  57-1006 307-602 And they was discussing where the
colored man came from. And they were trying to say that the colored
man, that Cain married an animal like an ape, and through there come
forth the colored race. Now, that’s wrong. Absolutely, that’s wrong. And
don’t never stand for that. ‘Cause there was no colored or white, or any
other different; it was just one race of people unto the ood. Then after
the ood and the tower of Babel, when they begin to scatter out, that’s
when they taken their colors and so forth. They’re all come from the
same tree. That’s exactly right. Adam and Eve was the father and
mother, earthly, of every living creature of human beings that’s ever
been on the earth. That’s right. Black, white, pale, brown, and yellow,
whatever color you might be, that’s absolutely the place that you live
in, and the way that–that the… Just like I think…

74.  Do you believe the prehistoric era which was the age of

dinosaurs and prehistoric men as explained by science? When
dinosaurs and prehistoric men as explained by science? When
did the dinosaurs live? Was it before Adam or during the time of
Adam? There are teachings we’ve heard before that some parts
of the 7 days of creation in Genesis were not actually the original
creation but already a recreation since they believe that there
was a civilization on earth before Adam, the prehistoric
era.  Their argument are the use of the word “made” instead of
the word “create” and the word replenish which means “to ll up

100                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

or re ll” in Genesis. Kindly shed some light on these issues. We

are greatly rejoicing to what God is unfolding in this new cycle.
We are happy since we have recognized the ministry of the
Angel-man on earth who is helping us to move further in

I do not believe that there was any life on earth or that any life
had come forth from the earth until the Spirit-Man Adam brooded
over the earth and called for it. There are many quotes to
substantiate this thought of all old creation life coming from
Adam. In the scripture Paul does not even differentiate by making
two Adams. Paul said, “First Adam and Last Adam”. Just like Alpha
and Omega, the rst and the last, the beginning and the end. In the
message, “The Masterpiece”, the prophet said that Alpha and
Omega were not different, but they are “The Same”. The same
“One” that was the creator of the Old Creation is the “One” that is
the creator of the New Creation. He was predestinated to go into
the ground for redemption purposes the rst time and he was
predestinated to raise from the ground to

nish redemption the last time.

The prehistoric age was the time of Eden when Adam and Eve
had not fallen in the terrestrial realm. Then the fall caused the
large dinosaurs to become meat eaters, killers, and scavengers.
The human race killed them into extinction prior to the ood and
there were none to cross over through the ark. Genesis 4, man
took the copper and iron and elements from the ground to build
and to conquer and to kill.

SATAN’S.EDEN_  JEFF.IN  V-2 N-20  SUNDAY_  65-0829 47 There

was nothing like it, the great paradises of God! And the great
dinosaurs, and whatever more, crawling through it, and of the great
animals; no harm in them. They were just as gentle as a little kitten.
They had nothing at all; no–no sickness, no sorrow; not one disease
germ on the earth. Oh, what a place! The great birds swinging from tree
to tree, and Adam could call them by name, and they would y up on
his shoulders and–and coo to him. And, oh, what a wonderful place
God had!

When God said to replenish and multiply in the earth he was not
speaking of the terrestrial beings coming into the earth a second
time. When you look at Genesis closely he was speaking to the
Theophany, the Spirit-Man, to go into the earth and make himself
Theophany, the Spirit-Man, to go into the earth and make himself
a body, or replenish or make a body of yourself, and lives in it. We
have done that according to the word. We of the Theophany
civilization prior to this terrestrial earth have come to this earth
and replenished ourselves by making an image to us and living in it
to gain our glori cation and experience.

I pray this is a help to you and the believers as they read these
things that we are speaking of in this message of the hour. Your
brother don

75.  I introduce myself as (a sister) from Goa, India.  I had written

to you using your other email but so far I have not heard from
you. My


2             101

reasons from wanting answers is that in Goa the brethren have

made a lot of confusing statements for instance, about us paying
tithes, wherein some brethren claim that since the church ages
are over then there is no church now hence there is no Pastor &
so no need of sending tithes.  We are in the Eternal. 

Many have tried to conclude such things as the brethren have
done there in Goa and round about you. It is not true. The church
ages are over and we have transitioned from a “Church Body”
called out to a “Bride Body” marrying the Word of the Hour. And
then we were Transitioned from a “Bride Body” to “The Queen
Standing by His Side” at Sunset Mountain as we stood in pure
White Linen 30 miles high while the Judge of all the earth
displayed his Queen at the Great Gathering in the sky.

And now we have transitioned to “The Wife of Christ” by
marrying the Word and being pregnated with his Spiritual Royal
Seed and we are now producing “Children of the Royal Seed” by
the Spoken Word in the Son of David ministry as we returned to
the earth from Sunset Mountain . And we have transitioned
further from the “Wife of Christ” to “Kings in the Earth” as we are
controlling our little piece of earth ( esh bodies) though his
Kingship in us.  Leaving the Church Ages didn’t stop what God
wants us to do in the earth. It magni ed these things to us and
God still expects us to support his work in the earth. We are all
these things now “Church”, “Bride”, “Queen”, “Wife”, and “Kings”
in the earth and we are to display all of those attributes in our

We didn’t drop justi cation and sancti cation and the gifts
restored to the Body just because we left the age of Luther and
Wesley and Pentecost. We still walk justi ed, live sancti ed lives
and manifest the gifts of God in our lives. And we continue to give
offering and pay tithes and support the ministry of the Lord even
though we have left the church ages. God calls for us to be
stewards of his work and to multiply his work in the earth.

76.  I got out of the message church in 1992 since at that time I
along with a few others felt the Lord wanted us to have a walk
individual walk with Him. We were then sending our tithes to
Madras wherein we would be getting our Message books, Voice
of God Recordings, Madras, & I have since continued till this day. 
of God Recordings, Madras, & I have since continued till this day. 
Yet the Madras of ce would send us all receipts mentioning
Donation instead of Tithes or freewill offering as Donation is not
taxed by the Government. Some brethren stopped paying tithes
then & it became a very hot issue as they felt our Lord is a rich
God & we are not giving Him donations, we are paying tithes
according to His Word. 

Yes, I saw these types of wording for years and I know why they
word it that way. It is to keep from having to keep track of tithes
and offerings sent to them so they call it donations. The way that I
understand the scripture

102                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

there is a live ministry in the land that God is using. God didn’t
come to dwell in a book or in a written word. Those things are only
testimonies or witnesses of what God has done. There are
ministries that are preaching the revelation of Jesus Christ for
their day and that is where the tithes and offerings should go. Not
to a building, a group of men passing out books, or to an
organization. God has men today preaching his true Gospel of the
Third Coming of Jesus Christ in his Son of David ministry in the
Body of his Wife. She is in the earth and She is Him. The scripture
is clear that you should support the ministry that is feeding your
soul with the food that is calling you further, rapturing you up into
the Word of the hour. Preachers preaching the past or the future,
passing out books of history and such things are not giving the
people life through a live ministry.

77.  Now brothers say since we are in the Eternal & High
priests there is
no need of paying tithes. I personally don’t know what to do but
since you are a Pastor & have a congregation & according to the
Word of this Hour, do I continue paying tithes & to whom since I
have no church to go to & for the past one month since coming
into your site has been listening to your messages starting 2005
about the Fullness. In Goa so far I know only 4 of us who are
believing your messages, the others are waiting in the future for
things to happen.  For so long a time being really stagnant, the
revelation that our Lord has given you has so lifted us up.

Our believers of the congregation give and support the ministry
that God has given to me in a gracious manner. We receive their
tithes and offerings regularly and when we are preparing for
campaigns and conventions in other countries they even give
more to support and help the campaigns to give the people
overseas a successful meeting that will accomplish the revelation
of Jesus Christ in their lives.

I know that the message clergy has caused the people to fall
stagnate into cisterns and dried up wells within the message
ranks. God dealt with me to move on and take the people into
another day, a great day of the rising of the sun, shalom a great
light has shined and that is where I want to be; in the light of a new
day, not the darkness of an old day.

Where should you give your tithes and offerings? I believe you
should give them to the ministry that is feeding you. Geographical
areas do not matter. Whether local or distant, the ministry that is
feeding you is the ministry that you want to keep alive. Ministers
are servants not lords over the people. When you see a ministry
that is serving you then that is the ministry that you should thank
that is serving you then that is the ministry that you should thank
God for and put your tithes and offerings into so they can
continue to serve you and the many others that God has blessed
through them.

78.  Brother Branham says the Bride takes the Rapture but the
foolish virgins are hunted down by the WCC headed by Rome


2             103

& the pope from America will do it & it is a prophecy. Now this

present pope has already nominated his successor & for the rst
time an American one at that.  So what does this mean in the
light of the message of this hour? 

According to the prophet in “Anointed Ones at the End Time”
Satan changed his seat again. He also talks about Satan changing
his seat in his message on “The Pergamos Church Age”. He said
Satan was found in Pergamos and exposed and he moved his seat
from Pergamos to Rome . Satan’s seat was found and exposed
again by the prophet’s message and Satan moved his seat again to
hide in the earth. Satan moved into the message. The prophet said,
“Jannes and Jambres” came out at the opening of the seals and a
“new trinity” started. The trinity spirit is now in the message
withstanding the prophets teaching that we are so vividly

to the people. Only a Trinitarian spirit would separate God from

his people and put him in the future or in the past. He is a God of
the “Present”.

According to the message I believe that the Christ and antichrist
have already met face to face and the Christ won the battle
coming out victorious defeating the antichrist. When did that
happen? When the prophet stood before the Pontiff of Rome and
wouldn’t bow the knee to him or kiss his ring. Christ in the one
body of William Branham and antichrist in the one body of Pope
Paul. The prophet received his coronation at Sunset Mountain to
deliver this message and Pope Paul received his coronation in
Rome at the same time, March 1963. They both went to the world
to gather their seed for the harvest. Antichrist went to the
destruction and Christ took his Seed and gathered us all to the
Mountain, The Great Ark of God that hung over Sunset Mountain
secured us from the judgments while the entire world was judged
condemned and destroyed with the spirit of unbelief.

The prophet said the worst plague to fall on man is the spirit of
unbelief. And then the American Pope took over, when, at the
opening of the seals! Not one man, an organization of men within
the message, the message clergy is now the red dragon trying to
destroy this “Third Coming of the Man-child” into the earth. The
Christ is a many member ministry of true message believers and
the antichrist is a many membered body of make believers and
unbelievers reading the same message as us.

I don’t watch the political world much anymore as it will come to
its end in due time. They are already dead, a prophet’s message
destroyed them and took us to the Ark of Safety; his message. I
watch the Jannes and Jambres in the message clergy that ghts
watch the Jannes and Jambres in the message clergy that ghts
this revelation that rises in a dictator fashion as a pontiff over
their people and demands them not to listen to these truths. I
watch the congregation of the red dragon, the people who like
Jesuits take the pontiff’s word’s, like the Nazi soldiers who march
blindly against these truths daily and reject them. It is not in a
political scene anymore. It is in the religious scene now and the
most religious people in the world are trying to kill the Christ that
is born in the Third Coming. The

104                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

foolish virgins are those who try to kill the truths by rejecting
what God has done in this day. In the “Church Age” series the
prophet was clear that the foolish virgins deny and reject the
word and turn down Jesus Christ in this day.

79.  Secondly, please let me know in which of your messages on

Audio Download have you explained Mathew 25:31-46. Brother
Branham explains this in the Sardisean Church Age from page
264 to 286. But in the light of your Word of the Hour the full
thing has changed. 

We will be placing a series called “The revelation of Jesus Christ”
on the website in the near future. It is in the message “The Patmos
Vision” and “The Ten Virgins” wherein the prophet is clear to us
that the foolish virgins are rejecters of the Word of God. We take
what the prophet said under the inspiration of the Word standing
at the Tabernacle and ministering with the

Pillar of re con rming his word. We do not take what was written
in the “Sardisean Age” of “The Exposition of the Seven Church
Ages” that Lee Vayle wrote later. It contradicts what the prophet
taught us under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost in the “Church
Age” messages.

The prophet said that he went to the Tabernacle to get under the
inspiration of the Holy Ghost and feel the anointing of the people
for there is where he received the inspiration of the message on
the Church ages. He drew it on the blackboards and the Holy
Spirit came down in the back of the church during the services and
declared it to be the absolute truth by drawing it just as the
prophet had drawn it to the people. We accept what he said in
those series of message in 1960 as the truth by the inspiration of
the Holy Ghost. The Church Age book that Lee Vayle wrote later
contradicts those truths so we do not accept that part. There are
many good things in that theologian’s book but we are not looking
for a theologian’s book, we are seeking the truths spoken by our
prophet under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost while preaching
to the believers.

80.  Thirdly, suppose we have pets like cats & dogs at home &
since they are temporal do we do away with them. I have been
waiting for your reply for a long time.

I apologize for your having to wait. I have been extremely busy
with trips overseas to Ghana Africa, Ivory Coast Africa, New
Zealand, and preparing for Cameroon Africa right away. Animals
that are ours can have an eternal quality about them too. We can
have our animals in the Kingdom of God after the terrestrial has
ended. This is clearly proven by the prophet’s dog and his horse
being in the Kingdom of the 6th dimension with him when he went
there. We can have them for eternity if they have an eternal
quality about them. I don’t believe every animal does just like
quality about them. I don’t believe every animal does just like
every human being. However, we can have them with us
throughout eternity.


2             105

God bless, I pray that this is a help to you. Feel free to contact us
further and I will let you know when we will be coming to India
and where we will be.

81.  Thank you so much for shedding more understanding about

the 1st Resurrection, it gives more clear view in our
manifestation as a Theophany that comes from the Cloud, &
came down here to have experience in the terrestrial realms. I
really blessed to your answer Brother Don… thank you so
much… Brother Don, in Matthew 27:50-53, what can you say
about this manifestation of them, can we say that it is the same
1st Resurrection that we believed? It is the Theophanies? or new
nature with Theophany?

The prophet and Peter were clear that the esh bodies of the
prophets and

Old Testament Saints did not come out of the graves. Look at what
William Branham and Peter said concerning the bodies of some of
the greatest prophets of the Old Testament.

Acts 2:25-29 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord
always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be
moved: Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad;
moreover also my esh shall rest in hope: Because thou wilt not leave
my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see
corruption. Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt
make me full of joy with thy countenance. Men and brethren, let me
freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and
buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day.

Peter was clear that the esh of King David was still in the
ground and didn’t rise. Therefore David was speaking of another,
even Jesus, the Son of David. And the prophet William Branham
said plainly to us of this same thing.

Acts 2:30-32 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had
sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the
esh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; He seeing this before
spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell,
neither his esh did see corruption. This Jesus hath God raised up,
whereof we all are witnesses.

SUPER.SIGN_  CHICAGO.IL  SUNDAY_  61-0430 E-37 And faith is

supernatural; it does supernatural things. And through Abraham’s
faith, as he was here, hundreds of years later, come the supernatural
Seed that he believed in. And when this supernatural Seed come on
earth, He had done the supernatural sign of a supernatural prophet. He
was greater than a prophet. He was a God to us to give a natural people
a supernatural birth. What did He do? He went before us. He died, but
they couldn’t hold Him. Abraham’s grave’s still there. Isaac’s grave’s
they couldn’t hold Him. Abraham’s grave’s still there. Isaac’s grave’s
still there. But there’s an empty tomb on the supernatural Seed that
done a supernatural work, that had a

106                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

supernatural resurrection.

The esh bodies did not rise so this scripture has to be according
to the revelation a supernatural scripture of resurrection and not
of the natural.

Matthew 27:50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice,
yielded up the ghost.

This was the last cry from the cross which was the seventh.
Jesus nished up the seven cries, the seven thunders, the seventh
seal, to the Old Testament and nished the Old Testament closing
out any entrance into the revelation from that old day gone by.
The symbol is clear in the next scripture. What Jesus did in reality
on the cross is what the rending of the natural veil signi ed.

Matthew 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain
from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

The rending of the veil was a symbol of the real body of God
dying on Calvary at the same time. It shook the entire earth as the
seventh seal; the seven thunders of the Old Testament were
completed. The Saints beyond the curtain of time immediately
caught a greater understanding, revelation of what the Messianic
scriptures were all about and it raised them in their
understanding. They didn’t need to come out of their graves; they
left their graves when they dropped their esh bodies. They raised
in understanding immediately to see the revelation that Jesus is
the Messiah ful lling all the scriptures they had waited upon.

Matthew 27:52  52-53    And the graves were opened; and many
bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after
his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

This is the second part. The Saints in the Celestial already caught
the revelation and realized who the Messiah was according to the
scripture. 52-53 is the Saints in the terrestrial catching the
understanding of who the Christ was after the resurrection. The
graves were their esh bodies and the carnal interpretations of
their denominational teachings. They were waiting on a
resurrection and waiting on a Holy City and waiting on new bodies
according to their denominational synagogue teachings. At the
cruci xion they became confused at how this man could be the
Messiah and not give them these things.

On resurrection day they realized that their teachings were
wrong and their graves were opened or their denominational
teachings were destroyed. They came out of their graves and
realized the resurrection was on and all that was taught according
to the prophets were true. The clergy had taught it wrong. The
Saints entered into the Holy City and appeared unto many. The
Old Testament Saints, both celestial and those in the terrestrial
Old Testament Saints, both celestial and those in the terrestrial
entered into


2             107

the Holy City, the perfect understanding and became

supernatural appearing unto many. It is a hidden element, a
supernatural thing, a spiritual element that they received. At
Pentecost they were caught up into the Holy City by the gift of the
Holy Ghost and walked out of the upper room and appeared unto
many. That 120 were the raptured Saints in glori ed bodies living
in the prophesied millennium of the Old Testament prophets, and
walking in the Holy City appearing unto many; 3000 on that day.

Matthew 27:54  54    Now when the centurion, and they that were
with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that
were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.

Those around this mighty unveiling after the second coming are
feeling the effects and know that there is a pull. They are good
people but don’t know their day and their message. They watch
the ful llments and fear that they are missing what they are
looking for, but the nominal clergy in the message are warning
them not to believe. They are like the centurion and they that
were with him, watching Jesus ful ll his scripture in us for this day
and they fear greatly. They know in their hearts that truly this is
the Word but are under the politics of the clergy and won’t come
to the truth.

82.  Brother Don, Daniel 12 Two Angels in both side of the River
bank, Revelation 10 Two Angels Celestial & Earthly, 1960 Two
Angels Beyond the Curtain of Time & 2002, Two Angels Brother
Branham & You, is the same Two Angels that visit Sodom &
Gomorrah ? And can we connect it to our Theophany and New
nature, two Angel within us as a type?

Brother Branham said that the two angels that visited Sodom
and Gomorrah were impersonators and then typed them as Oral
Roberts and Billy Graham. He said that those angels had a nominal
denominational gospel that blinded the people. I believe that
those two angels have already been ful lled to Sodom and
Gomorrah and we are no longer in the days of Sodom and
Gomorrah. Those days were in Matthew 24 before the Third
Coming and they were ful lled under the second coming. All of
them perished in the ood of tradition and unbelief, the plagues
that struck the earth thru the prophet’s message. We were in the
ark at that time, the Cloud of Sunset Mountain as God destroyed
them all we were 30 miles high outside the atmospheres of the
earth. The angels in Daniel 12 are the angels of the Bride only and
are to the Bride, the Wife, the Queen, and the Kings in the earth.

I wouldn’t use the Theophany and New Nature as a type of those
two angels in Daniel 12. They are two speci c angels that were to
come to earth for the Wife of Christ to reveal to her what her
position is during the transition from the church, through the
rapture to be Bride, into Sunset Mountain to be Queen, and back
to the earth to be Kings in the earth during the Son of David
ministry. They are to reveal the total complete Sonship
108                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

which is prophet, priest and king in the earth after the return from
Sunset Mountain . It is a ministry, not one man or two men but a
ministry that breaks out into the earth. God just uses these two
men to break this ministry into the earth.

83.  What will be the Final Move of This two Angels in this Final
Generation as we know we are all Companies of Angels right
Now that manifest here in earth to have Glori cation &
Experience.? as the Lord Jesus said, “As it was in the days of
Sodom so shall it be in this Generation.”

Only the Lord knows the nal move of this ministry in the earth.
One thing we do not want to do is denominate and thinks that we
have it all. We will continually learn throughout Eternity and I am
always waiting on the next thing, the next secret, the next
unveiling from God. I’m humbled, I’m overwhelmed, I’m shocked at
what our Lord is doing and I stand in awe, in complete admiration
of his great handy work in this day. I believe that the two angels
have ful lled that scripture and the truths are in the earth now
and it is not a one man ministry but a many membered ministry of
Jesus Christ in his faithful ministers across the world. God had to
use someone and I thank him that I’m one of them that he used.
Continue to stay humble, stay open, stay out of stiff necked
attitudes and “know it all” motives and trust the Lord to gently
lead us on in this most sensitive hour of revelation.

