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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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A review article on process parameters affecting Incremental Sheet

Forming (ISF)
Dharmin Patel a,⇑, Anishkumar Gandhi b
Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India
C K Pithawala College of Engineering and Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The design and fabrication processes involved in traditional sheet metal forming processes are typically
Available online xxxx expensive. Whereas Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) is extremely adaptable towards traditional milling
kind of machinery and involves minimal utilization of complex tooling, forming presses, and dies along
Keywords: with lowering the cost of the process. In addition to that, it is very convenient to automate the process for
Accuracy and springback the wide scope of application. In the last two decades, comprehensive ISF research has led to substantial
ISF progress in basic understanding and the creation of new processing and tooling solutions. The current
Forming forces
review article seeks to present a thorough assessment of ISF processes’ current state-of-the-art along
Surface roughness
with the considerations on process parameters of the ISF and their effect on the ISF process, in terms
of their technical capability and limitations. ISF process parameters on forming forces, formability,
Springback, surface roughness, and accuracy, have been given specific attention. The article initially
explains the fundamental of the ISF process along with its attraction and limitation point-of-view.
Moreover, a brief classification of the ISF process is described following it. In addition, the critical aspects
such as forming forces, formability, Springback, accuracy, and surface roughness are explained consider-
ing the influence of process parameters over them.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Con-
ference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology.

1. Introduction used directly from CAD data. As a result, ISF is widely recognized
as a potential technique for forming over the traditional processes
Conventional methods of sheet metal forming such as stamping, like stamping and deep drawing for custom-made goods and batch
stretch forming, etc. require specific instruments that are explicit production [1,2].
to the forming of the sheet metal part and are suited for mass pro- In the year 1967, the technology of the ISF was protected
duction only. These processes are expensive to implement for through a patent by [3], with rotational symmetric components
batch production or an individual quantity. Nonetheless, ‘‘Incre- of aluminum evidenced to be viable by Kitazawa et al. [4]. Jeswiet
mental Sheet Forming (ISF)”, which is suitable for single or batch [5] and Filice et al. [6] subsequently performed an assessment of
production, overcomes these limitations. ISF is a newly developed the ability to use a regular CNC frying machine rather than a spe-
sheet forming technique that is excellent for rapid prototyping and cially designed machine-tool device.
batch production.
The procedure of the ISF involves the forming tool controlled by
the CNC machine. It will gradually form a flat metal sheet in the 3D
shape that has been designed in any 3D modelling software. 2. Attraction towards ISF and its limitations
Throughout the procedure, only a small section of the product is
formed at a time, and the local area of deformation moves through 2.1. Attraction
the entire product to achieve the appropriate geometry. By the uti-
lization of this process, a minimum of specialized tooling may be As a result of the following advantages, explained in this sec-
tion, Academia and industrialists are increasingly interested in
⇑ Corresponding author. ISF technology.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology.

Please cite this article as: D. Patel and A. Gandhi, A review article on process parameters affecting Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF), Materials Today: Pro-
D. Patel and A. Gandhi Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

2.1.1. Improved formability

Incremental deformation of the material to the desired shape
achieves greater formability in the ISF. In Fig. 1, extensive test mea-
surements have revealed that the ISF shaping curve takes a nega-
tive pitch and it is far higher than traditional forming.

2.1.2. Lesser forming forces

The forming forces required are considerably decreased because
just a tiny section of the part is distorted at any given moment dur-
ing ISF. As a result, materials like plastic and wood can be utilized
to support the die. The forming capacity is substantially enhanced
in terms of sheet thickness and materials like ‘‘titanium and

