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Dab at* He dabbed his mouth with his Avj‡Zvfv‡e †Qvqv;
[W¨ve] napkin.* Press against
(something) lightly
several times with a
piece of absorbent
material in order to
clean or dry it or to
apply a substance;
[touch lightly];*
Dabble* They dabbled their feet in the (nvZ/ cv) cvwb‡Z
rock pools. Aí Wzwe‡q
bvovPvov Kiv;
Immerse (one's
hands or feet)
partially in water
and move them
around gently;*
DABBLE also means
immerse (one's hands
or feet ) partially in
water and move them
will it sound????
dabble->playing in
the tap water and
making noise
means any
liquid(drink) we
paddle that is
splash...hope it helps
Dabble at/ in* He dabbled in left-wing ‡ckv wn‡m‡e bv
politics.* wb‡q kL wn‡m‡e
PP©v/ bvovPvov
Kiv (wkí, ivRbxwZ
etc.); Take part in
an activity in a
casual or
superficial way;*
dabble...sounds like
table...and if you see
someone putting up
their legs on the
TABLE in the office,
YOU GET the feeling
that the person is not
serious about his
image at work.
sounds like "double",
a person who always
has double thoughts
is not serious
It sound like Dabba,
Dabba people doesn't
do any work, they
just hang around.
dabble sounds like one who
babbles in office is
dabba on table
On double bed you
dabble in studies, you
are not serious about
it sounds like double,
we you have double
work than single
work, you won't work
in serious fashion

Dacoit Majeed was a dacoit and had mv‡eK Kv‡ji fviZ I

committed various crimes in wgqvbgv‡ii
his area. mk¯¿ WvKvZ; (in
India or Burma
(Myanmar)) a
member of a band of
armed robbers;
Daft* Don't be daft let me pay you ‡evKv; nvev; †Kcv;
paid last time.
Dainty* They drank tea in dainty cups. my›`i I delicate;
Dairy Dairy. Farm Gi †h wewìs G
gvLb, cwbi etc. ˆZix
Kiv nq;
Dais There are 20 people sitting on gÂ; [platform];
the dais, but only the guest of
honor will speak.
Dale He had me running up hill and DcZ¨Kv;
down dale, looking for his lost
Dally* She dallied in the stores mgq bó Kiv;
instead of going back to work. Kvj‡ÿcY Kiv;
Dam Governments often dam large euva wbg©vY Kiv;
rivers to generate electrical
power. Beavers build dams
with logs and sticks.
Damages That newspaper hurt our `vexK…Z
business with its story, so we ÿwZc~iY;
are suing it for damages.
Dame Dame Margot is Margot gwnjvi m¤§vbRbK
Fonteyn, the great ballerina. c`ex;
Damn Christians believe the Lord bi‡K †cÖi‡Yi
damns sinners. wm×všÍ †bqv (Ck¦i);
Damnation They believe he will suffer bi‡K †cÖiY;
damnation for his sins.
Damp proof Damp proof. mu¨vZmu¨v‡Z nq
bv Ggb;
Dank* A dank, dark cellar. mu¨vZmu¨v‡Z;
[cold and damp];
Daring* The policewoman made a mvnmx; SuywK
daring leap from one building wb‡Z B”QzK Ggb;
to another.
Darn You should darn those socks. wicy Kiv;
Dart* A child darted out in front of nVvr + `ªæZ
the car. †QvUv;
Dash The storm at sea dashed many m‡Rv‡i wb‡ÿc Kiv;
boats against the rocks.
Dashing A dashing young man. AvKl©bxq +
Date Thank you for your letter dated ZvwiL †jLv;
August 30th.
Date back to/ This tradition dates back to AZx‡Zi †Kvb mgq
from medieval times. n‡Z we`¨gvb;
Of date Of date. AvR‡Ki;
To date This novel is his best work to AvR ch©šÍ;
Daunt The thought of starting a wbiærmvwnZ Kiv;
business daunted him, but he
decided to try it anyway.
Daunting In spite of unification, the Nervous + less
country was still faced with the confident K‡i Ggb;
daunting prospect of
overcoming four decades of
Dauntless* In spite of the scale of the mvnmx; wbf©xK;
famine, the relief workers [courageous];
struggled on with dauntless
optimism and commitment.
Dawdle* I dawdled over a cup of coffee †`wi/ Kvj‡ÿcY Kiv;
instead of working.
Day break They left on their trip at Dlv;
In a daze She was in a daze after learning Clearly think Ki‡Z
the bad news. unable Ggb;
Dazzle* The sunlight dazzles me. ‡PvL avav‡bv;
Dazzling* A dazzling white light. ‡PvL avav‡bv;
De facto Everyone knows that the cÖKvk¨Z bv n‡jI
General, not the President, is Kvh©Z; [actual, in
the de facto leader of that effect];
De jure The President aims to create a AvBbm¤§Z ev
de jure one-party state. b¨vqm¤§Z fv‡e;
De rigueur [very formal, compulsory];
Dead and alive Dead and alive. wb‡¯ÍR; PvÂj¨nxb;
Dead beat Dead beat. Avi mgq/ A_© †bB
Dead end We tried all sorts of solutions Avi progress m¤¢e
to that problem, and they all bq Ggb RvqMv/
came to a dead end. cwiw¯’wZ;
Dead heat* The two horses finished the †h cÖwZ‡hvMxZvq
race in a dead heat. `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK
cÖwZ‡hvMx mgvb
Dead loss John was a dead loss he just ‡h e¨w³/ e¯‘ useful
stood there and did nothing. ev helpful bq;
Dead* You're dead right about that. Totally;
Deaden We put soundproofing in the kã/ kw³/ Abyf~wZ
walls to deaden the noise from etc. less strong Kiv;
the road outside.
Deadly* Deadly. gvivZ¡K;
At dead of night The fire broke out in the dead Mfxi iv‡Z;
of night.
Deadpan [expressionless];
Deaf and dumb/ Deaf and dumb/ mute. Kvjv + †evev;
Deal with*
Deal* First, deal each player five Zvm wewj Kiv;
Dealer She's a dealer in a casino in Las †h Zvm wewj K‡i;
Dealings I have had some dealings with e¨emvwqK †jb‡`b;
those people and they have
been very helpful.
Dean Dean. Lªxóxq hvRK;
Dearly I dearly hope you will succeed.  Very much;
I paid dearly for not checking  cÖPzi ÿwZ
the map; we were lost for two mnKv‡i;
Dearness Dearness. `yg©~j¨Zv;
Dearness Dearness allowance. gnvN© fvZv;
Dearth* [scarcity];
Death penalty/ He was given the death g„Zz¨`Û;
sentence penalty/ sentence for killing a
police officer.
Death trap The car he met me in was a iv¯Ív/ hvbevnb hv
death trap. LyeB wec¾bK Ges
g„Zz¨ NUv‡Z cv‡i;
Death warrant Death warrant. g„Zz¨ `Ûv‡`k;
Deathly After he had spoken, a deathly g„Zz¨i g‡Zv;
silence/hush fell on the room.
Debacle The new automobile was NUbv/ cwiw¯’wZ
laughed at by the public; it is a hv complete failure;
debacle for the company. [a rout, defeat];
Debar He was debarred from the club ewn®K…Z/ ewÂZ
for unacceptable behavior. Kiv;
Debase* Our world view has become g~j¨/ ¸b/ PwiÎ etc.
debased. We no longer have a AatcZb NUv ev
sense of the sacred. NUv‡bv; [degrade];
Debauch [corrupt];
Debauchery [indulgence];
Debenture A fixed debenture is secured on FYcÎ;
a named asset, similar to a
mortgage that is secured on a
person's house.
Debilitate [weaken];
Debilitating A debilitating condition/ `ye©j K‡i Ggb;
Debility* He suffers from the debility of `ye©jZv;
old age.
Debit Debit.  †`bv/ Li‡Pi AsK;
 D‡Ëvjb Kiv;
Debonair* He's a debonair gentleman!  cÖdzjø; m`vb›`;
Debrief [interrogate, inform];
Debris Old newspapers, dead leaves, aŸsmve‡kl;
and tin cans formed the debris
in the park.
Debtor* The debtors of the bank had †`bv`vi;
trouble making payments.
Debunk [refute, expose];
Debutante [a girl debuting into society];
Decadence [decay (e.g. moral or
cultural) ];
Decagon* Decagon. `kf~R;
Decant [pour];
Decapitate* [kill by beheading];
Decathlon [athletic contest];
Decay* Sugar makes your teeth decay. Lvivc/ ÿq nIqv;
Deceive* [trick];
Deceptive* She made deceptive remarks åvwšÍKi;
about the property to persuade
us to buy it.
Decided The medicine made a decided my¯úó +
difference in the patient's mywbw`©ó;
Decidedly An agreement is looking my¯úó +
decidedly difficult according to mywbw`©ó (fv‡e);
the newspapers.
Deciduous* [shedding leaves];
Decimal point In .23, the dot to the left of the `kwgK we›`y;
2 is a decimal point.
Decimal* Three fifths expressed as a `kwgK fMœvsk;
decimal is 0.6.
