Progressions AP GP HP

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Progressions (AP, GP and HP)

Progressions (or Sequences and Series) are numbers arranged in a particular order
such that they form a predictable order. By predictable order, we mean that given
some numbers, we can find next numbers in the series.
Arithmetic Progression (AP)
A sequence of numbers is called an arithmetic progression if the difference
between any two consecutive terms is always same. In simple terms, it means that
next number in the series is calculated by adding a fixed number to the previous
number in the series. This fixed number is called the common difference.
For example, 2,4,6,8,10 is an AP because difference between any two
consecutive terms in the series (common difference) is same (4 – 2 = 6 – 4 = 8 –
6 = 10 – 8 = 2).
If ‘a’ is the first term and‘d’ is the common difference,

• nth term of an AP = a + (n-1) d

• Arithmetic Mean = Sum of all terms in the AP / Number of terms in the AP
• Sum of ‘n’ terms of an AP = 0.5 n (first term + last term) = 0.5 n [ 2a + (n-1) d
Geometric Progression (GP)
A sequence of numbers is called a geometric progression if the ratio of any two
consecutive terms is always same. In simple terms, it means that next number in
the series is calculated by multiplying a fixed number to the previous number in
the series. This fixed number is called the common ratio.
For example, 2, 4,8,16 is a GP because ratio of any two consecutive terms in the
series (common difference) is same (4 / 2 = 8 / 4 = 16 / 8 = 2).
If ‘a’ is the first term and ‘r’ is the common ratio,

• nth term of a GP = a r n-1

• Geometric Mean = nth root of product of n terms in the GP
• Sum of ‘n’ terms of a GP (r < 1) = [a (1 – rn)] / [1 – r]
• Sum of ‘n’ terms of a GP (r > 1) = [a (r n – 1)] / [r – 1]
• Sum of infinite terms of a GP (r < 1) = (a) / (1 – r)
Harmonic Progression (HP)
A sequence of numbers is called a harmonic progression if the reciprocal of the
terms are in AP. In simple terms, a,b,c,d,e,f are in HP if 1/a, 1/b, 1/c, 1/d, 1/e, 1/f
are in AP.
For two terms ‘a’ and ‘b’,
• Harmonic Mean = (2 a b) / (a + b)
For two numbers, if A, G and H are respectively the arithmetic, geometric and
harmonic means, then
• A≥G≥H
• A H = G2, i.e., A, G, H are in GP

Sample Problems

Question 1: Find the nth term for the AP : 11, 17, 23, 29, …
Solution : Here, a = 11, d = 17 – 11 = 23 – 17 = 29 – 23 = 6
We know that nth term of an AP is a + (n – 1) d
=> nth term for the given AP = 11 + (n – 1) 6
=> nth term for the given AP = 5 + 6 n
We can verify the answer by putting values of ‘n’.
=> n = 1 -> First term = 5 + 6 = 11
=> n = 2 -> Second term = 5 + 12 = 17
=> n = 3 -> Third term = 5 + 18 = 23
and so on …

Question 2: Find the sum of the AP in the above question till first 10 terms.
Solution : From the above question,
=> nth term for the given AP = 5 + 6 n
=> First term = 5 + 6 = 11
=> Tenth term = 5 + 60 = 65
=> Sum of 10 terms of the AP = 0.5 n (first term + last term) = 0.5 x 10 (11 + 65)
=> Sum of 10 terms of the AP = 5 x 76 = 380

Question 3 : For the elements 4 and 6, verify that A ≥ G ≥ H.

Solution : A = Arithmetic Mean = (4 + 6) / 2 = 5
G = Geometric Mean = = 4.8989
H = Harmonic Mean = (2 x 4 x 6) / (4 + 6) = 48 / 10 = 4.8
Therefore, A ≥ G ≥ H

