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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University


La Union, Philippines

Montemayor, Stephanie Alyssa T. July 1, 2023

PhD Development Administration DDA 312

Lesson 1: Learning Activity

1. Evaluate the HRD program of your agency along the objectives, features and
benefits cited in the lesson.
The Human Resource Development Division (HRDD) of DepEd RO1 ensures that
the personnel is competent through the implementation of strategic human resource
development (HRD) systems and delivery of quality services that contribute towards
organizational performance in areas of Localized HR Policies and Plans, Induction
Program, Professional Learning and Development, Employee Welfare, Rewards and
Recognition, and Performance Management.
One of the objectives of the HRDD is to ensure all education leaders and
managers practice participative, ethical, efficient, and inclusive management
processes. These can be seen through adoption and implementation of competency-
based hiring and promotion system, Program Implementers and Operating Units are
provided with technical assistance on crafting Implementation and M&E Plans, and
M&E Tools.
The department also sees to it that all personnel are resilient, competent, and
continuously improving thru implementation of employee welfare and benefits,
recognition of Outstanding DepEd personnel (teaching, teaching-related and non-
teaching), and review and analysis of regional performance.

2. Among the 3 strategies of HRD, which one do you consider as the least
implemented in your organization? Explain why it is not implemented.
Among the 3, the Technological Strategy is least implanted in DepEd.
Particularly, the specific strategies on incentive schemes and performance appraisal.
In relation to Gender and Development (GAD), the Department of Education Order
(DO) 32, s. 2017, otherwise known as Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy, spells
out the mandate of DepEd to address gender issues and concerns and integrate the
principles of gender equality, gender equity, gender sensitivity, non-discrimination
and human rights, in the provision and governance of basic education in line with the
DepEd’s mandate to ensure access to quality basic education for all.
The said policy is in line with Gender and Development (GAD) mandate as
stipulated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Republic Act (RA) No. 9710 or the
Magna Carta of Women (MCW), RA 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013, and the Philippines’ International Human Rights Commitments to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), and the Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC) among others.
The said Policy seeks to enable DepEd to undertake gender mainstreaming in
education to address both the enduring and emerging gender and sexuality-related
issues in basic education to promote the protection of children from all forms of
gender-related violence, abuse, exploration, discrimination, and bullying, and to
promote gender equality and non-discrimination in the workplace and within DepEd.
This has served as the guide in the planning and implementation of GAD Programs,
Projects, and Activities (PPAs) at all levels of governance.
However, there is no system for rewards and recognition to institutionalize the
recognition of best GAD implementers based on the extent of implementation of GAD
PPAs. Furthermore, as a matter of policy based on the Rewards and Recognition Plan
of the Regional Office, opportunities to award and recognize the best efforts of
officials and personnel as a way of further motivating them and challenging other
personnel to performing at their best is not in place. This was also a suggestion of the
Philippine Commission on Women who reviews the annual Gender and Development
Plans and Budget (GPB) who called for the Regional Gender and Development Focal
Point System (GFPS) to address the concern for lack of recognition of gender
responsive programs and implementers.
Though DO 32 s. 2017 seems to be intensive and there is a Policy Monitoring
and Evaluation in place, it somehow failed to incorporate a system for awards and
recognition of exemplary performance and consistent implementation of the policy
guidelines by officials, personnel and schools. The Regional PRAISE Committee, is
recommended to conduct a merit and recognition program to recognize the efforts
and outstanding accomplishments of Division GAD implementers as well as school-
based GAD implementers.

Lesson 2: Learning Activity

Cite the form of training/s that you actually had either before or during your
employment and discuss the purpose, the nature, and the impact to you
personally, professionally and to your career and organization.
Among all the trainings that our organization had, the best and most
memorable ones are always the team-building activities. When it comes to work
happiness, employee engagement, and organizational performance, team building
exercises can be a game changer. But even with the greatest of intentions, simply
bringing a group of people together is mostly sufficient. Team building exercises or
group dynamics is the thing that our group needs to feel more unified and capable of
working together more successfully.
Developing a highly effective team requires time, thought, and the use of a
careful group approach. Keeping in mind that interactions between individuals make
up teams, and that all relationships require care and attention, team building is an
activity or process intended to foster relationships among team members, forge
enduring partnerships, and facilitate improved teamwork and working methods.
The main purpose of any team-building activity is improving some aspects of
how a team works together while bringing everyone together in a shared experience.
This might include working on communication, collaboration, alignment, team values,
motivation, and anything else that can enable a group to work together more
effectively. It might also include resolving conflicts, sharing skills, or simply bringing
your group together in a shared experience.
Team building, I believe, is the most important investment you can make for
your people. The best team building activities hold space for building connections in a
way that spills over into day-to-day work and creates lasting bonds. It’s not enough to
throw your team into an escape room or scavenger hunt without first thinking about
why or how this will benefit your team or the work itself.
After a team-building activity, each employee is reminded that work is never
just about them—it’s about the entire group. When one is encouraged to do something
together, rather than solo, it brings to life the idea that the group’s success (and
ultimately the organization’s) should be a priority. This can be a particularly useful
learning experience for teams that struggle with teamwork, those who are overly
competitive, or lack unity and confidence as a result of a bad manager or hard times.

Lesson 3: Learning Activity

Agree or disagree: Then justify.

