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Terms of reference (ToRs) for the

procurement of services above the EU


Project title: Processing

number/cost centre:
Knowledge for Nutrition (K4N) Programme, Capacity For Nutrition
(C4N) 18.0127.3-301.00
Country: Transaction number:
Belgium 81294128
Subject of the tender procedure:
Framework Agreement: Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN in
implementing the operationalisation of the SUN 3.0 strategy

0. List of abbreviations .................................................................................................. 2

1. Context........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Tasks to be performed by the contractor ................................................................. 6

3. Technical-methodological concept ........................................................................... 8

3.1. Strategy (section 1.1 of the assessment grid) ...................................................... 8
3.2. Cooperation (section 1.2 of the assessment grid)................................................ 8
3.3. Steering structure (section 1.3 of the assessment grid) ....................................... 8
3.4. Processes (section 1.4 of the assessment grid) .................................................. 9
3.5. Learning and innovation (section 1.5 of the assessment grid) ............................. 9
3.6. The contractor’s project management activities (section 1.6 of the assessment
grid)..................................................................................................................... 9
3.7. Sustainability requirements (section 1.7 of the assessment grid) ........................ 9
3.8. Further requirements (section 1.8 of the assessment grid) .................................10

4. Human resources ......................................................................................................10

4.1. Specified human resources concept...................................................................10
4.2. Contractor’s own human resources concept .......................................................16

5. Costing requirements ...............................................................................................16

5.1. Assignment of experts ........................................................................................16
5.2 Local administrative staff ....................................................................................17
5.3 Travel expenses .................................................................................................17
5.4. Equipment ..........................................................................................................18
5.5. Operating costs in the country of assignment .....................................................18
5.6. Workshops, education and training ....................................................................18
5.7. Local subsidies...................................................................................................18
5.8. Other costs.........................................................................................................18
5.9. Flexible remuneration item .................................................................................19

6. Requirements on the format of the tender ..............................................................19

7. Options ......................................................................................................................19

8. Annexes .....................................................................................................................20

Form 41-8-3-en

81294128-ToRs 1
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

0. List of abbreviations

APN Action Plan on Nutrition

BMZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
C4N Capacity for Nutrition
CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
CD Capacity Development
CFS Committee on World Food Security
DC Development Cooperation
DG INTPA European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships
EC European Commission
EFSD+ European Fund for Sustainable Development
EO Expected Output
EU European Union
EUD EU Delegation
EU MS EU Member State
FNS Food and Nutrition Security
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
GNR Global Nutrition Report
GTA Gender-transformative approach
K4N Knowledge for Nutrition
N4D Nutrition for Development
NGO Non-governmental Organisation
PF4N Public Finance for Nutrition
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SDN SUN Donor Network
SEWOH BMZ Special initiative “One World Without Hunger”
SO Strategic Objective
SUN Scaling Up Nutrition
TA Technical Assistance
ToR Terms of Reference
UN United Nations
UNFSS UN Food Systems Summit
WHA World Health Assembly
WHO World Health Organization

81294128-ToRs 2
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

1. Context

While there have been important achievements with respect to global food availability and
nutrition in the past decades, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion
of Ukraine and other factors are increasingly impacting on nutrition outcomes. Currently,
overall progress to eliminate all forms of malnutrition by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal
(SDG) 2.2) is at risk.
Globally, malnutrition is an underlying cause of about 45% of all child deaths and 20% of
maternal mortality every year. Growth failure frequently begins in utero and then continues
after birth, compounded by poor infant and young child feeding practices and inadequate
control of infections. By the time they reach reproductive age, almost a quarter of all women
are underweight and almost one in three are anaemic. Among children below five years of age,
149 million are stunted, 45 million are wasted and 340 million children suffer from micronutrient
deficiencies. In addition to undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, overweight / obesity
is another factor contributing to the triple burden of malnutrition. In fact, it is estimated that
nearly two billion adults are overweight and obese and 5.7 percent (38.9 million) of children
under the age of 5 are overweight1. This situation is undermining progress across the entire
range of the SDGs.
In the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on people’s lives and livelihoods
at an unprecedented scale. This crisis has held up a mirror to food systems across the world
and highlighted the inextricable connection between malnutrition and social justice. It has
amplified existing vulnerabilities to economic and gender inequalities, instability and conflict,
climate change and biodiversity loss. For the first time in 30 years, there has been a global
decline in human development. As reported in the 2022 Global Report on Food Crises2, the
number of people facing acute food insecurity has increased from 135 million in 2019 and 155
million in 2020 to 193 million people 2021 across 53 countries/territories.

Nutrition commitments and actions

In 2012, the World Health Assembly (WHA) endorsed six global targets for improving
maternal, infant and child nutrition by 2025. These targets remain vital to address various forms
of malnutrition, identify priority areas for action and to catalyse change at all levels. In 2015,
the adoption of the SDGs went further in terms of underscoring the global demand for
transformational change, emphasising the principles of accountability, participation, non-
discrimination and the central cross-cutting principle of “leaving no one behind”. To achieve
SDG 2, the eradication of all forms of malnutrition, a balance between actions that are nutrition-
specific (addressing the symptoms and immediate determinants of malnutrition) and nutrition-
sensitive (addressing more underlying determinants and basic causes), is required. This is in
line with core findings of the Lancet Series (2013) as well as the multisectoral focus enshrined
within the SUN Movement and the UN “Decade of Action on Nutrition” initiative. Meeting
nutrition targets will contribute to several of the nine, global voluntary World Health
Organisation (WHO) targets to reduce premature death from the four major non-communicable
Under the German G7 Presidency in 2015, the G7 countries committed to lifting 500 million
people out of hunger and malnutrition by 2030. This goal was reaffirmed at the G7 Summit in

