Role Play + Topic - EnM401

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1. What are the characteristics of a good communicator? Give an example of a good
communicator and explain why she/he is a good communicator.
Tran Thanh is a good communicator because of two reasons. First, he is very responsible.
He can easily respond to unexpected situations when he is leading the live program.
Second, he has a good sense of humor and can make people laugh.
2. Do you think you are a good communicator? Why? Why not?

Articulate Nói rõ • Fluency in the language • Thông thạo ngôn ngữ

Focused Tập trung • Grammatical accuracy • Độ chính xác về ngữ pháp
Reserved Kín đáo • An awareness of body • Nhận thức về ngôn ngữ cơ
language thể
Coherent Mạch lạc
Hesitant Do dự • An extensive vocabulary • Vốn từ vựng phong phú
Responsive phản ứng nhanh nhẹn • Being a good listener • Là một người biết lắng nghe
• Not being afraid of • Không sợ mắc lỗi
Eloquent Hùng biện making mistakes
Inhibited Ức chế
Sensitive Nhạy cảm • A sense of humor • Hài hước
• Physical appearance • Ngoại hình
Extrovert Hướng ngoại • No strong accent • Không có giọng mạnh
Persuasive Thuyết phục
Succinct Cô đọng

Fluent Trôi chảy

Rambling Lan man
Vague Mơ hồ


1. What are the advantages for a company of expanding beyond its domestic market?
- Outsourcing - they can access other sources in other countries (Canada for example has
many Natural Resources - fresh water, mines, etc...).
- Diversification - they can reach different types of people and different cultures to expand
sales (for example, by creating a line of sun protection in hot, sunny countries).

2. What kind of problems do companies face when they go international?

There are several problems that companies face when they go international. One is the
language barrier. It can be hard to communicate your thoughts and ideas when you are not
familiar with the language. Understanding the culture can also be a problem. It is
important not to inadvertently insult the new country that you are in.

3. What methods can companies use to enter overseas markets?

- Lower price.
- Improve quality.
- Adapt to customer needs.
- Apply new technology.
- Improve services.

• Marketing mix • Tiếp thị hỗn hợp Growing market Thị trường đang phát
Marketing strategy Chiến lược tiếp thị triển
Marketing plan Kế hoạch tiếp thị Questionnaire Bảng câu hỏi
Market sector Khu vực thị trường
• Market adaptation • Thích ứng với thị trường International market Chợ quốc tế
Market penetration Sự thâm nhập thị trường Launch a product Tung ra một sản phẩm
Market segmentation Phân khúc thị trường Special offer Đề nghị đặc biệt

• Product placement • Vị trí sản phẩm Retailer Người bán lẻ

Product portfolio Danh mục sản phẩm Developing market Phát triển thị trường
Product feature Tính năng sản phẩm Focus group Nhóm tập trung

• Customer profile • Hồ sơ khách hàng Market research Nghiên cứu thị trường
Customer retention Duy trì khách hàng Overseas market Thị trường nước ngoài
Customer base Cơ sở khách hàng Introduce a product Giới thiệu một sản phẩm

• Brand positioning • Định vị thương hiệu Free sample Mẫu miễn phí
Brand identity Nhận diện thương hiệu Distributor Nhà phân phối
Brand extension Phần mở rộng thương Expanding market Mở rộng thị trường
Promotion Khuyến mãi
Declining market Thị trường suy giảm Market segment Phân khúc thị trường
Survey Sự khảo sát Domestic market Thị trường trong nước
Market niche Thị trường ngách
Bring out a product Đưa ra một sản phẩm
Worldwide market Thị trường thế giới Discount Miễn giảm
Withdraw a product Rút một sản phẩm Wholesaler Người bán buôn
Slogan Phương châm Exporter Người xuất khẩu


1. What are the benefits of networking? What are some ways to network?
- Strengthen business contacts and connections.
- Build confidence.
- Develop long-lasting personal relationships.
To Network The Right Way:
- Have a plan.
- Set yourself a target.
- Talk and listen.
- Never dismiss anyone as unimportant.

