21st Century Lit Story

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Narrator (Mesh): Imagine a bucket full of crabs. Every now and then, they would attempt to
escape by crawling upwards but once one of them gets closer to the top, a strange
phenomenon would occur: another crab from below would pull it back down,
preventing any crab to escape at all much to their misery. Have you ever
wondered where crabs even came from in the first place? Let me tell you a legend
about the origin of the crabs.
Narrator (Mesh): In the village of Tibaya, there lives a tribe full of people that possess magical
powers. The tribal chief, whom everyone calls Chief Tagbanwa is the leader of
the tribe. However, she suddenly had a hard time using her powers, almost like
it’s fading away.
Narrator (Mesh): One night, their village is attacked with a comet caused by the villains of the
Abyss, a village where their nemesis, Tuwan Darkota rules. With the chief’s
powers fading, she was unable to protect her people from the comet, causing a
great deal of damage and destruction to their village. (insert sounds of comet
crashing and destruction)
Tuwan Darkota (Kayin): Kill the chief! And the village will be ours. (insert sounds of
tribesmen shouting)
Narrator (Mesh): Luckily, some of her citizens helped, making the attack fall back
momentarily. (insert sound of kicking)
Tuwan Darkota (Kayin): Retreat! We’re outnumbered. (insert sounds of footsteps leaving)
Adira Cangrejo (Japhiah): Are you all right, chief Tagbanwa?
Narrator (Mesh): Adira Cangrejo was the first to act and save the chief against Tuwan Darkota.
Although she is mediocre in terms of skills, she is determined to prove to
everyone otherwise.
Narrator (Mesh): Meanwhile, an extraordinary guy named Adan, who is very well-known in
their village thanks to his extraordinary power and strength, came and helped with
the other strong villagers who are fighting back. Somehow, he managed to scare
the enemies away. Upon seeing his skills, Adira was deeply struck with awe.
Adira Cangrejo (Japhiah): I want to be as strong as him.
Narrator (Mesh): The following morning, the council members conducted a meeting with the
chief to discuss about the recent attack.
Council Member 1 (Alexandra): Chief Tagbanwa, the abyss will surely come back and strike
again, especially since your powers won’t be able to sustain us right now.
Council Member 2 (Angel Sales): Take some rest, chief. Maybe it’s time for us to find a new
Chief Tagbanwa (Rhea): Yes, I think so too. It is time for me to retire.
Chief Tagbanwa (Rhea): Attention to all tribe members! I am now resigning as your tribe
leader but fear not, a competition will be held three days from now to look for the new tribal
chief of our village. This competition is open to everyone. The champion will then be
immediately appointed as the new chief. (insert sounds of gasps and shock from the people)
Trainer (Suaner): Before participating in the competition, all of you must train within the tribal
chief’s grounds for three days. Our training will compose of arnis sparring, archery, a one-one-
one combat, and the practicing of magic. Let’s begin. (insert sounds of arnis sparring)
Narrator (Mesh): Despite Adira lacking powerful skills, she was determined to win the title of
tribal chief. However, within each field of training, Adan always outpowers her, despite her
working hard with all her might to beat Adan.
Adira Cangrejo (Japhiah): I must beat him. (said with determination)
Narrator (Mesh): The time finally came and it was now the day of the competition. Many
people joined the said event.
Trainer (Suaner): As your first challenge, you must go into a maze full of obstacles and tricks
where you can showcase your strength, intelligence, virtue, and power. Survivors will then be
qualified to go on to the combat stage.
Narrator (Mesh): Fear outweighed the participants’ minds. Some have failed because of having
either too much ambition or the lack of it, whereas others were beaten because they are incapable
of handling the challenges they encountered. In the end, only two individuals survived.
Trainer (Suaner): Adan and Adira Cangrejo have successfully passed the first challenge. You
may now proceed to the final stage: a one-on-one combat using your powers with the main goal
of stealing the Anting-Anting that was given to you earlier, from your opponent’s neck. Please
note that life-threatening powers are extremely prohibited.
Adira Cangrejo (Japhiah): This is it, the final stage. I will do my best; I will win this
Adira Cangrejo (Japhiah): Finally, all my hard work will be paid off. I can finally prove
everyone wrong and show them my worth. (insert sounds of fighting)
Trainer (Suaner): And the winner is none other than Adan! He is now officially the new tribe
leader of Tibaya Village. (insert sounds of cheering)
Adira Cangrejo (Japhiah): What!? This can’t be. Everything I worked so hard for was put into
waste… My blood, sweat, and tears were put into this competition. (said with grief)
Adira’s Father: Why can’t you be like other children? They are so talented and strong but what
about you?! I never should’ve had you as my daughter! You are a disgrace to this family!
Adira’s “friend”: What do you think you’re doing? You can’t come with us because you’re not
capable of doing anything!
Adira’s sibling: You’re not good enough!
Adira Cangrejo (Japhiah): If I can’t win, neither can you! You shall come down with me!
(insert sounds of scepter being grabbed/sound of metal or glass being hit)
Chief Tagbanwa (Rhea): No! (insert sounds of shock and gasps)
Narrator (Mesh): People were in shock as they stared at this never-seen-before strange, small
and gray crawling creature. Unbeknownst to all, the chief’s scepter can actually turn anyone into
an animal based on what fits their personality the most.
In the end, Adira Cangrejo is an example of a character who has crab mentality. In psychology,
crab mentality is a way to illustrate the selfish, harmful, and jealous mindset of some members in
a group, who will try to undermine and halt the progress of the other better-performing members
in the group.
We should all learn to be contented of both our accomplishments and our downfalls without
bringing others down. By doing so would prevent this kind of mindset from putting anyone into
a lifetime misery.

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