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 Philippine Standard Time:

Thursday, July 27, 2023 3:13:33 PM
source: PAGASA



Commonwealth Act No. 654

June 21, 1941




Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:

SECTION 1. Title of Act. — This Act shall be known as the “General Appropriation Act for the
fiscal year nineteen hundred and forty-two.”

SEC. 2. Appropriation of funds. — The following sums, or so much thereof as may be

necessary, are appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise
appropriated, for the operation of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines for
the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and forty-two, unless otherwise stated:



1. For general expenses of the Senate P300,000.00
Total amount available for the Senate P 300,000.00
I. — Salaries and Wages
1. The Speaker of the National Assembly Members P 16,000.00
2. Ninety-seven Members of the National Assembly at P5,000 per annum from July 1, 1941 to
December 29, 1941 and Ninety-seven Members of the House of Representatives at P7,200 per P592,830.00
annum from December 30, 1941 to June 30, 1942
3. One Secretary of the National Assembly, with the rank of Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
4. One Sergeant-at-arms of the National Assembly 4,500.00
Office Of The Speaker

5. One secretary to the Speaker 7,200.00
6. One assistant to the secretary 2,940.00
7. One private secretary 4,800.00
8. Two stenographers at P3,480 6,960.00
9. One clerk-stenographer 1,920.00
10. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
11. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
12. One clerk 720.00
13. One clerk 480.00
14. Two messengers at P480 960.00
15. One caretaker and gardener for the Speaker’s Cottage in Baguio 540.00
16. One chauffeur 720.00
Office Of The Floor Leader
17. One secretary to the Floor Leader 3,720.00
18. One assistant secretary to the Floor Leader 2,400.00
19. One messenger 600.00
20. One messenger 480.00
Office Of The Electoral Commission
21. One secretary to the Electoral Commission 2,760.00
22. One assistant secretary and recorder 2,040.00
23. One stenographer 1,200.00
24. One clerk 660.00
25. One bailiff 960.00
26. One messenger P660.00
27. One messenger 480.00
Office Of The Commission On Appointments
28. One secretary to the Commission on Appointments 2,760.00
29. One stenographer 840.00
30. One clerk 480.00
Office Of The Commission On Impeachment
31. One secretary to the Commission on Impeachment for the period from July 1 to December 31,
1941, at P2,400
32. One messenger 480.00
Office Of The Committee on Appropriations
33. One secretary to the Committee on Appropriations 2,400.00
34. One stenographer 2,160.00
35. One clerk 1,080.00
36. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
37. One clerk 540.00
38. One clerk 480.00
Office Of The Committee on Third Reading
39. One secretary to the Committee on Third Reading 2,400.00
Office Of The Committee On Accounts
40. One stenographer 960.00
41. One clerk 600.00
42. One clerk-messenger 480.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

Office Of The Secretary

43. Two stenographers at P2,040 4,080.00
44. One stenographer 960.00
45. One clerk 1,200.00
46. One clerk 780.00
47. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
48. One messenger 720.00
49. One messenger 600.00
Office Of The Sergeant-At-Arms
50. One assistant sergeant-at-arms P1,440.00
51. One assistant sergeant-at-arms 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
52. Three assistant sergeants-at-arms at P720 2,160.00
53. Twelve legislative police at P720 8,640.00
54. One guard 720.00
55. Six guards at P600 3,600.00
Office Of The Legislative Service
56. One legislative counsel and chief of office 7,200.00
57. One assistant 5,100.00
58. Three assistants at P3,120 9,360.00
59. One chief legislative researcher and bill drafter 4,500.00
60. One legislative researcher and bill drafter 3,720.00
61. Eleven legislative researchers and bill drafters at P1,800 19,800.0
62. One legislative researcher and bill drafter 1,560.00
63. One law-clerk and proof-reader 1,200.00
64. One legislative clerk 1,080.00
65. One librarian 1,800.00
66. One cataloguer 1,440.00
67. One library assistant and filer 960.00
68. One assistant librarian 780.00
69. One assistant librarian 720.00
70. One chief clipping clerk 2,040.00
71. One clipping clerk 1,440.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

Office Of The Chief Clerk

89. One chief clerk and assistant secretary 6,000.00
90. One stenographer 1,800.00
91. One clerk 1,080.00
92. One clerk 960.00
93. Four clerks at P720 P2,880.0
94. One clerk 660.00
95. One clerk 780.00
96. One messenger 480.00
Mailing Section
97. One clerk in charge of the mailing section 960.00
98. One clerk 600.00
99. One messenger 660.00
100. Two messengers at P600 1,200.0
101. One messenger 540.00
102. One messenger 480.00
103. One messenger 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
104. Two messengers at P420 840.00
Accounting Division
105. One chief accountant 4,800.0
Excess of actual salary 240.00
106. One assistant chief accountant 2,400.0
107. One clerk-bookkeeper 1,440.0
108. One clerk 1,440.0
109. Two clerks at Pl,200 2,400.0
110. One clerk 960.00
111. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 300.00
112. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
113. One clerk 840.00
114. One clerk 720.00
115. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
116. One clerk 540.00
117. One messenger 420.00
Journal Division
118. One chief of division 5,100.0
119. One assistant chief of division 3,720.0
120. Two debate stenographers at P3,480 6,960.0
121. Three debate stenographers at P3,120 9,360.0
122. Two debate stenographers at P2,94 5,880.0
123. One debate stenographer 2,760.0
124. Two debate stenographers at P2,580 5,160.0
125. Three debate stenographers at P2,400 7,200.0
126. One debate stenographer 2,160.0
127. One stenographer 1,800.0
128. One stenographer 1,440.0
Publication Section
129. One translator and corrector 4,200.0
130. One translator and corrector 3,300.0
131. Three proof-readers at P2,040 6,120.0
132. One clerk 1,920.0
133. One clerk 1,800.0
134. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.0
135. One clerk 1,080.0
136. One clerk 960.00
137. One clerk 720.00
138. One messenger 540.00
Bills And Index Division
139. One chief of division 5,100.0
140. One assistant chief of division 1,920.0
141. One proof-reader 2,040.0
142. One proof-reader 1,680.0
143. One stenographer 840.00
144. One clerk 1,440.0
145. One clerk 1,320.0
146. One clerk 1,200.0
147. One clerk 960.00
148. One clerk 900.00
149. Two clerks at P780 1,560.0
150. Three clerks at P720 2,160.0
151. Three clerks at P660 1,980.0
152. One clerk 600.00
153. Two clerks at P540 1,080.0
154. One clerk 480.00
155. One clerk P420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
156. Two roneo-operators at P600 1,200.0
157. Two roneo-operators at P540 1,080.0
Translating and Proof-Reading Division
158. One chief of division 4,200.0
159. One assistant chief of division 3,720.0
160. Two translators at P2,760 5,520.0
161. One translator 2,160.0
162. One translator 1,320.0
163. One clerk-translator 1,440.0
164. Two clerks at P840 1,680.0
165. Two clerks at P660 1,320.0
166. One clerk 600.00
167. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
168. Two messengers at P420 840.00
Records Division
169. One chief of division 4,200.0
170. One assistant chief of division 2,400.0
171. One clerk 1,320.0
172. One clerk 900.00
173. One clerk 840.00
174. Two clerks at P720 1,440.0
175. One clerk 660.00
176. Two clerks at P480 960.00
177. One messenger 420.00
Property Division
178. One chief of division 4,200.0
179.One assistant chief of division 1,200.0
180. One clerk 1,800.0
181. One clerk 1,200.0
182. One clerk 960.00
183. One clerk 840.00
184. Two clerks at P780 1,560.0
185. Two clerks at P660 1,320.0
186. One clerk 600.00
187. One clerk 480.00
188. One clerk-messenger P480.00
189. One store-keeper 660.00
190. One messenger 540.00
Committee Stenographers Division
191. One chief of division 3,720.0
192. One assistant chief of division 2,940.0
Excess of actual salary 60.00
193. Five stenographers at P1,800 9,000.0
194. One stenographer 1,560.0
195. Seven stenographers at P1,440 10,080.
196. One stenographer 1,320.0
197. Two stenographers at P1,200 2,400.0
198. Seven stenographers at P960 6,720.0
199. One clerk 660.00
200. One clerk 420.00
201. One messenger 420.00
Disbursement Division
202. One cashier and disbursing officer 3,480.0
203. One assistant disbursing officer 1,680.0
204. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.0
205. One clerk 960.00
206. One clerk 720.00
207. One clerk 660.00
208. Two clerks at P600 1,200.0
209. Two clerks at P480 960.00
210. One messenger 660.00
211. One messenger 480.00
212. One messenger 420.00
Personnel Of The Building
213. One janitor and chief watchman, with free quarters, water and light, while required to live in the
Legislative Building
214. Five watchmen at P660 3,300.0
215. One watchman 600.00
216. Two watchmen at P480 P960.00
217. Four elevator operators at P660 2,640.0
218. One elevator operator 480.00
219. Two porters at P540 1,080.0
220. One laborer 600.00
221. Thirty-six laborers at P540 19,440.
222. Sixteen laborers at P480 7,680.0
223. One chauffeur 720.00
224. One chauffeur 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
225. Two mechanics at P720 1,440.0
226. One carpenter 600.00
228. For technical, secretarial and clerical service to the Members of the National Assembly at the rate
of P6,000 per annum for each member from July 1, 1941 to December 29, 1941, and for secretarial and
clerical services to the Members of the House of Representatives at the rate of P3,000 per annum for
each Member from December 30, 1941 to June 30, 1942, the Member in both cases to fix and determine 439,420
the number and compensation for the force required for such service, and whether part or full time in
Manila or outside: Provided, That no member of said technical, secretarial or clerical force shall be paid
per diems or traveling expenses when leaving Manila or rendering service outside of the city
229. For supplementary force 2,000.0
Total for salaries and wages P 1,525
II. Sundry Expenses
1. Traveling expenses of Members P 25,00
2. Traveling expenses of personnel, including those of the Constitutional Commissions, Committees and
Members of the National Assembly, when on authorized official travel, any pro vision of existing law to P8,000.
the contrary notwithstanding
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, and radio service 34,850.
4. Illumination and power service 16,000.
5. Consumption of supplies and materials including the uniforms for pages, guards and chauffeurs 35,050.
6. Printing and binding reports, documents, decisions of the Electoral Commission, and publications 33,000.
7. Maintenance and repair of equipment 3,000.0
8. For the expenses of the Assembly in connection with official receptions and entertainments 3,000.0
9. For the contribution of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines toward the
maintenance of the Bureau of Inter-Parliamentary Union
10. Compensation of families of deceased Members of the National Assembly, Act No. 3799 10,000.
11. Other services 17,500.
Total for sundry expenses P190,40
III. Furniture and Equipment
1.For the purchase of furniture and equipment P35,000
Total for furniture and equipment P35,000
IV. — Special Purposes
1. For traveling and other expenses of Committees of the National Assembly when authorized by
resolution of the latter to undertake studies in and outside of the Philippines
Total for special purposes P50,000
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages P1,525,
Total for sundry expenses 190,000
Total for furniture and equipment 35,000.
Total for special purposes 50,000.
Less-forced savings from sundry expenses, furniture and equipment and special purposes (69,850
Total amount available for the National Assembly P1,732,

Special Provisions

1. Any unexpended balance of the funds appropriated for the National Assembly may be used to
cover a deficit in any item of the appropriation for the said Assembly, including prior years’

2. Any Member of the National Assembly may assign his yearly salary provided in this Act or
any part thereof to any banking or loan institution doing business in the Philippines, including
the compensation to his family in the event of death, and upon such assignment being registered
with the disbursing officer of the National Assembly, such officer shall issue treasury warrants
from time to time as the salary or death compensation falls due, directly in favor of the creditor
banking or loan institution.

3. The Secretary of the National Assembly shall receive the compensation herein fixed, the
provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.

4. Any part of the appropriation for supplementary force may be expended for the payment of
salaries of employees who may serve during any period in the National Assembly.

5. The appropriations in items 3, 5, and 6 under “Sundry Expenses” and that for “Furniture and
Equipment” may be expended, respectively, for postage on correspondence and telegram fees of
the Members, including freight, express, and delivery service; for supplies and materials; for
printing and binding reports, documents, and publications; and for equipment for their use which
shall be considered expended upon issue thereof to them, the total amount not to exceed four
hundred pesos per annum for each Member. This provision is hereby made applicable to similar
appropriation for the previous fiscal years.

6. Upon conversion of the National Assembly into the House of Representatives, the unexpended
balance of the funds herein appropriated for the former shall be available for the latter.

7. Upon the establishment of the Congress of the Philippines, the transfer of such personnel,
together with their corresponding appropriations, and such furniture and equipment, from the
House of Representatives to the Senate, as may be agreed upon between the President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, is authorized.


