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Main topic/CME

Herz 2011 · 36:190–197 I. Akin · H. Schneider · H. Ince · S. Kische · T.C. Rehders · T.  Chatterjee · C.A.  Nienaber
DOI 10.1007/s00059-011-3458-z Heart Center Rostock Department of Internal Medicine I,  
Published online: 21 April 2011
University Hospital Rostock, Rostock
© Urban & Vogel 2011

Second- and
coronary stents
Progress and safety

The use of first-generation drug-eluting not reveal significant differences in mor- lease, but remain on the stent after drug elu-
stents (DES) has substantially reduced an- tality and myocardial infarction between tion. These permanent polymers can cause
giographic and clinical measures of reste- first-generation DES and bare-metal stents inflammation with delayed endothelializa-
nosis both in randomized clinical trials and (BMS), the risk of late and very late definite tion, positive remodeling, and hypersensi-
in large-scale registries over 4 years of fol- stent thrombosis appeared somewhat in- tivity reaction, which can culminate in stent
low-up [1, 2, 3]. However, with more wide- creased [1, 7, 8, 9]. Early reports from ran- thrombosis (.  Fig. 1). Data from histo-
spread use of first-generation DES in more domized controlled trials, registries, and pathologic studies also indicate that these
patients with comorbidities and complex le- meta-analyses using the standardized Aca- nonerodable polymers can precipitate stent
sions, serious safety concerns arose [4, 5, 6, 7, demic Research Consortium (ARC) defini- thrombosis by inducing localized vascular
8, 9]. Although results of meta-analyses did tion have all indicated that the risk of very inflammation, hypereosinophilia, throm-
late stent thrombosis persists at an annual bogenic reactions, and apoptosis of smooth
Tab. 1  Risk factors for stent thrombosis rate between 0.36% and 0.6% per year to at muscle cells [9, 15, 16].
least 5 years after DES implantation [10, 11, As a consequence, in recent years, the
Patient Acute coronary syndrome
factors Diabetes mellitus 12]. It may be difficult to weigh the clinical focus of clinical research has been on
Renal failure impact of a rare but serious adverse event of the development of innovative platforms
Impaired left ventricular function stent thrombosis against a more common, and novel antiproliferative agents requir-
Discontinuation of dual anti- but less acute presentation of in-stent reste- ing a lower dosage of current antimitotic
platelet therapy nosis. Quantitative comparison with a de- agents, and novel carrier systems includ-
Clopidogrel nonresponder
cisional analytic model has identified that, ing absorbable polymers and/or stents
Advanced age
when comparing DES with BMS, a differ- with nonpolymeric stent surfaces.
Lesion Lesion/stent length
character- Bifurcation lesion ence as small as 0.14% per year in absolute
istics In-stent restenosis late stent thrombosis rates over a 4-year pe- Second-generation DES
Chronic total occlusion riod is sufficient to offset any clinical bene-
Bypass-graft intervention fit from preventing restenosis [13, 14]. Nu- Second-generation DES are typically coat-
Procedural Inadequate stent expansion merous mechanisms might be responsible ed with both new polymers and drugs.
factors Incomplete stent apposition for acute thrombotic occlusion within the Both second-generation DES that are cur-
High thrombus burden
DES-treated segment. Beside individual pa- rently approved by the U.S. FDA and EU
Multiple stents
Positive remodeling tient-related factors, lesion characteristics, EMEA, e.g., the Endeavor zotarolimus-
Residual dissection procedural factors, and also device-related eluting stent (ZES) (Medtronic Vascular,
Device Hypersensitivity to drug coating factors may have an impact on the rate of CA, USA) and the Xience-V everolimus-
­factors or polymer stent thrombosis (. Tab. 1). Convention- eluting stent (EES) (Abbott Vascular, CA,
Incomplete endothelialization ally, first-generation DES are coated with USA), utilize cobalt chromium (CoCr),
Stent design permanent polymers that facilitate drug re- which exhibits superior radial strength

