Module 1 Task 7 - Reflection Template

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In this assignment, you will use this reflection template to write a reflection on a professional
development training you gave or attended. This assignment will allow you to practice using the
template, which you can continue to use in the future both as a teacher and as a trainer.

Step 1: Describe
Think of a training you gave or attended. You can reflect on the same training from your Journal
in Task 2.

Describe the context of the training:

 What was the name and topic of the training?
 Who was the trainer (if not yourself, describe their title, role in your institution, etc.)?
 Who were the participants? How many participants attended?
 Was participation required (by your institution, government, employer, etc.)?

Name of the training program: “Enriching Universal Human Values in Technical Universities.”
This program focused on training teacher to teach Human Values to the students.
Name of the Trainer: Ranjani Parthasarathy, Professor, Faculty of Information and Technology,
Anna University. She headed the Human Values training programs.
Participants: Most of the participants were professors and teachers. A few research scholars
have also attended the program. Overall about fifty to sixty participants attended this program.
This program was conducted for about 12 days in order to train the professors and teachers to
teach the students.
Was participation required?
The participation was required by the institution. Only the teachers who have attended this
program were made to handle the ‘Induction Programs’ for the first-year students. So, the
participation was made compulsory from the institution.

1 © 2022 by Arizona State University. Module 1 Reflection Template for the Online Professional
English Network (OPEN), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the
U.S. government and administered by FHI 360. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License, except where noted. To view a copy of this license, visit
Step 2: Evaluate
Evaluate the training you gave or attended.

Select SA if you strongly agree, A if you agree, or D if you disagree with the statement. Write
your answer.
ex. The training included assessments appropriate for the objectives. SA / A / D: _A__

1. The training met the participants’ expectations. SA / A / D: __A__

2. The trainer modeled what was being taught. SA / A / D: __SA__

3. The trainer connected activities to theories and

reasons for doing them. SA / A / D: __A__

4. Participants were given time to think about and/or discuss

how to apply what they learned in their own teaching. SA / A / D: __A__

5. After the training participants used what they learned. SA / A / D: __A__

6. The trainer had good classroom management skills. SA / A / D: __SA__

7. Participants were active and interested. SA / A / D: __SA__

8. The topic was relevant to participants’ teaching context. SA / A / D: __SA__

1. The main objective of the training was to induce human values into the Engineering
curriculum and to teach the students basic human values. The training met the
expectations of the participants.
2. The trainer was well-versed in all the concepts and modeled what is being taught
3. There were several activities given in connection to the theories and the concepts
explained. As well as, clear reasons were given for conducting the activities.
4. The participants were given enough time to ponder on the activities they have given in
their own teaching environment. This was consider to be base for the discussion.
5. Most of the participants have given feedback of using the concept in their classroom.
6. The trainer was very professional and had good managerial skills in controlling the
entire class.
7. Since, most of the participants were teachers, they were able relate very well to the idea
and they were very active.
8. This topic was very relevant and essential to the present scenario.

Step 3: Reflect
Think about your answers in Step 2 and write an explanation for your agreement or
disagreement. Describe what you might do differently if you gave the training (again). What
have you learned from this reflection that will help you in designing a future training?

Write 5-10 sentences.

Reflection 1: Most of the teachers who attended the program were subject teachers who
usually take science, engineering and technology. In the beginning of the program, most of the
participants were not participating well since they had little awareness on the importance of a
human values class in an engineering institutions. They had difference of opinions stating that
giving credits to human values courses might affect the importance given to the technical
subjects. This made them participate less in the program. The trainer has also faced lot of
challenges in it.

If I had been in such a situation, I might have gathered testimonies from the universities which
were successful in the academics by giving importance to the human values courses. Since that
was a 12 day program, slowly the participants have understood the importance of education on
human values.

One thing that I have learnt from the workshop is that developing the interest of the audience
towards the content is very challenging and essentials. Gathering testimonies will definitely of
good help.

Reflection 2:
Most of the sessions dealt with human psychology and the behavioral enhancement of the
students. Problem solving was one important area the workshop focused on. An analysis of the
session has revealed that most problem because faulty assumptions. I agree with the appeal of
the program in meticulously analyzing each and every part of the problem so to solve. Many
participants felt spending hours to analyze human psychology is not much needed in a technical
setup. But, later the appeal that human psychology is the core for any scientific development is
clearly portrayed by the program.

Reflection 3:
Activities: Activities played a vital role in the entire program. Some of the activities involved
much physical movements which made many professors not to participate.
If I had designed the activities, I would have given choices for the participants to choose from
the activities. I would have grouped them into various activities – some involving much of
physical movements and some completely psychological.

Reflection 4:
The participants learn equally from the peers as they learn from the trainer. I have observed
that many participants shared lot of very useful information when they were asked to share. As
a trainer, I have understood that making the participants share their ideas and information will
create lot of discussions.

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