Decimate* Smallpox decimated half of wecyj msL¨vq nZ¨v/
the army. aŸsk Kiv; [destroy];
Decipher* In the military, he deciphered ms‡KZwjwc/
messages written in numbers. `y†e©va¨ n¯Ívÿ‡ii
His handwriting is so bad that I A_© D×vi Kiv;
can't decipher his note. [decode];
Decisive* These results could prove P~ovšÍ wm×všÍ
decisive in establishing the MÖn‡b ¸iæZ¡c~Y©;
criminal's identity.
Decisive* A decisive factor that changed P~ovšÍ wm×všÍ
public opinion. MÖn‡Yi Rb¨
Deckchair Deckchair. K¨vbfv‡mi ˆZix
folding chair;
Decline* [decrease in number];
Decommission [take a ship out of service];
Decompose* The body must have been  (c`v_©, Av‡jv
decomposing for several etc.) g~j Dcv`vb¸wj
weeks. c„_K/ wewkøó Kiv
ev nIqv;
 cuPv/ cPv‡bv; ÿq
cvIqv ev Kiv;
Decorous* His manner, as ever, was webqx; bgª; wkó;
decorous. f`ª; [seemly,
Decorum* Children are instructed to be webqZv; bgªZv;
quiet in order to maintain wkóZv; f`ªZv;
decorum in church. [protocol, etiquette];
Decree* [official order];
Decrepit* A house in a decrepit state. His RivRxY©; nvo-
illness has made him decrepit. wRiwR‡i;
Decrepitude [enfeeblement];
Decry* [castigate];
Dedicated She is a dedicated athlete who cÖPzi cwikªg K‡i
practices every day. Ggb;
Deduce* My friend becomes quiet when hyw³e‡j wm×v‡šÍ
his girlfriend is angry with him; Avmv;
today he is quiet and so I
deduce she is angry.
Deduct [subtract];
Deduction I think we will find that your hyw³e‡j Avmv
deduction is correct. wm×všÍ;[conclude];
Deem* [judge];
Deface* He was fined for defacing †iLv•Lb etc. Øviv
library books. DcwifvM bó Kiv;
[mar, disfigure];
Defalcate* Defalcate. Znwej ZQiƒc Kiv;
Defamation* [slander];
Defame* Mr. Turnock claimed the Kv‡iv mybvg attack
editorial had defamed him. Kiv; Kzrmv iUv‡bv;
Default* People who default on their wbw`©ó mg‡qi g‡a¨
mortgage repayments may have FY cwi‡kva/ Kvh©
their home repossessed. m¤úv`b/ Av`vj‡Z
nvwRi n‡Z e¨_©
Defeatist [one who is resigned to defeat];
Defect* The British spy, Kim Philby, wbR †`k/ `j etc.
defected to the Soviet †Q‡o Ab¨ †`k/ `j etc.
Union/defected from Britain in †Z †hvM †`qv;
1963. When the national
hockey team visited America,
half the players defected.
Defence The defence requested more weev`xi ˆKwdqZ/
time to prepare their case. cÿ;
Defendant* The defendant in this trial is weev`x;
accused of stealing a car.
Defensible* Is there any defensible mg_©b‡hvM¨;
argument for the bad thing he
Defensive* Defensive weapons. AvZ¥iÿvg~jK;
On/ onto the On/ onto the defensive. Criticism n‡Z
defensive wb‡R‡K iÿv Ki‡Z
ready Ggb;
Defer* We wish to defer our decision ¯’wMZ ivLv;
for a week. [postpone];
Deference* She showed deference to the kª×v; [courteously
wishes of her parents in yielding to another];
planning her wedding.
Deferential* He has a deferential attitude kª×vc~Y©;
toward important visitors.
Defiance* The people marched in the cÖKv‡k¨
streets in defiance of the new we‡ivaxZv;
military government.
Defiant* A defiant attitude/ gesture. cÖKv‡k¨ we‡ivax;
Deficiency* The child grew poorly because Afve;
of a vitamin deficiency in her
Deficient* Her diet is deficient in protein. Afvex;
Deficit* Our business did poorly last NvUwZ; [shortage];
year; we must reduce our
deficit this year!
Defile* Someone used paint to defile †bvsiv/ `~wlZ/
the church. KjywlZ Kiv;
[pollute, corrupt];
Definite* A definite improvement in his my¯úó;
Definitely He is definitely right. my¯úóiƒ‡c;
Definitive* I received a definitive answer P~ovšÍ; [conclusive,
to my question. final];
Deflect* [turn aside];
Deflower [despoil];
Deform* An earthquake deformed steel AvKvi weK…Z
beams in a bridge. Kiv;
Deformity* The baby suffers two A½ weK…wZ;
deformities from birth defects.
Defraud* [swindle];
Defray [pay];
Deft at* What a deft typist you are! `ÿ; wÿcÖ I PZzi
(AvOyj e¨env‡i);
Defunct That Company is now defunct; AcÖPwjZ; [extinct];
it closed last month.
Defy* The union defied management cÖKv‡k¨
and went on strike. we‡ivaxZv Kiv;
Degeneracy* Degeneracy. Becoming worse;
Degenerate* The business has degenerated  ¸b/ kw³ etc. worse
into a confused mess. People n‡q Avmv;
who degenerate into drug  AatcwZZ;
addiction and crime
Degrade* Don't degrade yourself by g~j¨nxb kª×vi
accepting such a poor job offer. A‡hvM¨ wn‡m‡e
†`Lv‡bv; [demean];
Dehydrate* Too much heat dehydrates the Rjgy³ Kiv;
Deify* The Roman Senate deified †`eZvq cwiYZ Kiv;
Emperors after death.
Deign* [condescend];
Deity* Jupiter was the most powerful †`e-‡`ex; [a god];
of the Roman deities.
Dejected* A man with a dejected look sat gbgiv; welbœ;
waiting for a bus.
Dejection* We could see the dejection on welbœZv;
the faces of the losing players
of the baseball team.
Delectable* [delicious];
Delegate* The president delegates  cÖwZwbwa;
authority to his vice presidents. [authorize];
Many nations send delegates to  cÖwZwbwaiƒ‡c
the United Nations. †cÖiY Kiv;
Delegation He is a member of the cÖwZwbwaeM©;
Brazilian delegation to the
Delete* [remove];
Deleterious* These drugs have a proven ÿwZKi; [harmful];
deleterious effect on the
nervous system.
Deliberate* She is a very serious woman mywPwšÍZ;
and acts in a deliberate manner. [ponder];
Deliberations The Senate began its mywPwšÍZ
deliberations yesterday. ch©v‡jvPbv;
Delicacy* Caviar is a delicacy. ¯^y¯^v`y Lvevi;
Delicate* These china plates have a  Careful
lovely, delicate flower pattern. treatment/ handling
He is upset at failing the Gi `iKvi nq Ggb;
course, so talking to him about  †QvU I my›`i;
it is a delicate matter.
Delineate* [draw a line around, describe];
Delinquent [negligent, culpable];
Delirious* She was delirious from a high weKviMÖ¯’;
Delirium The patient was very sick and weKvi; [mental
in a delirium. confusion, ecstasy];
Delivery The actor's delivery. Rbm¤§y‡L Mvb
MvIqv/ K_v ejvi
Delude* [deceive];
Deluge* The deluge caused flooding. eb¨v; [a flood];
Delusion* That poor woman has delusions fyj wek¦vm;
of fame and fortune.
Delve* [dig, explore (of ideas) ];
Dem. Dem.
Demagogue* [a politician who appeals to
base instincts];
Demanding* Climbing a mountain is a  h‡_ó `ÿZv/
demanding task. My boss is cwikªg `iKvi nq
very demanding of others. Ggb;
 Ab¨‡`i‡K h‡_ó
cwikªg Kivq Ggb;
Demarcate* Parking spaces are demarcated mxgv/ limit wb‡`©k
by white lines. Kiv;
Demean* The soldiers demeaned their †QvU/ nxb Kiv;
prisoners by giving them dirty gh©v`v jvNe Kiv;
jobs to do. [degrade];
Demeanor* [behavior];
Demented* [deranged];
Demise* [death];
Demobilize* [disband];
Demography [study of human populations];
Demolish* They demolished the enemy.  feb etc. aŸsk Kiv;
 hyw³ LÛb Kiv;
Demon* Demons in a nightmare. Ac‡`eZv;
Demonstrable* Our company's product has hv †`Lv‡bv/ cÖgvY
demonstrable advantages over Kiv hvq;
Demonstrate* I'll demonstrate for you how  cÖgv‡Yi gva¨‡g
our new computer works. wKQz †`Lv‡bvi act;
 †Kvb wKQz
wKfv‡e KvR K‡i/
Ki‡Z n‡e Zv
†`Lv‡bv ev e¨vL¨v
Demonstration Workers watched an engineer  wKfv‡e KvR
give a demonstration of a new K‡i/ Ki‡Z n‡e Zv
machine. A demonstration †`Lv‡bv ev e¨vL¨v
against the war was held in Kiv act;
front of the embassy.  we‡ÿvf cÖ`k©b;
Demonstrative* She's quiet and reserved, not a Av‡eM-Abyf~wZ
demonstrative. †LvjvLywjfv‡e
cÖKvk K‡i Ggb;
Demonstrator* Demonstrators carried signs as  we‡ÿvf
they marched and shouted. A cÖ`k©bKvix;
demonstrator of a new product.  ‡h demonstrate
Demoralization Demoralization. ‰bwZK AebwZ;
Demoralize Losing several matches in mvnm AvZ¥wek¦vm
succession had completely †f‡O †`qv;
demoralized the team. [dishearten];
Demote* The editor was angry when the c`gh©v`v jvNe Kiv;
general manager demoted her [lower in rank];
to assistant editor.
