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5860 Marketing Management April 2022

Q.1. Solve any five of the following : [10]

a) Define premium pricing.
b) State the concept of 'Brand Equity'.
c) Memorise the concept of marketing control.
d) Enlist different levels of product.
e) Which of the following is not a stage in the new product development :
i) Idea generation
ii) Idea screening
iii) Grading
iv) Concept testing
f) The companies that practice online marketing into their traditional
operations are classified as :
i) Premium companies
ii) Direct marketing companies
iii) Click only companies
iv) Click and mortar companies
g) Recall the concept of marketing channel.
h) Define the term 'personal selling'.

a) Premium pricing refers to a pricing strategy in which a company sets the price of its product or
service higher than the prices of its competitors. This pricing strategy is often used when a company wants to
position its product as a high-quality, luxury, or exclusive offering. The higher price is justified by the
perceived value or unique features of the product.

b) Brand equity refers to the value and strength of a brand in the marketplace. It represents the intangible
assets, such as brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand associations, that contribute to a brand's overall
value. Brand equity is built through consistent marketing efforts, positive customer experiences, and the
ability of a brand to differentiate itself from competitors. It is an important asset for a company as it can lead
to increased customer loyalty, higher sales, and a competitive advantage.

c) Marketing control refers to the process of monitoring and evaluating marketing activities to ensure that they
are achieving the desired results. It involves setting marketing objectives, developing strategies and tactics,
implementing marketing plans, and measuring performance against the set goals. Marketing control helps in
identifying areas of improvement, making necessary adjustments, and ensuring that marketing efforts are
aligned with overall business objectives.

d) Different levels of product can be categorized as follows:

- Core Product: The core product represents the fundamental benefit or problem-solving capability that a
customer receives from using a product. For example, the core product of a smartphone is communication.
- Actual Product: The actual product includes the tangible features, design, and attributes of a product. It
encompasses the physical aspects, such as the brand name, packaging, quality, and features of a smartphone.

- Augmented Product: The augmented product consists of additional services or benefits that enhance the core
and actual product. It can include warranties, after-sales support, customer service, or additional features
provided with the smartphone.

e) The correct answer is iii) Grading. Grading is not a stage in the new product development process. The
stages in the new product development process are:

i) Idea generation: The process of generating new product ideas through various sources, such as customer
feedback, market research, brainstorming, etc.

ii) Idea screening: Evaluating and analyzing the generated ideas to determine their feasibility and potential for
success. This involves screening out ideas that are not aligned with business objectives or have limited market

iii) Grading: Not a stage in the new product development process.

iv) Concept testing: Presenting product concepts to the target market to gather feedback, evaluate consumer
responses, and make improvements or modifications to the product idea.

f) The correct answer is iv) Click and mortar companies. Click and mortar companies refer to businesses that
combine both online and traditional brick-and-mortar operations. These companies have a physical presence,
such as physical stores or offices, along with an online presence, allowing customers to interact with them
through multiple channels. They leverage the benefits of both online and offline marketing strategies to reach
and serve customers.

g) A marketing channel, also known as a distribution channel, refers to the set of intermediaries and
organizations involved in the process of getting a product or service from the manufacturer to the end
consumer. It includes all the activities, such as product storage, transportation, promotion, and selling, that
facilitate the flow of goods or services from producers to consumers. Marketing channels can include
wholesalers, retailers, agents, distributors, and various online platforms.

h) Personal selling is a promotional method in which a salesperson directly interacts with potential customers
to persuade them to purchase a product or service. It involves face-to-face communication or direct personal
communication through various channels like phone calls, emails, or video conferencing. Personal selling
allows the salesperson to tailor their message and presentation to the specific needs and preferences of each
customer, building relationships and addressing any concerns or objections to

Q.2. Solve any two of the following : [10]

a) Compare between FMCG and Industrial product.
b) Compare and contrast product Vs Brand.
c) Explain push & pull strategy used in Marketing

a) Compare between FMCG and Industrial product:

FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) and Industrial products are two different categories of products with
distinct characteristics:

1. Target Market: FMCG products are typically aimed at individual consumers and households. They are often
low-priced, frequently purchased items, such as food, beverages, toiletries, and household cleaning products.
Industrial products, on the other hand, are purchased by businesses and organizations for commercial use,
such as machinery, raw materials, components, and equipment.

2. Buying Behavior: FMCG products are generally bought more frequently and with lower involvement from
consumers. Customers often make quick purchasing decisions based on factors like price, brand loyalty,
convenience, and advertising influence. Industrial products involve a more complex and lengthy buying
process. Business buyers usually evaluate different options based on technical specifications, quality,
functionality, long-term benefits, and supplier relationships.

3. Marketing and Distribution: FMCG products require widespread distribution channels and extensive
marketing efforts to reach a large consumer base. They often employ mass media advertising, attractive
packaging, and point-of-sale promotions to increase brand visibility and consumer demand. Industrial
products, on the other hand, often rely on direct sales and personal selling approaches. Marketing efforts are
focused on building long-term relationships with key decision-makers, providing technical support, and
demonstrating the value proposition of the product.

4. Packaging and Branding: FMCG products typically have attractive, consumer-friendly packaging that
stands out on store shelves. Packaging plays a significant role in capturing consumer attention and influencing
purchase decisions. In contrast, industrial products may have simpler packaging, focusing more on the
functional aspects and protection during transit. Branding in FMCG emphasizes building strong brand equity
and consumer loyalty. Industrial products, although branding is important, often prioritize technical
specifications, quality certifications, and supplier reputation.

b) Compare and contrast product Vs Brand:

Product and brand are related concepts in marketing, but they have distinct characteristics and implications:

1. Definition: A product refers to a tangible item or intangible service that satisfies a customer's need or want.
It can be a physical object, such as a smartphone, or an intangible offering, like a banking service. A brand, on
the other hand, encompasses the entire perception and reputation of a product or company. It includes the
name, logo, design elements, messaging, and overall identity associated with a specific offering.
2. Tangibility: A product is a concrete entity that can be seen, touched, and experienced by the customer. It
represents the core features, functionality, and benefits that customers seek. A brand, however, is an intangible
concept that exists in the minds of consumers. It represents the emotional, psychological, and symbolic
associations that customers have with a product or company.

3. Differentiation: Products can be similar or identical in terms of their physical attributes and functionality.
However, brands are unique and differentiate themselves from competitors through their distinctive
positioning, values, and brand personality. Branding allows customers to form perceptions and preferences
based on emotional connections, trust, and perceived quality.