We love you and God bless you, I know that you are a true
brother and thank you for your con dence in me as a brother in
the Lord Jesus.
84.  Do we go through third world war, Armageddon? We know
we have a spiritual battle.

Armageddon has been going on all the time. It Christ against
anti-christ. It started in garden of Eden and has never ended. It
will end when we leave the esh. For the Bride, it started in Acts 2
and continues until we split the esh and walk out of it. Christ
against anti-christ. Yes, we are going thru Armageddon. We won
our battle when we accepted the Prophet’s Word and it burned us
out and made us a new unit. That was our Armageddon. We could
go thru it. It will end the terrestrial reign. We are outside of the
judgment so I believe the Lord will let us go thru it untouched if we
do. We walk out of our esh in the end to conquer all things by
controlling the elements.

85.  In Revelation 10:8-11 what are we going to prophesy since

we have now the message of the third coming? After receiving
the message do we still have to prophesy? Is there another

The Prophet entered the third coming rst and prophesied of
what we would do. Now, it is not prophecy or prophesying. It is the
third coming being preached to the people and it is bringing forth
the seed. It is not a prophecy


2             109
it is “The Things That Are”. Amen, we are the reality, not the
prophecy. It is prophecy being ful lled now. This is a Glorious day
of the Lord.

86.  Dear Brother Parnell, I read your letter to a brother about

Daniel 12 & II Corinthians 12. When you explained Daniel 12 it
appears that Daniel and one angel-man on the bank of the river
talked with the other angel-man on the other side of the river.
However, the way I understand the scriptures in Daniel 12 that
there were 3 angels there. The two were on each side of the river
and one Angel who is clothed in linen upon the waters of the
river. Daniel & the angel on one side of the river didn’t talk with
the angel on the other side of the river. They were talking and
asking questions to the Angel clothed in linen upon the waters of
the river.  The Angel in linen was the one who gave the numeric
of 1,290 & 1335 days and not the angel on the other side of the
river. Kindly clarify your

thoughts on these things. Correct me if I misunderstood your

explanation in your letter.

The Prophet entered the third coming rst and prophesied of
what we would do. Now, it is not prophecy or prophesying. It is the
third coming being preached to the people and it is bringing forth
the seed. It is not a prophecy it is “The Things That Are”. Amen, we
are the reality, not the prophecy. It is prophecy being ful lled now.
This is a Glorious day of the Lord.

God bless you it is good to hear from you. I am looking forward
to the time with you in the meetings this December. I know the
Lord is blessing you and showing you many things that are needed
for your message in its generation. I believe that there will come a
time when your generation will go beyond this one if the Lord
continues another generation in this Third Coming. This is why I
want to be sure and say what it is that the Lord has shown to me.
So it can be passed on and the brethren of the next generation can
use it and go further.

What I see in Daniel 12 is Daniel and two other angels. It is three
there and that is Daniel, the angel on the bank of the river before
the rapture in 1963 and the angel on the other side of the river
after the rapture in 1963. Daniel is clear that there are two there.
This is what I believe happened to bring all things together. The
angel beyond the curtain of time was preaching Christ to the
other angel. Christ in a way that he had not understood. So the
angel showed him Christ. The angel beyond the curtain went to
the middle of the river and showed him the revelation or showed
him that beyond the curtain of time, “We are Christ”. He stood in
the river with White Linen and revealed the end time of the
second coming, the meeting in the air at Sunset Mountain, The
ending of the 1290 days, The sealing away of the symbols and the
natural things of the church ages, the 45 year transition and the
blessed people who transitioned to the 1335 days. The scripture
looks like it is Christ himself standing in the river and I believe it is,
he is in a human body; the body of angel from beyond the curtain
of time.

110                                          A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

This revelation has come from over here, after 1963 beyond the
curtain of time. The prophet caught it when he was translated
over here with us for a small time and he heard our message. In
May 1960 he came over here to us and then returned to ll his
May 1960 he came over here to us and then returned to ll his
message full of what he saw over here. He saw a people beyond
the church ages, a people blessed of the Lord, raptured, in white
linen, with an understanding, doing exploits, and standing in the
earth in the Son of David ministry manifesting his sonship in its
fullness of Prophet, Priest and King.

Christ always takes up or goes into a body to give his message.
You don’t read any more about the angel on the bank beyond the
curtain after the questions were asked by the angel William
Branham. The reason is that his body was taken by Christ to stand
in the middle of the river and he declared the message beyond the
curtain of time. William Branham asked to see Jesus and he saw
Jesus. He then returned to tell about it until his passing over in
1965. It is a great day of the Lord for us as we see these things
unfolding into the earth.

This is something that I’ve thought much about and see many
things in the scripture. I wait until someone brings them out and
then I talk about them. When I was in Africa a brother brought out
the angel-man beyond the curtain and I knew then it was time to
talk on it. When I was in New Zealand and we were having a
discussion on these things a brother brought out Daniel 12 and
how it was in our day as the two angels. I knew then it was time to
discuss what I had been seeing for some years now. Like our
prophet he waited until the right time to bring these things forth.
We wait until we see the people crying and calling for these things
and then step forward with the word for the hour. II Corinth. 12 is
a scripture that I’ve looked at for some years now and I knew that
Daniel, William Branham, and Paul were caught over beyond the
curtain of time into this ministry and heard these things.
I pray that this is a help to you in understanding Daniel 12. Christ
always takes on a human body to reveal His Word into the earth.
The angel-man on the bank of the river beyond the curtain of time
was the body that Christ indwelled and spoke from the middle of
the river in white linen and revealed all these things to us in this
day. I thank God daily and humbly submit myself to him for further
service in the Lord Jesus.

Daniel 12:1-4 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great
prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be
a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to
that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every
one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that
sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and
some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall
shine as the brightness of the rmament; and they that turn many to
righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up
the words, and seal the book, even to


2             111

the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be

Daniel’s people are the ones in the Lamb’s book of Life.
Everlasting Life is not Eternal Life. Everlasting has a beginning and
Everlasting Life is not Eternal Life. Everlasting has a beginning and
an end. Everlasting Life is the reward of understanding upon the
esh man in this life. There is great reward in following God in
You. The blessing of Abraham upon the esh-man. When You
receive your new birth then You received the everlasting life and
the wicked to not receive everlasting life but everlasting
contempt. Their esh is cursed and they do not receive the
blessing of God.

So then when I went home, I got to thinking. “Well what?” You
know, I noticed. Watch animals. You take a dog when he gets sick,
he’ll go drink him some water, and lay down somewhere, go lay
down. Well, then the thought came to me the next morning, as I
was laying in bed, waiting for the folks. They get up about six-
thirty, and so I wake up about four-thirty or ve. I was laying there
thinking. Many times God reveals things.



33    You know, now don’t teach this, but did you know man in the
beginning, when God made him, He didn’t make him to be doctored. He
had his own doctoring in him. He was equipped. He was–he was a–a
unit of his own. See?

When healing does not come from any outside resource; it has
to come from the inside. Now, we can take outside aids, such as to
kill germs or whatever it is in us; or we can take our hands and cut
on each other, and take a–a piece out, or something like appendix,
or a bad tooth, or something, and take it out. But healing does not
come from anything that you apply. Healing only comes by the–
the power that’s within yourself to build back the–the tissue that’s
been torn from the place it’s been taken out. And therefore,
healing is in you. Now, listen close, and think hard now before you
pass your thought of this.



34    Man in the beginning, when he was made, a man is a god. He’s
absolutely a god, for he was made in the image of God, being a son of
God, and then he’s an heir of all that God is. And man was given a
domain, and the domain was the earth. You have power over the shes,
over the fowls of the air, and over everything. He could just speak, and
everything obeyed him, because he was a–a god within himself: not
universal God, but I mean the God of heavens and earth; but he was a–
a ruler o–or in his domain. He was a king, a king-ruler. That was man.
And even now in his fallen estate now, he still has the appearance…

Man is a God within Himself! We need to recognize what God
has restored us back to.

112                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE



35    Now, not long ago, they were trying to interbreed, and so forth,
and say that, “Man come from lower animals, and–and through
evolution he brought himself up.” Well, see, they kept fooling around
evolution he brought himself up.” Well, see, they kept fooling around
with science till they disproved their own theory. You cannot interbreed
anything and make it go higher; it’ll drop right back. It cannot. Hybrid
corn, or anything, cannot breed itself back. Or like I was saying the
other day, It’s the mu–the–the–the donkey and the mare horse can
breed and will bring forth a mule, but that mule cannot bring forth
another mule. It has to go right back to it’s beginning. Because, God
said, “Every seed after its kind.”

Hybrid seed can never go forward; interbreed religion is so
ignorant that it can never go forward in the revelation. Now you
know why so many are going backward in this message. We had a
lot of mules come out of denomination. They can’t produce the
message, it is pure breed.



37    Now, when we were made, if–when we were made. And they just
found out, recently, that your body is full of light. X-ray proves that. The
x-ray does not have any light of its own. It’s your light that it uses.
You’re born with four rays. After a little while, say twenty, twenty- ve,
one ray goes out; and thirty- ve, another; or forty, another one goes
out; and nally when you get pass about sixty- ve, you’re living on your
last ray. And every time you take an x-ray picture, you’re tearing those
rays down. That’s the reason you don’t have no more… and you stick
these kids’ feet in them machines, because it was just tearing the rays
right out of their little bodies. And that’s cosmic light that’s in you, that
you’re made up, full of light cells. Now, that’s cosmic light.

Look at this generation and the one coming up. We use those
things all the time. We destroy our bodies and rip the cosmic light
out of us.


1218   38a    But God is a different Light, but yet He’s Light. Now, I
think of the picture there is a great proof of what I’m xing to say, that
God is Light. And when we were walking in Light of God, as sons of
God; God’s not cosmic light, but God’s Life operated through the
cosmic light of our bodies, our cells. And we become… We were
absolutely at one time, real genuine sons of God. But then when the fall
came… And then where the fruit of the Spirit today is love, joy, faith,
long-suffering, meekness, gentleness, patience, all supernatural, it’s just
got to a spot to where all the whole body, just so gradual… Like
seaweed you get in the bottom of a sea. And a lot of times, divers, and
they’ll get under these seaweeds. And before they know it, they’re
wrapped in such a way they can’t get out of it. Well, that’s the way sin
has done the human being. That’s the way coldness has done the

When you have problems you are pushing out or closing out the
body of


2             113

light and darkness takes over. The seaweed is the esh and
theophany is wrapped up in the seaweed. We have a way our of
theophany is wrapped up in the seaweed. We have a way our of
this seaweed.


1218   38b    And then in the human body, it wrapped us, and is
pushing out this Light of God, by denominations, and denying faith,
and so forth, it’s pushed out all the rays of God’s great power of faith
(See?), that’s in us (that should be). He’s pushed all those rays out in
such a place, till we just got to a lodge; and–and then now below the
lodge, the church is,


1218  42    And yet, the man, somewhere down in him, somewhere in
him, if he could only let that little… As I illustrated it, like a button.
When a man’s saved, that much of him is God. That’s the little Light
that comes in to make you quit doing what’s wrong. Now, if you can
take all the malice, and envy, and strife, and unbelief out, that little
button-like of the Light and power of God will keep growing, growing,
growing, growing, crowding out unbelief. And you don’t do it by
exhortations of–of bodily exercise. You do it by a sancti ed,
consecrated Life that the Holy Spirit moves through you. I caught some
of It in a place, where not long ago…

Men push the rays of God’s light out because they love their
darkness better. There is pleasure in darkness. Growing, growing,
and growing. The rays of God’s word are four rays of “growing”. I
love the fact that he said, “growing” four times, and four rays of
light. Your light body of the Theophany is growing itself out of the
terrestrial. The real light rays grow and the Terrestrial light rays
die. The Prophet is going into the uncertain sound. To preach a
message that was before the close of the church ages had become
an uncertain sound to him.

87.  The question: I feel that God has something new to brought
out to the people thru you…. I truly believe that only the
matured one on this age can pick up that element of eternity in
which we are today! Saint peter was never wrong when He said
that we are a peculiar people!

We are indeed peculiar because we are angels! Am I correct

when I say that the people that the prophet meet in the 6th
dimension specially that angel-man, has given the prophet a
better understanding of the Light Age? And If it so, then I can say
that we are not just ordinary people, if only could absorb the
very essence of what were bringing forth now! Because this
pertain to us… supernatural angels invading the earth!
Halleluiah! Judges 2 is on the scene now! The Theophany angel
talking to the people! Correcting us of our wrong habit in the
esh that we got used on to….

Not on just a particular people but on every Seed that come to


114                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE


realization now!  I believe we are at the End of the 3rd coming as

what Jesus and the 7th Angel done; revealing their selves at the
end of their Comings!

What you have written is true and I can tell the excitement in
your being. It always blesses me to see a person that loves the
truth and is excited that God has done so much for him. I will talk a
little on what you have written and hopefully enlighten us further
on what God is doing in this day.

The Brother was showing his joy in the fact that God is dealing in
the earth today. That is great to see a man who is enjoying and not
trying to take the ball. We are certainly a peculiar people and that
is because we have broken through the curtain of time and are
looking back at the rapture, the second coming and the entrance
into the third coming.

We are the rst people on earth to see this great happening and
it excites me and shakes me down in complete humbleness every
time I think on these things. Such a mighty God that would break
himself down to me and so many others in such simplicity is
amazing. I was reading in Daniel 12 and in II Corinthians 12 and it
is overwhelming to me to see that God moved his prophets over
into this age and saw our message and talked with the angel in this
day. Look closely and you will see some great things in this
scripture wherein Daniel saw two “Angel-men” talking to one
One was on one side of the river (curtain of time) and one was on
the other side of the river (curtain of time). One angel-man
revealed to the other the signi cance of Revelation 10 and the
Third Coming. That same angel-man revealed to Daniel the 1290
days and the 1335 days. We are in the scripture clearly now for
the Lord wants us to see our day and its signi cance.

Daniel 12:5 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two,
the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side
of the bank of the river.

One angel-man on the side of the river not yet beyond the
curtain of time and the other angel-man on the river bank crossed
over beyond the curtain of time. And these two angels were
speaking with one another.

Daniel 12:6-9 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was
upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these
wonders? And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the
waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand
unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a
time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to
scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be nished.
And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be
the end of these things? And he said Go thy way, Daniel: for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.


2             115


DANIEL, AND PAUL. The angel-man that was beyond the curtain of
DANIEL, AND PAUL. The angel-man that was beyond the curtain of
time knew that it was all prophecy until after the opening of the seals
and then the Word would be opened and revealed to us as it unfolded
from Eternity. Now we are in that day and can see these scriptures well.

The angel after the rapture revealed the ministry to the one
before the rapture.

Daniel 12:10 Many shall be puri ed, and made white, and tried; but
the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand;
but the wise shall understand.

Puri ed is the Flesh-Man, made white is the revealing of the
Theophany. (The angel caught the revelation of Sunset Mountain
and the puri cation of the Saints made white. The angel saw the
Theophany and the new creation walking together as they came
back to earth from the Cloud. The Wise, the Seed from the Cloud
understand these things.) What a glorious conversation!!! The
angel after the seals, (curtain) revealed to the angel before the
seals, that the seals were coming!

Daniel 12:11-12 And from the time that the daily sacri ce shall be
taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there
shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that
waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and ve and thirty

The angel clearly had the understanding of the opening of the
seals and the new cycle starting with the 45 year transition into
the Third Coming of Jesus Christ in Son of David ministry
enthroned the angel man was a humble man. It was prophecy
before the seals and it is eternity unfolding on this side of the
seals. The Prophet changed his message and left the ages of the
church right after the angel beyond the curtain talked with him.
Now look at Paul in II Corinthians 12 and you’ll see that Paul went
to speak with the same man that Daniel and William Branham
spoke with beyond the curtain of time. (The angel clearly had the
understanding of the opening of the seals and the new cycle
starting with the 45 year transition into the Third Coming of Jesus
Christ in Son of David ministry enthroned.) The angel on this side
the curtain had the revelation of a 45 year transition period after
the opening of the seals and this angel opened the blessing of the
people in this day, in this year. Now look at Paul in II Corinthians
12 and you’ll see that Paul went to speak with the same man that
Daniel and William Branham spoke with beyond the curtain of

II Corinthians 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago,

(whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot
tell: God knoweth such a one caught up to the third heaven.

The angel man on the other side of the curtain encouraged the
angel man

116                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

behind the curtain of time to move on. Look at what Paul said, “he
knew a man” beyond the curtain of time and saw him in his
Theophany and couldn’t tell what body he was in. (Paul met a man
who was beyond the curtain of time, caught up into the third pull,
who was beyond the curtain of time, caught up into the third pull,
third coming, third Exodus, Third Heaven and Paul spoke with him.
Listen to what Paul says concerning this angel, or messenger, or
man in the third coming.)

II Corinthians 12:3-4 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or

out of the body, I cannot tell: God knowed How that he was caught up
into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a
man to utter.

Paul met a man who was caught up into the Third full, Third
coming, Third Exodus, Third Church, Third Heaven, The son of
David Ministry. Paul was caught up into the Paradise with this
man. This man was caught up into Paradise (We know that is the
6th dimension. Paul heard this man in the third coming use
unspeakable word which is not lawful for a man to utter. We know
that those are the Words of a man who is behind the veil, past the
curtain of time. It is wherein the Pillar of Fire is speci cally
meeting with a God sent leader, a messenger sent from God that
has Word for his day and his day only, after the rending of the veil.)
Paradise is much more glorious than the natural. Yes, we are in a
great time of revelation wherein God is breaking this revelation to
many hundreds of ministers across the world to usher in the Third
Coming of Jesus Christ.  I just thank my God every day, with tears
of joy and excitement of heart, that in the most simplest of men
like me he could nd a place to complete his will. A God sent man a
God sent day.

The esh man cannot do what the Theophany can do. Caught
up into paradise, words unlawful. Look at that. It is not that we do
things against the law or live lthy. That is not what Paul says.
What Paul is saying is the things he heard were things that the
body couldn’t perform. Paul is saying, as a Theophany man I would
love to do so much more but this esh body is limiting me from
doing greater supernatural things. We have a desire to do more
for God than this body will allow. It is a body of sin that we are
caught in for a season and things we would want to do are
unlawful, the law of gravity, and the law of sleep. Praise God for
correct understanding. The reason we assembly and minister is to
get under the inspiration of the people because that is when
revelation comes forth. The Prophet said this to us. Amen…
gathering together around the word is important.

88.  Question: are bad attitudes attributes of the esh man a

part of what we conquer.

Yes, we use the Theophany to completely conquer the attitudes,
motives and objectives of the esh man. Bring the feelings subject
to you and conquer them by breaking out of those attitudes and
coming into the presence of the people and the Lord to expect
God’s healing, naturally and


2             117

spiritually. Fellowshipping with God cleans out your bad attitudes

and issues. Keeps the re going and the chimney will not clog and
burn down the house.

89.  Brother Parnell, I have something to ask or to clarify about

what you mean in the message you shared to us about the 1st
Resurrection… As I read it, I see that the One that is resurrected
Resurrection… As I read it, I see that the One that is resurrected
in us is our New Nature? Right after the Old nature died, because
the Theophany can never be died & resurrected. You cannot put
to die the Theophany. But it is the One that resurrect the new
nature within us… Changed the Nature of the Wild beast into a
Good Beast and ruled it for the service for the Lord. Am I right?
Like what happened to Lazarus Body esh resurrected & back to
dust again… right after it served it’s purposed?

Am I right to say that the Theophany is not the One Raptured

but A New Nature of us to comprehend God while it is in earth.
Am I right to say that the One that taste Rest is Not the
Theophany but the

Resurrected New nature of this Animalistic nature of us? Then

Gen. 1:26 is Ful lled, We “us” the Theophany make this esh
man of us into “our” own Image and likeness for a season while
we are experiencing this another fold of us here?

There are two parts to the resurrection and it is somewhat like
our prophet said about the “Two Books”. It is really just one book
and the one resurrection leads out to the other. Now let me
explain. We were Seeds from another civilization according to the
prophet in the “Fourth Seal”.

THE.FOURTH.SEAL_  JEFF.IN  THURSDAY_  63-0321 292-1  {92}

In Genesis 1:1, it said, ‘In the beginning God created heavens and
earth’ period. See? That’s all. Now, the world without form and void.”
And I said, “I believe every seed was laying right there from some other
civilization or something, and as soon as the water lifted off and the
light struck it, up come the trees and everything.” The same thing with
the human being; it’s a type. When all the–the–the mist is moved away,
and the revealed Truth to that real seed laying there still germitized,
and the Light of the Gospel can strike it by true a-vindication of the
Word, it’ll live; it’s got Life in it…?… Outside of that it can’t live. It hasn’t
got any Life in it. Them names were put on the Lamb’s Book of Life
before the foundation of the world, will come forth just as certain as

The prophet was talking of the “seed Theophany” that came
here from there and was buried in the piece of the earth, the
human dust body, the burial of the Theophany into the earth. The
Theophany Seed (Predestinated Seed) was planted into these
human (dust) bodies. That is a burial of the Seed Germ into the
dust of the earth. When we are nished with these dust bodies the
Seed from the Theophany Civilization that is on the Lamb’s Book

118                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

of Life will continue on by rising out of these dust bodies and that
is a Resurrection from the earth (dust) body. The Theophany was
planted into

the earth and resurrected from the earth. It never died, the
Theophany just needed time to catch its glori cation and
understand its attributes.


