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The University of Spoken English

& Computer Science

Class: higher 11 Lesson Plan Rites of passage

Learn, Grow & Lead

Extra Activity Plan

S.No Day Activity Sheet Home Work
Activity Name Visual Aid Objective

 Welcome
new students By the end of this chapter the students will
 Explain the be able to
activity sheet
 Welcome new  Discuss 1. discuss important life events.
students events and 2. use time clauses in a conversation
 Fresher activity milestones about becoming an adult.
1 Monday audio  Work book
 snapshot  Discuss time 3. use time clauses and subordinating
 Conversation clauses with conjunctions to describe life
 Grammar focus examples experiences.
 Listening  Speaking 4. listen for main ideas and take
oriented accurate notes about events in
activity people’s lives discussed.
 Listening
2 Tuesday  Warm up activity  Revise the By the end of this chapter the students will  Work book
 Speaking previous be able to
 Word power activities and
 Perspective ask questions 1. discuss important life events using
 Grammar focus  Discuss the a variety of time clauses.
use of should 2. discuss behavior and personality.
have +the 3. respond to descriptions of regrets
past using should have and if in context.
participle to 4. use have + past participle and if
express clauses in the past perfect to
regrets express regrets and hypothetical
 Discuss the
use of would
have/ could
have +the
participle to
express situations.
 Focus on
Word power
 Speaking

 Revise the Upon the completion of this chapter the

previous students will be able to
 Discuss the 1. sound more natural by using
 Warm up activity reductions of have and been
reduction of
 listening
3 Wednesday have and 2. listen for main ideas and  Work Book
 pronunciation
been summarize descriptions of regrets  Presentation practice
 Interchange
 Listening discussed using should have + past
 Reading
activity participle and if clauses in the past]
 Skim the 3. skim and identify main ideas in an
article and advice column
answer the
 Deliver
or To talk on given topics in front of teacher
4 Thursday Presentation  Debate or No
and class mates
 Role play

5 Friday Listening and culture Video To improve ESL learner’s confidence,  Paragraph Writing
 Video Resource Resource presentation skills, and Speaking skills,
To improve their listening knowledge
book book
about culture.

Teacher ; sadeeq akbar

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