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Laydyn M. Tagalog
English Teacher

Jade S. Manreal


THESIS STATEMENT: The causes and effects of having low Self-esteem to the student's
academic performance.

OBJECTIVES: The study aims to determine the causes and effects of having low Self-esteem.

Determine its effects to rhe school performance of the students.

GOAL: To enable the students aware about the he possible impacts of having low Self-esteem to
their academic performance.


The study is beneficial to:

STUDENTS - so that the students will be guided and motivated to participate in any school

PARENTS - so that the parents can help their children to boost his/her self confidence.

TEACHERS- the teachers will know what they need to do so that they can help their students to

SCHOOL - To guide and help those students with low Self-esteem.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS - With this study, the future researchers can use this as their


Academic Performance - Students' progress in school, it may good or bad.

Low self-esteem means not holding yourself in high regard.

Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves.


These days, many students are not very active in school activities due to having low
Self-esteem, and because of this, their academic performances are affected. In grade 10
Americium and grade 7 Gold in JAPeR Memorial High School, it is clearly observed which
pushes the researcher to conduct the study "The impact of Low Self-esteem Toward Student's
Academic Performance ".
Review of Related Literature

According to researchers Morris Rosenberg and Timothy J. Owens, who wrote Low
Self-esteem people; A collective portrait, people with low Self-esteem tend to be hypersensitive.
They have a fragile sense of self that can easily be wounded by others. Furthermore, people with
low Self-esteem are "hypervigilant and hyper alert to signs of rejection, inadequacy, and rebuff"
write Rosenberg and Owens. Often, individuals lacking self esteem see rejection and
disapproval even when there isn't any. "The danger always turks that [they] will mke a mistake,
use poor judgement, do something embarrassing, expose [themselves] to ridicule, behave
immorally or contemptibly. Life, in all it's variety, poses on ongoing treat to the self-esteem.

Juhana (2012) found that psychological factors such as fear of making mistake, shyness,
anxiety, lack of confidence and lack of motivation hinder students from speaking in class. Those
factors, like fear of making mistakes, were commonly caused by their fear of being laughed at by
their friends. The possible solution to overcome those psychological factors, most students
believed that motivating them to be more confident to speak in class is worth considering. This
finding suggests that the teachers should be more aware of their students‟ hindrance to speak in

José-Vicente Bonet claims that the importance of self-esteem is obvious as a lack of

self-esteem is, he says, not a loss of esteem from others, but self-rejection. Bonet claims that this
corresponds to major depressive disorder. Freud also claimed that the depressive has suffered "an
extraordinary diminution in his self-regard, an impoverishment of his ego on a grand scale... He
has lost his self-respect".

There were 10 questions the researcher distributed in grade 10 Americium and grade 7
Gold. Based on the result of the study, 70% of the respondents claimed that their grades are low
and the 30% of them have no grade in some subject. They claimed that it's because of having
low Self-esteem.


The resuts therefore suggest the need for a school-based or web-based provision of
information or services aimed at proactively increasing students' self-esteem and skills for
dealing with academic stress. you

Intervention programme for Parents and Teachers to help the students to increase their
self-esteem and academic performance. An effective intervention practice can be organized to
help the students to improve their self-esteem and academic performance .
Students who do not excel or who do not show outstanding academic performance should
not be left aside rather the people who are directly and indirectly involved in their academic life;
namely lecturers, teachers, family members, peers, and counsellor should be providing help to
this group of students.


How is your self-esteem? a. low 10

b. high 0

If low, what causes you to a. stressful life event 5

have low sense of self- b. Feeling unsupported 4
c. I'm afraid people will laugh at 1

Does it affect your academic a. yes 10

performance? b. no 0

How is your academic a. low 7

performance? b. high 0

c. no grade in some subject 2

Do you consider it as effect a. yes 10
of having low Self-esteem? b. no 0

If yes, how does it affect? a. lessen my desire to learn 5

b. lessen my willingness to take 5

c. it doesn't affect at all

What do you feel of not a. sad 5

being active in school b. pressured 5
c. happy 0

Do you think boosting your a. yes 7

confidence help you to b. no 0
achieve your desired grades?
c. maybe 3

Why? a. I'll be motivated 5

b. I have enough courage to 5

participate in school activities
c. it can't help

What do you believe will a. family support 5

help you improve your poor b. accommodation 3
c. disregard negative thoughts 2

3Juhana, “Psychological Factors That Hinder Studentsfrom Speaking in English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South Tangerang, Banten,
Indonesia)”, Journal of Education and Practice, The English Department, Indonesia Open University, Vol 3, No 12, 2012.

Timothy J. Owens, Rosenberg, M. (1979). Conceiving the Self. Basic Books, New York

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