200th Brazil's Independence Day

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Why an Embalmed Heart Will Mark Brazil’s 200-Year Independence Celebration

Mark True (T) or False (F):

1. Dom Pedro I is visiting Brazil to celebrate 200
years of independence. ( )
2. Dom Pedro’s heart arrived in Brazil’s federal
capital. ( )
3. The independence anthem was composed by
Alan Coelho de Séllos. ( )
Brazil brought home a special gift to 4. Dom Pedro I was a good musician. ( )
commemorate 200 years of independence from 5. Dom Pedro I’s heart will be received in Brazil
Portugal: the embalmed heart of Dom Pedro I, the as a head of state. ( )
first Emperor of Brazil and a champion of 6. The heart will remain in Brazil. ( )
representative rule. The preserved organ is on
7. Dom Pedro I was named Emperor after leading
display for a ceremony today ahead of the milestone;
Brazil to independence. ( )
it arrived in Brasilia on Monday after being flown in
from Portugal via military plane.
8. Dom Pedro I also helped create Brazilian first
“The heart will be received like a head of constitution. ( )
state, it will be treated as if Dom Pedro I was still 9. Dom Pedro renounced his throne and handed it
living amongst us,” said Brazil foreign ministry’s over to his grandson. ( )
chief of protocol Alan Coelho de Séllos. “The 10. Dom Pedro’s body is in Portugal. ( )
national anthem [will be played] and the
independence anthem, which by the way was Answer the questions:
composed by Dom Pedro I, who as well as an emperor 1. Why did Dom Pedro I’s heart arrive to Brazil?
was a good musician in his spare time.”
Reports earlier today said the ceremony will
2. What is Brazil celebrating on September 7?
include a cannon salute, a guard of honor, and full
military honors.
After the event, the Brazilian public will be 3. How was the heart received in Brazil?
able to see it in a foreign ministry building before it ____________________________________
is returned to Portugal on Sept. 8. Per his will, ____________________________________
Pedro’s heart was kept in Porto—preserved in a 4. Who composed Brazil independence anthem?
formaldehyde glass vase at a church. ____________________________________
Pedro, who lived from 1798 until 1834, also 5. Why did Portugal’s royal family go to Brazil?
ruled as King Pedro of Portugal. He was part of ____________________________________
Portugal’s royal family, which fled to Brazil as
6. Did Dom Pedro do what the Portuguese
Napoleon’s army invaded their country. Pedro
parliament wanted him to do? What did he do
resisted efforts from the Portuguese parliament to
keep Brazil colonized and return to his home
country, instead helping lead Brazil to independence ____________________________________
on Sept. 7, 1822, after which he was named Emperor. ____________________________________
Although fondly remembered by Brazilians 7. When was Brazil’s independence declared?
for his role in liberating the country, his rule turned ____________________________________
out to be relatively heavy-handed. He dissolved the 8. What did Dom Pedro do after he declared
Brazilian Assembly as they were in the process of Brazil’s independence?
creating a liberal constitution, and exiled radical ____________________________________
leader José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, who was
also instrumental in helping Brazil achieve
9. What happened in 1831?
independence. Local uprisings eventually led Pedro to
renounce his throne and hand it over to his son in
1831. He then returned to Portugal. ____________________________________
Pedro died at the age of 35 from 10. Where do Dom Pedro I’s body and heart
tuberculosis. While his heart resides in Porto, his reside?
body remains in São Paulo. ____________________________________
Mark True (T) or False (F):
1. Dom Pedro I is visiting Brazil to celebrate 200 years of independence. ( F )
2. Dom Pedro’s heart arrived in Brazil’s federal capital. ( T )
3. The independence anthem was composed by Alan Coelho de Séllos. ( F )
4. Dom Pedro I was a good musician. ( T )
5. Dom Pedro I’s heart will be received in Brazil as a head of state. ( T )
6. The heart will remain in Brazil. ( F )
7. Dom Pedro I was named Emperor after leading Brazil to independence. ( T )
8. Dom Pedro I also helped create Brazilian first constitution. ( F )
9. Dom Pedro renounced his throne and handed it over to his grandson. ( F )
10. Dom Pedro’s body is in Portugal. ( F )

Answer the questions:

1. Why did Dom Pedro I’s heart arrive to Brazil?
To celebrate Brazil’s 200-year independence.
2. What is Brazil celebrating on September 7?
Its independence from Portugal.
3. How was the heart received in Brazil?
The heart will be received like a head of state, it will be treated as if Dom Pedro I
was still living amongst Brazilians.
4. Who composed Brazil independence anthem?
Dom Pedro I did.
5. Why did Portugal’s royal family go to Brazil?
They fled to Brazil when Napoleon’s army invaded Portugal.
6. Did Dom Pedro do what the Portuguese parliament wanted him to do? What did
he do instead?
No, he led Brazil to its independence from Portugal instead.
7. When was Brazil’s independence declared?
On September 7, 1822.
8. What did Dom Pedro do after he declared Brazil’s independence?
He dissolved the Brazilian Assembly as they were in the process of creating a liberal
constitution, and exiled radical leader José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva.
9. What happened in 1831?
Dom Pedro renounced his throne and handed it over to his son.
10. Where do Dom Pedro I’s body and heart reside?
His heart resides in Porto (Portugal) while his body resides in São Paulo (Brazil).

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