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School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada

Department of Planning
Studio Brief - Planning and Mapping Studio (PLN201)

Name of Programme : Planning and Mapping Studio (PLN201)

Course and Semester : Bachelors of Planning, First Year Second Semester
Duration : March 9th to May 31st, 2023
Studio Coordinators : Ms. D. Aparna Sai, (Assistant Prof., Dept. of Planning).
Ms. Ekta, (Assistant Prof., Dept. of Planning).
Number of Credits : 15
Subject Category : Studio
No. of Students : 27

Approach & Expected Outcome: The studio aims to make the students proficient in preparation
of base maps and thematic maps. Introduction to data collection and representation, using various
thematic maps and other graphical representation techniques would be carried out. This would
facilitate the students to efficiently collect, read, represent, and analyze spatial data which would
further equip them to carry out various planning exercises in the future.

In the initial three weeks of studio schedule, exercises would include understanding and manually
representing the contents and various layers of topographic sheets and cadastral maps, choice of
scales and its proportions, orientation of maps, legends, and notations.

From the fourth week onwards, students (in groups) would be introduced to their specific study
areas in Vijayawada. Thematic Maps (using ArcGIS) representing the various urban layers are to
be prepared for the respective study area. The thematic maps would include: administrative maps,
land use maps, various demographic maps, physical and social infrastructure maps, sociography

maps, figure ground maps, topography, drainage and water basin maps, etc. Understanding about
land utilization and color coding (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Open space, Greenery,
Public and semi-public, water bodies). Preparation of survey questionaries, sampling, and
introduction to on-site primary data collection techniques are also a part of this studio.

Phase 1
Introduction to Maps Types and contents of maps - topographic, cadastral, land use, administrative
maps, etc. Base Mapping Protocols Choice of appropriate scale (graphic and numeric); orientation
of maps; Title of sheet and lettering; legends items, notations, use of monochrome and color.

Phase 2
Techniques of Base Map Preparation Tracing the topographic sheets 'manually by identifying the
regional/district boundaries, city and municipal ward boundaries, existing settlement boundaries,
major water bodies, reserve forests, rocky formations, ecologically sensitive areas, major roads,
major electric power lines, historical monuments of national importance, and protected defense
establishments; Using of appropriate legend items, standard patterns, symbols and notations.

Phase 3
Preparation of survey questionnaire, on site surveys, primary data analysis, basic stakeholder
consultations, precinct level thematic maps preparation of various parameters.

Phase 4
Appreciation studies of land use classification of residential, commercial, institutional,
transportation, recreation areas in small urban and/ or rural settlements; Tabulation and graphic
presentation of statistical data; Use of monochrome and color coding, black and white as
presentation techniques by using internationally accepted hatching patterns.

Studio Schedule

Module Lectures and Deliverables * Time Limit*

• Lecture on types and contents of maps – topographic, cadastral, land
use, administrative, etc., choice of appropriate scale, legend
preparation, hatching pattern, etc Week 3
Module 1
March 22nd
• Base Map Preparation, Tracing the topographic sheets manually by
identifying the various thematic layers.

• Conceptual and/ Theoretical Understanding of Area Mapping - to

understand the various kinds of maps and parameters involved in area
mapping and analysis Week 4
Introduction to respective study areas in Vijayawada March 30th
Module 2
Preparation of base maps

• Preparation of data checklist, survey questionnaire and base maps for Week 5
field work. Field work – collection of primary and secondary data April 5th
Week 7
Module 3 Primary data analysis and Preliminary map preparations
April 20th

Week 8
Module 4 Preliminary Review of Maps and Findings
April 25th

• Graphical representation of various statistical data in relation to the Week 9-10

Module 5 above maps May 8th
• Review of Detailed Inferences and Analysis
• Final consolidated report preparation of all the maps, analysis and
Module 6 findings Week 11-12
• Final Internal Review
* Kindly note that schedule may vary based on the changes in the academic calendar or any other
unavoidable circumstances.
1. Any other closed holidays as declared by SPAV shall supersede the above lecture plan. Holidays
shown above may alter as per Notice from time to time.
2. Assessment Sessions may be re-scheduled if needed, with prior intimation.
3. Reading lists provided is not exhaustive and is subject to addition – students are advised to
follow progression of class to keep abreast of the new reading lists, if any.

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