Break off Vỡ ra Establish Thành lập

Build up Xây dựng lên Foster Nuôi dưỡng
Cement Xi măng Improve Cải thiện

Cultivate Cày cấy Jeopardise Gây nguy hiểm

Cut off Cắt Maintain Duy trì
Damage Chấn thương Promote Khuyến khích

Develop Phát triển, xây dựng Restore Khôi phục

Disrupt Làm gián đoạn Resume Sơ yếu lý lịch
Encourage Khuyến khích Sever Cắt đứt

Sour Chua
Strengthen Củng cố
Undermine Hủy hoại
1. Which is more important to you, high pay (money) or job satisfaction? Why?
Job satisfaction is very important. Because a good job will bring a lot of excitement at
work. and from there you can develop yourself. And only when there is a comfortable
working environment can people work to their full potential.

2. What do you think motivates people to work harder? Explain.

(What are the top 3 factors that motivate people to work harder?)
Working in positive company culture: equality, being recognized for their hard work.
Opportunities for learning and development in the workplace, a clear path of career

3. What are the best companies to work for in the world? Explain.
Amazon is the best company to work for. Because at Amazon, employees are free to be
creative, comfortable in the working environment and flexible working hours.

Bonus Thưởng
More responsibility Nhiều trách nhiệm hơn
Working for a successful company Làm việc cho một công ty thành công

Bigger salary Lương cao hơn

Threat of redundancy Mối đe dọa của sự dư thừa
Better working environment Môi trường làm việc tốt hơn

Commission Uỷ ban
Hard-working boss Ông chủ làm việc chăm chỉ
Promotion opportunities Cơ hội thăng tiến

Praise Khen
Supportive colleagues Đồng nghiệp hỗ trợ
More time off Thêm thời gian nghỉ

Important job title Chức danh công việc quan trọng

Perks Đặc quyền
More flexible working hours Giờ làm việc linh hoạt hơn
Assessment Thẩm định, lượng định, đánh giá
Breakdown Phá vỡ
Empowerment Trao quyền

Fringe benefits Lợi ích rìa

Red tape Băng đỏ
Remuneration Thù lao

Severance payment Thanh toán thôi

Take industrial action Hành động công nghiệp

1. What are some types of business risks? Give explanations and examples.
1. Compliance risk
A compliance risk is a risk to a company's reputation or finances that's due to a
company's violation of external laws and regulations or internal standards. A
compliance risk can result in a company paying punitive fines or losing customers.
Example: If a manufacturing company's employees don't follow government safety
regulations while building machines, their behavior can be a compliance risk for the

2. Legal risk
A legal risk is a specific type of compliance risk that occurs when a company fails to
follow a government's rules for companies. Legal risks can result in expensive
lawsuits and a negative reputation for companies. Here are a few types of legal risks
for companies:
Contractual risks: A contractual risk occurs when a company doesn't fulfill the
obligation or liabilities in a business contract.

Dispute risks: A dispute risk happens when a legal conflict with a customer,
stakeholder or community member interrupts a business' processes.
Regulatory risks: A regulatory risk can happen if a government regulator withdraws
a company's license to operate.
Example: If a factory fails to follow regulations for pollution or hazardous waste, it
could receive a fine from the government and experience a lower reputation among
consumers, stakeholders and community members.

3. Strategic risk
A strategic risk occurs when a company's business strategy is faulty or its
executives fail to follow a business strategy at all. A company may fail to reach its
goals due to strategic risks
Example: If a pharmacy chain positions itself in its market as a provider of low-cost
prescriptions and a competitor begins selling prescriptions at a lower rate than the
pharmacy chain, it puts the pharmacy chain at a strategic risk of losing profits to a

4. Reputational risk
A reputational risk threatens a company's standing or public opinion. Reputational
risks can result in a profit decrease and lack of confidence among company
Example: A clothing company prints an offensive image on a sweatshirt, and the
story goes viral on social media, causing a wave of negative news coverage. This
bad press damages the company’s reputation and causes sales to drop.

