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“An Analysis of Student on Spiritual Intelligences”

Alliance University

MBA (Marketing & Human Resources)

BRM (Business Research Methods)
Submitted by
1. Mr. Siddharth Kumar Sandil
2. Ms. Smita Patra
3. Mr. Ashutosh Deviprasad
4. Mr. Anirudh Gavali
5. Ms. Bhuvana K. Nayitha

Under The Guidance of

DR. Prasanna Mohan Raj M

This is to declare that we, MBA students from Alliance Ascent College, Bangalore
(Karnataka), batch 2022-24, have, to the best of our knowledge, provided original data and
information in the assignment titled "An Analysis of Student Preference on Spiritual
Intelligence," which we completed under Dr. Prasanna Mohan Raj M's guidance and
supervision partially fulfilled the MBA course requirement.
We also agree that we will not disclose the crucial information to anyone outside the
organization and that we will not submit it for any other title, degree, or award.

We are extremely pleased to present this concurrent task. However, it would not have been
possible without the assistance and support of each member.
We appreciate the assignment for guiding us through this analysis. We would not have been
able to prepare this report to the extent that we have.
We might want to communicate our gratefulness to the Partnership Climb.
Schools offer us incredible chances to deal with this task. We are likewise thankful to our
caring companions whose help is dependably a wellspring of support. Their advice and
information were extremely helpful and valuable. We were able to successfully complete this
project thanks to their ongoing support and encouragement.

Profound insight is an idea that investigates the more profound elements of human life, going
past scholarly and close-to-home limits. It includes the capacity to interface with and grasp
the profound parts of life, like reason, significance, values, and interconnectedness.
Dissimilar to customary types of knowledge, otherworldly insight incorporates a more
extensive and more comprehensive point of view, including the extraordinary and the

At its center, profound insight includes mindfulness, reflection, and the investigation of
existential inquiries. It urges people to ponder their convictions, values, and inspirations, and
to comprehend how these angles shape their self-awareness and prosperity. It likewise
includes the ability to rise above one's self-image and experience a feeling of association with
an option that could be more significant than oneself, whether it is a more powerful,
widespread cognizance, or the interconnectedness of all life.

Profound knowledge remembers the quest for significance and reason for life. It welcomes
people to dig into significant inquiries concerning their reality and to adjust their activities to
their profoundly held values and convictions. Thus, people can discover a feeling of
satisfaction and live as per their valid selves.

Sympathy and compassion are necessary parts of otherworldly insight. Those with high
profound insight exhibit the capacity to comprehend and discuss the thoughts of others,
offering grace and adding to the prosperity of others. This quality stems from the
acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of all creatures and the acknowledgment that we
are essential for a bigger entirety.

This abstract delves into the multifaceted idea of spiritual intelligence, looking at how each
dimension contributes to personal development and well-being. Spiritual intelligence
encompasses a deeper comprehension of life's purpose, meaning, values, interconnectedness,
and transcendental aspects, in addition to conventional intelligence measures.

The ability to access, comprehend, and apply spiritual or transcendent aspects of existence is
what the abstract defines as spiritual intelligence. It emphasizes that spiritual intelligence
encompasses a broader and more inclusive perspective and is not restricted to any religious or
spiritual tradition.

Spiritual intelligence is broken down into several key aspects in the abstract. First and
foremost, self-awareness is emphasized as an essential component that enables individuals to
consider their beliefs, values, and motivations and comprehend the impact they have on
personal development. Self-awareness serves as the foundation for further investigation,
according to the abstract.

Another important aspect of spiritual intelligence is transcendence. It talks about the ability to
transcend one's ego and feel connected to something bigger than oneself. The concepts of a
higher power, universal consciousness, or the interconnectedness of all life can be associated
with this dimension.

Objectives: -

1. To perceive and characterize profound insight

2. to identify the factors that contribute to the development of spiritual intelligence
3. To fundamentally analyze factors answerable for fortifying profound insight.
4. To investigate the factors that contribute to the development of spiritual intelligence.
5. To grasp factors answerable for reinforcing otherworldly insight.
6. To combine the elements that contribute to enhancing spiritual intelligence to determine
the factors that contribute to the development of spiritual intelligence.
Methodology: -
Because the reliability and validity of the findings depend on the methods used in the study,
methodology plays a significant role in any type of research. The nature of this paper is
descriptive. It is mostly based on secondary data that comes mainly from books, journals,
articles, and other publications. This study is directed essentially by applying logical cum
enlightening strategy for the exploration.
The examiner has put forth an attempt to communicate otherworldly.
insight basically.

