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Accenture Digital Skills:

Digital Marketing

Word / Phrase Definition

Advertisement Something that is shown to the public to help sell or call

attention to a product or service, for example, a short film
or a written notice. In the digital world, examples of
advertising include banners on webpages and search
engine links.
Affiliate Affiliate marketing is when a person earns a commission
marketing by promoting a business’s product or service on their own
platforms. For instance, when influencers point you
towards ‘a link in the comments’ this is usually an example
of affiliate marketing.
Algorithm An algorithm is a set of instructions designed to perform a
specific task. This can be a simple process, such as
multiplying two numbers, or a complex operation, such as
playing a compressed video file. Search engines such as
Google use a complex algorithm called ‘PageRank’ in
order to rank websites in their search engine results.
Analytics Analytics is the study of data to understand the effects of
certain decisions or events, to predict how they might turn
out in the future and to influence future behaviours. This
allows businesses to evaluate and improve their
performance. For example, if a business holds a
promotional sale, they can use analytics to understand
whether the promotion caused their sales to increase and
by how much, and what the effect might be of holding
sales for other products.
App An app (short for application) is a software program that is
designed to perform a specific function above or on top of
what is built-in on a device. Different types of apps include
web apps (for desktops/laptops) and mobile apps (which
can be downloaded onto a mobile device). These enable a
user to perform additional tasks on their

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Banner advert Websites generate revenue from advertising. One of the
most popular forms of web advertising is a banner advert.
It is a long, rectangular image that can be placed just
about anywhere on a webpage. A banner may contain text,
images, and animations. When a user clicks on the
advertisement, they are redirected to the advertiser's
Blog Short for "web log," this term refers to a list of journal
entries posted on a webpage. Anybody who knows how to
create and publish a webpage can publish their own blog,
using it to write about personal opinions or activities and
include images, videos and links to other websites.
Bots A bot (short for "robot") is an automated program that runs
over the Internet. Some bots run automatically, while
others only execute commands when they receive specific
input. Some examples include web crawlers (which
regularly scan websites and gather their content for
search engines) and chat bots (scripts that look for certain
text patterns submitted by chat room participants and
respond with automated actions).
Brand awareness The likelihood and extent that consumers recognise the
existence and availability of a company's product or
service and how familiar they are with the qualities or the
Budget The amount of money available for spending that is based
on a plan for how it will be spent over a set period of time.

Call to action Words that urge the reader, listener, or viewer of a sales
(CTA) promotion message to take an immediate action, such as
"Write Now," "Call Now," or "Click Here". For example, a
good banner advert will have an obvious call to action so
that the user knows how to engage with the content and
benefit from the deal being advertised.
Channel A channel is a means of conveying or transmitting
information or communication. A channel can be a
website/application or even different devices. For
example, Twitter and Facebook are social media channels
which enable us to express ourselves and share
information. Websites which display company advertising
are digital marketing channels enabling a company to
share information about their products and services with
their customers.

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Click through The process of a visitor clicking on a web advert and being
directed to the advertiser's website.

Click through A click through rate is the percentage of people who

rate (CTR) clicked on your website after viewing it in the search
engine results page.
Content calendar A written schedule of when and where you plan to publish
upcoming content

Content This is when a brand creates materials (content) such as

marketing blogs and articles, videos etc. that promote interest in a
brand without overtly selling. The purpose of content
marketing is to create subject matter expertise for the
business to build brand trust with your customer base.
Conversion rate The percentage of visitors that have been converted into
paying customers is called a conversion rate.

Cookies A cookie is a small amount of data generated by a website

and saved by your web browser. Its purpose is to
remember information about you, similar to a preference
file created by a software application. Its most common
purpose is to store login information for a specific site.
There are two types of cookies: first party cookies and
third-party cookies.
Cost effective Producing good results without costing a lot of money

Customer life A term used to describe the progression of steps a

cycle customer goes through when considering, purchasing,
using, and maintaining loyalty to a product or service.
Demographic A section of the population sharing common
characteristics, such as age, race or gender.

