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Health is one of the major concerns amongst human beings.

To blossom and maintain

the eatable items, it has been
examine that numerous territories use chemicals. In my opinion, drawbacks are more
as compared to benefits.
Henceforth, my inclination will be justified in upcoming paragraphs.

To commence, Huge amount of preservatives can damage human body. Inacurate

proportion of substance can led to food
poison which can make an upward trend in diseases such as cancer. In other words,
It is not a natural component, but it
is a product that is made by humans. In addition, the land in which this chemicals
are used will also be affected,
ultimately land will be polluted. For an instance, scientific research has proven
that the well-known monosodium glutamate
which is popular in many asian cuisines, may cause depression.

Moreover, To preserve the edible items, the quality of chemicals used is much more
accurate. Ultimately cost of that
preservatives is also high due to which, the meals that are producted are costly.
Furthermore, It can also affect
life expactancy of human life. Mood, concentration and cognitive abilities can
suffer from what we eat. Different
diseases of our skin and digestive system may suffer. Food colour might induce
allergic reactions. For example,
Every body is not suitable for every meals, Some may tolerate tremendous health

Meanwhile, Products that are favourable could be available in any season. Earlier,
some fruits and vegetables were only
available in their season, but in present time, it is available whenever we want.
Likewise, it can be store over a long
period of time. As they are grown by chemical substance, they maintain fresh for a
long instance. A very good example is,
Very popular macen food is ready within 3 to 5 minutes, so it is time consuming
also. Nevertheless, The life of children
and adults cannot be underestimated.

To conclude, Although many foods need to extend thier effective day by adding some
chemical ingredent. I strongly
believe that use of such practices should be banned as they cause harm to human

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