Literature Review: -

1. Spiritual Intelligence's Dimensions:

A few elements of otherworldly knowledge have been proposed in the writing. Self-
awareness, transcendent awareness, existential questioning, humility, compassion, integrity,
and the capacity to find meaning and purpose in one's life experiences are all examples of
these dimensions. These aspects feature the significance of self-reflection, care, moral way of
behaving, and the quest for more profound significance in the improvement of otherworldly

2. Spiritual Intelligence Metrics:

Measures of spiritual intelligence have been developed by researchers in a variety of ways.
For instance, King's (2008) Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory (SISRI) uses self-
report measures of various dimensions to evaluate spiritual intelligence. These dimensions
include transcendental awareness, personal meaning production, and critical existential
thinking. The Spiritual Intelligence Scale (SIS) developed by Amram and Dryer (2007), for
instance, focuses on evaluating self-awareness, transcendence, and conscious state expansion.

3. Implications for Personal Development and Health:

Positive outcomes in personal development and well-being have been linked to spiritual
intelligence. Higher spiritual intelligence levels are associated with greater life satisfaction,
subjective well-being, and psychological resilience, according to research. They also have a
greater capacity for empathy, are more likely to use adaptive coping strategies, and have a
stronger sense of life's purpose and significance.
4. Otherworldly Knowledge and Authority:
The study of leadership has paid more attention to the idea of spiritual intelligence. Spiritual
intelligence and leadership effectiveness have been the subject of numerous studies. Research
proposes that pioneers with more significant levels of otherworldly insight exhibit more
noteworthy realness, moral direction, and groundbreaking administration ways of behaving.
They are more likely to motivate and empower other people, create a positive work
environment, and help their followers succeed.

5. Spiritual Intelligence as a Part of Education and Organizations:

The literature has investigated how spiritual intelligence can be incorporated into
organizations and educational settings. According to researchers, students' personal growth,
ethical reasoning, and overall well-being could all benefit from incorporating spiritual
intelligence into the classroom, according to researchers. In a similar vein, businesses that
encourage spiritual intelligence in their staff members have the potential to cultivate a
constructive work environment, enhance employee contentment, and boost the efficiency of
the business overall.
Conclusion: -
All in all, the examination on otherworldly knowledge shows its significant potential for self-
improvement, prosperity, and positive change. The literature emphasizes the significance of
developing spiritual intelligence in individuals and the effects it has on various life aspects.
Spiritual intelligence gives people the chance to learn more about themselves, connect with
something bigger than themselves, and find meaning and purpose in their lives. It encourages
self-awareness, compassion, and moral behavior, fostering harmonious interactions with
other people and a sense of global interconnectedness. Higher levels of spiritual intelligence,
according to the findings, are associated with greater life satisfaction, resilience, and
subjective well-being. They have genuine leadership qualities, motivate other people, and
help bring about positive change in the workplace and society.
In addition, it has the potential to enhance personal growth, ethical reasoning, and overall
well-being by incorporating spiritual intelligence into educational settings and organizations.
Educational institutions and organizations can create environments that foster personal
growth, empathy and compassion, and a sense of purpose and meaning by promoting spiritual
Spiritual intelligence has potential benefits for communities and society, which extend
beyond the individual level. Individuals can contribute to a world that is more compassionate,
just, and harmonious by developing spiritual intelligence.
In conclusion, the available research lends credence to the idea that spiritual intelligence
possesses the capacity to improve one's own well-being, foster positive leadership, and
contribute to a life that is more meaningful and connected to others. The understanding and
integration of spiritual intelligence has the potential to have a positive effect on individuals,
organizations, and society as further research and practical applications continue to emerge.

References: -
5. Administration of India Indian Instruction Commission Report Government Print machine,
New Delhi, 1964-66, 1967.
6. DB King Rethinking spiritual intelligence claims: a measure, a model, and a definition
Unpublished expert's proposal T College, 2008.
7. M. Levin Spiritual acuity: Bringing your spirituality and intuition to life" London: 2000,
Hodder & Stoughton.
8. Nasel DD. Spiritual orientation and spiritual intelligence are related: A fresh look at the
relationship between new age and individualistic spirituality and Christianity, Doctoral
Dissertation, University of South Australia, Australia, 2004. 9. National Curriculum
Framework for School Education, published by NCERT in New Delhi in 2000.

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