2.1.3. Less expensive die tooling

Subjected to the part’s shape, in ISF, it may be possible to use a Fig. 2. Various pyramid shapes from a single blank [8].
partial die or perhaps eliminate the die entirely. Fig. 2 depicts
AMINO Corporation [7] forming 6 different shapes from a single
blank. These shapes are made with a very simple die. There is only are caused by clamped and unclamped deviation due to various
1 base plate and 6 cylindrical posts in this set [8]. It is possible to reasons such as the effects of Springback and formation of residual
make the dies for a low cost out of wood or plastic. Furthermore, by stresses.
properly constructing tool paths, a generic forming tool in ISF
maybe build an endless number of 3D shapes. As shown in Fig. 3,
these forming tools are likewise relatively simple, with a variety
2.2.2. Surface-finish
of head designs. According to Dittrichetal, the exergy inputs of
Surface-finish is one of the factors that is regarded as a flaw in
ISF can be saved more than sixty-four percent when making fifty
the products made by ISF. The large-scale and the small-scale
box parts with AA6022 when compared to conventional stamping
waviness of the tool path represents the surface finish and the sur-
processes [10]. As a result, the cost of die tooling is substantially
face strains. The process parameters that impact the surface qual-
ity can be regarded as the ‘‘diameter of the tool, the thickness of
Because of the benefits listed above, ISF is a tough impending
the sheet, etc.”.
challenger to traditional forming (sheet) processes. Although, it
has a few limitations that prevent it from being widely used in
industry, as shown below.
2.2.3. Efficiency of process
2.2. Limitation The time taken to finish the process is comparatively higher
than other processes due to the inherent incremental localized
2.2.1. Geometric accuracy deformation feature. Nonetheless, appropriate process settings
This aspect limits the most from the commercialization and may make the energy consumption more tempting under the influ-
technology advancement point of view. Geometric errors in ISF ence of working load and forming time.

Fig. 1. Limit curve (ISF) versus traditional forming processes.

D. Patel and A. Gandhi Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Shapes of forming tools [11].

3. Classification of ISF formed with a full die (Fig. 4(C)) or through a partial die (Fig. 4
(d)). Fig. 4 summarizes all these process variants.
ISF can be classified based on various perspectives, such as the However, the variant (c) of Fig. 4 cannot be considered an incre-
method of forming, part geometry, the path of forming, the tools mental forming process when strictly emphasizing the original
used, etc. As per the formation method, the usual classification is term of incremental forming because the geometry of the part is
‘‘single-point, two-point and hybrid processes”. One of the most essentially determined by the whole die, although it has its incre-
important processes is the ‘‘Single Point Incremental Forming mental in nature.
(SPIF)”, also called ‘‘negative incremental formation”. Whereas
‘‘Incremental two-point forming (TPIF)” is also known as ‘‘positive
incremental forming” [9]. 4. Formability
With the geometry of the formed sheet, symmetrical and asym-
metrical incremental forming can be distinguished. Fig. 4 shows The formability of a forming sheet is generally defined as a
certain basic types of incremental asymmetrical formation. This given metal’s ability to deform without specific types of failure.
figure comprises a different classification based on the tooling The maximum angle defines SPIF’s formability and is calculated
device. This classification in some respects is closely related to by the unformed blank to the sine law, tf = ti sin(a/2), where ti is
the method of forming. Single point incremental forming can the initial thickness, tf is the final thicknesses, and a is referred
merely be done with a single tool (Fig. 4(a)) or with a so-called as the angle of the semi cone, respectively [12].
counter tool without any die (usually called die less forming) Different types of studies have been carried out in the past years
(Fig. 4(b)). The two-point incremental formation can also be per- to understand, evaluate, and positively enhance the formability of
the ISF process. The curves of fracture forming limits must be used
to characterize the increased formability in ISF as an alternative to

Fig. 4. ISF classification.

