Bell States and Quantum Teleportation

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Feo CHAPTER+ ( @unurort CONFOTING FOR EVERYOUE BY CHRIS BERUNARPET” pp iz6~e4, ‘Quantum Computation versus Classical Computation “The quibits 0} and |1) correspond to the bits O and 1. If we run our quantum CNOT gate just using the qubits [0) and [1), and not any superpositions, then the computation is exactly the same as running a classical CNOT gate ‘with O and 1, The same is true of the quantum version of the Fredkin gate. Since the classical Fredkin gate is universal and the quantum Fredkin gate using Just [0) and {1} is equivalent to the classical gate, we can see that a ‘quantum circuit can calculate anything that can be calculated by a classical circult. The no-cloning property may seem worrisome, but It doesn't restiict us from doing classical computations in any way. ‘This is a deep result. It shows that if we compare classical and quantum computation, we shouldn’t think of them as different types of computa- tion, Quantum computation includes all of classical computation. Its the ‘moré general form of computation. The qubit is the baste unit of computa- ton, not the bit, Now that we have seen some basic gates, we will start to connect them ‘together to form circuits, The Bell Circutt We call the following quantum circuit the Bell circuit. — ‘To see what it does, we will input the four pairs of qubits that form the standard basis. We start with [00) =|0}]0}, The first qubit is acted on by the 1 ‘Hadamard gate’s changing it to +i, 0 the system of two qubits hhas state (Gpl+FpIm)l0n= Fp 1000+ Fe) at thls stage, We now apply the CNOT gate. This ps [20) to{1), giving the final state Fy }00) +100, ‘We can represent the situation by the following plete. (0) zs | sons sun 10) ‘We will summarize this by (400) = Fpl00}+ Feta). Convince yourself that 2gon)=plOn) +7510), B(|10)) = lon Fg. wersye-Ayon-JyH0), Each of these outputs is entangled. Since the inputs form an orthonormal basis for R¢, the outputs must also form an orthonormal basis. This basis, consisting of four entangled Kets, Is called the Bell basis. Recall that the way to tell whether a square matrix A Is orthogonal is, by calculating ATA, where A” is the transpose mattix obtained from A by interchanging the rows and columns. If we get the identity matrix J, then ‘the matrix is orthogonal and the columns of the matrix give us an ortho- ‘normal basis. If we don’t get the identity, then the matrix is not orthogonal, ‘We have defined our gates to be orthogonal, so they all have this prop- erty. In fact, all the gates we have introduced in this chapter, with the one exception of the Pauli matrix Y, also have the property that when you take the transpose matrix you end up with exactly the same matrix you started with.** Consequently, for all of these gates, AA =. This tells us that if we apply the gate twice in a row we end up with an output that is unchanged from the input. The second time we apply the gate, t undoes what we did ‘when we applied {tthe first time. ‘We will see a couple of uses of the Bel circuit in a moment, but first we ‘make use of the fact that the Hadamard gate and the CNOT gate are their ‘own inverses. Consider the following circuit: Gi T I H}— If we send a pair of qubits through the cizcuit, the first thing that hap- pens is that the Hadamard gate is applied, and then we apply the CNOT gate. This action is immediately undone by the second application of the CNOT gate. Finally, the second application of the Hadamard gate undoes the action done by the initial Hadamard gate. The result is that the cir- cuit doesn’t change anything. The qubits output ate identical to the quits that entered. The second half of the circutt reverses what the first half does. ‘This means that the following circuit, which we will call the reverse Bell crcuit, reverses the action of the Bell circuit, ** Matrices with the property that AY = A are called symmetric, They are symametic ‘ith respect tothe