Question 4 : Find the sum of the series 32, 16, 8, 4, … upto infinity.
Solution : First term, a = 32
Common ratio, r = 16 / 32 = 8 / 16 = 4 / 8 = 1 / 2 = 0.5
We know that for an infinite GP, Sum of terms = a / (1 – r)
=> Sum of terms of the GP = 32 / (1 – 0.5) = 32 / 0.5 = 64
Question 5 : The sum of three numbers in a GP is 26 and their product is
216. Find the numbers.
Solution : Let the numbers be a/r, a, ar.
=> (a / r) + a + a r = 26
=> a (1 + r + r 2) / r = 26
Also, it is given that product = 216
=> (a / r) x (a) x (a r) = 216
=> a3 = 216
=> a = 6
=> 6 (1 + r + r 2) / r = 26
=> (1 + r + r 2) / r = 26 / 6 = 13 / 3
=> 3 + 3 r + 3 r2 = 13 r
=> 3 r2 – 10 r + 3 = 0
=> (r – 3) (r – (1 / 3) ) = 0
=> r = 3 or r = 1 / 3
Thus, the required numbers are 2, 6 and 18.
Question 6: Find the 1st term of the AP whose 7th and 11th terms are
respectively 37 and 57.
Solution :We know nth term of AP is [a + (n-1)d]
So, 7th term = a + 6d
and 11th term = a + 10d
Given a + 6d = 37 ………(1)
a + 10d = 57……….(2)
Subtract (1) form (2)
4d = 20
put value of d in (1)
a + 6×5 = 37
Hence, 1st term of the AP is 7.
Question 7: A number 21 is divided into three parts which are in AP and
sum of their squares is 155. Find the largest number.
Solution: Let the three consecutive parts of AP are (a-d), a, (a+d).
Given that
(a-d) + a + (a+d) = 21
3a = 21
Again, (a-d)2 + a2 + (a+d)2 = 155
a2 + d2 – 2ad + a2 + a2 + d2 + 2ad = 155
3a2 + 2d2 = 155
put value of a
3(7)2 + 2d2 = 155
2d2 = 155 – 147
d2 = 4
d = ∓2
Hence, the largest part is (a+d) = 7+2 = 9
Question 8: How many natural numbers between 200 and 500 are multiples
of 3?
Solution: The series have multiple starting from 201, 204, ……..498
It becomes an AP having first term 210 and common difference 3.
Total number of natural numbers= [(last term – first term)/diff] + 1
= [498 – 201)/3] + 1
= 297/3 + 1
= 100
Question 9: The 8th term of a GP is 16 times the 4th term. What will be the
first term when its sixth term is 64?
Solution: We know nth term of GP = ar n-1
8th term = ar 7 and 4th term =ar3
Given that
ar7 = 16ar3
=> r4 = 16
=> r = 2
Given ar5 = 64
put value of r above
a(2)5 = 64
a = 64/32 = 2
Hence, first term of the GP is 2.
Question 10: A and B are two numbers whose AM is 61 and GM is 11. What
will be the possible value of A?
Solution: AM is 61 means there sum is 2×61 = 122
and, GM is 11 means there product is 11 2 = 121
Only possible values for A and B is 121 and 1.
So, value of A is 121.
Question 11: Find the number of terms in the series 1/8, 1/2, 2…….8192.
Solution: 1st term = 1/8
Last term = 8192
Number of terms in GP
arn-1 = 8192
(1/8)(4) n-1 = 213
4n-1 = 216
22n-2 = 216
2n-2 = 16
Hence, number of terms in GP is 9.
Question 12: A rubber ball rebounds (5/6)th of its height after striking to the
ground form which it has fallen.Find the total distance that it travels before
coming to rest, if it is gently dropped from a height of 360 meters.
Solution: It becomes an infinite sum of series.
So, use a/(1-r) to calculate the distance
Ball rebounds to 5/6 of its height -> 360x(5/6) = 300
[360/1-(5/6)] + [300/1-(5/6)]
[360/(1/6)] + [300/(1/6)]
= 2160 + 1800
= 3960
Hence, the total distance travelled by the ball is 3960 meters.
Question 13: A man joins a company XYZ in January 2019 and he receives
his first salary Rs 1000. After every month he gets an increment of Rs 500.
What will be his salary after completion of 5 years of his service?
Solution: It is an AP 1000, 1500, 2000, …… on
In 5 years, there are total 60 months.
We need to find the 60th term of the series.
Common difference d = 500
a60 = a + (n-1)d
a60 = 1000 + 59x 500
a60 = 1000 + 29500 = 30500
After completion of 5 years of service his salary will be Rs 30500.

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