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Actual value or wealth when a Generation of
Knowledge Sale your People pay real
productive idea is generated. ideas which profits
Knight thought money for best ideas
Work can be done by anyone organization
Growth of
Exponential growth can be done
Scale up organization must be
organically or inorganically
New learnings,
technologies are
Better way is to grow inorganically
imparted by
partner firms.
Session 1
62 - 63 = 1 2⁶ - 63 = 1 Grow exponentially
Employees working over 1 year
POP rule of must have a feeling that either we
great Perform or Perish have to perform to maintain our
organizations position in organization or we will be
discarded from organization
Exponential growth is the need of
Godrej 10 X 10 In 10 years turnover
time which require vision, plan and
plan to be 10 times
Employees must not
Employees work better in team
Session 2 Don’t Push : be pushed into work
environment and in doing things
(Classroom) Pull but they must be
they are good at.
accompanied by us
We must not push the employees
for doing their duties. But we must Get the best out of
pull them and get work done by employees
Difference Important:- Activities
Session 3 between which impact our Plan activities as per priorities on
Value of time
(Classroom) Important and health, future, and the basis of urgency and important
Urgent success are
Urgent:- Activities 80% time to
Take action accordingly
which are time bound important activities
Delegation is an art of
Act of Delegation actually means
getting work done
Delegation shadowing.
from other people
I do, you see
You do, I see
You do, if problem, I take over
I do, if problem, you take over

We both do
Empowerment must not be without
To make employees restrictions. Employee take
proactive we have to He must feel he is decision maker decisions following
empower them but it shall also be ensured that he the restrictions
is working in a systematic manner.
Sufficient amount
Clarity in terms of
of time is to be
Session 1 Right to turnover to be Everything must be written and
invested in
Docket Strategize reached in specific planned
planning and
time frame
Markets to be opened Written strategy is most important
to reach it to achieve our goals
Risks to be taken As strategy in mind fades with time
Products to be and cannot be discussed with
launched everyone
Investments to be
Presenting a
Right people with bright minds get
powerful and
Right to Attract attract to organization where they
progressive story of
see their growth
Portraying strong
picture of tomorrow
Your cause must be Cause is the main driving force
Right for cause
bigger than you behind every great achievement
When the problem Manager must work not only on
Ability or lies in ability aspects motivating the employee to do a job
Session 2
willingnessof even an ocean of but also should look out to develop
employee motivation cannot fix the required skill to do that job in the
this issue straight respective employee.
It is better to
One must keep
search in a
Who moved moving forward in life There are chances of finding
maze then to
my cheese and profession something good or better than
remain in
book irrespective of bad before if we keep moving forward.
If we stalk at one position or in one Motion creates
scenario nothing is going to happen motion
The quicker
Keep looking for Past is gone. It cannot come back.
you let go of old Be future based
better in future then What will come is future.
cheese the person not past
remembering the Don’t miss best of future by
sooner you find based
past remembering the past.
new cheese
We can make
When you stop God has placed
positive decisions Best things happens when we go
being afraid best things after
when we let go fear of past our fears.
you feel good our fears.
what will happen?
Employees must know what they
Instead of setting
are doing as their goals and there
One minute goals for your
One minute must be mutual understanding in Team Work
manager employees listen to
goal how these goals are to be Transparency
book their inputs and set
accomplished in most suitable way
goals with them
as per system.
So you look to
see if you’re
doing what’s
By following above rule the Expectations
expected, The employees being
employees take self-initiative and remains clear at
rather than “proactive”
become proactive both levels.
waiting for your
manager to tell
Employees must know exactly what
One minute Crystal clear
they are doing and what they are
Feedback feedback
expected to do.
Catch them Employees feel good and
Praise the employees Self-confidence
doing motivated by praises for doing
on doing right job. built up
something right something right.
One minute Combination of three Goals make clear what is most
redirect secrets important to focus on,

Praising builds confidence that

helps you succeed

Redirects addresses mistakes

Set one minute goal

New one together to make
Accountability and responsibility Clarity of job
minute sure everyone knows
must be clear to employees description
manager what they are held
accountable for
How one Because they don’t Goals must be clear to employees
Target must be
minute goal know where they are so they know what they are working
works aiming at. to achieve.
People work better
Feedback is the Provide positive feedback to carry
on the feedback
breakfast of on and negative feedback to insure
received for their
champions corrections in actions of employees

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