D. Patel and A. Gandhi Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

the FLCs (forming limit curves) for conventional forming processes. the titanium TiAl6V4 and tool [35]. The results demonstrate that
Other formability indicators, such as fracture depth and maximum laser-based heating increases the formability of the material. Ji
forming angle, can also be used to evaluate maximum formability and Park [36] tried to use the incremental forming of magnesium
in the ISF [13]. sheets in a warm state. The AZ31 sheet formability was increased
The deformation modes in SPIF are different from each other. with magnesium alloy with a temperature increase between
Some authors believe that deformation occurs due to shearing 20 °C and 250 °C. Fan et al. proposed using electric current to heat
[14] grounded on simulations and experiments, while others feel hard forming sheet metal at the tool-blank interface for hot incre-
it is due to stretching [15]. The formability of materials is described mental forming [37]. The hard-to-form sheet metal’s formability
by a forming limit diagram (FLD) in SPIF. To determine the propor- was also enhanced when the electric current was increased.
tional stress before failure, the forming limit curve (FLC) is gener- Besides, yield strength was decreased in the contact zone of tool-
ally used, and it is dissimilar from the corresponding in blank, thus enhancing magnesium alloy AZ31’s wall angle and
conventional forming [16]. formability. Liu et al. presented a report on the ISF electricity-
assisted development of Titanium-Ti6Al4V plate using new forms
4.1. Effects of process parameters on formability of ISF cooling channel tooling with better formability for this
‘‘hard-to-form material” [38].
Jeswiet et al. [17] examined 4 important parameters in the In SPIF, the ‘‘maximum forming angle” is an important aspect to
formability of the process: ‘‘(a) metal board thickness, (b) vertical evaluate the formability of the materials. To evaluate the impact of
step-down, (c) rotational and feed rate velocity, and (d) the form- forming parameters over aluminum AA3003 formability, Ham and
ing tool’s size”. The effect of the thickness of the sheet is generally Jeswiet [39] introduced 2 designs of experiments. The experiment
clarified by the sine law, where material thinning is linked towards demonstrated a small impact on the ‘‘maximum forming angle” of
the angle of the forming wall. Formability is known to be affected 1° of distance while material thickness, the diameter of the tool
by the forming tool’s speed because the frictional conditions of the and the contact among the tool size and material thickness had a
tool sheet interface are directly affected. major influence on the ‘‘maximum wall angle”. The maximum
As a result of the sheet strains’ concentration beneath the form- slope angle of pyramid and cone frustums was established by Min-
ing tool, it was asserted that forming tools with smaller radii pro- utolo et al. [40] in aluminum 7075T0 sheet forming. The maximum
vided better formability. A larger tool radius is usually distributing angle of wall angle was evaluated in the practical testing program:
the strain over a wider area, thus reducing the formability. As far as 66° for a frustum cone, 63° for a frustum pyramid. The influence of
the size of the step-down is concerned, Ham and Jes wiet [17] process variables on the ‘‘maximum wall angle” in a blank of
argued that step size has no important effect on their experimental Al5052 is demonstrated by Bhattacharya et al. [41]. Analysis of
formability, the general view is that the formability is decreasing investigational results showed that the angle of forming was
by the step size [18]. However, Li et al. [19] experiments have reduced when the tool size was increased, the depth incremental
shown a stepping-down of 0.1–1 mm increases the formability. and blank spacing decreased, while the feed rate had no important
The dissimilarities between this paper and previous publica- effect on the formable angle.
tions can be attributed to two major factors. First, the scope of There is still a debatable parameter to influence incremental
