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6/25/23, 3:17 PM Convert Any Website to Android App using Android Studio- TechsBucket

Convert Any Website to Android App using Android Studio

 Mobile Tech  3,972 Views

Hello Everyone, Today in this post we are going to learn how to create Mobile Applications for your WordPress Websites, Blogs,

Magazines, or Stores. In this article, I will be demonstrating my website i.e TechsBucket. So, we will discuss how to convert your

website into a mobile application using Android Studio with tips on how to create an active mobile app version of your WordPress

site for Android which means that you actually take these apps and upload them into google app store and the visitors will be able to

download your app through their smartphones.


A good internet connection

A Laptop or Desktop loaded with Android Studio

A WordPress Website

Steps to Build a Mobile App

We can build a Mobile App with some basic knowledge in Android Studio. You don’t need to be a hardcore coder or have no need for

deep coding here to build your mobile app, you will just need a WordPress-based website and only copy-paste work from this post.

Step 1

Open Android Studio and click on New Project and select Empty Activity. 1/16
6/25/23, 3:17 PM Convert Any Website to Android App using Android Studio- TechsBucket

Step 2

IN this screen, give your application name, folder location to store, and select JAVA language. Minimum SDK I will recommend

selecting an older version of Android OS because you will get a huge number of users who are using an older version OS, as you can

see 94.1 % 2/16
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Step 3

Once you click on Finish, it will take some time to load all the dependencies that depend on your computer and internet speed and

performance. You can see my screen is now fully loaded and ready to put a code to build Android App. 3/16
6/25/23, 3:17 PM Convert Any Website to Android App using Android Studio- TechsBucket

Step 4

Finally, the project screen is open and you will see two files are already opened one is and another is 
activity_main.xml. Select and click on the code you will get exact below like screen

Step 5

One more file you will have to open from manifests from the left side menu. Expand manifest and double click on

AndroidManifest.xml file. 4/16
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Step 6

In this step, we will start placing the codes. Open activity_main.xml then copy and paste the below code as it is into your

activity_main.xml file. This code will convert the Android App into Web View. Very important, replace from <Textview to parent” />

from below code

          tools:ignore="MissingConstraints" /> 5/16
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Step 7

Allow Internet connection to the Android App by adding the below code in AndroidMinifest.xml file.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

If the user is not connected to the internet and he should get “No internet connection” after opening the app then simply add the

below code in the same file.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/> 6/16
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Step 8

Expand the resource from the left side menu, expand values then expand the themes and double click on both the themes.xml file

one by one, and find DarkActionBar and Replace with NoActionBar. This code will remove the extra header.

Step 9

Now add the icon for your application. Copy your icon first then expand res right-click on drawable and paste the copied icon, you

will find your icon name under drawable. In my case, my icon name is “myicon.jpg”. 7/16
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Step 10

Once the icon is uploaded, go back to the AndroidManifest.xml file and find “@mipmap/ic_launcher” and

“@mipmap/ic_launcher_round”. Replace both codes with “@drawable/myicon” ( Replace the code with Your Icon Name )

After Replacing “@mipmap/ic_launcher” to “@drawable/myicon” 8/16
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Step 11 

Open file and copy-paste all the below codes after import. The below code will show “No Internet Connection”

message if you are not connected to the internet. If you close your App and go back to App again, you will find the same post which

was open previously also you will see an exit message once you will tap on the back. Don’t forget to replace your website’s name in

the code below.

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

  String websiteURL = ""; // sets web url

    private WebView webview;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

      if( ! CheckNetwork.isInternetAvailable(this)) //returns true if internet available

          //if there is no internet do this
            //Toast.makeText(this,"No Internet Connection, Chris",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

          new AlertDialog.Builder(this) //alert the person knowing they are about to close
                  .setTitle("No internet connection available")
                  .setMessage("Please Check you're Mobile data or Wifi network.")
                  .setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                  //.setNegativeButton("No", null)


          //Webview stuff
          webview = findViewById(;
            webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClientDemo());


  } 9/16
6/25/23, 3:17 PM Convert Any Website to Android App using Android Studio- TechsBucket
  private class WebViewClientDemo extends WebViewClient {
      //Keep webview in app when clicking links
      public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {

            return true;



  //set back button functionality

public void onBackPressed() { //if user presses the back button do this
  if (webview.isFocused() && webview.canGoBack()) { //check if in webview and the user can go back
      webview.goBack(); //go back in webview
  } else { //do this if the webview cannot go back any further
      new AlertDialog.Builder(this) //alert the person knowing they are about to close
              .setMessage("Are you sure. You want to close this app?")
              .setPositiveButton("Yes", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
              .setNegativeButton("No", null)

class CheckNetwork {

    private static final String TAG = CheckNetwork.class.getSimpleName();

    public static boolean isInternetAvailable(Context context)

        NetworkInfo info = (NetworkInfo) ((ConnectivityManager)


        if (info == null)

            Log.d(TAG,"no internet connection");

            return false;




                Log.d(TAG," internet connection available...");

                return true;




                Log.d(TAG," internet connection"); 10/16
6/25/23, 3:17 PM Convert Any Website to Android App using Android Studio- TechsBucket
              return true;

Step 12

Add the next code in the main_activity.xml file, replace the whole <Webview. This code will allow you to “Swipe Down to Refresh”. You

will see a loading icon once you swipe down any post.


        tools:ignore="MissingConstraints" />


After pasting the code, you will see one error for “<androidx.swiperefreshlayout.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout“, just right click on this

and select the first option “Add dependancy on androidx.swiper….” or simply press the “Alt+Enter” key. 11/16
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Now go back to the and copy the below code after “private WebView webview“. You will see the error for

“SwipeRefreshLayout “, simply click on SwipeRefreshLayout and press “Alt+Enter”.

SwipeRefreshLayout mySwipeRefreshLayout;

In the same file find and replace with “private class WebViewClientdemo to second curl bracket } below code.

private class WebViewClientDemo extends WebViewClient {

  //Keep webview in app when clicking links
  public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
        return true;


  public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
      super.onPageFinished(view, url);


}; 12/16
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After replacing the code

And add the below code after “//Webviewstuff” as per the following.

//Swipe to refresh functionality

mySwipeRefreshLayout = (SwipeRefreshLayout)this.findViewById(;

      new SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener() {
          public void onRefresh() {

); 13/16
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Step 13

To enable screen rotation, simply add the below code in Android.Manifest.xml file in <application then inside the <activity


Step 14

Finally, run your application on a Virtual Mobile device. You will find a play button on the top just click on the play button this will

open your App with the virtual mobile device.

You might receive error as “manifest merger failed : android:exported needs to be explicitly specified for <activity>. apps targeting

android 12…“

To fix this error simply add the below line code in Android.Manifest.xml in the activity 14/16
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Finally, reopen App in the Virtual Android Device, you can check the whole app will be working fine.

Congratulations… Android app is running on Android Virtual Device. The next step is to export the whole project along with the

Android apk file. Once you get your apk file then this apk can be uploaded on the google play store easily. Watch the video tutorial

below of this post and get the information about apk file location after saving the whole project. 15/16
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Also Read : How to install APK Tool

Also Read : ADB in Android Studio 

Video Tutorial

Convert Any Website to Android App using Android Studio

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