I. — Salaries And Wages

1. The President of the Philippines P 30,000
Total P 30,000
(a) Private Secretaries
1. One private secretary P 6,000.
2. One assistant private secretary 3,720.00
3. Three assistant private secretaries atP1,800 5,400.00
4. One clerk-stenographer 3,120.00
5. Two stenographers at P2,400 4,880.00
6. One special clerk 2,400.00
7. One cable clerk 2,400.00
8. One assistant cable clerk 1,920.00
9. One clerk 600.00
10. One clerk 480.00
11. One messenger 480.00
12. Less — savings to be made
(b) Aides-De-Camp Of The President
1. Additional compensation of P10 per diem to the aides-de-camp of the President, section 62 of the
P 10,950
Administrative Code
Total P 10,950
(c) Provost Office
1. Additional compensation of P10 per diem to the aide-de-camp of the President acting as Provost
Officer and Commandant, Malacañan Guard, section 62 of the Administrative Code
2. One watchman 840.00
Total P4,490.0
(d) Malacanan Household
1. One chief and property officer P5,400.0
2. One caretaker of the Mansion House, Baguio 3,720.00
Excess of actual salary 280.00
3. One clerk 540.00
4. One steward 1,560.00
5. Two cooks at P1,080 2,160.00
6. One cook 540.00
7. Two servants at P660 1,320.00
8. Two servants at P540 1,080.00
9. Two laborers at P540 1,080.00
10. One laundryman 600.00
11. One laundrywoman 600.00
12. Two janitors at P480 960.00
13. Two chauffeurs at Pl,080 2,160.00
14. One chauffeur 900.00
15. Miscellaneous and emergency employees and laborers 13,000.00 P35,900
16. Less — savings to be made (360.00)
Total P35,540
1. One Secretary to the President, with the rank of Secretary of Department P 12,000
2. One Assistant Secretary to the President 3,000.00
Administrative Division
3. One administrative assistant 7,200.00
4. One senior assistant 4,800.00
5. Two senior assistants at P3,960 7,920.00
6. One assistant 3,120.00
7. One clerk-stenographer 3,720.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

Finance Division
23. One financial assistant 7,200.00
24. One senior assistant 3,960.00
25. One property officer 3,480.00
26. One cashier, collecting and disbursing officer 3,120.00
27. One assistant property officer 2,400.00
28. Three clerks at P1,800 5,400.00
29. One clerk 1,080.00
30. One stenographer 1,080.00
31. One clerk 780.00
32. One clerk 540.00
33. Two messengers at P480 960.00
Foreign Relations Division
34. One foreign relations assistant 7,200.00
35. Two senior assistants at P3,960 7,920.00
36. Two clerks at P2,400 4,800.00
37. One clerk 540.00
38. One clerk 540.00
39. One clerk 480.00
Law Division
40. One legislative assistant 6,000.00
41. One special investigator 6,000.00
42. One assistant 3,480.00
43. One clerk P2,760.00
44. One clerk 2,400.00
45. One clerk 1,920.00
46. One stenographer 1,200.00
47. One clerk 960.00
48. One clerk 720.00
Agriculture, Commerce, And Labor Division
49. One senior assistant 4,500.00
50. One assistant 2,400.00
51. One clerk 1,200.00
52. One clerk 900.00
53. One clerk 780.00
Education Division
54. One senior assistant 4,500.00
55. One assistant 3,720.00
56. Two assistants at P3,480 6,960.00
57. One assistant 2,400.00
58. One clerk 1,920.00
59. Two clerks at P1,440 2,880.00
60. Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
61. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
62. Five clerks at P480 2,400.00
Public Works and Communications Division
One senior assistant 4,500.00
64. One assistant 3,720.00
65. One clerk 720.00
Records Division
66. One chief of records and curator 5,100.00
67. One assistant 2,400.00
68. Two clerks at P1,560 3,120.00
70. Three clerks at P1,200 3,600.00
71. Two clerks at P1,080 2,160.00
72. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
73. One clerk 900.00
74. One clerk P780.00
75. Four clerks at P720 2,880.00
76. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
77. One clerk 540.00
78. Five clerks at P480 2,400.00
79. One chauffeur-messenger 660.00
80. Three messengers at P480 1,440.00
Protocol Division
81. One protocol officer 7,200.00
82. One senior assistant 3,960.00
83. One assistant 2,400.00
84. One clerk 720.00
Buildings And Grounds Division
85. One superintendent 4,500.00
Janitors And Gardeners
86. One chief janitor 720.00
87. Three janitors at P480 1,440.00
88. One gardener 960.00
Garage Service
89. One chauffeur 960.00
90. One chauffeur 720.00
91. One chauffeur 600.00
92. One chauffeur 540.00
93. Miscellaneous and emergency employees and laborers
94. Less-savings to be made (4,260.00)
Total P 274,560.00
1. One Commissioner of Civil Service, with the rank of Undersecretary of Department P9,000.00
2. One Deputy Commissioner of Civil Service, with the rank of Assistant Director of a
first-class bureau
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


Office Of The Commissioner

1. One Commissioner of the Budget P12,000.00
2. One Deputy Commissioner of the Budget 9,000.00
3. One administrative officer of the Budget Office and secretary of the Budget
Commissioner (ex-officio chief of the Administrative Division
4. Two special assistants at P5,100 10,200.00
5. One secretary to the Commissioner of the Budget 2,940.00
6. One stenographer 1,440.00
7. One clerk 960.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


1. One Director P 6,000.00
Excess of actual salary 240.00
2. Per diems of seven members of the Institute at the rate of P12 per session attended
for fifty-two weeks sessions, notwithstanding the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 4,368.00
333 to the contrary
4. One language researcher 3,720.00
5. Five junior language researchers at P1.200 6,000.00
6. Two junior language researchers at P900 1,800.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
7. One junior language researcher 120.00
8. One junior language researcher 720.00
Administrative Division
9. One junior language researcher and chief clerk P1,800.00
10. One junior language researcher, librarian, and property officer 1,800.00
11. One stenographer 1,200.00
12. One stenographer 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
13. One clerk 480.00
14. One janitor-messenger 420.00
15. One laborer-messenger
16. Less — savings to be made (718.00)
Total P35,450.00
1. One Philippine Sugar Administrator P12,000.00
2. One Assistant Sugar Administrator 7,200.00
3. One assistant to the administrator 5,100.00
4. One private secretary 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
5. One assistant private secretary 1,800.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


Office Of The Director

1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One Assistant Director 6,000.00
3. One clerk-stenographer 1,440.00
4. Two clerks at P780 1,560.00
5. One statistical draftsman 840.00
6. One statistical clerk 660.00
7. One clerk 480.00
8. One clerk-messenger 360.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

II. — Sundry Expenses

1. Traveling expenses of personnel P63,500.00
2. Freight, express, and delivery service 950.00
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable, and radio service 52,500.00
4. Illumination and power service 22,500.00
5. Rental of buildings and grounds 28,070.00
6. Consumption of supplies and materials 74,400.00
7. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 44,000.00
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment 11,900.00
9. Other services, including rental of electric tabulating equipment not to exceed P7,656 56,600.00
Total for sundry expenses P354,420.00
III. — Furniture And Equipment
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment P41,800.00
Total for furniture and equipment P41,800.00
IV. — Special And General Purposes
1. For traveling expenses of the President with personnel in his office for official trips
to and from the United States or other countries, including those incurred during the P100,000.00
fiscal year 1941
For a fund to be expended in the discretion of the President 30,000.00
Other expenses, including expenses of extradition cases, general investigations, and
other general purposes
For publicity expenses of the Philippines, including participation of the Commonwealth
Government in expositions and fairs
5. For salaries of personnel for general purposes as follows:
(a) One law officer of the Department of the Interior, Division of Territories and Island
Possessions, for legal services rendered the Government of the Commonwealth of the P3,000.00
(b) One disbursing officer in Washington, D. C 4,020.00
6. For salaries of expert and technical personnel whom the President may employ by
contract or otherwise
7. For expenses that the President may authorize, of delegates to international
conventions and conferences, including payment of membership fees of said delegates 50,000.00
in such conventions and conferences
8. For the necessary expenses of the Philippines Historical Committee as provided for
by Commonwealth Act No. 169, in connection with the work of identifying,
designating, appropriately marking, and preserving the historic antiquities, or for the
acquisition by purchase or otherwise, of the antiquities owned by private persons,
including the salary of a secretary of said Committee at not to exceed P2,400 per
9. For the expenses of the National Research Council in accordance with Act No. 4120 23,880.00
Salaries And Wages
(a) One secretary P4,500.00
(b) One chief clerk and stenographer 1,440.00
(c) Two scientific research assistants at P900 1,800.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
(d) One scientific research assistant 720.00
(e) One helper P420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
(f) One helper 420.00
(g) One clerk-messenger 420.00
(h) One janitor 360.00
Total for salaries and wages P10,260.00
Sundry Expenses
(i) Sundry expenses, including those necessary for entertainment of visiting scientists,
the total amount not to exceed P1,000 during the year
(j) Grant to laboratories for scientific purposes 10,000.00
Total for sundry expenses P13,620.00
10. For expenses of the National Economic Council for the purpose of carrying on its
program of activities in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 2
Salaries and Wages
(a) One Executive Officer P 6,000.00
(b) One secretary 5,100.00
(c) One consultant 5,400.00
(d) One statistician 4,500.00
(e) One assistant 1,920.00
(f) One chief clerk 2,940.00
(g) One Private secretary 2,400.00
(h) One librarian 1,200.00
(i) One record clerk 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 480.00
(j) One stenographer 1,800.00
(k) One stenographer 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 240.00
(l) Two stenographers at P1,320 P2,640.00
(m)Three junior stenographers at P600 P1,800.00
(n) One draftsman 900.00
(o) Two laborer-messengers at P360 720.00
(p) Three janitors at P360
(q) Less — savings to be made (1,140.00)
Total for salaries and wages P40,620.00
Sundry Expenses
(r) Traveling expenses of personnel P 2,000.00
(s) Freight, express, and delivery service 100.00
(t) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 1,320.00
(u) Illumination and power service 900.00
(v) Rental of buildings and grounds 2,700.00
(w) Consumption of supplies and materials 1,500.00
(x) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 1,500.00
(y) Maintenance and repair of equipment 200.00
(z) Other services 500.00
Total for sundry expenses P10,720.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Furniture And Equipment
(a-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment P500.00
Total for furniture and equipment 500.00
For expenses of the Civil Service Board of Appeals P1,500.00
Salaries And Wages
(a) One clerk-secretary P1,200.00
Total for salaries and wages P1,200.00
Sundry Expenses
(b) Traveling expenses of personnel P50.00
(c) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable, and radio service 50.00
(d) Consumption of supplies and materials 100.00
(e) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees 50.00
(f) Other services 50.00
Total for sundry expenses P300.00
12. For the necessary expenses of the Boards of Examiners 58,370.00
To be paid out of the receipts of the boards (58,370.00)
Salaries And Wages
(a) Fees for the chairmen and members of the Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical,
Dental, Optical, and Nurse Examiners; Boards of Marine Examiners; Board of
Examiner for Surveyors; Boards of Examiners for Engineers and Architects;
Veterinary Examining Hoard; and Board of Accountancy, at P5 per board chairman
or member for each candidate examined or registered without examination; P3 for
each candidate for certified plant mechanic; P2.50 for each candidate in preliminary
or final examination; and P2 for each candidate for midwife: Provided, That, any
provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, only the examination fees
collected by the said boards shall be available for the payment of fees to the members
thereof: Provided, further, That in case of deficit in this item, the same may be
covered by paying the chairmen and members thereof from the unexpended balance
of the fees collected by the boards
(b) One secretary 3,960.00
(c) One assistant secretary 2,400.00
(d) Two clerks at P960 1,920.00
(e) One clerk-stenographer 720.00
(f) Three clerks at P720 2,160.00
(g) Five clerks at P480 2,400.00
(h) One messenger 360.00
Total for salaries and wages P54,870.00
Sundry Expenses
(i) Traveling expenses of personnel P1,600.00
(j) Freight, expenses, and delivery service 40.00
(k) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable and radio service 260.00
(l) Consumption of supplies and materials 1,350.00
(m) Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications 110.00
(n) Maintenance and repair of equipment P50.00
(o) Other services 90.00
Total for sundry expenses P3,500.00
Total for special and general purposes P551.240.00

Salaries And Wages

1. One Resident Commissioner P20,000.00
2. One trade assistant 12,000.00
3. One assistant on affairs of Filipino residents in America 12,000.00
4. One general secretary 10,000.00
5. One legal assistant 10,000.00
6. One private secretary 6,000.00
7. One chief clerk 6,000.00
8. Secretarial and clerical staff, including increases in salaries of present personnel 50,000.00
Total for salaries and wages P126,000.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

Total for salaries and wages P126,000.00
Total for sundry expenses 188,000.00
Total amount available for the Resident Commissioner to the United States P314,000.00
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages P1,286,750.00
Total for sundry expenses 354,420.00
Total for furniture and equipment 41,800.00
Total for special and general purposes
Total for the Resident Commissioner to the United States P314,000.00
Total amount available for the Office of the President P2,548,210.00

Special Provisions

1. The appropriations for the Office of the President of the Philippines provided in this Act may
be used to cover expenses incurred during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941.

2. Any deficit in the appropriations for the Office of the President of the Philippines may be
covered from any unexpended balance of any other appropriation provided in this Act for the
Executive Departments, but the total amount to be used for covering such deficits during the year
shall not exceed P250,000.
3. The rate of surcharge at which postage stamps shall be sold by the Resident Commissioner to
the United States, the income from which is appropriated in Item B-(7)-17 hereof shall be
determined by the President of the Philippines.

4. The President is hereby authorized to grant furnished or unfurnished quarters in kind in any
government or rented building under the jurisdiction of the Office of the President to the
caretaker of the Malacañan buildings and grounds and to any employee of the Malacañan
Household whom he may require to live in said building for the better performance of his duties.