Demur* [take (mild) exception, balk];
Demure [sedate, reserved];
Demurrage* Demurrage. wej¤^ ïé; Lvjvmx ïé;
Denigrate* [defame];
Denizen* [dweller];
Denominate* Denominate. bvg A¨vL¨v †`qv;
Denomination* The bank robbers got only bills gy`ªv/ cwigv‡ci
in small denominations, such as GKK; [class, sect];
fives and tens.
Denominator* In the fraction 1/4, 4 is the ni;
Denote* [signify, stand for];
Denouement* [resolution];
Denounce* The government's economic Rbm¤§y‡L Kv‡iv
policy has been denounced on weiæ‡× K_v ejv;
all sides. [condemn];
Denude* [strip bare];
Denunciation* The government issued a Rbm¤§y‡L Kv‡iv
denunciation of the terrorist weiæ‡× K_v ejvi
group. act;
Depart* [leave];
Dependant My pension will provide for †h Avkªq/ Lv`¨ etc.i
my dependants. Rb¨ A‡b¨i Dci
wbf©i K‡i Ggb;
Dependence on/ Dependence on/ upon. Affected/ decided by
upon* sth;
Depict* Her letters depict the situation wPwÎZ/ AsKb/
as wonderful. eY©bv Kiv;
Deplete* [exhaust];
Deplorable* The deplorable actions of a Very bad; Deserving
dictator. strong disapproval;
Deplore* The newspaper printed an Strong disapproval
editorial deploring police cÖKvk Kiv;
brutality. [condemn];
Deploy [arrange forces];
Deportment* [behavior, posture];
Depose The army deposed the dictator. c`/ ÿgZv/
wmsnvmbP~¨Z Kiv;
Deposit Deposits of sand at the mouth cvwb Zjvwb etc.i
of a river. ¯Íi;
Deposition* [testimony];
Depositor* Depositor. †h Mw”QZ iv‡L;
Depository* Stock certificates are kept in a fvÛvi; ¸`vg;
depository at the brokerage
Depot* Military supplies are stored at ¸`vg;
the depot.
Depravity* After he lost his job, he fell weK…Z iæwP;
slowly into a life of drugs and `~ivPviZ¡;
depravity. bxPvkqZv;
Deprecate* [belittle];
Depreciate* This house has depreciated g~j¨ n«vm cvIqv
since we bought it. over time;
Depredation [preying on, plunder];
Depress* To stop, you must depress this †U‡b wb‡P
button. The nurse dressed the bvgv‡bv;
Depression* The Great Depression of the Kg economic
1930s. activity + `vwi`ªZv
+ †eKviZ¡ Gi mgq;
Deprive* [take away];
Dept. Dept.
Deputation They sent a deputation to cÖwZwbwaeM©;
Deputize for A sheriff can deputize ordinary cÖwZwbwa
citizens to find and wn‡m‡e KvR Kiv;
Deputy* The deputy sheriff arrested a ¯’jeZ©x;
thief.arrest a criminal.
Deracinate [uproot];
Derelict* [negligent];
Deride* He derided my singing as Dcnvm/ VvÆv/
pathetic. That newspaper Zvgvkv/ AeÁv Kiv;
columnist derides the mayor [ridicule];
whenever she can.
Derisive [mocking];
Derivation* Derivation. k‡ãi DrcwË/ Drm;
Derivative The English word "derelict" is  Ab¨ kã n‡Z
a derivative of the Latin Drcbœ kã;
"derelictus." That poet doesn't  Ab¨ kã n‡Z
interest me; his poems are too Drcbœ;
Derive from sth* The word "apple" derives from Develop from sth;
the Old English word "aeppel."
Derive sth from She derives her income from Get sth from sth;
sth* freelance work.
Derogatory He made some derogatory gh©v`v etc. nvwb
comment/remark about her K‡i Ggb;
Derrick* [crane];
Descent* She is of Chilean descent. eskai;
Describe* He used compasses to describe AsKb Kiv;
a circle.
Descriptive Descriptive linguistics/ Saying what sb/ sth
sociology/ statistics. is like;
Desecrate* The invading army desecrated †Kvb cweÎ e¯‘/
this holy place when they ¯’vb) AbywPZfv‡e
camped here. ev cvcK‡g© e¨envi
Kiv; AcweÎ/ `~wlZ
Kiv; [profane,
Desert island Desert island. Tropical island
†hLv‡b gvbyl evm
K‡i bv;
Deserving* She's a deserving young ‡hvM¨;
woman and should be given a
college scholarship.
Desiccate* 100g of desiccated (= dried msiÿ‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ k³
and broken into small pieces) Lvev‡ii m¤ú~Y©
coconut. All the party seems to Av`ªZv ïwK‡q †djv;
have to offer is the same ﮋ Kiv;
desiccated old ideas. [dehydrate];
Design We must design a better cwiKíbv (Kiv);
advertising campaign.
Designate* An official designated his aide  †Kvb wbw`©ó
to represent him at the KvR/ D‡Ï‡k¨
conference. Some cars on the KvD‡K wbe©vPb
train are designated as no Kiv; [appoint];
smoking areas.  wPwýZ/ wb‡`©k
Designation What's her official designation Dcvwa/ c`ex/
now she's been †LZve/ c`;
Designed* Designed. D‡Ïk¨g~jK; ÁvZ;
Designing* He is a designing individual, PµvšÍcivqY;
always trying to figure out how
he can get others to do his work
for him.
Desist from* The court has ordered him to Stop doing sth;
desist from bothering his [stop];
Desolate* After the terrible fire, we  (¯’vb) wbR©b;
looked out over the desolate [forsaken];
landscape. The death of his  (e¨w³) wbtm½ +
wife left him desolate. welbœ;
Despair of* When she learned that she had nZvk/ ˆbivk (nIqv);
cancer, she fell into the depths
of despair. His family
despaired for him when he was
lost at sea.
Despatch/ The Ministry dispatched a  KvD‡K †Kv_vI
Dispatch message (representative, car, †cÖiY (Kiv);
etc.). An officer brought the  `ªæZ †kl Kiv;
general the dispatches from the  †cÖwiZ msev`;
Desperate* The situation is desperate we AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZi/
have no food, very little water wec¾bK;
and no medical supplies.
Despicable* He was drunk and his behavior N„Y¨; Ae‡Áq;
at the party was despicable. [contemptible];
Despise* The two teenage gangs N„Yv Kiv; [loathe];
despised each other.
Despondent* He is despondent over his nZvk; gbgiv;
inability to find a job. [depressed];
Despot* [tyrant];
Despotic* A despotic government/ ˆ¯^ivPvix;
Destine* Destine. c~e© wba©vwiZ/
fvM¨ weavb Kiv;
Destitute* With no inheritance, he left his Lv`¨/ e¯¿/ Avkªq/
family destitute. A_© nxb Ae¯’v;
Destroyer Destroyers fought in the hy×RvnvR;
Atlantic in World War II.
Desuetude [disuse];
Desultory* [without direction in life];
Detached [emotionally removed];
Detachment Her attitude of detachment wbivkw³; without
toward the problem hides the emotional
real concern that she feels. involvement;
Detail Detail. AwZ ÿy`ª Ask;
Detain* I am late because I was wej¤^ Kiv‡bv;
detained in traffic. [confine];
Detainee A political detainee. AvUK e¨w³;
Détente [truce];
Detention* The man was held in detention AvUKve¯’v;
by immigration authorities until
his citizenship was known.
Detenu Detenu. ivRe›`x;
Deter from* A woman deterred a criminal
wbiærmvwnZ Kiv;
from attacking her by yelling
evav †`qv;
for the police. [discourage,
Deteriorate* The old man's health has AebwZ NUv;
deteriorated or promoted?
Determinate* They have a determinate P~ovšÍ; wba©vwiZ;
amount of money to invest.
Deterrent* [hindrance, disincentive];
Detestable* He deserves life in prison for N„Y¨; RNb¨;
his detestable act.
Detonate The bomb detonated. They D”P k‡ã we‡ùvwiZ
detonated a bomb. nIqv/ Kiv;
Detract from* Her heavy makeup detracts  niY Kiv; (¸Y)
from her good looks. Le© Kiv; [lessen,
 gvbnvwb/ Kzrmv
Detraction* Detraction.  niY; Le© KiY;
 wb›`v;
Detractor His detractors say that he is wb›`yK;
handsome but not smart. KzrmvKvix; †h
A‡b¨i L¨vwZ Le©
Kivi †Póv K‡i; [one
who criticizes];
Detriment* Are you sure that I can follow ÿwZ;
this diet without detriment to
my health?
Detrimental to* These chemicals have a ÿwZKi; [harmful];
detrimental effect/impact on
the environment.