5. Operational risk
Operational risk occurs when a business' day-to-day activities threaten to decrease
its profits. Internal systems or external factors can cause operational risks for
Example: A clothing company prints an offensive image on a sweatshirt, and the
story goes viral on social media, causing a wave of negative news coverage. This
bad press damages the company’s reputation and causes sales to drop.

6. Human risk
Human risks in business can arise from employees' failure to perform their essential
duties in the workplace. Human risks can arise from factors employees can't control,
like health issues, or intentional actions like theft or fraud. When a business faces
human risks, it can experience a loss of profits.
Example: Alcohol abuse can cause employees to make mistakes at work, which can
lower productivity. The lack of productivity can cause the business to lose profits or
even lead to legal risks if the alcohol abuse leads to a workplace injury

7. Security risk
A business can experience a security risk if it fails to create or follow cybersecurity
strategies. Ineffective training for employees, lack of software testing and
insufficient policies for security updates can all put a company's finances and
reputation at risk.
Example: If an insurance company has a weak policy for employee passwords, this
can pose a security risk for the company. A hacker or disgruntled employee could
take advantage of this policy to release sensitive data, which can hurt the company’s
reputation or impact profits.

8. Financial risk
Financial risks can occur when a company doesn't perform debt management or
financial planning tasks. Market changes or losses can threaten a company's
financial standing
Example: A marketing company takes out a high-interest loan in anticipation of
growing its client base, but the company doesn't grow as fast as its executives
anticipated. The loan's high interest rate puts the marketing company at risk of
defaulting on the loan, which may negatively impact the company's financial

9. Competition risk
A competition risk can happen when a competitor takes an increasing share of the
market for a product or service. It's sometimes called a comfort risk because it can
result from a company's executives becoming so comfortable with a company's
performance that they fail to make continual improvements with the company's
products or services.
Example: Business A sells printers. Business A may experience a competition risk
when a competitor, Business B, uses technological innovations to sell printers with
more capabilities to Business A's customers.
10. Physical risk
Physical risks are threats to a company's physical assets, like equipment, buildings
and employees. Causes of physical risks can include damage to buildings from a fire
or natural disaster and lack of training on proper equipment use. Businesses may
need to pay for repairs to physical assets because of physical risks.
Example: A media company owns a building that houses a newspaper staff and a
printing plant. The building can be prone to fires if employees of the printing plant
fail to properly inspect and maintain printing equipment. The lack of maintenance
and inspections can pose a physical risk to the building, its equipment and the
company's employees.

2. What can companies do to reduce/manage risks? Give examples.

1/ Buy insurance
Example: Construction companies buy occupational accident and disease insurance,
completed operations insurance, etc. Grab company: Personal accident insurance - Drivers
duly registered with GrabBike /GrabCar.

2/ Limit high-Risk customers.

Example: Many financial departments of companies create allowance for doubtful
accounts, especially the bank. You must have a procedure to identify poor credit risks far in
advance to eliminate bad debt.
Vietinbank increases 71% allowance for doubtful accounts and adds "resistance" to the
COVID-19 storm to prevent loan risks to their customers and company.

3. What are the steps to risk management? Explain.

The 4 steps of the Risk Management Process are:
- Identify the risk.
- Assess the risk.
- Treat the risk.
- Monitor and Report on the risk.
1.The first step in the risk management process is to identify all events that could
negatively (risks) or positively (opportunities) affect the project objectives.
2. A Severity Analytical Assessment based on the probability and impact of the event or
an Analytical Assessment of the Financial Impact or Benefit of the Event

3. The goal of a risk treatment plan is to reduce the probability or impact of the risk. As for
chance, the goal of the treatment plan is to increase the chance of its occurrence or
increase its benefit
4.The risks and opportunities and their treatment plan should be monitored and reported.
By developing a monitoring and reporting structure, it will ensure appropriate risk
response measures are being implemented.

