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‘AAW Recent Job Solution aa TT: . ‘ferent cer of Bz BART eT &, AafbST ot, faery at w, Ronee ye Be or Bvo (GATS Te, VOT ACE) SOE Comte FCAT TST COLE SVT WATTS VTLS wR? &, Beate &, way ai, whe a et Be . Reoa carnit weggra Hater Creat? = «aa 1. oe %. fagay Be TC Stet fine A Cae aT CHT URE? ¥. wom ait er at a, afreact ait . Beate aft Br Hints: @3¢ (SAYS TET, OT ACSA) ‘fereta’ ox ferttonds se AB? %. SraeR +, fora a, wafesre x, fare Br POT Bue (GATT Ter, AoA ACSA) vena cate ami wderaperde weet stent cree? FAR Sure, AT. ROAR 07 BT FET: Ro (GATS TAT, AOA ACTA) Reon carat Carat Afeerr sa oe 8 st aft qa By FEI: Oe (GAS TAT, SOA ATT) Rico Carat aimrmenfe hee mTReT ABATE &. Grips =e &, fecncad 7 ot, On fae trae | Be ABT ov (GATT TET, ATT ACHAT) STIR BCH BS HP FMT ek, FEY ot 9, TARTS et OF eT Be EI: BY (GATS TT, VOW HEAT) AIHA CIAL: 02.04,2029 fait: 300 do, Tent wre AAS eter state Cea? F. OS WRT 8, WT THT of, Faron (Fiera) Hratbrs w, Gotta tices eadicow Bf feel me ory Nay ee oe seoo FCT Ree cept care xq aie afew ‘fety FMT | ART PAT Sra ME BE TTA AT BERS wee care PaCS creat ors MCT water) Abr: By (BANGS TET, 92oT HEAT) 3d. “atom carr at cae (carbone) oF? , CUSTAE eeTT ex. Te tM aT uy came Ce Ab: 9@ (SAS TET, VOT HAT) 22. “SR whale coy aia Coney wey apa berasy A, SSO x, femmes ST abt: sb (GAS TET, oT AIA) yo. Reee cory siftrere fcr aed rem meee TTT efet ecufien? 3. i oy 8 AaT 4, SCF Wage Ba Abt: bb (SATS Ten, SQoT HEAT) 38.ITRAT SPAT ARTY PCAC CT BUT RATA ACME at zoe a u, doff ABT: Od9 (GATT TET, SRST LRAT) 3e, Cooter aly ATM teat OH TRA eT FEL? Ba aoe & sof A, ft uf uF Abt O99 (GATS Te, 9AoA ACT) Se enha ETA ere sere erat FH Aa? , ni & meas of, oncoratat wae Be RRIF 9 URGE TEN BRT DENT TTT OCT BACAR OT NGA “RLS TT” 8 39. ‘Dia sia etter carab? aM a7 oH Uae Be FST: BUD (BATS TEM, SAoT ACSA) de. fre eA woR? *. vol & 0 a ef ua Be FSI: O98 (GATS TET, SOT HAT) Dp, RR ROTTS MC ET ACT AH EP ¥. fe a a ST WB Ue oI: sp8 (GATE METS as; GI-2020) 20, Allegory # Sten *fReret CHAT? lal &, we AT on forth carer ©, Heerer Be FEI: Yoo (RATS TET, AOI AVHAT) 9. ST aa SPR erp ee FR? &. Jet Bt Sat TST eT 1 TOT SS TY, SRA T RST TST QR. RT CT ANS oT HAN? oa & Corer FT 1, OH Toe Ce PEI: Bera (GATS AKT, eT HLH!) 20. Rept GATE MIs tH SOT? &, Fre = apf t, GOTT ue eBoy By FHT: COd (GANT TK, VOT ALSAT) 28, Rim IAT we darts OER GATT? Bees TT 8 Pe wae BE aT ude BT FET: OA (GATS TEM, SATU ATEAT) RG, PET CHT ONT TATA? O, M F 3. Gare ar 1, Ta FL 1, SAY OTST Be far] Seer arove eure a, merge) are, FAM TTT ABO CUT AAT (Sore) 1 OI: a (GAAS HM, 32BT ACHAT) u. Fill in the gap of the sentence: ‘You are to conform ... the rules of the organization. of %. to on %. with Be ‘BT: R29 (GATS Competitive English) 4. Choose the correct replacement of the underlined portion of the sentence. ‘The child does whatever his father was done’. ‘Saye Recent Job Solution ®, had done %. did st, has done ¥. does BT xv. Choose from the following options for correcting the sentence ‘You need not come unless you want’. =. You don’t need to come unless you want to. ‘4. You come only when you want to. #1, You come unless you don’t want to. ¥. No correction required. Be 3. Choose from the following options for correcting the underlined portion of the sentence: ‘They were all shocked at his failure in the competition’. =. were shocked at all 4, had all shocked at ‘thas all shocked by ¥. No correction required ur 0, Which of the following words is not singular? every ®. datum , agenda each BT ojo: vB (GAYS Competitive English) ©’. When one of the following is the analogy of LION : ROAR? www.prebd.com @. Snake : Slither *. Art : Connoisseur Goat: Bleat =. Craft: Skill 9 8. 