Reflection On Personal and Professional Direction Scoring Guide 10

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1/8/23, 10:13 AM Reflection on Personal and Professional Direction Scoring Guide

Reflection on Personal and Professional Direction Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Week 10

Percentage of Course Grade: 10%.


Address the Does not address the Partially addresses Addresses the Addresses the
assignment with assignment with the assignment with assignment with assignment with
logical reasoning logical reasoning or logical reasoning and logical reasoning and logical reasoning and
and relevant, relevant, accurate relevant, accurate relevant, accurate relevant, accurate
accurate data and data and evidence data and evidence data and evidence data and evidence
evidence that that demonstrate an that demonstrate an that demonstrate an that demonstrate a
demonstrate an understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the complete
understanding of topic. topic. topic. understanding of the
the topic. topic.
Use appropriate, Does not use Partially uses Uses appropriate, Uses appropriate and
textual evidence to appropriate, textual appropriate, textual textual evidence to 100% relevant textual
support the evidence to support evidence to support support their evidence to support
argument or their argument or their argument or argument or analysis their argument or
analysis when analysis when analysis when when addressing the analysis when
addressing the addressing the addressing the assignment topic. addressing the
assignment topic. assignment topic. assignment topic. assignment topic.
Write in a well- Does not write in a Partially writes in a Writes in a well- Writes in a well-
organized, well-organized, well-organized, organized, organized,
grammatically grammatically sound, grammatically sound, grammatically sound, grammatically sound,
sound, and tone- and tone-appropriate and tone-appropriate and tone-appropriate and tone-appropriate
appropriate way. way. way. way. way, with 100%
25% accuracy.
Format the paper in Does not properly Partially formats the Properly formats the Properly formats the
proper APA style. format the paper in paper in APA style. paper in APA style. paper in APA style,
25% APA style. with 100% accuracy. 1/1

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