190 |  Herz 3 · 2011

Abstract · Zusammenfassung

and improved radiopacity, allowing for Herz 2011 · 36:190–197  DOI 10.1007/s00059-011-3458-z

thinner stent struts that act themselves in © Urban & Vogel 2011
favor of a lower restenosis rate [17].
I. Akin · H. Schneider · H. Ince · S. Kische · T.C. Rehders · T.  Chatterjee · C.A.  Nienaber
Second- and third-generation drug-eluting
The Endeavor ZES
coronary stents. Progress and safety
The Endeavor ZES, which received both Abstract
EMEA and FDA approval in July 2005 Drug-eluting stents (DES) have revolution- als (SPIRIT and ENDEAVOR) and registries (E-
and February 2008, respectively, is built ized the treatment of coronary artery dis- Five, COMPARE) compared with bare-metal
ease by reducing the rate of in-stent resteno- stents (BMS) and first-generation DES. New-
on the platform of a CoCr Driver BMS
sis from 20–40% with bare-metal stent (BMS) er third-generation stent technology, espe-
(Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) coat- to 6–8% with DES. However, with widespread cially biodegradable polymers, polymer-free
ed with a formulation of zotarolimus use of DES, safety concerns have risen due stents, and biodegradable stents on the basis
and a biocompatible, permanent copoly- to the observation of late stent thrombosis. of poly-L-lactide (PLLA) or magnesium, has
mer. The use of MP35 N CoCr alloy al- With this in mind and better understanding been evaluated in preclinical and initial clin-
lows for relatively thin struts (0.091 mm) of mechanism and pathophysiology of stent ical trials. However, despite encouraging ini-
thrombosis, the technological platform, es- tial results, long-term data of large-scale ran-
compared with earlier first-generation
pecially innovative anti-restenotic agents, domized trials as well as registries comparing
DES (0.132 mm) resulting in both fewer polymeric coatings, and stent platforms, im- them to currently approved first- and second-
side-branch occlusion and periprocedur- proved with newer DES. Two second-gener- generation DES are still lacking.
al myocardial infarction [18]. The drug– ation DES, the Endeavor zotarolimus-elut-
polymer coating is applied to the entire ing stent (ZES) and the Xience-V everolim- Keywords
stent surface with a standard concentra- us-eluting stent (EES), have provided promis- Drug-eluting stent · Everolimus · Zotarolimus ·
ing results in both randomized controlled tri- Bioabsorbable · Stent thrombosis
tion of 100 μg/cm and is designed to re-
lease approximately 95% of the total dose
zotarolimus within 15 days of stent place- Medikamentenbeschichtete Stents der 2. und
ment. It causes less inflammation com- 3. Generation. Vorteile und Sicherheit
pared to polymers of the first-generation
DES [19].
Der Einsatz der medikamentenbeschichteten (E-Five, COMPARE) beim Vergleich mit den
Both animal and human studies using Stents (DES) hat die interventionelle Therapie unbeschichteten Stents (BMS) und den DES
angioscopy and optical coherence tomog- der koronaren Herzkrankheit durch Abnahme der 1. Generation erfolgversprechende Er-
raphy (OCT) have shown that the extent der Restenoserate, die bei unbeschichteten gebnisse und höhere Sicherheit für Patienten.
of neointimal coverage with ZES was su- Stents (BMS) bei 20–40% lag, auf 6–8% redu- Neuere Stent-Technologien der 3. Genera­
perior to that of sirolimus-eluting stent ziert. Mit dem verbreiteten Einsatz und an- tion, insbesondere biodegradierbare Polyme-
gesichts der Beobachtung von späten Stent- re, polymerfreie Stents sowie biodegradier-
(SES) and comparable to that observed
Thrombosen kamen Bedenken hinsicht- bare Stents auf Basis von Poly-L-Lactidsäu-
with BMS [20]. Guagliumi et al. [21] as- lich der Sicherheit für die Patienten auf. Das re (PLLA) oder Magnesium, wurden in präkli-
sessed the in vivo vascular response after wachsende pathophysiologische Verständ- nischen und ersten klinischen Studien unter-
implantation of overlapping BMS, SES, nis für die Ursachen von Stent-Thrombosen sucht. Trotz vielversprechender Ergebnisse
paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES), and ZES hat zu einer Weiterentwicklung der Stents, fehlen noch Langzeitergebnisse von größe-
at the 6-month follow-up in the ODES- insbesondere der antiproliferativen Medika- ren Patientenkollektiven, die mit dieser neu-
mente, der Polymerbeschichtung, und des eren Stent-Konzeption behandelt wurden.
SA trial. They randomized 77 patients Stent-Plattform, geführt. Beide DES der 2. Ge-
with long coronary stenoses to overlap- neration, der Zotarolimus-beschichtete (ZES) Schlüsselwörter
ping SES, PES, ZES, or BMS. The rate ­Endeavor-Stent sowie der Everolimus-be- Medikamentenbeschichtete Stents ·  
of uncovered/malapposed struts in the schichtete (EES) Xience-V-Stent, liefern so- Everolimus · Zotarolimus · Biodegradierbare
overlap versus nonoverlap BMS zone was wohl in randomisierten kontrollierten Stu- Stents · Stentthrombose
dien (SPIRIT, ENDEAVOR) als auch in Registern
1.5±3.4% versus 0.6±2.7% (p=n.s.), where-
as these rates were 4.3±11% versus 3.6±8%
in the DES zone (p=n.s.). There were no
differences in the rates of uncovered/
malapposed struts between overlapping
BMS and DES, likely the result of fewer
uncovered/malapposed struts in ZES pa-
tients (0.1±0.4%), which offsets the higher
rates observed in SES (6.7±9.6%) and PES
(6.7±16.5%; p<0.001).
After approving both safety and effi-
cacy in the ENDEAVOR I FIM trial [19],
the superiority of ZES compared with