3. Which of the following resembles OATH : PROMISE? =. Contract : Agreement . Deed : Attormey 4. Title: Estate Job: Loyalty &.% oe, What is the antonym of the word EXTEMPORE? Unplanned —&. Arbitrate 1, Rehearsed ¥. Appease wT Abr: ow (GATS CTT BA; GI-R020) 68. Which of the following is the opposite of the word ADORABLE? =. Hateful ®. Appreciable , Adequate %. Discouraging = RRIF 8 UREA TE OAT PITT RAR OC PALAT OT ET “SYS Competitive English’ s ‘SATS Recent Job Solution ee, Select the term that contrasts AFFABLE- =. Foolish %, Unfriendly 4, Straight forward, Easy Be ‘sfbt: wee (GAGS Competitive English) Antonym of the word CLUMSY is- %. Frivolous %. Ignorant 4. Lifeless x, Adroit Be ‘sft: VUE (GAGS Competitive English) . The term AMAZING is same as- , Enraged %. Arouse a, Astonishing ©. Wrathful Br Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence: ‘Everybody was there ... Iqbal’. . Except *. Except for +1, Except of wbothF&t FF . Pick appropriate word and complete the sentence: ... us has been invited. ¥. None of %. None st, No one ¥, Only one us . Fill the gap of the sentence: ‘The ship is bound ... Sri Lanka choosing right preposition. *. for & of 4. to 4. by Be ‘afbt: A220 (SatZS Competitive English) . Find the misspelt word from the following: ®. Incurable *. Liason 1, Acquit wInvulnerable 8. aqhr: 988 (Gat7e Competitive English) ‘Well, let me recheck it’ the underlined word is- %. Interjection —-¥, Noun 1, Adverb X, Adjective Be ‘oT: 8 (GAGS Competitive English) . Which one of the following spelling is correct? . Advercity %. Adversity t, Advercety %, Advarsity Be ‘qb: 98> (GaZS Competitive English) . Choose the correct spelling from the following? . Beaurocrat *. Burocrat 8 ¢ ‘Bureaucrat ¥. Buroucrat. =. spbr: wo (SRW Competitive English) . What is passive form of the sentence: “We must take care of all living species on Earth?” =. All living species on Earth are taken care of by us. *. All living species on Earth must be taken care of. 4. All living species on Earth must be cared by us. ¥. All living species on Earth must be taken care of by us. By . One word substitution for: ‘One who cannot be changed or reformed’ is- . Hesitant %, Vulnerable a, Incorrigible ¥. Incurable Br ojo: aap (S8NZS Competitive English) . The phrase “At arm’s Length” means . Health at arm *. Soft hearted +t, Thrown to the ground ¥. At a distance Bye ‘bt: esd (SATS Competitive English) . Which of the following is correct? . It is many years since I came to Dhaka. 4. It is many years since I had come to Dhaka. 41 It is many years since I come to Dhaka. ¥, It is many years since I shall come to Dhaka. uF spb: e¢b (GATS Competitive English) . Identify substitute word for the following sentence: ‘One who works for the good of others’ www.prebd.com =. Antagonist —&. Altruist 5, Agnostic ¥, Atheist Be . Choose the indirect speech of ‘How old is your mother? he asked me.” %. He asked my mother’s age 4, He asked me about my mother’s age. 41, He asked me how old my mother was. ¥. He asked me how old my mother. 