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Directions: Identify if the following statements is correct or not. Click TRUE if it is and click
FALSE if it is not.
1. A thesis statement is situated at the introduction part of the essay which encapsulates
the content of the paper.
2. A thesis statement could be expressed in question form provided that the sub-points are
3. Sub-points need to be mentioned all the time in a thesis statement so it is clear to the
readers what to expect in the next part of the essay.
4. Each body paragraph contains a topic sentence which can be expressed either implicitly
or explicitly.
5. In the introduction, it contains not only the thesis statement but also the overview and
scope of the essay.
6. The conclusion contains a recap of the main points made in the previous parts of the
essay and contains also the thesis statement copied word-for-word from the introduction.
7. An outline has to be uniform in a sense that once one idea is expressed in sentence
form, the rest of the elements have to follow.
8. Grammar pertains to a set of rules governing the appropriate use of the language.
9. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies but is placed wrongly in a
10. According to a rule in SV agreement, the past participle verb could stand alone as a one-
word verb in the sentence.


A. Directions: Identify the stage of the writing process where each situation transpired. Choose
your answer from the box. Type your answer in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Drafting Revising Outlining

Proofreading Editing Journalistic Questions
Listing Clustering Freewriting

11. Gelo checks his draft for possible errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization and
12. After generating ideas on her chosen topic, Kaycee shows connection between the listed
thoughts through the use of shapes and lines.
13. Having gathered sufficient data, Rham starts composing the rough draft of his feature
article about COVID 19.
14. In order to be better guided on what he should include in his essay, Giles lists down
several 5W1H questions as he starts to generate more ideas about “Christmas in the
15. After having written her first draft, Andrea reread her essay to check on some ideas that
are not sufficiently elaborated and points that are not really needed.
16. After the rough draft, Joseph is finally in this process in writing wherein he checks his
work for possible errors in mechanics and checks for ideas that are insufficiently
17. After generating ideas for his paper and after thorough research, Nathalie prepares a
“map” that she will use later on when drafting her essay.

B. Directions: Identify the principle in outlining that is being violated in the following situations
and examples. Choose your answer from the given choices.
18. The elements in the outline are not following uniformly comparable characters for each
19. Some elements are in sentence form and some are in word and phrase form.
20. Elements especially the major and the minor points are not properly labeled.
21. There are some points which only have one subcategory or sub-point.
22. Elements do not observe or use uniform grammatical forms (e.g. noun, verbs, phrases,
23. Major points are expressed in sentence form and minor points are in phrase or word


A. Directions: Choose the correct verb that would complete the following sentences. Choose
your answer from the given options.
24. Your friendship over the years and your support (has, have) meant a great deal to us.
25. Hamilton Family Center, a shelter for teenage runaways in San Francisco, (offers/offer)
a wide variety of services.
26. Each of the students (is, are) responsible for doing his or her work.
27. Neither the professor nor his assistants (was/were) able to solve the mystery of the eerie
glow in the laboratory.
28. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
29. The slaughter of animals for their fur (has, have) caused controversy.
30. Both of my roommates (has, have) decided to live in the dorms.

B. Directions: Identify the mistake committed by the following modifiers in BOLD LETTERS.
31. Larry told me he was getting married THAT AFTERNOON at night.
32. This typewriter is used by a secretary WITH A WIDE CARRIAGE.
33. SWIMMING OUT INTO THE SEA, the current grew stronger.
34. He kept all his medicine in the medicine cabinet THAT HAD BEEN PRESCRIBED FOR
35. HUNGRY AFTER TWO HOURS OF HIKING, my packed sandwich was quickly
devoured upon reaching the peak.
36. UPON ENTERING THE DOCTOR’S OFFICE, a skeleton caught my attention.

C. Directions: Revise the following statements to make it parallel.

37. The internet can be used to find word meanings, medical information, and locating
38. The teacher has the responsibility of providing supplemental help and to review all test
material with the students.
39. Rainier said that he enjoys gardening and to landscape.
40. The instructions to the deans were to develop a policy and the professors should be

D. Directions: The following paragraph contains TEN errors in mechanics (grammar, spelling
and punctuation) and/or word usage. Address the errors by revising the paragraphs
following proper mechanics. (10 points)
A greenhouse is a glass building use to grow plants. A greenhouse have a
transparent glass that allow the sunlight to pass thru but do not allow the heat inside to
escape. The same affect occurs on the earth. The suns radiation passes through the
atmosphere to heat the earth’s surface. when heated, the earth’s surface produce
infrarred radiation, which has a longer wavelength than that of the sunlight. This infrared
radiation rises into the atmosphere where gasses, such as carbon dioxide, prevent the
infrared radiation from escaping into space. The concentrations of these gases which are
called greenhouse gases, control how much infrared radiation escapes. The retained
radiation heat the earth’s atmosphere thus keeping the planet warm.

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