Detritus [debris];
Devalue* The Canadian government has gy`ªvi g~j¨ n«vm
devaluated the dollar by 10 Kiv;
Devastate* [lay waste];
Deviate from* He deviated from his normal ¯^vfvweK ¸b/ gvb
good habits by becoming drunk etc. n‡Z weP~¨Z
once. nIqv; [turn away
Devil’s advocate When I proposed an expensive Person who speaks
project, a coworker played the about sb/ sth to
devil's advocate to show what encourage
could go wrong with it. discussion;
Devious* Their accountant used devious  †Nviv‡bv;
methods to cheat them out of a mwc©j;
lot of money.  PvZzh©c~Y©;
Devise* She has devised a plan for D™¢veb Kiv;
company expansion. [plan];
Devoid of* Her writing is clear, but her Without; [empty];
ideas are devoid of substance.
Devoted/ Lucy is devoted to her cats. She f³; [enthusiast,
Devotee* is a devotee of the opera. follower];
Devotion* The soldier won praise for his fw³;
devotion to duty.
Devour* The lions devoured a zebra in a ÿzav‡Z©i g‡Zv
short time. `ªæZ wKQz LvIqv;
Devout* [pious];
Dexterous* A dexterous movement. `ÿ; nv‡Zi Kv‡R
cvi`k©x; Kzkjx;
Diabolical* [devilish];
Diagonal Diagonal. †KvbvKzwb;
Dial The dial of a watch. Nwoi/ †Kvb
cwigvcK h‡š¿i
marked face;
Dialect* The characters in the movie AvÂwjK fvlv;
spoke in a Scottish dialect that
was strange to the American
Dialectic [pertaining to debate];
Dialogue* The rebel leaders stated that `ywU †`k/ group Gi
they are willing to enter into g‡a¨ formal
dialogue with the government. conversation;
Diameter She drew a circle two inches in e¨vm‡iLv;
Diametrical He’s the diametrical opposite  e¨vm‡iLv
of gabriel. m¤^wÜq eivei;
 m¤ú~Y©
Diametrically The two politicians have Completely;
diametrically opposite points of
view/ are diametrically
Diaphanous* The movie star wore a ¯^”Q (cvkvK/
diaphanous gown. †eviKv); [sheer,
Diaphragm Do deep breathing to exercise Lung + stomach Gi
your diaphragm. ga¨eZ©x wSjøx;
Diatribe* The politician launched into a Zxeª I Zxÿè fvlvq
diatribe against the government fr©mbv; cÖPÛ
policy. wb›`vg~jK e³…Zv;
[long denunciation];
Dice With one roll of the dice, he Q°vi ¸wU;
won $50. 2
Dicey [risky];
Dichotomy [a division into two parts];
Dictate He dictated a letter to his  Ac‡ii †jLvi Rb¨
secretary. The winner of a war wb‡R ejv;
can dictate to the loser the  Av‡`k †`qv;
terms for peace. [command];
Dictator* The leader of that country is a GKbvqK;
dictator and no one dares to
speak against him.
Dictatorial* A dictatorial ruler/ government GKbvqKmyjf;
Dictatorship The dictatorship in that country GKbvqKZš¿;
has lasted for 30 years.
Dictum* [saying];
Didactic* [instructional];
Die A die is used to make pennies gy`ªv/ metal etc.i
with President Lincoln's image Dci design stamp
on them. Kivi metal block;
Die out* Dinosaurs died out millions wejyß nIqv;
of years ago. It's a custom that
is beginning to die out.
Died out*
Diet* The boy lives on a diet of junk Lv`¨;
Differ* The second doctor differed g‡Zi Awgj nIqv;
with the first on the reason for
the patient's condition.
Difference* He quit his job after a  g‡Zi Awgj;
difference of opinion with his  we‡qvMdj;
boss. The difference between 7
and 9 is 2.
Differential* We must consider the cv_©K¨g~jK/
differential in the cost of living wbf©i;
between New York and New
Differentiate* The speaker differentiated cv_©K¨ wbY©q/
between a partnership and a m„wó Kiv;
corporation as types of
business ownership.
Diffident* He is a diffident student; he AvZ¥cÖZ¨qnxb;
never speaks in class. wb‡Ri kw³‡Z
Av¯’vnxb; mskqx;
Diffuse* Don't read in such diffuse light.  mew`‡K Qwo‡q
A diffuse paper, speech etc. cov/ Qov‡bv;
 eyS‡Z mnR bq;
A¯úó; kãeûj;
Digest Here is a digest of today's mvi-ms‡ÿc; mswÿß
news. report;
Dignified* The students at the graduation m¤§vwbZ;
listened in dignified silence to
the college president.
Dignify The presence of the m¤§vb `vb Kiv;
ambassador dignified the party
(occasion, reception).
Dignity* My doctor is a woman of great  m¤§vwbZ Ae¯’v;
dignity.  kvšÍ/ M¤¢xi
AvPiY hv m¤§vb
deserve K‡i;
Digress* [ramble];
Dike/ Dyke We visited the dikes of  gvwUi ˆZix `xN©
Holland. euva;
 Lvj; bvjv;
Dilapidated* [neglected];
Dilate* [enlarge];
Dilatory* The company has no patience `xN©m~Îx;
for employees with dilatory kø_MwZm¤úbœ;
work habits. [procrastinating];
Dilemma* [a difficult choice];
Dilettante* He's a bit of a dilettante as far Kve¨/ m½xZ etc.i
as wine is concerned. AbyivMx wKš‘
Gme wel‡q AMfxi
[amateur, dabbler];
Diligent* [hard working];
Dilute with* My tea was too strong, so I AwaK Zij Kiv;
diluted it with more water.
Dim* The lamp gave out a dim light. Aby¾¡j; A¯úó; g„`y;
Dimension* The dimensions of a room wÎgvÎv (ˆ`N©¨ +
(package, building lot, etc.) are cÖ¯’ + D”PZv/
its length, width, and depth (or MfxiZv)
Dimensional Dimensional. msL¨v;
Dimensions Of great dimension. Size;
The three The three dimensions of a room wÎgvÎv;
dimensions are its length, width, and
Diminish* The need to take action has n«vm cvIqv;
diminished. smaller/ weaker
Diminution* The company is experiencing a n«vm; AebwZ;
diminution in productivity. [reduction];
Diminutive* A diminutive child. ÿ`ª;
Din* There was a terrible din made D”P kã;
by the crowd waiting for the
Dingy* A dingy room/ corridor. dark + dirty;
Dining car We ate in the dining car. †Uª‡bi Lvevi
Dinner We go out to dinner one w`‡bi cÖavb Lvevi
evening a week. (mܨv/ ga¨vý);
By dint of By dint of hard work, she rose ¸‡b;
in her profession.
Diocese [district];
Dip* The artist dipped his brush in †Wvev‡bv;
the paint.
Diphthong* Diphthong. `ywU vowel Gi
union A+I=pipe
Diploma He has a high school (trade Certificate;
school, college, etc.) diploma.
Diplomacy* You must use diplomacy in  gvby‡li mv‡_
convincing s.o. to do a difficult deal Kivi skills/
job. Officials in the U.S. tactics;
Department of State practice  `ywU †`‡ki
the art of diplomacy with m¤ú‡K©i
foreign nations. management;
Diplomat* Diplomats from many countries †h Ab¨ †`‡k
met in Geneva for a conference wb‡R‡K represent
on world peace. K‡i;
Diplomatic* A diplomatic service.  Of diplomacy;
 Having/ showing
Dire* His business is bankrupt and he Terrible; [dreadful];
is in dire trouble.
Direct current Direct current is used in GKgyLx we`y¨r
Europe. cÖevn;
Direct speech 'She said, "If it rains, I won't go e³vi actual e³e¨;
out."' is an example of the use
of direct speech.
Direct* We have little time, so we must Without
go the most direct route. interruption;
Directive An administrator issues Official instruction;
directives to personnel to do s.t.
or to follow certain rules.
Directly Go directly to school and do  mivmwi;
not stop on the way. When you  Awej‡¤^;
get home you're going directly
to bed.
Directory You can find my phone number bvg + wVKvbv +
in a telephone directory. †dvb bv¯^vi;
Dirigible [airship, blimp];
Disable* The accident disabled her so weKjv½ Kiv;
she lost the use of her legs.
Disabuse [correct];
Disadvantaged Disadvantaged. Life G succeed nevi
Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq
Disaffect* [alienate];
Disagreeable* A rather disagreeable young  †egvbvb;
man. She said some very
disagreeable things.
