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Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

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Data–driven decision–making for lost circulation treatments: A machine

learning approach
Husam H. Alkinani∗, Abo Taleb T. Al-Hameedi∗, Shari Dunn-Norman
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1201 N State St, Rolla, MO 65409, USA

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
• After examining multiple machine learn-
ing methods, quadratic SVM was se-
lected to train the model since it gave
the highest accuracy.
• 5-fold cross-validation was used to avoid
overfitting and poor generalization.
• QC/QA was implemented in the process
of selecting the lost circulation treat-
ments to limit the error due to incorrect
• The main decision-making criteria were
based on whether the treatment will be
successful or not. The cost is a pivotal pa-
rameter in the decision-making process.
• Two treatments recommended to stop
partial loss, four for severe loss, and
seven for complete loss, depending on
the reason of loss.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lost circulation is an expensive and critical problem in the drilling operations. Millions of dollars are spent every
Received 31 July 2020 year to mitigate or stop this problem. In this work, data from over 3000 wells were collected from multiple
Received in revised form 1 October 2020 sources. The data went through a processing step where all outliers were removed and decision rules were set up.
Accepted 3 October 2020
Multiple machine learning methods (support vector machine, decision trees, logistic regression, artificial neural
Available online 15 October 2020
networks, and ensemble trees) were used to create a model that can predict the best lost circulation treatment
Keywords: based on the type of loss and the reason of loss. 5-fold cross-validation was conducted to ensure no overfitting in
Machine learning the created model. After using all the aforementioned machine learning methods to train models to choose the
Lost circulation best lost circulation treatment, overall, the results showed that support vector machine had the highest accuracy
among the other algorithms. Thus, it was selected to train the model. The created model went through quality
control/quality assurance (QC/QA) to limit the results of incorrect classification. Two treatments were suggested
to treat partial loss, four to treat severe loss, and seven for complete loss, based on the reason of loss. In addition,
a formalized methodology to respond to lost circulation was provided to help the drilling personnel handling lost
circulation in the field.

1. Introduction more drilling fluids, time, and extra cost. It can, also, bring on issues like
formation damage caused by plugging of pore throats by mud particles,
Lost circulation is an expensive and critical problem at any point in unsuccessful production tests, borehole instability, well control issues,
the drilling operations [1–5]. Improper or untimely responses cause loss substandard hydrocarbon production after well completion, and stuck
pipe [6–8]. A ton of money is spent every year due to this issue. An
∗ average of 10% to 20% of the price of drilling under extreme tempera-
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (H.H. Alkinani), (A.T.T. Al-Hameedi).
2666-5468/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