4. Value Perception: Customers often evaluate products based on their functional benefits and value for
money. A product's features, performance, price, and utility play a significant role in purchase decisions.
Brands, on the other hand, evoke a certain level of trust, loyalty, and perceived value. Customers are often
willing to pay a premium for a brand they trust or perceive as superior in quality.

5. Longevity: Products have a lifespan and can be replaced or upgraded over time. Newer versions or
alternative products may enter the market, rendering the previous versions obsolete. Brands, however, can
endure for a longer period. They represent a reputation and customer loyalty that can be sustained and
nurtured through consistent marketing efforts and positive customer experiences.

c) Explain push and pull strategy

used in Marketing:

Push and pull strategies are two different approaches to marketing and distribution:

1. Push Strategy: In a push strategy, manufacturers or suppliers focus on pushing their products through the
distribution channel to reach the end consumers. The emphasis is on building relationships with
intermediaries, such as wholesalers and retailers, to convince them to carry and promote the product.
Manufacturers provide incentives, such as trade discounts, promotional support, or training programs, to
encourage channel partners to push the product to consumers. The goal is to create demand at the distribution
level, and consumers are influenced by the availability and promotion of the product in the retail environment.

2. Pull Strategy: In a pull strategy, the emphasis is on creating consumer demand and pulling the product
through the distribution channel. The manufacturer invests in advertising, branding, and consumer promotions
to generate awareness, interest, and desire for the product directly among the target consumers. The objective
is to create a strong brand image and consumer pull, prompting consumers to demand the product from
retailers or intermediaries. Retailers respond to consumer demand by stocking and promoting the product in
their stores.
The choice between push and pull strategies depends on various factors, including the nature of the product,
target market, competitive landscape, and marketing objectives. Some products may require a combination of
both strategies to effectively reach the target audience and generate demand.

Q.3. a) You are appointed as a marketing manages of an electronic company.

Design suitable distribution channels for the company. [10]
b) A popular FMCG company is planning to plan launch a new brand of
Antiseptic liquid. Besign suitable distribution channels for the product.[10]

a. As the marketing manager of an electronic company, designing suitable distribution

channels is crucial for reaching target customers and ensuring efficient product delivery. Here
is a suggested distribution channel strategy for the electronic company:

1. Retail Stores: Partner with reputable retail stores, both brick-and-mortar and online, that
specialize in electronics or have dedicated electronics sections. This includes large consumer
electronics retailers, department stores, and online marketplaces. Negotiate agreements to have
the company's products prominently displayed and promoted within these stores, ensuring
good visibility and availability to customers.

2. Online Sales: Establish a strong online presence by selling products directly through the
company's website or through popular e-commerce platforms. Create a user-friendly and
secure online store that provides detailed product information, high-quality images, and
customer reviews. Implement online marketing strategies such as search engine optimization,
social media advertising, and email marketing to drive traffic to the online store and generate
online sales.

3. Authorized Resellers: Appoint authorized resellers who specialize in electronics and have a
strong customer base. These resellers can include independent retailers, regional chains, or
franchise stores. Provide training, marketing materials, and support to authorized resellers to
ensure they have the knowledge and resources to effectively sell and promote the company's

4. Distribution Partners: Collaborate with distribution partners such as wholesalers or

distributors who have established networks and expertise in the electronic industry. These
partners can handle warehousing, logistics, and delivery of products to retail stores or
authorized resellers. Work closely with distribution partners to ensure efficient inventory
management, timely product replenishment, and effective distribution to different regions.
5. Corporate Sales: Develop a dedicated corporate sales team that focuses on selling the
company's electronic products to businesses, institutions, and organizations. Target sectors
such as education, healthcare, hospitality, and government where there is a demand for
electronic equipment. Build relationships with key decision-makers, attend trade shows and
industry events, and provide customized solutions to meet the specific needs of corporate

6. Service Centers: Establish a network of service centers or authorized repair centers to

provide after-sales support and warranty services. These centers should be strategically located
to ensure convenient access for customers in different regions. Ensure that service center staff
are trained to handle repairs and provide exceptional customer service, enhancing customer
satisfaction and loyalty.

7. Direct Sales: Develop a direct sales channel to cater to customers who prefer personalized
service or have specific requirements. This can involve a dedicated sales team that visits
potential customers, conducts product demonstrations, and provides tailored solutions. Direct
sales can be particularly effective for high-value or complex electronic products.

Regularly evaluate the performance of each distribution channel, considering factors such as
sales volume, customer feedback, and market trends. Adapt the distribution strategy as needed
to optimize reach, ensure customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of competitors.

b) Design suitable distribution channels for the new brand of Antiseptic liquid:

When planning the distribution channels for the new brand of Antiseptic liquid, it is important to consider the
target market, competitive landscape, product characteristics, and marketing objectives. Here is a suggested
distribution channel strategy:

1. Direct Sales Force: Establishing a direct sales force can be an effective distribution channel for the new
brand of Antiseptic liquid. This involves hiring a team of sales representatives who will directly engage with
retailers, pharmacies, and medical institutions to promote and sell the product. The sales force can educate
potential buyers about the benefits and features of the product, provide samples, and negotiate sales
agreements. This channel allows for direct control over sales and relationship-building with key stakeholders.

2. Retailers and Pharmacies: Partnering with retailers and pharmacies is crucial for wide product availability
and consumer access. Identify and establish relationships with reputable retailers, supermarkets, drugstores,
and pharmacies that cater to the target market. Provide attractive margins, incentives, and marketing support
to encourage them to stock and promote the new brand of Antiseptic liquid. Regularly monitor stock levels,
shelf placement, and promotional activities at these retail outlets.
3. Online Channels: In today's digital age, incorporating online distribution channels is essential. Develop an
e-commerce website or partner with established online marketplaces to sell the Antiseptic liquid directly to
consumers. Provide a user-friendly online shopping experience, secure payment options, and efficient logistics
for timely product delivery. Leverage digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO),
social media marketing, and online advertising, to drive traffic and increase online sales.

4. Distribution Partners: Collaborate with distribution partners, such as wholesalers or distributors, to reach a
broader network of retailers and pharmacies. These partners can efficiently handle logistics, warehousing, and
transportation, ensuring the timely delivery of the product to various locations. Work closely with the
distribution partners to align marketing strategies, monitor inventory levels, and support their sales efforts
through promotional activities and incentives.

5. Medical Institutions and Healthcare Providers: Target medical institutions, hospitals, clinics, and healthcare
providers as potential distribution channels. Establish relationships with procurement departments or
purchasing officers in these organizations to include the Antiseptic liquid in their inventory. Provide product
information, demonstration samples, and educational materials to highlight the benefits and effectiveness of
the product in medical and healthcare settings.

6. Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Strategy: Consider implementing a direct-to-consumer strategy by establishing

company-owned physical stores or kiosks in strategic locations. This allows for direct interaction with
consumers, providing an opportunity to educate them about the brand, offer personalized recommendations,
and build brand loyalty. DTC channels can also be used to gather customer feedback and insights for
continuous product improvement.

It is important to continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of each distribution channel, ensuring
that they align with the marketing objectives and effectively reach the target market. Regularly communicate
and collaborate with channel partners, provide training and support, and adapt the distribution strategy based
on market feedback and changing customer preferences.

Q4) a) Develop an Integrated marketing communication plan (IMC) for launching

Hindi Quiz show an popular Hindi Television channel. Make suitable
assumptions. [10]
b) Develop an Integrated marketing communication (IMC) plan for launching
a new Hindi commercial movie across the country. Make suitable
assumptions. [10]

a) Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Plan for launching a Hindi Quiz show on a popular Hindi
Television channel:

1. The target audience for the Hindi Quiz show is primarily Hindi-speaking individuals of all age groups, with
a special focus on young adults and families.
2. The show aims to attract viewership from across the country.
3. The launch budget is reasonable and allows for a mix of traditional and digital marketing efforts.

IMC Plan:

1. Brand Positioning:
- Define the unique selling proposition (USP) of the Hindi Quiz show, emphasizing its engaging and
interactive nature, while highlighting the cultural relevance of Hindi language and Indian trivia.
- Develop a catchy and memorable show title, logo, and tagline that convey the essence of the show.

2. Television Promotions:
- Create engaging TV promos featuring snippets of exciting moments from the show, host interactions, and
testimonials from participants.
- Schedule the promos across prime time and popular TV shows on the channel to maximize reach and
- Partner with popular TV personalities or celebrities to endorse and promote the show through appearances,
interviews, and social media posts.

3. Print Media:
- Advertise the launch of the Hindi Quiz show in major national and regional newspapers, highlighting the
premiere date, time, and channel.
- Publish advertorials featuring behind-the-scenes glimpses, interviews with the show's host and production
team, and interesting trivia to generate curiosity among readers.

4. Radio Campaign:
- Develop creative and engaging radio spots featuring catchy jingles, host interactions, and snippets of
interesting quiz questions.
- Air the radio spots on popular FM radio stations targeting the desired audience segments, particularly
during peak listening hours.

5. Outdoor Advertising:
- Utilize billboards, bus shelters, and metro station displays in key cities to create awareness and generate
buzz for the show.
- Design visually appealing and intriguing advertisements featuring the show's host, key participants, and
exciting quiz visuals.

6. Digital Marketing:
- Create a dedicated website and social media profiles for the Hindi Quiz show, providing information about
the show, host, participants, and quizzes.
- Implement targeted online advertising campaigns on popular social media platforms to reach the desired
audience segment.
- Leverage influencer marketing by partnering with social media influencers and popular Hindi
entertainment channels to promote the show and engage with their followers.

7. Events and Publicity Stunts:

- Organize interactive events and public quiz sessions in shopping malls, colleges, and public spaces,
inviting participation from the audience.
- Collaborate with local Hindi media outlets, bloggers, and influencers to cover the events, interviews, and
behind-the-scenes content, creating a buzz on social media.

8. Mobile Marketing:
- Develop a mobile app for the Hindi Quiz show, allowing users to participate in quizzes, play interactive
games, and win prizes.
- Promote the mobile app through in-app advertisements, app store optimization, and partnerships with
popular mobile game platforms.

9. PR and Media Relations:

- Engage with media outlets and influencers through press releases, media briefings, and exclusive
interviews with the show's host and participants.
- Leverage social media platforms to share show updates, exciting moments, and interesting trivia,
encouraging user-generated content and engagement.

10. Audience Engagement:

- Establish interactive platforms, such as a dedicated helpline, website, and social media channels, to
address queries, receive feedback, and encourage audience participation.
- Conduct contests and giveaways on social media platforms to keep the audience engaged and build a loyal
fan base.

Monitor and evaluate the success of each marketing communication element regularly. Make necessary
adjustments based on audience response, ratings, and viewer feedback to ensure maximum reach, engagement,
and success of the Hindi Quiz show

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Plan for launching a new Hindi commercial movie across the
1. The target audience for the movie is primarily Hindi-speaking individuals of various age groups, with a
specific focus on young adults and families.
2. The movie aims to attract viewership from across the country, including both urban and rural areas.
3. The launch budget is sufficient to implement a comprehensive marketing campaign involving traditional
and digital channels.

IMC Plan:

1. Brand Positioning:
- Define the unique selling proposition (USP) of the movie, highlighting its genre, storyline, star cast, and
any special features.
- Develop a compelling movie title, captivating posters, and promotional taglines that resonate with the
target audience.

2. Teaser Trailers and Promotional Videos:

- Create intriguing and engaging teaser trailers and promotional videos that showcase key moments, star
cast, and the overall essence of the movie.
- Release the teasers on various digital platforms, including social media, video-sharing websites, and
movie-related apps.
- Schedule the teasers to be shown in cinema halls before other movies to capture the attention of the
theater-going audience.

3. Print Media:
- Advertise the movie launch in leading national and regional newspapers, highlighting the release date, star
cast, and key aspects of the movie.
- Publish interviews, exclusive features, and behind-the-scenes articles in popular entertainment magazines
to generate curiosity and interest among readers.

4. Outdoor Advertising:
- Utilize billboards, hoardings, and posters in high-visibility locations such as shopping malls, bus shelters,
and popular public spaces.
- Design visually captivating and attention-grabbing advertisements featuring the movie title, star cast, and
compelling visuals.

5. Digital Marketing:
- Create a dedicated movie website and official social media profiles to engage with the audience, share
updates, and release exclusive content.
- Develop a comprehensive social media marketing strategy, including organic posts, paid advertisements,
contests, and interactive quizzes to generate buzz and create a strong online presence.
- Collaborate with popular social media influencers, bloggers, and entertainment websites to promote the
movie and engage with their followers.

6. Trailer Launch Events:

- Organize special events for the official trailer launch, inviting the media, influencers, and fans to create
hype and generate media coverage.
- Conduct live-streamed events on social media platforms to enable wider audience participation and

7. Publicity and PR:

- Engage with media outlets and entertainment journalists through press releases, media briefings, and
exclusive interviews with the movie's star cast and director.
- Arrange for the movie's star cast to make appearances on popular TV shows, talk shows, and radio
programs to generate buzz and increase reach.