Disarray* Her hair and clothes were in wek„•Ljv (Kiv);
disarray after she fell. [disorder];
Disavow* She disavowed any knowledge A¯^xKvi Kiv;
of the crime. [deny, disown];
Disband* The group (army, meeting, etc.) ‡Kvb group/
disbanded and everyone went organization †f‡O
home. †`qv; [disperse];
Disburse* The federal government cÖvc¨ UvKv/ †eZb
disburses tax money to the e›Ub Kiv; [pay out];
Discard* We must discard this trash Get rid of sth/ throw
(those old ideas, etc.). sth away;
Discern* He discerned the importance †`Lv/ Dcjwä Ki‡Z
of those differences. cviv; [visible];
Discernible* The influence of Rodin is wbY©qmva¨;
discernible in the younger †eva‡Mvg¨;
artist. There is no discernible
reason why this should be the
Discerning* She has a discerning mind and wbY©q Ki‡Z/
quickly understood how to Dcjwä Ki‡Z mÿg;
solve our problem. [observant];
Discernment* It's clear that you are a personDcjwä Kivi
of discernment. AvMÖn;
Discharge* Management discharged 100 Zij/ M¨vm wbM©Z
workers. The cut discharged nIqv/ Kiv;
blood. Management discharged ‡Kvb ¯’vb/ PvKwi
its obligation by reducing the †Q‡o †`evi AbygwZ
workforce. The sailor received cÖ`vb/ †`qv;
his discharge and went home. ‡Kvb Kvh©
The discharge of pollution m¤úv`‡bi Rb¨
from a factory. She completed cÖ‡qvRbxq
the discharge of her obligations mewKQz Kiv;
under the contract. ‡Kvb
`vwqZ¡ m¤úv`b/ FY
cwi‡kva KiY;
Disciple* She is a disciple of the British Abymvix (ag©/ ivR
school of economics. ‰bwZK `‡ji);
Disciplinarian The teacher is a strict K‡Vvi k„•Ljvcivqb
disciplinarian in his classroom. e¨w³; Kov kvmK;
Disciplinary* The university administration kvw¯Íg~jK;
took disciplinary action against
the students on strike.
Disclaim* The defendant disclaimed his  `vex Z¨vM Kiv;
right to trial by jury and chose [renounce];
instead trial before a judge. She  A¯^xKvi Kiv;
disclaimed any knowledge of
the missing money.
Discomfit* She turned away to hide her  weåvšÍ/ nZf¤^/
discomfiture. weeªZ Kiv;
 civwRZ Kiv;
Discompose* The body must have been A¯^w¯Í m„wó Kiv;
decomposing for several cÖkvwšÍ wewNœZ
weeks. Microbes decompose Kiv; Aw¯’i ev
organic waste into a mixture of D‡ËwRZ Kiv;
methane and carbon dioxide.
Disconcert* The whole experience had Aw¯’i/ D‡ËwRZ/
disconcerted him. weeªZ Kiv;
Disconnected* A disconnected story.  Av‡k-cv‡ki e¨w³/
e¯‘i g‡a¨ related bq
 e³e¨/ iPbv badly
Disconsolate* [inconsolable];
Discontinue* The company has discontinued _vgv/ _vgv‡bv;
manufacturing that item.
Discord* A meeting full of discord left ‡emy‡iv; [lack of
everyone with headaches. harmony];
Discordant* They live in a discordant †emy‡iv; wem`„k;
household full of arguing.
Discount* You have to discount what he ¸iæZ¡nxb/ wg_¨v
says, because he exaggerates we‡ePbv Kiv;
Discourse* College students become j¤^v/ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©
familiar with academic fvlY;
discourse. [conversation];
Discourteous* According to the customer Awkó; †mŠRb¨nxb;
survey, 6% said employees †eqv`e;
were unhelpful and
Discredit* After the scandal, the Minister Kv‡iv mybvg harm
was discredited and he then Kiv;
resigned from the government.
Discreet* People tell her their secrets and
mZK© (†Kvb
she is very discreet; she neverwKQz †Mvcb
speaks about them. ivL‡Z/ Ki‡Z/ ej‡Z);
Discrepancy* The published price is $100, `ywU wRwb‡mi
but your check is made out for g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ hv
$90; there is a discrepancy GKB iKg nIqv
there. DwPZ wQj;
Discrepant* Discrepant opinions/views. ˆelg¨g~jK;
Discrete* That company is a discrete c„_K; [separate];
entity from the others, which
are all owned by the parent
Discretion* Lawyers and doctors must act  mZK©Zv;
with discretion and not speak to  B‡”Qg‡Zv KvR
others about their clients. Use Kivi ¯^vaxbZv;
the money at your own [prudence, the
discretion. ability to make well
reasoned decisions];
Discretionary Discretionary power. Aeva ÿgZv; A rule,
power or power, that can be
applied if
Discretionary* A discretionary account is one ¯^xq B”Qvaxb;
where the owner allows a
stockbroker to make and act on
decisions to trade.
Discriminate The expert discriminated `ywU e¨w³/ e¯‘i
between between two periods of art. gv‡S cv_©K¨ †`Lv
ev †`Lv‡bv;
Discriminating* She dresses beautifully and is a myiæwPhy³; [able
woman of discriminating to see differences];
Discursive* [rambling];
Discus The discus is hurled as far as †Ljvq e¨eüZ
possible by a discus thrower, as PvKwZ;
a sport.
Disdain* I left my job because my boss N„Yv/ AeÁv/
treated the workers with Zvw”Qj¨ Kiv;
disdain coworkers and avoids Am¤§vbRbK g‡b
speaking to them. Kiv; [contempt];
Disencumber* Disencumber. SÅvU/ `vq gy³ Kiv;
Disengage* [release, detach];
Disentangle* It's difficult to disentangle hard RU cvKv‡bv Ae¯’v
fact from myth, or truth from n‡Z gy³ Kiv/ nIqv;
Disfigure* In the car accident, she hit the
‡Pnviv/ AvK…wZ
windshield and it disfigured her
weK…Z ev bó Kiv;
face. [mar, ruin];
Disgrace* The official disgraced himself  m¤§vbnvwb;
(his family name, his country,  j¾v ev KzL¨vwZi
etc.) by his dishonesty. He KviY †Kvb e¯‘/
suffered disgrace for stealing.e¨w³/ NUbv;
She's a disgrace to her family. j¾vi KviY nIqv;
AcgvwbZ Kiv;
m¤§v‡bi c` n‡Z
AcmviY Kiv;
Disgraceful* Her parents were angered and j¾vRbK;
embarrassed by her disgraceful Am¤§vbRbK
Disgruntled [disappointed];
Dishcloth Leave the dishcloth to dry on evmb †avqvi Kvco;
the sink.
Dishearten A lack of cooperation g‡bvej †f‡O †`qv;
disheartened him in his effort nZvk Kiv;
to find a solution to the
Dishevel [muss];
Dishonourable* Dishonorable actions. Am¤§vbRbK;
Dishwasher Our dishwasher uses a lot of evmb †Kvmb
water. †avqvi †gwkb;
Disillusion* He did not keep his promises †gvngy³/ åvwšÍgy³
and that fact disillusioned her. Kiv;

Disinclination [unwillingness];
Disinfectant* Hospitals use strong msµvgK
disinfectants to keep the rooms †ivMRxevYybvkK;
Disingenuous* It was disingenuous of her to KcU; [deceptive,
claim she had no financial insincere];
interest in the case.
Disintegrate* The papers were so old that bvbv As‡k LwÛZ/
they disintegrated when wef³ Kiv;
Disinter [unearth];
Disinterested* [impartial];
Disjointed* Feeling confused and Logical way†Z
embarrassed, he made a connected bq Ggb;
disjointed. [disconnected,
Dismal* A dismal expression. The bxim; welbœ;
acting was dismal, wasn't it? wbivb›`; `ytL`vqK;
Dismantle A mechanic dismantled the UzKiv-UzKiv Kiv;
engine to replace one part. Ask wew”Qbœ Kiv;
[take apart];
Dismay* [dread];
Dismiss* The teacher dismissed the we`vq †`‡q; P‡j
students at the end of class. †h‡Z AbygwZ †`qv;
Disoblige Disoblige. mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z/ A‡b¨i
Avkv AvKv•Lv/
cÖ‡qvRb wb‡q
fve‡Z A¯^xKvi Kiv;
Disobliging* I think you’re simply being mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z
disobliging. Awb”QzK;
Disown* The woman disowned her two Avi m¤úK© ivL‡Z
children. bv PvIqv;
Disparage* [belittle];
Disparagement* The actor's work for charity Aeg~j¨vqb; AeÁv;
has recently been disparaged in Am¤§vb;
the press as an attempt to get
Disparate The two cultures were so (`ywU e¯‘) GZB
utterly disparate that she wfbœ †h Zzjbv Am¤
¢e; [various];
Disparity* There is a disparity between cv_©K¨;
what he says and what he [difference,
found it hard to adapt from one inequality];
to the other.does (between their
ages, between their salaries,
Dispassionate* The judge takes a  Av‡eMgy³;
dispassionate attitude toward wbiv‡eM; kvšÍ;
matters before her.  cÿcvZnxb;
Dispatch* [send];
Dispatcher She works as a taxi dispatcher, †cÖiK;
using a radio to tell the taxis
where to go.
Dispel* The wind dispels a fog. `~i Kiv; [cause to
Dispensable* We have too much luggage That can be
now; let's leave anything that's dispensed;
dispensable at home.
Dispensation* The town gave the school a  wbwl× wKQz
dispensation to allow school Kivi Rb¨ we‡kl
buses to park in the no parking AbygwZ;
zone. Regulations controlling  weZiY;
dispensation of medications.
Dispense with sb/ The participants in the meeting Get rid of sb/ sth
sth* dispensed with the usual AcÖ‡qvRbxq;
formalities and started [scatter];
negotiating immediately.