Herz 3 · 2011  | 191

Main topic/CME

Fig. 1 8 a Coronary angiography of a 55-year-old woman in September 2005 revealed a 95% de novo stenosis in the mid left 
anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) and a 75% proximal left circumflex artery stenosis (LCX). b After primary percuta-
neous coronary intervention (PCI) with a drug-eluting stent (DES) for the LAD and a bare-metal stent (BMS) for the LCX  lesion 
the final result was fine. c Coronary angiography in July 2010 revealed a 25–50% restenosis at the proximal LCX after BMS 
placement and aneurysm formation with subsequent stent thrombosis at the mid LAD after placement of a DES 58 months 

BMS was demonstrated in the random- dial infarction in ENDEAVOR IV seems re-endothelialization of struts at 14 days
ized ENDEAVOR II trial of 1,197 patients multifactorial: patients in the ZES arm re- was variable among comparator stents,
with single-coronary artery disease [22]. vealed significantly lower rates of peripro- significantly greater coverage was ob-
In comparison with other DES, data have cedural myocardial infarction (0.8% vs. served with EES (66±27.5%), followed by
indicated a relatively poor performance of 2.3%; p=0.014) probably as a result of im- ZES (30.2±14.2%), PES (26.8±15.8%), and
ZES compared with PES and SES at short- proved periprocedural side branch paten- SES (6.4±4.2%) (p<0.003 versus EES, and
term follow-up, as indicated by signifi- cy, while the further decrease in myocar- p<0.0001 versus BMS) [29].
cantly higher early loss and a higher tar- dial infarction after 1 year (0.7% vs. 2.3%; Clinical data were collected in both re-
get lesion revascularization rate (TLR) [23, p=0.017) paralleled the reduction of very al-world registries and randomized trials
24, 25, 26]. This might be the result of dif- late stent thrombosis events. Further data comparing EES to BMS and PES. Results
ferences in biological activity of ZES com- are expected from the randomized PRO- were consistent and demonstrated im-
pared with SES. TECT trial with 8,800 “all-comers” pa- proved safety and efficacy with EES, to-
Another potential reason for the ob- tients assigned to treatment with either gether with very low rates of stent throm-
served differences could be more rapid ZES or SES [27]. bosis [30, 31, 32, 33, 34].
elution kinetics of zotarolimus from the The SPIRIT II trial demonstrated bet-
phosphorylcholine polymer: 95% is elut- The Xience-V EES ter clinical efficacy and safety of EES com-
ed within approximately 2 weeks, com- pared to the first-generation Taxus Ex-
pared with the slower release of sirolimus The Xience-V EES, which received EMEA press2 PES over 4 years of follow-up; long-
(95% eluted in approximately 6 weeks) [23, and FDA approval in January 2006 and term follow-up demonstrated “delayed”
24, 25, 26]. Although in ENDEAVOR IV July 2008, respectively, is based on a CoCr restenosis with EES, a phenomenon previ-
comparing ZES with PES the overall rate Multi-Link Vision BMS platform (Abbott ously observed with other DES [35]. This