the step-down is different. In [25] it was placed inside a minor depth. Ambrogio et al. [42] conducted theoretical research to
range between 0.1 and 1 mm, whereas in previously published understand more closely the fundamental phenomena associated
work it was applied to greater step-down dimensions (greater than with SPIF. The analysis showed that the tensile stresses on walls
0.7 mm) [21,22]. Therefore, the formability can be improved when and tool-contact zone of constituent portion are negative stress
the step down is increasing at minor values, and formerly distributions. With decreased depth, these stresses decrease. Two
decreased once the value of step down is further increased. Second, new experimental designs in SPIF were studied by Ham et al.
the forming tool used is larger in size (30 mm in diameter) than [39] on the formability of the AA3003 sheets and discovered the
most used. Because the sheet must be deformed to match the tool significance of incremental depth over formability, improving its
surface, the tool radii have a significant impact on the local shear- likelihood of forming by reducing the step size. The ISF process
ing of the tool material. Nonetheless, further detailed studies are was studied by Kim et al. [43], using a FE simulation and Taguchi
important to explain the influence of step down and size of the tool method to create the human face. The FEM method was imple-
over formability. mented and evaluated based on the traditional cold-rolled steel
The effects of wall angle, tool rotation, vertical step size, tool strain and stress values. The down step of the tool was identified
diameter, and graft diameter were investigated for the maximum as an important factor in formability improvement based on FE
strains of the formed specimen by Petek et al. [22]. Before the results based on the Taguchi array.
forming process, the meshing circular grid was printed on the With both rotational speed and feed rate, which are important
specimen and then an optical contactless measurement system SPIF factors, forming speed has a significant impact on sheet
measured the grid deformation. The deformations for the formed formability. The friction heat is directly proportional to the relative
part can be obtained with higher wall angles before cracking. Rota- movement of the tool and the blank. Although, because of heating
tion and lubrication of both tools have insignificant effects on the effects, formability increases with forming speed. It is usually
maximum strains; However, by turning the shaping tool with believed, 2 designs of experiments for the formability of AA3003
grease, the surface quality could be improved. sheets were presented by Ham and Jeswiet [39] in SPIFS. The set-
Hussain et al. [23] discovered that for the formation of ‘‘CP Ti ups of the tools at higher rotation rates resulted in additional fric-
components”, it is recommended to use high-speed surface hard tional heat in the contact area and improved the formability of the
steel (HSS) tools and molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) along with higher rotational speed. Furthermore, by reducing the feed rate the
petroleum jelly. Hussian [25] compared the composite sheet metal blank formability is improved. Rattanachan and Chungchoo inves-
roll-bound formability of ISF to stamped sheet processes and found tigated the effect of speed on the formability of DIN 1.0037 steel
a 923% improvement rate of formability of ISF composite sheets when producing dome geometry by SPIF [44]. The findings
that is far greater than monolithic sheets (182–268%) [24]. revealed the formability was influenced more by the rotation
Studies have been conducted to assess the effects of tempera- speed. On the other hand, the formability is less affected by feed
ture on the formability of the materials. Duflou et al. used a rate, resulting in lower forms at higher feed speeds.
laser-based heating system in the moving contact zone between
D. Patel and A. Gandhi Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