8. RPROT 8 ORE TE TPT BHAT APT MAC OY PHLAT OT ET “weqe Basic Math’ ¥ ¢@3.How many pieces of 85 cm length stick can be cut from a 42.5 meters long stick? 30 #40 t. 50 ™. 60 Sr oh: sQu GA 338 FRET GAT (GIFT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) ¢x. A glass when full of milk, weighs 1 kg. It weighs 0.75 kg when the glass is half full. What is weight of the empty glass? . 0.25kg #. 0.35 kg 1.0.40 kg %. 0.50 kg Be fb: 82 A eB AMAT BART (GAT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) €9.A man borrowed some money for 120 days. He asked the banker for the money and the banker charged Tk. 360 as interest @6% per annum. What was the amount he borrowed? %, Tk. 18,000 &. Tk. 16,000 4, Tk. 15,000 «None ofthese %.# A: cob AT Sue AWA (GAS Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) ¢8.How much would I have to pay for a book which cost tk. 70 to produce, if the printing company sold it to a book seller at 20% profit and the book seller sold it to me at a profit of 25%? ®. Tk. 90 4. Tk. 95 4. Tk. 105 ™. Tk. 110 Br fH: 24 GA 28 AWA WAHT (GAGE Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) @¢.A cake is divided into 18 pieces. If Rchana takes 1/3rd of the cake and Rashed takes 1/3rd of the cake left, how many pieces are left? a8 16 1.4 ¥.10 Se Ab: YOR 4A son AWA GW (GAT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) ¢v.If 5 students run a mile in 5 minutes, how much time will 50 students take to run a mile? . 5 minutes #. 10 minutes t. $0 minutes ¥.None ofthese &.% OT: 820 GA 994 ANAM BAR (GATT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) ‘BaZT Recent Job Solution ¢4.How many numbers from 11 to 50 are there which are exactly divisible by 7 not by 3? 6 as m4 w2 Br OI: 09 SA 294 AR GGA (GAYS Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) ¢v.If length and width of a rectangular plot were each increased by 20%, what would be the percentage increase in the area of the plot? %. 20% % 24% *. 36% 44% Bw a: Av GA 82d ANA VENT (GGT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) >, The ratio of the angles of a triangle is 2: 3: 4, What is the largest angle in degrecs? www.prebd.com 30 %. 60 80 4.90 Bt I: w8O GA Soe ANAT STH (GATT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) vo. If a square region has area n, what is the length of the diagonal of the square in terms of n? @ Vin aya Vn wn te bt: BIS GT 208 ANAT BTWT (GATT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) v9.10 minutes after a plane leaves the airport, it is reported to be 40 miles away. What is the average speed in miles per hour of the plane? ®, 560 #400 1. 