Soal - Pre-Test Sma x2

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Choose the most appropriate answer by crossing out (X) one of the letters a, b, c, or d

next to the question!

1. What is the main purpose of narrative text?

a. To convince the reader
b. To inform the reader
c. To entertain the reader
d. To educate the reader
e. To direct the reader

Read the text carefully and this text to answer questions number 2-8

Jaka Tarub And Angels

Once upon a time, in a village in Java, there lived a handsome young man named Jaka Tarub. One day,
while hunting in the forest, Jaka Tarub found a group of angels bathing in a waterfall. One of the angels lost her
batik cloth and Jaka Tarub kindly returned it.

Seeing Jaka Tarub's kindness, an angel who had lost her batik cloth invited Jaka Tarub to live with them
in the world of angels. Jaka Tarub accepted the offer and with the angels, he lived happily in the world of the

However, after several years, Jaka Tarub felt homesick for his family in the human world and asked
permission from an angel to return to his village. An angel who loved him gave him a piece of heaven cloth and
warned him not to open the cloth before arriving home.

Jaka Tarub obeyed the order, but when he got home, he couldn't wait to see the contents of the heaven cloth.
When he opened the cloth, he found a white snake who later became his wife. They lived happily and had a
child, but one day the white snake who became Jaka Tarub's wife found the heaven cloth again and left Jaka
Tarub and his child.

2. Who is the main character in the text above ?

a. Angels
b. His child
c. Jaka Tarub
d. His family
e. White snake

3. What made Jaka Tarub live in the world of angels?

a. Because Jaka Tarub wants to live comfortably in the world of angels
b. Jaka Tarub married an angel and lived happily in the world of angels
c. Bidadari was impressed with Jaka Tarub for returning heaven's cloth
d. Jaka Tarub went to the world of angels and made a home in the world of angels
e. Because the angel was impressed by Jaka Tarub's kindness when he returned the missing batik cloth
4. “However, after several years, Jaka Tarub felt homesick for his family in the human world……..” What
kind of language feature is "after" in the sentence?
a. Past Tenses
b. Action Verbs
c. Future Tenses
d. Adverbs Of Time
e. Temporal Conjunctions

5. What happened when Jaka Tarub opened the heaven cloth at home?
a. He found a golden goose and kept it as a pet
b. He found a white snake and made him a maid
c. He found a white snake who later became his wife
d. He found a white fluffy cat who later became his wife
e. He found a deer with golden antlers and made him a friend

6. In which paragraph is the introduction of the character Jaka Tarub in the text?
a. In paragraph 1
b. In paragraph 2
c. In paragraph 3
d. In paragraph 4
e. In paragraph 5

7. What is the main idea of the text above?

a. A man's journey to find the cloth of heaven
b. A love story between a man and an angel from the world of angels.
c. The story of a man's journey who misses his family in the real world.
d. The story of a handsome man who finds a supernatural being in a waterfall.
e. The story of a man who gets lost in the unseen world after encountering a supernatural being.

8. Where is the setting where Joko Tarub first saw an angels?

a. In the river
b. In the forest
c. In the village
d. At the waterfall
e. In the world of angels
Read the text carefully and this text to answer questions number 9-14

Si Pitung And Si Doel

During the Dutch colonial period, there lived two best friends, Si Pitung and Si Doel, in a small village
in West Java. Si Pitung is known as a tough fighter and good at martial arts, while Si Doel is sociable and has
many friends.

One day, the Dutch took over the agricultural land in their village, and the villagers protested against
this action. However, the Dutch did not care and instead attacked the villagers. Si Pitung and Si Doel did not
remain silent and led the villagers against the Dutch colonialists. They managed to defeat the Dutch and reclaim
their land.

However, their victory did not last long. The Dutch again attacked their village and captured Si Pitung
and Si Doel. They were imprisoned and sentenced to death. When they were about to be executed, Si Pitung and
Si Doel managed to escape and fled to the forest.

In the forest, they meet a martial arts teacher who teaches them better martial arts. After practicing for
several years, Si Pitung and Si Doel returned to their village and led the villagers against the Dutch colonialists.
This time they succeeded in expelling the Dutch from their village and maintaining their independence.

9. What is the main idea of the text?

a. Si Pitung and Si Doel practice martial arts in the forest.
b. The story of the adventures of two friends in the Dutch colonial period.
c. The victory of the villagers in the struggle against the Dutch colonialists.
d. The Dutch succeeded in colonizing and imprisoning Si Pitung and Si Doel
e. The courage of two friends to lead the villagers against the Dutch colonialists.