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 (SOFI 2021): THE STATE OF FOOD SECURITY AND
Global Report of Food Crises 2022:

81294128-ToRs 3
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

Elmau 26-28 June 2022. Since 2014, almost 20% of Germany’s development cooperation
funds have been allocated to food and nutrition security, agriculture and rural development,
with annual commitments of around 1.5 billion EUR. Through the Special Initiative “One World
Without Hunger” (EINE WELT ohne Hunger, SEWOH), bilateral programmes, multilateral
commitments, emergency and transitional aid as well as other budget lines and initiatives,
Germany focuses on combating hunger and malnutrition. The revised BMZ 2030 reform
concept identifies “Transformation of Agri-Food Systems” as one of six core areas for the
German development cooperation. The BMZ's core area strategy defines three fields of action
within the “Transformation of Agri-food systems" core theme: Food and nutrition security,
agriculture and rural development.

Germany’s actions include the Global Programme “Food and Nutrition Security and Resilience
Strengthening” (EUR 261 million; 2014-2026) which currently implements multisectoral food
and nutrition security measures as well as nutrition governance in ten countries3. The Sector
Programme “Agricultural Policies and Food and Nutrition Security” (EUR 16,350,000), 2012-
2022 meanwhile provides BMZ with advisory services in the fields of agricultural policy and
food security and advises on FNS in international processes such as SUN, G7 and G20. In
addition, nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive measures are implemented in various
programmes of other relevant sectors, such as agriculture, health and education. In 2019, BMZ
had commited approximately EUR 90.5 million to nutrition-specific and EUR 145.1 million to
nutrition-sensitive interventions (GNR 2021). The effectiveness of programme measures is
closely monitored and provides valuable practical experiences to strategic discussions.
In the context of its external assistance, the EU made two bold commitments in association
with the Nutrition for Growth event in 2013: (i) To support partner countries in reducing the
number of stunted children under the age of five by at least 7 million children by 2025 as a key
contribution to the WHA targets; and (ii) to ensure the allocation of EUR 3.5 billion between
2014 – 2020 to achieve its stunting reduction objectives. The associated “Communication on
Enhancing Maternal and Child Nutrition in External Assistance” together with an Action
Plan on Nutrition have together laid out the strategic road map for how this is to be achieved.
As highlighted in the 7th Progress Report on the Action Plan for Nutrition – APN - (2022): (i)
data available prior to the onset of COVID-19 which uses updated population estimates,
suggests that in the 40 countries prioritising nutrition in their cooperation programme 2014-
2020, 4.2 million children will have been averted from stunting by 2025; and (ii) between 2014
– 2020, the EC has committed almost EUR 4.3 billion for nutrition - EUR 800 million more than
its original global pledge. During the Nutrition for Growth Summit in December 2021, the EC
announced a new pledge of EUR 2.5 billion for 2021-2024 to reduce all forms of malnutrition.

Description of Project – K4N Knowledge for Nutrition – C4N Capacity for Nutrition

Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) remains a core concern of German Development
Cooperation. In 2014, BMZ started the special initiative “ONE WORLD - No Hunger”
(EINEWELT ohne Hunger, known as SEWOH). Since then, almost 20% of Germany’s
development cooperation funds have been allocated to food and nutrition security, agriculture
and rural development, with annual commitments of around EUR 1.5 billion. BMZ announced
a comprehensive reform strategy “BMZ 2030 reform strategy – new thinking – new direction”

3The Global Programme is implemented in ten countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India,
Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Togo and Zambia. The implementation in Kenya and Yemen concluded in 2020.

81294128-ToRs 4
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

in 2020, refocusing the German Development cooperation. The primary aim remains to
overcome hunger and poverty and to implement the 2030 Agenda and achieve its 17
Sustainable Development Goals. Core areas are: peacebuilding; food and nutrition security;
training and sustainable growth; the environment and natural resources. SEWOH will evolve
into a BMZ core area.

The German financing of the programme “Knowledge for Nutrition” (K4N, EUR 49.8 million)
stems from SEWOH and has provided technical support to the EC and BMZ since February
2019. The objective of K4N is to ensure that nutrition-related programmes and policies are
increasingly founded on evidence-based approaches and strategies. In addition, and in
keeping with a multi-sectoral approach to nutrition, nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive
measures are implemented in various programmes of relevant sectors, such as agriculture,
health and education.

Capacity for Nutrition - C4N - is a joint initiative by BMZ and the EC and a programme
component of K4N. Both K4N and C4N are implemented by GIZ. C4N aims to provide support
to the EC, EU Delegations (EUDs), and selected partners to build nutrition-related programmes
and policies increasingly on evidence-based approaches and strategies.