240 200 ur qo: 8e9 MT Wwe ANAT WTA (GAS Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) PRAT 8 TREE HET DIBA HET TT OTN FLAT OT NET “mage Fear ‘BAB Recent Job Solution &. Of 30 applicants for a job, 14 had a least 4 years experience, 18 had degrees, and 3 had less than 4 years experience and a degree. How many of the applicants had at least 4 year’s experience and a degree? #13 a9 1.7 a5 BT 9 Uy OF 998 TNT TENT (GUE Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) ve.The total salary of X, Y and Z is Tk. 90,000. X carns twice of what X carns, and Y carns 1.5 times of what Z carns. What is the salary of Z? =. Tk. 15,000 #. Tk. 20,000 4. Tk. 25,000 4. Tk. 30,000 Be WOT: VER GF yoo AMAT GT (GAT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) 8. Mr, Khan’s salary is Tk. 5000.00 and he gets 10% commission of his salary. If his salary increased by 10%, by what. percent his commission will increase? 3.5% % 10% 1. 20% ¥ 25% Be ve. A man’s age is now 3 times his son’s age. Eight years back, the man’s age was 5 times his son’s age. What is the present age of the son? www. prebd.com 315 %2 4.18 © 16 Ba Yo: ov GF odo AWA WHT (IGE Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) wy. If (2x - 1)’ = 100, then which one of the following could equal x? %~. -11/2 4%. -9/2 A112 13/2 89 va, What percent of 700 is 2.17 3.3 40.3 t, 0.03 ¥. 30 Be or: 3@2 AT v4 ARR WHT (GAT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) vv.If the product of three consecutive integers is 720, then the sum of the two largest integers is- 710 WS 4.17 w19 Be A: ey SF bd ANA TERT (GATT Basic Math; January, 2023 Edition) 4 va, Nafiza bought a ticket of a cricket match for Tk. 25 and later sold the ticket to Raida for tk. 75. What was the percent increase in the price of the ticket? =, 200% =, 150% , 300% ¥, 100% Be 90.A is 3 years older than B and 3 years younger than C, B and D are twins. How older is C than D? *. 12 years 6 years 4. 3 years ¥. Cannot be Determined Be 99.The previous name of Nijhum Dwip was- ®, Sea Island *. Banga Drahir . Burdwan Char ¥.CharOsman 8.4 4x.The largest pyramid of the world is located in- *. Peru 4, Egypt *t, Mexico %. Nijeria Bt qo. A centimeter is equal to- = 1mm «10mm , 100 mm. ¥. 1000 mm Be 98. World population day is observed on- %. July 10 %. September 27 %. September 28 —¥, July 11 Be FSI: 8 (SATE seco feame, em ACSA) 4¢.Who is the Chief Economist of the World Bank. ®. Stanley Fischer *. Indermit Gill ‘t, Hollis B Chency ¥, Ajoy Banga 8. ¢ Aor: 2¢ (HAMS aS ofAaRAT, WET 2032) qv. Which sector has the largest share of the GDP of Banglasesh? ®, Industry *, Service st, Agriculture ¥. None ofthe above %.¥ FSI: Wwe (SAMS sero Heal, Cm Ave) 94.The famous novel ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ is written by- , JK rowling ¢, George Eliot *, Jane Austen ¥. Charles Dickens. ¥ ‘qb: 4 (BATS Competitive English) RRMTHCS OO PHCTT OFT APT ge areenry Rrra & v.The designer of the National Martyrs Monument is- =. Syed Mainul Hossain *. Hamidur Rahman %. Shaymol Chowdhury . Syed Abdullah Khalid Bs br: ses (SaNTS eee Faearala, oF FeeAT) 4%. Which of the following is not in Asia? . Israil . Saudi Arabia st, Libya ¥, Lebanon Ba Ab: sow (SAAS wrachifos ferme, ex ACHAT) vo.Which country has the largest population in the world in 2023? 