This resurrection is the nality of the “First Resurrection”. It is
not a “Second Resurrection” but it is a result of the rst
resurrection. So, when did the rst resurrection take place? You
are exactly right in your statement concerning the statement that
the new nature coming to life in us is the “First Resurrection”.
Blessed is he that is in the “First Resurrection” because the second
death (the leaving of the dust body) has no power over them of the
Theophany resurrecting or translating out of this body of
darkness into the marvellous body of light. We are new creation,
behold all things are new and we are continuing to move in this
rst resurrection until we ful l our eshly purpose and leave this
esh and blood body.


FRIDAY_  65-1126 119 “The two books of Life.” It’s the same Book,
but one of them was your natural birth, the other one is your spiritual
birth. One leads out to

the other one, just like a stalk of wheat. Whenever you talk to me, you
talk to me as a living person. But there’s a part of me here, is that
person that must perish. That’s the Book that the name comes off of.
But the Eternal one, the Predestinated one, the Elected one, the name
never can come from there because it was always on It. It can never be
taken off.

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection”, He didn’t say, “I am the
resurrections”. There is no “s”, only one resurrection. The new
birth to the esh-man converting him to a new nature is the same
way. That esh-man, though a new creature in submission to the
Holy Spirit within, will perish and his death will lead right on into
the Eternal on, the predestinated on, the Elected one who can
never die because he is always. The Eternal One just steps out of
the esh to nish the rst resurrection. The resurrection has
everything to do with the movement of the theophany.

90.  Am I right to say that what Cain offered to God is not Fruit or
Flowers in the Fields, but it is His own esh, His Own altar? “The
Fruit of The Flesh Tree of Adam”. The same with Abel it is also
His Flesh, His Altar, and the difference is Cain offered it without
Blood? (without Revelation, without representation of the
Lamb) But Abel Put Blood or Covered His Flesh with the Blood of
The lamb, & that is what that esh is accepted of Abel. Like what
happened in the Land of Egypt, between the Israel & Egyptians
rst born, As The Lord said, “When I see the Blood (Theophany,
Word, Representation) I will passed over you”

Cain offered an “Excellent” Sacri ce to God. For a man to offer
himself to God is excellent. However, Paul reveals something more
to us in his writings when he continually states that we have are
“More Excellent”. If we


2             119

are “More Excellent” in new creation for a man to offer himself to

God is excellent. However, we have a more excellent sacri ce. We
moved from old
to new creation. Then the old creation must have been an
“Excellent One” revealed a foretime! Cain offered his eshly
natural birth without any understanding of “Revelation”, which is
faith in God for the New Birth; the manifestation of the new

I Corinthians12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I
unto you a “More Excellent Way”.

Cain tried to offer his gift of esh in the old creation. God
rejected it because of the fall. Abel saw a more excellent way. God
only accepts fruit from the new creation and not that of the old

Hebrews8:6 But now hath he obtained a “More Excellent Ministry”,

by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was
established upon better promises.

Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel offered unto God a “More Excellent

Sacri ce” than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was
righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet

God doesn’t want your gift, He wants more, and He wants Your
life. Paul showed us that the More Excellent Way was the depths
of the Love of God in his revelation as Corinthians 13 shows us. A
More Excellent Ministry is obtained upon better promises, “The
Promise of the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the Baptism of death and
resurrection in Acts 2 and Romans 6”. And the More Excellent
Sacri ce is clear as it is the revelation that our natural man is not
Sacri ce is clear as it is the revelation that our natural man is not
what God accepts.  We need the application of the Blood upon us
to make us a new creation and that is how we are enjoined to
Christ in this life. We receive the blessing of everlasting life upon
the esh-man by being enjoined by the Blood. The blood-word
enjoins you to Christ.

Hebrews 9:19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the
people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats,
with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book,
and all the people,

This is the blood of God coming out of my mouth. You accept it
and you are cleansed by the blood and you have upon you
everlasting life.

Hebrews9:20 Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God

hath enjoined unto you.

Yes, Cain offered of himself without blood (revelation) old
creation. Abel offered of himself with blood (revelation) which is
new creation. Cain was rejected based on old creation and Abel
was accepted based on new creation. The difference was
representation. Cain had no representation and

120                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

could not offer new creation, while Abel had representation and
offered to God, a new man enjoined by the Blood of God. Enjoined
to the Theophany,
The blood, The word. Cain offered a mortal man, Abel offered an

man. Cain offered a corruptible man, Abel offered an
incorruptible man. Cain offered a eshly body, Abel offered a
glori ed body. Cain gloried before God his intellect, Abel gloried
in the revelation God gave him. Cain offered to God weakness,
Abel offered to God strength. Cain offered to God a sinner
without shame, Abel offered to God a Saint with all humility. Yes,
Cain offered God an excellent way, ministry and sacri ce called
the old creation. What a revelation. We offer immortal,
incorruptible, glori ed body, and we glory in the revelation God
ahs given to us humbly. We offer strength, we offer a saint in pure
humility. God love that. Abel humbly submitted himself to the
revelation of the hour and presented a “More Excellent Way,
Ministry, and Sacri ce” called the New Creation yes, the rst
resurrection is the new nature in the esh-man as he is quickened
by the Holy Ghost within. This leads out to the Theophany leaving
the esh-man after the purpose of the esh is ful lled. That
resurrects the Theophany back out of the dust body that it was
planted into. I pray that what I have written helps us all to
understand better the glory of the Lord and what he has done for
us. We are indebted for our entire life for his blessing upon the

in everlasting life.

91.  Dear Brother Parnell, I really blessed to be a part of your

Love to the Body of Christ. I really Love this Revelation as well as
My Congregation… we experienced the visitation of the Lord in
Our Midst as we follow what He reveals to us thru his Angel of
Our Midst as we follow what He reveals to us thru his Angel of
this day. I recognized The Angel of This Day; He is the One that
opened All This Things to us. This Revelation of the Bride. Thank
you Lord, Thank you Brother Parnell. Brother Parnell, I have
something to ask or to clarify about what you mean in the
message you shared to us about the 1st Resurrection…

As I read it, I see, that the One that is resurrected in us is our

New Nature? Right after the Old nature died, because the
Theophany can never be died & resurrected. You cannot put to
die the Theophany. But It is the One that resurrect the New
nature within us… Changed the Nature of the Wild beast into a
Good Beast and ruled it for the service for the Lord. Am I right?
Like what happened to Lazarus Body esh resurrected & back to
dust again… right after it served its purposed?

Am I right to say that the Theophany is not the One Raptured

but A New Nature of us to comprehend God while it is in earth.
Am I right to say that the One that taste Rest is Not the
Theophany but the Resurrected New nature of this Animalistic
nature of us? Then Gen. 1:26 is Ful lled, We “US” the Theophany
make this esh man of us into “OUR” own Image and likeness for
a season while we are


2             121

experiencing this another fold of us here?

There are two parts to the resurrection and it is somewhat like
our prophet said about the “Two Books”. It is really just one book
and the one resurrection leads out to the other. Now let me
explain. We were Seeds from another civilization according to the
prophet in the “Fourth Seal”.


292-1  {92} In Genesis 1:1, it said, ‘In the beginning God created
heavens and earth’ period. See? That’s all. Now, the world without form
and void.” And I said, “I believe every seed was laying right there from
some other civilization or something, and as soon as the water lifted off
and the light struck it, up come the trees and everything.” The same
thing with the human being; it’s a type. When all the–the–the mist is
moved away, and the revealed Truth to that real seed laying there still
germitized, and the Light of the Gospel can strike it by true a-
vindication of the Word, it’ll live; it’s got Life in it…?… Outside of that it
can’t live. It hasn’t got no Life in it. Them names were put on the Lamb’s
Book of Life before the foundation of the world, will come forth just as
certain as anything.

The Theophany Seed (Predestinated Seed) was planted into
these human

(dust) bodies. That is a burial of the Seed Germ into the dust of the
earth. When we are nished with these dust bodies the Seed from
the Theophany Civilization that is on the Lamb’s Book of Life will
continue on by rising out of these dust bodies and that is a
Resurrection from the earth (dust) body. The Theophany was
Resurrection from the earth (dust) body. The Theophany was
planted into the earth and resurrected from the earth. It never
died, the Theophany just needed time to catch its glori cation and
understand its attributes. This resurrection is the nality of the
“First Resurrection”. It is not a “Second Resurrection” but it is a
result of the rst resurrection. So, when did the rst resurrection
take place?

You are exactly right in your statement concerning the
statement that the new nature coming to life in us is the “First
Resurrection”. Blessed is he that is in the “First Resurrection”
because the second death (the leaving of the dust body) has no
power over them. We have a new nature, we are new creation and
our old creation died. We were regenerated and placed in the
throne of His glory receiving everlasting life (the blessing upon the
esh-man). The new nature, the new creation is perishable and
will pass away but leads out into the nal result of the Theophany
resurrecting or translating out of this body of darkness into the
marvelous body of light. We are new creation, behold all things
are new and we are continuing to move in this rst resurrection
until we ful ll our eshly purpose and leave this esh and blood


FRIDAY_  65-1126 119 “The two books of Life.” It’s the same Book,
but one of them was your natural birth, the other one is your spiritual
birth. One leads out to the other one, just like a stalk of wheat.
Whenever you talk to me, you talk to

122                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE


me as a living person. But there’s a part of me here, is that person that

must perish. That’s the Book that the name comes off of. But the
Eternal one, the

Predestinated one, the Elected one, the name never can come from
there because it was always on It. It can never be taken off.

The new birth to the esh-man converting him to a new nature is
the same way. That esh-man, though a new creature in
submission to the Holy Spirit within, will perish and his death will
lead right on into the Eternal on, the predestinated on, the Elected
one who can never die because he is always. The Eternal One just
steps out of the esh to nish the rst resurrection.

92.  Am I right to say that what Cain offered to God is not Fruit or
Flowers in the Fields, but it is His own esh, His Own altar? “The
Fruit of the Flesh Tree of Adam”. The same with Abel it is also His
Flesh, His Altar, and the Difference is Cain offered it without
Blood? (without Revelation, without representation of the
Lamb) But Abel Put Blood or Covered His Flesh with the Blood of
The lamb, & that is what that esh is accepted of Abel. Like what
happened in the Land of Egypt , between the Israel & Egyptians
rst born, As The Lord said, “When I see the Blood (Theophany,
Word, Representation) I will passed over you”
Cain offered an “Excellent” Sacri ce to God. For a man to offer
himself to God is excellent. However, Paul reveals something more
to us in his writings when he continually states that we have are
“More Excellent”. If we are “More Excellent” in new creation then
the old creation must have been an “Excellent One” revealed
aforetime! Cain offered his eshly natural birth without any
understanding of “Revelation”, which is faith in God for the New
Birth; the manifestation of the new creation.

I Corinthians 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I
unto you a “More Excellent Way”.

Hebrews 8:6 But now hath he obtained a “More Excellent Ministry”,

by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was
established upon better promises.

Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel offered unto God a “More Excellent

Sacri ce” than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was
righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet

Paul showed us that the More Excellent Way was the depths of
the Love of God in his revelation as Corinthians 13 shows us. A
More Excellent Ministry is obtained upon better promises, “The
Promise of the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the Baptism of death and
resurrection in Acts 2 and Romans 6”. And the More Excellent
Sacri ce is clear as it is the revelation that our natural man is not
what God accepts.  We need the application of the Blood upon us
to make us a new creation and that is how we are enjoined to


2             123
2             123

Christ in this life. We receive the blessing of everlasting life upon

the esh-man by being enjoined by the Blood.

Hebrews 9:19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the
people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats,
with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book,
and all the people,

Hebrews 9:20 Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God
hath enjoined unto you.

Yes, Cain offered of himself without blood (revelation) old
creation. Abel offered of himself with blood (revelation) which is
new creation. Cain was rejected based on old creation and Abel
was accepted based on new creation. The difference was
representation. Cain had no representation and could not offer
new creation, while Abel had representation and offered to God, a
new man enjoined by the Blood of God.

Cain offered a mortal man, Abel offered an immortal man. Cain
offered a corruptible man, Abel offered an incorruptible man. Cain
offered a eshly body, Abel offered a glori ed body. Cain gloried
before God his intellect, Abel gloried in the revelation God gave
him. Cain offered to God weakness,

Abel offered to God strength. Cain offered to God a sinner

without shame, Abel offered to God a Saint with all humility. Yes,
Cain offered God an excellent way, ministry and sacri ce called
the old creation. Abel humbly submitted himself to the revelation
of the hour and presented a “More Excellent Way, Ministry, and
Sacri ce” called the New Creation.

93.  If you will Brother Parnell, can you give more deeper insight
about this Resurrection? It is A New nature”? then we can see
more clearer about this thought I feel it.

Yes, the rst resurrection is the new nature in the esh-man as
he is quickened by the Holy Ghost within. This leads out to the
Theophany leaving the esh-man after the purpose of the esh is
ful lled. That resurrects the Theophany back out of the dust body
that it was planted into. I pray that what I have written helps us all
to understand better the glory of the Lord and what he has done
for us. We are indebted for our entire life for his blessing upon the
esh-man in everlasting life.

I have something in My Mind about this manifestation but the
Lord lead me to asked you this things before I released this to my

94.  Someone ask regarding birth control is it tolerable to us to

use? we are fast growing here in the Philippines, we are
88million now here, some are dealing how to control the
population, so many brethren is now asking if it is tolerable to
use contraceptive we are very poor country, population is the
one issue, many brethren live

124                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

in depressed area, they are seeking for advise.

It would depend on the individual circumstances. Each has their

merits as to why or why not. If the family cannot decide then they
should talk their pastor.

I believe the family should pray about it and if they can’t make a
decision then they should talk to their pastor.

Amen, I’m not against it but it should be sought seriously asking

God to lead them.

Yes I know it was a tough decision. I believe every family needs
to make those individual decisions and if they can’t handle then
they should take it to their pastor to help them decide. There is
nothing wrong with birth control f it is handled right.

95.  Where do the foolish virgins come in? And are they the ones
that are now standing in the White Throne judgment and giving
water to brethren and receiving life unto themselves?

The foolish virgin do not come in. They rejected the word of God.

Matthew 25:1-4 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto

ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the
bridegroom. And ve of them were wise, and ve [were] foolish. They
that [were] foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the
wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

The foolish virgin had no oil in their Lamps.

Matthew 25:5-8  While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered

and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the
bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.  Then all those virgins
arose, and trimmed their lamps.  And the foolish said unto the wise,
Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

The foolish virgin acted like they had oil in their lamps but they
lied. They did not have oil in their lamps.

Matthew 25:9-12 But the wise answered, saying, [Not so]; lest there
be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and
buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came;
and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the
door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord,
Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I
know you not.

The word “know” means to have a relationship. The foolish
virgin never had a relationship with God. They have no oil nor
Holy spirit, so they were
2             125

none of His. White is purity…its word. White is the Theophany,

white robes. White represents authority. We have authority. The
foolish reject The word. They have no purity.

Matthew 25:32-34  And before him shall be gathered all nations: and
he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his]
sheep from the goats:  And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but
the goats on the left.  Then shall the King say unto them on his right
hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the world:

You don’t give someone eternal; you just wake up to it.

Matthew 25:35-37  For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I

was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 
Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison,
and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying,
Lord, when saw we thee a hungered, and fed [thee]? or thirsty, and gave
[thee] drink?

These people didn’t know that they met the word, but the
foolish virgin met the word and they rejected it. There are those
who wake up to eternal life who accept the word that they hear.
Matthew 25:3840 When saw we thee a stranger, and took [thee] in?
or naked, and clothed [thee] Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison,
and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them,
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the
least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me.

The rapture has already taken place and they are in the midst of
the brethren now and they are not rejecting the word. They are
doing the best that hey can. Geronimo was a good man and will be
there. Giving out clothing, water, food are just parables. Their
covenant was activated in them when they did what they were
supposed to do when they approached the White Stone.

96.  Do the foolish virgin & the above come into the 2nd

There is no second resurrection or second boat load. When you
receive your word for your hour that is the resurrection.

Revelation 20:6  Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in the rst
resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be
priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.


The 2nd death is when the esh lays down, but has no power
over the Theophany…you just keep going on.

126                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

97.  The rst resurrection took place on Sunset mountain. When

is the 2nd resurrection?

There is no 2nd resurrection.

98.  If the Bride is in the Throne & she reigns, then who are the
subjects she is reigning over.

She is not reigning over any other subjects. She is reigning over
her own nation. We are Kings and priest over our own nation. You
can only be a king if you have your own nation. We have a aming
sword ruling over our nation

to bring it subject to the word. We only reign over our own nation
and not someone else nation.

99.  As the natural types the spiritual, where King David with his
Queen reigned over a kingdom & had subjects to reign over so
also in this spiritual kingdom there will be, I take it a reign for us.

Yes, there is…the son of David is on His throne in our hearts.

100.        If church ages are over, it means then there is no church?

The church has progressed into His bride, and then into a wife,
and then

into a King. We can call ourselves all of these things.

101.        If there’s no church, would that mean that there are no

of ces?

Paul the rst messenger started the church with deacons, bishop
etc. There is only the storehouse now where our freewill
offering goes to. Then what about tithes? I am very much
confused about this.  Could you please let me know?

There is a church with people and we need to support it with all
that we can, with the tithes and offerings. There is still a live
ministry in the church, only God has transformed it into a greater
ministry than it was through the ages.

102.        Can we term it as an annihilation of the old soul? Or is it

102.        Can we term it as an annihilation of the old soul? Or is it

cleansing of the old soul?

The soul is the nature of the spirit. The spirit is the life and the
soul is the nature of that life. Therefore, when we say that the soul
dies it is not the kind of death that we think of such as a life or
entity dying. It is the nature of that spirit that dies. Yes, it is
annihilation but it is an annihilation of a nature or the fruits of that
spirit life. For instance, the nature of an apple tree is its “apples”.
The nature of an orange tree is its “Oranges”. So if you killed the
nature of the apple tree you would be killing the fruit of the tree.
That is why Jesus said, “You know them by their fruit”, or by their
nature. I know an apple tree is in fact an apple tree because of
what it produces. The new



birth is a regeneration of the esh-man and he is becomes a new

creation at the time of his new birth. Behold, all things are new,
because his soul dies and the spirit life in the esh and blood is
converted to another nature.

At our new birth, the Theophany on the inside baptizes our tree
knowledge and killed out the old nature/soul. The animalistic
spirit was still alive. When the old nature/soul was killed out, our
animalistic spirit was converted to another nature, a new soul.
Under the old nature we use to brig for hatred, malice, envy, strife.
But under the new nature we are bringing for the love, joy, peace,
long suffering, meekness, kindness. A tree is known by its fruit
that it bears. The sinner tree brings forth a different kind of fruit
than the Christian tree brings forth.


1015M  676-Q-157 157. Please explain the difference between the
spirit and the soul.     …My body could be here, but me could be gone,
what I am. What–whoever I am inside of me has gone on. That’s–that’s
the part–part that is the spirit. The soul is the nature of that spirit, that
when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, It does not do nothing… You… It
changes or converts your spirit to a different soul. And that soul is a
different nature that’s on that spirit.

The animal spirit is the one who gets converted to a different
soul. So the soul is the nature of your spirit. First you were mean,
and evil, and hatred, and malice, and strife; now you’re loving,
sweet, kind, and–and… See the difference? It’s your nature. We
could… I’ll call it that. It’s your soul that’s been changed. The old
soul died, and the new soul which is the new nature was borned
into you. See? The life form, the animal spirit in the blood remains
in you for the contacting of the earth. However, the Spirit-Man
Theophany changes the nature of that animal and humbles it to
himself. Our Theophany is the Flaming Sword, the Cherubim that
guard the way into the revelation of Jesus Christ. Flesh and blood
can’t see or enter the Kingdom. That conversion is what brings on
can’t see or enter the Kingdom. That conversion is what brings on
the new soul or the new fruit from that tree of knowledge.

103.        How do we recognize each other in the other dimension


we drop our esh body?

Our esh body was made after an image of what we already
were. We will know one another exactly how we know each other
before we came here. We knew one another before we stepped of
this esh bodies. We look very similar to how we look like now.

104.        If someone does good to me, what applies to them?

The parables I Matthew 25 are symbols in life. WE are the whit
throne sitting in the earth now. The parables such as giving water
to someone might be helps in life. They do what they suppose to
wake up to eternal life.

128                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Things that happen in life that people are not aware of. They
already had eternal life…they just wake up to it.

Matthew 25 is parables. It’s how we deal with people in life.