Anticipate Đoán trước Substantial Đáng kể

Calculate Tính toán Terrible Khủng khiếp
Eliminate Loại bỏ Tremendous Khủng khiếp

Encounter Bắt gặp A bit Một chút

Estimate Ước tính Entirely Toàn bộ
Evaluate Đánh giá Exceptionally Đặc biệt

Face Đối mặt Extremely Vô cùng

Foresee Thấy trước Fairly Công bằng
Gauge Thước đo Fully Đầy đủ

Identify Nhận định Highly Cao

Measure Đo lường Increasingly Ngày càng
Minimise Giảm thiểu Moderately Vừa phải

Prioritise Ưu tiên Quite Hoàn toàn

Reduce Giảm Rather Hơn là
Sprea d Lan tràn Reasonably Hợp lý
Weigh up Cân nhắc
Slightly Khinh bỉ
Slight Nhẹ Somewhat Phần nào
Great Lớn Totally Tổng cộng
Minuscule Nhỏ Very Rất

Considerable Đáng kể Fairly accurate Khá chính xác

Potential Tiềm năng Incredibly well-prepared Được chuẩn bị cực kỳ tốt
Immediate Ngay lập tức Absolutely awful Hoàn toàn khủng khiếp

Huge Khổng lồ Severely criticised Bị chỉ trích nặng nề

Remote Từ xa Badly misjudged Bị đánh giá sai
Serious Nghiêm trọng Deeply disappointed Thất vọng sâu sắc

Negligible Không đáng kể Slightly damaged Bị phá huỷ nhẹ

Significant Đáng kể Totally unrealistic Hoàn toàn không thực tế
Imminent Sắp xảy ra Superbly presented Trình bày tuyệt vời
Thoroughly enjoyed Hoàn toàn thích thú


1. What are some ways to raise finance for your business? Give examples.
Angel Bank/Family/Banks
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising finance from business angels/banks?
- Advantage:
Funding range: Angel investors usually invest in amounts from a few hundred thousand
dollars up to $2 million, which can provide most of a company's needed start-up capital.
Business angels provide valuable knowledge: most angel investors are seasoned
investors, they provide support, contact and guide traders with the necessary experience
in Business.
- Disadvantage:
+ Loss of control: experienced business angels often like to have an exit strategy in case
the business venture fails, such as selling the business to a larger company or making the
business public.
+ Higher expectations: Business angels often expect a significant return on their
investment, which is equal to ten times their initial investment within five to six years.
Before accepting funding from business angels, it’s essential to evaluate whether your
company can grow at the rate that an angel investor expects and determine expectations
for growth.
1. What makes customers happy/ come back to your business? Explain.
+ High - quality product
+ Good customer service
+ Low price

2. What are the qualities of a good customer-service staff? Explain.

- He has a good sense of humor
Simple ways to do this include using the customer’s name, thanking them for their
patience, and keeping your emotions in check, even if the customer starts to get worked
- Ability to Communicate Clearly With the Customer
it’s equally important to have the right approach when it comes to responding.
Exceptional customer service skills including speaking clearly and articulately, providing
just the right amount of information, and asking the right questions at the right time.
- Be Patient
Patience is a virtue — and it’s also one of the most important customer service rep skills.
For agents tasked with assisting frustrated customers, solving challenging dilemmas and
accommodating high volumes of customer service inquiries, patience isn’t always easy.

3. How to deal with customer complaints effectively? Explain.

Compensation Đền bù Payment Thanh toán Refunds Tiền hoàn lại

Complaints Than phiền Rapport Mối quan hệ Standards Tiêu chuẩn
Guarantee Bảo hành

B: Hi, I’m…….I'm calling from ABC company's headquarters to confirm the visit of 2 colleagues from
your company next month.

A: hello, next month the company will have 2 colleagues to visit the headquarters, their information
is as follows: Name of vistior are Rachel Buersigesser and Ignacio Alfonso Paz.