Disperse* The crowd dispersed after the QÎf½/ mew`‡K
demonstration. Qwo‡q cov;
Dispirit [discourage];
Disposable Paper napkins are disposable.  e¨env‡ii ci †d‡j
He made a mental inventory of †`qv hvq Ggb;
his disposable assets  e¨env‡ii Rb¨
Disposal The disposal of trash.  Act of getting rid
Waste disposal. The disposal of sth unwanted;
of hazardous substances.  e¨emv/ m¤úwË
etc. Ask wef³ Kiv;
Dispose of sb/ After your picnic, please Get rid of sb/ sth
sth* dispose of the trash unwanted;
Disposed to President is disposed to listen B”QzK;
to our idea.
Disposition* [attitude, temper];
Dispossess* [take away possessions];
Disproportionate* The size of the mirror is Too small/ large;
disproportionate to that of the
dresser, so we should get a
smaller one.
Disputable* What he says is disputable; I cÖkœmv‡cÿ;
don't believe it.
Disputation Disputation. weZK©; we‡iva;
Disputation* Promoting consensus rather weZK©; we‡iva;
than disputation.
Disputatious* [fond of arguing];
Dispute* [debate];
Disquietude [anxiety];
Disquisition* [elaborate treatise];
Disregard* Please disregard my last letter, AMÖvn¨/ AeÁv/
as I now have new information cvËv bv †`qv;
for you. He has complete
disregard for the needs of
Disreputable* She advised us not to do KzL¨vZ;
business with that disreputable
Disrepute* Dishonest dealings have KzL¨vwZ;
brought that company into a [disgrace];
state of disrepute. The owner is
considered to be dishonest, and
he is in disrepute.
Disrupt* The storm disrupted our e¨vnZ Kiv;
telephone service, so we could
not make phone calls for two
Disruptive The angry young man has a e¨vnZKvix;
disruptive influence on the
work of others.
Dissect* The biology student dissected a g„Z‡`n e¨e‡”Q` Kiv
frog in the laboratory. (cixÿvi Rb¨);
Dissemble* [pretend, hide true beliefs];
Disseminate* The newspapers disseminate aviYv/ ZË¡ etc.
information to the public. cÖPvi Kiv; weZiY
Kiv; [distribute];
Dissension* There was a great deal of noisy SMov (gZwe‡iv‡ai
dissension among the arguing d‡j);
committee members.
Dissent* The people rose in dissent over gZwe‡iva;
food shortages. [disagree with the
Dissertation* [lecture];
Dissidence [disagreement];
Dissimilitude* Dissimilitude. Dissimilarity;
Dissipate* The fog slowly dissipated in `~i Kiv; [scatter,
the morning sunlight. The squander];
dictator dissipated the riches of
his country.
Dissipated He recalled his dissipated A_©nxb/ ÿwZKi
youth spent in nightclubs and Av‡gv` cÖ‡gv‡`
bars. wjß;
Dissipation* The heat gradually dissipates Zz”Q/ ÿwZKi
into the atmosphere. Av‡gv` cÖ‡gv‡`
wjß Ae¯’v;
Dissociate I can't dissociate the man from Separate two people/
yourself/ sb from his political such pain. Most things in your mind;
sb or sth* party members are keen to
dissociate themselves from the
Dissolute* [profligate, immoral];
Dissolution* The dissolution of a marriage. Officially msm`/
weevn end Kiv;
Dissolve* To dissolve a marriage. The  End Kiv;
powder dissolved in water.  (KwVb c`v_©)
M‡j hvIqv;
Dissonance* [discord];
Dissonant* The jarring dissonance of †emy‡iv; HK¨nxb;
Klein's musical score.
Dissuade* My father dissuaded me from ‡Kvb KvR Kiv n‡Z
taking a job in another city. weiZ Kiv; [deter];
Distant* Distant. `~i m¤úK©xq;
Distend* [swell];
Distil from* Whisky is distilled from grain. Zij → ev®ú → Zij
way †Z whiskey
Distillery They own a whiskey distillery ‡h KviLvbv †Z
in Scotland. water distil Kiv nq;
Distinct* Medical care has made a  ¯úóZ `„ó/ kÖæZ;
distinct improvement in his  ¯úóZ different;
health. Those two types of
birds are quite distinct (from
each opinions they're one and
the same thing.
Distinction* The history teacher made a  ¯úó difference;
distinction between the  m¤§vb;
customs of the past and
present. She had the distinction
of graduating first in her class.
Distinctive* Prices give that dish its ¯úóZ different
distinctive flavor. (mark Kiv);
Distinguish* She is a distinguished novelist. Characteristic nIqv
That child cannot distinguish hv Zv‡K different
between right and wrong! K‡i;
Distinguished* He distinguished himself as a mdj I m¤§vwbZ;
leading writer of books.
Distort* Anger distorted his face. He  Usual shape n‡Z
distorts the truth. †U‡b gyP‡o weK…
Z Kiv;
 ‡Kvb wKQzi
wg_¨v eY©bv Kiv;
Distortion [misinterpret, lie];
Distract* [divert];
Distrait [preoccupied, absent minded];
Distraught* [distressed];
Distress* We could see her distress over gb Lvivc;
the death of her aunt. That ship
is in distress; it is sinking. Her
aunt's death distressed her
Distressing It was deeply distressing for gb Lvivc K‡i Ggb;
him to see his wife in
Distrust* [suspect];
Disturbed* He is emotionally disturbed Emotionally +
and needs a doctor's care. mentally ill;
Ditch I fell into the ditch that runs by iv¯Ívi cv‡k cwiLv/
the side of the road. bvjv;
Get rid of sb/ sth
Dither* [move without purpose];
Diurnal motion Diurnal motion. ‰`wbK MwZ;
Diurnal* Sunlight affects the diurnal ‰`wbK; [daily];
rhythms of life.
Diva [prima donna];
Diverge* The nation was united, then wbw`©ó †K›`ª n‡Z
political opinion diverged and wewfbœ w`‡K
several political parties were Qwo‡q cov; g~j
formed. aviv n‡Z m‡i Avmv
ev †ewi‡q hvIqv;
[branch off];
Divergence* The divergence between the weP~¨wZ;
incomes of the rich and the †K›`ªweP~¨wZ;
poor countries seems to be
Divergent She and I hold divergent Wfbœ;
Diverse* New York City has a diverse wewfbœ; [varying];
population, including many
Asians, African Americans,
and Puerto Ricans.
Diversify* The college biology department wewfbœgyLx Kiv
has diversified by adding new (cb¨/ ¯^v_©);
courses in biotechnology.
Diversion* While on business in Chicago,  w`K/ e¨envi
I went to a football game as a cwieZ©b Kiv;
diversion. Two men pretended  gb‡hvM
to fight as a diversion while wewfbœgyLx Kiv;
their friend stole wallets from [pastime];
people watching them.
Diversity* Diversity in one's diet such as wewfbœZv;
eating vegetables, fruit, fish, [variety];
and grains is important for
good health.
Divert from* A loud noise diverted AwaKvi etc. †K‡o
everyone's attention from their †bqv;
account. The bookkeeper
diverted company funds to his
own bank
Divest* [strip, deprive];
Dividend* The board of directors of this  ‡kqvi jf¨vsk;
company declares a quarterly [distributed profits];
dividend, then sends out  fvR¨;
checks. In dividing 20 by 5, the
number 20 is the dividend and
5 is the divisor.
Dividers Dividers. K¤úvm;
Divine* Do you believe in a divine Ck¦i Gi g‡Zv/
power that controls all life? msµvšÍ; [foretell];
Diving board Diving board. ├;
Divinity* Many people pray to the Ck¦i;
Divisible* All even numbers, such as four wbt‡k‡l wefvR¨;
and eight, are divisible by two.
Division* An example of division is "4 fvM cÖwµqv;
divided by 2 equals 2."
Divisive* The Vietnam war was an weev` m„wóKvix;
extremely divisive issue in the we‡f`Kvix;
US. [causing conflict];
Divisor* In 4 divided by 2, the number 2 fvRK; ni;
is the divisor and 4 is the
Divulge* He divulged his feelings to his †Mvcb K_v duvm
closest friend. Kiv; [disclose];
Dizzy He felt dizzy from the heat gv_v †Nviv;
(turning in circles, looking
down from the top of the
Do gooder She's a do gooder who thinks †h Ab¨‡`i‡K
she can change the world by mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z †Póv
doing volunteer work among K‡i;
the poor.
Docile* Some teachers prefer docile eva¨ + kvšÍ + easy to
students, but others prefer control;
students with creative minds. [domesticated,
Dock* We got on our boat at the dock.  e›`‡ii †h RvqMvq
The accused man stood in the gvj Lvjvm/ RvnvR
dock. †givgZ Kiv nq;
 Av`vj‡Zi
Dock* [curtail];
Docker Docker. †h RvnvR load/
unload K‡i;
Docklands Hundreds of millions of pounds Dock Gi Av‡kcv‡ki
are needed to redevelop large district mg~n;
areas of derelict dockland.
Dockyard We plan to have our boat †hLv‡b RvnvR
stored at the dockyard for the wbg©vY/ †givgZ
winter. Kiv nq;
Doctrinaire [dogmatic];
Doctrine* The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 Set of teachings/
says that no foreign power may beliefs;
create a colony on the
American continents.
Document The police documented their `wjj †`wL‡q cÖgvY
case with accounts of the Kiv;
accident by people who saw it.
