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Yardstick international college

Course: Admnistrative

Name Id
1, Desalew Embiyale………………………….ACFN 057/14
2, Eman Abdi…………………………… ……ACFN 006/14B
3, Hayat Seid……………………………………….ACFN 058/14
4, Netsanet Abyot…………………………… MGT 006/14B

Submitted to: Instructor, kebebush

Submitted date: 18/10/2015 E.C
Ethiopia. Addis Ababa
1,. The use of information technology in business communication?

it has become increasingly important in today's fast-paced business environment.

Information technology allows businesses to communicate quickly and efficiently,
and it provides a range of tools and platforms for doing so. Some examples of
information technology used in business communication include email, instant
messaging, video conferencing, virtual meetings, social media, and collaboration
tools. These tools can improve communication between employees, customers, and
stakeholders, making it easier to exchange information, share knowledge, and
collaborate on projects.

Example of how businesses use information technology for communication:

 Email: Email is an essential tool for business communication. It is used for

sending and receiving messages, documents, and other important
 Video conferencing: Through video conferencing, businesses can have face-
to-face meetings with clients and partners from different locations.
 Chat applications: Chat applications like Slack, Skype, and Microsoft Teams
are popular for business communication. They allow team members to
communicate and collaborate in real-time.
 Social media: Many businesses use social media platforms like Face book,
Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote their products and services and
communicate with customers.
 Project management tools: Many project management tools like Trello,
Asana, and Base camp can be used for communication and collaboration
among team members.
 Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN can be used to communicate and
share sensitive information securely between employees, clients, and
 Cloud computing: Cloud computing tools like Google Drive, Drop box, and
One Drive can be used for sharing and collaborating on documents and files.

2, The difference modes of communication and asscess the relative advantages

and disadvantage of each one ?

There are several modes of communication, including:

 Verbal Communication: This mode of communication involves speaking
and listening. It is a direct mode of communication and allows for
immediate feedback. However, it can be ineffective due to language barriers,
accents, and misinterpretation.
 Written Communication: This mode of communication involves written
messages such as emails, memos, and letters. It is formal and allows for
clarity. However, it lacks immediacy and feedback and can result in
 Non-Verbal Communication: This mode of communication involves body
language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures. It can be used to
communicate emotions and attitudes. However, it can be ambiguous and
open to interpretation.
 Visual Communication: This mode of communication involves the use of
images, illustrations, and graphs. It is effective in conveying information and
data. However, it may not be appropriate for complex or technical
 Electronic Communication: This mode of communication involves the use
of technology such as emails, video conferencing, and texting. It is fast and
efficient. However, it can be impersonal and lack emotional connection.
Assessing the relative advantages and disadvantages of each mode of
communication will depend on the specific context in which it is being used.
However, some general points to consider are:

Advantages of Verbal Communication:

 Direct and immediate

 Allows for immediate feedback
 Can be persuasive due to tone of voice and body language

Disadvantages of Verbal Communication:

 Can result in misinterpretation due to language barriers or accents

 Can be influenced by emotions or personal biases
 Lacks a written record Advantages of Written Communication: -
Formal and clear - Provides a written record
 Can be reviewed and edited before sending
Disadvantages of Written Communication:

 Lacks immediacy and feedback

 Requires literacy skills
 Can be misinterpreted due to tone or language .

Advantages of Non-Verbal Communication:

 Can convey emotions and attitudes

 Can be effective when combined with verbal communication
 Adds depth and meaning to verbal communication

Disadvantages of Non-Verbal Communication:

 Can be ambiguous and open to interpretation

 Can be influenced by cultural differences
 Lacks clarity and precision

Advantages of Visual Communication:

 Can convey complex information effectively

 Can make information more engaging and memorable
 Can be used in a variety of contexts

Disadvantages of Visual Communication:

 May not be suitable for all types of information

 Requires design skills
 Can be influenced by personal biases or subjective interpretation

3. oral communication, its purpose and how to prepare for their delivery?

Oral communication has several purposes in business, including informing,

persuading, and entertaining. Informing involves conveying information to an
audience in a clear and concise manner. Persuading involves convincing an
audience to take a specific course of action or to adopt a particular point of view.
Entertaining involves engaging an audience and making the communication
enjoyable and memorable. To prepare for oral communication, it is important to
consider the audience, the purpose of the communication, and the message you
want to convey. Here are some tips for preparing for oral communication: - Know
your audience: Understanding the needs and interests of your audience can help
you tailor your message to their needs. - Practice: Practicing your delivery can help
you feel more confident and prepared for the communication. - Use visual aids:
Visual aids, such as slides or handouts, can help to reinforce your message and
make it more memorable.

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