of definite and probable stent thrombosis Vascular, Santa Clara, CA) coated with a finding, however, did not appear to have
did not differ during the initial 3 years of formulation of everolimus, poly-n-butyl any adverse effect on clinical outcomes. In
follow-up (1.1% vs. 1.7%; p=0.380), there methacrylate (PBMA) and a permanent, fact, at 3-year follow-up, a greater absolute
was a significant 1.4% absolute reduction but biocompatible copolymer poly-vinyl- difference in cardiac death, myocardial in-
in the rate of ARC definite or probable idene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene farction, TLR, and major adverse cardiac
very late stent thrombosis with ZES com- (PVDF-HFP). The drug–polymer coating events (MACE) was observed in favor of
pared with PES between 1 and 3 years with is applied to the entire stent surface with EES, when compared with results at both
continued dual antiplatelet therapy in ap- a standard concentration of 100 μg/cm2 1- and 2-year follow-up [31].
proximately one-half the patients. In ad- of the stent surface area and is designed Similarly, in the larger SPIRIT III tri-
dition, the rates of cardiac death or myo- to release approximately 80% of the to- al, the benefit of EES over PES persisted
cardial infarction, which were not signif- tal dose within 30 days of stent place- and even increased during follow-up; at
icantly different at 2 years (3.4% vs. 5.1%; ment, with nearly all drug released with- 3 years, EES eventually led to significant
p=0.096), became significant at 3 years in 4 months [28]. An experimental study reduction in target vessel failure (TVF),
(3.6% vs. 7.1%; p=0.004) in favor of ZES in rabbit iliac arteries revealed more rap- target lesion failure (TLF), and MACE
(. Tab. 2, [24]). The explanation for re- id and complete endothelialization with [31]. Overall, SPIRIT I–III have estab-
duced overall cardiac death and myocar- EES than with SES, PES, or ZES. While lished superiority of EES over PES with

192 |  Herz 3 · 2011
Tab. 2  Overview of trials comparing the zotarolimus-eluting stent
  Follow-up Stent In-stent LLL Restenosis MACE (%) Death (%) Myocardial TLR (%) Definite/probable
(months) (mm) (%) infarction (%) stent thrombosis (%)
ENDEAVOR I [19] 12 ZES (n=100) 0.61 5.4 2 0 1.0 2.0 1.0
ENDEAVOR II [22] 9 ZES (n=598) 0.61 vs. 1.03* 9.4 vs. 33.5* 7.3 vs. 14.4* 1.2 vs. 0.5 2.7 vs. 3.9 4.6 vs. 11.8* 0.5 vs. 1.2
BMS (n=599)
ENDEAVOR III 9 ZES (n=323) 0.60 vs. 0.15* 9.2 vs. 2.1* 7.6 vs. 7.1 0.6 vs. 0 0.5 vs. 3.5* 6.0 vs. 3.5 0 vs. 0
[23] SES (n=113)
ENDEAVOR IV 12 ZES (n=773) 0.67 vs. 0.42* 13.3 vs. 6.7 n.a. 1.1 vs. 1.1 1.6 vs. 2.7 4.5 vs. 3.2* 0.9 vs. 0.1
[24] PES (n=775)
SORT-OUT III [25] 18 ZES (n=1,162) n.a. n.a. n.a. 4.4 vs. 3.0* 2.0 vs. 1.0* 6.0 vs. 2.0* 1.1 vs. 0.5*
SES (n=1,170)
E-Five (26) 12 ZES (n=2,116) n.a. n.a. 7.5 1.7 1.2 4.5 0.6
LLL late-lumen loss, MACE major adverse cardiac events, TLR target lesion revascularization, n.a. not available, *significant p values