8. Movie Tie-ups and Collaborations:

- Collaborate with brands and companies that align with the movie's theme and target audience. This can
include product placements, co-branded marketing campaigns, and promotional tie-ups.

9. Local Promotions and Regional Outreach:

- Customize marketing efforts to target specific regional markets by leveraging regional language media,
local influencers, and cultural events.
- Conduct special screenings and promotional activities in selected cities or regions to create a local buzz
and engage with regional audiences.

10. Premiere and Red Carpet Events:

- Organize a grand premiere event for the movie, inviting celebrities, industry insiders, and the media to
build anticipation and generate media coverage.
- Create a red carpet experience to capture the attention of the audience and create a buzz on social media.

Monitor the success of each marketing communication element regularly. Evaluate audience response, ticket
sales, social media engagement, and viewer feedback to make necessary adjustments and maximize the reach
and success of the movie launch.

Q5) a) Design a marketing plan for a company; planning to launch an 'Online

Travel Portal'. [10]
b) Design a marketing plan for a company launching Electric scooter in
India. [10]

a. Marketing Plan for Launching an Online Travel Portal:

1. The target audience for the online travel portal is travelers of all age groups, including
leisure travelers, business travelers, and adventure enthusiasts.
2. The company aims to attract customers from different geographical regions.
3. The launch budget allows for a comprehensive marketing campaign involving various

Marketing Plan:

1. Market Research and Analysis:

- Conduct market research to understand the preferences, needs, and behavior of the target
audience in terms of travel booking and online platforms.
- Identify key competitors in the online travel portal space and analyze their strengths and

2. Brand Identity and Positioning:

- Define a unique brand identity that differentiates the online travel portal from competitors.
- Position the portal as a reliable, user-friendly, and comprehensive platform that offers a
wide range of travel services, including flights, accommodations, tours, and packages.
- Develop a brand message that highlights convenience, personalized travel experiences,
competitive pricing, and excellent customer service.

3. Website Development and Optimization:

- Create a visually appealing and user-friendly website with an intuitive interface for easy
navigation and seamless booking experience.
- Optimize the website for search engines (SEO) to improve organic visibility and search
- Ensure the website is mobile-friendly to cater to travelers who prefer to book via
smartphones and tablets.
4. Online Advertising and Digital Marketing:
- Develop targeted online advertising campaigns using platforms like Google Ads, social
media channels, and travel-specific websites.
- Utilize search engine marketing (SEM) to drive traffic to the website and increase
- Implement content marketing strategies through blog posts, travel guides, and destination-
specific articles to attract and engage potential customers.

5. Social Media Engagement:

- Establish a strong presence on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, and YouTube.
- Share engaging and inspiring travel content, including destination highlights, travel tips,
and user-generated content.
- Run contests, promotions, and giveaways to encourage user engagement and increase
brand awareness.

6. Influencer Marketing:
- Collaborate with travel influencers and bloggers to promote the online travel portal.
- Sponsor trips or provide special offers for influencers to share their experiences and
recommend the platform to their followers.
- Encourage user-generated content by creating unique hashtags and campaigns that travelers
can use to share their travel stories and experiences.

7. Strategic Partnerships:
- Form partnerships with airlines, hotels, car rental companies, and travel agencies to offer
exclusive deals, discounts, and packages to customers.
- Collaborate with travel-related websites, blogs, and publications to gain exposure and reach
a wider audience.

8. Email Marketing and Newsletter:

- Build an email list by encouraging website visitors to subscribe to the newsletter.
- Send regular newsletters featuring the latest travel deals, destination highlights, and
personalized recommendations based on users' preferences.
- Implement personalized email campaigns to target specific customer segments and
promote relevant travel offers.

9. Customer Reviews and Testimonials:

- Encourage customers to leave reviews and testimonials on the website, social media, and
review platforms to build trust and credibility.
- Monitor and respond to customer reviews promptly, addressing any concerns or issues

10. Continuous Monitoring and Analysis:

- Monitor website traffic, conversion rates, customer feedback, and booking trends to
evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts.
- Use analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website bounce
rate, average booking value, and customer retention rate.
- Make data-driven decisions and adapt the marketing strategies based on insights gained
from the monitoring and analysis.

Regularly review and optimize the marketing plan based on market dynamics, customer
feedback, and emerging travel trends to stay competitive in the online travel portal industry.
b) Design a marketing plan for a company launching Electric scooters in India:

1. The target audience for the electric scooters is primarily urban commuters, college students, and
environmentally conscious individuals.
2. The company aims to establish a strong presence in major cities across India.
3. The launch budget allows for a comprehensive marketing campaign involving various channels.

Marketing Plan:

1. Market Research and Segmentation:

- Conduct market research to understand the target audience's preferences, needs, and awareness of electric
- Identify key market segments based on demographic factors, such as age, income, and location, as well as
psychographic factors, such as eco-consciousness and preference for convenient transportation.
2. Brand Positioning and Messaging:
- Develop a compelling brand story that emphasizes the eco-friendly and cost-effective nature of electric
- Position the electric scooters as a stylish, reliable, and convenient mode of transportation, suitable for daily
commutes and short-distance travel.
- Craft a clear and impactful brand message that resonates with the target audience, highlighting the benefits
of using electric scooters, such as reduced carbon footprint, lower fuel costs, and ease of maneuverability in
congested urban areas.

3. Product Launch Events:

- Organize launch events in major cities, inviting local media, influencers, and potential customers.
- Provide test rides and demonstrations to allow attendees to experience the electric scooters firsthand.
- Collaborate with sustainability-focused organizations and local environmental groups to gain support and
generate positive PR.

4. Digital Marketing:
- Create an engaging and user-friendly website dedicated to showcasing the electric scooters, their features,
pricing, and availability.
- Implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve online visibility and organic search
- Develop targeted online advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads and social media
channels to reach the desired audience segments.
- Leverage content marketing through blog posts, videos, and social media content to educate potential
customers about the benefits of electric scooters.

5. Influencer and Social Media Campaigns:

- Collaborate with influential individuals, bloggers, and social media influencers who align with the target
audience and have an interest in sustainability and eco-friendly living.
- Arrange for them to experience and review the electric scooters, creating authentic content and
recommendations for their followers.
- Encourage user-generated content by launching social media contests and campaigns that prompt users to
share their experiences and promote the brand.