C4N contributes to the following overall objective:

To enhance maternal and child nutrition in line with the commitments and strategic
priorities of the Commission and SDGs, specifically SDG 2.2, to end all forms of
malnutrition by 2030.
The specific objective of C4N is:
Capacities, governance and accountability for evidence- based and inclusive nutrition
policy response are enhanced (in priority countries, regions and global institutions).
Its expected outputs of C4N-Advisory are: Provision of support services to manage, deliver
and communicate on:
(i) Capacity Development: strengthened capacities for nutrition programming and policy
(ii) Governance and Accountability: enhanced nutrition governance and accountability;
(iii) Knowledge Base and Policy Uptake: increased uptake of improved quality data and
analysis for developing and implementing effective nutrition-relevant policies;
(iv) The implementation of the SUN 3.0 strategy at partner country level has been
strengthened (C4N-SUN)
C4N-Advisory combines technical assistance as the major mode of delivery with financial
support to selected innovative initiatives. C4N-Advisory has a duration of 84 months (1 May
2019 to 30 April 2026). As of January 2023, the component C4N-SUN will start to be
implemented dedicated to facilitate the operationalisation of the SUN 3.0 strategy at country
C4N-SUN aims at supporting the implementation of the SUN 3.0 strategy with its four strategic
objectives (see 4.5 for details). There will be a focus on partner countries with a strong nutrition
/ nutrition related engagement of the EU / Germany / other MS. C4N-SUN will provide short
to medium-term technical assistance and capacity development to partner countries
on-demand, with a focus on two topics: (1) Public Finance for Nutrition (PF4N) will
contribute to increased domestic financing for nutrition, strengthened national systems for
nutrition and an accelerated delivery on national policies and plans. (2) Nutrition in food
systems transformation and healthy diets will contribute to better linking SUN to national
pathways for the transformation of food systems and coalitions in the context of the UNFSS
and thus to improving the integration of nutrition in broader national plans and strategies.

81294128-ToRs 5
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

2. Tasks to be performed by the contractor

The subject of this tender is the conclusion of a framework agreement with one contractor, that
can implement various assignments by proposing experts in the areas of Transformation of
Agri-food Systems and Public Finance for Nutrition. The contract term for the contract from
contract award until December 2024, with the option of extending the contract as outlined in
section 7.

The contractor will contribute to support C4N in the effective delivery of advisory support to
SUN countries. C4N-SUN will be mobilised upon request from stakeholders in SUN countries
(i.e. SUN Focal Points, staff in regional hubs, EUDs etc.) for support with the operationalisation
of the SUN 3.0 strategy in countries. Therefore, the support delivered from the contractor in
support of C4N-SUN shall be demand-based and cross-topic with a strong focus on the three
main experts for Public Finance for Nutrition (PF4N) and Transformation of Agri-food Systems.
Within these focus areas, requests and their scope may vary both in the duration and
greographical coverage. Therefore, the skills and past professional experiences of the
requested experts are broad and extensive in order to be able to cover the full spectrum of
support provided under C4N-SUN. For additional and specialised support, 2 expert pools with
up to 5 international and up to 8 national experts shall be provided by the contractor to support
the 3 experts with contextual and geographically-specific expertise, especially at local and
subnational-level and for short-term support.
The contractor shall support C4N team in providing the following services to contribute to the
strategic objectives (SOs) of the SUN 3.0 Strategy:
C4N-SUN will contribute to all four strategic objectives (SO) of the SUN 3.0 strategy and
to the aligned EC’s expected outputs (EO) as stipulated in the EC’s Annual Action Plan
(AAP) 2021.
The contribution to SO1/EO1 (strengthen policy and advocacy for nutrition outcomes) entails
• TA/CD to countries to advocate for nutrition in national pathways, coalitions, and
transformation of agri-food systems debates at country level.
• PF4N provides opportunities to advocate for nutrition in national and sub-national
budgeting processes, e.g., through policy briefs for PF4N.
• As EUDs and MS’s representations will be supported in their role as donor convenor in
the SUN Donor Network (SDN) and other nutrition-relevant donor networks, their
political dialogue on nutrition with country governments will be strengthened.
• The support provided to INTPA F3 on its roles in SUN will strengthen the European
perspective within SUN (e.g. the importance of nutrition sensitive approaches for
improving nutrition outcomes).
Contributions to SO2/EO2 (develop and align shared country priorities for action) include e.g.:
• By strengthening nutrition in national pathways and in coalitions, the prioritization of
nutrition-relevant actions in national plans and strategies will be supported.
• In line with national plans and strategies, the strengthening of financial resources for
nutrition through public finance management, budget support and other mechanisms
(e.g., the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD+)) will contribute to
funding country priorities for action.
SO3/EO3 (build country capacity and knowledge management with technical assistance and
knowledge management) is the core part of C4N-SUN. The focus is on technical assistance
and capacity development to support SUN stakeholders in achieving the strategic objectives
1, 2 and 4. C4N-SUN contributions include:

81294128-ToRs 6
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

• For PF4N, TA/CD on costing of national nutrition plans, nutrition budget analysis,
budgeting for nutrition in relevant sectors, ministries, government/local/regional bodies,
nutrition public expenditure review, setting up nutrition budget tracking mechanisms,
establishment of budget codes for nutrition, and cost-benefit analysis for specific
priority areas of national nutrition plans will strengthen nutrition related public financial
• TA/CD could also be provided to strengthen awareness of opportunities to introduce
and / or strengthen fiscal policies to make diets healthier for improved nutrition (e.g.,
taxes on sugar sweetened beverages or subsidies on foods prioritised for healthy diets)
and to strengthen awareness of opportunities to introduce and / or strengthen public
procurement towards healthy diets.
• For nutrition, healthy diets and transformation of agri-food systems, TA/CD could
include support to SUN country coordinators and multistakeholder platforms to
advocate for nutrition in national pathway / coalition processes, support the alignment
of national pathways with nutrition plans and vice versa, and strengthen the capacity
of government partners on planning, budgeting and implementing a food systems
• Regional (or global) peer-to-peer exchange on the focus topics will also contribute to
strengthening capacities for PF4N management and capacities for linking SUN with
national pathways.
C4N-SUN also contributes to SO4/EO4 (ensure SUN governance that promotes country
leadership and government responsibilities, aligns resources, and strengthens mutual
accountabilities), e.g.:
• The focus on PF4N strengthens the alignment of domestic resources. Budgeting for
nutrition will be embedded more strongly in national processes and national resources
for nutrition will be mobilised.
• The focus on nutrition in food system transformation will strengthen the formulation of
a coherent agenda and synergies towards healthy diets as it strengthens the alignment
of domestic resources. Budgeting for nutrition will be more strongly embedded in
national processes and national resources for nutrition will be mobilised.