B: What's their name? Buersigesser and Paz?

A: Their names are Rachel Buersigesser and Ignacio Alfonso Paz.

B: Okay! I'll contact them on 06875 413870,

A: It's wrong, the correct number is 05876 549006.

B: I’m still hearing clear, can you read it one more time?

A: 05876 549006.
B: Ok, I'll take note of it. And the Flight details: BA 3765 arriving at 17:10 on the 12th May?

A: No, BA 3098 arriving at 16:40, not 18:30, on the 13th of May.

B: How about the Hotel they will stay in, is it Hilton Plaza (12th-14th May)

A: This not true. They will stay at Park Crowne Plaza (13th-16th May)

B: Okay. I have confirmed the information.

A: What else do you need to confirm?

B: I will read all the information again to ensure.

Names of visitors: Rachel Buergisser and Ignacio
Alfonso Paz
Contact number: 05876 549006
Flight details: BA 3098 arriving at 16:40.
on the 13th May
Hotel: Park Crowne Plaza (13th-16th May)

A: Absolutely correct information.

B: Thank you so much for taking the time to confirm the information for me

A: Oh, nothing, I’m very pleased. Have a good day!

B: Have a good day!


A: Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Julian the owner of King Restaurant.

B: Hello, nice to meet you, too. Why contact me? May I help you?

A: My friend James has mentioned a lot about you, saying that your side provides very good
products and services.

B: Oh, James is our loyal partner, we've been together for a long time, I'd love to know what James
has to say about us to you,

A: He has given a lot of praise for the product that your service provides, always a product with high
quality and safe for users.

B: Yes, we always want to bring the best to all customers using our products.

A: This is great, and our chain of King restaurants now desperately needs an ideal supplier like you,
we currently have 5 branches and need a regular supply of lobster and crab to meet the demand,
what do you think if we cooperate?
B: oh, KING restaurant, the chain the restaurant been famous recently is yours, I heard about this
place. However, I regret not being able to provide you with lobster and crab products as you have
too many orders at present and are understaffed.

A: What if we reduce the quantity and increase the product price for you? I think this is a good offer.

B: I'm really sorry that I couldn't accept this offer because we were really overwhelmed. In the
future when we can stabilize both the order and the team, I think we will have a chance to

A: Thank you, hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

B: Thank you, have a good day.

A: Have a good day!


A: Hello, I’m… , From headhunter Vietnam, nice to meet you

B: - Nice to meet you, why did you call me?

A:I have seen your information and know your current job is a TV Producer, what do you think if I
suggest you a better place to work.

B: oh, I don't think you can introduce me, I'm currently working at Universal Entertainment, you
know it's pretty popular.

A: I know, but what would you think if I had an offer to you about Barnard Media - a top company in
the industry.
B: really? this is really a good opportunity, but i am also satisfied with my current company, i am
getting salary 140,000pa + bonus,

A:for Barnard Media they will pay you 180,000 pa + bonus. You can also renegotiate the salary with
the company.

B: Are there any other benefits?

A: you will be covered by the company's insurance and also help with the Mercedes car to make it
easier to move.

B: currently I work from 6:00 am and it is quite late, I would like to know more about working hours

A: the company usually works 40 hours a week, and has a vacation of 6 weeks a year, are you
satisfied with that time?

B: Oh, that sounds interesting, I'll consider it.

A: Do you currently have a long commute to work?

B: the office take one and a half hours to get to work

A: Barnard Media has a convenient location, 5 minutes form mainline station, I think you can change
it for more convenience.

B: I will think more about this, thank you for taking the time to introduce the company to me.

A: no problem, contact me if you want this job.

B: thank you very much, I will take a look, have a good day

A: ok. thank you


B: Hello Sir/madam. My name is…... Are you a speaker at The 24th National Conference on
Electronics, Communications and Information Technology.

A: yes it's me. Haven't we met somewhere before? you are one of the participants in my
presentation right? Nice To meet you.