tureandand and pressure wells is spent on mud losses according to the inquire from past experiences with sets of different learning data can
United States Department of Energy in 2010 [9]. Drilling fluid materials help the decision-making process.
are very costly. The global market for drilling fluids reveals an annual The aim of this work is to use various classification algorithms (sup-
maximize of 10.13% which indicates that in 2018, the cost of drilling port vector machine, decision trees, logistic regression, artificial neural
fluid materials will reach 12.31 billion dollars [10]. On average 10% of networks, and ensemble trees) to choose the best lost circulation treat-
the total well costs are the cost of drilling mud. The drilling fluid can ment based on the type of loss and reason of lost circulation using his-
greatly affect the overall cost as well [11]. Losing drilling fluids into the torical data from 3000 wells collected from many sources. In addition,
formation is called lost circulation events, are one of the greatest chal- this work will serve as a practical guideline for lost circulation treatment
lenges to be stopped throughout the drilling process. The seriousness of strategies based on data-driven models.
the outcomes depends on loss severity. The outcome could range any-
where from losing drilling fluid to ending up in a blowout [12]. Lost 2. Machine learning
circulation is a major drilling challenge facing the oil and gas industry.
Large progress has been made to learn how to combat this issue. How- An easy way to solve a problem is by having a simple and well-
ever, many items and instructions are available for countering this issue defined equation. This is very difficult in real life with so many prob-
are biased towards announcement for a service company. lems. For example, it is easy for a person to differentiate family members
There are a couple of conditions required for lost circulation to hap- by their looks, but there is no simple equation that can do this [30]. Ar-
pen downhole. First, is that the pressure in the wellbore needs to be tificial intelligence is focused on the ability of computers/machines to
greater than the pore pressure, and second, when mud loss happens, act like humans when making decisions. Machine learning is a subset
there needs to be a flow pathway [13,14]. Lost circulation can result of artificial intelligence. There are many algorithms used to implement
from either natural or induced causes and can range from a couple of machine learning. Examples include; support vector machine, artificial
barrels per hour to hundreds of barrels in minutes. For natural reasons, neural network (ANN), nearest neighbor, decision tree, regression, en-
lost circulation events are often encountered when drilling into cav- semble learning, and Naive Bayes [30,31]. Certain machine learning
ernous, vugular, high permeability, and naturally fractured formations algorithms have a better learning accuracy, but other factors such as
due to both the geology and the drilling conditions. Drilling fluid loss the speed and the difficulty of interpreting results are all critical for
into natural fractures, cavernous, vugular, and high permeability forma- considering which machine learning algorithm to use. The following
tions are initiated as long as the drilling mud pressure exceeds the pore sub-sections will briefly explain the machine learning methods used in
pressure (formation pressure), and in some cases even applying under- this study.
balanced drilling phased can lead to facing mud loss because the tensile
strength for naturally fractured formations is very small. When lost cir- 2.1. Support vector machine
culation is encountered in naturally fractured formation, the practical
practice of is utilizing blind drilling technique to penetrate the entire Support vector machine (SVM) represents a powerful technique in
section of the loss zone, then corrective remedies will be pumped to machine learning due to its ease of use and performance [32]. The clas-
plug the thief zone. On the other hand, lost circulation will be faced due sification in SVM is performed by creating a decision boundary that has
to induced fractures as a result of drilling-induced tensile failures. In the largest distance from the training points. Data that are not linearly
the same context, mud losses into induced fractures are initiated when separable can be classified in SVM by creating a higher-dimensional hy-
drilling mud pressure exceeds fracture pressure, particularly in the de- perspace [33,34]. Wang et al. [35] used SVM and neural networks as
pleted and weak formations. In most cases, induced mud losses are gen- well as analytical models to predict the drilling fluid density in high
erated from the creation and extension of fractures by errors in drilling temperature and pressure environment. The findings showed that the
practice and incorrect design of the mud weight window. To sum it SVM did better than the other algorithms. SVM was utilized for lithol-
all up, induced fractures are created when the effective mud weight of ogy classification and permeability estimation by Al-Anazi and Gates
drilling mud surpasses the formation strength, opening a fracture and [36]. They used linear discriminant analysis and probabilistic neural
paths for the drilling fluid to be lost. Lost circulation is grouped by the networks as well as general regression neural networks alongside SVM.
quantity of mud or fluid lost per hour [13,15,16]: The results showed that SVM outperformed other methods. Deng et al.
[37] used SVM to classify lithology of crystalline rocks within an accept-
• Complete loss (no return) able margin of error.
• Severe loss (loss rate goes up to 15 m3 /h)
• Partial loss (loss rate goes up 1–10 m3 /h 2.2. Decision Tree (DT)
• Seepage loss (loss up to 1 m3 /h)