Safeguards and gender considerations with specific reference to services:

The contractor is required to take the following key measures to avoid or reduce possible
unintended negative results and to support gender equality in its area of responsibility:

• Environment/climate change (mitigation)/adaptation to climate change:

C4N is committed to support climate change adaption and mitigation measures. The
contractor is expected to also act and behave in support of this commitment, demonstrate
its approach and, in particular, point out in the personnel concept, the corresponding
competences and qualifications for this purpose.

• Conflict and context sensitivity and human rights:

The contractor is required to comply with “do no harm” approach and ensure all advisory
support is inclusive and takes into account the EU’s country-driven, locally adapted and
rights-based approach, with a strong focus on tackling entrenched inequalities, such as
those relating to wealth and gender.

• Gender equality:

81294128-ToRs 7
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

In particular women and girls often suffer from poor access to training and support
measures, information and digital content. The tenderer shall explain in detail its
contribution to gender equality and GTA within the framework of the project.

3. Technical-methodological concept

In the conceptual design of the tender (technical-methodological approach, project

management, if necessary other requirements), the tenderer is required to take specific
objectives and requirements into consideration and describe them, as explained below.

In the tender, the tenderer is required to show how the specified targets and results are to be
achieved with the work packages in the tender (see section 2). For this purpose, the tenderer
should consider the following five factors: strategy, cooperation, steering structure, processes
and learning and innovation (sections 3.1 to 3.5). The tenderer should avoid repeating
information from existing documents. The restrictions on the number of pages given in section
6 these ToRs must be followed.

3.1. Strategy (section 1.1 of the assessment grid)

The strategy is the core element of the technical-methodological concept.

The tenderer is required to interpret the targets that it is responsible for and undertake a critical
appraisal of the task (section 1.1.1 of the assessment grid). Subsequently, the tenderer must
describe and justify the strategy it intends to use to achieve the milestones, targets and results
that it is responsible for (see section 2) by means of the work packages described in section 2
(section 1.1.2 of the assessment grid). The tenderer should avoid repeating information from
the description of the implementation approach (see section 3.6).

3.2. Cooperation (section 1.2 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer must describe the relevant actors (partners and others) for the service put out to
tender and their interactions (section 1.2.1 of the assessment grid). The tenderer is required
to develop a concept that shows how the cooperation with these actors is to be established
and put into practice (section 1.2.2 of the assessment grid). The project’s cooperation
arrangements referred to in section 1 must be taken into consideration.

3.3. Steering structure (section 1.3 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer is required to name one contract manager and key contact person for all inquiries
and to be reachable for potential assignments (if not agreed on otherwise).

The tenderer is required to describe and explain its approach and its method for steering the
measures with the partners involved in delivering the services set out in the tender (section
1.3.1 of the assessment grid).

The contractor plays an active role in the results-based monitoring of the project. The tenderer
is therefore required to describe how it will monitor the results in its area of responsibility
(section 2) in a way that corresponds with the client’s expectations and specifications. It must
also describe the related challenges (section 1.3.2 of the assessment grid).

81294128-ToRs 8
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

3.4. Processes (section 1.4 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer is required to present the processes in the sector that are relevant to the services
in the tender, if appropriate on the basis of existing documents (see annexes) (section 1.4.1 of
the assessment grid). Here, the tenderer must undertake a critical appraisal of the contribution
made by the services in the tender to the processes in the sector and identify particularly
promising starting points for generating possible leverage (section 1.4.2. of the assessment

3.5. Learning and innovation (section 1.5 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer must describe its contribution to knowledge management in the project and at
GIZ (section 1.5.1 of the assessment grid). The following tasks are to be taken into

• Contributions to conferences, workshops and events (virtual, in person or hybrid);

• Support to collect feedback and learnings from tasks delivered and willingness to reflect
and change the own work process and outputs;
• The contractor provides support in implementing a project evaluation with special emphasis
on ensuring the effectiveness of the knowledge management process.

In addition, the tenderer is required to present and explain measures that promote horizontal
or vertical scaling-up (section 1.5.2 of the assessment grid).

3.6. The contractor’s project management activities (section 1.6 of the assessment

– Not applicable –

Standard backstopping for the staff listed in the tender should include ensuring the flow of
information between GIZ / experts and compliance with reporting requirements as well as
monitoring performance. The backstopping services are part of the standard backstopping
package and must be factored into the fees for the staff listed in the tender as ancillary staff
costs in accordance with GIZ’s General Terms and Conditions.

3.7. Sustainability requirements (section 1.7 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer is required to demonstrate how it will ensure that the project activities are
sustainable and how it will implement them in a way that avoids or reduces unintended
negative results and promotes gender equality.

