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LCS Assignment-I

1. Write the differential equations governing the following mechanical rotational system
and find the transfer function.

2. Write the Differential equation for the given mechanical system and draw the equivalent
Force-Voltage and Force-Current Analogous system.

3. Find the transfer function C(s)/R(s) for the system whose block diagram representation is
given below,

4. Obtain the T.F using Mason’s gain formula,

5. A unity feedback system having OLTF, G(𝑆) = . Determine all time domain

6. For unity feedback system having open loop transfer function as 𝐺(𝑠) = 𝑠2 (𝑠2 +7𝑠+12).
Determine, i) type number ii) Static Error constants iii) Steady state error for standard input
7. Derive the T.F of the following circuit,

8. Using Routh stability criterion, determine the stability of the system described by the
differential equation 9𝑠 5 − 20𝑠 4 + 10𝑠 3 − 𝑠 2 − 9𝑠 − 10 = 0. Comment on the location
of roots of the characteristic equation.

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