6. Strategic Partnerships:
- Establish partnerships with electric vehicle charging infrastructure providers to address any concerns
related to charging availability and promote the convenience of owning electric scooters.
- Collaborate with local businesses, universities, and residential complexes to offer exclusive discounts or
incentives to their employees, students, or residents, promoting the use of electric scooters for daily
7. Public Relations and Media Outreach:
- Develop press releases and media kits highlighting the launch, product features, and benefits of electric
- Reach out to media outlets, journalists, and relevant online platforms to secure media coverage and
interviews with company representatives.
- Participate in industry events, trade shows, and conferences to showcase the electric scooters and network
with potential customers and partners.

8. Customer Engagement and Support:

- Establish a dedicated customer support team to address inquiries, provide assistance, and resolve any
issues promptly.
- Implement loyalty programs, referral incentives, and after-sales services to foster customer loyalty and
encourage word-of-mouth recommendations.

9. Government and Regulatory Advocacy:

- Engage with relevant government agencies and policymakers to advocate for favorable policies and
incentives for electric vehicles.
- Participate in industry associations and forums to contribute to discussions on sustainable transportation
and lobby for supportive regulations.
5946 Marketing Management Oct 2022

Q1) Solve any five : [10]

a) Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use,
or consumption that might satisfy a want or need is called a(n).
i) Idea
ii) Demand
iii) Product
iv) Service
b) The total price paid by any buyer includes _____ , _____ and money.
i) MRP, Cost
ii) Effort, Time
iii) Cost, Time
iv) Effort, Cost
c) Draw & label goods & service continuum.
d) Enlist components of product mix.
e) Define a New Product.
f) Enlist factors influencing pricing.
g) Recall the concept of marketing channel.
h) Memrise Marketing Audit.

a) iii) Product

b) iii) Cost, Time

c) The goods and service continuum is a graphical representation of the range of offerings that exist between
pure goods and pure services. It illustrates the spectrum of products that have varying degrees of tangible and
intangible attributes. On one end of the continuum, you have pure goods, which are tangible products with no
accompanying services. On the other end, you have pure services, which are intangible offerings with no
physical product. In between, you have a range of offerings that combine both goods and services to varying

Here's a basic representation of the goods and service continuum:

Pure Goods -------------- Goods with Services -------------- Pure Services

d) The components of the product mix, also known as the marketing mix, typically include:

1. Product: The actual goods or services offered to the market.

2. Price: The monetary value assigned to the product.
3. Place: The distribution channels and locations where the product is made available to customers.
4. Promotion: The marketing activities and communication efforts used to promote and advertise the product.
5. Packaging: The physical appearance and presentation of the product.
6. Positioning: The way the product is positioned in the minds of consumers relative to competing products.
7. People: The individuals involved in delivering and supporting the product.
8. Process: The processes and systems involved in creating and delivering the product.
9. Physical evidence: The tangible evidence or cues that support the product's value and quality.

e) A new product refers to a product that is introduced to the market for the first time. It can be a completely
innovative offering or a variation or improvement of an existing product. A new product typically aims to
fulfill a specific customer need or want and may involve new technologies, features, designs, or

f) Factors influencing pricing include:

1. Cost: The cost of producing, distributing, and promoting the product.

2. Competition: The pricing strategies of competitors in the market.
3. Demand: The level of demand for the product and customers' willingness to pay.
4. Value perception: The perceived value of the product by customers.
5. Market conditions: The overall economic conditions, market trends, and fluctuations.
6. Legal and ethical considerations: Any legal restrictions or ethical guidelines that impact pricing decisions.
7. Brand image: The brand's positioning and reputation in the market.
8. Product lifecycle: The stage of the product's lifecycle, such as introductory, growth, maturity, or decline.

g) The concept of a marketing channel, also known as a distribution channel, refers to the path or route
through which products or services move from the producer to the end consumer. It involves a series of
intermediaries, such as wholesalers, retailers, and distributors, who help in the distribution and delivery of the
product. The marketing channel ensures that the product reaches the right customers at the right time and in
the right place.

h) A marketing audit is a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of an organization's marketing activities,

strategies, and performance. It involves systematically reviewing and analyzing various elements of the
marketing function to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Q2) Solve any two : [10]

a) Compare & contrast Product vs Brand.
b) Explain Push vs Pull strategy of Marketing.
c) Describe various stages involved in New Product Development
a) Compare & contrast Product vs Brand:

- A product refers to a tangible item or intangible service that is offered to the market to fulfill
a customer's need or want.
- It focuses on the specific features, functions, and benefits that the product provides.
- The emphasis is on the physical attributes, quality, performance, and value of the offering.
- Products can be differentiated based on their features, pricing, packaging, and other

- A brand is the overall perception, reputation, and identity associated with a company,
product, or service.
- It represents the emotional and psychological connection that consumers have with a
particular offering.
- Brands are built through consistent messaging, positioning, values, and customer
- Strong brands can command loyalty, trust, and premium pricing.

- While a product is the tangible or intangible offering itself, a brand encompasses the overall
image, reputation, and emotional connection associated with that offering.
- Products can be similar or even identical among different brands, but brands differentiate
themselves through their unique positioning, values, and customer relationships.
- Products can be easily replicated or imitated, but strong brands have a distinct identity that
sets them apart and builds customer loyalty.

b) Explain Push vs Pull strategy of Marketing:

Push Strategy:
- In a push strategy, the company focuses on pushing its products or services through the
distribution channel towards the end consumer.
- The emphasis is on promoting the product to intermediaries, such as wholesalers, retailers,
and distributors, to persuade them to carry and sell the product.
- The company uses aggressive promotional tactics, such as trade shows, sales incentives,
personal selling, and advertising directed at the channel members.
- The goal is to create demand from the channel partners, who then push the product to the end

Pull Strategy:
- In a pull strategy, the company focuses on creating demand from the end consumer, which
then pulls the product through the distribution channel.
- The emphasis is on building brand awareness, generating consumer interest, and creating a
desire for the product.
- The company uses advertising, public relations, social media, and other marketing efforts to
directly target and influence the end consumer.
- The goal is to stimulate consumer demand, which in turn prompts the channel members to
stock and distribute the product.

- Push strategy targets channel partners and aims to create demand through the distribution
channel, while pull strategy targets end consumers and aims to create demand from them.
- Push strategy relies on personal selling and trade promotions, while pull strategy relies on
advertising and consumer promotions.
- Push strategy assumes that channel partners are the key influencers in the purchase decision,
while pull strategy assumes that consumers play a significant role in driving demand.

c) Describe various stages involved in New Product Development:

1. Idea Generation: The first stage involves generating ideas for new products or product
improvements. Ideas can come from various sources, such as customer feedback, market
research, competitor analysis, or internal brainstorming sessions.

2. Idea Screening: In this stage, the generated ideas are evaluated and screened to identify the
most promising ones. Criteria like market potential, feasibility, competitive advantage, and
alignment with the company's objectives are used to assess the ideas.