Treating drilling fluid with filtration control agents or standard lost DT is a method used for classification by creating tree structures for
circulation material (LCM) as concentrated pills or background treat- the training data. The tree structure can consist of a few nodes for a sim-
ments is a practice to diminish seepage or partial losses. Different so- ple tree, to hundreds for a complex tree. DT was utilized by Perez et al.
lutions that need a greater length of time for placement and prepara- [38] to estimate the hydraulic flow units and lithofacies from well logs.
tion can be used for severe or complete losses such as cement [17–19], Perez et al. [38] showed that the more nodes the tree has, the better
cross-linked cement [20], dense sand slurries [21], chemically initiated the estimation. However, too many nodes can lead to overfitting and
cross-linked pills [22,23], gunk squeezes [23,24], deformable-viscous- complex interpretation for the influence of the inputs on the outputs.
cohesive systems [25–27], and nanocomposite gel [28]. The benefit of DT is that it can present a model that can easily show
Deciding which lost circulation treatment to use is based on differ- the influence of the inputs on the outputs. DT can be combined with
ent factors such as type of loss zone, drilling fluid characteristics, the neural networks to have the benefit of neural networks and DT by form-
amount of lost circulation, and drilling operation parameters [13,29]. ing a neural decision tree. Sabah et al. [39] used multiple algorithms,
Discovering an analytical solution to this problem is difficult because including DT, to predict lost circulation with a case history from Marun
of the complexity and nonlinear behavior. Due to these complications, oil field, Iran. Sabah et al. [39] showed that DT outperformed other
machine learning methodologies are an appealing replacement to model algorithms to predict lost circulation. Alkinani et al. [40] provided a
this elaborate physical procedure. Computational intelligence methods summary of the applications of DT in the oil and gas industry.

