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Question 1: The government are doing a_______of people's changing habits.

A. plan B. project C. research D. survey
Question 2: Students_______special accommodations should contact the private dormitory
office immediately.
A. whom require B. that are require C. required D. requiring
Question 3: The parking area_______the university is only for the instructors.
A. which is B. around C. which around D. is around
Question 4: Due to_______factors_______the construction of large hotels along the coast
and the drop in the number of foreign tourists because of the threat of terrorism, small hotels
and pensions are struggling to stay in business.
A. such - as B. much - as C. more - than D. most - like
Question 5: All his goals as an actor_______, his next big challenge was to direct a
successful film.
A. to be achieved B. having been achieved
C. to have achieved D. having achieved
Question 6: _______ all the planning, _______the invasion began, things started to go
A. Due to - as long as B. In spite of - as soon as
C. However - as much as D. Whereas - no sooner
Question 7: She appears_______deeply by what I said to her yesterday, because she’s been
avoiding me all day today.
A. to have been offended B. to be offended
C. having been offended D. having offended
Question 8: This is Mrs. Belinda_______book the chapters were prepared and edited
A. in which B. in whose C. from whose D. whose
Question 9: First-class holiday villages offer_______variety of entertainment and facilities,
but I feel as if I were imprisoned in_______places.
A. very great - that B. such a great - such
C. the greatest - so D. so great - such as
Question 10: I’m afraid very few people know about the concert and almost no one will
come. If only the posters_______on time.
A. were hanging B. had been hung
C. were hung D. were hanged
Question 11: There must be something in everybody's life that they really wish
they_______differently, mustn't there?
A. have done B. were doing
C, had done D. would do
Question 12: I wish we_______to bring the camera with us; we_______a few photographs
of the house to show to Mum.
A. had remembered - could have taken B. should remember - were taking
C. had remembered - would take D. could remember - are taking
Question 13: His new job is near enough_______he wants to live.
A. where B. in which C. to where D. on which
Question 14: When, _______home after a long absence, Graham saw how ill his mother
was, he deeply regretted not having returned sooner.
A. upon arriving B. arriving C. arrived D. arrival
Question 15: The boss came back to work today, _______ fully from his quadruple by-pass
A. recovering B. had recovered
C. having recovered D. having been recovered
Question 16: He must have changed his mind about animal welfare; otherwise,
he_______for a ban of fox hunting now.
A. wouldn’t be campaigning B. weren’t campaigning
C. isn’t campaigning D. hasn't campaigned
Question 17: _______is someone who can reduce spending without hurting morale.
A. what is needed B. what needs
C. being needed D. that which needs
Question 18: This is the wealthiest woman in our town _______house the jewelry was
stolen last night.
A. in which B. in whose
C. whose D. from whose
Question 19: The project team decided that _______people they told about their innovative
ideas _______.
A. more - the best B. the less - so well
C. the fewer - the better D. much more - as well
Question 20: _______going abroad for the first time, I hadn’t realized how similar people
in other countries were.
A. Until B. After C. While D. When
Question 21: Upon arriving at the flat_______it, we noticed that it hadn’t been decorated as
tastefully as the estate agent had led us_______.
A. to view - to believe B. to be viewing - believed
C. having viewed – believe D. viewing - to have believed
Question 22: I wish you_______the look on her face when she got her exam results.
A. may have seen B. will be seeing
C. were seeing D. could have seen
Question 23: Most of the 700 protesters the police _______at Mexico's largest
university_______within days.
A. had arrested - will have freed B. arrested - were freed
C. were arrested - may be freed D. are arrested - will be freed
Question 24: Just as my daughter was about to leave the house on her wedding day, my son
spilt some tea on her dress. Fortunately, we_______the stain with some
special soap before the wedding took place.
A. were able to remove B. could have removed
C. might remove D. could remove
Question 25: When D.H.Lawrence died, most of what was written about him was hostile;
_______, today he is widely recognized as an important writer.
A. in spite of B. what is more C. all the same D. as a result
Question 26: I’m pleased_______him on the way, because I_______at his place to give
him our wedding invitation, which would hae taken me a lot of time.
A. encountering - will have called B. to encounter - have been calling
C. having encountered - called D. to have encountered - was going to call
Question 27: How_______that she_______a good dancer when she was young?
A. did she forgot - was B. has she forgotten - used to be
C. could she forget - were D. could she have forgotten - used to be
Question 28: When Tiger Woods _______his sixth golfing tile in a row, he
equaled the record of Ben Hogen, which_______52 years old.
A. has won - had set B. won - was set
C. was won - had been set D. wins - has been set
Question 29: The most valuable find of all was the ship’s log, _______part of it
was still possible to read.
A. whose B. in which C. that D. which
Question 30: The results of the survey_______by independent researchers.
A. have been carefully vetted B. have carefully been vetted
C. carefully have been vetted D. have been vetted carefully

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