Document [verify];
Documentary The police have documentary `wjj msµvšÍ;
Documentation We have documentation in the mvÿ¨-cÖgvY
form of canceled checks to wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ `wjj;
show that we paid the bill.
Dodder [tremble];
Dodge* The boxer dodged the punch. nVvr m‡i wM‡q
wKQz Gov‡bv;
Dodger A tax dodger. †h dishonestly
wKQz Govq;
Doe* Does give birth to fawns. nwiYx;
Dog eared My favorite paperback books e¨env‡ii Rb¨ eB‡qi
have lots of dog eared pages. Gi cvZv¸‡jv †eu‡K
†M‡Q Ggb;
Dog tired Dog tired. AZ¨šÍ K¬všÍ;
Dogfight In World War II, there were wegv‡b-wegv‡b
dogfights between German and hy×;
American aircraft.
Dogged She finished a difficult job bv‡Qvivev›`v;
because of her dogged devotion
to it.
Dogged* [persistent];
Doggerel [poor verse];
Dogma* Church dogma has remained webv wØavq
unchanged for many years. MÖnxZ belief (esp.
Dogmatic* She is dogmatic about there A‡b¨i opinion wVK
being only one way to win an n‡Z cv‡i Zv bv
election. †f‡eB wb‡Ri
opinion †`q Ggb;
unchanging in
Dogmatize* I find views dogmatized to the Dogmatic opinion
point of absurdity. †`qv;
Doings There are a lot of doings at Kvh©Kjvc;
school graduation time.
Dolce [sweetly and gently];
Doldrums [dullness];
In the doldrums Her career is going nowhere gbgiv; welbœ;
and she's feeling depressed;
she's in the doldrums.
Dole sth out The boy's mother doles out an †Kvb group of
allowance to him. people †K Lv`¨/ e¯¿
etc. †`qv;
Doleful/ She has a doleful/ dolesome gbgiv/ welbœ;
Dolesome* expression on her face. [sorrowful];
The dole He lost his job and now he's on †eKvi †jvK‡`i
the dole. miKvi KZ©„K cÖ`Ë
Dolorous* [gloomy];
Dome The dome on the capitol M¤^yR;
building in Boston is painted
Domed Domed. M¤^yRvK…wZi;
Domesticated Dogs were probably the first ‡cvlv;
animals to be domesticated.
Domesticity* She married young and settled mvsmvwiK KvR +
happily into domesticity. Rxeb enjoy K‡i
Domicile* He has a house in the country, evmv; evm¯’vb;
but his legal domicile is in the [home];
Domiciled He was domiciled in Saudi wbe©vwmZ;
Arabia during the 1980s.
Dominance* Music companies have profited KZ©„Z¡;
from the dominance of CDs
over vinyl records.
Dominant* She is dominant in her me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡c~Y©
relationship with her younger I kw³kvjx;
Dominate* She is the greatest opera singer KZ©„Z¡/ wbqš¿Y/
in the world; she dominates the kvmb Kiv;
Domineering She found him arrogant and Ab¨‡`i‡K wbqš¿Y
domineering. Ki‡Z Pvq Ggb;
Dominion* The Queen pays visits to the kvwmZ GjvKv;
Dominions. [area of authority];
Don [assume, put on];
Donee* Donee. †h †bq;
Donor* [contributor];
Doom* A sense of doom to come g„Zy¨; aŸsk;
spread across the land at the
start of war.
Doomed* This is a doomed city. g„Zy¨/ aŸsk/
`y`©kv/ e¨_©Zv
wbwðZ Ggb;
Doomsday According to the Bible, God c„w_exi †kl w`b;
judges all humans on
Doorstep Don't keep her on the doorstep, `iRvi mvg‡b
Jamie, invite her in. wmuwoi avc;
Doorway The doorway is blocked by a `iRvhy³ cÖ‡ekc_;
Dope He takes dope; in fact he's on Avwdg;
dope now.
Dormant* In winter, the plants are myß; [asleep];
dormant; then they come to life
again in the spring.
Dormitory The dormitories can be noisy eû kh¨vwewkó
places to live because many kqbKÿ;
students play loud music.
Dossier [file];
Dotage [senility];
Doting [attending];
Double [entendre having two
meanings one of which is
sexually suggestive];
Double book The room was double booked GKvwaK e¨w³i Rb¨
so they had to give us a booked;
different one.
Double chin The fat man loves to eat and _yZbxi wb‡P
has a double chin to prove it. Pwe©i fuvR;
Double cross* The diamond thief double Dfq c‡ÿi mv‡_
crossed his partners and gave cÖZviYv K‡i Ggb;
them only worthless fake
Double dealing*
Double dutch Double dutch. `y‡e©va¨ K_v/
Double edged She paid me the double edged `ywU m¤¢ve¨
compliment of saying my work A_©hy³ (gšÍe¨);
was "excellent for a beginner".
Double glazing We have been able to put in Double layer Gi
double glazing and central KuvP to prove noise
heating. etc.;
Double jointed She is double jointed; she can AvOyj/ evûi gZv
wrap a leg around the back of jointed, hv Øviv
her neck. mvg‡b I wcQ‡b
bvov‡bv hvq;
Double quick She left the room double quick Very quick;
when I started singing.
Doubly* Losing both the Cup and the wظb;
League is doubly disappointing
Doughty [resolute, unafraid];
Dour [sullen];
Douse/ Dowse* The firemen doused the fire  cvwb‡Z
and it went out. Please douse †Wvev‡bv; cvwb
the lights. Xvjv ev wQUv‡bv;
RjgMœ Kiv;
 Av‡jv †bfv‡bv;
Dove cote Dove cote. NyNyi Ni;
Dowager [widow];
Down and earth Down and earth. PvKwi, A_©,
M„nnxb e¨w³;
Down cast The downcast look on her face gbgiv; nZvk;
told me that she had failed the
Down hill We walked downhill toward µgk Xvjy;
the river.
Down pour We were caught in a downpour cÖej el©Y;
and ran for cover under a tree.
Down right That idea is downright stupid! Complete(ly);
Down to earth* She's a down to earth sort of (e¨w³) practical +
woman with no pretensions. sensible;
Downfall* Rampant corruption brought cZb; AatcZb;
about the downfall of the me©bvk;
Downgrade* Kate was downgraded at work bx‡P bvgv‡bv;
yesterday, she's now a cleaner Zz”Q Kiv;
and not a supervisor.
Doyen [dean of a group];
Doz. Doz.
Dr. Dr.
Drab* She doesn't like bright colors, Aby¾¡j;
so she wears drab clothes.
Draconian [harsh];
Draft I arranged for some money to e¨vsK KZ©„K
be sent from London to Madrid UvKv cÖ`v‡bi
by banker's draft. Av‡`kbvgv;
Draftsman/ He works as a draftsman/  †h bKkv/
Draughtsman draughtsman for ancwiKíbv Auv‡K;
architectural firm.  ‡h official legal
`wjj †j‡L;
Drafty/ Please close the window; this kxZj
Draughty room is too drafty for me! evqycÖevnc~Y©;
Drag your heels She started looking for a new Mwogwm Kiv;
job as the company were B‡”Q K‡i gš’i
dragging their heels over MwZ‡Z KvR Kiv;
renewing her contract.
Drag* Pick the chair up instead of ‡U‡b †bqv;
dragging it behind you!
Dragonfly Dragonfly. dwos;
Drainpipe The drainpipe under the sink is Qv` n‡Z cvwb
leaking and needs repair. wb®‹vk‡bi cvBc;
Dramatist* Shakespeare was a brilliant bvUK †jLK;
Drastic* We must take drastic steps to Zxeª;
stop the disease.
Draw* He drew a gun from his pocket  Uvbv; †U‡b †ei
(a playing card from the deck, Kiv;
$50 from his account, etc.).  AvKl©Y Kiv;
The sidewalk musician drew a
crowd to hear him play his
Drawback* The house is far from public evav; Amyweav;
transportation, which is a
drawback since I don't own a
Drawing pin Drawing pin. P¨vÞv gv_vIqvjv
Dread* I always dread going to the fq (cvIqv);
dentist to have a tooth pulled.
She is full of dread about
moving to a strange city.
Dreaded Dreaded. fqsKi;
Dreadful* He is so rude; he's a dreadful Terrible;
Dreadfully He was dreadfully upset. Terribly;
Dreary* That old house has such a welbœ; wbivb›`;
dreary look.
Dregs [residue, riffraff];
Drench* The heavy rain drenched our m¤ú~Y© †fRv‡bv;
Dress The nurse dressed the wound. ÿZvw` cwi®‹vi Kiv;
Dress rehearsal Actors wear their full costumes bvU‡Ki P~ovšÍ
and make up for a dress practice with light,
rehearsal. dress etc.;
Dressing The nurse put a dressing on the ÿZ¯’v‡bi e¨v‡ÛR;
Dribble* The baby dribbled milk from †dvUvq-‡dvUvq
its mouth. cov;
Drift A high wind is causing a drift cÖevn/ †mªvZ (G
in the airplane's course. An †f‡m Pjv);
empty boat drifts with the
Drifter I hope she doesn't fall in love †h e¨w³ GK ¯’vb/
with that drifter; he'll never PvKwi †Q‡o Ab¨
hold a good job or stay in one ¯’vb/ PvKwi †Z
place. KviY QvovB hvq;
Drill School children do arithmetic  ˆmb¨‡`i Abykxjb/
drills. Soldiers drill with their KzPKvIqvR;
rifles. A carpenter drills holes  wQ`ª Kiv;
for screws with an electric drill.  Drill Øviv train/
teach Kiv;
Drip* The faucet has dripped water †dvUvq †dvUvq
for a week now. cov;
Drive by Drive by. PjšÍ Mvwo n‡Z/
Drive in We used to go to the drive in Shivaji;
on Saturday nights in the
Drive* The carpenter drove a nail into m‡Rv‡i AvNvZ
the wood with a hammer. Kiv;
Drivel [inane speech];
Drizzle* There is a fine drizzle this ¸wo ¸wo e„wó nIqv;
morning. It drizzled all day.