3. Concept Development: Once a promising idea is selected, it is developed into a product

concept. This involves defining the product's features, benefits, target market, and positioning.
Initial market research may be conducted to gather feedback and refine the concept.
4. Market Strategy Development: At this stage, a detailed marketing strategy is developed,
including pricing, distribution, and promotional plans. The target market is defined, and
market testing may be conducted to assess the market response to the concept.

5. Business Analysis: A thorough business analysis is conducted to evaluate the financial

viability of the new product. Factors like projected sales

, costs, profitability, and return on investment are assessed. This analysis helps in making a
go/no-go decision for the product.

6. Product Development: If the business analysis is positive, the product moves into the
development stage. This involves creating a prototype, testing and refining the product design,
and developing manufacturing processes. Intellectual property protection may also be pursued
at this stage.

7. Market Testing: Before the product is launched on a large scale, it is tested in a controlled
market environment. This may involve test markets or limited product launches to gather
feedback, measure consumer response, and assess the product's performance in real-world

8. Commercialization: If the market testing is successful, the product moves into the
commercialization stage. This involves full-scale production, distribution, and marketing
activities. The launch plan is executed, and the product is made available to the target market.

9. Evaluation and Review: Once the product is in the market, its performance is continually
monitored and evaluated. Customer feedback, sales data, and market response are analyzed to
assess the product's success and identify areas for improvement.

These stages provide a structured approach to developing and launching new products,
ensuring that they are aligned with customer needs, market opportunities, and business

Q3) Solve any one : [10]

a) A tooth paste market is highly crowded with multiple brands. A company
wishes to introduce a new paste which can effectively prevent cavities,
tooth decay with a unique taste. Elaborate the new product development
process that should be followed for the successful launch of the new

b) Franchising is concept by which a principle company imparts its

technology and brand name to others for a fee and also consistently
helps to upgrade their operations. Discuss.

To successfully launch a new toothpaste product with unique features, such as cavity
prevention and a distinct taste, the company should follow a comprehensive new product
development process. Here's an elaboration of the steps involved:

1. Idea Generation: The company should generate ideas for the new toothpaste by conducting
market research, analyzing consumer trends, and identifying gaps or unmet needs in the
current toothpaste market. This can include exploring scientific advancements, customer
feedback, and competitor analysis.

2. Idea Screening: Evaluate the generated ideas based on factors such as market potential,
feasibility, uniqueness, and alignment with the company's capabilities and objectives. Select
the idea that aligns best with the company's goals and has the most potential for success.

3. Concept Development: Develop the selected idea into a tangible concept for the new
toothpaste. Define its unique features, benefits, target market, and positioning. Conduct market
research and gather consumer feedback to refine the concept and ensure it addresses their
needs effectively.

4. Market Strategy Development: Create a comprehensive marketing strategy for the new
toothpaste. Determine the target market segments, pricing strategy, distribution channels, and
promotional activities. Develop a positioning strategy that emphasizes the product's cavity
prevention benefits and unique taste to differentiate it from competitors.

5. Business Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the business aspects of introducing the
new toothpaste. Assess the financial viability, projected sales, production costs, profitability,
and return on investment. This analysis will help in making informed decisions and adjusting
the product and marketing plans accordingly.

6. Product Development: Once the business analysis is favorable, move forward with the
product development stage. Create prototypes of the toothpaste formulation, focusing on the
unique cavity prevention properties and taste. Conduct extensive testing to ensure the
toothpaste is effective, safe, and meets regulatory requirements. Fine-tune the formulation and
packaging based on feedback from dental professionals and target consumers.

7. Market Testing: Before the widespread launch, conduct market testing to gauge consumer
response and refine the product further. Distribute samples or limited quantities of the new
toothpaste to selected markets or target segments. Gather feedback on its effectiveness, taste,
packaging, and overall satisfaction to make any necessary improvements.

8. Commercialization: If the market testing yields positive results, proceed with the
commercialization phase. This involves full-scale production, distribution, and marketing
activities. Develop a comprehensive launch plan that includes advertising campaigns,
promotions, and public relations efforts to create awareness and generate demand for the new

9. Evaluation and Review: Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the new
toothpaste in the market. Analyze sales data, customer feedback, and market share to assess its
success and identify areas for improvement. Make adjustments to marketing strategies,
product positioning, or formulation as needed to enhance the product's competitiveness and
meet consumer demands.

By following this new product development process, the company can increase the chances of
successfully launching a new toothpaste that effectively prevents cavities, tooth decay, and
offers a unique taste.

b. Franchising is a business concept where a franchisor, the principle company, grants the
rights to another party, known as the franchisee, to operate a business using its established
brand name, trademark, and proven business model. In exchange for this right, the franchisee
pays a fee or royalty to the franchisor and agrees to follow specific operating guidelines and
standards set by the franchisor.

One of the key benefits of franchising is the transfer of technology and brand name from the
franchisor to the franchisee. The franchisor shares its expertise, proprietary systems, and
know-how with the franchisee, allowing them to benefit from the established and successful
business model. This includes operational processes, marketing strategies, product or service
offerings, and other proprietary knowledge that have proven to be effective in the market.
The franchisor consistently helps to upgrade the franchisee's operations by providing ongoing
support and training. This support can include initial training for the franchisee and their staff,
assistance with site selection and lease negotiation, marketing and advertising support, and
continuous training and guidance throughout the franchise term. The franchisor also typically
provides ongoing updates and improvements to the business model, operational procedures,
and marketing strategies to keep the franchisee up-to-date with the latest industry trends and
best practices.

By leveraging the franchisor's technology and brand name, the franchisee can benefit in
several ways:

1. Established Brand Recognition: The franchisee gains immediate recognition and credibility
by operating under a well-known brand name. This can attract customers and generate
business more quickly compared to starting a new business from scratch.

2. Proven Business Model: The franchisee receives a proven business model that has already
been tested and refined by the franchisor. This reduces the risk of failure and provides a
roadmap for success.

3. Training and Support: The franchisor provides comprehensive training and ongoing support
to ensure the franchisee understands and follows the established operating procedures and
standards. This helps the franchisee run the business efficiently and effectively.

4. Marketing and Advertising: The franchisor often conducts marketing and advertising
campaigns on a national or regional level, benefiting all franchisees by creating brand
awareness and driving customer traffic to their locations.

5. Collective Buying Power: Franchisees often benefit from the collective buying power of the
entire franchise network. This can result in lower costs for inventory, supplies, and equipment,
leading to increased profitability.