I. — Salaries And Wages
1. The Vice-President of the Philippines P 15,000.00
2. One private secretary and technical assistant to the Vice-President 7,200.00
3. One assistant private secretary 3,720.00
4. One clerk 720.00
Total amount available for the Office of the Vice-President P26,640.00


I. — Salaries and Wages
(1) Office Of The Secretary

1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00

2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One Commissioner for Mindanao and Sulu, with the rank of Undersecretary of
Department (with furnished quarters whenever a government-owned building is 9,000.00
4. One administrative officer (ex-officio chief of the Administrative Division) 6,000.00
5. One private secretary 6,000.00
6. One assistant 3,720.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

IV. — Special Purposes

1. For furthering the agricultural, industrial, and social development of the non-Christian
inhabitants of the Philippines and their progress in civilization, including intermigration
expenses and the traveling expenses of a non-Christian Commission to visit the
provinces in Luzon and Visayas
2. For special scholarships for non-Christians as follows:
(a) Lanao P2,000.00
(b) Mountain Province 2,000.00
(c) Cotabato 2,000.00
(d) Sulu 2,000.00
(e) Davao 1,000.00
(f) Bukidnon and other provinces in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior 2,000.00
Total P11,000.00 11,000.00
Reimbursement for actual expenses of the Province of Lanao for the maintenance of the
government-owned buildings occupied by the officials and employees of the Office of
the Commissioner for Mindanao and Sulu, including cost of light, faucet water and pail
Total for special purposes P19,400.00
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages P213,420.00
Total for sundry expenses 45,300.00
Total for furniture and equipment 460.00
Total for special purposes 19,400.00
Total amount available for the Department of the Interior P278,580.00
I. — Salaries And Wages
(1) Office of the Secretary
1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00
2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One private secretary 6,000.00
4. One special agent 4,500.00
5. One stenographer 1,440.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


1. One Purchasing Agent P7,200.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


1. One Insular Collector of Customs P7,200.00
2. To adjust the salary of the present incumbent of the position in item 1 to the
compensation provided therefor upon his appointment
3. One Deputy Insular Collector of Customs 6,000.00
4. One special agent P3,720.00
Excess of actual salary 300.00
5. One senior clerk 3,480.00
6. One stenographer 1,200.00
Board of Marine Inquiry
7. Per diems of two members of the Board of Marine Inquiry at P20 each for not less
than seven hours of actual service
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


1. One Collector of Internal Revenue P7,200.00
2. To adjust the salary of the present incumbent of the position in item 1 to the
compensation provided therefor upon his appointment
3. One Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue 6,000.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


1. One Treasurer of the Philippines P 7,200.00
2. To adjust the salary of the present incumbent of the position in item 1 to the
compensation provided therefor upon his appointment
3. One Assistant Treasurer of the Philippines 6,000.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

Insurance Section
48. Two examiners at P2,580 P5,160.00
49. Two examiners at P2,400 4,800.00
50. Two examiners at P2,040 4,080.00
51. One assistant examiner 1,920.00
52. Two assistant examiners at P1,560 3,120.00
53. Three assistant examiners at P1,440 4,320.00
Benevolent Societies and Charitable Trusts Section
54. One chief of section P580.00
55. Two examiners at P2,040 4,080.00
56. Two assistant examiners at P1.800 3,600.00
57. Two assistant examiners at P1,560 3,120.00
58. Three assistant examiners at P1,400 4,320.00
59. One clerk
60. Less — savings to be made (4,680.00)
Total P146,620.00
1. One Bank Commissioner P7,200.00
2. One Assistant Bank Commissioner 6,000.00
Examiners Division
3. One chief examiner 5,100.00
4. One senior examiner 3,480.00
5. One senior examiner 3,300.00
6. One examiner 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
7. Four examiners at P2,940 11,760.00
8. Three examiners at P2.580 7,740.00
9. Six examiners at P2,400 14,400.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


For the salaries and wages of the personnel of the Bureau of Printing employed throughout the year:
1. One Director P7,200.00
2. One Assistant Director 6,000.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages P3,225,410.00
Total for sundry expenses 828,700.00
Total for furniture and equipment 77,950.00

Special Provision

1. Any savings in the appropriation for subsistence allowance, item 523, Bureau of Customs,
may be used for the payment of the compensation of one yeoman for each of the coastguard
cutters at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of Finance with the approval of the President.

I. — Salaries and Wages


1. One Secretary of Department P12,000.00

2. One Undersecretary of Department 9,000.00
3. One administrative officer 5,100.00
4. One private secretary 6,000.00
5. One law clerk 1,440.00
6. One clerk 1,800.00
7. Two stenographers at PI,800 3,600.00
8. One stenographer 1,560.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

(a) Parole Office

For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 4103, as amended by Act No. 4225, creating the

For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 4103, as amended by Act No.
4225, creating the Board of Indeterminate Sentence:

1. For compensation of the members of the Board of Indeterminate Sentence (also Board
P 6,000.00
of Pardons), including the Chairman, five in all, at P10 each per meeting
2. One executive officer 5,100.00

xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

(b) Anti-Usury Board

For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 4109, as amended by Act No.
4168, creating the Anti-Usury Board, any provision of existing law to the contrary

1. One executive officer P6,000.00

2. One assistant executive officer 3,960.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


1. One Solicitor-General, with the rank of Undersecretary of Department P11,000.00
2. One First Assistant Solicitor-General 9,000.00
3. Three Assistant Solicitors-General at P6,000 18,000.00
4. Four solicitors at P5,400 21,600.00
5. Four solicitors at P4,500 18,000.00
6. Five solicitors at P3.600 18,000.00
7. Five solicitors at P3,000 15,000.00
8. Five solicitors at P2,400 12,000.00
Administrative Division
9. One chief of division 3,120.00
10. One clerk-cashier 1,920.00
11. Three law clerks at P1.560 4,680.00
12. One legal researcher and librarian 1,560.00
13. One legal researcher and assistant librarian 960.00
14. One clerk-stenographer 1,560.00
15. One junior stenographer 720.00
16. One property clerk 480.00
17. Two clerks at P480 960.00
18. One clerk 360.00
19. One library helper 360.00
20. One janitor 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
21. Two janitors at P360 720.00
22. One watchman 360.00
Stenographers Section
23. One chief of section P2,040.00
24. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
25. One stenographers 1,560.00
26. Two stenographers at P1,320 2,640.00
Two stenographers at P1.200 2,400.00
Three stenographers at P1,080 3,240.00
Four junior stenographers at P720 2,880.00
Records Section
30. One clerk 660.00
31. One clerk 360.00
32. Three typists at P360 1,080.00
33. One laborer 360.00
34. One messenger 360.00
Docket Division
35. One chief of division 1,920.00
36. One clerk 840.00
37. One clerk 720.00
38. One clerk 600.00
39. Two clerks at P480 960.00
40. One clerk 360.00
41. One filer 480.00
42. One filer 360.00
43. Two messengers at P360
44. Less — savings to be made (1,260.00)
Total P 167,720.00