105.        Could you call the age that we are living in, the 8th age?

You could it that. It’s a time where time and eternity are
blending together. You can call it an 8th day or 8th age. A day is a

106.        Is the New Soul of this temporal esh is the soul of God?
or because of the indwelling of the theophany that is why it is
regenerated, renew, re born?

The new soul is from God, only God can produce the correct
fruit of the hour. However, the animal spirit is only bringing forth
the new fruit or the actions of a new soul because the Spirit-Man
Theophany has baptised it into death. It died and a new nature is
born into it. Or in other words a new nature starts manifesting in
the animal life. It is a regenerated life form that is producing new
fruit. It is not an eternal form and when the esh-man dies the
animal spirit and its soul will be destroyed; done completely away
with and it will be gone.

107.        Is the New Soul the same old soul regenerated, renewed,
107.        Is the New Soul the same old soul regenerated, renewed,
re-born? or it is another soul from God?

The best way to explain the soul is that it is the very essence and
character of a “Being” your earthly-man is a “Being” made up of
“Three”. And you Spirit-Man is a “Being” made up of “Three”. This
is why the prophet said we are a two-fold Being, a duel person
with three in one. Each Being or person has three attributes that it
is using and that is body, spirit and soul.


0823M  942-96    See, you–you’re a dual person, three people in one,
soul, body, and spirit. 


SUNDAY_  56-0617 54 But when the Holy Spirit comes into the
heart, quickly He becomes then a–a twofold being: one of the earth to
die; and one of heaven to live. We are now a dual person and we have
three parts in each person that are being used during this time in earth.
In the Spirit-Person we are Spirit Life Theophany and have a nature
about that person which is our Soul. This Spirit-Life is using the esh
body to contact the earth and that is the three.

The earthly-man is Animal spirit and it has a animalistic old
nature of the world which is its soul. The earthly animal spirit is
using the esh body to contact the earth just as the Spirit-Life is


2             129

The new soul is born into you when the Spirit-Being baptizes the
esh-man with a baptism of death. It is another soul or new fruit
being born of the animal spirit. The animal spirit is forgiven and
the acts of the past are forgiven. However, the soul dies or the
fruit it was bearing stops coming forth and his fruit changes.

It is a death to the soul and a new soul is born. However, a new
soul is not

Eternal. The Theophany is the one with God’s Eternal nature, soul,
and when the esh dies; the new soul dies with it. It is not the
“same old soul” or it would produce the “same old fruit”.

It is a new soul and it produces new fruit during its time here on
earth and then that soul of the esh-man is done away with when
the person dies. When the esh-man dies you are no longer a
“dual person” or a “two-fold being”. You are then free of your tree
of knowledge and you are a “One-fold Person”.

The Theophany uses the esh body to contact things with. The
Theophany doesn’t have the see, taste, smell, hear, and feel to use
here, so it uses the ve senses of the esh man contact the earth

Faith is the soul of the Theophany and unbelief is the soul of the
animal spirit.

Ecclesiastes 3:18-19  I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the

sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see
that they themselves are beasts. For that which befalleth the sons of
men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth,
so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no
pre-eminence above a beast: for all [is] vanity.

The man has a spirit that breaths the same as animal.

Ecclesiastes3:20-21 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all
turn to dust again. Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward,
and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?

The Theophany man goes up, but the animal spirit breaks up and
goes back to where it comes from.

Ecclesiastes 3:22 Wherefore I perceive that [there is] nothing better,

than that a man should rejoice in his own works; for that [is] his
portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?
The Theophany rejoices while he is here.

108.        I know that the Blood in the Jesus body was the Blood of
GOD. Yet, why did he get old? Did Jesus have this animalistic
Spirit in

130                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

his esh man? (in the blood). l don’t understand.

Yes, Jesus had an animalistic spirit. Adam was the blood of God
too and had an animalistic spirit. What Adam failed to do, Jesus
conquered and took victory over. Adam brought children from the
esh, But Christ brought children after the tree of life. If you have
been born again, then you are a new creation. We still have an
animalistic spirit than we have to conquer.

Thank you for writing me and I’m humbled that you would have
the con dence in me that God would use me to give the answer to
this question. The prophet taught us that God gave us a spirit of
the earth to contact the earth. He gave us the Spirit-Man
(Theophany) to contact God. So we were given two contacts, the
earthly spirit and the Heavenly Spirit. Melchisedec put on esh
body to contact the earth.


E-11 Now, I believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and
E-11 Now, I believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and
forever. And I believe that in the beginning God made man in His own
image, and God is a Spirit. And God made man spirit-man. Then He
made him in the dust of the earth. Now, I believe that man in the
beginning, well, led the animals of the earth like the Holy Spirit ought
to be leaving the–leading the Church today. There was no man to till
the soul, so then He put him in ve senses. Those ve senses were not
to contact God. That was see, taste, feel, smell, and hears. They were to
contact his earthly home. But by his

spirit he contacts God.

LEADERSHIP_  COVINA.CA  V-7 N-7  TUESDAY_  65-1207  157

But what’s happened to you, church? You’ve seen so much television, so
much things of the world; it’s so easy for your old Adam nature to drift
into that, to act like the rest of them. Jesus was the last Adam which is
the Lord from Heaven. Therein was the difference. The rst Adam was
the living soul that was breathed into the esh and blood of Adam and
it was an earthly spirit. Corinthians 15 tells us that this is true.

The rst Adam was earthy and the Last Adam was heavenly. Paul
is revealing the act of being defeated and having victory. Within
those two is the answer. Jesus was the last Adam which is the Lord
from Heaven. Therein was the difference. The rst Adam was the
living soul that was breathed into the esh and blood of Adam and
it was an earthly spirit. Corinthians 15 tells us that this is true. The
rst Adam was earthy and the Last Adam was heavenly.

Paul is revealing the act of being defeated and having victory.
Within those two is the answer. The earthly conquered in the rst
Adam and the Heavenly conquered in the Last Adam. It is the
revelation of Both Trees in the Garden of man. That which is
natural is rst and then that which is spiritual. The natural man
has his reign in the esh until the New Birth, the


2             131

Lord from Heaven, takes control of all things and then the victory
is attained. Yes, Jesus had an animal spirit to contact the earth just
as you and I do. Yes, Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead Bodily,
the Body of God rested in him and his blood was the Blood of God.
He did what Adam could not do.  He defeated the animalistic
instincts and its nature bringing all things under subjection to him.
Because he had that esh and blood spirit life he was growing old
and would have died of old age had he not given his life for us.
Thank God he loved us rst and gave his all for us.

In my last mail you left one question unanswered, It was about
the “The difference of being saved and not having eternal life”
Emphasis on how we use the Term Save, and also in reference to
how Judas was saved.

We know that Justi cation, Sancti cation and the Baptism of
the Holy Ghost is upon the esh-man according to Joel 2 and Acts
2. It is the Inner Spirit-Man, the Holy Ghost that ows out like an
artisan well and baptizes the esh-man with death and
regenerates him in newness of life. This is the real baptism and
when a man has a Theophany within that baptism is complete with
the creating of a new creation. When a man is called to this
the creating of a new creation. When a man is called to this
experience he is justi ed by that baptism and his esh-man is
glori ed as Paul told us. This type work is the Work of the Holy
Ghost through his Word and it can only happen to God’s elect
before the foundation of the world. So our calling, justi cation and
election is sure and we can not fall because it is the Eternal Person
that has done it. In this act of God there is no turning back, we are
Eternal and we created a new creation to live our life here

under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

The quotes below give another way of receiving justi cation and
sancti cation, or being saved, and yet not coming all the way to
Pentecost or to the overtaking of the esh-man by the Theophany.
If there is no Theophany within to match with the move of the
Holy Ghost in the earth then a man that comes under the Holy
Ghost is a false anointed one. As the quotes below tell us that he
can be saved, sancti ed, accept Jesus as his savior and even
manifest the word in some ways. However, because he has no
representation on the inside to break forth and baptize him in the
esh-man there is no connection to the Eternal God. Look at the
quotes of the prophet below.


1204E  40 Now, did you know Judas Iscariot lived right up to that
same place? Judas believed on the Lord Jesus as Saviour, accepted Him
as Saviour. And he also was sancti ed. He was sancti ed in John 17:17
, when Jesus said, “Father, sanctify them through the Truth; Thy Word
is the Truth.”

USAND.JEWS_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 425-492  SUNDAY_  60-1211M 
238    Judas could come up… Remember “The sleeping virgins,” you say,
“could be inspired by the devil?” Absolutely. “Still living clean?” Yes, sir,
Judas did:

132                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

saved, sancti ed, preached Divine healing, cast out devils. Why, he was
just right straight up, almost the same thing that the rest of them was.
But when it come to Pentecost, that’s where he showed his colors. He
did not receive the Holy Ghost, and turned his heels up and denied the
Lord Jesus.


0830M  1124-289    Now, watch that pattern. I’m taking a lot of time,
but look. Judas Iscariot followed those same tracks. He was justi ed by
believing on the Lord Jesus and then accept Him as his personal
Saviour. He was sancti ed

and give power to cast out spirits;


0830M  1124-288    (See?); for he’s done despite even to the very
works of grace that’s called him up to that place and showed it to him,
and then turn around, walk away from it. He counts the Blood of the
covenant wherewith he was cruci ed–Christ was cruci ed as an
unholy thing. Because the Blood that saved him, and justi ed him, and
sancti ed him brings him up to the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And
then walks away and leave it…
then walks away and leave it…

109.        Our Bro. Bren from LCF asks another question and
comments for clari cation: A man who is a two-fold being has six
parts. And a man without a Theophany still has a soul of unbelief.
A man without the Theophany can be Annointed with the Holy
spirit and enjoy it. More clari cation: Because Judas didn’t have
representation he betrayed the Lord Jesus?  


110.        The reason that Peter and other disciples could deny the
Lord Jesus is because the Theophany that they were born with
hadn’t taken its place?

Right, they were still catering to the old soul. Jesus told
Peter….When thou art converted, strengthen the brethren. How
does all of this apply to the old testament saints? How did they
come to their new birth?

They were looking to Christ. They were dealing with their
Theophany and had received a new birth, but under a esh
covenant. We are dealing with the Theophany under a new
covenant, but they were dealing with the Theophany under a
different covenant. The difference….The old testament saint were
looking forward to what Christ did, but we are over on the other
end looking back to what Christ did. Jesus rst descended before
He ascended. He descended into hell when He came into Adam,
Seth, Enoch, Noah…Right on down the line for Sixth thousand

I Corinthians 15:38 But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him,

and to every seed his own body.


2             133

God gave us a body that pleased Him. It pleased us.

111.        Our Bro. Allan Copeland from Lcf asks a Question: What
about angelic beings how do they t in?

There are several types of angel. Seraphims, Cherubim’s, Arch
Angels. Cherubim Angel guards the word of life, the tree of life.
Each one of us has Cherubim in us that guard the way of the tree
of life. The Cherubim is You Theophany and it will not receive
intellect. Seraphims have censors gives offerings unto the Lord.
They are worshipping angels. They sing and give worship to God.
They are worshipping angels. They sing and give worship to God.
Arch Angels are battlers. Men that cut out the word of God. They
are like Prophets. There are angels that will stand back and listen
to us sing Amazing Grace, because they did not get t experience
the redemption plan. Angelic beings are from the tree of life. We
have the attributes of the angels in us. The angelic beings manifest
through us. The ones who have nothing are quick to criticize. Let’s
be humble and appreciate one another. Appreciate the gift. Each
one of us is a gift. If we don’t respect God’s gift, then God won’t
respect you.

Continue to keep Bro. Don Parnell and Bro. Rob Robinson in

prayer. They are in New Zealand. The Lord is blessing.

112.        I am from Goa, India. Another Christian Sr. Alcina, going

thru websites came across your Lighthouse Ministries and got
into your website. Then we came to the Home page & E-book, E-
sermons, Audio download. And what a lot of spiritual food, our
Lord gave us directing us to going further & higher into the
message & in-between the lines where He has revealed to you. 

Everything in what you speak is the Truth.  For so long, nearly 12

to 13 yrs we were stuck. Even over here in Goa many end time
believers do not accept the 2nd coming is over & all scripture is
ful lled & this is a report of what Christ has done. So how will
any believer believe in the 3rd Coming?

Where do the foolish virgins come in? And are they the ones that
are now standing in the White Throne judgment and giving
water to brethren and receiving life unto themselves?

Matthew 25:1-2 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto
ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the
bridegroom.  And ve of them were wise, and ve [were] foolish.

The foolish virgin had no oil in their lamps.

Matthew 25:5-8  While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered

and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the
bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose,
and trimmed their lamps.  And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of
your oil; for our lamps are

134                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

gone out.

The foolish virgin acted like they have oil in their lamps but they
lied. They did not have oil in their lamps.

Matthew25:9-10 But the wise answered, saying, [Not so]; lest there

be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and
buy for yourselves.  And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came;
and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the
door was shut.

The word “know” means to have a relationship. The foolish
virgin never had a relationship with God. They had no oil or Holy
spirit, so they were none of His.

Matthew 25:34-37 Then shall the King says unto them on his right
hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the world:  Then shall the righteous answer
him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee a hungered, and fed [thee]? or
thirsty, and gave [thee] drink?

These people didn’t know that they met the word, but the
foolish virgin met the word but they rejected it. There are those
who wake up to eternal life who accept the word that they hear.
There is no 2nd resurrection. If the Bride

is in the Throne & she reigns, then who are the subjects she is
reigning over. She is not reigning over any subjects. She is reigning
over her own nation. We are Kings and Priest over our own
nation. You can only be a King if you have a nation.

113.        As the natural types the spiritual, where King David with
his Queen reigned over a kingdom & had subjects to reign over
so also in this spiritual kingdom there will be, I take it a reign for
us. If church ages are over, it means then there is no church? If
there’s no church, would that mean that there are no of ces?
Paul the rst messenger started the church with deacons, bishop
etc. There is only the storehouse now where our freewill
offerings go to. Then what about tithes? I am very much
confused about this.  Could you please let me know?

There is a church with people and we need to support it with all
that we can, with tithes and offerings.

114.        Can we term it as an annihilation of the old soul? Or is it


cleansing of the old soul?

The soul is the nature of the spirit. The spirit is the life and the
soul is the nature of that life. Therefore, when we say that the soul
dies it is not the kind of death that we think of such as a life or
entity dying. It is the nature of that spirit that dies. Yes, it is
annihilation but it is an annihilation of a nature or


2             135

the fruits of that spirit life. For instance, the nature of an apple
tree is its “apples”. The nature of an orange tree is its “Oranges”.
So if you killed the nature of the apple tree you would be killing
the fruit of the tree. That is why Jesus said, “You know them by
their fruit”, or by their nature. I know an apple tree is in fact an
apple tree because of what it produces. The new birth is a
regeneration of the esh-man and he is becomes a new creation at
the time of his new birth. Behold, all things are new, because his
soul dies and the spirit life in the esh and blood is converted to
another nature.
The animal spirit is the one who gets converted to a different
soul. Our Theophany is the Flaming Sword, the Cherubim that
guard the way into the revelation of Jesus Christ. Flesh and blood
can’t see or enter the Kingdom. That conversion is what brings on
the new soul or the new fruit from that tree of knowledge.

Things happen in life that people are not aware of. They already
had eternal life…they just wake to it. Matthew 25 is parables. It’s
how we deal with people in life.

115.        Is the New Soul of this temporal esh is the soul of God?
Or because of the indwelling of the theophany that is why it is
regenerated, renew, re born?

The new soul is from God, only God can produce the correct
fruit of the hour. However, the animal spirit is only bringing forth
the new fruit or the actions of a new soul because the Spirit-Man
Theophany has baptised it into death.

Is the New Soul the same old soul regenerated, renewed, re-
born? or it is another soul from God?

We are now a dual person and we have three parts in each
person that are being used during this time in earth. In the Spirit-
Person we are Spirit Life Theophany and have a nature about that
person which is our Soul. This Spirit-Life is using the esh body to
contact the earth and that is the three.

The new soul is born into you when the Spirit-Being baptizes the
esh-man with a baptism of death. It is another soul or new fruit
being born of the animal spirit. The animal spirit is forgiven and
the acts of the past are forgiven. However, the soul dies or the
fruit it was bearing stops coming forth and his fruit changes.

It is a death to the soul and a new soul is born. However, a new
soul is not Eternal. The Theophany is the one with God’s Eternal
nature, soul, and when the esh dies; the new soul dies with it. It is
not the “same old soul” or it would produce the “same old fruit”.

It is a new soul and it produces new fruit during its time here on
earth and

136                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

then that soul of the esh-man is done away with when the person
dies. When the esh-man dies you are no longer a “dual person” or
a “two-fold being”. You are then free of your tree of knowledge
and you are a “One-fold Person”.

116.        Our Bro. Bren from Lcf ask a question and comments for
clari cation: the Theophany uses the esh body to contact
things with. The Theophany doesn’t have the see, taste, smell,
hear, and feel to use here, so it uses the ve senses of the esh
man to contact the earth with.

The man has a spirit that breaths the same as an animal.

Ecclesiastes 3:20-21 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all
turn to dust again. Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward,
and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
The Theophany man goes up, but the animal spirit breaks up and
goes back to where it comes from. The Theophany rejoices while
He is here

Adam brought children after the esh, but Christ brought
children after the tree of life. If you had been born again, then you
are a new creation. We still have an animalistic spirit that we have
to conquer.

That which is natural is rst and then that which is spiritual. The
natural man has his reign in the esh until the New Birth, the Lord
from Heaven, takes control of all things and then the victory is

He defeated the animalistic instincts and its nature bringing all
things under subjection to him. Because he had that esh and
blood spirit life he was growing old and would have died of old age
had he not given his life for us. Thank God he loved us rst and
gave his all for us.

Next question and answer on The Difference in Saved & Eternal
Life: In my last mail you left one question unanswered, It was
about the “The difference of being saved and not having eternal
life” Emphasis on how we use the Term save, and also in reference
to how Judas was saved.

This is the real baptism and when a man has a Theophany within
that baptism is complete with the creating of a new creation.
When a man is called to this experience he is justi ed by that
baptism and his esh-man is glori ed as Paul told us.


This type work is the Work of the Holy Ghost through his Word
and it can only happen to God’s elect before the foundation of the
world. So our calling, justi cation and election are sure and we can
not fall because it is the Eternal Person that has done it. In this act
of God there is no turning back, we are Eternal and we created a
new creation to live our life here


2             137

under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

USAND.JEWS_ JEFF.IN  ROJC 425-492  SUNDAY_  60-1211M 
238    Judas could come up… Remember “The sleeping virgins,” you say,
“could be inspired by the devil?” Absolutely. “Still living clean?” Yes, sir,
Judas did: saved, sancti ed, preached Divine healing, cast out devils.
Why, he was just right straight up, almost the same thing that the rest
of them was. But when it come to Pentecost, that’s where he showed
his colors. He did not receive the Holy Ghost, and turned his heels up
and denied the Lord Jesus.


0830M  1124-289    Now, watch that pattern. I’m taking a lot of time,
but look. Judas Iscariot followed those same tracks. He was justi ed by
believing on the Lord Jesus and then accepts Him as his personal
Saviour. He was sancti ed and gives power to cast out spirits; Because
the Blood that saved him, and justi ed him, and sancti ed him brings
him up to the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And then walks away and
leave it…

117.        How do all of these apply to the old testament saints?

How did they come to their new birth?

They were looking to Christ. They were dealing with their
Theophany and had received a new birth, but under a esh
covenant we are dealing with the

Theophany under a new covenant, but they were dealing with the
Theophany under a different covenant.

I Corinthians 15:38  But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased

him, and to every seed his own body.

118.        Our Bro. Allan Copeland from LCF asks a question: what
about Angelic beings how do they t in?

Cherubim Angels guard the word of life, the tree of life. Each one
of us have a Cherubim in us that guards the way of the tree of life
The cherubim is your Theophany and it will not receive intellect.
Seraphims have censors gives offering unto the Lord. They are
worshipping Angels. They sing and give worship to God. There are
worshipping Angels. They sing and give worship to God. There are
Angels that will stand back and listen to us sing Amazing grace,
because they did not get to experience the redemption plan.

119.        Can we term it as an annihilation of the old soul? Or is it

a cleansing of the old soul?

The soul is the nature of the spirit. The spirit is the life and the
soul is the nature of that life. Therefore, when we say that the soul
dies it is not the kind of death that we think of such as a life or
entity dying. It is the nature of that spirit that dies. Yes, it is
annihilation but it is an annihilation of a nature or

138                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

the fruits of that spirit life. For instance, the nature of an apple
tree is its “apples”. The nature of an orange tree is its “Oranges”.
So if you killed the nature of the apple tree you would be killing
the fruit of the tree. That is why Jesus said, “You know them by
their fruit”, or by their nature. I know an apple tree is in fact an
apple tree because of what it produces. The new birth is a
regeneration of the esh-man and he is becomes a new creation at
the time of his new birth. Behold, all things are new, because his
soul dies and the spirit life in the esh and blood is converted to
another nature.



