Assignment2 DS3007 000194360001944800

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fWilai UNIVERSITY Bachelor of information Technology (Hons) Assignment Cover Sheet CourseCode: 033007 Course Title: Professional Development AssignmentTitle: Assignment2_ ‘Due Date: 2 May2023 _ Date Submitted: 2 May 2023 Lecturer Name: Ms Laxmi prt Tobe completed if this is an individual assignment { declare that this assignment is my individual work. | have not worked collaboratively nor have | copied from any other student's work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by another person. StudentName: ‘Student 0: Signature: Tobe completed ifthis isa group assignment Wie declare that this sa group assignment and that no part of this submission has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement made explicitly in the text, not has any part been writen for us by another person Student ID ‘Student Name Signature 00019436 _Bhuwan Kafle “00019448 -—-_Biddhya Sagar Mainali_ “00019469 -—_Sanskriti Pokhrel — “oo019451_-—=_Sthapana Yadav_ —_ “00019440. "Yubraj Khatiwada_— Lecturer’s comments:_____— ee eS Foral Marks: 19 Tecturers Signature: bau hg Feedback to Student: We acknowledged receiving feedback fr Student's Signature: =— com the lecturer on this assignment. Extension certification: ‘This assignment has been giv« Lecturers Signature: aa fen an extension and isnow due on —___—— Scanned with CamScanner Acknowledgment As an issue of first significance, we would like to thank our module leader Ms, Laxmi Upretri of this undertaking for this assignment. We want to offer thanks towards him for showing us some case that related to the point of our undertaking. We are truly grateful In addition, we should thank the master of Padmashree International College for iving us a fair circumstance and workplace to complete this venture. Furthermore, we would like to thank the Nilai University for offering this subject, Personal Development (DS3007). Scanned with CamScanner Table of Contents ‘Assessment 4 Introduction ofall our group members and their roles and responsiblies while ‘conducting meeting... - seman Introduction to the ae snes Objectives to the project... es) Discussion and Meetings. a emeceeee) Challenges and Solutions... - manne Conclusion... ——e : = vee 10 Marking SCHEME smn : senate ene VY Scanned with CamScanner Assessment 1. Write @ report about the project that your group have undertaken Introduction of all your group members and their roles and responsibilities hile conducting meeting is compulsory. Introduction to the project, objectives (clarity and creativity). How the discussions and meetings were carried on? a) Indicate the number of meetings, dates used while conducting the meeting. = List out challenges you have faced while organizing the meeting and working in your team? Mention few ways how you have overcome those challenges? Conclusions Scanned with CamScanner Introduction Of all our group members and their roles and responsibilities while conducting meeting, Introduction This was a group assignment of Professional Development where we were tasked to prepare a presentation on the topic related to our course. We created a group of 5 members and we distributed our works. ur group consisted of five members: Bhuwan Kafle, BiddhyaSagar Mainal, ‘Sanskriti Pokharel, Sthapana Yadav, and Yubraj Khatiwada. Bhuwan Kate was the project leader. BiddhyaSagar Mainali was the editor. Sthapana Yadav was the des er. Yubraj Khatiwada was the writer and Sanskriti Pokhrel was the researcher. ur group worked together to prepare a presentation on “Fulfilling Responsibility’ Student Id Team Members Name Responsibilities | (00019436 Bhuwan Kafle Project Leader Responsible for coordinating and delegating tasks. ‘00019448 BiddhyaSagar Mainali Editor Responsible for reviewing and refining the content. ‘00019469 ‘Sanskriti Pokhrel Researcher Responsible for gathering information. (00019451 ‘Sthapana Yadav Designer Responsible for creating the presentation. (00019440 ‘Yubraj Khatiwada Writer Responsible for crafting the content for mntation, ence Scanned with CamScanner Introduction to the project, objectives (clarity and creativity), Introduction to the project ‘The duties and tasks we have for one another and as well as to those around us are referred to as responsibilities. We must behave honorably, dependably, and responsibly if we are to fulfill these obligations. We need to know exactly what is required of us in order to carry out our duties. Setting specific goals and objectives, prioritizing work, and taking proactive ‘measures to ensure that we keep our commitments are some examples of how