Digital You will hear the word ‘digital’ used a lot in this course.
Digital is the adjective used to describe how we are
changing the way we operate socially and professionally
to reflect emerging technologies and increasing
connectivity to the people and objects around us.
Digital enables us to transmit and store data or information
and apply this information and technology to improve
human performance and better tackle our tasks. Digital
has many aspects, and this course gives you an

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introduction to some of its key areas such as Social Media,
Digital Marketing, Mobility, Analytics and User Experience.

Digital marketing Digital marketing is how a company connects with

customers through technology in order to promote their
products, services or brand. It is mainly on the Internet, and
includes, but is not limited to, marketing via email, social
media and display via adverts. Digital marketing is used to
take prospects (potential customers) and customers through
the buying journey from brand awareness, to identifying the
need for a product or service, to purchase through data-
driven offers.
Digital marketing This allows for the delivery of content across multiple
platform channels, including desktop, mobile, social and email. It is
a way in which people can access digital media and
Digital marketing Tools that allow you to monitor and manage your online
platform marketing campaigns from one place.
Digital marketing A digital marketing strategy is a large plan that describes the
strategy key goals you are looking to achieve through your digital
marketing channels and details the actions you will take to
achieve them.
Display These are visual ads you might see on websites, a common
advertising example of this is banner adverts. They can reach a large
and highly segmented audience.
Efficient Functioning in the best possible way with the least waste of
time, effort or cost.

Email marketing Email marketing is used by companies to communicate a

commercial or informational message to a group of people
using email. It involves using email to send adverts, request
business, increase sales or showcase new offers. Email
marketing is not about directly selling products but rather
building an engaged community to boost your brand.
Engagement Engagement refers to the way that people interact with
your content. You can measure this via recent visits,
frequency of visits, time spent on site, last visit, number of
repeat visits and average time spent per session.
First party First party cookies are created and stored by the website (or
cookies domain) you visit. These allow website owners to collect
data and remember useful information e.g., language

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settings or login details, in order to provide a good user

Graphics A graphic is an image or visual representation of an object.

Therefore, computer graphics are simply images displayed
on a computer screen.
Hashtag A word or phrase with a hash sign (#) in front of it is used
on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram to identify
and search for posts on a specific topic.
Iconography The use of illustrations, visual images or symbols to portray a

Index Search engines use ‘bots’ to ‘crawl’ web sites and make
copies of webpages that are stored in what’s called an
‘Index’. An index is a list of data, such as group of files or
database entries. It is typically saved in a plain text format
that can be quickly scanned by a search algorithm. This
significantly speeds up searching and sorting operations on
data referenced by the index.
Inorganic search Inorganic search results (also referred to as non-organic,
results sponsored listings and paid search) appear when
businesses pay to get noticed. Instead of naturally
reaching the top of the search results for particular
keywords or having high quality links, businesses can pay
search engine providers for their website to appear
towards the top of a search results page.
Integrated digital This involves using several digital marketing techniques
marketing together in order to increase the overall effectiveness of a
digital marketing campaign.
Invasive Tending to intrude on a person's privacy. For example,
unwanted adverts that expand on a webpage to play video
and. In this instance, overtaking the user’s screen can be
thought of as invasive.
Keyword Keywords are words or phrases that describe content.
research Keyword research is a practice that SEO (search engine
optimisation) professionals use to find and research the
search terms that people enter into search engines. This
research is used to help websites achieve better rankings
in search engines.
Key performance A KPI is a quantifiable measure of performance over time for
indicator (KPI) a specific objective. For example, if the objective was to
increase reach, one KPI to track would be follower count.

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Landing page A landing page is a page that a person lands on after clicking
on a website link such as an online marketing call-to-action.

Link building Link building refers to the process of getting external

pages to link to a page on your website. It is one of the
many tactics used in search engine optimisation (SEO).
Getting high quality links to your site will improve the
ranking of your website.
Meta description The little descriptive block of text that follows a website’s
title on a search engine search results page. It includes a
short blurb that contains information about a webpage.
Organic search Listings on a search engine results page that appear
results naturally because they are relevant to the search terms, as
opposed to inorganic results which are paid to be there.
Page view A visit to a page on your website. If the visitor reloads a
page, this counts as an additional page view. If the user
navigates to a different page and then returns to the
original page, this will count as another page view.
Page visit A sequence of consecutive page views without a break. A
visit always contains one or more page views.