The formability of materials at SPIF is an important factor in vertical CNC 3-axis milling machine. Also. A force sensor of the
tool size. According to research, a smaller tool radius allows for table type has been installed between the milling machine and fix-
greater formability than a larger radius. Hussain et al. [45] investi- tures. For effective data collection efficiency, the force sensor was a
gated the formability of a CP-Ti sheet to study the tool diameter’s force dynamometer Kistler 9265 connected to a charge amplifier
impact. The tool diameter ranged from 8 to 12 and 16 mm, for Kistler 5017A. The number of investigations was carried out with
three levels. The formability was found to approximately follow a Al 3003-O sheet materials in various step sizes, wall angles, tool
quadratic relationship by increasing the tool size. diameters, and sheet thicknesses. The experimental measurements
Han and Mo [46] discovered that by applying a final element may conclude as follows:
model to the ISF of 08Al sheet, reduced increments of thickness
and increased tool size and slope angles of the wall tend to reduce 1. As step dimensions rise from quarter to one millimeter, the
axial stress and material thinning and lead to more uniform thick- scale of the top and aggregate force both rise and fit in the linear
ening and plastic strain distribution. Jun-Chao [47] investigated function after the peak.
the impact of instrument diameter over thickness. They found that 2. Such measured forces, like the impact of step size which is pro-
there was little correlation between the tool size and the minimum portional (linearly) to the diameter of the tool between the
thickness, but the thickness increases constantly when the diame- range of ten and thirty millimeters.
ter of the tool rises with a tool path (spiral). In addition, when 3. The magnitude of strength required increases gradually as the
using a traditional tool path, the minimum thickness is closely angle of the wall increases. For a sixty-degree of wall angle
related to the tool diameter. component that is indicated as a potential sign of the material
The generation of tool paths is one of the key factors to be con- fracture, significant peaks can be observed.
sidered in ISF. In particular, the thickness distribution of the 4. The scale of the resulting force is determined by the sheet thick-
formed product has a significant impact on the outcome. Yama- ness. The required force was increased from 380 to 1460 N by
shita et al [48] tested various tool paths with a FEM (DYNA3D/ex- increasing the sheet thickness from 0.85 to two millimeters.
plicit coding) to assess the impact of the tool path on the behavior
of deformation. The tool should be initiated from one corner of the Petek et al. [22] introduced SPIF force measurement experimen-
product, subject to the part and thickness of the distribution of tal equipment. The forming force was calculated employing Kistler
strain for different tool paths. If not, it is preferable for the tool 9239 dynamometer. The forming force was discovered to be grad-
to move at the same time (i.e., helically) in the vertical and hori- ually enlarged when wall angles were increased. The rotation and
zontal direction to attain a more even distribution of thickness lubrication of the tools have no significant impact on the forming
within the product. forces but a significant effect on surface quality. Greater forces
Liu et al. conducted an experiment on the forming mechanism were achieved by increasing the vertical size of the tool and diam-
and formability of aluminum sheets AA-7075-O in the SPIF process eter. They also proposed [32] an autonomous online system for
[49]. There was no difference in the formation of the same section identifying and localizing fractures through skewness of reaction
using helical and Z-level tool paths. The resulting force was force analysis [68–70].
obtained with both tool paths, but the force curve was smoother Another research group has also conducted an extensive exper-
with the helical tool path. imental investigation on force measurements. Filice et al. [33]
studied forces analysis in three types: ‘‘trends in steady-state,
trends in polynomial force, and trends in force which decrease
5. Forming forces monotonically”. A statistical analysis based on a proper DOE was
also performed, which included 4 process parameters at 3 levels.
The study of ISF forming forces is important because it helps to The force gradient that followed the peak was well-defined, and
understand deformation mechanics, the monitoring of the forma- its relationship with 4 process parameters was investigated. The
tion process, failure prediction, optimization, and future online following conclusion was made: ‘‘The force gradient after the peak
control. The current section reviews the contact conditions studies has been strongly affected by the sheet thickness and the wall
as well as the influence of process parameters over forming force angle, followed by the effects of step size and the diameter of the
[20]. tool”. According to Ambrogio et al. [34], the force gradient after
Minutolo et al. [26] used an over groove test for force analysis the peak can be regarded as the critical indicator for preventing
and discovered that a tool with a larger diameter, deeper drawing, and identifying fractures in workpieces.
higher forming forces, and different types of failure could be
observed. The complete metaling, recording, and processing sys-
tems used by Szekeres [27] during ISF were designed by Szekeres 6. Accuracy and springback
in 2004 and produced successfully. The beam of wheat bridges
mounted by the spindle was utilized by them, which measured After the forming operation, a change of form occurs due to the
one of 3 orthogonal forces: ‘‘two bending directions and one axial ‘‘Springback” when the shape loads are removed. Such a deforma-
direction”. Further, Szekeres et al. [28] used power sensors tion of the Springback results in deviations from the desired form.
mounted on the developed tool to identify the ISF’s detailed form- The contact area among forming equipment and sheet during the
ing force features. In the course of the cone, formation failure was forming process is large in traditional metal forming, and the
found, but for the pyramid formation process, this was not easily springboard is gained. Therefore, attempts have been concocted
apparent. It was intuitively forecasted by a total force decrement. after load removal to examine the Springback. On the other hand,
This measurement system for force in a TPIF configuration has also the contact area between the tool and the sheet is small, and dis-
been employed effectively [29]. torted sections must be normally cut to obtain the final shape.
Duflou et al. [30] presented a study that can quantify the impact Thus, 3 kinds of Springback exist in the ISF: ‘‘first occurs at the
of multiple process parameters on forming forces during the ISF same time as the tool moves, which is called a continuous local
process: ‘‘the size of the step vertical, the diameter of the tool Springback. Secondly, the global Springback occurs after the
and the wall angle”. The more comprehensive outcomes are removal and removal of loads from the clamps. And third, after
described in [31] that considered the influence of the thickness trimming (if done) the global Springback [1,67]”. In process of SPIF,
of the sheet and lubrication. Tests have been conducted using a various aspects affect the values of the Springback, such as the
D. Patel and A. Gandhi Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

