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ESOFT Metro Campus

Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Marketing, Marketing Communication and Operation: MN7182

Individual Investigative Report

Assignment - 02

An analysis of Marketing Process & Business strategies to Myland PLC

To: The Senior Management of the Myland PLC

From: Head of Marketing Myland PLC

September 2022
● Organization Name - Myland Developments PLC

● Organization Information
o Type of the organization

Myland Developments PLC was established in March 2017 as a real estate development
company to assist every Sri Lankan living in or outside the country in purchasing a land plot at a
reasonable price and building their dream home or purchasing land for investment purposes. The
Company's primary business activity now is to develop and sell land plots for residential or
commercial purposes, and business operations are primarily carried out in Sri Lanka's Western
province. Company is classified as public limited company and registered in the Colombo Stock
Exchange. Myland Developments PLC, as an emerging player in the real estate industry, has
created remarkable value for all of  company’s stakeholders &  provide customers with hassle-
free land plot ownership while ensuring affordability, expertise, and service quality. This will
continue to uphold the industry’s highest standards in a transparent manner. By implementing
digital techniques, the company has improved its operational aspects.

Vision Statement
To become the best and most trusted real estate brand in Sri Lanka.

Mission Statement
Creating delighted Lifetime customers and delighted lifetime employees


Professionalism Integrity & Trust Innovative Focus & Quality Teamwork &winning

Justification of the new organization

Myland Developments (Pvt) Ltd., a private limited liability company, was converted to a public limited
liability company on May, 2021 which was started in 2017. After that, on December , 2021, the company
was listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) after issuing 17.24% of the shares to the public
through an Initial Public Offering (IPO). The Company's status was changed, and it now operates as
Myland Developments PLC as of February, 2022.In the chirman’s message he had explained that this is
the 01st time Annual report publishment and it’ll ensure that still organisation is in Introductory stage. “I
warmly welcome you to the first Annual General Meeting of Myland Developments PLC. It is with
great pleasure I am presenting this annual report and financial statements of the Company for the
year ending 31st March 2022 to the shareholders. Further, I am pleased to mention that the Company
has successfully completed the IPO to become a listed entity in the Colombo Stock Exchange during
the 2021/22 financial year.” (CEO’s Message-MyLand PLC,2022)

As per the future out look of the Management review too further elaborate, they need to go to the Growth
stage since still they are in the introductory stage. For instance, Myland Developments PLC, being a key
player in the real estate market, maintaining an outstanding track record of quality, trust, and
customer satisfaction. The Company expects to target different districts, which will enable the
company to reach untapped markets, with the view to increase the market share(Management review-
MyLand PLC annual report,2022)

o Size of the organisation

Table 01: Myland Developments PLC’s Financial Performances
Year 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022

Turnover (in LKR) 64,789,275 160,416,881 121,463,836 167,883,163 249,587,631

Profit / (Loss) after tax (in ‘000 44,742,453

2,367,391 6,122,756 3,280,108 25,773,519

Market price per Share(LKR) n/a n/a n/a n/a 11

Net Assets Value Per Share (LKR) 0.04 0.47 0.74 1.69 5.26

(Source: Myland Developments, 2021/22financial report)

o Range of products & services

Table 02: Products and Brand Name of : Myland Developments PLC

Product Types

Acquisition of properties for sale

Developed Lands for sale

Blocked out for housing

Blocked out for Business

o Main competitors
Table 03: Main Competitors’ Analysis
Competitor Current and Past Strategies Strengths and Weaknesses
Market Share

Home Lands Targeting premium consumers in the (+) Well established brand locally with 10%
local market .Luxury high quality lands
Apartments,Hotels,Housing & so on.
(–) High price compared to others This website allow to find a any land at (+) Market leader in land sales & help to 26%
anytime since it’s available via the create a
internet & even you can post ads to that
web site too. (–) Need to increase the production
capacity to maintain market share. Targets to provide the best products to (+) 04th largest locally owned and 7.62%
local market via online. operated brand in the country.

(–) Marketing strategies are weak

compared to listed competitors.