6. Network and Knowledge Sharing: Franchisees have the opportunity to connect and share
knowledge with other franchisees within the network, fostering a sense of community and
providing a platform for learning from each other's experiences.
Overall, franchising allows the franchisor to expand its business rapidly and leverage the
resources and capabilities of franchisees, while providing franchisees with a proven business
model, established brand name, ongoing support, and the opportunity to operate their own
business with reduced risk.

Q4) Solve any one : [10]

a) “Successful marketing campaign depends on a right design of Integrated
Marketing communication program.” Appraise.
b) Develope an Integrated Marketing Communication plan for
Cricket League - 2023.

a. The statement "A successful marketing campaign depends on the right design of an
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) program" holds true in today's competitive
business landscape. Here's an appraisal of the importance of an IMC program in achieving
marketing success:

1. Consistency in Messaging: An IMC program ensures that all marketing communication

efforts, including advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion, and digital
marketing, work together cohesively. It allows for consistent messaging across different
channels and touchpoints, reinforcing the brand's positioning, values, and key messages. This
consistency enhances brand recognition and creates a unified and impactful brand image in the
minds of the target audience.

2. Targeted Communication: An IMC program enables marketers to segment their target

audience and tailor messages accordingly. By understanding the preferences, needs, and
behaviors of different customer segments, marketers can create customized and relevant
communications that resonate with the target audience. This targeted approach improves the
effectiveness of marketing campaigns by delivering the right message to the right people at the
right time.

3. Amplifying Reach and Impact: An IMC program ensures that marketing efforts are
integrated across multiple channels and platforms, such as traditional media, digital media,
social media, events, and more. By leveraging different communication channels in a
coordinated manner, marketers can amplify their reach and maximize the impact of their
campaigns. This integrated approach increases brand exposure, engages a wider audience, and
improves the chances of reaching potential customers at various touchpoints in their buyer

4. Synergy and Cost Efficiency: An IMC program allows for synergy among different
marketing communication tools. By aligning messages, visuals, and strategies across various
channels, marketers can create a unified brand experience that reinforces each other's
effectiveness. This synergy also improves cost efficiency by eliminating duplication of efforts
and resources, optimizing marketing budgets, and generating economies of scale in
communication activities.

5. Measurement and Evaluation: An IMC program facilitates the measurement and evaluation
of marketing campaign performance. By integrating different communication channels and
using consistent tracking and analytics, marketers can monitor the effectiveness of each
channel and tactic. This enables them to identify which elements of the IMC program are
delivering the desired results and make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns.

6. Building Brand Equity: An IMC program helps build and strengthen brand equity. By
consistently delivering a cohesive brand message across various communication channels,
marketers can enhance brand awareness, improve brand perception, and build strong brand
associations in the minds of consumers. This, in turn, can lead to increased brand loyalty,
positive brand image, and competitive advantage in the market.

In conclusion, the design of an Integrated Marketing Communication program is crucial for

the success of a marketing campaign. It ensures consistency, targeted communication,
amplified reach, synergy, cost efficiency, measurement, and evaluation, as well as brand
equity building. By integrating and aligning various communication efforts, marketers can
achieve a unified and impactful approach that resonates with their target audience and drives
marketing success.

b. To develop an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) plan for Cricket League 2023, it
is essential to consider the target audience, objectives, key messages, and various
communication channels. Here's a framework for an IMC plan:

1. Objective:
- Increase brand awareness and visibility of Cricket League 2023.
- Generate excitement and engagement among cricket enthusiasts.
- Drive ticket sales and attendance for matches.
- Promote sponsors and attract potential partners.

2. Target Audience:
- Cricket fans of all ages, both male and female.
- Local community members and families.
- Corporate sponsors and potential partners.

3. Key Messages:
- Exciting cricket action with top players from around the world.
- Entertainment beyond cricket with live performances, fan engagements, and activities.
- Unforgettable experiences for fans, families, and corporate clients.
- Value and benefits of sponsoring or partnering with Cricket League 2023.

4. Communication Channels:

a) Traditional Media:
- Television: Broadcast matches and promotional content on sports channels.
- Radio: Partner with local radio stations for live match commentary and promotions.
- Print: Advertise in newspapers, magazines, and sports publications.

b) Digital and Social Media:

- Official Website: Create an engaging website with match schedules, team information, ticket
sales, and updates.
- Social Media Platforms: Establish active presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and YouTube for real-time updates, behind-the-scenes content, contests, and fan
- Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with popular cricket influencers and bloggers to promote
the league and matches.
- Live Streaming: Partner with digital platforms to offer live streaming of matches for global
c) Outdoor Advertising:
- Billboards: Place strategically located billboards in high-traffic areas to create awareness.
- Bus Shelters and Transit Advertising: Advertise in bus shelters and on public transport
- Stadium Signage: Display banners and advertisements within stadiums during matches.

d) Events and Sponsorships:

- Launch Event: Organize a grand launch event to create buzz and media coverage.
- Fan Engagement Activities: Conduct pre-match fan zones, autograph sessions, meet-and-
greet events, and contests to engage fans.
- Corporate Partnerships: Seek sponsorships from local and national businesses for brand
visibility and mutual benefits.
- CSR Activities: Undertake social initiatives and collaborations to give back to the
community and build positive brand associations.

e) Public Relations:
- Press Releases: Distribute press releases to media outlets about team announcements, player
signings, and league updates.
- Media Coverage: Engage with sports journalists, reporters, and bloggers for interviews,
match previews, and features.
- Media Partnerships: Establish partnerships with sports media outlets for exclusive coverage
and features.

5. Timeline:
- Pre-Launch Phase: Build anticipation through teasers, press releases, and social media
- During the League: Implement regular updates, live coverage, and fan engagement activities.
- Post-League: Conduct a post-event review, share highlights, and express gratitude to fans
and sponsors.

6. Evaluation:
- Track ticket sales, attendance, and social media engagement.
- Monitor media coverage and sentiment analysis.
- Conduct post-event surveys and feedback to measure satisfaction levels.
By following this IMC plan, Cricket League 2023 can effectively reach its target audience,
create excitement, drive engagement, and maximize ticket sales and sponsorships. Regular
monitoring and evaluation will help optimize future marketing efforts and ensure the success
of the league.