Tab. 3  Overview of trials comparing the everolimus-eluting stent

  Follow-up Stent In-stent LLL Restenosis MACE (%) Death Myocardial TLR (%) Definite/probable
(months) (mm) (%) (%) ­infarction (%) stent thrombosis (%)
SPIRIT I [30] 60 EES (n=27) n.a. n.a. 16.7 vs. 28.0 0 vs. 7.4 8.3 vs. 0 8.3 vs. 28.0* 0 vs. 0
BMS (n=29)
SPIRIT II [31] 6 EES (n=223) 0.11 vs. 0.36* 1.3 vs. 3.5 2.7 vs. 6.5 0 vs. 1.3 0.9 vs. 3.9 2.7 vs. 6.5 0.5 vs. 1.3
PES (n=77)
SPIRIT III [32] 12 EES (n=669) 0.16 vs. 0.3* 92.3 vs. 5.7 6.0 vs. 10.3* 1.2 vs. 1.2 2.8 vs. 4.1 3.4 vs. 5.6 1.1 vs. 0.6
PES (n=333)
SPIRIT IV [36] 12 ZEES (n=2,458) n.a. n.a. 4.2 vs. 6.9* 1.0 vs. 1.3 1.9 vs. 3.1* 2.5 vs. 4.6* 0.3 vs. 1.1*
PES (n=1,229)
COMPARE 12 EES (n=897) n.a. n.a. 6.2 vs. 9.1* 2.0 vs. 1.6 2.8 vs. 5.3* 2.0 vs. 5.3* 0.7 vs. 2.6*
[33] PES (n=903)
LLL late-lumen loss, MACE major adverse cardiac events, TLR target lesion revascularization, n.a. not available, *significant p value

respect to angiographic findings in low- (0.7% vs. 2.6%; HR=0.26; 95%CI 0.11– observed in 8.2% and 8.3% of patients, re-
risk profile patients. However, these tri- 0.64; p=0.002). The significant difference spectively. The rate of stent thrombosis
als were not powered for superiority in in stent thrombosis at 12 months between was 2.3% in the ZES group and 1.5% in the
clinical endpoints. The SPIRIT IV tri- the two groups was mainly attributed to EES (p=0.17) with nonsignificant differ-
al assigned 3,687 patients to receive EES early stent thrombosis. ences for in-stent stenosis (21.65±14.42%
(n=2,458) or PES (n=1,229) [36]. The prin- for ZES vs. 19.76±14.64% for EES) as well
cipal findings revealed that EES resulted ZES vs. EES as in-stent late lumen loss (0.27±0.43 mm
in a significant 38% relative reduction in for ZES vs. 0.19±0.40 mm for EES).
the primary endpoint of TLF versus PES, In ESTROFA-2, de la Torre Hernández
and a significant reduction in the second- et al. [38] analyzed 4,768 patients treated Third-generation drug-eluting
ary endpoints stent thrombosis and myo- with ZES (n=2,549) or EES (n=2,219); the stents and outlook
cardial infarction, but there was no signif- cumulative incidence of definite/proba-
icant difference in mortality [36, 37]. Sim- ble stent thrombosis for ZES was 1.3% at An extension of the above mentioned
ilar results were obtained in the all-com- 1 year and 1.7% at 2 years and for EES 1.4% concept was the development of DES that
ers COMPARE trial. The primary end- at 1 year and 1.7% at 2 years (p=0.8), re- have degradable polymers or are com-
point was a composite of safety and ef- spectively. Increments of definite throm- pletely free of polymers. Finally, complete-
ficacy within 12 months (.  Tab. 3, [33, bosis between the first and second year ly biodegradable magnesium and poly-
34]). The composite of death, myocardi- was 0.2% and 0.25%, respectively. Ejec- meric stents were developed, which com-
al infarction, and target vessel revascu- tion fraction (HR 0.97; 95% CI 0.95–0.99; pletely degraded once vascular healing has
larization was lower with EES than with p=0.008), stent diameter (HR 0.37; 95% taken place.
PES (6.2% vs. 9.1%; HR=0.69; 95% CI CI 0.17–0.81; p=0.01), and bifurcations One of the newer permanent poly-
0.50–0.95) driven by a significant reduc- (HR 2.1; 95% CI 1.14–3.7; p=0.02) emerged mer-coated DESs is the Endeavor Res-
tion of both TVR (6.0% vs. 2.4%; p=0.001) as predictors of thrombosis [38]. Serruys olute ZES based on a Driver CoCr BMS
and myocardial infarction (5.4% vs. 2.8%; et al. [39] compared ZES (n=1,140) and and coated with a formulation of zotaroli-
p=0.007). The rate of definite and prob- EES (n=1,152) in the Resolute All Comers mus and a polymer referred to as Biolinx
able stent thrombosis was significant- Trial; ZES was noninferior to EES with re- (a blend of three different polymers, i.e.,
ly reduced among EES-treated patients spect to the primary endpoint which was a hydrophobic C10 polymer to control