676-Q-157 157. Please explain the difference between the spirit and
the soul.My body could be here, but I could be gone, what I am. What–
whoever I am inside of me has gone on. That’s–that’s the part–part
that is the spirit.

The soul is the nature of that spirit, that when the Holy Spirit comes
upon you, It does not do nothing… You… It changes or converts your
spirit to a different soul. And that soul is a different nature that’s on
that spirit. So the soul is the nature of your spirit. First you were mean,
and evil, and hatred, and malice, and strife; now you’re loving, sweet,
kind, and–and… See the difference? It’s your nature. We could… I’ll call
it that. It’s your soul that’s been changed. The old soul died, and the
new soul which is the new nature was borned into you. See?

The life form, the animal spirit in the blood remains in you for
the contacting of the earth. However, the Spirit-Man Theophany
changes the nature of that animal and humbles it to himself. Our
Theophany is the Flaming Sword, the Cherubim that guard the
way into the revelation of Jesus Christ. Flesh and blood can’t see
or enter the Kingdom. That conversion is what brings on the new
soul or the new fruit from that tree of knowledge.

120.        Is the New Soul of this temporal esh is the soul of God?
or because of the indwelling of the Theophany that is why it is
regenerated, renew, re born?

The new soul is from God, only God can produce the correct fruit
of the hour. However, the animal spirit is only bringing forth the
new fruit or the actions of a new soul because the Spirit-Man
Theophany has baptized it into death. It died and a new nature is
born into it. Or in other words a new nature starts manifesting in
born into it. Or in other words a new nature starts manifesting in
the animal life. It is a regenerated life form that is producing new
fruit. It is not an eternal form and when the esh-man dies the
animal spirit and its soul will be destroyed; done completely away
with and it will be gone.

121.        Is the New Soul is the same old soul regenerated, renew,
re- born? Or it is another soul from God?


2             139

The best way to explain the soul is that it is the very essence and
character of a “Being” your earthly-man is a “Being” made up of
“Three”. And you Spirit-Man is a “Being” made up of “Three”. This
is why the prophet said we are a two-fold Being, a duel person
with three in one. Each Being or person has three attributes that it
is using and that is body, spirit and soul.



942-96    See, you–you’re a dual person, three people in one, soul, body,
and spirit.  


SUNDAY_  56-0617 54 But when the Holy Spirit comes into the
heart, quickly He becomes then a–a twofold being: one of the earth to
die; and one of heaven to live.

We are now a dual person and we have three parts in each
person that are
being used during this time in earth. In the Spirit-Person we are
Spirit Life Theophany and have a nature about that person which
is our Soul. This Spirit-Life is using the esh body to contact the
earth and that is the three. The earthly-man is Animal spirit and it
has a animalistic old nature of the world which is its soul. The
earthly animal spirit is using the esh body to contact the earth
just as the Spirit-Life is doing.

The new soul is born into you when the Spirit-Being baptizes the
esh-man with a baptism of death. It is another soul or new fruit
being born of the animal spirit. The animal spirit is forgiven and
the acts of the past are forgiven. However, the soul dies or the
fruit it was bearing stops coming forth and his fruit changes. It is a
death to the soul and a new soul is born. However, a new soul is
not Eternal. The Theophany is the one with God’s Eternal nature,
soul, and when the esh dies; the new soul dies with it. It is not the
“same old soul” or it would produce the “same old fruit”. It is a new
soul and it produces new fruit during its time here on earth and
then that soul of the esh-man is done away with when the person
dies. When the esh-man dies you are no longer a “dual person” or
a “two-fold being”. You are then free of your tree of knowledge
and you are a “One-fold Person”.

122.        In my last mail you left one question unanswered, It was

about the “The difference of being saved and not having eternal
life” Emphasis on how we use the term save, and also in
reference to how Judas was saved.

We know that Justi cation, Sancti cation and the Baptism of the
Holy Ghost is upon the esh-man according to Joel 2 and Acts 2. It
is the Inner Spirit-Man, the Holy Ghost that ows out like an
is the Inner Spirit-Man, the Holy Ghost that ows out like an
artisan well and baptizes the esh-man with death and
regenerates him in newness of life. This is the real baptism and
when a man has a Theophany within that baptism is complete with
the creating of a new creation. When a man is called to this
experience he is justi ed by that baptism and his esh-man is
glori ed as Paul told us. This type work is the Work of the Holy
Ghost through his Word

140                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

and it can only happen to God’s elect before the foundation of the
world. So our calling, justi cation and election is sure and we
cannot fall because it is the Eternal Person that has done it. In this
act of God there is no turning back, we are Eternal and we created
a new creation to live our life here under the inspiration of the
Holy Ghost.

The quotes below give another way of receiving justi cation and
sancti cation, or being saved, and yet not coming all the way to
Pentecost or to the overtaking of the esh-man by the Theophany.
If there is no Theophany within to match with the move of the
Holy Ghost in the earth then a man that comes under the Holy
Ghost is a false anointed one. As the quotes below tell us that he
can be saved, sancti ed, accept Jesus as his savior and even
manifest the word in some ways. However, because he has no
representation on the inside to break forth and baptize him in the
esh-man there is no connection to the Eternal God. Look at the
quotes of the

prophet below.

40 Now, notice that this virgin though, she went into where there was
weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Let me say this, my precious
loving friend; ’cause usually at the church here, when I come here, I just
come here and have a healing service and pray for the sick, and out
across the country somewhere. But this is the time I been telling you a
long time, put your conscience in your pocket. Now, we want–we want
to come and be honest and true with one another, because we’re at the
last day. Yes. Now, there’s where you precious Nazarenes and Pilgrim
Holiness under sancti cation failed. See? Now, did you know Judas
Iscariot lived right up to that same place? Judas believed on the Lord
Jesus as Saviour, accepted Him as Saviour. And he also was sancti ed.
He was sancti ed in John 17:17, when Jesus said, “Father, sanctify
them through the Truth; Thy Word is the Truth.”

USAND.JEWS_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 425-492  SUNDAY_  60-1211M  
238    Now, the sleeping virgin, she lost her place; we know that. She
comes up in the judgment. And if she’s ever heard the truth, she’s
condemned. That’s right. You’ll never nd Jesus any place but where
you leave Him at. Judas could come up… Remember “The sleeping
virgins,” you say, “could be inspired by the devil?” Absolutely. “Still
living clean?” Yes, sir, Judas did: saved, sancti ed, preached Divine
healing, cast out devils. Why, he was just right straight up, almost the
same thing that the rest of them was. But when it comes to Pentecost,
that’s where he showed his colors. He did not receive the Holy Ghost,
and turned his heels up and denied the Lord Jesus. That’s exactly what
the churches did. When it comes to the Pentecostal blessing, they got
the churches did. When it comes to the Pentecostal blessing, they got
away from it. Oh, don’t you see it, class?



1124-288    And here, Paul speaking, if a man ever comes to a spot

that he’s been saved, and sancti ed (The Blood sancti es; Hebrews
13:12 and


2             141

13 says the Blood sancti es.), and then comes right up to the gate of
the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and because of prestige or
denomination refuses to walk in it, said, “That person is lost and can
never be saved” (See?); for he’s done despite even to the very works of
grace that’s called him up to that place and showed it to him, and then
turn around, walk away from it. He counts the Blood of the covenant
wherewith he was cruci ed–Christ was cruci ed as an unholy thing.
Because the Blood that saved him, and justi ed him, and sancti ed
him brings him up to the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And then walks
away and leave it…


1124-289    Now, watch that pattern. I’m taking a lot of time, but look.
Judas Iscariot followed those same tracks. He was justi ed by believing
on the Lord Jesus and then accepts Him as his personal Savior. He was
sancti ed and give power to cast out spirits;

We see another man in those quotes. It is a man unlike us. This
man comes under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost but has no
representation, no Holy Ghost, no Theophany within to catch the
revelation and make the deep match up with the deep which calls
us to our word, justi es us in his life and glori es us in our body
making us like his own glorious body of creation. We are new
creation by the inward baptizing the outward. These men that the
prophet was speaking of are men who do not have the Word Body
within and can go through two works of grace but have no Holy
Ghost Baptism by the Word Body within.

123.        This is my question. l know that the Blood in the Jesus

body was the Blood of GOD. Yet, why did he get old? Did Jesus
have this animalistic Spirit in his esh man? (in the blood). l don’t

Thank you for writing me and I’m humbled that you would have
the con dence in me that God would use me to give the answer to
this question. The prophet taught us that God gave us a spirit of
the earth to contact the earth. He gave us the Spirit-Man
(Theophany) to contact God. So we were given two contacts, the
earthly spirit and the Heavenly Spirit.
earthly spirit and the Heavenly Spirit.


11 Now, I believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and
forever. And I believe that in the beginning God made man in His own
image, and God is a Spirit. And God made man spirit-man. Then He
made him in the dust of the earth. Now, I believe that man in the
beginning, well, led the animals of the earth like the Holy Spirit ought
to be leaving the–leading the Church today. There was no man to till
the soul, so then He put him in ve senses. The ve senses were not to
contact God. Those were see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. They were to
contact his earthly home. But by his spirit he contacts God.

142                                          A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

In order for Jesus to contact the earth and have the ve senses
of the earthly man he had to have the animal spirit within his
blood. Yes, the blood was the blood of God, created by God.
However, so was Adam’s blood the blood of God and created by
God. Adam had that old animal nature in it and so did Jesus. The
difference is Adam failed and didn’t defeat that animal life and
Jesus did what Adam could not do. Jesus defeated the animal life
and its nature conquering all things.


157 But what’s happened to you, church? You’ve seen so much

television, so much things of the world; it’s so easy for your old Adam
nature to drift into that, to act like the rest of them.

Jesus was the last Adam which is the Lord from Heaven. Therein
was the difference. The rst Adam was the living soul that was
breathed into the esh and blood of Adam and it was an earthly
spirit. Corinthians 15 tells us

that this is true. The rst Adam was earthy and the Last Adam was
heavenly. Paul is revealing the act of being defeated and having
victory. Within those two is the answer. The earthly conquered in
the rst Adam and the Heavenly conquered in the Last Adam. It is
the revelation of Both Trees in the Garden of man. That which is
natural is rst and then that which is spiritual. The natural man
has his reign in the esh until the New Birth, the Lord from
Heaven, takes control of all things and then the victory is attained.

Yes, Jesus had an animal spirit to contact the earth just as you
and I do. Yes, Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead Bodily, the
Body of God rested in him and his blood was the Blood of God. He
did what Adam could not do. He defeated the animalistic instincts
and its nature bringing all things under subjection to him. Because
he had that esh and blood spirit life he was growing old and
would have died of old age had he not given his life for us. Thank
God he loved us rst and gave his all for us.

124.        Some questions for clari cation. I thought that the

interval, the Son of Man, last half of 70 weeks of Daniel started
in 1963 to 1965. If it is not, then what do we call the 1963-65
ministry of Brother Branham. What happened in 1956-1963?
Please elaborate more on this. Thank you and God bless.

Daniel said that it would be 1290 days from the time of the
abomination of desolation, set up in the holy place, to the
abomination of desolation, set up in the holy place, to the
“opening of the books”. If you take 673 A.D., and counting years as
Daniel did, you will nd that 673 A.D. + 1290 years (a day is a year)
the sum is 1963 A.D. From the time of the abomination of
desolation until the “Opening of the Seals – the revealing of the
books”, is exactly 1290 days as Daniel declared. It was 1963 A.D.
when Gabriel, (William Branham) blew his gospel trumpet and
opened the books revealing the revelation of the entire
dispensation. The time of the end had come and the prophet stood
in the “Interval Period” and revealed the entire picture of all
covenants. The “Interval Period” was from 1956 A.D. to 1963


2             143

A.D. when the books were revealed and entrance was made into
the third coming of Christ.

The interval period was the time of restoration by Malachi 4.
After the ending of the church ages, which was the rejection of the
Word through our prophet, in 1956 Laodicea rejected the Word.
Brother Branham said that 1956 was the nal call to the age. Then
the interval period was a period of time wherein all the doctrines
were restored, all the lost things were put into place and the
Malachi 4 prophet identi ed the ages past by revelation. That was
happening from the “Hebrew” series all the way through “The
Revelation of Jesus Christ” series of church ages, along with “The
Spoken Word is the Original Seed” series and right into Sunset
Mountain. All of the great truths lost had been restored. Then in
1963 the Messiahship, the Opening of the seals, and the Son of
Man ministry came on the scene to manifest the marriage of the
Lamb to the Bride of Christ. He ful lled that last half of Daniel’s
70th week after the interval period was completed by Malachi

4. He stepped into Revelation 10 and took the book of Revelation

5 and completed every thing prophesied of the Son of Man. He
introduced us to the Son of David ministry and then his ministry
began to decrease as the Son of David increased in the wife of

So the interval period was the completion of Malachi 4 and the
Son of Man ministry was the prophet opening the hidden things
and introducing us to the Son of David ministry that had come to
his throne. The Son of Man uniting the Son of David with the Son
of God. All three Sonships on the scene and that brought the

125.        Pastor Don ministers want to ask question just want to

know about the new birth, is it replacing? Changing? Cleansing?
or annihilation of old the soul?

The animalistic spirit remains in you until your esh body drops
back into the earth. That animal came with an old soul. The animal
is cleansed of that old soul and is converted to another soul, the
new soul. That animalistic spirit continues on with the new soul in
the esh man. The eternal soul controls that animalistic nature all
the days of its life after the new birth. At the end of the esh man
both the animalistic spirit and its new soul are annihilated and the
eternal soul, Theophany continues on. The new soul is of the esh
man and it’s the nature of the animal spirit. The eternal soul is of
man and it’s the nature of the animal spirit. The eternal soul is of
God and its the nature of your Theophany. We call it. 1) Old
creation, 2) New creation, 3) eternal person. The old and the new
will be annihilated the eternal person continues.   We say that the
animal spirit is Lucifer, the esh man is the serpent and the eternal
person is the Theophany.

126.        Pastor Don. I have question regarding thoughts of God.

When we were there in God’s thought. are we in physical word
form body? Additional question. Kindly elaborate on pre
existence of

144                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

soul and is the Word Body look like atom can be felt?

Yes, we were there in our word body. We had knowledge of all
that would happen to us but we came to earth to pick up our
experience and change our knowledge to revelation. The soul is
the theophany that is in man. The soul is just the nature of the
spirit. We were Theophany before the world was so the soul had
to pre- exists. Not like the Mormon doctrine of being in mortal
bodies in another world. That is wrong. But we did pre-exist in
Theophany, and that Theophany is of God, and has the nature of
God which is the soul. We were not reincarnated in a esh body of
mortality to another esh body. However, we were transitioned,
descended into esh bodies and now we are going after our
experienced is nished.

To think that we would go back to the next civilization in a esh
body this esh body is reincarnation and the prophet was against
that. Yes, I believe the word body can be felt. It looked like linen in
the Heavens, it looks like Pillars of Fire and it looks like lights
because it is a faster dimension and we are looking through our
natural eye of a slower dimension. The prophet went into that
dimension and it looked like it should and he felt them and hugged
them. The Theophany body is just faster and that’s what makes it
look different. It is made of a substance of God, called Faith. When
we step out of this dimension and speed up to that dimension we
will recognize them easily. Do you have the notes for tonight?

Amen, and amen. Pastor Don, it answered and cleared our
insight, thanks pastor don. Kindly include sister Joyce Sunga
suffering breast cancer. Doctor gives her little chance to live.

GB Ptr. Aromin. We are trusting the Lord. I believe you will have
the testimony of her healing. GB goodnight or good morning.

127.        Question regarding our inlets such as memory, etc do we

still have the inlets in the word form body. Are Angel’s just
symbols, like the Seraphim, Cherubs and Arc Angel?

Our animal spirit has the ve inlets to contact the earth with.
And yes, our Theophany spirit has ve inlets to contact God with.
The earth is (see, taste, feel, smell, hear) and the animal spirit is
memory, conscience, reason, affection, imagination. The animal
spirit is jus a perversion of our eternal person, the Theophany. The
eternal person all ten of those senses in him. We work those
senses toward God. (see, taste, feel, smell, hear, memory,
conscience, reason, affection, imagination) are all perfect senses
in the Theophany. Amen, it is good to hear from you brother Jess. I
believe that there are angels of other dimension that we will enjoy
and have friendships with. In this life we are the angels,
messengers, and we are the reality of those type angles. They do
not exist because I have seen them. They are real. God uses them
for us. We are now concentrating on the angels in the church, in
our Heaven. Christ forms Himself into Angels and visit us, such


2             145

as Michael, Gabriel, wormwood. They are real. These Angels are

form of Christ for this life. To help us through. Isaiah and Ezekiel
saw them with wings in the temple and in the heavens. I believe
that there are some that do have wings and others look like us.
The scripture show them with wings. Inside the cloud were some
with wings.

128.        Brother Branham said, Adam has two carnal act and
produces 3 sons rst carnal act produces Abel and Cain Please
explains Genesis 4:1-2, Is Abel by sex or spoken word? Is Abel
speaking as representation of Cain? Can you please give us some
speaking as representation of Cain? Can you please give us some
more understanding about Abel? Why Abel is not included in
Genealogy of Adam? Is Abel a Hidden mystery of the bible and
the message?

Concerning your questions. First I want to say that Cain was
only by the carnal act and didn’t have a Theophany, the Spoken
Word Seed. Abel had the representation in him, the Spoken Word
and so yes Abel came by the Spoken Word. However, we need to
understand that his Spoken Word part is the Theophany taking its
position into the esh-body by the Spoken Word. The carnal act
did not stop God from bringing his children into the earth. God
used the tree of Knowledge, the carnal esh-man to place his
representation in and continue his program right on through time.
The question is answered in a manner like this: Cain came by the
carnal act only and received a temporal animalistic spirit that
went out of existence at the death of Cain. Abel came by the
carnal act and received the animalistic spirit that went out of
existence at the death of Abel. The difference was Abel at the
same time of receiving the temporal nature he received the
Spoken Word Seed, the Theophany and it is eternal so Abel
continued on after his temporal part went out of existence.

Concerning the serpent, we know that the serpent is the esh
that Lucifer entered into. So the serpent is the esh and Lucifer is
its animalistic spirit that entered into it. The animalistic spirit of
Eve was talking to her through the serpent. She gave into the lust
of the esh, the serpent, she ate of its lie, or in other words she
accepted the lie as the truth. Lucifer through the serpent talked to
her and convinced her that she could bring forth children in
creation just like God did. She accepted the lie. It was not like God
did. God did it by the Spoken Word. She did it by a carnal act. Look
at where the carnal act took place. It was before Genesis 4.

First Act:

Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for
food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to
make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also
unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

146                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

She was deceived by her animalistic spirit and made to believe
that he body (tree) could bring forth children just like God could.
She lusted after the body of Adam the same as Adam did for hers.

Genesis 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew
that they were naked;

They both found out that the fruit was by partaking of a carnal
act together. This was the carnal act against God word with the
serpent (Their esh).

God immediately moved in condemning the act, cursing the esh
body, pronouncing the fall of creation and bringing on the
redemption plan through the fall. He instituted the covenant of
marriage and the fact that the woman was to be subjected to her
marriage and the fact that the woman was to be subjected to her
husband in this new covenant. It didn’t take moment or days or
minutes to complete, it was accomplished immediately through
condemnation by representation!

God judged the serpent (The esh) And its seed to come by
changing every bone in its body to become a baby from the
mothers womb. God judged the animalistic spirit in the esh
letting it know that it was given for

the dust body and would return back to where it came from going
out of existence. God judged the woman saying she could not
bring forth children like him but hers would be in sorrow and
death. This all happened upon the act of sin.

As the Prophet showed us the woman’s womb has a 24 hour
period wherein she can receive another seed. After the judgment
and less than 24 hours later Adam and Eve came together in a
carnal act that was blessed by God in Genesis 3 And when Eve
bore her children from those acts one was Cain in disobedience
and one was Abel by new covenant. Cain was without
representation and Abel had. Both came by esh and blood but
one also

came by spoken word representation.

Second Act:

Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare
Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

Genesis 4:2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a
keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Now we have two acts, one in Genesis 3:6 and the other in
Genesis 4:1. One was in disobedience and unbelief (sin) and the
other was after God gave them permission. Cain was of the evil
one and Abel was too, but Abel had representation that
overcomes the evil one. The seed of the esh has nothing to do
with the seed of promise. The “Shuck” (Flesh-man) is not heir with
the “seed” (spirit-man). Below is the third child and third act.


2             147

Third Act:

Genesis 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and
called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another
seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

One carnal act of the serpent (unbelief in disobedience to the
word of God in the Flesh-man) and two carnal acts of Adam after
the fall was judged and the permissive will of God was instituted.