District I
1. Four judges at P10,000 P 40,000.00
2. One stenographer 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 300.00
3. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
4. One interpreter 1,680.00
5. One interpreter 1,080.00
6. One interpreter P900.00
7. One interpreter 900.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
8. One clerk of court P2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
9. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
10. One docket clerk 840.00
11. Two clerks at P480 960.00
12. Two clerks at P360 720.00
13. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
14. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
15. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
16. One deputy sheriff 840.00
17. One clerk of court 1,560.00
18. One deputy clerk of court 840.00
19. One docket clerk 840.00
20. One clerk 360.00
21. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
22. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Nueva Vizcaya
23. One clerk of court 1,560.00
24. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
26. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
27. One deputy sheriff 840.00
Ilocos Norte
28. One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
29. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
30. One clerk 600.00
31. Two clerks at P480 960.00
32. One clerk 360.00
33. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
34. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
Ilocos Sur
35. One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
36. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
37. One docket clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
38. One clerk 480.00
39. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
40. One clerk 360.00
41. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
42. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
43. One clerk of court 1,560.00
44. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
45. One clerk 360.00
46. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
47. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
District II
48. Four judges at P10,000 40,000.00
49. One stenographer 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
50. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
51. One interpreter 1,560.00
52. Two interpreters at Pl,200 2,400.00
53. Two interpreters at Pl,080 2,160.00
54. One clerk of court 3,720.00
55. One deputy clerk of court 2,040.00
56. One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
57. One docket clerk 1,320.00
58. Two docket clerks at Pl,200 2,400.00
59. One clerk 1,080.00
60. One clerk 720.00
61. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
62. Seven clerks at P480 3,360.00
63. Two clerks at P360 720.00
64. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
65. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
66. One clerk 360.00
Mountain Province (Benguet)
67. One clerk of court, with quarters 1,800.00
68. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
69. One docket clerk 600.00
70. One clerk 420.00
71. One clerk 360.00
72. One provincial sheriff, with quarters 1,800.00
73. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Mountain Province (Bontoc)
74. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
75. One deputy sheriff 840.00
La Union
76. One clerk of court P1,800.00
Excess of actual salary 240.00
77. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
78. One docket clerk 660.00
79. One clerk 480.00
80. One clerk 360.00
81. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
82. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
83. One clerk of court 1,320.00
84. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
85. One docket clerk 660.00
86. One clerk 360.00
87. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
88. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
89. One clerk of court 1,320.00
90. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
91. One docket clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
92. One clerk 360.00
93. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
94. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
District III
95. Seven judges at P10,000 70,000.00
96. One stenographer 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 260.00
97. One stenographer 2,400.00
98. One stenographer 1,920.00
99. Five stenographers at Pl,800 9,000.00
100. One stenographer 1,320.00
101. One interpreter 1,440.00
102. Three interpreters at P1,200 3,600.00
Nueva Ecija
103. One clerk of court 3,720.00
104. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
105. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
106. Two docket clerks at P900 1,800.00
107. One docket clerk 840.00
108. One clerk 600.00
109. Four clerks at P480 1,920.00
110. One clerk 360.00
111. One janitor-messenger 360.00
112. One provincial sheriff 2,400.00
113. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
114. One clerk 360.00
115. One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
116. One deputy clerk of court 900.00
117. One docket clerk 840.00
118. One clerk 540.00
119. Two clerks at P480 960.00
120. One clerk 360.00
121. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
122. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
123. One clerk of court 3,300.00
124. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
125. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
126. One docket clerk 900.00
127. Two docket clerks at P840 1,680.00
128. One clerk 600.00
129. One clerk 480.00
130. Two clerks at P360 720.00
131. One janitor-messenger 420.00
Excess of actual salary 48.00
132. One messenger 360.00
133. One provincial sheriff 2,400.00
134. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
135. One clerk 360.00
136. One clerk of court 3,300.00
137. One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
138. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
139. Three docket clerks at P900 2,700.00
140. Three clerks at P480 1,440.00
141. Two clerks at P360 720.00
142. One clerk-messenger 360.00
143. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
144. Three deputy sheriffs at Ps40 2,520.00
145. One clerk 360.00
District IV
146. Eleven judges at P10,000 P 110,000.00
147. Three stenographers at P2,940 8,820.00
Excess of actual salary at P300 900.00
148. One stenographer 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
149. Four stenographers at P2,940 11,760.00
150. Seven stenographers at P2,280 15,960.00
Excess of actual salary at P120 840.00
151. Four stenographers at P2,280 9,120.00
152. Five stenographers at P2,040 10,200.00
153. One clerk-stenographer 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
154. Two interpreters at P2.940 5,880.00
155. Two interpreters at P2,280 4,560.00
156. Two Chinese interpreters at P2,280 4,560.00
Excess of actual salary at P520 1,040.00
157. One interpreter 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
158. One interpreter 2,040.00
159. One interpreter 1,680.00
160. Three interpreters at P1,440 4,320.00
161. One interpreter 1,200.00
162. One interpreter 1,080.00
163. One interpreter 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
164. One interpreter 840.00
165. One clerk of court 5,100.00
166. One assistant clerk of court, ex-officio chief, probate division, and administrative officer 4,200.00
167. Seven deputy clerks of court at P2,040 14,280.00
168. Two deputy clerks of court at Pl,800 3,600.00
169. One chief of division 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 210.00
170. One cashier and disbursing officer 1,800.00
171. Two special clerks at P1,800 3,600.00
172. One chief of division 1,080.00
173. One assistant chief clerk 1,200.00
174. One assistant cashier 480.00
175. Two docket clerks at P900 1,800.00
176. One docket clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
177. Two docket clerks at P840 1,680.00
178. One docket clerk 600.00
179. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
180. Two clerks at P900 1,800.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
181. Four clerks at P840 3,360.00
182. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 96.00
183. One clerk 600.00
184. One clerk 540.00
185. Five clerks at P480 2,400.00
186. One clerk 420.00
187. One clerk 360.00
188. Two typists at P480 960.00
189. Two clerk-messengers at P360 720.00
190. Six messengers at P360 2,160.00
191. One clerk of court 1,200.00
192. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
193. One docket clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
194. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
195. One deputy sheriff 840.00
196. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
197. One clerk of court 3,480.00
198. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
199. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
200. One docket clerk 840.00
201. One assistant docket clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
202. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
203. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
204. One clerk 480.00
205. One clerk-typist 360.00
206. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
207. Three bailiffs at P360 1,080.00
208. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
209. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
210. One clerk 360.00
District V
211. Seven judges at P10,000 P 70,000.00
212. Two stenographers at P2,280 4,560.00
Excess of actual salary at P120 240.00
213. Six stenographers at Pl,800 10,800.00
214. One stenographer 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 480.00
215. One interpreter 2,940.00
216. One interpreter 1,800.00
217. One interpreter 1,680.00
218. One interpreter 1,320.00
219. Two interpreters at P1.200 2,400.00
220. One interpreter 840.00
221. One clerk of court 3,720.00
222. One deputy clerk of court 1.800.00
223. One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
224. One docket clerk 900.00
225. One docket clerk 840.00
226. One clerk 900.00
227. Seven clerks at P480 3,360.00
228. Two clerks at P360 720.00
229. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
230. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
231. One clerk 360.00
232. One deputy clerk of court 960.00
233. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
234. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
235. One provincial sheriff 840.00
237. One clerk of court 2,400.00
238. One deputy clerk of court 1,560.00
239. One deputy clerk of court 960.00
240. One docket clerk 960.00
241. One clerk 600.00
242. One clerk 540.00
243. Three clerks at P480 1,440.00
244. Two clerks at P360 720.00
245. One clerk-messenger 360.00
246. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
247. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
248. One clerk of court 3,120.00
249. One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
250. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
251. One docket clerk 900.00
252. One docket clerk 840.00
253. One docket clerk 660.00
254. Two clerks at P480 960.00
255. One clerk 420.00
256. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
257. One clerk-messenger 360.00
258. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
259. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
260. One clerk 360.00
261. One clerk of court 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 260.00
262. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
263. Two docket clerks at P840 1,680.00
264. One clerk 600.00
265. One clerk 480.00
266. One clerk 360.00
267. One messenger 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
268. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
269. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
270. One clerk 360.00
271. One clerk of court 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 680.00
272. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
273. One clerk 660.00
274. One clerk 360.00
275. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
276. One deputy sheriff 840.00
District VI
277. Five judges at P10,000 50,000.00
278. One stenographer 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
279. Two stenographers at P2,040 4,080.00
280. Two stenographers at P1,800 3,600.00
281. One stenographer 1,560.00
282. One interpreter 1,200.00
283. One interpreter 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
284. Three interpreters at P840 2,520.00
Camarines Norte
285. One clerk of court 1,560.00
286. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
287. One docket clerk 840.00
288. One clerk 360.00
289. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
290. One deputy sheriff 840.00
Camarines Sur
291. One clerk of court P 3,120.00
292. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
293. One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
294. One docket clerk 960.00
295. One docket clerk 840.00
296. One docket clerk 720.00
297. One docket clerk 660.00
298. One clerk 600.00
299. Three clerks at P480 1,440.00
300. One clerk 360.00
301. One clerk-messenger 360.00
302. One messenger 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
303. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
304. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
305. One clerk 360.00
Albay and Catanduanes
306. One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 960.00
307. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
308. One civil docket clerk 900.00
309. One assistant docket clerk 840.00
310. One clerk 600.00
311. One clerk 540.00
312. One clerk 480.00
313. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
314. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
315. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
316. One clerk 360.00
317. One clerk of court 1,800.00
318. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
319. One docket clerk 660.00
320. One clerk 480.00
321. Two clerks at P360 720.00
322. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
323. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
324. One clerk of court 1,560.00
325. One deputy clerk of court 720.00
326. One clerk 360.00
327. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
328. One deputy sheriff 840.00
District VII
329. Seven judges at P10.000 P 70,000.00
330. One stenographer 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
331. One stenographer 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
332. Four stenographers at Pl,800 7,200.00
333. One stenographer 1,560.00
334. One interpreter 2,040.00
335. One interpreter 1,680.00
336. One interpreter 1,320.00
337. One interpreter 900.00
Excess of actual salary 180.00
338. One clerk of court 3,720.00
339. Two deputy clerks of court at P1,800 3,600.00
340. One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
341. One docket clerk 1,080.00
342. One docket clerk 900.00
343. One docket clerk 840.00
344. One docket clerk 720.00
345. Three clerks at P480 1,440.00
346. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
347. One messenger 360.00
348. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
349. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
350. One clerk 360.00
351. One clerk of court 1,800.00
352. One deputy clerk of court 840.00
353. One docket clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
354. Two clerks at P360 720.00
355. One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
356. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Occidental Negros
357. One clerk of court 3,120.00
358. Two deputy clerks of court at P1,320 2,640.00
359. Two docket clerks at P840 1,680.00
360. One assistant docket clerk 840.00
361. One clerk 600.00
362. Three clerks at P480 1,440.00
363. One clerk 360.00
364. One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
365. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
366. One clerk 360.00
367. One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 960.00
368. One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
369. One docket clerk 840.00
370. One assistant docket clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
371. One clerk 480.00
372. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
373. One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
374. Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
375. One clerk of court 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 180.00
376. One deputy clerk of court 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
377. One clerk 360.00
378. One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
379. Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Oriental Negros and Siquijor
380.One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
381.One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
382.One docket clerk 840.00
383.One clerk 480.00
384.Two clerks at P360 720.00
385.One bailiff 360.00
386.One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
387.Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
District VIII
388.Seven judges at P10,00 70,000.00
389.One stenographer 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 260.00
390.One stenographer 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
391.Three stenographers at P1,800 5,400.00
392.One stenographer 1,200.00
393.One stenographer 1,080.00
394.One interpreter 1,800.00
395.One interpreter 1,560.00
396.One interpreter 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
397.One interpreter 1,080.00
398.One interpreter 960.00
399.One interpreter 840.00
400.One clerk of court 3,720.00
401.Two deputy clerks of court at P2,040 4,080.00
402.One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
403.One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
404.Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
405.One clerk 660.00
406.Six clerks at P480 2,880.00
407.Two clerks at P360 720.00
408.Three bailiffs at P360 1,080.00
409.One provincial sheriff 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
410.Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,500.00
411.One clerk 360.00
Leyte (Tacloban)
412.One clerk of court 2,940.00
Excess of actual salary 300.00
413.One deputy clerk of court 1,680.00
414.One docket clerk 840.00
415.One clerk 600.00
416.One clerk 480.00
417.One clerk 360.00
418.One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
419.Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
420.One clerk 360.00
Leyte (Maasin)
421.One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
422.One deputy clerk of court 840.00
423.One clerk 540.00
424.One clerk 480.00
425.One clerk 360.00
426.One deputy sheriff 840.00
Samar (Catbalogan)
427.One clerk of court 2,940.00
428.One deputy clerk of court 1,800.00
429.One docket clerk 840.00
430.One clerk 480.00
431.One clerk 360.00
432.One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
433.Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Samar (Borongan)
434.One deputy sheriff 840.00
435.One docket sheriff 600.00
436.One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
437.One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
438.One docket clerk 900.00
439.One clerk 480.00
440.One messenger 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
441.One provincial sheriff 1,800.00
442.Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
District IX
443.Five judges at F10,00 50,000.00
444.Two stenographers at Pl,800 3,600.00
445.One stenographer 1,320.00
446.One stenographer 1,200.00
447.One interpreter 1,680.00
448.Three interpreters at P1,200 3,600.00
449.One interpreter 840.00
450.One clerk of court 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
451.One deputy clerk of court 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
452.One docket clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
453.One docket clerk 840.00
454.One clerk 600.00
455.One clerk 480.00
456.Two clerks at P360 720.00
457.One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
458.Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
Zamboanga (Dipolog)
459.One deputy clerk of court 720.00
460.One clerk 420.00
461.One clerk 360.00
462.One deputy clerk of court 720.00
463.One clerk 480.00
464.One clerk 360.00
465.One provincial sheriff 1,320.00
466.Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
467.One clerk of court 1,920.00
468.One deputy clerk of court 840.00
469.Two clerks at P480 960.00
470.One clerk 360.00
471.One provincial sheriff 1300.00
472.Three deputy sheriffs at P840 2,520.00
473.One clerk of court 1,440.00
474.One deputy clerk of court 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
475.One docket clerk 960.00
476.One clerk 360.00
477.One clerk-messenger 360.00
478.One clerk 360.00
479.One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
480.Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
Oriental Misamis
488.One clerk of court 1,800.00
Excess of actual salary 240.00
489.One deputy clerk of court 1,080.00
490.One clerk 600.00
491.One clerk 360.00
492.One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
493.Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
494.One clerk of court 1,440.00
495.One deputy clerk of court 660.00
496.One docket clerk 480.00
497.One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
498.One deputy sheriff 840.00
499.One deputy clerk of court 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
500.One clerk 360.00
501.One deputy sheriff 840.00
502.One clerk of court 1,800.00
503.One deputy clerk of court 840.00
504.Two clerks at P360 720.00
505.One provincial sheriff 1,560.00
506.Two deputy sheriffs at P840 1,680.00
507.One clerk of court 1,200.00
508.One docket clerk 480.00
509.One provincial sheriff 1,200.00
510.One deputy sheriff 840.00
511.Twelve judges-at-large at P9,000 108,000.00
Cadastral Judges
512.Fifteen cadastral judges at P8,400 126,000.00
513.One stenographer-at-large 2,400.00
514.Three stenographers-at-large at P2,280 6,840.00
Excess of actual salary at P120 360.00
515.Three stenographers-at-large at P2.040 6,120.00
516.Nineteen stenographers-at-large at P1.00 34,200.00
517.One stenographer-at-large 1,920.00
518.One stenographer-at-large 1,560.00
519.Seven stenographers-at-large at P1,440 10,080.00
520.One stenographer-at-large 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 480.00
521.One stenographer-at-large 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
522.Nine stenographers-at-large at P1,320 11,880.00
523.Thirteen stenographers-at-large at P1,200 15,600.00
524.Seven interpreters-at-large at P1.200 8,400.00
525.Eight interpreters-at-large at P1,080 8,640.00
526.One interpreter-at-large 900.00
Excess of actual salary 300.00
527.One interpreter-at-large 900.00
528.Four emergency interpreters at P960 3,840.00
Inspection Division
529.One superintendent of clerks of courts and sheriffs 4,500.00
530.One stenographer
531.Less — savings to be made (25,744.00)
Total P1702,230.00
Justices of the Peace
1.Salaries of the justices of the peace and auxiliary justices of the peace, including prior years’
obligations: Provided, That no appointment of justice of the peace involving payment of any P1,179,000.0
amount shall be made unless there is sufficient appropriation available therefor
2.Less — savings to be made (73,660.00)
Total P1,105,340.0
1.One Public Service Commissioner P11,000.00
2.One Deputy Public Service Commissioner 9,000.00
Legal Division
3.One attorney 5,100.00
4.Four assistant attorneys at P3.120 12,480.00
Office Of The Secretary
5.One secretary 4,200.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1.One Director, with furnished quarters and prisoners’ service 7,200.00
2.One Assistant Director, with furnished quarters and prisoners’ service 6,000.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Bilibid Guard Division
All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service
56.One superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,960.00
57.Two guard inspectors at P2,580 5,160.00
58.One guard inspector 2,280.00
59.One first-class guard 1,800.00
Excess of actual salary 240.00
60.One first-class guard 1,800.00
61.Two first-class guards at P1,320 2,640.00
62.Three first-class guards at P1,200 3,600.00
63.Three sergeants of the guards at P960 2,880.00
64.Fifteen second-class guards at P720 10,800.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Correctional Institution For Women
All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service
75.One superintendent, with furnished quarters 2,940.00
76.One assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters 1,200.00
77.One inspector of the guards 1,200.00
78.Four third-class guards at P540 2,160.00
79.Five foremen at P540 2,700.00
80.Six forewomen at P540 3,240.00
Iwahig Penal Colony
All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service
81.One superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,960.00
82.One assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,300.00
83.One chief clerk and cashier 1,800.00
84.One medical officer 2,040.00
85.One dentist 1,200.00
86.One nurse 1,200.00
87.One pharmacist 900.00
88.One property clerk 960.00
89.Two chaplains at P1,200 2,400.00
90.One band leader 840.00
91.One ranch foreman 1,320.00
92.One general overseer 1,320.00
93.One farming instructor 1,320.00
94.One foreman, mechanical engineer 1,200.00
95.One agricultural foreman 1,080.00
96.One foreman, building construction 900.00
97.One road and bridge foreman 900.00
98.One agricultural foreman 720.00
99.One supply and equipment foreman 600.00
100.One cattle foreman 420.00
101.One fisher foreman 360.00
San Ramon Prison And Penal Farm
All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service
102.One superintendent, with furnished quarters 4,200.00
103.One assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,480.00
104.One mechanic 3,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
105.One medical officer 1,920.00
106.One property clerk 1,440.00
107.One pharmacist 900.00
108.One nurse 720.00
109.One copra foreman 720.00
110.One first sergeant P720.00
111.One provost sergeant 480.00
112.Two duty sergeants at P420 840.00
113.One duty sergeant 360.00
114.Six corporals at P360 2,160.00
115.Sixty-nine privates at P360 24,840.00
116.Reenlistment pay for San Ramon guards 1,500.00
Davao Penal Colony
All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service
117.One superintendent, with furnished quarters 4,200.00
118.One assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters 3,120.00
119.One chief clerk and cashier 1,800.00
120.One property clerk 1,080.00
121.One medical officer 1,920.00
122.Two internes, without compensation, with subsistence
123.One nurse, with subsistence 1,080.00
124.One pharmacist 960.00
125.One general overseer 1,560.00
126.One foreman, mechanical engineer 1,800.00
Excess of actual salary 240.00
127.One ranger 1,560.00
128.One fanning instructor 1,200.00
129.One farming instructor 1,080.00
130.Two farming instructors at P900 1,800.00
131.One foreman, hog farm 900.00
132.One foreman, building construction 840.00
133.One foreman, mechanist 780.00
134.One foreman 840.00
135.One foreman 780.00
136.One foreman 660.00
Excess of actual salary 130.00
137.One foreman 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
138.Two foremen at P660 1,320.00
139.Five guards at P360 1,800.00
New Bilibid Prison
All with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service
Three guard inspectors at P960 2,880.00
Eighteen third-class guards at P540 9,720.00
Seventy-four third-class guards at P480 35,520.00
143. For emergency and temporary personnel, as follows:
(a)One building construction superintendent 2,280.00
(b)One chief mechanic 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
(c)One foreman 1,320.00
144.For subsistence of employees who are entitled thereto under the provisions of paragraph (11)
— (c), General Provisions, section 7 of Common wealth Act No. 246, and quarters and
laundry: Provided, That the allowances for quarters and laundry may be commuted when
authorized by the Head of Department and in the case of employees who have, heretofore, been
allowed such commutation, and commutation for quarters shall be allowed only while government
quarters are not available for the purpose, any provision of existing law to the contrary
145.Less — savings to be made (4,500.00)
Total P364,640.00
1.One Chief of the Office P7,200.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Registry of Deeds
34.One register of deeds 1,800.00
35.One clerk 540.00
36.One register of deeds 1,800.00
37.One clerk 480.00
38.One register of deeds 2,400.00
39.One clerk 900.00
40.One clerk 600.00
41.One clerk 480.00
42.One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
43.One janitor-messenger 360.00
44.One register of deeds P1,800.00
45.One clerk 600.00
46.Two clerks at P360 720.00
47.One janitor-messenger 360.00
48.One register of deeds 1,800.00
49.One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
50.One clerk 480.00
51.One janitor-messenger 360.00
52.One clerk 360.00
53.One register of deeds 1,800.00
54.One clerk 840.00
55.One clerk 420.00
56.One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
57.One clerk 360.00
58.One janitor-messenger 360.00
Baguio and Benguet
59.One register of deeds, with quarters 1,800.00
60.One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
1. One clerk 600.00
62. Clerk 360.00
63. One janitor-messenger 360.00
64. One register of deeds 1,800.00
65. One clerk 600.00
66. One janitor-messenger 360.00
67. One clerk 600.00
68. One register of deeds 2,400.00
69. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
70. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
71. One clerk 660.00
72. One clerk 540.00
73. Three clerks at P420 1,260.00
Excess of actual salary at P360 180.00
74. One janitor-messenger 360.00
75. One register of deeds 1,800.00
76. One clerk 600.00
77. Two clerks at P360 720.00
Camarines Norte
78. One register of deeds 1,800.00
79. One clerk 600.00
80. One clerk 360.00
Camarines Sur
81. One register of deeds 1,800.00
82. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
83. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
84. One clerk 360.00
85. One janitor-messenger 360.00
86. One register of deeds 1,800.00
87. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
88. One clerk 600.00
89. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Cavite Province
90. One register of deeds 1,800.00
91. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 180.00
92. One clerk 600.00
93. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
94. One clerk 420.00
95. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Cebu (City and Province)
96. One register of deeds 3,000.00
97. One clerk 1,200.00
98. One clerk 1,080.00
99. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
100. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
101. One clerk 600.00
102. One clerk 360.00
103. One janitor-messenger P360.00
104. One register of deeds 1,800.00
105. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
106. Two clerks at P360 720.00
Davao (City and Province)
107. One register of deeds 1,800.00
108. One clerk 840.00
109. One clerk 660.00
110. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
111. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Ilocos Norte
112. One register of deeds 1,800.00
113. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
114. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
115. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Ilocos Sur
116. One register of deeds 1,800.00
117. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
118. Two clerks at P420 840.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
119. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Iloilo (City and Province)
120. One register of deeds 3,000.00
121. One clerk 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
122. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
123. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
124. One clerk 600.00
125. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
126. Four clerks at P360 1,440.00
127. Two janitor-messenger at P360 720.00
128. One register of deeds 1,800.00
129. One clerk 540.00
130. Two clerks at P360 720.00
131. One janitor-messenger 360.00
132. One register of deeds 2,400.00
133. One clerk 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
134. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
135. One clerk 660.00
136. One clerk 600.00
137. One clerk 360.00
138. One janitor-messenger 360.00
139. One register of deeds 1,800.00
140. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
La Union
141. One register of deeds 1,800.00
142. One clerk 660.00
143. One clerk 420.00
144. One janitor-messenger 360.00
145. One register of deeds 2,400.00
146. One deputy register of deeds 1,200.00
147. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
148. One clerk 600.00
149. One janitor-messenger 360.00
150. One register of deeds 5,040.00
151. One deputy register of deeds 3,120.00
152. One clerk 1,800.00
153. One clerk 1,680.00
154. One clerk 1,560.00
155. One clerk 1,320.00
156. Two clerks at P1,200 2,400.00
157. One clerk 1,080.00
158. One clerk 900.00
159. One clerk 840.00
160. Three clerks at P780 2,340.00
161. One clerk 720.00
162. One clerk 660.00
163. Two clerks at P540 1,080.00
164. One clerk 480.00
165. One clerk 360.00
166. One typist 480.00
167. One messenger 360.00
168. One vault-keeper 480.00
169. One janitor-porter 360.00
170. Two laborers at P360 P720.00
171. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
172. One register of deeds 1,800.00
173. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
174. One register of deeds 1,800.00
175. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 180.00
176. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
177. One clerk 360.00
Misamis Occidental
178. One register of deeds 1,800.00
179. Two clerks at P420 840.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
Misamis Oriental
180. One register of deeds 1,800.00
181. Two clerks at P420 840.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
Mountain Province
182. One clerk 650.00
Negros Occidental and Bacolod City
183. One register of deeds 3,000.00
184. One deputy register of deeds 1,800.00
185. One clerk 1,320.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
186. One clerk 840.00
187. One clerk 720.00
188. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
189. One clerk 660.00
190. Three clerks at P600 1,800.00
192. One janitor-messenger 360.00
192. One janitor-messenger 360.00
193. One janitor 360.00
Negros Oriental
194. One register of deeds 1,800.00
195. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
196. One clerk 360.00
197. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Nueva Ecija
198. One register of deeds 2,400.00
199. One clerk 900.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
200. One clerk 660.00
201. Three clerks at P480 1,440.00
202. Four clerks at P360 1,440.00
203. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Nueva Vizcaya
204. One register of deeds 1,800.00
205. One clerks 600.00
206. Two clerks at P420 840.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
207. One janitor-messenger 360.00
208. One clerk 360.00
209. One register of deeds 2,400.00
210. One clerk 900.00
211. One clerk 660.00
212. One clerk 600.00
213. One clerk 540.00
214. One clerk 480.00
215. One janitor-messenger 360.00
216. One register of deeds 3,000.00
217. One clerk 840.00
218. Two clerks at P600 1,200.00
219. One clerk 480.00
220. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
221. One typist 360.00
222. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Quezon City
223. One clerk 1,440.00
224. One clerk 480.00
225. One clerk-messenger 420.00
226. One register of deeds 2,400.00
227. One clerk 1,320.00
228. One clerk 900.00
229. One clerk 840.00
230. One clerk P660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
231. One clerk 600.00
232. Two clerks at P540 1,080.00
233. Three clerks at P360 1,080.00
234. One typist 360.00
235. One janitor-messenger 360.00
236. One register of deeds (ex-officio provincial fiscal) 2,400.00
237. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
238. One register of deeds 1,800.00
239. One clerk 600.00
240. One register of deeds 1,800.00
241. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
242. One janitor-messenger 360.00
243. One clerk 600.00
244. One register of deeds 1,800.00
245. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
246. One clerk 360.00
Tagaytay (City)
247. One clerk 480.00
248. One register of deeds 2,400.00
249. One clerk 900.00
250. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
251. Two clerks at P420 840.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
252. One clerk 420.00
253. One clerk 360.00
254. One janitor-messenger 360.00
255. One register of deeds 2,400.00
256. One clerk 1,200.00
257. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
258. Two clerks at P420 840.00
Excess of actual salary at P60 120.00
259. Two clerks at P360 720.00
260. One janitor-messenger 360.00
261. One register of deeds 1,800.00
262. One clerk 540.00
263. One clerk 360.00
264. One janitor-messenger 360.00
Zamboanga (City and Province)
265. One register of deeds 2,400.00
266. One clerk 1,080.00
267. One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
268. One clerk 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
269. One clerk 420.00
270. One clerk 360.00
271. One janitor-messenger 360.00
1. One Commissioner P 11,000.00
2. One assistant to the Commissioner 6,000.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One presiding Judge P 11,000.00
2. Four associate Judges at P10,000 40,000.00
Law Division
3. Two attorneys at P6,000 12,000.00
Administrative Division
4. One chief of division 4,200.00
5. One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00
6. One clerk 1,080.00
7. One clerk 840.00
8. One clerk 780.00
9. One typist 660.00
10. One typist 540.00
11. One clerk 420.00
12. Two clerk-messengers at P360 720.00
13. One night watchman 360.00
Office of the Clerk of Court
14. One clerk of court 3,120.00
15. Five deputy clerks of court at P1.800 9,000.00
16. Two interpreters at P1,800 3,600.00
17. One interpreter 1,560.00
18. Two interpreters at P1,440 2,880.00
19. One clerk 720.00
20. One docket clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
21. Five bailiffs at P480 2,400.00
Stenographers’ Section
22. One court-reporter and chief of section 2,940.00
23. One stenographer (bilingual) 2,940.00
24. One stenographer 2,400.00
25. Two stenographers (bilingual) at P2,280 4,560.00
26. Four stenographers at P1,800 7,200.00
27. One stenographer 1,560.00
28. One stenographer 1,320.00
Division of Investigation
29. One chief of division 3,120.00
30. Six assistant attorneys at P2,400 14,400.00
31. Four assistant attorneys at P1,920 7,680.00
32. Three special agents at P2,400 7,200.00
Examining Division
33. One chief examiner 5,100.00
34. One examiner 3,960.00
35. One examiner 2,280.00
36. One assistant examiner 1,800.00
37. Two assistant examiners at P1,320 2,640.00
38. One statistical clerk 1,200.00
39. One statistical clerk 600.00
40. One clerk 840.00
41. Three typist P600 1,800.00
Cash and Property Division
42. One property clerk, cashier and disbursing officer 1,800.00
43. One typist 600.00
44. One janitor and caretaker of the building 600.00
45. Two janitor-messengers at P420 840.00
46. Three janitor-messengers at P360 1,080.00
47. One laborer 420.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
48. Less — savings to be made (3,900.00)
Total P 174,840.0
Office of the Commissioner
1. One Commissioner of Immigration P10,000.00
2. One First Deputy Commissioner 9,000.00
3. One Second Deputy Commissioner 8,400.00
4. Three secretaries at P1,440 4,320.00
Boards of Special Inquiry
5. Five chairmen at P3,720 18,600.00
6. Five members at P2,760 13,800.00
7. Five member-secretaries at P2,400 12,000.00
8. Five interpreters at P1,080 5,400.00
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages P 5,056,960
Total for sundry expenses 1,011,330.00
Total for furniture and equipment 16,520.00
Total for special purposes 191,560.00
Total amount available for theDepartment of Justice P6,276,370.

