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3 Copy and complete the table with the words in exercise 1. (pag.


Completaţi tabelul cu cuvintele de la vocabular.

people verbs related to films other film words

director star in a film stunt

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and phrases in exercise 1.

e.g. The director wants to film the action scenes tomorrow.

1 The script is wonderful – the dialogues are great.

2 The music is great, too – I love the soundtrack
3 Johnny Depp is a actor in the film. I hope he wins an award at the next Oscars.
4 A stuntman does all the dangerous scenes in a film instead of the actor.
5 The special effects in that science-fiction film are wonderful. They look really realistic.

5 Listen to Dan, Megan and Rita. Match the speakers with the films. (Potriviţi vorbitorii cu
filmele. Materialul audio îl aveţi în prezentarea PPT).

1 Dan a) The Lord of the Rings

2 Megan b) Avatar
3 Rita c) The Simpsons Movie

1. B
2. A
3. C

7 Read and listen to the text. Match predictions 1–5 with paragraphs A–E. (Citiţi şi ascultaţi
textele (pag 85 şi prezentare PPT). Potriviţi previziunile cu paragrafele).

1 All films will be 3D. - A

2 People will stop watching films. - E
3 There won’t be any actors in the future. - C
4 Films will be interactive. - B
5 There will be 4D cinemas. - D

8 Read the text again and choose the correct answers. (Citiţi textele şi alegeţi varianta
1 In the future, human actors will …
a) disappear.
b) still exist.
c) work with robots.
R: c
2 There are … more 3D films now compared to a year ago.
a) many
b) a few
c) not many
R: a
3 Interactive films …
a) already exist.
b) will never be possible.
c) are only a possibility.
R: a
4 In the future, cinemas will …
a) be similar to now.
b) be very different.
c) use special effects.
R: b (because Film technology will change
5 People … films now.
a) still enjoy
b) prefer holograms to
c) don’t want to watch
R: a
9 Find words in the text that mean … (Căutaţi cuvinte în text care înseamnă…)

1 well-known films (paragraph A) - Titanic, Indiana Jones, Top Gun

2 people who watch the film (paragraph C) - audience
3 odours (paragraph D) - extra special effects
4 lifelike (paragraph D) - robots
5 performances that people enjoy (paragraph E) - good stories

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