Reading Task All Summer in A Day

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Muhammad Rizky (2126110006)

Page 14-15

It was happening in a schoolroom in outer space. There was a woman from Ohio named Margot who
went to the other planet called Venus. This planet was called a raining world because there was no sun
coming out for a long time. The children who lived in this planet had forgotten about what is the sun
because seven years ago was the last time the sun was coming out for an hour when they were two
years old. Margot went to the Venus when she was four and the last time she saw the sun was before
she left the Earth after five years she lived on the Venus. She was known by the children who lived in the
Venus as a strange person because she explained about the sun which they thought it didn’t any make
sense and because of it, they kept away from her.

Rifki Irawan Pratama (2126110016)

Page 16

There was a talk that her father and mother were taking her back to the earth next year. And also the
children hated her for all these reasons. The children told her to leave from the venus and back to the
earth. When margot whispered that scientist predict in this day they would know the sun, but the
children didn't believe and put her in a closet. After a while they stood looking at the door and saw it
tremble from her beating and throwing herself against it. When the class was starting, the rain
slackened still more, and they crowded to the huge door. For a moment, the rain stopped. It was as if in
the midst of film, that was telling about how beautiful the sun. The door was opened and the smell of
the silent waiting came in to them. The teacher called them for not go to far, because they only have
two hours and wouldn't ant to get caught out. But they were running taking off their jackets and felt the
sun heat their bodies.

Muhammad Higo Firnanda (2126110031

Page 17

When they're all happy liked a bunch of animals came out of their cave with happiness. They're looking
plants that grew and never stopped growing in the jungle and when they were playing, suddenly a few
water drops fell on their noses and looked at a strong hurricane, lightning, and the sky gave way to
blackness in a moment made them scared and they started to walk back toward the underground
house. After that the rain was falling in ton and avalanches everywhere. Than they remembered about
Margot that they locked up in closet. They regretted because of it then they were hurrying to open the
closet and escaped her.

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