In its tender, it is required to outline from its perspective the key possible unintended negative
results in its area of responsibility and, where relevant, in the following areas: the environment,
climate change (mitigation) and adaptation to climate change, conflict and context sensitivity,
human rights and gender equality. It must also discuss in greater detail the mitigation effects
that will result from the key mitigation measures described in section 2. In the area of gender
equality, the tenderer is also required to consider these aspects with regard to potential areas
for support and corresponding support measures from section 2.

Requirement: Climate change adaptation - 5 points out of a possible total of 10 points.

Requirement: Gender equality - 5 points out of a possible total of 10 points.

81294128-ToRs 9
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

3.8. Further requirements (section 1.8 of the assessment grid)

As a further requirement, the tenderer shall explain and, as far as possible, provide specific
evidence (e.g. letter of intent, MoU, cooperation agreement, etc.) of how it will identify and
make use of the (inter-)national resources (for example (inter-)national institutions, network
partners etc.) as part of the service delivery. In this context, the contractor is expected to prove
that he is capable of mobilising the national and international experts who will be hired to
conduct the tasks as referred to in chapter 4.1 (expert 4 and 5): Ability to recruit experts (6/10)
and a maximum of 3 sample CVs for each of the expert pools (4/10).

4. Human resources

Please note: It is not possible at this point to indicate the exact range of tasks to be carried
out by the experts. At this point it’s also not possible to indicate the exact timing and number
of interventions per expert, topic and geographical area. Hence, neither a specific area of
consulting services nor an exact number of consulting days can be guaranteed.

4.1. Specified human resources concept

The tenderer is required to provide staff for the positions (‘experts’) referred to and described
here in terms of the scope of tasks and qualifications on the basis of corresponding CVs that
cover the technical and verbal requirements in their entirety (see section 6).

The term “work experience”/ “professional experience” as mentioned in the list of qualifications
for the experts and experts pools below refers to a substantial work experience after obtaining
the university degree for a continuous duration of at least 9 months.

The qualifications listed below are the requirements for achieving the maximum number of
points in the specialist assessment.

Expert 1: Consultant for agri-food systems and nutrition (section 2.1 of the
assessment grid)

A statement of availability for this expert must be attached to the tender as an annex.
Tasks of the consultant for agri-food systems and nutrition:
- Provide on demand support to INTPA F.3, EU Delegions and SUN stakeholders in SUN
partner countries on food and nutrition security policy and programme implementation
(i.e. programme design, guidance notes, etc.)
- Strengthen the technical and functional capacity of SUN country coordinators, relevant
ministries at central and decentralised levels, and other SUN stakeholders in country
with a focus on agri-food systems and nutrition:
o Provide support on advocacy and policy advise for SUN stakeholders on
nutrition-specific and nutrition sensitive approaches
o Provide demand driven and needs based technical advice on
transformation of agri-food systems for nutrition to partner countries that are
part of SUN Movement to support the implementation of SUN 3.0 strategy;
o Provide strategic advice on the transformation of agri-food systems;
- Keep abreast of latest international debate and developments on support being
provided to partner countries on implementing their national pathways for
transformation of agri-food systems;

81294128-ToRs 10
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

- Expand dialogue and cooperation with relevant global, regional and national actors as
well as relevant UN organisations, research institutes, and non-governmental
organisations (NGOs);
- Prepare technical input for communication products such as policy briefs, handouts,
presentations, blog posts and publications for the visibility of the EC and the BMZ
support to transformation of agri-food systems for nutrition and the SUN movement.

Qualifications of the consultant for agri-food systems and nutrition:

- Qualifications (2.1.1): A master’s degree in International Development, Nutrition,
Agriculture, Economics or a related field.
- Language (2.1.2): English language skills, C1 in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (1/10 points) and French, C1 of the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (7/10) and German, Spanish or Portuguese,
C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2/10).
- General professional experience (2.1.3): 8 years of experience working in the field of
food and nutrition security with a focus on transformation of agri-food systems;
- Specific professional experience (2.1.4):
▪ Management of partnerships with governments and/or UN agencies and/or
European Union and/or SUN Movement (1/10);
▪ Experience working with/for EC and EUDs in the field of food security and
nutrition (4/10),
▪ Support and advise provided to the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement (3/10)
▪ Policy Analysis and Governance support for nutrition-specific and nutrition
sensitive approaches (including agriculture, food systems, social protection)
▪ Global nutrition agenda, processes and commitments (CFS, WHA Targets),
regional processes (CAADP) and national policy processes/initiatives (1/10).
- Leadership/management experience (2.1.5): – Not applicable –
- Regional experience (2.1.6): 3 years of work experience in Africa (5/10) and 2 years in
Asia or Latin America (5/10).
- Development Cooperation (DC) experience (2.1.7): 5 years of development
cooperation experience (3/10) including 2 years in EU programme (7/10).
- Other (2.1.8): – Not applicable –

Expert 2: Consultant – Public Finance for Nutrition (PF4N) (section 2.2 of the
assessment grid)

A statement of availability for this expert must be attached to the tender as an annex.
Tasks of the consultant for PF4N:
- Provide on demand support to INTPA F.3, EU Delegions and SUN stakeholders in SUN
partner countries on food and nutrition security policy and programme implementation
(i.e. programme design, guidance notes, etc.);
- Strengthen the technical and functional capacity of SUN country coordinators, relevant
ministries at central and decentralised levels, and other SUN stakeholders in country
with a focus on PF4N;
- Provide demand driven and needs based technical advice on PF4N, blending and
financial advise to partner countries that are part of SUN Movement to support the
implementation of SUN 3.0 strategy;

81294128-ToRs 11
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

- Keep abreast of latest international debate and developments on support being

provided to partner countries on implementing their national pathways for
transformation of agri-food systems;
- Expand dialogue and cooperation with relevant global, regional and national actors as
well as relevant UN organisations, research institutes, and non-governmental
organisations (NGOs);
- Prepare technical input for communication products such as policy briefs, handouts,
presentations, blog posts and publications for the visibility of the EC and the BMZ
support to transformation of agri-food systems for nutrition and the SUN movement.