10. Who is the main character in the text above ?

a. Villagers
b. Dutch army
c. Prison warden
d. Martial arts teacher
e. Si Pitung and Si Doel

11. What did the Dutch do in the villages of Si Pitung and Si Doel?
a. Build a hospital
b. Helping villagers
c. Repair the village
d. Taking over agricultural land
e. Providing economic assistance
12. “One day, the Dutch took over the agricultural land in their village, and the villagers protested against this
action”. What kind of language feature is the underlined word?
a. Past Tenses
b. Action Verbs
c. Future Tenses
d. Adverbs Of Time
e. Temporal Conjunctions

13. In the last paragraph, Si Pitung and Si Doel succeeded in expelling the Dutch, this was included in the
generic structure type?
a. Action verb
b. Orientation
c. Resolution
d. Re-orientation
e. Temporal conjunction

14. How did Si Pitung and Si Doel try to fight back against the Dutch after being imprisoned?
a. Go to town and find a job
b. Went to the forest to meditate
c. Hide in the forest and live there
d. Go to the forest and practice martial arts
e. Returned to the village and became a dutch slave

15. What is the structure of narrative text?

a. Thesis, argument, conclusion
b. Introduction, body, and conclusion
c. Orientation, complication, and resolution
d. Problems, solutions, and recommendations
e. Thesis statement, arguments, and conclusions

Read the text carefully and this text to answer questions number 16-20

Malin Kundang

In ancient times in West Sumatra, there was a young boy named Malin Kundang. He comes from a
poor family and has to live hard with his mother who has difficulty meeting their daily needs. One day, Malin
Kundang decided to leave his village and sail to a faraway land in search of a better life.

After years of sailing, Malin Kundang became rich and successful. He has a big ship and a lot of
wealth. However, Malin Kundang became arrogant and forgot about his mother who was old and poor in his
village. He was reluctant to help his mother and instead scolded the fishermen who made a living around his

One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, suddenly a storm came and hit his ship. Malin Kundang's
ship was destroyed and he was stranded on the beach. Apparently, he was already near his own village. Malin
Kundang hoped to be rescued by the villagers, but instead he met his mother who was crying for help. Malin
Kundang felt ashamed and was reluctant to admit his mother as his own. He asked his mother to leave and did
not want to admit it in front of the village people. Because of his arrogance and disrespect towards his mother,
Malin Kundang was punished by God to become a rock on a beach which is exposed to sea waves every day.

16. Who is the main character in Malin Kundang story?

a. Pirates
b. Villagers
c. Fishermen
d. Malin kundang
e. Malin kundang's mother

17. What happened to Malin Kundang's ship while sailing?

a. Malin Kundang's ship sank
b. Malin Kundang's ship was lost
c. Malin Kundang's ship caught fire
d. Malin Kundang's ship turned into a rock
e. The malin kundang ship hit a rock and was destroyed

18. Why was Malin Kundang punished to become a rock on the beach?
a. Because he lost all his wealth
b. Because he abused the fishermen
c. Because he doesn't have a ship anymore
d. Because he couldn't return to the distant land anymore
e. Because of his arrogance and disrespect towards his mother

19. What moral message can be taken from Malin Kundang's story?
a. Success at the expense of others
b. Descendants must help families in need
c. Kindness always gets a good reward too
d. An arrogant person will never be successful in life
e. Wealth can make someone arrogant and forget their origins

20. What is the main idea of the text?

a. A story about a boy who became rich and successful
b. The story of a poor mother and an arrogant son
c. The story of Malin Kundang's sailing journey
d. The story about the storm that destroyed Malin Kundang's ship
e. Story of a good-natured young man who is successful in the city

21. What is the meaning of orientation?

a. The end of the story or the conclusion of the story
b. Tells about the beginning of the problem of an event or event
c. Introduction of the characters and settings involved in the story
d. Type of verb to express an action or activity that is visible and can be seen by others
e. The final condition of the character in the story, or contains lessons and moral messages

22. Which of the following is a language feature of narrative text?

a. Past Tense, Present Tense, Future Tense
b. Adverbs Of Time, Temporal Conjunctions, Action Verbs
c. Past Tense, Adverbs Of Time, Temporal Conjunctions, Action Verbs
d. Present Tense, Adverbs Of Time, Temporary Conjunctions, Action Verbs
e. Future Tenses, Adverbs Of Time, Temporal Conjunctions, Action Verbs

Read the text carefully and this text to answer questions number 23-26

The legend of Lake Toba

Once upon a time, in the middle of the island of Sumatra, there was a very beautiful lake called Lake
Toba. That said, this lake originates from a love story between a prince named Toba and a beautiful princess
named Pusuk Buhit.