Araliya Lands Targets local market mainly with two (+)High brand value and reputation. 8%
High quality at mid-range price &
Comparatively less quality and low

Prime Lands land available for purchase yourself and (+) Well established brand locally with 28%
checking the classified ads in high quality lands
newspapers can often find landowners
attempting to sell their land, or ask (+) Trustworthiness & Loyal customers
around until you find the right person
(–) High price compared to others.
who can get you a great place for a good
deal. Before you start building your
home, you should consult with experts
about the location, quality, and a variety
of other factors such as water levels and
soil conditions.

Other minor Targets mid-range and low-range (+) Cost friendly 20.38%
competitors customers
(–) Products may not be high in standard

(Source: Home Lands , 2020/22;, 2022;, 2022; Prime lands, 2021//20222 & Arliya lands

Customer base
Table 04: Customer Base of BTE

Institutional sales traders Local consumers all over the island

● Stakeholders
Table 05: Key Stakeholders of BTE
Internal Stakeholders Connected Stakeholders External Stakeholder

Board of Directors Customers - Local (B2B and B2C) Community

Chairman, Non-Executive Independent Director - Mr Financial Service Providers – Media

Mr. W. D. Premachandra Managing Director, Executive Sampath Bank PLC, National
Development Bank, HNB Bank Ministry of Labour
Non-Independent Director - Mr. Nalin Perera
Executive Non-Independent Director- Mrs. Iresha Lanka
External Auditors - BDO Partners
Employees - Executives, Non-Executive & Estate
workers Suppliers, wholesaler and retailers.

Product Lifecycle
Myland has identified & analyzed its Product Life cycle with 04 stages such as Introduction, Growth,
Maturity & Decline.

Figure 01-Product Life cycle -Myland

As a result, in comparison to its competitors, the firm can achieve a highly competitive strategy.
Myland Company has successfully integrated product innovation into its operations. As a result,
the company has launched several segments, including Properties, apartments, and blackouts.
These items are marketed under a variety of brand names. The firm's management team must
consider the concept of PLC for these products to be successful in the market. In the Phase I
stage, the company is still in the Introduction stage because it was introduced in 2017 and has yet
to progress to the Growth stage. To move forward, a good business strategy must include product
awareness, communication strategy, and promotional tools.
Strategic Communication plan
Myland PLC communication plan is a way to centralize all of company's messages,
define objectives, and ensure to maintain a consistent and positive image. Furthermore, it serves
as a foundation for managing certain crises that a company may face, pitching new ideas to
stakeholders, developing an effective communication strategy for a product launch, and more.

 Providing an email newsletter with company news, product information, and craft fair
schedule for the product awareness.
 Online Advertising(Using targeted Google and Facebook advertisements)
 Utilizing social media such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and
 Content marketing strategy.
 Providing contact information on the company website.


 To gain sustainable competitive advantage by optimizing marketing and related

operational activities in a socially responsible manner.

 To Show how the MyLand PLC creates value for its shareholders, staff, and

2.1 Porters Value chain

Cost leadership, differentiation, and focus on a small competitive scope within an industry,
emphasizing either cost or difference within that restricted competitive scope, are Porter's three
essential generic competitive tactics that are used within an industry (Porter, 1985). The
competitive advantage of a company is determined by how well it implements these three
general tactics. Although overall business performance ultimately reflects competitive
advantage, Porter asserts that "competitive advantage cannot be comprehended by looking at a
firm as a whole."
Porter's Value Chain can be used to visualize how the MyLand PLC adds value to the market.
Any organization produces output by using a variety of inputs. For their audience, the outcome
is more valuable than the sources. Porter's Value Chain can assist analyze how Mayland produce
this value, which can improve their competitive advantage. Based on the Business model of the
My Land this can be divide in to 02 parts such as
 Primary activities that Specifically develop the Final Good or Service
 Activities that complement primary ones to increase their effectiveness and efficiency.

