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1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

(Completaţi propoziţiile cu cuvintele din


1 You haven’t packed your suitcase . You’re going to be late!

2 My mum bought me a souvenir T-shirt in Venice.
3 Paul sent me a postcard from Australia.
4 I planned a journey with my guidebook.
5 Lucy had lots of adventures when she went to Japan.
6 I had such a great holiday that I didn’t want to come back home!

2 Match adjectives 1–6 with extreme adjectives a–f.

1 big - b a) awful
2 small - e b) enormous
3 cold - f c) exhausted
4 tired - c d) amazing
5 good - d e) tiny
6 bad - a f) freezing

1. b
2. e
3. f
4. c
5. d
6. a

3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in
brackets. (Completaţi cu formele corecte de prezent perfect sau trecut simplu a verbelor din

1 Have you been (be) to Tunisia?

Yes, I have. I went (go) there in 2012. It was great.

2 How long have you known (know) your best friend?

Six years. We met (meet) at primary school.

3 Have you ever read (read) a Harry Potter book?

Yes, I have. I didn’t like (not like) it.

4 Have you sent (send) your dad a postcard?

Yes. I sent (send) it yesterday.
5 How long have you lived (live) in your flat?
Two years. We bought (buy) it in 2011.

6 Has your brother went (go) to Australia?

Yes, he has. He set off (set off) two days ago.

4 Choose the correct words. (Alegeţi variantele corecte. Ştergeţi-le pe cele greşite).

1 Did you buy that t-shirt when you were on holiday? Yes, I …
c) did
2 My brother can’t drive. He … his driving test.
b) hasn’t passed
3 We … to Portugal during the summer holidays.
c) have been
4 She … to England but she wants to go there next summer.
c) hasn’t been
5 How long … your cat? It’s very sweet.
b) have you had
6 Have you ever eaten Japanese food? Yes, I …
a) have

5 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in
brackets. (Completaţi cu formele corecte de prezent perfect sau trecut simplu a verbelor din

1 She has been living (live) in Tenerife for five years. She loves it there.
2 My brother went (go) to England last summer. He had a great time.
3 My friends haven’t been (not be) to Italy. They want to go there next year.
4 Have you bought (buy) any souvenirs when you were in Paris?
5 I haven’t see (not see) the new film. Is it good?
6 We’re going to be late. The plane leaves in three hours and we haven’t packed (not pack)
our suitcases!

6 Fill in the gaps with the correct verbs: may, might, could, should. (Completaţi cu formele

1 He might be Australian, I’m not sure.

2 She could be Ann’s sister. They look quite similar.
3 It could be his book. I’m not sure.
4 He might like football. I can’t remember.
5 It’s 7.30. We might be a little late.
6 It should get very hot in August.

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