Qualifications of the consultant for PF4N:

- Qualifications (2.2.1): A master’s degree in International Development, Nutrition,
Economics, Finance or a related field;
- Language (2.1.2): English language skills, C1 in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (8/10 points) and French, German, Spanish or Portuguese,
C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2/10);
- General professional experience (2.2.3): 8 years of experience working in the field of
finance, accounting, fiscal policies;
- Specific professional experience (2.2.4):
▪ Management of partnerships with Government and/or UN agencies and/or
European Union and/or international financial institutions and/or SUN Movement
▪ Experience with/for EC and EUDs in the field of public finance / budget support
preferably with a focus on food and nutrition security (4/10);
▪ Budgeting for nutrition in relevant sectors, ministries and/or
government/local/regional bodies (2/10);
▪ Policy Analysis and governance support for PF4N (including blending, fiscal
policies, public-private partnerships) (1/10);
▪ Putting together cost-benefit analysis and/or consultation on finance and fiscal
mechanisms (i.e. related to subsidies on foods prioritised for healthy diets)
- Leadership/management experience (2.2.5): – Not applicable –
- Regional experience (2.2.6): 2 years of work experience in Africa (5/10) and 2 years in
Asia or Latin America (5/10).
- Development Cooperation (DC) experience (2.2.7): 5 years of development
cooperation experience (2/10) including 2 years in EU programme (8/10).
- Other (2.2.8): – Not applicable –

Expert 3: Consultant – agri-food systems and nutrition with German Development

Cooperation background (section 2.3 of the assessment grid)

A statement of availability for this expert must be attached to the tender as an annex.
Tasks of the consultant for agri-food systems and nutrition with German Development
Cooperation background:
- Provide on demand support to INTPA F.3, EU Delegions and SUN stakeholders in SUN
partner countries on food and nutrition security policy and programme implementation
(i.e. programme design, guidance notes, etc.);

81294128-ToRs 12
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

- Strengthening the technical and functional capacity of SUN country coordinators and
other SUN stakeholders in country with a focus on agrifood systems and nutrition;
- Policy advise on nutrition-specific and nutrition sensitive approaches and nutrition
- Provide demand driven and needs based technical advice on transformation of agri-
food systems with a specific focus on nutrition to partners involved in C4N
- Keep abreast of latest international debate and developments on support being
provided to partner countries on implementing their national pathways for
transformation of agri-food systems
- Support the implementation of nutrition-sensitive national pathways and initiatives to
transform agri-food systems;
- Expand dialogue and cooperation with relevant global, regional and national actors as
well as relevant UN organisations, research institutes, and non-governmental
organisations (NGOs);
- Set up and implement TA and CD measures in country and remotely;
- Prepare technical input for communication products such as policy briefs, handouts,
presentations, blog posts and publications for the visibility of the EC and the BMZ
support to transformation of agri-food systems for nutrition and the SUN movement;
- Provide support related to monitoring and evaluation as well as putting together
learnings for internal improvement of the programme and future project appraisal;
- Active support to knowledge management at project and GIZ level;
- Set up and update Safeguard and Gender Analysis;
- Prepare technical inputs and advise on gender equality and gender-transformative
approaches (GTA).

Qualifications of the consultant for agri-food systems and nutrition with German Development
Cooperation background:
- Qualifications (2.3.1): A master’s degree in International Development, Nutrition,
Agriculture, Economics or a related field;
- Language (2.3.2): English language skills, C1 in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (3/10 points) and French, German, Spanish or Portuguese,
C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (7/10);
- General professional experience (2.3.3): 8 years of experience working in the field of
food and nutrition security or agriculture with a focus on transformation of agri-food
- Specific professional experience (2.3.4):
▪ Management of partnerships with national governments and/or European Union
and/or BMZ and/or SUN Movement (1/10);
▪ Experience working in the context of German internation cooperation in the field
of food security and nutrition (4/10);
▪ Experience conceptualising, developing and delivering capacity development
measures (i.e. trainings, workshops) (2/10);
▪ Policy Analysis and Governance support for nutrition-specific and nutrition
sensitive approaches with a focus on transformation of agri-food systems (3/10);
- Leadership/management experience (2.3.5): – Not applicable –
- Regional experience (2.3.6): 3 years of work experience in Africa (5/10) and 2 years in
Asia or Latin America (5/10).
- Development Cooperation (DC) experience (2.3.7): 5 years of development
cooperation experience (2/10) including 2 years in EU and/or GIZ programme (8/10).
- Other (2.3.8): – Not applicable –

81294128-ToRs 13
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

Short term expert pools:

The short-term expert pools should include a total of up to 5 short-term international experts
and up to 8 local experts, who will be called upon via requests from GIZ (see section 2). The
international experts (see Expert 4) should have specific technical, geographic or institutional
expertise, the national experts (see Expert 5) should have particular local and subnational
experience especially in SUN countries. For requests that require support from one of the
expert pools, GIZ will provide short ToRs defining the content and scope of the request. The
selection of a suitable expert will be done in communication with the backstopper (see section
3.6). If the expertise requested in a particular case is not covered by the members of the pool,
the contractor is requested to propose an alternative candidate outside the pool. Every change
of constellation of the expert pools needs to be communicated in written in advance with GIZ.