H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

2.3. Ensemble learning (ESL) 3.1. Data collection

ESL has proven to be successful in image classification, face recog- The data used in this study were collected from many resources in-
nition, and medical image analysis. This is due to its ability to com- cluding daily drilling reports, mud logging reports, final drilling reports,
bine multiple classifiers which will lead to mitigating the weaknesses etc. Most of the data were in pdf formats. Each data point was collected
in those classifiers [41]. There are many algorithms used for ESL, in- manually which was a very time-consuming process. In addition, data
cluding but not limited to; boosted tree, bagged tree, and random un- from case studies in the literature were collected [15,57–92]. More than
dersampling boosting (RUSBoost). More information about these algo- 3000 wells were used in this study. Fig. 1 shows a map with the red dots
rithms and other ESL algorithms can be found in the literature [42]. being the locations of data collections. Lost circulation treatment names
Anifowose et al. [43] used ESL in reservoir characterization modeling. used in this study are summarized in the Appendix. It is worth mention-
Anifowose et al. [43] showed that the incorrect decision from a classi- ing that the data used for this study are up to the beginning of 2019.
fier is a binomial distribution. Thus, Anifowose et al. [43] showed that
the uncorrelated errors from the classification can be minimized by av- 3.2. Data processing, algorithms testing, and input data selection
The data were cleaned from any outliers [29]. Once the data were
cleaned, the data were classified based on the type of loss as partial,
2.4. Logistic regression severe, and complete loss. In addition, the data were classified based on
the reason for lost circulation as induced fractures and natural fractures
A very reliable classification technique is logistic regression. A com- as well as vugs and caves.
monly used instrument by most statisticians. It has an S-shaped distri- The total number of treatments will influence the outcome of the
bution which is seen in many areas such as banking, marketing, de- model. As an example, it is not reasonable to compare the probability
mographics, psychology, and epidemiology. Because of its qualities, the of a treatment used 10 times with a treatment used 100 times, the re-
technique is being used in supervised classification problems [44]. It sults will be biased in this case. The cut off of less than 50 was set after
is used to show categorical dependent variables that acquire discrete carefully looking at the whole database to avoid any biases in proba-
outcomes. Independent variables can be quantitative or qualitative. It bility calculations. In other words, any lost circulation treatment that
can have qualitative variables with more than two responses. When the was utilized less than 50 times was ignored. In addition, the classifica-
response variable has 2, ≥3 nominal, ≥3 ordered categories, it can be tion problem was set up to predict success or fail based on the type of
categorized as ordinal logistic regression, multinomial and binary. Lo- loss and reason of lost circulation. The probability cut off for success
gistic regression was used for EOR applications, drilling, and rock type was set to be ≥75%. Thus, when the model predicts success, it means
identification [45–47]. the probability is ≥75%. Otherwise, the treatment is considered a failed
treatment. The inputs for the models were selected based on trial and
error to meet two goals, the first one is to have the highest accuracy, and
2.5. Neural Networks (NNs)
the second one is to minimize the number of predictors. Table 1 summa-
rizes the predictors (inputs) and the response (output). The algorithms
An artificial neural network is “an information-processing system
used for this study are summarized in Table 2.
that has certain performance characteristics in common with biolog-
The accuracy (ACC) of each classifier was measured by the following
ical neural network” [48]. The idea of neural networks is to mimic
Eq. (1) [93]:
the biological neurons. A neural network consists of three layers; one
input layer where the inputs are fed, one or multiple hidden layers 𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁
𝐴𝐶𝐶 (%) = 100 × (1)
where the information is processed and features are extracted from the 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 + 𝐹𝑁
data, and one output layer where the results are given. NNs can con- where TP is the true positive, TN is the true negative, FP is the false
sist of one hidden layer, or very complex with many hidden layers. negative, and FN is the false negative.
More hidden layers require more computational power. Muojeke et al.
[49] utilized NNs, binary classifier, and monitoring of the drilling flow 3.3. SVM algorithm
parameters to detect kicks during drilling operations. Adedigba et al.
[50] presented NNs model to a process accident. NNs were used to as- Support vector machine (SVM) is a powerful machine learning al-
sess the risk of blowouts on offshore platforms [51]. Chamkalani et al. gorithm. SVM performs classification by creating a decision boundary
[52] used multiple pattern recognition methods for drilling optimiza- with the largest distance to the data point [34]. Fig. 2 shows the theory
tion, including NNs. Prediction of lost circulation for naturally fractured of the SVM algorithm. Assume there are two classes "×" and "−". The
reservoirs using neural networks was also explored [53]. Furthermore, goal is to maximize the margin between these two classes.
Li et al. [54] used long short-term memory (LSTM), a neural-network- Assume w is a vector perpendicular to the optimal hyperplane and u
based model, to generate synthetic nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is an unknown vector. Then u classified as "×" if (this will be the decision
logs using “easy-to-acquire” fluid saturation and formation mineral logs. rule) [33,34]:
Onalo et al. [55] used dynamic neural networks to estimate shear and 𝒇 (𝒖 ) = 𝒘 ⋅ 𝒖 + 𝒃 > 0 (2)
compressional wave travel time. He et al. [56] used multiple machine
Assume x× is a known vector classified as "×" class. Then, constrain
learning methods, including neural networks, to predict shear and com-
for all "×" samples vectors is:
pressional travel times. Alkinani et al. [57] provided a summary of NNs ( )
applications in the oil and gas industry. 𝒇 𝒙× = 𝒘 ⋅ 𝒙 × + 𝒃 ≥ 1 (3)
Assume 𝒙_ is a known vector classified as "−" class. Then, constrain
3. Data and methods for all "−" samples vectors is:
( )
𝒇 𝒙− = 𝒘 ⋅ 𝒙− + 𝒃 ≤ −1 (4)
In this section, the process of data collection and processing, as well
Assume 𝒚 𝒊 = +1 for the "×" class, and 𝒚 𝒊 = −1 for the "−" class. Mul-
as the SVM algorithm, will be explained in details since it is the algo-
tiplying y i by both Eqs. (3) and (4) and doing some algebra will result
rithm that was selected among the others. The other algorithms tested
in one equation as follows:
in this study (decision tree, ensemble learning, NNs, and logistic regres-
( )
sion) will not be explained since that is beyond the scope of the paper. 𝒚 𝒊 𝒘 ⋅ 𝒙𝒊 + 𝒃 − 1 ≥ 0 (5)

H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

Fig. 1. Data Collection Locations.

Table 1
Predictors and Response.

Predictors Response

Reason Treatment Number (NO) Type of Loss Well Type Results

Vugs and Caves 1–46 Partial Vertical Fail

Natural Fractures N/A Severe Deviated Success
Induced Fractures N/A Complete N/A N/A

Table 2
Summary of the Classifiers Used in This Study [42].