Figure 01-Poter’s Value chain of my lands

Value Chain Generic Mylands Significance

Primary activities

1 Inbound Logistics Accessibility and relationships to supplier locations

2 Operations Efficient, functional workspace Access to workforce.

2 Outbound Logistics Access to transportation to reach distribution system

3 Marketing/Sales My land serves promotion and advertising purposes

Direct selling environments
4 Service Customer convenience and access to service facilities and
service team
Support Activities

Forms Infrastructure The effectiveness of administrative support activities and

operations is significantly influenced by place qualities and
space characteristics.
Human Resource Making strategic decisions about location and workspace has
Management significant effects on how people work, and they can even
serve as the cornerstone of a company's real estate plan.
Technology Decisions concerning place, such as SAP system&
innovative work are integral to value additivity sought via
technology development
Procurement The environment of a room might affect how procurement
processes are carried out.

MyLand must consistently add value to the business economics of the organizations that utilize and
occupy that Myland PLC to command the necessary market support to produce the necessary rental
revenue to fund its acquisition and/or development. Tenant expenses are paid by the property owner as
revenue. The combination of amenities, services, and marketing that Myland is offering the tenant must
add value in line with the amount of rent that is charged. The value can equal the rent for an enterprise
that only aspires to break even, but no enterprise can long expect to sustain itself if it only breaks even.
The essential finances for investment required for business continuity are not provided by such operating
economics, let alone growth. In various types of enterprises, place and space play strategic roles that are
both significant and drastically diverse. The value chain's relationship to and contribution to the
enterprise's business might change significantly depending on the strategic function. There are around
eight distinct strategic roles of place and space: fundamental, resource, direct, essential, crucial, integral,
supportive, and autonomous.
Place and space are the core business for organizations like hospitality enterprises, office buildings, and
house builders who specialize in offering experiences related to space and place. Timber, mining, and
agricultural businesses all derive their products from the land. Since the kind and volume of demand for
other businesses' goods heavily influences the location and space strategy decisions made by those
businesses, other businesses have a direct strategic connection to place and space. Myland needs to think
about the retail value chain, which is a separate value chain from the value chains that make and supply
goods and services. Starting with the retail Myland choice value criteria is beneficial. Region, store
location, and store design are the three main decision-making stages in the retailing process. Value
criteria eventually represent each decision's relationship to certain value objectives.
2.24v Model

Figure02: 4V Analysis of MyLands

The Myland Business Strategy as 4V analysis identified four main attributes that help the
organization gain a competitive advantage. All business processes share one thing in common:
they all convert inputs like raw materials, information, money, equipment, and time into outputs
(goods and services). The Four Vs—Volume, Variety, Variation, and Visibility—are the major
four strategies they use to accomplish this. As a result, an organization must have some resources
and capabilities that can help the company gain a competitive advantage. The four components
of 4V analysis are as follows:

01 The Volume Dimension

Myland firm is organized greatly depends on the size of their enterprise. The repeatability of the
duties and the systematization of the job are critical to their operation. As a result, standards and
procedures determine how each task is completed, and when combined, they give the
organization a low-cost foundation. Other land sales will have a considerably smaller output
volume, less labor, less systemization, and each employee does a larger variety of jobs as a result
of higher unit costs.
The difference between a Land sale & property rent organization is a frequent illustration used to
illustrate the diversity dimension. Both companies provide hired Property related services, but a
when compare to the My land and competitors, they offers a far wider range of options because
it essentially takes where customers need to go and purchase a land & other transportation
facilities . so as a organization they need to more variety and flexibility Services to the
customers .Here, it's important to remember that a low-cost model is easier to attain with less

03.Variation in demand
Take two land sales for instance & it will give catalog & only consult them via over the phone .
But other company provides customized home services and can tour display homes that they
have made. The purchaser can customize every element of the house, including the exterior, the
number of bedrooms, the style of flooring, and the heating system. The duration of the design
and construction process might range from 24 to 52 weeks. Compared to company one, which
offers standard pricing and can easily control expenses, company two will have a significantly
greater level of cost and lower volume.

04. Visibility
The ability of a client to follow their experience or order through the operations process is
referred to as this dimension. Customers' experiences will be significantly impacted by staff'
customer service abilities.


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