Droll* A droll remark/ expression/ gRvi; nvm¨Ki; A™
person. ¢~Z; [amusing];
Drone We could hear the drone of a  GKUvbv ¸b¸b kã
distant plane. The speaker (Kiv);
seemed to drone on endlessly.  cys †gŠgvwQ;
Drones gather no honey and do
no work.
Drone [speak in a monotonic voice];
Droop* The flowers drooped from lack wb‡Pi w`‡K Sz‡j
of water. hvIqv;
Drooping* Bloodhounds have drooping wb‡Pi w`‡K Sz‡j
eyes and floppy ears. Av‡Q Ggb;
Droopy* He had a long droopy wb‡Pi w`‡K Sz‡j
moustache. Av‡Q Ggb;
Drop in She hurt her hand and went to a Visit sb formally;
drop in clinic for medical
Dropout He is a high school (college,  Course †kl bv
trade school) dropout. K‡iB †h college
†Q‡o †`q;
 †h mvaviY ev
M„nxZ idea/ belief
reject K‡i;
Droppings Droppings. cï-cvwLi gj;
Drought* The farming region is Abve„wó;
experiencing a two year
Drowse* The old man is drowsing in his Z›`ªvq wSgv‡bv;
Drowsy* I'm feeling drowsy, so I'm Z›`ªvjy;
going to bed.
Drudge* I feel like a real drudge I've  PvKi; gRyi; †h
done nothing but clean all day! GK‡Nu‡q
Her husband was drudging in K¬vwšÍKi LvUzwb
the smoke of London. Lv‡U;
 GK‡Nu‡q
K¬vwšÍKi LvUzwb
LvUv; AwcÖq I
wbPz Kv‡R K‡Vvi
cwikªg Kiv;
Drudgery* The drudgery of housework. bxim I GK‡Nu‡q
Drunkard Drunkard. gvZvj;
Dry dock My boat is in dry dock now for †h †cvZvkª‡q cvwb,
repairs. cv‡¤úi mvnv‡h¨ †ei
K‡i †`qv nq;
Dry out*
Dry rot Dry rot turned the wooden roof †h dvsMvm KvV ÿq
beams to powder, and the roof K‡i Ges powder G
fell in. cwiYZ K‡i;
Dry up*
Dual carriageway `ywU As‡k wef³
Dubious* [doubtful];
Duck The boys were splashing about ÿwY‡Ki Rb¨
and ducking each other in the KvD‡K cvwb‡Z
pool. †Pvev‡bv;
Duct A ventilation duct in the Zij/ M¨vm cÖevn bj;
Ductile* [stretchable];
Dudgeon [resentment, indignant humor];
Due The plane is due to arrive at  c~e© wba©vwiZ;
4:00. I thought he would make  b¨vh¨ cvIbv;
a mess of it, but to give him his
due, he did a good job.
Duel Duel. `y‡qi g‡a¨ fight
Duenna [governess];
Dues Doctors, lawyers, and teachers Puv`v etc.
pay yearly dues to their
professional associations.
Duet* [twosome];
Dugout Native Americans fish from  ˆmb¨‡`i LbbK…Z
dugouts in the lake. Soldiers gvwUi Qv`Iqvjv
crowded into the dugout. hy×Kvjxb Avkªq;
 Mv‡Qi ¸wo
†K‡U ˆZix †bŠKv;
Dulcet [melodious];
Duly The prisoner was duly advised mwVK mg‡q/fv‡e;
of her rights by the arresting
police officer.
Dumbfounded She dumbfounds people with AevK nevi Kvi‡Y
her outrageous opinions. K_v ej‡Z cvi‡Q bv
Dummy run The local elections can be seen Practice attempt
as a dummy run for the before the real one;
national election next year.
Dump We put our garbage out by the  AveR©bv †djvi
street for a truck to pick up and ¯’vb;
take to the town dump. The  ‡evSv bvgv‡bv;
truck dumped a load of sand in ac K‡i bvgv‡bv;
the road. That company is  ¯^‡`‡k Pvwn`v
dumping their products there, †bB e‡j we‡`‡k Aí
trying to secure a place in that `v‡g weµq Kiv;
Dumper truck The dumper truck poured gvwU etc. enbKvix
gravel onto the street. truck;
Dumpy A dumpy little woman. Lv‡Uv + †gvUv;
Dung hill Dung hill. †Mvei-¯‘c;
Dung* Farmers and gardeners use cow †Mvei;
dung to enrich the soil for
Dupe* The dishonest bookkeeper  cÖZviYv Kiv;
duped his victim by making her †evKv evbv‡bv;
trust him, then stealing her  ‡h cÖZvwiZ nq;
money. She was a dupe. [one who is easily
trick, victim];
Duplicity* [deceit, treachery];
Consumer/ The market for consumer/ †UKmB `ªe¨vw`;
Durable goods durable goods (or) durables is
very, very big.
Duress She signed a loan agreement ûgwK; ejcÖ‡qvM;
with high interest payments [coercion];
under duress.
Dust I dusted my bookshelves. The  a~jv Svov/ gyQv;
baker dusted the cake with  ¸ov wQUv‡bv;
powdered sugar.
Dust bowl Livi Rb¨ MvQcvjv
wenxb GjvKv;
Dust jacket Dust jacket. eB‡qi loose paper
Dustcart Dustcart. gqjvi Mvwo;
Dustman Dustman. gqjvi Mvwoi gqjv
Dustsheet Dustsheet. AvmevecÎ a~jvgy³
ivLvi Rb¨ e¨eüZ
wekvj sheet;
Dutch Whenever they have a date, Netherlands;
they always go Dutch.
Dutiable* Dutiable. ïé avh© Kivi
Dwarf California giant redwood trees wKQz †QvU seem
dwarf the people who come Kiv;
Dwelling* She lives in an old dwelling on evmv;
the edge of town.
Dwindle* By the end of the boring n«vm cvIqv;
football game, the crowd had ÿqcÖvß nIqv;
dwindled to a few fans.
Dyed in the wool He is a dyed in the wool. wb‡Ri opinion G
Dynamic She is a dynamic executive and  Energetic +
will bring lots of energy and enthusiastic;
ideas to our company. [energetic];
 MwZwe`¨v
Dynamics This software is used for MwZwe`¨v;
modeling atmospheric
dynamics. The fight for the
leadership gave a fascinating
insight into the group's
Dynamism He is full of dynamism, on the Energy +
go all day long. enthusiasm;
Dynamo A dynamo on a bicycle will we`y¨r Drcv`K hš¿;
power a pair of lights while the
wheels are going round.
Dynasty The Kennedys have a dynasty ivResk;
in American politics.
Dyspepsia She suffered from dyspepsia e`nRg;
and had trouble digesting her
Dyspeptic Dyspeptic. e`nRgMÖ¯’

Do away with Abolish;
Do off Ly‡j †djv;
Do up ¸Qv‡bv;
Do with Deal with;
Draw away Divert;
Draw back wcwQ‡q Avmv;
Draw in Reduce;
Draw off Pull off;
Draw on wbKU¯’ nIqv;
Draw out Sketch; cwiKíbv Kiv;
Draw out of Withdraw;
Draw to AvK…ó nIqv;
Draw up  gymvwe`v Kiv;
 mvRvb
Drive away weZvwoZ Kiv;

Dead against Zxeª we‡ivax;
Dead letter APj; wejyß;
Do for ch©vß nIqv;
Do yeoman’s service ‡mev/ DcKvi Kiv;
Double game wØgyLx bxwZ;
Drain the cup of misery to the dregs `yt‡Li Pigve¯’v mn¨ Kiv;
Drive a nail home †LuvPv w`‡q mn¨ Kiv;

Day of reckoning/judgement
Dead slow
Dead stop
Dealing assistant
Deep concern
Deep shock
Department of fire service & civil
Department of narcotics control
Deputy inspector general
Directorate of audit and accounts
Directorate of health services
Directorate of inspection and control
Directorate of labour
Directorate of prison
Directorate of procurement &
Directorate of supply
Disciplinary action
Disembodied spirit
District and session judge
District magistrate
Division of plant protection
Dog day
Doss down
Duty officer
Dynamic leadership
Institutionalize democracy
Peaceful demonstration
Realize demands
Stage demonstration
Uphold democratic spirit

d. d.
D. Lit D. Lit.
D. Phil D. Phil.
D. Sc D. Sc.
D.A D.A.
D.C D.C.
D.L.O D.L.O.

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