3%. USA =. India st, China . Russia Be Aor > (aS TTS HAGA BA, 2020) v>.What is the name of the central bank of China? www.prebd.com ®. The People’s Bank of China #, Central Bank of China t, Reserve Bank of China ¥. Bank of China BF fb: aos (GUE Techies fer, em AeEAT) ve. DNA stands for- ®. Dioxyribosnucleic acid +. Deoxyribonucleic acid ‘t. Dihydralrnucleic acid ¥. Disacchrideic ccid Se fbr: 298 (SANS Ra, az ACHAT) ve, Rajbondir Jobanbondi was written by- ®. Kazi Nazrul Islam @. Rabindranath Tagore 1. Sikandar Abu Zafar ¥. Munier Choudhury BF AB: 2oe (BATS TW, SLT AEA) v8.Which country first recognized Bangladesh as an independent nation? . India *. Poland 1, Bhutan ¥. Sri Lanka Bt Ab: 98y (SATS Tero RATA, om AEA) v¢. Rupiah is the currency of- =. India +. Pakistan ‘1. Nepal ™. Indonesia Br A: Vos (TAT Vie FETT, CF FEAT) weIn 1997, UNESCO declared the ‘Sundarbans’ as the- ‘8aGS Recent Job Solution ®, 798th World Heritage Site *. 997th World Heritage Site ‘1, 879th World Heritage Site ¥, 789the World Heritage Site te FSI: 208 (SAMS seo female, ey CHIT) va.The first floating solar power project of Bangladesh has been undertaken is- ®, Kapasia, Gazipur *. Mongla, Bagerhat x. Keshobpur, Jashore %, Hakimpur, Dinajpur Bx vy. ECNEC stands for- *. Executive Committee of the National Economic Council *. Executive Committee of the National Economical Council ‘. Executive Nationwide Committee for Economic Council ¥. Executive Committee of the National Economic Council Bay FE: wos (GaMS Tero feaTaA, oF ACHAT) vs.What is the length of the first Expressway of Bangladesh? 50 km *. 53 km st. 55 km ¥. 65 km tr FSI: 999 (SATS see Fra, CF ALTA) s0.Which country launched E-passport as the first country in South Asia? Bangladesh —%. India Lanka ¥. Nepal Re br (AGS steer Raa, eX AKER) »).The process of copying files to a CD- ROM is known as- , Buming %, Zipping . Digitizing ¥. Ripping Br i ro (BAS OTS Be TEP, BTM 2oQ0) 38. RTGS is a (n)- ®, Governance system *. Payment system 1, Right-based group ¥. Anti-virus software Bat 7B: wo (GANS FOS we HE, UTTMF 2089) RRGT 8 TRAE TEN BAT ADOT CATE RMIT OY PITT OT AST RAS OO E REMI ‘WAIT Recent Job Solutio ‘ve.Which of the following is the strongest | »4.Which one is password? . ABCD1234 #. AIB2C3D4 1, PasSwOrD W. SAxY59*& Bw 38.The keyboard command to reboot a computer is- %.Ctl+Alt+Tab *. Ctrl + Shift +Del 1. Ctrl+ Alt+Del 4. Ctrl + Alt + Shift 8. bt vo (SATS THAT @ IAT) ae. If we want to connect a few computers in a small office, all the computers in one building, or all the computers in severl buildings in close proximity, Whaich type of network is required? *. PAN a, LAN 1. MAN 3. SAN Ba JBI: 200 (BATS SHV ¢ Sere) 38, Which one is Utility Software? . MS Word =. Win-Zip 4. Firefox 4. Facebook Be Pras (BATS OTT we FEM, SETA 2020) > “the most popular Alternative Delivery Channels (ADCs) in Bangladesh? *. MFS =. ATM. t. POST ¥. internet Banking®. ¥ sv.Which one is the Programming language? ®. MS PowerPoint *. MS Windows 10 1, Python ™, MySQL Bat oT: soe (MATS BPTI 6 wees) x. URL stand for- ®. Uniform Resource Locator %. Uniform Resource Location st, Unndetected Resource Line ¥. Uniformity of Resource Locator 8. & abr 220 (BATS SABI s wees) d00, A Gigabyte is equal to- %. 1024 Bytes %, 1024 Kilobytes +1, 1024 Megabytes ¥. 1024 Terabytes 8. abr: Be (aw THI @ weperyfe) QOS MAE MATT NCAT ONE TIO ICT we Te RAPT | High-Level BMT, 2OQO NEF CF, 2OIO ALT HSS HHT OPLAT AH PIT AT TOTTT Pig ben Fee ‘eee Recent Job Solution’ WF NARS WEA WAR |

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