Classifier Classifier Type Prediction Speed Memory Usage

Tree Fine Fast Small

SVM Linear Binary: Fast Multiclass: Medium Medium
Quadratic Binary: Fast Multiclass: Slow Binary: Medium Multiclass: Large
Fine Gaussian
Medium Gaussian
Coarse Gaussian
ANN Vary depends on the training Vary depends on the training
algorithm algorithm
Logistic Regression (LR) Fast Medium
Ensemble Boosted Tree Fast Low
Bagged Tree Medium High
RUSBoosted Tree Fast Low

For xi in the hyperplane, the results will be: be minimized:

( ) 1
𝒚 𝒘 ⋅ 𝒙𝒊 + 𝒃 − 1 = 0 (6) ‖𝒘‖2 (9)
The distance between the decision lines (width of the hyperplane) The Lagrange’s multipliers can be written as:
can be expressed as: ∑𝒍
[ ( ) ]
𝒘 ( ) 𝑳= ‖𝒘‖2 − 𝜶 𝒊 𝒚 𝒊 𝒘 ⋅ 𝒙𝒊 + 𝒃 − 1 (10)
𝒘𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒉 = ⋅ 𝒙× − 𝒙− (7) 2 𝒊=1
where 𝜶 i is the multipliers for the constrains. The derivative of
After honoring the constrains in Eq. (6), the results will be as follow:
Eq. (10) with respect to w will give:
𝒘 ( ) 2 ∑𝒍
⋅ 𝒙× − 𝒙− = (8) 𝜹𝑳
‖𝒘‖ ‖𝒘‖ =𝒘− 𝜶 𝒊 𝒚 𝒊 𝒙𝒊 = 0 (11)
𝜹𝒘 𝒊=1
To maximize the optimal margin (distance between the lines),
Eq. (8) has to be maximized (length of vector w should be minimized),

while still honoring constrains (Eq. (6)). A possible solution is to use La-
𝒘= 𝜶 𝒊 𝒚 𝒊 𝒙𝒊 (12)
grange’s method, to maximize the optimal margin, the following should

H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

Table 3
Values of 𝛾 for Radial Basis Kernel [42].

Radial Basis Kernel 𝛾

Fine Gaussian SVM 𝑃 ∕4, where P is the number of predictors

Medium Gaussian SVM 𝑃

Coarse Gaussian SVM 𝑃 × 4

To use and recognize the classes, the following is needed:

( )
∅ 𝑥𝑖 ⋅ ∅(𝑢) (17)

Then, introducing the Kernel function (K) which will provide the dot
product of the two vectors in another space as the following:
( ) ( ) ( )
𝐾 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑥𝑗 = ∅ 𝑥𝑖 ⋅ ∅ 𝑥𝑗 (18)

The most common Kernel functions are:

Fig. 2. SVM Algorithm. ( ) ( )𝑛
𝑃 𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐾 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑥𝑗 = 𝑥𝑖 ⋅ 𝑥𝑗 + 1 (19)

( )
Taking the derivative of Eq. (10) with respect to b (which is a con- 𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐵𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑠 (𝐺𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑎𝑛) 𝐾 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑥𝑗 = 𝑒−𝛾 ‖𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥𝑗 ‖2
stant) will give:
where n is the degree of the polynomial function (linear=1, quadratic=2,
𝜹𝑳 ∑ cubic=3), and 𝛾 sets the width of the bell shaped curve. The values of 𝛾
= 𝜶𝒊 𝒚𝒊 = 0 (13) used for fine, medium, and coarse Gaussian are summarized in Table 3.
𝜹𝒃 𝒊=1

Then, 3.4. Cross-validation


𝜶𝒊 𝒚𝒊 = 0 (14) Cross-validation is important to ensure the robustness of the created
𝒊=1 model. The problem associated with dividing the data to training and
After doing some algebra and using Eqs. (12) and (14), the following testing is that some representative samples may be missing during the
formula will be obtained: training process. Cross-validation ensures a better representation of the
𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 data in the training set. In this study, 5-fold cross-validation was utilized
∑ 1 ∑∑
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝐿 = 𝛼𝑖 − 𝛼 𝛼 𝑦 𝑦 𝑥 ⋅ 𝑥𝑗 (15) to ensure a robust model. The idea of 5-fold cross-validation is that the
2 𝑖=1 𝑗=1 𝑖 𝑗 𝑖 𝑗 𝑖 data will be randomly divided into 5 equal-sized sets (5-folds). Then, in
the training process, one of the pairs will be used for testing (the other
The maximization of Eq. (15) depends on the dot product. To transfer
4 will be used for training). This is done five times, each time leaving
into another space, where data are separable, a transformation function
another fold out of the training and used for testing. Finally, the average
(Ø(x)) can be utilized. Since Eq. (15) depends on the dot product, then
of those iterations will be taken to calculate the accuracy of the model
the following will have to be maximized:
[94]. This will ensure that every data point is represented in the training
( ) ( )
∅ 𝑥𝑖 ⋅ ∅ 𝑥𝑗 (16) process.