Lastly, Abel was the perfect type of Christ, the tree of life that
had to die and come through the three of knowledge. He came and
gave His life just like Abel and then came back in resurrection
through the three of knowledge. Abel was Christ cruci ed and
Seth was Christ resurrected. All coming through the tree of
knowledge that would be replaced someday at the end of sonship.
SUNDAY_  63-0324M   477-3  {140}    Now watch, Not from the rst
seed of the natural,

they died. (Now, you got your minds open? See?) The rst seed of the
natural seed, just ordinary good, it typed the modern church: Abel. In
order to preserve that line coming down, that one died so another one
could raise up (You see?), so it has to be rebirth again. You catch it? All
right, just so you get it. See, see? There you are, the perfect type. So
even the natural man born of–of Adam, his father shows that natural
trend won’t work. The natural man doesn’t perceive the things of God.
So there was a man come natural and died in order to restore that
again, and is represented in the death of–of–of Abel and to replace him
by–by Seth.

God bless and I pray that these helps in your understanding

129.        Concerning the question that you have asked I will

answer it according to the message and what the Lord has shown
me. I have read many writings that are coming forth concerning
the scriptures of the shout, voice and trumpet. We know that the
Lord descended in Acts 2 at the day of Pentecost as promised
throughout the old testament. And we know that He gave them
the shout (A prophet getting the people ready), the voice (The
message that come forth from the Prophet and resurrected the
dead), and the trumpet (the wedding supper). All of these
happenings are 6TH dimensional when we catch the right view of
it. When we turn the picture to the right we see it as all already
happened. Watch some of the quotes and scriptures below and
this will fall into place for the believers.
this will fall into place for the believers.

“Jesus does all three of them when He was descending”


129 I want you to notice a great thing taking place here now. Don’t
miss this.

148                                          A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE


130 Three things happen. A voice… A shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to

happen before Jesus appears. Now, a shout… Jesus does all three of
them when He’s–He’s–He’s–He’s descending.


131 A shout, what is the shout? It’s the Message going forth, rst, the
living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride. Now, God has a way of
doing things. And He never changes His policy. He never changes His
po-… He’s the unchanging God. In Amos 3:7, He said, “He would do
nothing on the earth until rst He revealed it to His servants the
prophets.” And just as certain as He promised it, He’ll do it.

We can see that Brother Branham starts his message on “The
Rapture” by saying that Jesus does all three things while He is
descending and clearly Jesus began to descend in Acts 2 and did
all three things for each age by sending them a prophet (Shout), a
resurrection out of the graveyards (The Voice to Lazarus), and
wedding supper food (The trumpet calling them to

the feast). Every age received this cycle through their messengers.


152 Now, it’s the rst thing, is the sounding. The rst thing is a trumpet
and a… or a voice… A shout; and then a voice; and then a trumpet.
Shout: a messenger getting the people ready. The second is a voice of
the resurrection: the same voice, that, a loud voice in Saint John 11:38-
44, that called Lazarus from the grave. Getting the Bride together; and
then the resurrection of the dead, see; to be caught up with It. Now
watch the three things takes place. The next is what? Was a trumpet. A
voice… A shout; a voice; a trumpet.

THE.RAPTURE_  YUMA.AZ  V-5 N-14  SATURDAY_  65-1204 153

Now, the third thing, is a trumpet. Which, always, at the feast of
trumpets, is calling the people to the feast? And that’ll be the Bride’s
Supper, the Lamb’s Supper with the Bride, in the sky. See?

The cycle that we just followed through “the rapture” using the
Prophets own words are the cycle that God used in every age
standing there. The cycle is 1) A Prophet getting the people ready,
2) The believers resurrecting from their graveyards of sin into
newness of life, 3) The wedding supper food by the trumpet of the
Lord catching us up into His word. Remember in St. John 12 as
soon as Lazarus is resurrected the scripture says and they had a
great supper – The greatest Feast of the word for our hour.

John 12:1 Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany,
where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the

John 12:2 There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but
Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.


2           149

John 12:3 Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very

costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair:
and the house was lled with the odor of the ointment.

Notice it is at the great feast, the supper of God where Jesus had
a supper made that Lazarus sat at a table with Jesus. There is
where marry Annointed his feet and wiped them with her hair.
The house was lled with a sweet smelling odor. And who was
present at the great supper, the feast of God? Judas was still
around and showed his self at this supper just like he did at the
last supper.

John 12:4 Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son,
which should betray him,

John 12:5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence,
John 12:5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence,
and given to the poor?

John 12:6 This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he
was a thief, and had the bag, and bear what was put therein.

John 12:7 Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my
burying hath she kept this.

John 12:8 For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not

Jesus let Judas know that He would not always have Him.
However, He told the believers, “I will never leave You nor forsake
You”. Judas was revealed as one without the garment at the great
feast, the supper of the

Lord. It is happening now.


164 Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together, see, the shout.
And the trumpet… The same One, He, with a loud voice, He screamed
out with that shout and a voice, and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice
He cried, “Lazarus, come forth.” See? And the voice wakes up–wakes up
the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead.

165 And the trumpet, “with the sound of a trumpet.” And, when it
does, it calls. Always, a trumpet called Israel to the feast of the
trumpets. See? Which was a Pentecostal Feast, the great Feast in the
sky; and the feast of the trumpets. And, now, a trumpet denounced a
calling together, “Come to the Feast.” And now that is the–the Lamb’s
Supper in the sky. Now watch. The assembling together; and the Bride;
the feast of the trumpets, the Wedding Supper.

Notice what the Prophet did. He took away the natural trumpet
and a natural feast to a natural Israel. He places the feast of
trumpets as a

150                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

“Pentecostal Feast”, “The great Feast in the sky”, and then He says
that a trumpet called to the feast of trumpets. He comes right
back and shows who is Israel and who is hearing the trumpet and
who is going to the feast of God, the great supper, the wedding
supper. It is assembly together of the “Bride” under the feast of
trumpets, the wedding supper!

HE.EARTHLY.BRIDE_  JEFF.IN  V-3 N-5  SUNDAY_  64-0802 514
Now, grant it, Lord, that we’ll not be considered among them, but will
be in the call to the Wedding Supper. For, we do recognize Jesus among
us today. We’re going in with Him; out of the world, into Him. Let us
walk forth in that City, come out with Him.


Notice, the Prophet says that we see Jesus among us making the
call to the wedding supper in the quote above so that had to be
the trumpet because it is what takes us to the feast. Then in his
message “Who is this Melchisedec” below he plainly reveals to us
that we meet Jesus in the air at

the wedding supper and have communion with Him “Before” we

get home. We did that at sunset mountain and it was the trumpet,
the call to the wedding super to the sky. We went there before we
got home. We met him on our road home, but we are not there
yet. We are still here in our esh living the third sonship, the
manifestation of Christ in the son of David ministry.



108 But Melchizedec, after His child Abraham had won the victory,
Melchizedec met him and gave him wine and bread; showing that after
this earthly battle is over, we will meet Him in the heavens and take the
communion again. It’ll be the Wedding Supper. “I will not drink no more
of the vine, or eat the fruit, until I eat it and drink it with you, anew, in
My Father’s Kingdom.” Is that right?



109 Notice again, Melchizedec went to meet Abraham before he got

back home. What a beautiful type here we have! Melchizedec meeting
Abraham before he got back home, after the battle. We meet Jesus in
the air, before we get Home. That’s right.
Many are still waiting on that third part of the coming of the
Lord but they are in error. Jesus did all three as He descended and
He completed His descension fro Acts 2 to revelation 10. Many
are waiting on a wedding supper when we have received our
communion, our word, our Melchizedec before we reached our
home. When we see these happening as 6TH dimensional the we
can see them completed. God bless and I pray that this helps in our

130.        There are many writings in the end time circle about the
Seventh Seal. They believe in the coming in 1963 but they seem


2             151

still wait on the trump of God, the meeting in the air. They took it
from the message of the Prophet on the Rapture — Shout, Voice
and Trump. Please shed more light on this. God bless you.

Brother, I’m not sure what this new cycle holds for us in the
message. This is an exciting day for us as we are watching the
Revelation of Jesus Christ break open so many things through his
Spirit. I believe we have moved into a cycle that is opening to us
how to completely conquer the iniquity, the animalistic terrestrial
realm and be able to use this realm for the glory of God. It is our
understanding of the Theophany within, the terrestrial body being
understanding of the Theophany within, the terrestrial body being
glori ed and immortal by the indwelling of the Theophany that
has opened up this avenue to us. Now we know our enemy, we
know his nature, we know his devices and weapons and we can
walk through the battle eld with total victory.

It is now the season to overwhelm the earth with the glory of
God and step into the Pillar of Fire in a way that we have not
known before in the

terrestrial realms. The early church tasted of these things with

Paul catching up into the third heaven, Peter delivered from
prison, Phillip horizontally raptured across the earth, John caught
away into the Lord’s Day and now in this day Brother Branham
caught away into our day to speak with the angel and identify his
converts of the 6th dimension.

When I was in prayer in the Sangre de Christo mountains the
Lord gave me an experience that was very similar. I left my body in
the mountains as was sitting in my church watching the Sunday
morning service as Brother Rob Robinson was preaching. I
was1200 miles away in the mountains and watched the service. I
heard our sister speak in tongues and the interpretation came
forth. After the interpretation the sister turned around and
looked right at me in the assembly. I knew that she saw me in the
assembly and wondered if she would say something. She looked at
me twice. I was then caught back into my body of esh and wrote
down everything that happened while sitting there in the

When I returned home I read the interpretation to the assembly.
Afterwards the sister came up to me and said, “I saw you setting in
the back of the assembly on Sunday and I know that is how you
knew that interpretation. I knew she was telling the truth because
I saw her look at me. I had entirely left my body for a season,
traveled over 1200 miles in a few seconds and then came back to
the body. I looked at my body before I stepped back into it again. I
believe the Lord is bringing us to this point of revelation and
worship so we can contact one another and communicate the
gospel for the need of the Kingdom of God. This may be the cycle
that extends us to the point of no return to the terrestrial realm. I
do pray that it is so. We are completing the third sonship, the third
return to earth and it is the last one. To say this is the year of
dropping the esh, no one knows, however, we do know this is a
cycle that is leading us into that great day when we will no longer
have two bodies, but one.

152                                          A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

131.        Many brethren in the church have been urging me to

request for your comment regarding an event if possible to take
place in 2008. We understood these time frames in Daniel
12:11,12 : 673 A.D. to 1290 yrs. was 1963, the opening of the
Seals 673 to 1335 yrs. = 2008 is our day and the blessedness that
Daniel spoke of. 1963 to 2008 = 45 years (40+5): Prophet’s
visitation, March 1963 to your Angel’s visitation, March 2003 =
40 yrs. 2003 of our Message to 2008 this year = 5 years (Grace)

Five is a number of grace.  The prophet said that, “God sends His
power to the church; it’ll be His grace… God sends anything to us;
it’ll be His grace and not our merits. So it means something.”

132.        We felt that there might be a great move that God will
perform in His Wife within this 2008, as it is a Grace year. Could
this be the year of our dropping off of our esh man? President
Bush has been in his political career as the Lord’s king to protect
the remnant, but he is leaving the politics this year. Does this
mean also our going back, as we do not need protection on the
other side? Just your short comment Brother Don and just at
your convenient time. The Lord blesses you and our ministry.

Brother, It is good to hear from you again brother. Until a person
can accept that Sunset Mountain is what the prophet said it was,
the second coming, then the third coming will always be vague to
them in their minds. He said it was the second coming of Jesus
Christ. He said it was the Body of Believers. He said the opening of
the seals was the end of the New Testament as it was no longer a
mystery but revealed.

If we believe that the second coming is ful lled as he said time
and time again then we have to look at the scripture and the age
we are in altogether differently than we used to. We had grand
dreams and vision of a third coming just as Israel did. The
believer’s bubbles of utopia in world order and rule were popped
when they watched the reality take place in front of their eyes. I
think that is what is happening for people. They can’t believe the
ending of the second coming was so simple and hidden,
completely profound. They laugh at us when we say it, just as they
laughed at the prophets. That is okay, I see it completed and he
said he would never leave or forsake us so he has to be here in his
third sonship if the second is completed.
Read the 5th seal, the prophet said they were in bodies in that
sixth dimension that they will never change again. Every time I
mention these things I get the same reasoning back from people
who do not believe it. They say, “What are we going to do oat
around in spiritual bodies”? That is nonsense and you know it. The
prophet said that he “handled those bodies”, they were real and he
shook hands with them, hugged them and they were running and
shouting. They had all the senses and action and motions and


2             153

looks of the shadow body that we now wear. These bodies aren’t
real, just temporal. Nicodemus thought he would keep his esh
body too and wanted to know if he had to go back to mother earth
and be resurrected to get the new birth Jesus was talking about.
Jesus said to him what I would say to every man that thinks that.

Do people think that 6th dimension is “Spiritual” which means
“ oaties in the air”? That’s fairy tales and fables of natural brute
beasts, seeking to enter the Kingdom of God, but are chained in
outer darkness until their esh drops and their temporal spirit is
annihilated. Brother, the third coming is just another attribute of
Sonship. It is the Son of David attribute which was placed in the
body of the Bride at Pentecost in Acts 2. Since the coming of
Sonship God has singled out each attribute to show us what it is.
Sonship is not eternal brother. The earth was made for us to
recognize sonship. We have been doing so as believers for over
6,000 years now.

If there is to be some kind of natural rulership on earth then why
hasn’t it happened! We are well into the seventh millennium! We
hasn’t it happened! We are well into the seventh millennium! We
are well past the generation that saw the second coming of Jesus
Christ? We are absolutely into the third sonship but it has been so
misinterpreted that everyone is comparing the reality with the
symbols that we accepted as reality and coming up with total
failure. Well, God is not a failure! We are in the third sonship and
the Son of God, Son of Man have revealed themselves completely
in the earth. Now the Son of David is doing so. If it is not what a
person interpreted it to be then throw away the symbol and
accept the reality in front of us. I’m still learning how to do this
and our people are too, but we are doing it because we see “Thus
Saith The Lord” on the second coming completion.

Do we have to give an answer? Sure we do. I’ve proved time and
time again that the second coming is complete. Nowhere did Jesus
say he was coming back in that esh body. That esh body did its
work and he is in his Eternal Body. Sonships are not Eternal. Let’s
not try to make sonship eternal by putting everyone in a body of
sonship and call that reality. Reality is Eternal. Jesus is manifesting
in his Eternal Body and when he wants to form himself into a
second form he can but it is not Eternal. The 6th dimension is not
“ oaties in the atmosphere” my brother. It is more real than any
temporal thing that we try to accept as God. The prophet was in
his real body and bit his nger to check and see if it was reality. He
didn’t want to go back inside that esh-body that he saw moving
on the bed.

What was the earth made for? The earth was made for our
glori cation, for our experience, for our growth from knowledge
to revelation. We are predestinated here and the prophet was
clear that “only” the seed was predestinated! He was very clear
that the seed is the word and the word is our Theophany. The
Theophany was predestinated to come to the earth and pick up a
body for its glori cation. We had knowledge but no experience so
the Theologian had to put on a dirt body for a season to gain the

154                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

of his knowledge. The Theologian puts on a temporal body and

catches the experience to match his knowledge and this converts
his knowledge to “revelation”. Each person coming in seed had an
Elected Piece of Earth to come to and live through the
glori cation. The esh-man is moved through translation, mortal
to immortality, corruption to incorruption, bare grain to a body
that pleases Him. The Theophany is predestinated and the esh-
man is elected by the Theophany to live in and gain our
experience. Once time is nished then the Theophany will leave
that body of time and move on. The earth is everything we needed
for a season of Sonship, but that season is about over. No sonship
is Eternal.

Jesus won’t be coming back here in that esh body he wore for
33 years. He nished his work there and has moved on to a
greater work. That body was not God but God used that Body to
ful ll the scripture and then move on. To place a temporal body
into your minds and expect that to be an Eternal Mix with God is
heathenism at its best. To disrespect that body while God was in it
was to bring the wrath of God. However, to take that body and
keep it ruling in some form after the resurrection or in the world
to come is to do exactly what the “Two Lords” group has done.
They can’t seem to have an end to the esh-body. Old creation has
an end brother York, and new creation has an end to it. Only the
Person that is “NOT CREATED” is the Person without end. Jesus is
Person that is “NOT CREATED” is the Person without end. Jesus is
now forever after the order of Melchizedec.

Will we see Jesus in a Body form on the other side? That is a silly
question. Jesus can form himself into whatever form he wants to
and if he wants to look like us in a body form then he will push
himself out of the Pillar of Fire and stand there and look at us and
shake hands and hug us and enjoy life Eternal. However, his
Eternal Body remains the same. Jesus was here before his human
body, Jesus was here in his human body, and Jesus is here after his
human body. He nished his work in that esh body. We did
inherit the earth. We were predestinated here in Theophany and
picked up a piece of earth at our natural birth and then took rule
and enjoyment over that earth as our inheritance. We already did
that and are now enjoying our inheritance.

We did take on a body likened unto Christ after our nal
resurrection. Christ’s esh-body was new creation and we put on
new creation and inherited our esh-body as a reward for serving
Christ in this life. We are ruling the piece of earth that we live in
right now if we have the new birth. You will never rule my piece of
earth and I’ll never rule yours. Did Paul and John say, “All things
are made new”? God gave us this earth like we would give our
children a playground, a place to have fun until we mature and
understand one another and our different personalities. When we
become mature we don’t want to go outside and play on the
playground anymore, the sandbox was real fun to play in until we
became mature. I’ve hung that part of my life in the hall of memory
never to go back there because I’m more mature than that now. It
is just like human nature to want to keep what we got and never
change and feel real secure with those things. The people
2             155

at Lighthouse Christian Fellowship know what I believe and the

brethren that look at the teachings know that we are past the
second coming which can only put us in one place; “The Third
Coming” in Son of David Ministry. Use deductive reasoning in your
revelation! If we are past the rst coming and we are past the
second coming then where are we? It’s time to reevaluate our
traditions of the Son of David and step up to the reality and laying
aside the symbols we created in misrepresentation.

We are changing, we are maturing, and we need to move
forward past the second coming. Unless of course we do not
believe it is completed. Then that is where the misunderstanding
is at for you. I am not confused at all. I know where most brothers
stand on this issue of the second coming. When a person is
standing opposite the veil from me then he will never see the
vision that I see. I guess my question would be, “Do you believe
that the second coming is nished”. If not then you will never
reconcile my message with your thinking.

First Coming = Redeemer

Second Coming = Pentecost to Sunset Mountain – Catching away

Third Coming = Revelation 10 – Opening of the Seals

Something else I would like to ask you concerning the 3rd.
coming. After the annihilation of all sin. You said that God will
clean the chaos up and we will have his perfect order in the 6th.
Dimension of his Eternal Word. = =3rd. coming? So what does that
Dimension of his Eternal Word. = =3rd. coming? So what does that
mean? We are going to live in a 6 dimension after all sin in
destroyed. What in – Spiritual bodies only. Does not the Bride
inherit the earth and have bodies likened to Christ after our  nal

= esh and blood system dropping off.   Are we not to rule the
planet as did Adam and Eve? And as Matt.5 says we shall inherit
the earth.

So this part of your message is the most unclear to me. I try and
understand it. I guess I just need is put more in simplicity of
Words. You said that there is no promise in the scripture for a
natural rule of any natural kingdom on earth. I am looking at your
email you send me a year ago or so and Have read it over and over.
But do not understand this statement.

So what this does to me and probably hundreds or thousands of
others like myself is that we dont know what to look for in the
future then. So it leaves you hanging in nowhere land. Cause if we
do not inherit the earth to rule as God’s plan of salvation was in
the beginning. Then what is salvation for. To oat around in the
sky some here in the 6th. dimension.

The hour is too late to play around and I’m not trying to be
forward. So please do not take me that way. I just got to be frank
about things anymore.  My soul and my family and people that
look to me for answers need to know what we really believe and
have to look forward to.

133.        “PROPHECIES FULFILLED IN US” PART 5 “Daniel 12:11-

12 –
156                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

THE 1290 & 1335 DAYS”

I was reading through the writings of a brother in Australia
concerning the nal half week of the 70th week in Daniel’s
prophecy. He believes as most believe in the message that there is
a coming tribulation, a coming Moses and Elijah, a coming Temple
of Solomon, a coming Millennium and a coming Antichrist. The
brother was emphasizing the thought of the new Temple of
Solomon being resurrected on the same grounds as the present
Mosque of Omar. Most in the nominal message world believe that
a resurrection of the Temple on the Temple Mount will be the last
anointed Temple of the Lord. And that newly constructed Temple
will carry all the way through all of their expected events to the
ending of a future millennial reign. That is denominational
teaching of an unclean spirit as we have already ful lled that
prophecy of Daniel.