Prince Toba is a handsome and brave young man who is highly respected by all the villagers. One day,
he met Pusuk Buhit and fell in love at first sight. However, luck was not on Toba's side. Pusuk Buhit's father,
who was a king, disapproved of their relationship because Toba was not a nobleman. Toba who was very sad
decided to leave the village and seek luck elsewhere. However, before leaving, Toba promised Pusuk Buhit that
he would return to the village after achieving success. Several years later, Toba really succeeded and returned to
the village with abundant wealth. However, when he arrived at the village, he found that Pusuk Buhit had died
because of extreme sadness and longing.

Toba felt very sad and cried over Pusuk Buhit's grave. Her tears kept flowing and formed a very wide
lake, which became known as Lake Toba. Until now, Lake Toba has become one of the most popular tourist
destinations in Indonesia. Its stunning natural beauty and the love legend of Toba and Pusuk Buhit are the main
attraction for tourists.

23. Who falls in love at first sight with Pusuk Buhit?

a. King
b. Toba
c. Prince
d. Villagers
e. Another beautiful princess

24. Why did Pusuk Buhit's father disapprove of Toba and Pusuk Buhit's relationship?
a. Because toba is ugly
b. Because toba is not a nobleman
c. Because toba is already married
d. Because pusuk buhit didn't like toba
e. Because Pusuk Buhit already has a girlfriend

25. In which paragraph does the climax of the story occur in the text above?
a. In the last paragraph
b. In the first paragraph
c. In the second paragraph
d. In the first and last paragraph
e. In the first and second paragraph

26. How did Lake Toba appear?

a. It was formed by heavy rain
b. It was formed by Toba's tears
c. Formed from Pusuk Buhit's tears
d. It was formed because of a spring
e. It was formed by a volcanic eruption

27. In narrative text using temporal connective, what is meant by temporal connective is...........
a. A verb that indicates the process of thinking or considering something.
b. A word that describes the action or activity carried out by the subject in a sentence.
c. A words that refer to ideas, concepts, or feelings that cannot be physically seen or touched.
d. A word or phrase used to connect two sentences or clauses that are related in terms of time.
e. The final condition of the character in the story, or contains lessons and moral messages

28. What is the role of conflict in narrative text?

a. To confuse the reader
b. To make the story longer
c. To make the story boring
d. To make the story interesting
e. To make the story predictable
Read the text carefully and this text to answer questions number 29-33

Mount Bromo

Once upon a time, in East Java, there was a village surrounded by high mountains. One of the most
famous mountains in the region is Mount Bromo. That said, the mountain has a very interesting origin.

According to folklore, long ago this region was ruled by a very cruel and arbitrary king. He always
ordered his people to work hard without giving proper wages. The people also feel oppressed and their lives are
getting more difficult every day.

One day, a young man named Raden Jaka Semeru decided to fight against the king's cruelty. He led the
villagers to rebel and claim their rights as humans. However, the king was very angry and ordered Raden Jaka
Semeru to be arrested.

Raden Jaka Semeru who felt scared and cornered then disappeared into the forest. In the forest, he
meets a shaman who gives him supernatural powers to fight the king. Raden Jaka Semeru returned to the village
and led the residents to fight against the king's army.

The battle was very fierce, but in the end the residents managed to defeat the king's troops. The king
who felt threatened, tried to escape by riding a horse towards Mount Bromo. However, suddenly the ground
around the king's horse split open and the horse and the king fell into a very deep gap in the ground.

Since then, the mountain is called Mount Bromo. It is said that the king and his horse who were mired in
the gap became a cloud of smoke that always emerged from the crater of Mount Bromo.

29. Who was the young man who led the citizens to rebel against the king?
a. The king
b. A villager
c. A shaman
d. A royal soldier
e. Raden Jaka Semeru

30. What did the king do to the villagers?

a. Give decent wages
b. Rebelled against Raden Jaka Semeru
c. Oppress and order them to work hard
d. Help them to build the village
e. Provide welfare to the villagers
31. How did the people defeat the king's army?
a. They surrendered to the king.
b. They fled from the battlefield.
c. They used their physical strength.
d. They used their supernatural powers
e. They fought using sharpened bamboo

32. Where is the setting in the folklore above?

a. A village in East Java
b. Mount Bromo
c. Kingdom
d. A village in West Java
e. Mount Merapi

33. How did the king try to escape after losing the battle?
a. On a plane
b. Take the fast train
c. Get on the golden
d. Swim across the river
e. Ride a horse towards Mount Bromo

34. What point of view is used in narrative text?

a. Author's point of view
b. First-person point of view
c. Third person point of view
d. Second person point of view
e. Fourth person point of view

35. What is the importance of resolution in narrative text?

a. To introduce characters and settings
b. To create suspense and suspense
c. To provide a cover and end the story
d. To give a problem that needs to be solved
e. To give an interesting storyline

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