Maximo Architecture

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Maximo Architecture

Table of contents
1. Web Server …………………………………………………………………………01
2. Application Server ………………………………………………………………02
3. Difference between web server and Application server ……..03
4. J2EE Application ……………………………………………………………..….04
5. JAR, WAR, and EAR files ………………………………..………..………….05
6. Maximo capability matrix …………………………………………………..06
Web server
A web server is a software application that runs on a computer and serves web pages to
clients over the internet or a local network. It handles requests from clients (web browsers) and
responds by sending back the requested resources, such as HTML files, images, CSS stylesheets,
JavaScript code, and more.

Web servers use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to communicate with clients.
When a client makes a request for a web page or a resource, it sends an HTTP request to the
web server. The server processes the request and generates an HTTP response, which includes
the requested resource, along with headers providing information about the response.

There are several popular web server software options available, including:
1. Apache HTTP Server.
2. WebSphere Application Server acts as both a web server and an application server.
Application server
An application server is a software framework that provides a runtime environment for
hosting and executing applications. It acts as an intermediary between the clients (users or
other systems) and the backend services or databases required by the applications. Application
servers handle the execution and management of application code, allowing developers to
focus on writing the application logic rather than dealing with low-level infrastructure concerns.

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