Fig. 3. Comparison between Different Classification Methods.

H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

Fig. 4. Quadratic SVM Training Scatter Plot Based on (a) Reason of Loss and (b) Type of Loss.

4. Results Orange points indicate successful results and blue points show failed
treatments. In the same vein, dots indicate successful classification and
After using multiple machine learning methods to train models to crosses show incorrect classification. Fig. 4 can be utilized to select the
choose the best lost circulation treatment, the model with the highest best treatments based on the type of loss and reason for loss. For ex-
accuracy (ACC) was selected. Fernández-Delgado et al. [95] evaluated ample, treatment 23 was correctly classified as a successful treatment
179 classifiers and used 121 data sets and found out that SVM and ran- used to treat naturally fractured formations (Fig. 4a). In the same vein,
dom forest provided the best results overall compared to the other al- treatment 23 was correctly classified as a successful treatment used to
gorithms. Overall, the results showed that the support vector machine treat partial loss (Fig. 4b). Thus, it can be concluded that treatment 23
had the highest accuracy among the other algorithms. Fig. 3 shows the can be used to treat partial loss in naturally fractured formations.
accuracy of all models created to choose the best lost circulation treat- Fig. 5 shows the confusion matrix for the quadratic SVM. Confu-
ment. Quadratic SVM showed the best performance among the other al- sion matrix green boxes show successful classification while red boxes
gorithms with an accuracy of 74%. Thus, the quadratic SVM model was show incorrect classification. The model shows a 79% successful clas-
selected to choose the best lost circulation treatment. Only the quadratic sification rate for the fail class, and 66% successful rate for the success
SVM model results will be shown in this paper, the results from the other class. Fig. 5 also shows the true positive rate and the false negative rate.
algorithms will not be shown. Figs. 6 and 7 show the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve
Fig. 4 (a) and (b) show a scatter plot example of the classification for the positive class being the success class and fail class being a posi-
of the treatments based on reason for loss and type of loss, respectively. tive class, respectively. A perfect ROC curve will have an area under the

H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

Fig. 5. Confusion Matrix.

Fig. 7. ROC Curve (Positive Class =Fail Class).

Fig. 6. ROC Curve (Positive Class =Success Class).

curve to be 1. The area under the ROC curve of this model is 0.77 which recommend these treatments based on the type of loss and reason for
is considered good. the loss. On the other hand, the incorrectly classified treatments (shown
in crosses) will be avoided since the model was unable to classify them
5. Discussion correctly. By doing this, the false negative rate can be minimized. Thus,
QC/QA is very important in the process of selecting the best lost circula-
Quadratic SVM gave the best accuracy (74%) among the other mod- tion treatments and avoiding the false negative rate. Using this criterion,
els. The closest model to the quadratic SVM was the NNs model with Fig. 8 was created that shows the results of the model after applying the
an accuracy of 70%. However, the quadratic SVM was selected since it QC/QA process.
gave the highest accuracy. The model was cross-validated using 5-fold Starting with treatments of partial loss. For natural fractures, the
cross-validation to avoid overfitting and poor generalization. Thus, the results showed that treatment 23 (High Fluid Loss Squeeze Resilient
model is reliable and can be used for new data. Graphitic Carbon + Blend of (Granules, Flakes and Fibers) (Low Concen-
An argument can be made about the false negative rate which is tration)) is the best treatment for partial loss due to natural fractures. On
34% for the success class and 21% for the fail class. However, quality the other hand, in case of induced fractures, two treatments resulted in
control/ quality assurance (QC/QA) in the process of selecting the treat- success; treatments 6 (Cement Plug) and treatment 12 (H.V Mud + Blend
ments that will prevent or minimize this false negative rate. This is done of LCM (High Concentration)). In this case, the decision will be made
using the scatter plot in Fig. 4. The way the treatment selection work based on the cost. Cement plug treatments are pumped through open
is by looking at the correctly classified treatments (shown in dots) and end drill pipe (OEDP), not through bottom hole assembly (BHA). The