B: Nice to meet you too. I can't believe I'll see you here

A: Can you introduce something about yourself?

B: My name is....... I am a sales manager for a mobile phone company

A: Coincidentally, my company also deals in electronics, especially phones, and I would like to
cooperate with many other companies.

B: My company would like to invite you to consult about a meeting for the sales force as well as visit
my company. Okay?
A: Of course can you give me some information about this plan?

B: The training session will take place at 8 am on June 19th, and take place at my company.
The address is 312 Le Van Viet Street, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City.

A: Can we discuss this training in more detail as well as get an overview of your company's working
B: Of course

A: Yes. Besides that I inform you My fee for an afternoon session is 2000 Dolar and transport costs.

B: thank you. I will look into this fee and we will discuss more at my company and how can i contact

A: this is my business card you can contact me by phone number or email.

B: thank you. I will contact you later. because I have to go to work now
See you later

A: Have a nice day!


A: Hi B, I have a question to ask you. Can you help me answer it?

B: You just go for it. I will answer as clearly as possible.

A: Actually I want to ask for tips to increase my salary and how can they agree to give me the salary
I want?

B: Can you tell me what your current salary is?

A: Yes. My salary currently ranges from 7 to 10 million VND

B: Well. It's really low. For a tight and scarce job like a Designer at a company known for its
advertising design, such salaries are quite low. I have a friend who is also a designer at ABC
company - your competitor, his salary was 15 million when he just finished his internship.

A: That's right. My friend also works at that company and she has a salary of 20 million after 1 year
of working. So I really want to increase my salary to be worthy of my efforts.

B: You should examine the average salary and benefits that employees receive of companies in the
same industry. Knowing enough information about the average salary is a negotiating power for you
to negotiate better. Then compare your earnings with your salary.

A: Sounds very smart. How much increase should I ask for?

B: If you want a 10% raise, start with 20% when your boss asks.

A: What if my boss still feels confused about whether to give me a raise or not?

B: There are two ways. The better way is to take on more work that the company is short of people
do, provided you have enough time to do it. Because if you do not do well, it is considered nothing.
The easier way is to prepare a report of your work achievements in a scientific and organized way.

A: It's great to get advice from you. Thank you very much. I'll go get ready now.

B: Nothing. Goodbye and fighting.

1. You can open with: Dear Mr. Smith, / Dear Sir/Madam, / Dear Ms. Jones,
(không dùng teacher or lecturer *nghề nghiệp*) - formal address, formal titles
2. You can close with: Yours sincerely, / Yours faithfully, / Best regards,
● Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. → Yours sincerely (biết tên)
● Sir/Madam → Yours faithfully (không biết tên)
● Best regards (dùng chung)
3. In very formal letters, you should use: I am / I will not / I would like / We did not (no contractions).
4. You can sign with: Your full name.
5. You can introduce your topic with: I'm writing to express my ...
6. You can make a request with: I'd be grateful if you could ... / Would it be
possible for you to ...
7. In an email: Please find attached ...
8. In a letter: Please find enclosed ...
9. You can end with: I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

This is the second time this mistake has occurred and I am dissatisfied with the service you offer.
On (date), I purchased (item) – (model number) at (address)...
I think the reason is that…
I think the best way to solve the problem is to (replace it with a better one)...
I hope you will look into the matter and give me an immediate reply.
Please call me at (phone number) or send me an email via (email address) to let me know how you
would like to deal with this.
Yours sincerely,

RE COMPLAINT (response to email…)
Thank you for your letter which alerted us to the problem that you have been having with…
We must apologize for…
Please accept our apology for…
In terms of the result of our investigation, we found / realized that…
The problem was the result of… / resulted from…
As far as the gesture of our regret is concerned, we are prepared to… / we are willing to… / we
would like to…
We are so excited about receiving your further orders and making sure that all products will be
filled in the right way.
Yours sincerely,
(Company's name)
(Tel or Fax)

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