The prophet taught us that the last “Most Holy Place” has
already been anointed and that is the Wife of Jesus Christ, the
New Jerusalem, and the City of God. You can see the quote of our
prophet below where he plainly places the anointing on the Wife
of Christ. In order to help everyone understand Daniel’s prophecy
a little history will reveal the truth. There was a “Timber Mosque”
built by the rst Omar while under the pressures of war and
terrorism and they did not worship in the mosque built by timbers
until 673 A.D. at which time the temple worship was set up. The
timber mosque construction was started in 638 A.D. but through
timber mosque construction was started in 638 A.D. but through
the wars it was not completed and worshipped in until 673 A.D.
The people started their worship bringing abomination to the
Holy Place. 638 A.D. to 673 A.D. was turmoil, war, and ghting for
35 years and there was no worship within the mosque during that
period. The reason that the second mosque was built was to give
them a better building to worship in and receive world notoriety. 
Also, the new mosque was built for their protection while they
worshipped. It was nished as said and worship began in the new
Mosque of Omar in 698 A.D.

I know there are three dates to be looked at in order to see the
ful llment of Daniel’s prophecy. We know that 70 A.D. was when
the Roman General, Titus ful lled the rst part of the prophecy.
Was the abomination of desolation set up in 638 A.D. when the
temple construction was started? Or was it the date of 673 A.D.
when the worship on the mount was instituted in the mosque? Or
was it the date of 698 A.D. when the new temple mosque was
completed that we see standing today?  We have to match the
date to Daniel’s prophecy of three things in order to make it a
valid prophecy ful lled. Daniel said, 1) “The daily sacri ce would
be taken away, 2) “The abomination of desolation would be set
up”, 3) “1290 years would expire and then the books would be
revealed”. Was it the time of the triumph over Jerusalem for
Caliph Omar? Was it the starting of worship in the timber mosque
in 673 A.D.? Or was it the establishment of the newly built
mosque named after Caliph Omar? The prophecy will tell us if we
follow it. There is only one date that matches the cycle of that
prophecy fully. The worship was


2             157
set up and the abomination of desolation started when the people
began to worship in that temple. The desecration of the holy place
was in 673 A.D. in the mosque made of timber. Let me tell you why.

Daniel said that it would be 1290 days from the time of the
abomination of desolation, set up in the holy place, to the
“opening of the books”. If you take 673 A.D., and counting years as
Daniel did, you will nd that 673 A.D. + 1290 years (a day is a year)
the sum is 1963 A.D. From the time of the abomination of
desolation until the “Opening of the Seals – the revealing of the
books”, is exactly 1290 days as Daniel declared. It was 1963 A.D.
when Gabriel, (William Branham) blew his gospel trumpet and
opened the books revealing the revelation of the entire
dispensation. The time of the end had come and the prophet stood
in the “Interval Period” and revealed the entire picture of all
covenants. The “Interval Period” was from 1956 A.D. to 1963 A.D.
when the books were revealed and entrance was made into the
third coming of Christ.

Daniel saw the true believers in the day of the opening of the
books and said, “They are a wise people and they shall know their
God and shall shine

forth as the rmament of the heavens”. We ful lled the 1290 days
prophecy 45 years ago in 1963 A.D. We certainly cannot set dates
in this day and age because 1963 at the opening of the seals ended
time for us and we are in eternity as it is unfolding now. However,
Daniel did say right after his prophecy of 1290 days, “Blessed are
those people that come to the 1335 days”. If you do the math
adding 1290 + 45 it is 1335 and that is 45 days (years) after 1963
A.D. That would put us 1290 + 45 = 1335 or 2008 A.D.
A.D. That would put us 1290 + 45 = 1335 or 2008 A.D.

I’m not a date setter and I’ve watched every date that man set go
past us and God continues to unfold his eternal revelation. I
believe dates have little to do with God and it is more what I call
“Cycles”. God moves his people into “Cycles” and moves them
through those cycles for them to gain their understanding; their
glori cation. We came through “seven cycles” of the seven church
ages. We came through a “cycle of maturity” starting at the
opening of the seals. I believe we are now moving into a “higher
cycle” again, a catching up of the believers, and I believe the
“cycle” change is happening and the people are being caught up
much deeper into the message that God brought to us at the end
of the 1290 days. The traditional rags are dropping and the
believers are raptured. The traditionalists are beginning to say,
“But I thought the rapture was suppose to happen”, and we are
looking at them and saying, “It already happened and you missed
it”! Daniel saw the “cycle” change and wrote the prophecy and
now we are experiencing it. It is not calendar dates but it is cycles
of God’s purpose that we are moving through. Below is what I was
saying about the Anointing of the Most Holy Place.

This is now the 1335 days, 45 years after the opening of the
books, the

158                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

revealing of the completed gentile dispensation and the ending of

the second coming of Jesus Christ. There was a generation that
just passed us by who rejected the prophet and a “Cycle of
Maturity” was upon us while the next generation was raised to
believe the Spoken Word and its Messianic sign of the
Messiahship in the Revelation 10 prophet. We are “The next
generation”! We have arrived and we have come through our
“Cycle of Maturity” and blessed are we for we have come to the
1335 years.

JEFF.IN  DA 45-88  SUNDAY_  61-0730E 116 Now, to anoint the
most Holy. Now, this may be a little bit strange for just a minute to
many of you teachers, but I–just hold it just for a minute; let’s see how
it comes out. This is the anointing, not of a man… Jesus is already
anointed. Is that right? The Book of Acts said that God anointed Jesus
with the Holy Ghost, and He went around doing good, and healing the
sick, and so forth. Jesus is already… He is Messiah; and “Messiah”
means “the anointed one.” Is that right? But here at the end time He’s
to anoint the most Holy. What is the most Holy? To my way of seeing it,
which I believe I can prove it by the Scripture, is to anoint the most
Holy, which will be the Tabernacle that’ll be used during the

JEFF.IN  DA 45-88  SUNDAY_  61-0730E 124 God came into the
sanctuary that was to be anointed and was given over to Him for the
people to come to worship. So to anoint not thy holy place, but to
anoint the most holy place… And we notice that New Jerusalem is the
most holy place, and the anointing will be upon the New Jerusalem
that descends from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for
her husband. The anointing will be upon them.


DA 45-88  SUNDAY_  61-0730E 126 Now, when Zerubbabel

DA 45-88  SUNDAY_  61-0730E 126 Now, when Zerubbabel
dedicated his temple after it was rebuilt, it was not anointed again,
because it was already been anointed, and been tore down, or it was
just instructed again. The destruction had it–come to it. It had been
instructed again and put up, so there was no anointing of it any more.
When it was one time anointed, that carried on through, and it goes on
till this very time. But when God sets up the Millennium Tabernacle, He
will anoint the most Holy, not thy holy, but the most Holy. But when the
King takes His throne for one thousand years… Glory She’s over now.
The anointing of the most Holy will be the last thing take place.

The prophet was clear that the anointing of the Most Holy was
the last thing to take place and he was clear that the City, “The
New Jerusalem” is “The most Holy place”.  Now let’s look at what
he says about the City, The New Jerusalem.

SATURDAY_60 1210 277 … a pillar in the temple of my God, and I
will write


2             159

upon him the name of my God… Now, what’s the Name of God? Jesus.
If you want to jot this down (We’re getting a little late.), “Jesus.”
Ephesians 3:15 said in heaven and earth all’s named Jesus. You see? All
right. All right. Now. All right. … and the name of the city of my God,
which is the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my
God: I’ll put on him… (Oh, you can see it’s all the same Name, if you’d
already caught it. See, see?)… I’ll put on him the name of the city of my
God, “The City,” He goes ahead and say, “which is the New Jerusalem
(See?), the New Jerusalem. I’ll put on him the New Jerusalem.” Now, the
Bride, or the church, is the New Jerusalem. How many knows that? The
church itself is the New Jerusalem. You believe that?

We can see that Revelation 10:8-11 is the Bride, the City, The
New Jerusalem and She is the Last Temple to be anointed. Her
anointing is now! The angel Gabriel came and anointed her as the
Most Holy Place at the Opening of the Seals in 1963, the
Dedication of the Bride Temple by our prophet William Branham.
He was dedicating more than the Branham Tabernacle in his
message “God In Simplicity” at the opening of the seals. The Last
Temple, the Most Holy Place, the New Jerusalem, the Wife of
Jesus Christ is anointed and there will not be another anointing.

Daniel 11:31 And they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and
shall take away the daily sacri ce, and they shall place the
abomination that maketh desolate.

Daniel 11:32 The people that do know their God shall be strong, and
do exploits.

Within the scripture of Daniel 11:31-32 is the revealing of the
seven church ages and two parts to the prophecy that were
ful lled with Titus, the General of Rome, and Calif Omar, the
leader of Islam. There were seven mighty men who led their
people and did exploits. And then Daniel comes back in his
prophecy in Daniel 12:10-11 and shows the rest of the prophecy
prophecy in Daniel 12:10-11 and shows the rest of the prophecy
with 1290 years expiring from the abomination built in the mount
to the prophet William Branham opening the books and revealing
the ending of the three part prophecy.

Daniel 12:10 Many shall be puri ed, and made white, and tried; but
the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand;
but the wise shall understand.

Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacri ce shall be taken
away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be
a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

The above scriptures end the three part prophecy and
“Behold”! Who are these people in Daniel 12:12 coming up out of
the wilderness of that time

160                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

period? 45 years after the opening of the seals!  Rising out of a

generation of chaos wherein the Messianic prophet was rejected!
We are a “Blessed People” that waited patiently to see the
maturity come to its completion.

Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand

three hundred and ve and thirty days.

This may be a little bit strange to some of the teachers but this
is my way of seeing it. Look at it closely and you’ll nd it’s in his
message. It is a mighty people who walked through the furnace of
re and exited the furnace of the second coming without the smell
of smoke upon them. This day, this scripture is ful lled before our
Eyes! The command given to the Theophany, the Spirit-man: “Go
forth and multiply and replenish the earth”. This is the Rising of
the Sun, the third coming of Christ.

134.        Please like you to help explain these things to me. How
did the ministry of Moses and Elijah ful ll with all that the Bible
say will happen in their time? How did the white throne
judgment take place? When will the new heaven and earth be
with its new civilization where there will be no day and night,
disease, sickness etc.? If rupture, millennium and others have
taken place already what are we waiting for now? If Church Ages
are over are we supposed to cease doing things which are done
in the church?

Why does the Prophet keep talking about the coming of Christ in
the future if he came in his time?

I will put you on our email series list and begin to send to you
each of these subjects that you have questions about. We have
written numerous emails and letters on this subject. I pray that all
is well and you are continuing to look at these things. I will give
you some short answers but I will be sending you many things
about these subjects.

The ministry of Moses and Elijah were ful lled in the seventh
angel message and the message was rejected. The prophet
indicted them for crucifying Jesus (Moses & Elijah). Then he
brought the new ministry of Moses and Elijah back to earth from
Sunset Mountain which is the Son of David Ministry for the
Hebrew that is of the Royal Seed of Abraham.
Hebrew that is of the Royal Seed of Abraham.

The White Throne Judgment started in Acts 2 when the door to
the revelation of Jesus Christ was opened and every person is
judged for the way that they receive or reject this message that
God has given to his Holy Prophets.

The New Heaven and New Earth are here now. The New
Jerusalem, the Wife of Christ, the Church is the new heaven and
new earth. We are dwelling inside of Eternal life and it is dwelling
in us. That makes us new creation.


2             161

We have been raptured and are living in the baptism of the Holy
Ghost which is the long awaited “Rest” that the prophets declared.
We are now growing in his knowledge and revelation of the Third
Coming and will leave these bodies of esh behind one day. That is
what we are waiting on now, the separation from the esh-man.

The church ages are in fact over the prophet said it in many
places. The Body of Christ is still in the earth and we are to
continue fellowshipping in the Body of Christ. Denomination has
never been of God but the Body of Christ is God and we continue
fellowshipping one with another.

The coming of Christ is just one great coming and that is why he
kept talking about it. Christ has come and he is doing all that he
said that he would do in this earth. We are not looking for another
coming of the Lord. We are trusting him to do all he said he would
do now that he is hear. That is what the prophet is talking about.

135.        Brother Don, be that as it may, kindly throw some light

on the signi cance of the great white horse, the war bonnet,
riding off the west. and from the west comes a white horse rider.
This enable me obtain the full understanding of the dream. God
bless you.

Concerning the vision of brother Walker and brother Jackson
when they were with brother Branham, it is a great vision that
God is ful lling in this day. The “Great White Horse” is the power
and authority of God in his pure word. The white horse rider of
Revelation 19 couldn’t return until the purity of the Word was on
the scene. The horse is power and white is maturity and purity.
Concerning the war bonnet that was being worn, the war bonnet
is the “Authority of the Chief Rider”. He is none other than Jesus
Christ Himself back in the earth and riding with us in this nal
ride. I have studied war bonnets and Native American Indian
history being a large portion Wyandotte Indian.

The War Bonnet is a symbol of his victories. Each

feather, each color, each bangle, each bone, every little piece
signi es a victory of the great chief. And the feathers, bangles and
bones are all from his youth and into maturity as he conquers
earthly animals in hunting, and heavenly fowls in his wisdom to
capture them. As he conquers and matures the Native Indians
believe that the cunningness and shrewdness enters them after
the kill. Each feather, bangle and bone is a symbol of a fowl or
earthly animal that has given them their power and authority. We
are wearing many great victories in our war bonnet of the third
are wearing many great victories in our war bonnet of the third
coming. The Son of David ministry, the resurrection, the rapture,
the meeting in the air, the wedding supper, the millennium, the
body change and so many other glorious victories over

The horse was the greatest animal of authority, agility, power in
their day. A white horse showed the signi cance of the Indian
Chief. Geronimo of the

162                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Apache tribe always rode a White Horse in symbol of his authority

as a prophet. The riding into the west was purely the prophet
knowing that he was going to go west to Sunset Mountain and
receive the revelation according to the angel that he spoke with
beyond the curtain of time. Once the trip was made to Sunset
Mountain then the message was to return back with the prophet,
the Spirit and the Bride saying, “Come”. In the dream of brother
Jackson he told of seeing a light traveling at lightning speed and as
it came closer it was Brother Branham on White Horse. The
prophet said that he knew what that was and it was those ying
saucers. He said it was the Theophany and it would pick us up one
day. I rmly believe that the visions were a con rmation of the
Celestial Beings entering the Third Coming of Christ and we were
actually caught up into this greater revelation as spoken by our

Below is the vision of Reverend Walker. I place some comments
in color, CAPPS, and separated from the words of Brother
Branham to help.


257 He said, “Mr. Branham, I realize I got to stand before God.” He
said, “I don’t know whether I was asleep or what happened.” He said, “I
dreamed. I’m going to say I was asleep and I dreamed.”

258    Said, “I thought my son, in the market, stuck his hand in a–a
sack.” And said, “When he did, it was a sack of apples, and they all
turned over.” Said, “When I went to pick them up, they was all green
apples with one bite

taken out of them.” The apples are seed word for our day. The apples
are green and one bite was taken from each apple. This showed the rst
ride of the word and it showed that the people were green without
understanding. Said, “I was picking them up; put them back in the
sack.” Said, “Some of them rolled out, and rolled down, so I went to try
to get them, and under… on the grass.” And said, “They rolled under
one of these chain-lock fences. And there was a big super highway run
in there. Reverend Walker was a denominational preacher and was
trying to keep the seed word of apples in the denominational sack. He
wanted to prevent them from getting outside

the chain link fence. This is what the message clergy is doing today.  I
looked back east, and,” he said, “the–the–the chain was hooked against
a–a big rock back in the east. And I went back there, and thought I’d let
this chain down, then go over and get the apples for the man.” Said, “I
started to let the chain down.” [Some of the seed word had already
rolled under the fence and got outside the denominational barriers. He
was beginning to see himself that the Chain – link fence needed to
come down. The apples had rolled out on the “Super Highway”; thank
God we got out from that mess!



259      Said, “A voice shook the whole earth.” Said, “The earth shook,
from under my feet.” And said, “After it quit shaking, I heard a voice.”
And said, “Brother Branham, it was your voice,” said, “I knowed; there
was something said that.” Said–said, “It said, ‘I’ll ride this trail once


2             163

260    And said, “I started looking up the rock, like this, and looked on,
in a past the clouds. And way up there, standing on a rock that reached
from the east to the west, in a pointed shape like that, like a pyramid,
run back here to the east, and,” said, “there you were standing there, on
a horse that I never seen anything like it in my life; great white horse,
white mane hanging down.” And said, “You was dressed like an Indian
chief, with all the things the Indians use.” Said, “He had a breastplate;
them bangles on the arms, and all down around like that.” Said, “You
had your hands up like that.” And said, “That horse standing there like
a military horse, with a prance like this, walking,” me standing still. And
said, “You pulled on the reins, went riding off towards the west.” The
Seventh Angel voice nished the Church Ages and east met west in a
great pyramid rock of revelation. The ride was another ride for the
simple fact that the scream placed him in the rst ride. He said, “I’ll ride
this trail once more”. The second time was after he went west or went
off the scene. He nished the ages and moved us into an astronaut age
of scientist and intellectual men. Thank God we saw the power of the
chief and all His victory in what he was hearing.


261      Said, “I looked down there, and there were a whole lot of
scientists.” And the next morning… That was Saturday. On the next
morning, I preached on scientists, you know, being of the devil. And
said, “Scientists there were pouring things in tubes, and mixing it.” Said,
“You stopped the horse, raised up your hands again and screamed, ‘I’ll
ride this trail once more!'” And said, “The whole earth shook. Them
people shook,” said, “looked up and looked at one another, like that,
and looked up to you. They just shrugged their shoulders, went on with
their scienti c research.” And said, “You started going on towards the
west.The prophet had to leave the scene for the ministry to begin. It
was August of 65 and he left the terrestrial scene in December of that
year. He rode west, or his message was nished for us. God moved the
White Horse into view. After his departure there are always men who
try to take that power and take it with a false word. That is what we
see below.

262    “And when it did,” said, “I seen this man that called himself a
prophet, you know,” said, “he come up on a horse that was mixed with
white and black together.” And said, “He got up behind this great big
horse.” Said, “It was,” said, “way up above the clouds, and the road
wasn’t over about that wide.” And said, “That horse just danced, to the
wind blowing the feathers and everything on–on your garb,” and said,
“then the horse mane and tail blowing. Great master, big white horse,
walking right in line.” [This is us in our day and its message! Way above
(or beyond) the time of sunset mountain (the cloud) and we are walking
right in line with the word. Great master, big white horse and it is our
third coming of Jesus Christ.] And said–and said, “This guy ran up
behind you, come from towards Canada,” and the man lives in Canada.
And he said, “Come back, and,” said, “he took his little horse, trying to
knock your big horse off; turning him around; make his hips hit against
the…” Said, “It never moved the big horse; he just kept
164                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE


263    Said, “Then, all of a sudden,” said, “you turned around.” Said,
“That would be the third time you had spoke, but the second time you
said ‘I’ll ride.'” And said, “You didn’t speak like you did. You
commanded.” Said, “You turned around and called the man by name,
and said, ‘Get off of here! You know that no man can ride this road here
without God be ordaining him to do it. Get off of here!'”

That is our cry now to the men in the reverend walkers’ place,
who do not see the great ride happening around us. We are crying,
“Get off this message if You can’t ride with the third coming. Many
are trying to ride with the second coming, and it is killing them.


264      And said, “The man turned around.” And said, “The man has
wrote me letters.” And said, “Across his horse’s hips,” that black and
gray, and mixed up together, said, “across his horse’s hips was wrote his
name, signature just exactly like is on his letter. And he rode off towards
the north.”

265    Said, “Then you went on down; that big horse turned around,
way as far west as you could.” Said, “You stood and raised your hands
up like that.” Then he started crying. Said, “Brother Branham, to see
that horse standing
that horse standing

there; all that war bonnet and everything like that, and,” said, “that
breastplate and everything shine.” Said, “You held your hands up a little
while.” And said, “You looked down again, picked up the reins, said, ‘I’ll
ride this trail just once more!'” Said, “The whole earth shook back and
forth, like that.” And said, “There was no more life left in me; I just fell
down aside of the rock. Then I woke up.” Said, “What does it mean, sir?”
I said, “I don’t know.”

Brother Branham did not know what it meant. The reason why is
because it was not his ride, it was not his time and it was not his
place to know. He was given a commission and ful lled his
commission. What he was hearing was another ride after passed
through the veil.

136.        Shalom Brother Parnell. Just arrived from Manila. Been

blessed to be with Ptr. Aromin’s rst Sunday service. Yes, there
will be many to come the next days. They were so grateful to be
free at last. Just want some clari cation regarding the old soul.
When it got converted, was the soul cleansed, transformed and
become a new soul? or was it changed by replacing it with a new

Amen, that is great. I saw the pictures. Amen, when a man rejects
the word he becomes a tyrant on the people. A taskmaster. The
soul is a new soul, the old soul died, but the animal life in the blood
did not. The soul is just a nature of the life in the blood. So the soul
changed or died. It stopped manifesting. The animal life
manifested another nature. It is cleansed so to speak because it
does not show up the same. It dies so to speak because it


2             165

is another nature. It can’t live. The animal life lives. The true death
is when the animal life dies at the death of the esh. If there is
someway that I could say it. The life is the animalistic life. The life
is not the soul. The animalistic life is converted to manifest a
cleaner nature while it is alive for the rest of its days. The animal
was once mean, hatred, malice that was the nature of its life. The
animal life converts to another nature, not another life, just a
nature of its life while it is alive. Then it dies and the soul that
sinned is judged and dies with the esh man, the animal life. It is
forgiven in this life and dies at the death of the esh. You can send
tis to the brethren if you want to.