H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

Fig. 8. Treatments Selection.

typical procedure in the field is to trip out of the hole, and take off the be used to treat severe mud loss due to induced fractures. It is very hard
BHA, and trip in again with OEDP and the treatment is pumped through to obtain cost data from the companies and even if it is available, it
the OEDP to avoid bit nozzles plugging. Hence, this will add additional will be limited. The data used for this study had a total average cost for
non-productive time (NPT) which means more cost; while treatment 12 treatment 12 that was applied in Iraq, close to $13,000. The other two
is pumped through the BHA and there is no need to trip out of the hole treatment costs are not available [8]. However, it will not be significant
to take off the BHA. The average total cost of any treatment includes which treatment to choose since the cost will be close. It is recommended
the cost of the materials, waiting period, and trip and out time. The cost to use any of them and if one fails for some reason, then the other two
of treatments varies depending on the materials and the volume of the treatments should be given priority in the application after the first one
treatment. After pumping the selected treatment, a waiting period has fails.
to be allowed for this treatment to be effectively stabilized in the thief In the case of complete loss, three treatments resulted in success for
zone. For example, treatment 6 (Cement Plug) has a waiting period of complete loss due to vugs and caves; treatment 9 (Diesel Oil Bentonite
10 hours after it is pumped in the hole; while treatment 29 (Pill of LCM (DOB) Plug), treatment 10 (Diesel Oil Bentonite Cement (DOBC) Plug),
(High Concentration)) and treatment 30 (Pill of LCM (Low Concentra- and treatment 11 (Gilsonite Cement). Treatments 9 and 10 are difficult
tion)) have a waiting period of approximately 3 hours. Trip in and out to be applied and they need a specialized crew to conduct the treat-
of the hole is also an additional NPT for some of the treatments that are ments. Cost-wise, the cost difference is not significant comparing to the
pumped through OEDP. For instance, the total average cost of treatment entire drilling operations. For instance, treatment 9 total average cost
6 is $75,900, and the total average cost of treatment 12 is $12,000 [8]. is $49,500, and treatment 9 total average cost is $53,000, while treat-
In this case, the cost difference is significant. Thus, treatment number ment 11 total average cost is $48,000. A couple of thousand dollars is
12 (H.V Mud + Blend of LCM (High Concentration)) is recommended not significant in comparison with the total cost of the drilling operation
for partial loss due to induced fractures since it has the required criteria [8]. On the other hand, the results showed complete loss due to induced
of success and lower cost. fractures has four successful treatments; treatment 10 (Diesel Oil Ben-
For severe loss due to vugs and caves, treatment 3 (Blend of Fibers tonite Cement (DOBC) Plug), treatment number 11 (Gilsonite Cement),
in Cement) resulted in success. For induced fractures, there were three treatment number 41 (Right Angle Set Polymers Cement), and treatment
treatments showed successful results; treatment 12 (H.V Mud + Blend number 42 (Soft and Hard Plugs Special Fibers Cement). Once again,
of LCM (High Concentration)), treatment 18 (High Concentration Acid the cost difference is not significant and all four treatments have shown
Soluble LCM), and treatment 21 (High Fluid Loss Squeeze Resilient successful results. Table 4 summarizes the treatments recommended for
Graphitic Carbon + Blend of (Granules, Flakes and Fibers) (High Con- each type of loss.
centration)). All these treatments have proven successful results and can

H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

Table 4
Summary of the Recommended Treatments.