Herz 3 · 2011  | 193

Main topic/CME

drug release, a biocompatible and hydro- mary endpoint (9% vs. 11%; p=0.003 for The PLLA and PDLLA are metabolized
philic C19 polymer, and polyvinyl pyrol- noninferiority, p=0.39 for superiority). In via the Krebs cycle over a period of ap-
idone to allow early burst of drug release) addition, the frequency of cardiac death proximately 12–18 months and converted
[40]. Compared with the permanent co- (1.6% vs. 2.5%, p=0.22), myocardial in- to carbon dioxide and water. At present,
polymer coating employed by the Endeav- farction (5.7% vs. 4.6%; p=0.30), and TVR no BDS has received either the C.E. mark
or ZES, the Biolinx polymer provides im- (4.4% vs. 5.5%; p=0.29) were similar be- or U.S. FDA approval.
proved biocompatibility, increased coat- tween both stent types. Moreover, rates for The BVS (Bioabsorbable Vascular
ing durability, and extended drug elution, stent thrombosis were similar at all time Scaffold) EES (Abbott Vascular) is manu-
such that at least 85% of the zotarolimus is points and according to any ARC defini- factured from PLLA polymer and is coat-
released within 60 days, with the remain- tion. Further promising data in support of ed with a formulation of everolimus in a
der being released within 180 days. a biodegradable polymer were obtained in PDLLA polymer matrix which contains
Durable polymers used in DES may an OCT substudy, which demonstrated a and controls the release of everolimus
play a central role in the pathophysiol- higher rate of near complete (>95%) strut from the stent. The drug–polymer coat-
ogy of impaired healing by triggering a coverage with the BioMatrix stent when ing is applied to the entire stent surface
chronic inflammatory reaction, which is compared with the SES at the 9-month with a standard concentration of approx-
why there are continuous efforts aiming follow-up (89.3% vs. 63.3%; p=0.03) [42]. imately 8.2 μg/mm stent length and is de-
to eliminate permanent polymers. The de- Parallel to developing DES with bio- signed to release approximately 80% of the
velopment of newer bioabsorbable poly- degradable polymers, DES that are com- total dose within 30 days of stent place-
mer-coated DES finally resulted in various pletely polymer free are emerging. Despite ment; polymeric strut absorption will
innovative stents, which are currently be- the absence of a polymer, these stents are take approximately 2 years. Following en-
ing evaluated. Interest has focused on bio- still able to elute antiproliferative drugs in couraging preclinical studies, both safety
degradable stents because after implanta- a controlled manner. This is achieved by and feasibility of the first-generation BVS
tion, they theoretically may offer the an- dissolving the antiproliferative agent in- implant were assessed in 30 low-risk pa-
tiproliferative benefit of a standard DES, to a nonpolymeric biodegradable carri- tients with de novo coronary lesions who
whereas once the polymer has biodegrad- er on the stent surface, impregnating the were enrolled in the prospective, open-la-
ed within 6–9 months, they may offer the antiproliferative agent in pure form onto bel, multicenter FIM ABSORB study [45].
safety of a BMS. The BioMatrix biolimus- the porous surface of the stent, or attach- The study demonstrated clinical safety
eluting stent (BES) (Biosensor Interna- ing the antiproliferative agent directly to of the BVS as there was only 1 ischemia-