main diagonal, [= {m particular, we know what happens if we input vectors from the Bell basis. It is going to give us vectors in the standard basis, went 0) + 09, tong), ttwetnpt 0)« 50) wou. rewetnpat in) -in wt oupae no sf we input 7-j01)—L j10), i will output [21). wane Now that we have the basic properties of the Bell cicult, we will see how it ‘an be applied to do some very interesting things. We look at superdense coding and quantum teleportation, Quab TH TELE roRTATION tr is # TECHNIQUE FOR Movin QUuALTY AROUND, dein Ty THE ABSELCE meu (carious CHANNEL LINKINE of THE qQuautTyM STATES quanton conten SNE SENDER (ALICE) STATE Te BoB, THE RECIPIENT. THe _CHALLEN EE frice Ave Bob Mer #& Lobe TiHE ACO pup Move ply FROH ExCH OTHER AFTER CREA TIVe AN err PAIR. FACH Took OLE HE EPR PAIR pepore They LEFT- Qu Bit oF T 3 iN HIBIVE: js Te DELIVER h QUBIT + KNow THE Sit £ CAV CAL yrANY eaRS LATER, [OP | Avice! HISS/ON » To Boe. SHE boeES NO oF THE QuBiT- TIORE OVER, SH oNLy vSE AMP SEN cunss! ation 0 BoB. é JN FORT ee PoSSIBLE : — |— TCT CAM BE DONE USIbe THE CIRCUIT BELOW CLASSICAL ae yf WhPtMakp poe a au u fia if ae | — ee ee H 7M Io) WA al » IW2) |a’s) Ie) QuavTum CiReviT FoR TELE PoRTIVE A QUBIT epRESenT ALICE'S SYSTEN athe Two TEP LINES R THE BoTron Live REPRESEUT BoB/s SYSTEM » THE HETERS REPRESENT HEASURE NENTS a THE Povsre LINES CoHfye ovr OF THEM carry CLASSICAL PITS. REPRESENT QVBITS. ENTANELED [loup+li7| a [Poo ? = ae = {= Muelle Lives —2- How PES TT WoRK? (Q filice FNTEERTS THE QuBt Auee MALE OF [P07 QueiT. ly > with SHE THEN NEASURES Her. POSSEsstoN. SHE GETS OVE OF THE IN Four possi BLE OUTCONESs 00> Als !2y AND Il- SHe QEUDS THAT wrorhaTiok TO Bob PEPEN PING ON aurce! Ss CLASSICAL TIESSACE » PoP PERFORNS OVE oF FouR fe THE EPR PAIR. OPERATIONS ob HS HALE © THIS, HE RECOVERS pnazively , By reine crate [¢7! | ie eRe INAL THE Two QuPITS guawrui © pROvIT seurur TO TELE Por tarT tow ts fA 3-aqupit STATE baz = H2 lm ® 7 @|[e07 |Boo? = a [loeo-+ WZ] ae Iyer lyo? = = (uar* iiy)( 67-2) hie) = rE E fo>( lady +l eal 10) : Top 2 QUEITS Alice THE sewps HER HROUEH A ChOT CATE — SS — ‘ =a [07 ) 4—#—— I4e7 Io? It? crew pit lyoo ~ I> oF ChOT SATE Iter= ple! fez 4 [eh (1007 +H i+ Blir (her + (7| un. aurce'S QuBiTs pvlie+ lr? ( [lee {1 "7\ 2 te Hew, THE Fiz js SENT THROVEH A HAPAMARD 6ATE (y 2 2 Her 7 - : = 1 /Io, penenper 4/7 = (lore) jy tlin-d ltr) poli tool | Allo? - liz (i+! ”)} We REWRITE +A to MAKE APPEAR HE Two QuBiTsS BELOVEIVE yo ALICE —Y4— (47 4 leer (vler+ Bliz> — fluce 2-quete iW STATE [00 +01? (a li7+ P07) > frLiok ne +lor(¥ lor Ali?) _otute, wenn WW € |W D> + | 7 ( li7 plo7) => Lice 7 QUBITS eu w swe IIT? pices quit FOR BOB 2-QueiT tr pLice HEASURES \o07 > pope's Quel I47- vloz+ Sli >= {7 T WiLL BE Lice nensores lolz > I4s2= a 17+ Bl07 lor > [Pa.7= of for-Plt7 eh jiy-e)ypsz= Kli7~ le? ace Aerce MEASUPES axe ALICE WE WSURES Iysy'> HAS PROBABILITY. My EACH OF THE to pick YF THE corReCT |Y7 ( wiict jg BEINE TEAUS Por TEP), Poe Most KNOW HE RESULTS OF 2 CLASSICAC pits HeasyReP BY ALICE a Sonh rey fice MEASURES poe HAS looy ls lod)7= ayy= Kl? + BIP= ($) Iys[onp = XLir4 Pler= (2) joi7 lio tyler #ler-elpL4) lip lyslny= X70 (2) My <2 CLRSSICAL PITS 7 Y _ eae l4y7< at Ye? zi tS ly 5 TF oie vin ye gp —> NYA? [S)- luz ai > fy XU? Oe (1,9) oz ng lty?* a4 lie? ae 6)" (Y) ores ol) 22xlfsli? (4) t x, Bob GETS lea FOR ALL FOUR VALVES oF (Mire)! ly> HAS BeEIV TRANSPORTED! pst TELL Bop THE VALUES oF (The), THIS info Hust BE SEM THROoeH fr CLASSICAL CONMMVUVICA TOW CHANNEL AVP qHeeepore [¢> CAb_or Be THOBAHT AS A Slen ht seuT AT ft SPEED FASTER THAN LIeHT. THE PRINCIPLE OF RELATIVITY ourvives |! QuaAwTun TELE POR TATION cy Also BE ye. OTNER EPROR BELL STATES BEALIZED OS6 [Jour tle?) (synheTRic) [Poi? 7 = - | SYHMETEIC Hoy pe ge [oD -h2) Camrsrnnene) ape [0 -be anspanerto ( Frepcise: How Pe oe Hopizy THE QuaAwTvt oy Cipcuit IF You Use OE OF TELE PORTAT THE © ENTANGLED STATE Apové AT T=O —4— BECAUSE ALICE

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