Special Provisions

1. With the approval of the Secretary of Justice, any unexpended balance of any appropriation of
the Department of Justice may be used to cover a deficit in the appropriation for postage stamps
for mailing of notices of land registration cases and for publication of such notices in the Official
2. When a province or chartered city, by reason of financial stress, is forced to declare a general
reduction of the salaries of its officials and employees, the difference between the salary
authorized by law for the provincial or city fiscal and the amount made available therefor by
virtue of said reduction may, with the approval of the President of the Philippines, be paid from
the savings of the appropriations for the Department of Justice herein provided, any provision of
law to the contrary notwithstanding.


I. — Salaries And Wages
1. One Secretary of Department
2. One Undersecretary of Department
3. One administrative officer
4. One private secretary
5. One clerk-stenographer
Excess of actual salary
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
Administrative Division
2. One chief of division
3. One assistant chief of division
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Agricultural Extension Division
72. One chief of division
73. One assistant chief of division
74. Two assistant agronomists at P1,200
75. One assistant agronomist
76. One clerk
77. One clerk
78. One laborer
Excess of actual wages
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
Administrative Division
2. One chief of division
3. One assistant chief of division
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Forest Protection Section
102. One forest entomologist
103. One assistant forest entomologist
Excess of actual salary
104. One forest pathologist
105. One ranger
106. One forest guard
107. Two forest guards at P540
108. One forest guard
109. Three forest guards at P360
110. Four laborers at P360
Division of Forest Management
111. One chief of division
112. One assistant chief of division
113. One clerk
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Wildlife Section
195. One ranger
196. One game warden
Excess of actual salary
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Office of the Director
1. One Director of Lands
2. One administrative officer
3. One division inspector
Excess of actual salary
4. One division inspector
Excess of actual salary
5. Three division inspectors at P3,720
6. One division inspector
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
Administrative Division
2. One chief of division
3. One assistant chief of division
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
2. One Assistant Director
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
2. To adjust the salary of the present incumbent of the position in item 1 to the compensation provided therefor u
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Salaries and Wages
1. One Manager
2. One chief clerk
3. One assistant chief clerk
Excess of actual salary
4. One clerk
Excess of actual salary
5. One clerk
6. One clerk
7. One clerk
8. One clerk
9. Two clerks at P900
10. Four clerks at P840
11. Two clerks at P780
12. One clerk
Excess of actual salary
13. One clerk
14. Three clerks at P600
15. Two clerks at P540
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for special purposes

Total for
Fiber Inspection Service
Amount to be paid from the Fiber Inspection Service Fund
Total amount available for the Departmentof Agriculture and Commerce

Special Provisions
1. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, the sum appropriated
for the organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, as provided for in Act No.
3163, may likewise be expanded by the Director of Plant Industry, if deemed necessary to carry
out the purpose of section 23 of Act No. 2472: Provided, That in the employment of locust
scouts preference shall be given to graduates of agricultural high schools and colleges.

2. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the appropriations for “consumption of
supplies and materials” authorized in this Act for the bureaus and offices under the Department
of Agriculture and Commerce, may, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and
Commerce be used for the purchase of galvanized iron or any other non-inflammable roofing
materials to be used for the construction of nursery and cutting sheds, tool rooms and seed
houses in nurseries, plantations, experimental and propagation stations and seed farms: Provided,
That, other things being equal, local or American materials shall be preferred.

3. The itemization in this Act of appropriations for salaries and wages, sundry expenses,
furniture and equipment, and special purpose of the Fiber Inspection Service shall not be
construed as impairing the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, to use, with
the approval of the President, the unexpended balance of the Fiber Inspection Service Fund to
carry out the provisions of section 1796-B (b) of the Administrative Code, as amended by
Commonwealth Act No. 603.




(1) Office Of The Secretary
1. One Secretary of Department
2. One Undersecretary of Department
3. One private secretary
4. One administrative officer (ex-officio chief of the Administrative Division)
5. One engineering consultant
6. One engineering consultant
7. One special agent
8. One stenographer
9. One clerk-stenographer
10. One clerk
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
2. To adjust the salary of the present incumbent of the position in item 1 to the compensation provided therefor u
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
1. One Director
2. One Assistant Director
3. One researcher and cost ascertainer
4. One clerk-stenographer
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
9. For the operation of the Postal Savings Bank, Act No. 4093
To be paid out of the Postal Savings Bank Fund, any provision of existing law to the contrary nothwithstanding
Salaries and Wages
(a) One superintendent
(b) One assistant superintendent
(c) One supervisor
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

V. — Summary
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for special purposes
Total for salaries and wages
Total amount available for the Department of Public Works and Communications

Special Provisions

1. The Director of Posts is authorized to use from any unexpended balance of any appropriation
authorized for the Bureau of Posts in this Act, a sum of not more than P15,000 for the prompt
payment of claims arising from fraudulent encashment or wrong payment of money orders and
telegraphic transfers.

2. With the approval of the President of the Philippines, any unexpended balance not exceeding
P50.000 of the appropriations authorized for any Executive Department in this Act may be
expended to cover the cost of plates and printing of postage stamps with new designs to replace
the regular postage stamps of all denominations, including commemorative postage stamps.


I. — Salaries and Wages


1. One Secretary of Department
2. One Undersecretary of Department
3. One private secretary
4. One stenographer and action clerk
5. One stenographer
Administrative Division
6. One administrative officer
7. One clerk
Excess of actual salary
8. One clerk
9. One stenographer
10. One clerk-stenographer
11. One messenger
Property and General Service Section
12. One cashier and property clerk
13. One watchman
14. One janitor
Excess of actual salary
15. Two janitors at P360
Records Section
16. One clerk
Excess of actual salary
17. One clerk-typist
18. Two clerks at F480
19. One clerk-messenger
20. One messenger

21. Less — savings to be made

1. One Director
2. One Assistant Director
3. One administrative officer
4. One stenographer
Excess of actual salary
5. One stenographer
Excess of actual salary
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx


1. One Director
Administrative Division
2. One chief of division
3. One cashier and property clerk
4. One clerk
5. One clerk-stenographer
6. Two clerks at P480
7. One mimeograph operator
8. One messenger
9. One janitor
10. Two laborers at P360
Division of Promotion and Supervision
11. One chief of division
12. One assistant chief of division
13. Two supervisors-at-large at P1,200
14. Nineteen organizers and supervisors at P1,200
15. One clerk-stenographer
16. Two chauffeurs at P540
Division of Research And Publications
17. One chief of division
18. One researcher
19. One artist-illustrator

20. Five translators at P720

1. One Director
2. One Assistant Director (ex-officio chief of Gallery of Art and History Division)
3. One clerk
4. One clerk
5. One clerk
xxx (Other items omitted) x x x


Salaries and Wages Office of the Director

1. One Director, additional to the compensation received by the incumbent as Dean of the College of Medicine o
University of the Philippines, with subsistence
2. One Superintendent, with furnished quarters and service
3. One Assistant to the Director, without compensation, but with one-third subsistence.
Office Of The Chief Of Clinics
4. One clerk
Department of Medicine
5. One Senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service
6. One associate resident physician, without compensation, but furnished quarters and service.
7. One junior resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service
8. Five assistant resident physicians, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
Department Of Surgery
9. One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service
10. One associate resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
11. One junior resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service
12. Six assistant resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
Department of Gynecology
13. One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service
14. One assistant resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
Department of Obstetrics
15. One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service
16. One associate resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service
17. One junior resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
18. Four assistant resident physicians, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
Department Of Pediatrics
19. One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service
20. One associate resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
21. One junior resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
22. Two assistant resident physicians, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
Department Of Eye, Ear, Nose And Throat
23. One senior resident physician, additional compensation, with furnished quarters and service
24. One associate resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
25. One junior resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
26. One assistant resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
Department Of Laboratories
27. One chief of department, additional compensation, part time
28. One bacteriologist, additional compensation, part time
29. One assistant scientist
30. One clinical biochemist, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty
31. One hematologist, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty
32. One assistant clinical pathologist, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty
33. One assistant clinical pathologist, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty
34. One assistant clinical pathologist, with furnished quarters and service
35. One junior clinical pathologist, with furnished quarters and service
36. One junior clinical pathologist, with furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty
37. One serological technician, with quarters
38. One clinical laboratory technician, with quarters
39. One histopathological technician, with quarters
40. One laborer
Department Of Physical Therapy
41. One physician and chief of department, part time
42. One assistant resident physician, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and service.
Rotation Service
43. Twenty-four assistant adjunct resident physicians, without compensation, but with furnished quarters and ser
Dental Clinic
44. One dentist
45. One assistant dentist
Division of Pharmacy
46. One chief of division, additional compensation, part time
47. One pharmacist-in-charge, with laundry
48. One pharmacist, with laundry
49. One pharmacist, with laundry
50. One pharmacist, with laundry
51. Five pharmacists at P960, with laundry
52. One clerk
Administrative Division
53. One chief of division
54. One clerk-stenographer
Personnel Section
55. One chief of section
56. Two clerks at P600
57. One clerk-stenographer
59. One clerk
Cash and Disbursing Section
60. One chief of section
61. One clerk
62. Three clerks at P600
63. Three clerks at P480
Property and Supply Section
64. One chief of section
65. One clerk
66. Two clerks at P720
67. One clerk
68. One clerk
69. One laborer
General Service Section
70. One chief of section
71. One inspector
72. One inspector, with furnished quarters and service
73. One inspector, with furnished quarters and service
74. One information clerk
75. One information clerk
76. One telephone operator
Excess of actual salary
77. One telephone operator
78. One telephone operator
79. One telephone operator
80. One foreman
81. One assistant foreman, with quarters
82. One cook
83. One cook
Excess of actual salary
84. One cook
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

Machinery, Repairing, and Transportation Section

96. One engineer and chief of section
97. One mechanic and assistant chief of section
98. One mechanic
99. One assistant mechanic
100. One assistant mechanic
101. Two assistant electricians at P480
102. One assistant electrician
103. One carpenter
104. One carpenter
105. Two carpenters at P480
106. One plumber
107. One assistant plumber
108. One assistant plumber
109. One assistant plumber
110. One painter
111. Two chauffeurs at P660
Excess of actual salary at P60
112. One chauffeur
113. One chauffeur
114. Five chauffeurs at P480
115. One chauffeur
116. Two litter-bearers at P480
117. Four litter-bearers at P420
118. Thirty-two laborers at P360
Statistics And Records Division Records Section
119. One chief of section
120. One clerk
121. One clerk
122. Two clerks at P600
123. Three clerks at P480
Dispensary Clerical Section
124. One chief of section
125. Two clerks at P480
School And Division Of Nursing
126. One chief of division and superintendent of nurses, with furnished quarters and service
Excess of actual salary
127. One principal of the school of nursing, with furnished quarters and service
128. One assistant to the principal, with furnished quarters and service
129. One physical instructor, with furnished quarters and service
130. One instructor in English, part time
131. One instructor in massage, part time
132. One dietitian, with furnished quarters and service
133. One general supervisor, with furnished quarters and service
134. One general supervisor, with furnished quarters and service
135. One operating room supervisor, with furnished quarters and service
136. One assistant to the chief nurse, with furnished quarters and service
137. One private operating room supervisor, with furnished quarters and service
138. One etxension service supervisor, with furnished quarters and service
139. One anaesthetist, with furnished quarters and service
140. One anaesthetist, with furnished quarters and service
141. One assistant anaesthetist, with furnished quarters and service
142. Twelve supervisors, with furnished quarters and service at P960
143. Two supervisors, with furnished quarters and service at P900
144. Fifteen supervisors, with furnished quarters and service at P840
145. One nurse, with furnished quarters and service
146. Two hundred fourteen nurses, with furnished quarters and service at P720
147. Forty-seven graduate student nurses or in their absence temporary attendants, with furnished quarters and se
148. Twelve graduate student nurses or temporary attendants, with furnished quarters and service at P240
149. Student nurses: seniors and associate seniors at P144; juniors, sophomores, and freshmen, at P120; and prob
P96, with furnished quarters and service, and a gratuity of not more than P2 per month each
150. One clerk-stenographer
151. Ninety-seven attendants, with quarters at P360
152. Cancer Institute
152. One head of the institute and chief radiologist
153. One pathologist, histopathological
154. One pathologist, biochemical
155. One physicist
156. One assistant pathologist, biochemical
157. One assistant pathologist, histopathological
158. One assistant curie therapist
159. Two assistant roentgen therapists at P1,800
160. One assistant roentgen diagnostician
161. Three resident physicians, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance at P8 per month and serv
162. One nurse deep therapy technician, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance at P8 per month
163. Five nurse deep therapy technicians, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance at P8 per mont
at P480
164. One nurse-X-ray, diagnosis technician, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance at P8 per mo
165. One nurse radium technician, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance at P 8 per month and
166. One technician in pathology
167. One nurse-supervisor, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance at P8 per month and service
168. Two nurse-supervisors, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry at P8 per month and service at P840
169. Thirty-five nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance at P8 per month and service at P
170. Eighteen attendants, with one third subsistence at P480
171. One publicity officer
172. One clerk-stenographer
173. One clerk
174. One clerk
175. Three watchmen at P480
176. Nineteen helpers, with one third subsistence at P360
177. For laundry allowance, not to exceed P8 per month each of employees who are entitled thereto under the pr
paragraph (14), General Provisions, of section 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 246: Provided, That the allowance f
be commuted when authorized by the Head of Department
178. For laundry allowance of the newly created positions at P8 per month each of employees who are entitled th
the provisions of paragraph (14), General Provisions, of Section 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 246: Provided, Th
allowance for laundry may be commuted when authorized by the Head of Department
179. For subsistence of employees who are entitled thereto under the provisions of paragraph (11)-(c), General P
section 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 246, and quarters: Provided, That the allowances for quarters may be comm
authorized by the Head of Department in the case of employees who have, prior to 1938, been allowed such com
commutation for quarters shall be allowed only while government quarters are not available for the purpose: Pro
That whenever any of the personnel in the Cash and Disbursing Section is on special detail, he shall be entitled to
quarters and service during such detail
180. For subsistence of employees to occupy the newly created positions, who are entitled thereto under the prov
paragraph (11)-(c) of General Provisions, of section 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 246
181. Less — savings to be made
Total for salaries and wages
Sundry Expenses
182. Traveling expenses of personnel
183. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable, and radio service
184. Illumination and power service
185. Consumption of supplies and materials
186. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications
187. Contributions and gratuities
188. Maintenance and repair of equipment
189. Other services
Total for sundry expenses
Furniture and Equipment
190. For the purchase of furniture andequipment
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for salaries and wages
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment
Total amount available for thePhilippine General Hospital
Special Provision
191. Part of the appropriation for “other services” of the Department of Public Instruction, which may be alloted
the Philippine General Hospital shall be available for the purchase of pins and diplomas for the graduating class
such other expenses of the hospital, in connection with the holding of graduation exercises as well as for expense
refreshments, music, and other items in connection with the annual hospital day celebration, the total expenses n
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for special purposes

Total for the Philippine General Hospital

Total amount available for the Departmentof Public Instruction

Special Provisions

1. Any savings in the appropriation for salaries and wages authorized in this Act for the Bureau
of Education, including those for the maintenance and operation of normal, vocational,
secondary, and elementary schools, may be utilized for the temporary employment of substitute
teachers to take the place of those called to military duty who continue to receive their salaries as
teachers, of those substituting for teachers subpoenaed to act as witnesses in court, of those with
vacation service credit who go on leave of absence, of those granted vacation or sick leave, and
of temporary teachers assigned to duty during vacation.

2. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, part of the sum appropriated for
the item “traveling expenses of personnel” may be used to pay the passage from their official
stations in the Philippines to their places of residence in the United States, of public school
teachers suffering from mental aberration or physical incapacity, whose separation from the
service is necessary.

3. In conjunction with section 7-11 (24) of Commonwealth Act No. 246, the Secretary of Public
Instruction may allow, free of charge, quarters in kind in government-owned buildings, to clerks
and other employees assigned to dormitory duty and to agricultural schools, farm schools, and
special schools in isolated places under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Education.

4. With the approval of the President of the Philippines, the Secretary of Public Instruction is
authorized to use savings from the amount herein appropriated for salaries and wages of
personnel under the Bureau of Education, for sundry expenses, including the. purchase of
supplies, textbooks, and supplementary readers, and for the acquisition of furniture and
equipment which may be needed for the opening of new or additional elementary classes, any
provision of this act or of any other act to the contrary notwithstanding.

