Oral Mediation

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My video talks about the time that we spend using our smarthphones, and how we could
change our live if we worked on changing this fact.

The speaker has worked in digital media for the last 20 years, creating products and services
for smarthphones. He wanted to use technology to make people lives better, simpler and
easier, but the fact is that there is about billion people in the world spending too much time
with their smartphones. So, he calles the smarthphone our virtual home and compares us
with zombies, being hooked on their screens. He says thet people spend between 2 and four
hours a day on it, without interaction with real people, in our real homes, in our real world.

In the video, we can hear some examples:

- A third of us use the smartphone while we are eating with our friends and family.
- Fifty % of us walk around the streets looking down on it, and even 11% of us crosse the
road doing the same.

In order to help us to look up again, he has done a research, and he encourages us to change
this antisocial behavior, giving us five tips that he has concluded in it.

1.- To know its real use: There are apps that show us the amount of hours that we spend using
the phone, and in what. For example, maybe we are not conscicious of the real time that we
spend playing candy crash. In we knew it, we could be able to decide if we want to spend it on
our real or virtual home.

2.- To live in the present: He invites us to put our smartphones away or turn them off when we
are with friends and family, so we will be able to pay attention on conversation with them.

3.- To ask other people to do the same: we can help our friends and family to change this
obsessive behavior, and improve their real relationships.

4.- Not to sleep with your phone: He recommend us to buy an alarm clock to wake up, and put
our smartphones out of our bedrooms. At the moment, the smarthphone is the fist thing that
we look at in the morning and the last one we look at at night, even sometimes we check it if
we woke up during the night.

And the last one: 5: To turn the notifications off: They distract us and interrupt our lives, and
usually they are not important, only a retweet or something insignificant.

Well , this is the guide that the speaker invite us to try if we should choose to look up today.

Thank you.

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