Paid link Search results that involve a payment for the adverts to be
listed on a search engine webpage, for example, pay per
click ads.
Pay per click A type of advertising where you pay a search engine, such
(PPC) as Google, a set amount for them to display your advert or
content in the search results when people search for a
certain set of keywords. You will only pay if a user clicks on
your ad.
Ranking The order of the list of links when a user searches for a word
or phrase (search term) via a search engine. High quality and
relevant destinations for searchers are ranked highest and
appear at the top of the list of organic links.
Real-time If a process or action is done in real-time, it will occur in
the actual time, without noticeable delay between the
action being triggered and completed. For example, if a
computer system updates information at the same rate as
it receives data, this system is acting in real-time.
Return on Return on investment (ROI) measures the gain or loss
investment (ROI) generated on an investment compared to the amount of
money invested. ROI is usually expressed as a percentage

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and is typically used for personal financial decisions, or to
compare the efficiency of different investments.

Sales The exchange of a good or service for money.

Seamless Describes a smooth and continuous process. A seamless

customer experience means that customers receives a
consistent service across business channels, making their
experience easy and natural, without interruption.
Search criteria Search engines providers have setup specific criteria that
a website must meet in order to appear at the top of a
search results page. The criteria are different for every
engine, but all engines share several similarities. These
generally include the type and amount of content
provided on a given website, the level of optimisation
done on the site, and the popularity of the website.
Search engine A web-based tool that allows users to find information on
the internet. Popular examples of search engines are
Google, Yahoo! and MSN Search. These work by searching
databases and internet sites for the keywords specified by
the user.
Search engine SEO is a marketing tactic which aims to achieve better
optimisation organic search results for websites. A site with good SEO
(SEO) will have content and keywords maximized for their search
potential and will therefore show higher on organic search
Search term A word or term entered into a search engine to retrieve
webpages or other information.

Selfie A photograph that you take of yourself, typically with a

smartphone or webcam, and share via social media.

SEO friendly URL A URL which is straightforward, meaningful and has

keywords to make it more likely to appear in search
SEO visibility SEO visibility is made up of search volume (number of
queries made for a keyword per month) and the position
of ranking keywords. It reflects how often a website shows
up in the search results i.e., how visible it is to searchers.

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Sitemap A sitemap is a blueprint of a websites most important
pages. This allows search engines to find, search and
index all content.
Site structure The layout of a website. Most websites include a
homepage, main sections, and subsections. These
component parts and the way they fit together make up
the structure of the website.
Social media Using social media platforms to grow and engage with
marketing your audience, to build trust in your business, increase
brand awareness and, ultimately, drive sales. It is usually a
combination of paid and unpaid posts and campaigns.
Sponsored link Advertisements relating to your recent product search
query or content on the page and which are always clearly
labeled. For example, displays sponsored
links sourced from third party networks. If you click on one
of the links, you will leave the site.
Strategy A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall
aim. A social media strategy is a company’s plan for how
they will use social media to meet their business goals. All
interactions and posts that the company makes on social
media should be guided by this strategy.
Subject line In an email, the subject line is the text field where you type
what the email is about. This is the first thing a user will
see when they receive an email, so it is important that the
subject line is short and relevant.
Subscriber A person who has signed up to regularly receive a product
or service.

Tactic A plan or action carried out as part of an overall strategy

intended to achieve a particular goal.

Targeted email This involves targeting email messages at the right people
marketing at the right time in order to retain customers and keep
them using your business. When considering using
targeted emails as a marketing method, it is important to
decide on what emails you send, how often you send them
and whether they should be linked to purchases.
Third party Third party cookies are created by domains that are not
cookies the website you are visiting and are typically used for
online advertising purposes.

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Thought Thought leadership refers to the expression of ideas that
leadership demonstrates a brand or an individual has expertise or
knowledge in a particular area, field, or topic.
Traditional Traditional marketing refers to any type of promotion,
marketing advertising or campaign that has been used by
companies, excluding digital methods. Methods of
traditional marketing can include print advertisements,
newsletters, billboards, flyers, and newspaper print ads.
Traffic The number of people visiting a particular website or app.
URL A URL (uniform resource locator) is the unique internet
address to access a file or other resource on the Internet. For
example, A common way to get
to a website is to enter the URL of its home page file in your
web browser's address line.

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