‘‘sheet thickness, path of tool, feed rate, speed of the spindle, size of Cerro et al. [57] detailed their investigation and FEM work on
the tool, step size and the stresses that remain”. ‘‘Al 1050 sheet” surface-roughing in both the tool advancing and
Springback is a critical aspect in the ISF process that impacts perpendicular directions. It has been observed that in the tool
part quality. For the design of the toolpath for ISF, precisely pre- advancing direction the value of roughness was constantly less
dicting and managing Springback is critical. Ambrogio et al. [50] than in perpendicular direction. The surface roughness in the first
evaluated and compensated for Aluminum sheet AA1050-O with instance was 0.3 lm, with 0.6 lm in the second. However, the axial
elastic Springback. Some errors were found alongside the oblique step size can be reduced by surface-roughness. To assess the
walls in an investigation, on the straight side, this resulted in a speed-and-direction impact of the rotation of tools on ISF alu-
curve. The elastic Springback is to blame for this, which is less minum sheet AA7075-T0, an investigation was conducted by Dur-
effective compared with the edges, in which geometric rigidity is ante et al. [58]. It was noted that the roughness values differ in
greater than that observed in other areas so that investigational comparison to a non-rotating tool depending on whether the tool
procedures have been established to bound defects in shape [66]. is rotated or not. Surface roughness is less than 10%.
Dejardin et al. [51] proposed using a FE model based on shell In the final surface roughness, both the forming material and
elements to investigate the Springback effects of aluminium the size of the tool have an important role. Some researchers have
sheets. Investigation and the FEM demonstrated that the Spring- therefore attempted to achieve the best material and optimum
back can be predicted accurately with the proper tooling path, diameter to achieve an enhanced surface finish. The two instru-
characterized by the cut-ring method. Hartley [52] devised a FEM ments used by Ham et al. [59] were acetal tipped one, and carbide
to alter the tool path’s final phase. Extending the way to the tool’s tipped another, which was used to define the topography of the
base diminishes the cushion effect in the sheet’s center, according aluminum sheet surfaces. The roughness of the surface and degree
to the findings. of surface anisotropy was found to depend on the material of form-
Five factors, i.e., ‘‘sheet thickness, feed rate, spindle speed, tool ing tool. To rub out the surface with which it was in contact during
size and increasing depth”, have been found in recent research to forming, the acetal tool appeared to be less abrasive than the stan-
impact Springback. Oleksik et al. [53] employed ISF as a ‘‘Cp Ti dard form tool. Lu et al. [60] employed the typical rigid tool and the
sheet” in a computational condylar surface modelling approach. ORB tool to study the influence of friction on the surface- finish.
The results showed that with the increment in the size of the tool The ORB tool produced a higher surface finish, according to the
and the decrement in thickness of sheet and step, the ‘‘global findings.
Springback” value was increased. Springback and its impact on High surface quality can be achieved depending on the tool path
the geometrical and dimensional accuracy of ISF technology were strategy. Lu et al. [61] introduced a new feature-based ISF tool-
explored by Mehdi et al. [54], and an analytical model was pre- path generation method; the tool trajectory was constructed on a
sented to identify the suitable Springback process parameters. An crucial basis in this approach. When compared to the traditional
increment in ‘‘diameter, feed rate, speed and sheet thickness” with ISF method, the feature-oriented algorithm produces a better sur-
cause decrement in vertical step size could independently lead to face polish at the key edges. This is the situation for several non-
the decrease in the value of the Springback. The DC56 sheet was horizontal edges of parts. Skjoedt et al. [62] introduced a custom
used for establishing the ISF multi-stage technology and experi- software that converted the coordinates into a helical tool path
mental verification FEM by Junchao et al. [55]. In contrast to a sin- with continuous feed in all three directions using the profile
gle pass process, the Springback grows as the number of forming milling code. They discovered that using a helical tool route mini-
stages increases due to the accumulation of Springback during mized scarring.
each forming stage. The forming angle is normally utilized to evaluate the shape
and surface finish, as the roughness changes as the value of
stretching in a part wall. It changes during the variation in the
7. Surface roughness angle of a wall, subsequently, the roughness is changed. Thus,
the angle of forming increases and a good surface finish can be
The texture of a part is measured by surface roughness or sur- obtained. The high wall angle however leads to failure, so it should
face finishing. It is possible to indicate the vertical disparities be carefully selected. Bhattacharya et al. [41] carried out an exper-
between an actual surface and a typical form. Various parameters imental study using various process variables to examine ISF’s
of roughness are used, however, to determine the values of rough- effect on the surface quality of Al5052. When the angle of the wall
ness, ISF uses average roughness (Ra) and maximum roughness was increased, the surface quality improved [64]. Ambrogio et al.
(Rz) parameters more than others. In this field, many papers were [65] examined Hot ISF. In their study, SPIF was formed using the
published, all of which seek to achieve a decreased surface- rough- continuous current to produce the local heating by 3 alloys (light-
ness. Few parameters were taken into account for the selection of weight) that involve ‘‘aluminum AA2024-T3, magnesium AZ31B-O
appropriate values, such as ‘‘tool rotation, tool forming, tool path, and titanium Ti6Al4V”. The results revealed that raising the angle
step size and angle of forming”, to achieve a better surface finish. reduced the surface quality.

7.1. Process parameters affecting surface roughness 8. Future scope and conclusion

Rotations of tools have a major influence on the quality of the On the equipment front, significant progress has been made in
surface; the roughness values depend on the tool’s rotation direc- the development of the ISF process throughout time. In the initial
tion and rotational speed. Moreover, XY progression affects the phase, the ISF process was carried out by CNC machines; however,
roughness of a surface. Silva et al. [56] modified the tool rotation, the employment of industrial robots in conjunction or standalone
the progression to XY and Z (step size) for producing the most equipment with other robots has expanded the ISF process’ flexi-
rapid and high-quality parts of differing sizes and complexities. bility. Commercialization of ISF-specific equipment has also
In comparison with that obtained at a significantly greater speed resulted from continuous development.
of 8400 mm/min for SAE 1008 stain, the feed rate below The majority of the research is concentrated on SPIF (negative
1200 mm/min with an increase in depth of 0.2 mm was shown incremental formation) without die support. The SPIF process takes
to produce rough surfaces [63]. advantage of not requiring any complicated tooling to support the
D. Patel and A. Gandhi Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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