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Fantasies have an important role in our lives.

They provide us motivation and inspiration

while leading us to reach our goals and dreams. Fantasizing a better situation in our future
or a big adventure provides us a strong will against challenges we may face. It is also vital
for our self development.

Not only do they provide motivation, they also behave as a sort of stress reliever and an
escape mechanism. When we’re facing difficulties, they offer a creative escape and help us
to get away from the anxiety for a little while. This kind of coping mechanism allows
emotional relief and renewal while contributing to our mental health. Artists, writers and
inventors get inspired from their fantasies to create works that affect society and the
progress of humanity.

Each and every one of us have our own unique fantasy world. Some fantasize about the
improbable, and some about the achievements they would like to achieve. Life without
fantasies would be dull and boring. With the absence of inspiring fantasies we would lose
our vision of a fascinating and exciting future. Humans will only make progress as long as
they have the fantasies that motivates them, keeps their curiosity alive and feeds their desire
to explore.

In conclusion, fantasies are not simple dreams; they play a huge role in our lives. They
motivate us and boost our creativity. Fantasies have great potential behind them that may
change the world.

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