tional, Morges, Switzerland) is based on the vascular tissue surface using either co- driven MACE at 6 months, whereas no
a 316L stainless steel S-stent coated with valent bonding or crystallization/chemi- MACE events were reported in the follow-
a formulation of biolimus and the bioab- cal precipitation. Current clinical studies ing 30 months. Of note, no stent thrombo-
sorbable PLLA polymer. Biolimus is a si- of polymer-free stents are limited; at pres- sis has been observed over the 3-year fol-
rolimus analogue that possesses similar ent only the YUKON DES (Translumina, low-up [46]. At the 2-year follow-up angi-
anti-inflammatory properties while ex- Hechingen, Germany) is available in Eu- ography, the in-stent late loss of 0.48 mm
hibiting a higher lipophilic and hydro- rope, whereas several others are undergo- and the diameter stenosis of 27% did not
phobic profile. As such, biolimus is more ing FIM clinical studies. Clinical data in- significantly differ from the findings at
rapidly absorbed by the vessel wall. Up- dicate noninferiority of the YUKON stent 6 months. In addition, there is evidence
on deployment, the drug–polymer for- when compared with PES at the 9- to of restoration of vasomotor function in
mulation is designed to release the drug 12-month follow-up [43, 44]. the stented segment [45].
in two phases—an initial burst release fol- Fully biodegradable stents (BDS) of- In addition to bioabsorbable polymer-
lowed by the simultaneous sustained drug fer several potential advantages over con- coated DES, there are bioabsorbable poly-
release and polymer degradation. Both ventional BMS or DES. These include mer-free stents. The balloon-expandable
the drug and polymer are fully absorbed potential reductions in adverse events AMS-1 BDS is composed of 93% magne-
within 6–9 months; BioMatrix BES re- such as stent thrombosis, because drug sium and 7% rare earth metals. The stent
ceived CE mark approval in April 2008. elution and vessel scaffolding are on- has a high mechanical strength and has
In May 2007, Terumo Corporation agreed ly provided by the stent until the vessel properties comparable to stainless steel
to license the BioMatrix BES, re-naming has healed, and as such, no triggers for stents, such as low elastic recoil (<8%), a
it the Nobori BES. After promising re- stent thrombosis, such nonendotheli- high collapse pressure (0.8 bar), and min-
sults in preliminary studies, the BioMa- alized stent struts or drug polymers are imal shortening after inflation (<5%) [47].
trix Flex BES was further investigated in present long term. The current BDS are The PROGRESS AMS study is a mul-
the randomized multicenter, noninferi- composed of either a polymer or a met- ticenter, nonrandomized, prospective
ority LEADERS trial [41] encompassing al alloy. The most frequently used poly- study assessing the efficacy and safety of
1,707 patients with chronic stable coro- mer in the current generation of BDS is the AMS-1 stent in 63 patients with sin-
nary artery disease or acute coronary syn- PLLA and poly-D,L-lactide (PDLLA), gle de novo lesions. At the 12-month fol-
dromes. During follow-up of 9 months, both utilized as resorbable sutures, soft- low-up, there was no death, myocardial
BES was noninferior to SES for the pri- tissue implants, or orthopedic implant. infarction, or stent thrombosis, thus, con-

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