Expert 4: Expert pool 1 ‘International Experts’ with up to 5 experts

The tenderer should be able to recruit international experts. This “no name” pool will not be
subject to technical evaluation during the tender. The experts composing the pool will be
recruited during the contract on the basis of the qualifications listed below.
Tasks of the expert pool:
- Support to (sub-) country-level nutrition advocacy to increase visibility, commitment,
action, and resources for nutrition and food security;
- Setting up and implementing regional exchanges, workshops as well as peer-to-peer
exchanges in different regions and contexts
- Providing support setting up conferences, events, communication and outreach
- Mainstreaming nutrition to various topics i.e. education, health, agriculture, social
protection, WASH, private sector, digitalisation, gender, etc.

Qualifications of the expert pool:

- Education/training: 3 experts with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in nutrition
or health, 2 experts with a university degree in agriculture, economics or a related field
- Language: 3 experts with knowledge of French, C1 in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages, 1 expert with knowledge of Spanish, C1 in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 1 expert with knowledge
of Portuguese, C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- General professional experience: 2 experts with 10 years of professional experience in
the food security and nutrition sector, of which 5 years on another continent
(international context), 2 experts with 5 years of professional experience in the
agriculture, food systems, economics and finance sector, of which 2 years on another
continent (international context), 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in
public finance management, of which 2 years on another continent (international
- Specific professional experience: 2 experts with 5 years of professional experience in
cooperation with SUN Movement stakeholders, UN agencies or (international) NGOs,
2 experts with 2 years of professional experience in cooperation with German

81294128-ToRs 14
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

Development Cooperation, 1 expert with 2 years of professional experience in

cooperation with the European Commission and EU Delegations.
- Leadership/management experience: – Not applicable –
- Regional experience: 2 experts with 5 years of work experience in Sub-Saharan Africa,
1 expert with 5 years of work experience in Latin America, 2 experts with 5 years of
work experience in Asia.
- Development cooperation (DC) experience: – Not applicable –
- Other: – Not applicable –

The tenderer’s ability to provide the pool of experts required here will be assessed on the basis
of a sample CV (see 3.8). When the experts from the pool are assigned, the contractor must
submit a CV for approval to the officer responsible for the budget/commission for approval
before the start of the assignment, and the officer responsible for the budget/commission must
confirm that the expert’s qualifications are acceptable in accordance with the specifications of
the ToRs.

Expert 5: Expert pool 2 ‘Regional / National Experts’ with up to 8 experts

The tenderer should be able to recruit national/regional experts. This “no name” pool will
not be subject to technical evaluation during the tender. The experts composing the pool
will be recruited during the contract on the basis of the qualifications listed below.
Tasks of the expert pool:
- Support to (sub-) country-level nutrition advocacy to increase visibility, commitment,
action, and resources for nutrition and food security;
- Setting up and implementing regional exchanges, workshops as well as peer-to-peer
exchanges in different regions and contexts;
- Providing support setting up conferences, events, communication and outreach
- Mainstreaming nutrition to various topics i.e. education, health, agriculture, social
protection, WASH, climate change, private sector, digitalisation, gender, etc.

Qualifications of the expert pool:

- Education/training: 4 experts with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in nutrition
or health, 2 experts with a university degree in agriculture (bachelor’s/master’s), 2
experts with a university degree in finance or economics (bachelor’s/master’s);
- Language: 6 experts with knowledge of English, C1 in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages, 2 experts with knowledge of French, C1 in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2 experts with knowledge
of spanish or Portuguese, C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for
- General professional experience: 4 experts with 10 years of professional experience in
the food security and nutrition sector, 4 experts with 5 years of professional experience
in public finance management;
- Specific professional experience: 4 experts with 5 years of professional experience in
cooperation with SUN Movement stakeholders, 2 experts with 5 years of professional
experience in cooperation with the European Commission or an EU Delegation, 2
experts with 5 years of professional experience in cooperation with German
Development Cooperation;
- Leadership/management experience: – Not applicable –

81294128-ToRs 15
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

- Regional experience: 2 experts with 5 years of regional experience in Latin America, 2

experts with 5 years of regional experience in Western Africa, 2 experts with 5 years of
regional experience in Eastern, Central or Southern Africa, 2 experts with 5 years of
regional experience in Asia.
- Development cooperation (DC) experience: 5 experts with 5 years of experience in DC.
- Other: – Not applicable –

The tenderer’s ability to provide the pool of experts required here will be assessed on the basis
of a sample CV (see 3.8). When the experts from the pool are assigned, the contractor must
submit a CV for approval to the officer responsible for the budget/commission for approval
before the start of the assignment, and the officer responsible for the budget/commission must
confirm that the expert’s qualifications are acceptable in accordance with the specifications of
the ToRs.

4.2. Contractor’s own human resources concept

– Not applicable –

5. Costing requirements

5.1. Assignment of experts

In your tender, please do not deviate from the specification of quantities required in these ToRs
(the number of experts and expert days, the budget specified in the price schedule), because
this is part of the competitive tender and is used to ensure that the tenders can be compared
objectively. There is no entitlement to use the total number of expert days or the specified

The overall maximum amount of consultancy services needed for the overall contract duration
is indicated in the table below. A guaranteed minimum quantity acceptance is not agreed.

The number of expert days corresponds to the working days.

