CP4 VKTA, Germany Cert. EN

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VKTA – Laboratory for Environmental and Radionuclide Analyses

Radionuclide testing - Safety analytics as a basis for decision-making.

The Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 was tested for safety in VKTA, an underground laboratory located in Dresden,
Germany using the measuring methods of γ(gamma)-spectrometry.

Gamma spectrometry is the science of identification and quantification of radionuclides by analysis of the
gamma-ray spectrum produced in a gamma-ray spectrometer. testing consists of high-energy photons
and penetrates matter. It does not need the elimination of the matrix.

The assessment of the analytical results of the testing of Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 fulfils the requirement
by ISO and EU standard. It can thus be used without restrictions.

Amezcua Chi Pendant 4

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Test report
Revision 1

Laboratory for Environmental and

Radionuclide Analyses 2944.11 from 04/03/2021

Laboratory: VKTA – Strahlenschutz, Analy�k & Entsorgung Rossendorf e. V.

Labor für Umwelt- und Radionuklidanaly�k
Bautzner Landstraße 400
01328 Dresden
Tel.: 0351 / 260 3489, Fax: 0351 / 260 3190

Orderer: QNet Limited

Dr. Shafi

Contract Number: -

Contract Date: 15/02/2021

Object: Radionuclides in solids

Sample number: 1

Sampling: by the orderer

Sample input: 18/02/2021

Test period: 18/02/2021 - 03/03/2021

Methods: -spectrometry (MB – 402: 2018-06) according to ISO 13356-2015

Remarks: The -spectrometry was carried out at the underground laboratory

Felsenkeller, Am Eiswurmlager 10, 01189 Dresden.
Revision 1 contains a correc�on of the sample name.

Name: Dr. D. Degering
Func�on: responsible for -spectrometry


not accredited procedure 2)
performed by a subcontractor
The analy�cal results are valid only for the samples which are available by the laboratory.
Without permission of the laboratory it is not allowed to duplicate parts of this report.

Accredited by DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

The accredita�on is valid for the methods listed on the annex of the accredita�on cer�ficate.

Datei: Z:\Projekte_KA\Au�räge\aktuell\2944.xx Wellness Malaysia_natRN\Prü�erichte\Test report 2944.11 gamma Rev1.docx abgeleitet von Vorlage: C:\Users\degering\AppData\Roaming\Microso�\Templates\Normal.dotm
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Test report
Revision 1

Laboratory for Environmental and

Radionuclide Analyses 2944.11 from 04/03/2021

1 Analytical results
238 230 226 210 235 231 227 228 228 40 60 131 134 137
Sample U Th Ra Pb U Pa Ac Ra Th K Co I Cs Cs Detector tm

Date of
[Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] Geometry [ks]

Mass / [kg]

1 ai < 1,5 < 17 < 0,37 < 2,9 < 0,56 < 1,9 < 0,34 < 0,59 0,45 < 0,83 0,22 < 0,14 < 0,16 < 0,076 BL 92
Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 u(ai ) 0,10 0,07 55D 02 March 2021
u(ai )/ai 23% 33% 0,041
ai * 1,5 17 0,37 2,9 0,56 1,9 0,34 0,59 0,22 0,83 0,066 0,14 0,16 0,076 Degering

Legend: ai primary measurement result of the specific activity

u(ai) total standard uncertainty of the specific activity
u(ai)/ai relative standard uncertainty of the specific activity
ai* detection limit according to DIN ISO 11929

k1- = 3,0 ( = 0,14%)

The lower limit of the confidence interval ai< and the upper limit of the confidence
interval ai> of the specific activity, respectively, is given for k1 - /2 = 1,645 ( = 10%) as

ai< = ai – 1,645 u(ai) and

ai> = ai + 1,645 u(ai)

The reference date of the specific activity is the given date of measurement.
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Test report
Revision 1

Laboratory for Environmental and

Radionuclide Analyses 2944.11 from 04/03/2021

2 Assessment according to ISO 13356

The assessment of the analytical results is based on the standard ISO 13356:2015, Chapter 3, Table 1. The
radioactivity of the material is defined there as the sum of the specific activities of the radionuclides 238U,
Ra and 232Th and should be equal or less than 200 Bq/kg.

The investigated material “Amezcua Chi Pendant 4” fulfills the requirement of ISO 13356, as shown in
the following table.

238 226 232 Required Actual sum/

Sample U Ra Th Sum
value required
[Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] -

max(228Ra, 228Th)

Amezcua Chi Pendant 4
1,5 0,4 0,6 2,4 < 200 1,2%
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Test report
Revision 1

Laboratory for Environmental and

Radionuclide Analyses 2944.11 from 04/03/2021

3 Assessment according to EU297/2011

The ar�ficial radionuclides 131I, 134Cs und 137Cs are evaluated according to the:
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 297/2011 of 25 March 2011 imposing special
conditions governing the import of feed and food originating in or consigned from Japan following
the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power station
This strongly conserva�ve basis for evalua�on was chosen although the inves�gated material here is no
food. Furthermore, the no�ceably stricter test values for baby foods were applied here. Under these
condi�ons the assessment is extremely conserva�ve.

The inves�gated material “Amezcua Chi Pendant 4” fulfills the requirements of EU 297/2011, as shown
in the following table. It can thus be used without restric�ons.
Exhaustion of

Exhaustion of

Exhaustion of
131 134 137
Sample I Cs Cs
test value

test value

test value
[Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg] [Bq/kg]

Analytical value Test value Analytical value Test value Analytical value Test value

Amezcua Chi Pendant 4
< 0,14 150 0,09% < 0,16 370 0,04% < 0,08 370 0,02%

---- End of the report ----

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