Type of Loss Reason of Loss Treatment

Partial Induced Fractures H.V Mud + Blend of LCM (High Concentration)

Natural Fractures High Fluid Loss Squeeze Resilient Graphitic Carbon + Blend of (Granules, Flakes and Fibers) (Low Concentration)
Severe Vugs and caves Blend of Fibers in Cement
Induced H.V Mud + Blend of LCM (High Concentration)
Fractures High Concentration Acid Soluble LCM
High Fluid Loss Squeeze Resilient Graphitic Carbon + Blend of (Granules, Flakes and Fibers) (High Concentration)
Complete Vugs Diesel Oil Bentonite (DOB) Plug
and Diesel Oil Bentonite Cement (DOBC) Plug
caves Gilsonite Cement
Induced Diesel Oil Bentonite Cement (DOBC) Plug
Fractures Gilsonite Cement
Right Angle Set Polymers Cement
Soft and Hard Plugs Special Fibers Cement

Table 5
Treatments Used in This study.

Treatment NO

Attapulgite Plug 1
Blend of Fibers (Low Concentration) 2
Blend of Fibers in Cement 3
Blend of Flaky (Low Concentration) 4
Blend of Granular (Low Concentration) 5
Cement Plug 6
Cement Plug + HV Mud 7
Crosslink Polymers Plug 8
Diesel Oil Bentonite (DOB) Plug 9
Diesel Oil Bentonite Cement (DOBC) Plug 10
Gilsonite Cement 11
High Viscosity (H.V) Mud + Blend of LCM (High Concentration) 12
H.V Mud Patch (Bentonite and Polymer) 13
H.V Mud Patch (Bentonite Material + Resilient Graphitic Carbon) 14
H.V Mud Patch (Bentonite Material) 15
H.V Mud Patch (Lime Material) 16
H.V Mud Patch (Salt Clay Material) 17
High Concentration Acid Soluble LCM 18
High Filtration Spot Pills, High Filtration Mixtures (200-400 cc API) 19
High Filtration Spot Pills, Very High Filtration Mixtures (> 600cc API) 20
High Fluid Loss Squeeze Resilient Graphitic Carbon + Blend of (Granules, Flakes and Fibers) (High Concentration) 21
High Fluid Loss Squeeze Resilient Graphitic Carbon + Blend of (Granules, Flakes and Fibers) (High Concentration) + Cement 22
High Fluid Loss Squeeze Resilient Graphitic Carbon + Blend of (Granules, Flakes and Fibers) (Low Concentration) 23
InstandSeal 24
Late Material + Blend of LCM (High Concentration) 25
Late Material + Blend of LCM (Low Concentration) 26
Late Material + Cement Plug 27
Magnesia Cross-linked Cement (MCC), 28
Pill of LCM (High Concentration) 29
Pill of LCM (Low Concentration) 30
Plugging Materials Nut Plug (Low Concentration) 31
Plugging Materials, Blend of CaCO3 (High Concentration) 32
Plugging Materials, Blend of Mica (High Concentration) 33
Plugging Materials, Blend Magma Fiber (High Concentration) 34
Plugging Materials, Blend of Nut Plug (High Concentration) 35
Plugging Materials, Fine and Medium Mica (Low Concentration) 36
Plugging Materials, Medium and Coarse CaCO3 (Low Concentration) 37
Regular Cross-Linked Cement (RCC) 38
Resin-Coated Sand Pill 39
Reverse Diesel Oil Bentonite (RDOB) 40
Right Angle Set Polymers Cement 41
Soft and Hard Plugs Special Fibers Cement 42
Super Stop Material 43
Thermoset Rubber-Medium with Ground Walnut Shells-Coarse and a Blend of Fibers, Flakes and Granules (Coarse Grade) 44
Various Size and Types of Conventional LCM’s (Granules, Flakes and Fibers) (Low Concentration) 45
Waiting Method 46

6. Conclusion sources. Machine learning was implemented to assist in the decision-

making process. Based on this study, the following conclusions were
Lost circulation is a difficult problem that has been encountering made:
drilling operations. Choosing the best treatment for lost circulation is
1 After applying multiple machine learning methods, quadratic SVM
not a straightforward process and requires a high level of knowledge
was selected to train the model since it gave the highest accuracy.
and experience. Large data set of 3000 wells was collected from many
SVM has a history of great performance in classification problems.

H.H. Alkinani, A.T.T. Al-Hameedi and S. Dunn-Norman Energy and AI 2 (2020) 100031

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