Q5) Solve any one : [10]

a) You are appointed as marketing manager for a startup company
‘’ - A service provided for maid servants in different household
work category. Create a marketing plan for
b) Electronic vehicle makers dominance in the global market has also
captured on Indian market. A new EV maker company in India wants to
launch their product into the Indian market. Prepare a marketing plan for
EV launch for the company.

a) As the marketing manager for, a startup company providing maid services in
different household work categories, here is a marketing plan to help promote and establish the

1. Situation Analysis:
- Identify the target market: Determine the specific demographics and psychographics of the
target audience, such as working professionals, families, or elderly individuals who require
domestic help.
- Analyze the competition: Identify key competitors in the maid service industry and assess
their strengths, weaknesses, pricing strategies, and service offerings.
- Understand customer needs: Conduct market research to understand customer preferences,
pain points, and expectations when it comes to hiring maid services.

2. Brand Positioning:
- Define the brand: Develop a unique brand identity and value proposition for that
differentiates it from competitors. Emphasize factors like professionalism, reliability,
trustworthiness, and personalized service.
- Positioning statement: Craft a concise positioning statement that communicates the unique
benefits and qualities of to the target audience.

3. Marketing Objectives:
- Increase brand awareness: Create awareness about and its services among the
target market.
- Generate leads and conversions: Drive inquiries, bookings, and conversions from potential
- Build customer loyalty: Foster long-term relationships with customers by providing excellent
service and value.

4. Targeted Marketing Strategies:

- Online Marketing:
- Website: Develop a user-friendly and informative website that showcases the services
offered, pricing, and testimonials from satisfied customers.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize the website to rank higher in search engine
results for relevant keywords.
- Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Run targeted online ads on search engines and social
media platforms to drive traffic and generate leads.
- Content Marketing: Create valuable content, such as blog articles and videos, that provide
cleaning tips, home organization advice, and other relevant information to engage and attract
potential customers.
- Social Media Marketing: Establish a strong presence on social media platforms to engage
with the target audience, share updates, and run promotional campaigns.

- Local Marketing:
- Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses, such as real estate agencies or interior
designers, to offer bundled services or referral programs.
- Community Involvement: Participate in local events, sponsor community initiatives, and
engage in cause-related marketing to build brand awareness and establish a positive reputation
within the community.
- Flyers and Direct Mail: Distribute flyers, brochures, and direct mail materials to targeted
neighborhoods and households.

- Customer Referral Program:

- Implement a referral program that incentivizes existing customers to refer to
their friends, family, and colleagues. Offer discounts, credits, or other rewards for successful

5. Customer Relationship Management:

- Provide excellent customer service: Train and empower maids to deliver exceptional service,
ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- Collect customer feedback: Regularly gather feedback through surveys, reviews, or follow-
up calls to understand customer experiences and make improvements.
- Loyalty programs: Implement a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers with
exclusive discounts, priority bookings, or additional services.

6. Performance Measurement:
- Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, customer
acquisition costs, customer satisfaction scores, and referral rates.
- Analyze marketing campaigns and initiatives to assess their effectiveness and make data-
driven decisions for future strategies.

7. Budgeting and Timeline:

- Allocate a marketing budget based on the company's financial capabilities and marketing
- Create a timeline outlining the launch of various marketing activities, campaigns, and
ongoing maintenance tasks.

By following this marketing plan, can effectively target its desired audience, build
brand awareness, generate leads, and establish a strong presence in the maid service industry.
Regular monitoring, analysis, and adaptation of marketing strategies will be key to develop
successful website.

b) To prepare a marketing plan for the launch of an Electric Vehicle (EV) in the Indian
market, here is a comprehensive approach:

1. Market Analysis:
- Understand the Indian EV market landscape, including current market size, growth rate, and
key players.
- Analyze consumer preferences and behavior towards EVs in terms of range, charging
infrastructure, pricing, and government incentives.
- Identify target segments, such as environmentally conscious consumers, urban dwellers, and
early technology adopters.
2. Product Positioning:
- Define the unique selling points of the EV, such as range, charging time, performance, safety
features, and competitive pricing.
- Highlight the benefits of owning an EV, including reduced carbon emissions, lower running
costs, and government subsidies.
- Position the EV as a reliable, innovative, and sustainable transportation solution.

3. Marketing Objectives:
- Increase brand awareness and product visibility.
- Generate inquiries and test drive requests.
- Secure pre-orders and achieve sales targets.
- Build a positive brand image and customer loyalty.

4. Targeted Marketing Strategies:

- Digital Marketing:
- Website and Online Presence: Develop a user-friendly website with detailed product
information, specifications, and pricing. Optimize the website for search engines (SEO) and
create engaging content.
- Social Media Marketing: Leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to
showcase the EV's features, benefits, and customer testimonials. Run targeted ads to reach
potential buyers and create engaging content to build a community of EV enthusiasts.
- Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with popular EV influencers, automotive bloggers, and
vloggers to review the product and share their experiences with their audience.
- Online Advertising: Run paid ads on relevant websites, search engines, and social media
platforms to reach a wider audience.

- Offline Marketing:
- Launch Events and Test Drives: Organize launch events in major cities to create buzz and
allow potential customers to experience the EV through test drives.
- Dealership Network: Establish partnerships with dealerships or set up company-owned
experience centers to showcase and sell the EV. Train sales staff to provide in-depth product
knowledge and offer excellent customer service.
- Traditional Media: Advertise in print publications, radio, and television channels with a
focus on automotive and environmental segments.
- Public Relations: Engage with industry publications, journalists, and influencers to secure
media coverage and feature articles highlighting the EV's unique features and benefits.

5. Charging Infrastructure:
- Collaborate with government bodies, power distribution companies, and private charging
station providers to expand the charging infrastructure network. Promote the availability of
charging stations and fast-charging capabilities to alleviate range anxiety concerns.

6. Government Partnerships:
- Leverage government initiatives, subsidies, and incentives for EV adoption. Collaborate with
government bodies to raise awareness and educate potential buyers about the benefits and
incentives available for purchasing an EV.

7. Customer Support and After-sales Service:

- Develop a comprehensive after-sales service plan, including warranty coverage, maintenance
packages, and prompt resolution of customer queries or concerns.
- Provide dedicated customer support channels, such as a hotline, email, and online chat, to
address customer inquiries and provide assistance.

8. Performance Measurement:
- Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, test
drive requests, pre-orders, and sales.
- Conduct customer surveys and feedback to gauge customer satisfaction levels.
- Regularly analyze and assess marketing campaigns, adjusting strategies based on market
response and competitor activities.

9. Budgeting and Timeline:

- Allocate a marketing budget based on the company's financial capabilities and marketing
- Create a timeline outlining the launch activities, campaign durations, and ongoing marketing

By following this marketing plan, the EV maker can effectively position their product,
generate awareness, and drive sales in the indian market. Continuous evaluation and
adaptation of marketing strategies will be crucial to achieving success and establishing a
strong presence in the rapidly growing EV industry in India.

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