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Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth

- A ministry of the Government of Singapore responsible for the formulation and

implementation of policies related to the arts, sports, youth and community in
- They build social capital, inspire the Singapore spirit and make Singapore
home. (create opportunites for Singaporeans to come together --> build care and
inspiring community through shared experiences)

How does the CMIO model influence what the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth
do to meet the needs of the society (in terms of policies/strategies) ?
- Minorities in Singapore care a lot about preserving their traditions and
~ CMIO model is a possible method to ensure Singaporeans are more
~ Race-based policies not only preserve the cultures of minorities, but
also ensure they are represented
~ more awareness should be raised on the need to be more open to people
of varied backgrounds
--> need to spend more time educating young youths to be more open
- In 2013, the Institute of Policy Studies and co-created a set of
indicators to make tracking the state of racial and religious relations possible.
~ Most respondents were comfortable of having neighbours of different
races (over 90%) and friends from different ethnic groups (over 80%), only 45%
had a *close friend from a different ethnic group.
--> need to foster meaningful interactions beyond what is
necessary in schools, workplaces, and other domains of the public sphere.
- Society becomes more complex, the CMIO model may have to evolve.
~ With increasing immigration :
> groups of new immigrants who do not fit into the CMIO
categories and come from other ethnic groups entirely.
> intra-ethnic (within an ethnic group) diversity from
immigrants or foreign workers who may belong to the same race as locals (as defined
by the CMIO model) but hardly identify or socialise with one another
--> MCCY will need to do more counselling/encouraging in
order for the immigrants to interact with other races
- A Singaporean Chinese did not identify with or integrate readily with Chinese
from “mainland” China.
~ Since the CMIO model does not differentiate between the local-born
and the foreign-born Chinese, Malay or Indian, laws/policies have been put in to
retain the racial harmony in Singapore
> It is an offense to “promote feelings of ill-will and
hostility between different races …” and the law have been used to prosecute a
number of individuals.

*(Whole intent of the CMIO model : it is not to separate people, but to make sure
that different groups will be properly respected and their rights will be

What are the possible implications or outcomes when we remove the CMIO for the
Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth ? How will it affect the way they serve
the people and the people they serve ?
- Without CMIO model in place, there is a possibility that the minorities would
have to conform (comply) to the practices of the majority race
~ lead to them feeling unfair and upset --> angry at the other races
and destroy the racial harmony in SIngapore (by creating riots?)
- More options for children who have parents of different races
~ double-barrelling of race will give parents in inter-ethnic
marriages more flexibility when deciding theire child's race
> children with mixed race will be more willing to come
together as one because nobody judged them for being mixed
> influence more people to come together
> contribute more to society and the racial harmony
~ mixed-race children grow up and potentially marry other mixed-race or
individuals with uncommon ethnicities, the CMIO framework will be more applicable
for these complex sub-ethnicities.
- WIthout the CMIO framework, it is unable to ensure minority representation in
parliament and access to public housing in all areas, and to offer specific support
from race-based self-help groups.
~ these minority may have lesser options compared to other races which
are of bigger groups
> minority may not be willing to come together with the other
races as one (majority race stole their resources) and may even lead to racial
> change in policies and strategies to solve this issue (if
cannot solve, cizitens lose faith in MCCY)
- The CMIO framework will not be able to undergird (provide support for)
selected national policies such as education and housing, which includes public
housing ethnic quotas.
~ With no public housing ethnic quotas, certain races may be
concentrated in a particular area
> When the same race with similar background come together,
the races will not interact with each other which means we won't understand them
well enough, leading to possible misunderstandings. This in turn may lead to racial
riots when the misunderstanding is not cleared in time
> The MCCY will need to change their strategies and implement
stricter policies in order to allow racial harmony of the races
> Citizens are starting to lose faith in the MCCY and will be
lost when the issue is not resolved
- Without the CMIO model, the 'Others' category will grow and lead to a more
diversed group
~ It reinforce greater sense of identity and belonging
~ It won't stop the people in the 'Others' category to interact with
other people of a different race
> With the more diversed group, they will be more willing to
participate in events and activities which can contribute to the building of racial
harmony of Singapore

What questions/concerns would the Ministry of Culture, Communication and Youth

- If we do away with the CMIO model, the minority may not be able to be well-
- If we do away with the CMIO model, racial harmony in Singapore may be lost.
- If we do away with the CMIO model, Singapore will be more diverse in terms of
the nationality of the immigrants in Singapore

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