5. In connection with the use of the appropriations provided in this Act for the support of the
elementary schools in carrying out the provisions of section 6 of Commonwealth Act No. 586,
regarding the holding of two or more complete single sessions a day, or other measures
calculated to take the largest number of school children, the Secretary of Public Instruction shall
organize additional primary classes in the “poblaciones” or in centrally located barrios or
municipalities for primary pupils who cannot be accommodated in the neighboring barrios or
municipalities due to lack of facilities and/or due to insufficient number to form additional
classes in the respective barrios or municipalities.

6. In order to encourage the printing of books in the Philippines, the Department, in using the

provided in this Act for the purchase of textbooks and supplementary readers for the elementary
grades, shall give preference to those locally printed and bound whenever such textbooks and
supplementary readers can be obtained under terms and conditions not prejudicial to public

7. The Secretary of Public Instruction is authorized to order the printing of textbooks and
supplementary readers for the Bureau of Education with local private printers and publishers by
allowing the contractors reasonable margin of profit, whenever the Bureau of Printing cannot
guarantee the delivery of such textbooks and supplementary readers at the time they are required.

8. No teacher transferred from municipal or provincial to national status in connection with the
nationalization of the elementary schools pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No.
586 and whose salary is paid from the appropriations provided in this Act shall suffer any salary
reduction by reason of such transfer.


1. — Salaries and Wages


1. One Secretary of Department
2. One Undersecretary of Department
3. One administrative officer
4. One private secretary
5. One clerk-stenographer
x x x (Other items omitted) x x x
Woman and Child Labor Section
51. One chief of section
52. One labor agent
Excess of actual salary
53. One labor inspector
54. One labor inspector
55. Three clerks at P600
56. One clerk
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Workmen’s Compensation Division
113. One chief of division
114. One attorney
Excess of actual salary
115. One law clerk
116. Two labor agents at P1,800
117. One labor agent
118. One labor agent
xxx (Other items omitted) x x x

I. — Salaries and Wages


1. One Secretary of Department
2. One Undersecretary of Department
3. One administrative officer
4. One private secretary
5. One financial officer
6. One law officer
7. One law clerk
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

Radio Control Division

31. One superintendent
32. One radio engineer
33. One senior clerk
34. Two radio inspectors at P2,400
36. Four radio inspectors at P1.800
36. One operator
37. One operator
38. One operator
39. One operator
40. One stenographer
41. One clerk
42. One clerk
43. One clerk
Philippine Nautical School
44. One superintendent
45. One nautical instructor and executive officer
46. One nautical instructor
47. One assistant nautical instructor
48. One property clerk
49. One watchman
50. One janitor
51. One gardener
52. Subsistence of 40 cadets that will practice on board government vessels for 90 days at P1 per day each
53. Subsistence of one instructor that will accompany the cadets during the training cruise at P2 per day for 90 da

54. Less — savings to be made

1. One Director: Provided, That in case this position is filled by detail of a U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey offi
payment of his per diem at a rate not to exceed P10 may be madefrom this item
2. One Assistant Director
x x x (Other items omitted) x x x

Office Of The Director

1. One Director: Provided, That in case this position is filled by detail of a U. S. Army Air Corps officer, payme
of a per diem at a rate which the President shall fix may be made from this item and if it filled by detail of a Phi
Army Air Corps officer whose salary is less than P7,200 per annum, he may be paid an additional compensation
item but the total of such additional compensation and his pay in the Philippine Army shall not exceed P7,200 pe
2. One Assistant to the Director and chief aeronautical engineer
x x x (Other items, omitted) x x x

Purpose I. — PERSONNEL

A. Commissioned Officers and Cadets

1. Base pay
2. Flying pay of officers on flying status, per diems of special air corps instructors, and per diem, allowances, an
necessary expenses of Philippine Scouts enlisted instructors detailed to the Philippine Army
3. Longevity pay of officers
4. Rental and commutation of quarters for officers
5. Initial clothing allowance of cadets at P56
6. Pay and maintenance allowance of cadets
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Purpose I. — Personnel
Purpose II. — Maintenance of Personnel
Purpose III. — Transportation
Purpose IV. — Armament, Equipment and Supplies
Purpose V. — Construction and Maintenance
Purpose VI. — Miscellaneous Expenses
Total for the Philippine Army

Special Provisions

1. The President shall have authority to transfer, at quarterly intervals during the fiscal year 1942
from Purpose I or II to other Purposes as titled in this Act, such portions of unexpended balances
of the appropriations authorized thereunder as may be necessary in order to assure balanced
development of the National Defense during that year, any provision of law to the contrary

2. The President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to exceed fifty per cent of the
amount appropriated for any item in any purpose to any other item or items in the same or any
other purpose.

3. Officers and enlisted men who may be transferred by competent authority from one station to
another station shall be allowed to have transported at government expense, personally owned
possessions, household effects and baggage not to exceed such allowance as may be fixed by the
President for the several grades.

4. When expressly authorized by the President, the appropriations for equipment herein made
may be used for the purchase of armored automobiles, auto jitneys, station wagons, trucks, or
other military motor vehicles.

5. All constructions required for the National Defense shall be accomplished under the direction
of the Chief of Staff of the Philippine Army, any provision of existing law to the contrary

6. Funds appropriated under item 422 shall include representation and contingent expenses,
including those of the previous years, of the Chief of Staff and of such other army officers
authorized by the Chief of Staff, which expenses shall be subject to the approval of the President.

7. Expenses for unforeseen contingencies which cannot be paid for lack of appropriation in other
purposes may be paid for from Purpose VI.

8. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, all the expenses for maintaining the
Philippine Constabulary shall be drawn from the appropriations herein authorized for the
Philippine Army. The President of the Philippines shall determine the amounts of the allotments
that should be granted for the expenses of maintaining the Philippine Constabulary from the
different items of appropriation herein authorized, the number of officers and enlisted men to be
assigned thereto, and the rates of their salaries and allowances.

V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment

Total for the Philippine Army

Total amount available for the Department of National Defense

I. — Salaries and Wages


1. One Secretary of Department
2. One Undersecretary of Department
3. One private secretary
4. One administrative officer
5. One stenographer
6. One stenographer
7. One clerk-stenographer
x x x (Other items omitted) x x x
1. One Director
District Inspectors
2. Five district inspectors at P5,100
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
Division of Hospitals
Division Proper

436. One chief of division

437. One clerk
438. One clerk
439. One clerk-stenographer
440. One field dispensary attendant
441. One field dispensary attendant
Excess of actual salary
x x x (Other items omitted) x x x

1. One Director
Division of Administration
2. One special agent and chief of division
3. One cashier and property officer
Excess of actual salary
4. One assistant cashier and property officer
5. One chief of records section
6. One clerk-stenographer
7. One clerk-stenographer
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

Division of General Welfare

17. One senior medical officer
Excess of actual salary
18. One junior medical officer
19. One junior medical officer
20. One medical officer (part time)
21. One superintendent
22. One nurse-supervisor
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx
23. Two nurse-supervisors at P1,320
24. One nurse-supervisor
25. One supervisor
26. One nurse
27. One nurse
28. One nurse
29. Two nurses at P780
30. One social worker
31. One clerk
32. One helper
33. One helper
Division of Child Welfare
34. One chief of division
35. One clerk-stenographer
36. One helper
Excess of actual salary
Probation Section
37. One chief of section
Excess of actual salary
38. One assistant chief of section
39. Two social workers-probation officers at P1.440
40. One social worker-probation officer
41. One social worker-probation officer
42. One social worker-probation officer
Section of Institutions

With subsistence and quarters

43. One medical officer
44. One nurse-supervisor
45. One nurse
46. Two nurses at P900
47. Three nurses at P840
48. Two nurses at P780
49. Two nurses at P720
50. One supervising principal
51. One psychologist
52. Two teachers at P720
53. Eight teachers at P600
54. Three teachers at P540
55. Two teachers at P480
56. One teacher, part time
57. One matron-dietitian
58. One dietitian
59. One matron
60. One matron
61. One matron
62. One social worker
x x x (Other items omitted) x x x

Nursery for Non-Leprous Babies and Children

Below Two Years of Age All with subsistence and quarters

83. One medical officer
84. One head-nurse
Excess of actual salary
85. Two nurses at P720
86. Four hospital attendants at P360
87. Six helpers at P360
88. For laundry allowance not to exceed P8 per month each which may be commuted when authorized by the
Department Head, and for subsistence and quarters similarly commutable in the case of employees whose positio
have been allowed such commutation prior to 1938: Provided, That commutation for quarters shall be allowed on
while government quarters are not available for the purpose

89. Less — savings to be made

1. Per diem of P10 for the officer of the United States Public Health Service detailed as chief of the bureau
Inspection Division
2. One quarantine officer
3. One quarantine officer
4. One quarantine officer (part time)
5. One quarantine officer (part time)
6. Two quarantine officers (part time) at P960
7. One quarantine officer (part time)
8. One quarantine officer (part time)
9. One inspector (part time)
10. One bacteriologist
11. One assistant bacteriologist
12. One supervising nurse
13. One foreman fumigator, with clothing
Excess of actual salary
14. One sanitary inspector, Sitankai
Excess of actual salary
x x x (Other items omitted) x x x

Detention Station Division

All with subsistence, quarters and clothing

22. One superintendent
23. One superintendent
24. One superintendent
Excess of actual salary
25. One, chief fumigator
Excess of actual salary
26. One attendant
27. Three attendants at P600
28. One attendant
29. One attendant.
xxx (Other items omitted) xxx

V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for special purposes
Total amount available for the Department of Health and Public Welfare


1. Any savings in the appropriations for “salaries and wages” authorized in this Act for the
bureaus and offices under the Department of Health and Public Welfare may be utilized for the
temporary employment of substitutes to take the place of medical officers, resident physicians,
nurses, sanitary inspectors, members of field parties, and hospital attendants and helpers called to
military duty who continue to receive their salaries as such, or grant d vacation, sick, or
maternity leave.

2. The Secretary of Health and Public Welfare may allow, free of charge, Quarters in
government-owned buildings, to clerks and other employees assigned to dormitory duty, or to
hospitals, training schools and other similar institutions in isolated places operated by the
bureaus or offices under the Department of Health and Public Welfare.

3. Temporary officers and employees detailed for duty in the Culion Leper Colony and other
leper treatment stations or leprosaria under the Bureau of Health may be granted, in the
discretion of the Secretary of Health and Public Welfare, 28 days’ vacation leave with pay for
each year of service in the said leper institutions, which vacation must be enjoyed during the year
in which earned, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.

4. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Director of Health, with the
approval of the Secretary of Health and Public Welfare, may use the unexpended balance of any
appropriation authorized in this Act for the Bureau of Health for sundry expenses, for the
maintenance, alteration, and repair of the buildings for lepers in Culion and other leper stations
without the intervention of the Bureau of Public Works, the total amount that may be spent under
this provision not to exceed P3,500.

5. The appropriation for the operation of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital and training of
midwives in the City of Manila shall include expenses for graduation of midwives including
diplomas not to exceed P200.

6. Part of the appropriation for “other services” of the Department of Health and Public Welfare,
which may be allotted for the use of the Hospitals under the said department shall be available
for the purchase of pins and diplomas for the graduating class of nurses and insignia for the
officers of such hospitals, and other expenses that may be incurred in connection with the
holding of graduation exercises, as well as for expenses for refreshments, music, and other items
in connection with the annual Hospital Day Celebration, the total expenses not to exceed P200.

7. When necessary, due to the presence of quarantinable diseases, any unexpended balance of the
appropriation for “salaries and wages” of the Bureau of Quarantine Service may be used, with
the approval of the Secretary of Health and Public Welfare, for salaries and wages of temporary
employees, assistant disinfectors, and laborers who can assist the regular force in disinfection
work or in handling supplies, and for the purchase of supplies, any provision of law to the
contrary notwithstanding.


I. — Salaries and Wages

1. The Auditor General

2. One Deputy Auditor General, with the rank of Undersecretary of Department
3. One secretary to the Auditor General
4. One researcher
x x x (Other items omitted) x x x

V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment
Total amount available for theGeneral Auditing Office

Special Provision

1. Employees of the General Auditing Office drawing their salaries from the appropriations
provided in thisAct and assigned in the Accounting and Auditing Office for the Bureau of
Prisons may be furnished with quarters in kind and prisoners’ service inside the prison


IV. — Special Purposes

1. Contribution to the University of the Philippines, in addition to its current receipts, to be disbursed by the Bo
of Regents of said University, in accordance with section 6 of Act No. 1870, as amended, the provision
paragraph 83 of section 18 of Act No. 2935, of Acts Nos. 2040, 2095, 2672, 2730, 3043, 3377, 3667
Commonwealth Act No. 15, and of other acts to the contrary nothwithstanding, including the construction
buildingsand permanent improvements
2. For the transportation, salaries, and other expenses of pensionados and members of the faculty detailed abroa
enjoying sabbatical leave
3. For expenses of maintaining post graduate courses and fellowships in the College of Medicine of the Universi
of the Philippines, Commonwealth Act No. 401
Total amount available for the University of the Philippines
Special Provisions

1. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the salary of the President of
the University of the Philippines shall not exceed P12,000 per annum.

2. Students of the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, shall be exempt from the
payment of any matriculation or tuition fees.