137.        As ministers with congregation, would you share to us

how you dealt these Changes in your congregation? Did you too
humble and said i am wrong? I’m referring on these changing of
the soul teaching and claiming our love ones. On changing of the
Soul: You said that the annihilation happens only when the esh
dies, you mean to say that when the Holy Ghost came down and
burned the old soul you are saying that old nature was still there
with the new soul altogether? Making the thought “two natures
at the same time”? Or two souls at the same time?

I preached the truth of the revelation to them and as I went
along in the messages I showed them the changes and said, i was
wrong, but now we
wrong, but now we

have it right and let’s pull together and move further in the
revelation. It is God’s grace to move forward and they accepted
the truth. The animal spirit remains alive until the esh dies. The
nature of that animal is changed. It dies, comes to newness of life
and is redeemed, forgiven to live in peace with the Theophany.
The new soul lives in peace with the Eternal soul until death in the
esh. Then the animal spirit dies with its nature annihilates and
the Eternal soul continues.

Yes, you have two natures at the same time right now. The
animalistic spirit has a new nature changed from the old. The
Theophany has a nature and that is its soul. They are living
together. The Theophany is living in peace with the animal, leading
him just like Adam did. This time we are not ordained to fall, we
are ordained to live in this millennium with the animal and live in
peace. The three holy, holy, holy, is the 1) the esh-man, 2) the
animalistic spirit in the blood, 3) the new soul, all crying holy as the
devil fears and trembles in the blood. When the esh dies, the
animal and its nature dies. Then we will be onefold and not a
twofold being. We will be Theophany.

138.        Can we align the thought in church ages where

BrotherBranham said? The new creation is not the old creation
made over. In another message he said the old soul must die, you
can’t patched it up or smoothen it out, it’s got to die. Did i
understand your thought right? You are saying that the old soul

166                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE


was converted or made over into a new soul?

Yes, the new creation is a new nature. It is not the same. It dies
and the animalistic spirit is converted to “ANOTHER NATURE”, A
NEW NATURE. The esh-man is baptized with the Holy Ghost;
the Theophany poured out upon it and made us Spoken Word
bodies, of new creation.

The old soul dies, and it is the same animal until death but a new
nature or soul. The Theophany, the Rod, the King’s Sword in the
esh body rules the new creation of spoken word body and new
soul. The animal comes under subjection to the Theophany and
remains until the natural death of the esh.

139.        Yes, the old soul dies, but it’s when the esh goes back to
the earth. Meaning that old soul is still there while the esh is
living…is it right?

No, the animal is still there but the soul dies and is in newness of
life, in the regeneration. The animal is the one that stays in the
blood and you convert him to “Another nature”. Not the same
nature. Your esh body is regenerated by the baptism of the
Theophany, your animal is converted to another nature, the old
Theophany, your animal is converted to another nature, the old
nature died.

140.        Are you saying that it is cleansing and not changing?

New heaven is the new nature; new earth is the spoken word
body. The

soul is new, the body is spoken word, and the animal is cleansed
by forgiveness and subjected to the Theophany. So when you

recognize your day and its message this is what happens. The
esh is moved from sex birth to the spoken word body by a new
birth. That is the new creation. The animalistic life in the blood
remains because it is the spirit given to you for contacting the
earth, not God. It is cleansed and brought under subjection to
the Theophany. The Theophany kills the old soul of the animal
and takes over the animalistic life converting it to another
nature. Where it was once mean and hatred and jealousy, now it
loves and walks in life and keeps the word for its day.

The nature is a heavenly nature. The body is a spoken word body.
The Theophany is the control tower keeping the animal life under
its control. The animal life was the sinner forgiven and he is
annihilated at the dropping of the esh. He can only live in the
blood of the esh. It is new heaven and earth. We have the animal
life of Lucifer bound in the blood. He can’t come outside of the
blood now. He is a dying spirit. The Theophany sealed him in their
and contains him making the heaven and earth new by his

141.        On Claiming Teaching: Yes Eternal life is not a reward!  I

believe that every eternal life on earth must bring forth fruit
after its kind. On the message beyond the curtain of time:
Sharon rose told his daddy that they are waiting on THEM,
speaking of his Brother


2             167

Billy Paul ets. In the message “Mother’s day” the prophet saw his
Baptist Brother Edward beyond the curtain…talking about
manifestation, did Brother Edward Branham has it?

Many times I have said, “If Edward was before the world was
then he will be after the world”. I trust in the promise for my loved
ones and I trust they will receive Jesus Christ according to my
token. I hold it over them. We can not add or take away. No one
will make it into the Kingdom of God following me. They need the
oil themselves or they will not be there. We just trust in the
promise. He said to the ones without oil, “I never knew you”. We
can forgive the esh-man in this life but God has to have
representation their in the inside or they will never enter eternal

142.        Brother Branham meet his daddy Charles, no

manifestation on earth…no oil. But they were there! Is this the
basis of manifestation or fruits?

There had to be oil, or he wouldn’t have ever made it. That is
where God is a paradox. There had to be an Eternal Theophany or
he could have never been there. God doesn’t create Theophanies.
He is Theophany and he puts himself in us. It is based upon
representation. In the Future Home he said that we are in Eternity
and you could only get here by predestination, representation.
Esau, Jacob, before either done good or evil. We can only hold to
the promise and preach the Word to the people. God knows
where the representation is. We can’t tell people they will go no
matter how they live. We have to preach the word and let God
take care of the other things.

I talked with a brother that knows you today. Brother Mark, if
you look at the scriptures that speak of redeeming, purifying,
saving, forgiving, and apply that to the esh man and that
animalistic spirit you can see all the quotes and scriptures of our
prophet saying that. Then look at the Eternal Soul and you can see
all the scriptures about it. Then we can apply both to the right
place. The temporal and the Eternal. All of it runs perfectly, one to
a temporal being that is dying and one to an Eternal being that can
not die. God will continue to open it through your mouth by
revelation and it gets clearer and clearer as it ows. God bless and
revelation and it gets clearer and clearer as it ows. God bless and
we love you.

143.        When I read your thoughts about, “The Changing of the

Soul.”  Or The dead of Lucifer. It is so far enough to what we
understand changing of the soul before, Yes your right to say it is
the lthiest thoughts that ever strike the message. And we know
that even the foolish virgin cannot be saved for they have no oil
or Theophany to lead them entering the God’s chamber. They
have just a word of intellect, but No life of the Word within. As I
understand to what is revealed in us now, only those really that
come off of God (Part of God) can make it or able to kill their Old
Soul, and resurrect the New Soul, The Good One in the Tree of
Knowledge. Cut off the Evil One.? Now there is something I see
about the Claiming of our Love Ones, Claiming in this
understanding of us now about the Changing of the soul, and
even the foolish virgin cannot able to make it. Is really Claiming
our Loves One has a sense of truth? Sorry for the term, but I
want to know your wisdom Brother Don, about this thing it is
important to know and be sure what is the deepness of this

For we know the scriptures declares “work out your own

salvation with fear and trembling” Upon reading and
understanding of what you shared to us my mind runs on this
matter. I love My Love Ones. How could I make it for them for my
Oil is only enough for me to enter? Yes we cannot limit God’s
grace, But I just want to know your thoughts about in this
Claiming, especially when we opened the Truth about this
Changing of the Soul.

We use Rehab as an example of Claiming our Love Ones, but the

way I see it, it is just for a time when the armies of the Lord strike
the place. Because Rahab was there to them on that moment, is
Claiming is just for a time, a protection, blessing to them our love
ones while we are here? Can we really give or what I mean can
claim them to have them Eternal Life?

Many I heard even in the message folks that say just give me
drink of water, or feed me by thy bread and give me cloth to
wear, and it is eternal life to you? Brother Don, It is this so simple
they should do? To inherit the Kingdom? To have eternal life? If it
is so, I will go to them and asked them give a glass of water to
drink. We know also that we are the kingdom. What is in the
bread, drink, and cloth that they should give to the Part’s of God?
That can bring them to the Eternal Life?

For this understanding that we have now in the Changing of the

Soul, I believe that the sheep the “Good One” is Our New Soul
Nature of Our Flesh that welcome the Theophany in it. And the
Goat’s evil one is our Old Soul Nature of Flesh that did not even
give any attention to the Holy Ghost and died. And separated
from his presence, as said, “Except they are Converted”

Brother Don, I cannot fully express it in writing, But what can

you say about “The Claiming of our loves one? For everything in
the past thoughts that we have, God is changing it into a Better
way. More clearly like a Transparent Gold Clear as Crystal. Just
give attention & answer this if you have time my precious
brother in faith. God bless you…

God bless you and it is good to hear from you my brother. Yes,
this real truth on the esh-man and the Spirit-man opens so much
to me and I knew that if the Lord would give me the grace to open
this truth to the people it


2             169

would clear up many misconceptions of the past teachings. This is


truth that was given me in 2002 and I knew it would be a shock

wave to bring before the people so I kept working the revelation
toward these truths of the creation, Adam, Lucifer, and the new
soul. We always had scriptures and quotes that talked of two
natures but didn’t know how to apply them properly due to the
teachings of our elders. So they kept the people continually
ghting due to half truths. They all only had half truths with part
of the elders saying, “We only have one soul and it’s saved into
newness of life”, and the other elders saying, “We had two souls
and one was annihilated already”. Both groups of the clergy had
and one was annihilated already”. Both groups of the clergy had
threads of truth, but were both wrong. And when a perverted
truth is introduced then perverted life forms develop from those
lies. Men’s ideas prevail and denominational walls are set up to
destroy and kill one another. Thank God we passed through those
camps and continued on leaving those denominations.

The truth of the matter is that we absolutely have two natures
as the prophet said. The animal life in the blood is an earthly spirit
to contact the earth and it is a created life form that caused the
fallen condition; Lucifer. In the Christian life that spirit is
converted to another nature or soul as the prophet said. The old
nature is killed and the animal spirit converts to a new nature;
another soul according to the prophet. The Christian believer in
proper alignment of the terrestrial realm is a esh-man with an
animal spirit converted to another nature and walking in newness
of life. There, in itself, are your three realms terrestrial crying
“holy, holy, holy”. Those realms of the terrestrial are 1) esh-man,
2) animal spirit, and 3) new nature. He is truly surrounding the
Throne Room, (The Throne Room is the Theophany) wherein the
Son of David ministry is alive in us. Through death and
resurrection into newness of life we can now see every scripture
and quote aligned as the prophet taught us. A book of life that is
lived by the esh-man in newness of life and the animal spirit that
sinned in its soul is annihilated when the esh goes back to the
earth. The Eternal One of the Lamb’s Book continues on without
sin and having conquered Lucifer, the Red Dragon, and the Devil in
this life. Now we understand the truth of how we overcome.

It is true that the foolish virgin can be saved, they can be justi ed
and sancti ed, but there is no representation in them. Just as
Judas, Esau, Pharaoh, Balaam, and so many others in the Word of
God. Our Lord was very clear on his Word to them when they
come and sought entrance into the Kingdom of God, he said, “I
never knew you”. We know that the Lord never changes his mind
about his Word. This class is lost as rejecters of the Word of God
in their day. The prophet was very clear on this subject in “The
Patmos Vision” and in “The Ten Virgins”.

The thought of claiming loved ones, in the manner of which it is
preached by Fairborn and many, is a perverted truth that has
spawned many forms of falsehood in the message ranks. There is
not one person gaining Eternal Life due to a condition or
circumstance that was performed in this life.

170                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE

Paul said, “That the election of God stands sure before Jacob or
Esau were born, or done any good or evil, God said, “Jacob have I
loved and Esau have I hated”. Sin is sin and if there is no
representation in a person to outlive and conquer that nature of
sin then they will absolutely perish. And there are not enough
good deeds that they could do, or enough water that they could
give, to change that fact.

Rewards are given here in this life and Eternal Life is not a
reward; Eternal Life is a Person. We can truly trust the Lord Jesus
for our loved ones and believe that they are a part of His own Life.
And if in fact our loved ones are a part of his Life they will
recognize their day and their hour just as His Life in you did. A
person without representation can receive many great rewards in
this life based on how they treat God’s Children in this life. Their
this life based on how they treat God’s Children in this life. Their
rewards are plenty and examples are all through the Bible of men
and women who received these rewards. The kings of Babylon
that entreated the prophets of God in respect received many
great rewards in their personal lives and kingdoms. The kingdoms
who entreated Moses and the children of Israel with respect as
they journeyed were spared and given many rewards in this life
for their actions. The kings that helped Solomon build his
unmatched kingdom of glory were rewarded greatly for their
deeds in this life. Does that mean that those heathen kings and the
unbelievers of their kingdoms entered into the Kingdom of God?
Of course not! However, they did receive the touch and tender
care of God’s hand in this life. When they were nished here in
this life they were nished with life, but God granted them his
grace in this life and spared them the hand of judgment.

The “claiming doctrine” as it is preached among the ranks of
Fairborn, and other of like nature, is a doctrine that takes away
the new birth to the esh-man. It is a perversion of truth that
takes away the baptism of death upon the eshly soul and the
resurrection in newness of life. That doctrine allows heathens and
unbelievers rejecting the word of God daily to enter into the
Kingdom of God after this life. It smacks in the face of John 3:16
and carries threads of universalism all through it. I do not believe
in universalism that Satan will enter Eternal Life. Satan is our
animal spirit and he sinned in his nature. We conquer him in this
life through converting him to another nature and then when the
esh dies Satan is annihilated for his unbelief. The Eternal Person,
our representation, continues on in Zoe; God’s own life. The new
birth by the Holy Ghost is the evidence that we have
representation within and any person that does not manifest that
new birth from old creation to new creation does not do so
because there is no representation to bring them to that Life.


The Lord has impressed upon my heart to send many things in
this manner over the next few weeks and months. I trust these
scriptures and what the prophet said. I believe 2008 holds many
things for the believers as we are moving into a new cycle within
the Lord. I will be writing some on


2             171

these things of a new cycle.

Jesus Christ has returned back into His church, in physical form, in
the way of being a Prophet. We are not looking for the physical return.
His return was to be according to Malachi 4 and many scriptures; St.
Luke 17:30, Acts 3:19-26, I Corinth. 3:10-13, II Thess. 1:7-10, II
Thess. 2:8, Rev. 5, Rev. 10, Rev. 19, and Rev. 22:16-17.]



169      Now, Jesus came in three names. Son of man, which is a

prophet; Son of God, which went through the Church age; then Son of
David. But in between the Son of God and Son of David, according to
His Own Word, and according to Malachi 4 and many Scriptures, He’s
to return back into His Church, in physical form, in the people, in… in
human beings, in the way of being a prophet. See?


A compound prophecy ful lled 1957 – 1963 after the church
ages ended. They hated the Prophets Message! And now again
from 2002 – 2008 it has happened at the awakening to the third
Coming of Jesus Christ. They are good people looking for the pure
White Horse rider but it was right on them and they didn’t know
it, they didn’t recognize it. They killed their Messiah. After three
and one half years on the forums they gathered together and
cruci ed the word again. Our message is not welcomed in their
ranks as it is mocked, beaten and spit upon every time it is posted

RECOGNIZING.YOUR.DAY.title  JEFF.IN  V-5 N-1  64-0726M

82   038   They want a great awakening. They’re crying; believing that
there will be awakened. They’re good people. Why is it? What have
they done? They have not recognized the awakening of the Bride. See?
By being a Christian they feel the pull of the hour, but they haven’t
recognized what’s been done. That’s what’s making them feel that way.
They know something’s supposed to happen; but (See?), they are
looking for it way off in the future to come, when it’s already happened
right by you. That’s the same thing they did in the old days. They were
believing in a coming Messiah. They believed that there’d be a
forerunner come. But it was right on them and they didn’t know it.
They didn’t recognize it. They believed there would come a forerunner
that would forerun the Messiah. And they cut his head off and killed
their Messiah.

We have move into the resurrection wherein we are travelling
like a thought and we see those who are resurrected. But it is only
those who have life. Those who do not have life do not know the
resurrection is going on. And they will never be caught up in this
revelation. They dispute and claim the Holyghost, being saved,
and the rapture is over with and gone. They are in a delusion of
their own iniquity while we are in actual resurrection of Saints.

172                                           A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY MESSAGE


30-5    The resurrection. We are now in the resurrection. We are setting

with Him in the resurrection, but only those who have Life, not those
who do not have Life. They won’t know it. They’ll never know it. They’ll
go right on thinking they’re getting the Holy Ghost, being saved, and
the rapture will done be over with and gone.

The resurrection is the calling of spirit and life. Jesus said, “My
word is spirit and life”. God will only rapture His word. Word
speaks to word and the rapture came. We won’t have this esh or
it would just die again. The secret is that the thief in the night was
the second coming. So the graves we’re being opened from Acts 2
to Revelation 10 in the resurrection. The spoken word.


58-5  {379}    And when they say the–the graves will open, how is the
grave going to open when… I–I haven’t got time to get into this, what I
wanted to. I’m going to have to take this… Just to show you the
simplicity of God. And that calcium, potash, and everything when…
When everything that’s in you of materials only makes a spoonful…
That’s right. And what that does it

breaks on back into spirit and life… God just speaks and the rapture
breaks on back into spirit and life… God just speaks and the rapture
will come. It ain’t going out there, and the Angels come down and
shovel out the graves and get out an old dead carcass here. What is it?
It’s born of sin to begin with, but a new one made in its likeness. You
know… See? If we have this, we’ll die again. See? Nobody will say, “The
graves will open. The dead shall walk out.” That may be true, but not
open the way you say open. See?

That’s right. See? It won’t be like that. It’ll be a secret, because He said
He’d come like a thief in the night.

Our mortal bodies have already taken the change to immortality
and stand in a glori ed condition. The desires of the world are
dead, the things you used to do is dead. It’s beneath you! This
quickening power brings your body into a raptured condition
already. We are not waiting to change this body of esh. This esh
body is as changes as it will ever be. We ful lled the scripture in
the esh; the natural has completed the word at its new birth.


18-4    What does it do to our mortal bodies? It turns our opinion,

changes our notions. It sets our affections on things which are above,
and the smoking, drinking, gambling, the things that you used to do is
dead. It’s beneath you, and you are quickened, and this quickening
power brings your body into a raptured condition already.

The dirt, The esh, has no promise of eternal life. The esh has
no promise of an eternal quickening. Our esh part enclosed
around the life, the Theophany, is quickened but the Son didn’t
come for that. His purpose wasn’t to quicken the dirt, but only for
a season. We are foreordained life and we have dirt around our
eternal life. The son was sent to quicken the life


2             173

and not the dirt. The dirt will respond until the life comes forth
and matures and nishes its work. The life will move on and the
dirt will fall back into its prior position.


0418M 126   Now, as the sun was sent across the earth, not to bring
rocks, which was dirt also, to life, it was not to bring all the dirt to life,
but was to bring the part of the dirt which was enclosed around a life.

127 Not all man will receive Christ. Oh, no. But those which God
foreordained Life, is housed around some of the dirt of the earth, that’s
the One He comes to quicken. They’re the Ones.

128 That, now, that dirt would lay there in the sun, and say, “Oh, this
old sun is so hot!” That rock, say, “This old sun is so hot!” But that little
seed, said, “That’s what I’m looking for,” and it begin to spring forth to
life. It quickened that part of the dirt. Because, the sun was sent not to
quicken the rock, not to quicken the dirt, but to quicken the life of the

We believe this to be the truth; we’ve entered the raptured age.
We know

that the esh, the church can’t go in its condition, and it can’t get
any better, it must die. It’s something else that God is working
any better, it must die. It’s something else that God is working
with and it is moving right now. The Theophany, the Celestial is
what God is working with and He holds the dirt in immortality and
incorruption until its course if nished. The move is on for the
Celestial, 6TH dimensional person, the Church, the Bride, the Wife,
the Queen, the Kings of the earth. That’s ‘thus saith the Lord!’


THURSDAY_  65-1125 55-2  Don’t leave; just come here and
stand around, some of you people that really believe this to be the
Truth that we’re entering another age; we’re entering the
raptured age. You know, the church can’t go in its condition, and it
can’t get any better; it must get worse. How many knows that, say,
“Amen.” It’s got to get worse, and it can’t go like this. See, it’s got to
be something, and it’s moving right now, friends. It’s–it’s–it’s on,
the move is on for the Bride. That’s the Truth. That’s THUS SAITH

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PARNELL-October December 9, 2015 MINISTERED ON JAN 4
1, 2009 2015 – MORNING
July 10, 2015

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