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Ulangan harian kelas X MIPA 2

Chapter 3,4,5
Nama: Andika J.K Pesak
Alamat Tumaratas
Kelas: X MIPA 2
Mapel: Bahasa

1. Write a paragraph about your holiday plan. Use I would like to …. and I am going to ….
In yourparagraph.
2. Have you ever visited a waterfull natural park, or other natural turism objecks, or
interesting buildings monument, museum temples, ete ? describe what make the place
3. Writ 5 about let’s visit Niagara falls answer the questions.
a. What have you learned from this chapter ?
b. Can you do all the exercises here?
c. What is your plam to inprove your ability in describing place ?

1. Next holiday. I want to visit my grandmother ini pati. She lives in a village whit my aunt.
I will go there by bus because it is cheaper. In my grandmother’s house I will do some
interesting activities. I will ask my grandmother to show me how to cook som fishes. I
also want to visit a fish market which is not far from my grandmother’s house. I really
like fish. It is not difficult to find some fishes there. It will be a great holiday for me.
2. Because that tourist apot can entertain us, because it has an interesting place and also has
a lot of history
3. *Niagara falls consists of a collection of three waterfall
*Niagara falls has the largest volume of water in the world
*be a source of hydroelectric power
*Is the youngest waterfall
*Niagara falls state park is America’s oldest state park

a. Learn about writing paragraphs properly

b. I can’t finish everything yet
c. practice more often by looking at the environment and describing it in detail.

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