3. The President of the University of the Philippines may authorize the officers and employees of
the University to lodge free of charge in government buildings situated at the Alabang Station
and controlled by the University of the Philippines. This privilege shall be limited to the officers
and employees of the Institute of Hygiene engaged in the manufacture of anti-toxins, vaccine,
sera, and other biological products at the Alabang laboratories and experiment stations whose
salaries or wages are payable from the Alabang Laboratories Revolving Fund: Provided, That the
officers and employees herein mentioned shall not be allowed to lodge in rented buildings
without requiring them to reimburse to the Government their corresponding reasonable share of
the rent.


I. — Salaries and Wages

Office of the Commissioner

1. One Chairman
2. Two Members at P10,000
3. Three private secretaries at P2,400
General Office Personnel
4. One Secretary
5. One Deputy Secretary
6. One senior clerk (To act also as cashier and property officer)
7. One chief of records section
8. Two stenographers at P1,200
9. One clerk-stenographer
10. One clerk-stenographer
11. One clerk
12. One clerk
13. Two clerks at P480
14. One clerk-typist
15. One clerk-filer
16. Three messenger-laborers at P360
17. One janitor
18. One janitor
19. Two laborer-messengers at P360
Legal Staff
20. One chief attorney
21. Two attorneys at P3,120
22. One attorney
23. One attorney
24. One law clerk
25. One stenographer
26. One stenographer
27. Three stenographers at P720
28. Two clerk-typists at P600
29. Less — savings to be made
Total for salaries and wages
U. — Sundry Expenses
1. Traveling expenses of personnel
2. Freight, express, and delivery service
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable, and radio service
4. Illumination and power service
5. Rental of buildings and grounds
6. Consumption of supplies and materials
7. Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment
9. Other service
Total for sundry expenses
III. — Furniture and Equipment
1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment
Total for furniture and equipment
IV. — Special Purposes
1. For emergency laborers, for four months only, to be used for hauling and handling registry lists of voters (Cen
Electoral) and other election matters coming from all parts of the Philippines
Total for special purposes
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for special purposes
Total amount available for the Commission on Elections


I. — Salaries and Wages

1. The Chief Justice
2. Six Associate Justices at P15,000
3. Seven private secretaries at P3,600

Office of the Clerk of Court

4. One clerk of court
5. One clerk-stenographer
Excess of actual salary
Docket Section
6. One docket clerk
Excess of actual salary
7. One clerk
8. One clerk
Calendar Section
9. One calendar clerk
Excess of actual salary
10. One clerk-typist
11. One clerk
Judgment Section
12. One judgment
13. One clerk
Brief and Record Section
14. One clerk
15. One laborer
Bailiff Section
16. One bailiff
17. Three assistant bailiffs at P660
Excess of actual salary at P180
18. One deputy clerk of court
Excess of actual salary
Translation Section
19. One translator
Library and Digest Section
20. One reporter and chief librarian
21. One assistant librarian
22. One assistant librarian
24. Two laborers at P420
Excess of actual wages at P60
Stenographers Section
25. One stenographer
26. Four stenographers at P1,920
Section of Public Laws and Decisions Published in
Official Gazette and Philippine Reports
27. One clerk
Excess of actual salary
28. One clerk
29. Three clerks at P1.800
30. One clerk
Excess of actual salary
31. One clerk
Excess of actual salary
32. One clerk
Excess of actual salary
33. One clerk
34. One typist
35. One messenger
36. One deputy clerk of court
37. One personnel clerk
Excess of actual salary
Bar Examination Section
38. One clerk
Collection and Disbursement Section
39. One cashier and disbursing officer
Finance Section
40. One financial officer
Property Section
41. One property clerk
Subscription Section
42. One clerk-typist
43. One clerk-typist
44. One clerk
45. One clerk
46. One clerk
Mailing Section
47. Two messengers at P360
Messengers, Janitors, and Laborers Section
48. One janitor, with free quarters, water and light while required to live in the Ayuntamiento Building
Excess of actual salary
49. One messenger
Excess of actual salary
50. Seven messengers at P360
51. Thirteen janitors at P420
Excess of actual salary at F60
52. One laborer
Excess of actual wages

53. Less — savings to be made

Total for salaries and wages
II. — Sundry Expenses
1. Traveling expenses of personnel
2. Freight, express, and delivery service
3. Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable, and radio service
5. Consumption of supplies and materials
6. Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications
7. Free distribution of public documents
8. Maintenance and repair of equipment
9. Other services
Total for sundry expenses
III. — Furniture and Equipment 1. For the purchase of furniture and Equipment
Total for furniture and equipment
IV. — Special Purposes
1. For the necessary expenses for carrying out the purposes of section 2 of Commonwealth Act No. 259
2. Expenses for holding bar examinations
To be paid out of the receipts in connection with the holding of bar examinations
Salaries and Wages
(a) Fees for eight bar examiners at P500
(b) One stenographer
(c) Two laborers at P1.25 a day each for a period of not to exceed 90 days
Total for salaries and wages
Sundry Expenses
(d) Traveling expenses of personnel
(e) Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable, and radio service
(f) Consumption of supplies and materials
(g) Other services
Total for sundry expenses
Furniture and Equipment
(h) For the purchase of furniture and equipment
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for special purposes
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages
Total for sundry expenses
Total for furniture and equipment
Total for special purposes
Total amount available for the Supreme Court


I. — Salaries and Wages

Office of the Justices

1. One Presiding Justice P 13,000.00

2. Fourteen Associate Justices at P12,000 168,000.00
3. Fifteen private secretaries at P3,000 45,000.00
4. Seven stenographers at P1,800 12,600.00
5. Eight stenographers at P1,440 11,520.00
Office of the Clerk of Court
6. One clerk of court 5,100.00
7. One senior clerk 2,400.00
Administrative Division
8. One first deputy clerk of court 4,200.00
9. One second deputy clerk of court 3,720.00
10. One third deputy clerk of court 2,400.00
11. One librarian 1,200.00
12. One clerk-stenographer 840.00
13. Two clerks at P660 1,320.00
14. One clerk 600.00
15. One bailiff 480.00
16. Ten messengers at P360 3,600.00
17. One head janitor and watchman, with free quarters, water and light while required to
live in the building of the Court of Appeals
18. Fourteen janitors at P360 5,040.00
19. Two laborers at P360 720.00
Cash and Property Section
20. One collecting and disbursing officer P1,800.00
21. One property clerk 1,440.00
22. One clerk 660.00
23. One clerk 600.00
24. One messenger 360.00
Docket Section
25. One docket clerk 2,280.00
Excess of actual salary 120.00
26. One assistant docket clerk 1,200.00
27. One clerk 900.00
28. Four clerks at P600 2,400.00
29. One clerk 480.00
Calendar and Brief Section
30. One calendar clerk 1,800.00
31. Two clerks at P840 1,680.00
32. One clerk 480.00
33. One messenger 360.00
Judgment Section
One judgment clerk 1,800.00
One clerk 1,080.00
One clerk 660.00
Excess of actual salary 60.00
One clerk 600.00
One messenger 360.00
Office of the Reporter
One reporter 3,960.00
One assistant reporter 2,400.00
One clerk 1,800.00
One clerk 1,200.00
Three clerks at P840 2,520.00
Two clerks at P720 1,440.00
One clerk 600.00
One messenger 360.00
Less — savings to be made (780.00)
Total for salaries and wages P 317,080.00
II. — Sundry Expenses
Traveling expenses of personnel P 8,000.00
Freight, express, and delivery service 450.00
Postal, telegraph, telephone, cable,and radio service 7,100.00
Illumination and power service 2,100.00
Consumption of supplies and materials 8,400.00
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications 400.00
Maintenance and repair of equipment 500.00
Other services 1,000.00
Total for sundry expenses P27,950.00
III. — Furniture And Equipment
For the purchase of furniture and equipment P 4,600.00
Total for furniture and equipment P4,600.00
IV. — Special Purposes
1. For the necessary expenses for carrying out the purposes of section 6 of Commonwealth
Act No. 259
Sundry Expenses
(a) Per diems and traveling expenses of Justices and personnel P6,400.00
(b) Freight, express and delivery service 250.00
(c) Consumption of supplies and materials 350.00
Total P7,000.00
Total for special purposes P7,000.00
V. — Summary
Total for salaries and wages P317,080.00
Total for sundry expenses 27,950.00
Total for furniture and equipment 4,600.00
Total for special purposes 7,000.00
Total amount available for the Court of Appeals P356,630.00
Total For All Departments And Offices P91,339,629.50
Contingent Fund
For covering deficits in the appropriations authorized by this Act which the President may
Grand Total of the Appropriations Authorized in this Act: Ninety-one Million Eight
Hundred Thirty-nine Pesos and Fifty Centavos

SEC. 3. Allotment of appropriations. — The appropriations for sundry expenses, furniture and
equipment, and special purposes for the Office of the President shall be allotted by the President
among the bureaus and offices under his direct control; those for the Executive Departments by
the Heads of Departments among the bureaus and offices under their respective control, as the
needs of the service may require.

SEC. 4. Provision for excess of salaries actually received over the maximum rates of the
grades. — Any item of appropriation for “excess of actual salary” provided under “Salaries and
Wages” in this Act shall be considered as a part of, and be added to, the item of appropriation
immediately preceding it, and shall be used solely for salary adjustments pursuant to the
provision of section twelve, paragraph four, Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and

SEC. 5. Authority to use savings in appropriations for “Salaries and Wages”, for “Sundry
Expenses”, and for “Purchase of Furniture and Equipment” to cover deficits. — Any
provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, any savings in the regular appropriations
authorized in this Act for salaries and wages, except the amounts of the “savings to be made”
herein provided, for sundry expenses, and for purchase of furniture and equipment of the bureaus
and offices under any Department, may, with the approval of the President, be used to cover a
deficit not exceeding twenty per centum of the amount originally provided in any other item of
the regular appropriations, except for salaries and wages, under the same Department. Likewise,
any saving in the appropriations for salaries and wages, except the amounts of the “savings to be
made” herein provided, for sundry expenses, and for purchase of furniture and equipment of any
item under “Special Purposes,” may, with the approval of the President, be used to cover a
deficit not exceeding twenty per centum of the amount originally provided in any other item of
appropriations, except for salaries and wages, under the same purpose.
SEC. 6. Authority to use savings and excess of actual collections over estimated income for
adjustments of compensations. — The President of the Philippines is authorized to use any
savings from the appropriations authorized in this Act, except the amounts of the “savings to be
made” herein provided, as well as any excess of actual collections over the estimated ordinary
income of the National Government during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and forty-two, for
the adjustment of the compensations of employees pursuant to the provisions of section twelve of
Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two; for paying compensation differentials that
may be granted pursuant to the provisions of section seven of said Commonwealth Act
Numbered Four hundred and two; for adjustment to P660 per annum of the salaries of
elementary school teachers who are graduates of Bureau  of Education collegiate normal schools
and the teacher’s curriculum in the collegiate schools of arts and trades, graduates of private
junior normal schools and colleges offering two years of normal work above the secondary level,
and holders of the degrees of bachelor of science in education, bachelor of science in home
economics, high school teacher’s certificate, bachelor of science in agriculture with certificate in
agricultural education, and any bachelor’s degree with at least eighteen units in education, and to
P540 per annum for those teachers who are graduates of Bureau of Education secondary normal
schools and of private secondary normal schools and holders of any bachelor’s degree not herein
mentioned and of the title of associate in arts; and for covering salary increases granted before
this Act takes effect in excess of the appropriations herein authorized for the positions

SEC. 7. Authority to fill new positions required. —No new positions authorized in this Act
shall be filled without the previous approval of the President of the Philippines. The provision of
this section shall not apply to the National Assembly and the Congress of the Philippines.

SEC. 8. Authority for renting automobiles, jitneys, or trucks for a continuous period
exceeding one month required. — No appropriation authorized in this Act may be used for
renting automobiles, jitneys, or trucks on the monthly basis nor on the daily basis for a
continuous period exceeding one month unless previously authorized by the President of the

SEC. 9. Schedule of per diems for officers and employees of the National Government. —
Notwithstanding the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Two hundred and forty-
six, per diems in lieu of subsistence and lodging while traveling, when allowed to be paid from
any appropriation authorized in this Act, shall be fixed with the approval of the corresponding
Head of Department at rates not to exceed the following:

(a) For officers and employees receiving a salary of two thousand pesos or less per annum,
a per diem not exceeding one peso and fifty centavos;

(b) For those receiving more than two thousand pesos per annum, but not exceeding four
thousand pesos per annum, a per diem not exceeding two pesos and twenty-five centavos;

(c) For those receiving more than four thousand pesos per annum, but not exceeding six
thousand pesos per annum, a per diem not exceeding three pesos; and
(d) For those receiving more than six thousand pesos per annum, a per diem not exceeding
three pesos and seventy-five centavos.

SEC. 10. Suspension of expenditure of appropriations. — Any provision of existing law to the

contrary notwithstanding, the President of the Philippines is authorized to suspend or otherwise
stop the expenditure of any amount herein appropriated for any purpose, or any portion thereof,
whenever in his judgment the public interest so requires,” and thereupon the funds affected by
such action shall become available for expenditure in connection with the national defense of,
and the protection of the civilian population in, the Philippines in case of any grave national
emergency, including increases in the expenses of the Philippine Army and the Philippine
Constabulary as well as expenses for the organization of volunteer or home guards, or for any
other expenditures authorized in this Act as the President may determine. This provision shall
not apply to the appropriations for the National Assembly, the Congress of the Philippines and
the Judiciary.

SEC. 11. Effective date. — This Act shall take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and forty-
one, except where otherwise stated.

APPROVED, June 21, 1941.

Source: House of Representatives, Legislative Library


 [PDF] Commonwealth Act No. 654, June 21, 1941

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