Expert Estimated Estimated Estimated Maximum Consecutive

Expert Expert days Expert stay > 3
days in in the days in Expert days months
the country of total
country of assignment* (see
residence General
Terms and
/remote Conditions

Expert 1:

Agri-Food 130 70 200 250 No

Systems and

81294128-ToRs 16
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

Expert 2:

Public 100 100 200 250 No

Finance for

Expert 3:

Systems and
Nutrition with 130 70 200 250 No

Expert Pool 1:
90 60 150 180 No

Expert Pool 2:

National / 120 30 150 180 No


*Expert days in the country of assignment means the availability of the expert for the project
at the assignment location(s).

5.2 Local administrative staff

– Not applicable –

5.3 Travel expenses

The overall maximum amount of travel expenses needed for the overall contract duration is
indicated below. A guaranteed minimum quantity acceptance is not agreed.

Travel expenses budget:

Estimated amount: EUR 100,000.00

Maximum amount: EUR 150,000.00

As the number and duration of the business trips is not yet clear, the above-mentioned fixed,
unalterable travel-expenses budget for all trips in Germany and abroad for all experts is
specified in the price schedule. The budget contains the following travel expenses:

• Per-diem allowances and accommodation allowances

• Flights (only economy class) and other transport costs
• Ancillary travel costs (visa etc.)

The costs are reimbursed as a lump sum (per-diem allowances and accommodation
allowances up to the maximum amounts permissible under tax law for each country) as set

81294128-ToRs 17
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

out in the country table in the circular from the German Federal Ministry of Finance on the
remuneration of travel expenses (downloadable at,
or subject to proof of expenditure (reasonable overnight accommodation costs in excess of
this amount, economy airfares and other main transport costs). All travel activities must be
agreed in advance with the officer responsible for the project. Travel expenses must be kept
as low as possible.

5.4. Equipment

– Not applicable –

5.5. Operating costs in the country of assignment

– Not applicable –

5.6. Workshops, education and training

If requested, the tenderer is required to run the following workshops in a specific country:

• Regional Exchange Workshop

• Peer-to-peer exchange facilitation on regional level

Estimated workshop budget: EUR 80,000.00

Maximum workshop budget: EUR 120,000.00

The fixed, unalterable budget given above is specified in the price schedule for workshops.
The budget includes the following costs relating to the planning and running of workshops, this
might include the following items (if requested):

• Room hire,
• Technical systems,
• Moderation services,
• Translation/interpreting,
• Catering,
• Workshop materials,
• Travel expenses for partner experts (subsistence, accommodation, travel costs),
• Other costs relating to the workshops.

The budget does not include the fees and travel expenses for the contractor’s experts incurred
in connection with the planning and running of the workshops. These are covered by the
corresponding number of expert days and travel expenses (see sections 5.1 and 5.3 above).

5.7. Local subsidies

– Not applicable –

5.8. Other costs

– Not applicable –

81294128-ToRs 18
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

5.9. Flexible remuneration item

Estimated Budget for flexible remuneration: EUR 80,000.00

The fixed, unalterable budget given above is earmarked in the price schedule for flexible
remuneration. Flexible remuneration is intended to facilitate the flexible management of the
contract by the officer responsible for the commission at GIZ. The contractor can make use of
the funds in accordance with section of the General Terms and Conditions.

6. Requirements on the format of the tender

The structure of the tender must correspond with the structure of the ToRs. It must be legible
(font size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. The language of the tender is English.

The technical-methodological concept of the tender (section 3 of the ToRs) is not to exceed
four pages (not including the cover page, list of abbreviations, table of contents, brief
introduction and, if applicable, CV for the backstopper).

The CVs of the staff proposed in accordance with section 4 of the ToRs must be in the
EU-format and must not be more than four pages in length. The CVs must clearly show what
position the proposed person held, which tasks they performed and how long they worked
during which period in the specified references.

We strongly request that you do not exceed the number of pages specified.

7. Options

7.1 Follow-on measure/extension of service-delivery period

It is possible to continue key elements of the service specified in the invitation to tender as part
of a follow-on measure within the context of the basic project. This is described in detail below.

Type and scope: Continuation of the activities described in section 2 of these ToRs with
possible expansion of these activities to include new work packages of the same type and
scope up to a comparable extent. Within the framework of the available financing, the
number of estimated and maximum expert days and the budgets specified in section 5 of
these ToRs are increased in proportion to the additional activities that are now required for
an additional duration of up to 16 months.

Precondition: The contract for the follow-on phase/extension of the current project is awarded
by GIZ’s commissioning party and/or (co-)financing parties.

7.2 Expansion of the service content

GIZ’s commissioning party may adapt the service in the tender within the context of a change
to the contract for the basic project. This is described in detail below.

Expansion of the activities described in section 2 of these ToRs to include new work packages
of the same type. It is not yet possible to provide details. Within the framework of the available
financing, the number of expert days and the budget specified in section 5 of these ToRs are
increased in proportion to the additional activities that are now required.

81294128-ToRs 19
Subject of the tender procedure: Framework Agreement:
Consultant Pool to support the C4N-SUN
Transaction number: 81294128

8. Annexes

(A) Module proposal,

(B) K4N Wirkungslogik,
(C) K4N Wirkungsmatrix,
(D) K4N Projektfortschrittsbericht,
(E) C4N Description of Action (DoA),
(F) C4N Communication and Visibility Plan,
(G) C4N Annual Report,
(H) 7th Progress Report to the Action Plan on Nutrition.

81294128-ToRs 20

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