to do this. In addition, we must be prepared to accept responsibilty for our choices and actions and as well as to accept blame for any failures or mistakes that may arise. Responsibilty-fulfllment demands a certain amount of commitment and self-control. It could include giving up personal interests or free time in order to fulfil our commitments. But when we carry out our duties, we not only gain the respect of others around us but also gain a sense of personal pride and satisfaction from knowing that we are improving both our own and those around us. In general, completing tasks is a crucial part of developing personally and professionally. It assists us in forming a solid work ethic, creating wholesome connections, and achieving our objectives and desires. Scanned with CamScanner Objectives to the project ‘Some common objectives of fulfiling responsibilities include: 1, Meeting expectations ‘One of the primary objectives of fufiling responsibilities is to meet the expectations of those who have assigned tasks or duties to you 2. Building trust and credibility Fuliling responsibilties consistently over time can help build trust and crecibilty with colleagues, managers, and clients. 3. Developing skills and knowledge Fulfiling responsibilities can provide opportunities for skill development and knowledge acquisition. 4, Achieving goals Futfiling responsibilties can help you achieve personal and professional goals. By taking ownership of your responsibilities and following through on commitments. a Scanned with CamScanner sussion and Meetings Before the discussion and meeting, we chose a topic and established clear goals and objectives for the presentation. Then we assigned specific roles and responsibilities to each team member to ensure that everyone knows their responsibillies and can work effectively. Open communication among the team members was done which allowed everyone to freely share their ideas, opinions, ‘and suggestions, and ensure that everyone's contributions are valued and considered. Meeting: (2-3 hours) ‘We discussed the presentation topic and content. We assigned the roles and responsibilities for each team mer > We fixed a dead line for the presentation development. > We discussed about the potential challenges and devel We provided feedback and suggestions to each team members. o smber. ¥ Joped solutions. . Scanned with CamScanner i Challenges and Solutions Challenges 4. The main challenge we faced during the project was time management. Each group member had diferent schedules and it was challenging to balance the responsibilities with the ime needed to prepare for the presentation. 2, Since itis important to ensure thal each member of the group has an equal ‘amount of work and responsibilty, this was the challenge we faced during the project. 3, Another challenge we faced during the project was while creating @ presentation because the presentation needs to be informative and engaging 4. Conflicting ideas was also the challenge we faced during the project. Every ‘group members had different idea on how to present the project. Solutions +4. We set clear deadlines for each task and also made sure to communicate regularly and check in with each other's progress, 2 We assigned a group leader to ensure each member has an equal amount of work and responsibilities. 43, We gathered different ideas and worked together to create a presentation that was both creative and informative. 4. Open and honest communication was done among group members to ensure ‘everyone's voice is heard. i) Scanned with CamScanner Conclusion e See eas “te Responsibilities,” We are pleased 10 report sed out goals. Our team demonstrated excelent collaboration, effective communication, and problem-sobving skis which helped us overcome ay obstacles that arose during the projet. Thru the presentation, ative Way, providing ‘Our delivery was wwe were able fo convey out message in a competing ané infor our audience with valuable insights and actionable takeaways. engaging, and we effectively used visual ads to enhance our message. sulted in a successful presentation, demonstrating that we were able to work wel 10 are proud of the work that we fident that we have met the requirements: of the project. Overall, our group's effort res gether as a team We have accomplished and con Scanned with CamScanner Marking Scheme woe may foe stil include. Teamwork, | | aeeneonmioe Poltis8 empathy) (20%) | | tne | mesnaton eden, tokingocion, independence) (10%) uu Scanned with CamScanner sn) (moe foro voncwustang | | (oer 04 ‘ber 45) wonomone 1804 su Scanned with CamScanner

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