That the HRD Specialist must have an education that is aligned with the
social or behavioral sciences and skills in varied fields like communication,
technical, managerial, analytical and conceptual competence.
Agree. The role of a Human Resources Development (HRD) specialist is crucial
in any organization. They are responsible for managing and developing the workforce,
ensuring that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their
jobs effectively. In order to excel in this role, it is imperative that HRD specialists
have an education that is aligned with the social or behavioral sciences.
Firstly, an education in the social or behavioral sciences provides HRD
specialists with a deep understanding of human behavior and motivation. This
knowledge allows them to design training programs and development initiatives that
cater to the unique needs of individuals within the organization. By understanding
how people think, learn, and behave, HRD specialists can create strategies that
maximize employee engagement and productivity.
Additionally, an education in these fields equips HRD specialists with valuable
research skills. They learn how to gather and analyze data related to employee
performance, job satisfaction, and organizational culture. This enables them to
identify trends and patterns within the workforce, which can then be used to inform
decision-making processes.
Furthermore, a background in social or behavioral sciences helps HRD
specialists navigate complex interpersonal dynamics within the workplace. They gain
insights into group dynamics, conflict resolution techniques, and effective
communication strategies. These skills are essential for fostering positive
relationships among employees and creating a harmonious work environment.
In conclusion, an education aligned with the social or behavioral sciences is
vital for HRD specialists as it equips them with a comprehensive understanding of
human behavior and motivation. It provides them with research skills necessary for
data-driven decision-making processes while also enabling them to navigate complex
interpersonal dynamics within organizations. By having this educational foundation,
HRD specialists can effectively contribute towards enhancing employee performance
and organizational success.
Lesson 4: Learning Activity

1. Choose at least 2 of the new roles of human resource as a Mediator and explain
by citing examples of actual instances being practiced in some organizations. Do
you confirm that is really necessary? Why?
Human resource (HR) as a mediator plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts
and maintaining harmony within an organization. In today's fast-paced and
competitive business environment, conflicts are inevitable due to diverse opinions,
interests, and personalities. Therefore, having HR as a mediator is necessary to
ensure effective communication.
(a.) As a mediator, the HR regularly exposes employees to new people and
ideas to stimulate innovation. By actively seeking out opportunities for employees to
interact with individuals from different backgrounds, HR helps create a diverse and
inclusive work environment. This exposure allows employees to gain fresh
perspectives, challenge their own assumptions, and think outside the box. When
individuals from various disciplines come together, they bring with them unique
experiences and knowledge that can spark innovative thinking.
Furthermore, HR can organize events such as workshops, seminars, or
conferences where employees can learn about the latest trends and
advancements in their industry. These events provide an opportunity for employees
to network with experts in their field and exchange ideas. By facilitating these
interactions, HR encourages continuous learning and ensures that employees stay up-
to-date with the latest developments.
Moreover, HR plays a vital role in stimulating innovation within organizations by
regularly exposing employees to new people and ideas. By creating a diverse work
environment, organizing learning events, and implementing mentorship programs or
job rotations, HR fosters an atmosphere of creativity where innovative ideas can
flourish. Embracing this approach is essential for companies striving to stay ahead in
today's competitive business landscape.

(b.) As a Mediator, the HR also helps employees develop self-marketing,

networking and consultancy skills to enable them to search out, recognize or
create new opportunities for both themselves and the organization. In today's
competitive job market, it is essential for employees to possess a wide range of skills
that go beyond their technical expertise. Human resources (HR) departments play a
crucial role in helping employees develop self-marketing, networking, and
consultancy skills.
Self-marketing skills are vital for individuals to effectively showcase their
abilities and stand out from the crowd. HR professionals can provide guidance on
creating compelling resumes, crafting persuasive cover letters, and developing strong
personal branding strategies. By honing these skills, employees can confidently
market themselves to potential employers or clients.
Networking is another key aspect of professional success. HR departments can
organize networking events and workshops (like carvans, fairs, interaction with
different agencies) where employees have the opportunity to connect with industry
professionals and expand their professional circle. Through these interactions,
employees can gain valuable insights, access new opportunities, and build mutually
beneficial relationships.
Consultancy skills are increasingly sought after in today's dynamic business
environment. HR departments can offer training programs or mentorship
opportunities that equip employees with the necessary consulting techniques such as
problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication. These skills enable
individuals to provide valuable advice and solutions to clients or colleagues.
Overall, HR plays a pivotal role in helping employees develop self-marketing,
networking, and consultancy skills. By investing in these areas of professional
development, organizations not only enhance the capabilities of their workforce but
also foster a culture of continuous learning and growth.

2. Agree or disagree on the interplay of Filipino values in the roles of Human

resource management. Is the interplay beneficial or not? Justify.
The interplay of Filipino values in the roles of human resource management is
undeniably beneficial. In the Philippines, where family ties and respect for authority
are deeply ingrained, these values greatly influence how HR professionals carry out
their responsibilities.
One key value that plays a significant role in HR management is "pakikisama" or
harmonious relationships. Filipinos highly value teamwork and collaboration, which
leads to a more cohesive work environment. HR managers who understand this value
can foster strong relationships among employees, leading to increased productivity
and job satisfaction.
Another important value is "hiya" or shame. Filipinos have a strong sense of
pride and avoid actions that may bring shame to themselves or their families. This
value can be harnessed by HR managers to promote ethical behavior and integrity
within the organization. By instilling a sense of accountability and responsibility, HR
professionals can ensure that employees adhere to company policies and maintain
high moral standards.
Moreover, the Filipino value of "malasakit" or empathy is crucial in managing
employee welfare. HR managers who genuinely care for their employees' well-being
create a positive work culture where individuals feel valued and supported. This leads
to higher employee engagement, loyalty, and overall organizational success.
In conclusion, the interplay of Filipino values in human resource management
brings numerous benefits to organizations. By leveraging these values such as
pakikisama, hiya, and malasakit, HR professionals can create an environment
conducive to teamwork, ethical behavior, and employee welfare. Ultimately, this
contributes to improved performance and success for both individuals and
organizations alike.

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